Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240703

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You see a child lying there with b burns on his legs. On a refugee camp there in gaza, even those trying to save others are themselves dying. We want to show you the members of the Palestinian Family that are grieving a child. Youre seeing the devastation before your eyes. Thank you so much for being with us. Inside politics picks it up next. Today on inside politics, pledges, promises and pleas through the thick, black fog of war. Right now, gaza is in the dark. And israelis are sheltering as sirens sent shivers across the country. From tel aviv this morning, we heard Ab American Pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder against terror. U. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken leaves no daylight between the u. S. Government and that of israel. The message that i bring to israel is this. You maybe Strong Enough on your own to defend yourself, but as long as america exists, you will never, ever have to. The israeli Prime Minister, there was a promise to banish hamas to the ash heap of history. President biden was absolutely correct in calling this shear evil. Hamas is isis and just as isis was crushed, so, too, will hamas be crushed. And hamas should be treated exactly the way isis was treated. They should be spit out from the community of nations. From gaza, pleas for mercy amid suffering as far as the eye can see. The relentless response to a barbaric Terror Attack has displaced hundreds of thousands. The sweep of devastation touches every man, woman, and child. There is no power and now there is the prospect of no food within days. A key question, where are gazas neighbors when it comes to helping innocent Palestinian Civilians krougt caught in the cross fire. Well be exploring that question this hour. We want to get to israel and start our coverage with jeremy diamond. In the last few hours, we have gotten two barrages of rockets headed in this direction to the city. There were red alert sirens going off. The last barrage, which was about an hour hour and a half ago, was directly above us. Interaccepting those rockets, very close to our hotel. And as we went into the shelter on our floor, we encountered a family thats also staying in the hotel. They are from the city of ashkelon, just over my Left Shoulder here. Which is closer to gaza. They fled north to the city to this hotel in the hopes of finding a little more safety and also because their home does not have a bomb shelter. The father i spoke with him and he said his children were afraid when they were in ashkelon. They feel slightly safer here. Cloor ly not entirely out of th danger zone. I want to talk about what we saw from the Secretary Of State tony blinken and the israeli Prime Minister. What we saw was not only an expression of solidarity from the United States, an effort to show that theres no daylight between the two countries, but also talking about the brutality and the bar barety of the Terrorist Attacks carried out by hamas over the weekend. What that was seemed like an effort to bottle up all of the emotion. The outralk from the hamas Terrorist Attacks. Its whats going to come next. For the military campaign, thats sure town fold. Whether or not thats a ground invasion. It certainly appears so, but we dont know. There will be many casualties. If theres a ground invasion, that means casualties of Israeli Soldiers going into gaza. Its including the airstrikes from israel and on to the gaza strip. Theres always a high civilian casualty toll as well. Its striking at those tarkts as well. And this situation only going to get worse, especially for the civilians caught in the cross fire. Thats a certainty. Thank you so much for that report. And u. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken made an unannounced visit to a Donation Site in tel aviv. He met with a 24yearold Israeli American who survived the massacre at the music festival. I want to play part of their emotional exchange. I never imagined Something Like this would happen at a music festival. We scelebrated love and we danced. It was amazing. And the rockets started and gunshots everywhere. We managed to escape. There were a lot of frechbds that didnt. There are a lot of friends that are kept captive now in gaza. And we were save d by a miracle. But there are friends that we love that werent. Thank you for being here. Its really important. If theres any way to help the First Priority are our friends and family that are in gaza. Were strong here, were powerful here now everywhere. Join ing me now is a member f the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus party, and the former israeli ambassador to the united nations. Thank you for being here. At Arelief Center having that emotional conversation. Talk about the importance of that kind of moment inside israel right now. Reporter we are in deep pain we are still trying to digest the numbers of casualties. Actually, day and night, i think its very important for us to see the secretary coming to visit, to hear President Biden in a very emotional speech. We need that. We need that support. We know we have the friendship of the u. S. And today we are in the process of coming together. We will vote about a new government. And we are starting to get ready for the retaliation. We have to fight back. We have seen the brutality. I dont know if you have shown the horrible picture, but we see more and more pictures of the barbaric behavior. We never believed in a jewish state after 75 years of independence, we saw scenes that we saw from the holocaust. Its happening here. Were going to show that in a minute. But i do first want to ask about one of the first things you mentioned, which is going to happen later, which is the formation of a National Unity or emergency government. It is with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, National Unity party leader bennie gans. Correct me if im wrong, but in practical terms, does this mean the end of the Benjamin Netanyahu government . No, i think youre accurate about the cabinet. I urged him to join the government. Without no intention to stay in gaza, we hope to finish the war as soon as we can. Then well go back to regular politics to the argument, come together as a nation and to see the amount of support that we have in israel for our troops. My own son is out there. We are behind you. Go do what you have to do to bring security to the people of israel. Fight evil. I can tell you that we know its not going to be easy. Its complicated To Go Into Gaza and attack hamas, but we have no other choice. If im hearing this in the United States, i know that you are hearing there in israel, particularly as an elected official there, real frustration among israelis, even through the deep pain. Frustration from civilians who feel that the Benjamin Netanyahu government was unprepared and failed its people. What are your thoughts on that . So i think now we realize its not time to start the blame game. We know something wrong happened. 50 years ago, we were caught by surprise. We thought thats it. Less that be a week ago in another jewish holiday, we were caught by surprise. Also the number of casualties. The fact that its more than civilians. And the brutality, raping women. We are in shock. We are united now winning the war. A after that, im sure well have to do that. Lets talk about wibing the war. You called for civilians in gaza to, quote, move out. You know far better than i they dont have anywhere to go. Theres talk about a corridor to get civilians out through egypt. Whats the status of those talks . Will egypt allow that . I beg to differ. They can move out. A few hours ago, we warn Ed The Residents of Northern Gaza to move out from the neighborhood. Where would they go . They can go to parts of gaza. We tell them to move out. So i think seeing those innocent people staying there would be a mistake. We urged them to move out and go south. What you mentioned about egypt, its up to the egyptians to decide how to handle it. But still, it was in gaza, these people to move. Its not going to be permanently. We want to come fight, clean the area from Hamas Terrorists. And then come back to the neighborhood. You mention ed the horrific images and information that we are getting. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahus Office Released truly horrifying images of babies that were burned and murdered by hamas. Cnn hz not independently verified this image, and i want to warn our viewers that this is very upsetting, but i want to give you an opportunity to speak about it and, obviously, theres the image. The government is releasing it because they want the world to see what these Hamas Terrorists did. I want to emphasize cnn cannot independently verify it. Your reaction . Thats shocking. We have seen wars and Terror Attacks, but to see the inhumanity, they are animals. The brutality, we think babies caught in the community of chaos. They capture the babies and burn them alive. So we brought the doctor to look at the bodies, they couldnt stay in the room. They never saw that happening. I asked myself, why do youment come and attack civilians . Then you go to the babies and make sure to burn them alive. No words to describe such acts. We saw isis or the horrible behavior that would be the worst. Today we realized that hamas is worse than isis. The images we saw coming from different communities, the way they executed, decapitation of heads of people, pregnant women, i dont want to go into the details. Its very hard for me. But i can tell you that thats something we cannot sit by and wait for the next time. In a week or two, were going to talk and ask me about the problems of the people in gaz a is a who should think about those pictures you just showed to understand why we are going To Go Into Gaza and to fight hamas. It was an unprovoked attack. A major massacre against civilians. We have no other choice. To say that it was a major attack against civilians is an understatement. The questions are about civilians in general and there are questions. I know there are questions pg asked in your country about how to avoid the death of more civilians New York City matter who they are. I just want to underscore that image that we showed and the images that youre describing, that the israelis have seen and the attacks on their own people. It is important for the world to know what happened. Just like it was during world war ii. Thank you so much. I appreciate your time, mr. Ambassador. Thank you, dana. In my we expect to hear from the american Secretary Of State lye from israel. And also here in the United States, on high alert. Security officials are warning about the potential for antiset met violence in the u. S. Tomorrow. We have new reporting, next. Soon well hear from the Secretary Of State live from uz real. Today back in the United States, there are concerns about antisemitic violence. In the days after jarring and bar baric Terrorist Attacks by hamas, we have witnessed a stunning attempt in some corners to blame the victims, dead jews. All the harvard a letter addressing the slaughter, cosigned by 33 Student Groups contained this line. The Apartheid Regime is the only one to blame. The most charitable reading of that letter is it tried to provide context and failed a test of moral clarity. Theres no clairable reading of this image. This is a post from the National Students for justice in palestine. A particular attention to the pair glider in the right corner. The general call for protests is prompting real life Security Concerns. Cnns Shimon Prokupecz is there. All nypd forces have been ordered to show up in uniform tomorrow. In the meantime, you are at a College Campus looking at the protests that are happening. Reporter yeah, we are outside of Brooklyn College. Heres the sight of wasnt of these protests. We have supporters of palestine. This is the group from the college here. They are called the Brooklyn College students for justice and palestine. Thats just about 100 of them gathered here outside the campus. They came together because they were angry over statements that were made by the College President in support of israel. So they wanted to gather here to show their support for palestine. They are against whats happening. You can see some of the signs here on this side. Let me just show some of the signs on this side. The bombing of children is not selfdefense. Were Hearing Chants like that from this side saying free palestine. Then on the other side. Just about a handful or so on this side. The college is open. There are students you can see coming through here leaving the campus going to the other side. But this is the other side of it. Its been peaceful. Most of the folks here on each side holding signs. Then you can see theres a lot of extra Police Officers here and Law Enforcement officials. Theres officers behind frank here. And they are just standing around. This is not a very large group thats gathered, but they are making their voices heard. Thank you so much for showing that one example of what were seeing and hearing across College Campuses. Its nice theres a peaceful protest going on right there. Speaking of that, i want to bring in chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst john miller. Thank you for joining us. I know you have been talking to your sources in Law Enforcement. What do we know about any specific or Credible Threats to Jewish Centers . Right now, we dont have any. Hold that thought. Were going to go to the Secretary Of State. Well be right back. In my meetings with the Prime Minister, with the ministers in the National Emergency government, we discussed in detail what israel needs to defend itself, its people and how the United States can help to meet those needs. Were delivering on those needs, as we speak, and we will work closely and swiftly with congress to meet them as they evolve. This afternoon, i met with families of american citizens that hamas has killed or taken hostage. The enormity of their anguish, their loss, is immeasurable. For the families of the missing, theres an agony of not knowing the fate of their loved ones. Something that i dont think most of us can truly understand, truly contemplate if youre not in their shoes. No one should have toen dur what they are going through. Theres so many families like them. The United States is one of more than 30 countries where family members, friends, entire communities will be forced to go through this experience. Because of hamas disdain for human life. Were doing everything we can to secure the release of the hostages working closely with our israeli partners. I brought with me our Deputy Representative for hostage affairs. He will stay on the ground here to support the efforts to free their lod ones. I also had a chance to see up close the genuinely inspiring solidarity of the israeli people in the wake of the a mass attacks. When i visited one of the many sites where they organized efforts to collect, to sort, to distribute donations for those in need, including many family who is have been displaced from the south. I had had a chance to meet with some of the volunteer, several of them dual citizens. One young couple told me how they narrowlies escaped with their own lives when terrorists attacked the music festival. They told me about their friends who were not fortunate, who were killed at that festival. Others taken hostage or still missing. In our time here, everywhere we have gone, we have met people who have been touched in One Way Or Another by hamas bloody hand. A loved one, a friend, a classmate, a neighbor, a colleague, killed, maimed, missing. We encountered a Nation Knit Together by grief, but also a nation united in resolve. The United States shares that resolve. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of israel. Ill go on to jordan where i will meet with the king and the Palestinian Authority president. And then well visit with leaders in saudi arabia, the uae, egypt and qatar. Across each of these engagements, well continue pressing countries to prevent the conflict from spreading and to use their leverage with hamas to immediately release the hostages. Well also discuss how to continue to make real our affirmative vision for a region thats more peaceful, more prosperous, more secure, more integrated. And in fact, that is the choice, and the choice in some ways, has been made even more stark by the actions of hamas on saturday. One path forward is a region that comes together. Sbe gralted, normalized relations. People coming to benefit. More peaceful, more stable. Then theres the path that hamas has shown in the stark, clear light. Terror, destruction, anihilism. The choice could not be more clear. We know the choice that were making, our partners are making. We have work to do to carry it through. I was supported today by an Exceptional Team here in israel. Its been doing crucial work in difficult conditions led by a remarkable team. Stephanie is doing an extraordinary job. We also look forward to welcoming our future ambassador to israel. As many here know, a mass launched this attack on a jewish holiday. This saturday jews Around The World will chant the first boods words of the book of jen sis. In the beginning, there was darkness. Then, there was light. The first person was alone, until a partner joined them. Im standing here today alongside our israeli friends and all those who reject terror. To help find the glimmers of light, even in this moment of deep darkness. And to make clear that as long as theres the United States, israel will never be alone. With that, im happy to stake some questions. First question goes to shawn with afp. Thank you, mr. Secretary. Could i just ask to begin with, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shared what are very gruesome photos. He shared them with you. I know they are disturbing to look at, but i wanted to see what your reaction was to those. If i may, acknowledging the great suffering thats been experienced by israelis,s theres a the lot of concern about the situation in gaza. People looking for food in light of the cut off. Was that discussed in terms of the humanitarian situation . Was there any call for easing some of the conditions as we expect a Ground Offensive . And wasnt thing thats been reported, there was a report in the Washington Post that the United States and qatar have decided to slow down or suspend the access that iran has to the 6 billion put in the special account. Can you say if this is accurate . And if so, is this a slow down . Thank you. Thank you very much. We did see photographs, videos that the government shared with us. Some i think is actually already been seen in public media. Others were new to me. Its hard to find the right words. Its beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and god forbid experience. An infant riddled with bullets, soldiers behead ed, young peopl burned alive in their cars or their hide away rooms. I could go on, but its simply depravity in the worst imaginable way. It almost defies comprehension. In the most immediate future, harkens back to isis and sol of the very things we saw when had it was on its rampage that thankfully was stopped. So i think for any human being to see this, its really beyond almost anything that we can comprehend, digest, and i just add that when you see this, you try to imagine maybe not true, you cant help but imagine yourself, your family, your loved ones, your friends in that situation. In that predicament. And maybe the best word for me is overwhelming. I think what its done is, as i said, united a country in profound grief, but also eunite in resolve. Its imperative that the rest of us share that resolve. I said this earlier. This is a moment for moral clarity. This is a moment where Everyone Needs to make clear. Theres revulsion, disgust and a determination, a determination not to allow this to go forward. Images are worth a thousand words. These images maybe worth a million. On the humanitarian situation in gaza, i think its important to remember fundamental issue that makes this complicated. Hamas continues to use civilians as human shields. Something thats not new, something that they have always done. Intentionally putting civilians in harms way to protect themselves or to protect their infrastructure or their weapons. They should not be used as military targets. They are not the target of israels operations. To defend itself from terrorism and try to ensure this never happens again. We also talked about possibilities for safe passage for civilians who want to leave or get out of the way in gaza and thats a conversation, a discussion that we will pursue in the coming days, including some of the countries we will be visiting. So this is important. This is an area for focus. With regard to the 6 billion. First, its always worth reet peting the facts because the facts get lost along the way. The money that accrued in bank accounts, in this case in south korea for the sale of its oil was done purr supt to an arraignment established by the Previous Administration none of the funds that have gone to qatar have actually been spent or access ed in any way. Funds from that account are overseen by the Treasury Department can only be dispensed for food, medicine, medical equipment and never touch iranian hands. We have strict oversight of the fu funds. Next question with goes to channel 13. Mr. Secretary, thank you very much. The president compared rightfully hamas massacre to u. S. Ist. Can you provide assurance to israel that the Biden Administration will not attempt to out israel effort until the goal of eliminating hamas from gaza is completely achieved, regardless of how long it may take . With your permission, a second question, if hezbollah opens a second front in the north, can we expect that if needed, the u. S. Will use the its Military Assets in the region to fight against hezbollah together. Thank you. With regard to the first question. The president has been very clear. I have been very clear. We stand with israel. We stand with israel in its determination to defend its people, defend its country. We stand with israel in its determination to do Everything Possible to ensure that what happened on saturday never happens again. And in that determination, we are providing assistance as requested by iz ratsrael for it efforts. That will continue and were working close ly with congress o make sure israel has what it needs to do what it must. With regard to the second front, as i mentioned earlier, its our determination and that of israel as well that there will not be a specond front or a third front. Were working as hard as we can working with other partners in the region to try to ensure that thats the case. The president has also been very clear, President Biden, hes been very clear that no one, state or nonstate actor, should try to take advantage of this moment. And hes backed up that warning with the deployment of our largest carrier group, the gerald r. Ford, as well as making sure that israel has what it needs and we also have proecht assets in place. Beyond that, im not going to speculate on future events. For the next question, the new york times. Thank you, Secretary Blinken. Many people have likened the violence to the attacks of 9 11 in the u. S. As you know, the u. S. Earned lots of good will after those attacks ands there was many expressions of solidarity for the u. S. From Around The World. But soon afterwards, the u. S. Squandered that good will when it invade iraq. Decades on, many people think that the most lasting consequences of 9 11 were the two wars that Many Americans deemed disastrous in hindsight. So i wonder what lessons might you have for israel, as a friend of israel, looking back at the aftermath of 9 11. Second, i wonder whether your team has an assessment of what hamas goals were in carrying out the attacks and whether it has got any closer to those goals. Thanks. First, let me say this with regard to 9 11. If it you look at this in proportion to the size of israels population, this is the kwif leapt of ten 9 11s. Thats how big and how devastating this attack has been. Each of these situations is very different and its important to keep that in mind. Were always trying to draw the lessons from past experience as they may or may not be apublicable to what our partners are doing now. And we are in close conversation with israel about the work its undertaking as i said to make sure it can defend itself and its citizens. To the best of its ability to ensure it doesnt happen again. Ill leave the operational details to israel and simply say again that as we have these discussions, were looking at past experiences, including many past experiences, more immediate to this challenge, including in gaza and in the region. With regard to the goals of hamas, i think thats a question mostly on which i could speculate, but not give you any kind of definitive answer. There are a number of possible explanations. We have not heard from them. What their goals are. And i have to tell you that in many ways, the simplest explanation maybe the most compelling. This is pure evil. There maybe second or third interests. Frx i noted this before. We have been engaged in trying to support and advance the possibility of normalization between israel and saudi arabia and other countries that do the not yet have normalized relations with israel. Something that is very challenging and difficult, but also very possible and something that would have a profound effect on the region, on the countries in question and on the region. A region thats been in turmoil for so many decades that through normalization, through greater integration, then has a path to much greater stability, much Greater Peace and opportunity for everyone in the region. Now who opposes normalization . Hamas hezbollah, iran. I think that speaks volumes as well. The final question goes to christine. Thank you. Mr. Secretary, did you discuss with Benjamin Netanyahu the need for israel to commit to International Law on their war in gaza . And anymore details about the humanitarian corridors in gaza . And following on my colleague question, the spokesperson from the white house retracted President Bidens claim of seeing pictures of beheaded children. But today you mentioned in your Press Conference about the babies slaughtered and the woman raped. Did you see the evidence of that . Thank you. To the first part of your question, i think you heard the president address this. I have also addressed it in different ways. Which is to say this. For democracies like the United States and israel, its vitally important that we respected the and follow International Law, humanitarian law, the law of war and its a standard that we hold ourselves to and its a standard that we look to, including if and when we fall short of it. So this is something that motivates both of us. Its what distinguishes us and other democracies Around The World. Which have absolutely no regard for the rule of law, for humanitarian rules and rights. As we were discussing a few minutes ago, they target civilians and not just target civilians, target them in the most inhumane ways possible. And at the same time, use them as human shields. So thats a profound distinction between our countries and a group like hamas. When it comes to the photographs, the videos, i described what i saw today. That doesnt mean its the entire universe. We had an opportunity to see some of the photographs and videos. Unfortunately, there are many, many, many others. And every day the world is seeing new evidence of the depravity and the inhumanity of hamas. Depravity directed at babies, at small children, at young adults, at elderly people, and people with disabilities, the list goes on. And on a basic human level, how anyone cannot be revolted and cannot reject what they have seen, what the world is seeing, its beyond me. Thank you. Thank you all. You have been listening to the u. S. Secretary of state Antony Blinken Speaking Answering questions from reporters during his trip to israel, speaking there in very, very stark terms. Needing a moment of a very stark situation saying this is pure evil. That was probably the Headline Quote out of the discussion that he just had here when he was asked about the motivation of hamas and his answer was its probably the most compelling answer that this is pure evil, but also said perhaps it was an attack to disrupt a pending deal, Normalization Deal between israel and saudi arabia. In addition to that, he made clear, as he has done both here before he left the United States and israel, that the United States stands by israel and as to the questions of how aggressive the israeli response should be given the atrocities that we saw on saturday. I want to now go to democratic congressman jim himes. Hes standing by on capitol hill. Im sorry to keep you waiting, sir. I know you were able to listen to the Secretary Of State. You are the Ranking Member on the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. First, let me get you on something that the Secretary Of State didnt say there, but hes been asked about before. Which is the hostages that are still unaccounted for. As somebody who is the beneficiary of the socalled gang of eight briefings, you get top secret briefings on intelligence, is there any information that you are getting that gives you hope about these hostages . Its still too early to tell. We dont know the identities. There are people who are missing. At some point, you assume they have probably been taken hostage. So we dont know enough. What we do know is this is going to be a brutal situation. Hamas is not stupid. They will not have consecrated hostages. They will spread them out. They will probably be underground. The bright spot here is the United States has mobilized all of our capabilities to find out where they are, to do all that we can to bring them home, whether thats through diplomatic or connective operations, were not leaving anybody behind. And at the end of the day, hamas has a choice to make right now. They are rightfully being condemned by anybody with moral sensibility on this planet. They need to make a choice right now as to whether they want to go down in history as another isis, as another brutal sect, that should be utterly rejected by the palestinian people. And they also have a choice to make about how they tolerate the activities of hamas, or do they want to engage and try to restore some semblance of credibility and decency. Is that possible at this point . Didnt that ship sail on saturday . The ship sailed. But again, the leadership of hamas are making practical decisions. And you know, no human being ceases to have agency. And i do think that the leadership of hamas can make this a lot worse for them or better. And by the way, that applies to people in the orbit of hamas. You know, as is well known, the turks, the qataris, our allies, our friends have over time provided economic aid to hamas. They too have a choice to make. They too are part of this. My point is that all resources that we have have to be mobilized to get whatever american hostages may be held home. Let me ask you something i was already planning on asking you but the Secretary Of State was asked as well about and you were just alluding to this. The regional partners that the u. S. Has and frankly the arab nations who are in the neighborhood of gaza, particularly egypt. And the question of getting citizens, americans who are in gaza, Palestinian Civilians out of gaza. Obviously, tony blinken is going to be making those pleas when he has discussions in egypt and elsewhere around the region. Any progress ahead of this visit that you know of . Should the world be hopeful that that is a possibility . Well, what i can tell you, dana, is two things. Number one, an awful lot depends on where this goes in the next couple of days. If we have seen the worst of the violence and this stabilizes and the threat therefore to americans both in gaza and in israel are is reduced, thats a very different scenario than, for example, if hezbollah were to make the mistake to get involved here. Very, very different scenarios. Obviously, the government is planning for all of those scenarios. I do think that they will have more to say about additional ways for americans in israel to get out. Of course your question was about americans in gaza. And thats much more complicated because and Palestinian Civilians in gaza. Well, right. Right. Absolutely. And we need to be 100 clear here, dana. Our moral standing when we condemn unconditionally the brutal murder and the deliberate murder of israeli civilians cant be attenuated if there is the brutal murder of Palestinian Civilians. No civilian is lesser or more worthy of our moral acknowledgment. However, the practical situation on the ground is that you have a band of terrorists that israel will be and should eradicate and, you know, hopefully do it in a way, and i have a lot of confidence in the way the israelis think about the value of human life in contrast to hamas. All of this creates a very, very difficult situation both for the israelis as well as for Palestinian Civilians and hostages and americans and other nationalities that are in gaza. The most complex of situations, no question about it. You mentioned hezbollah. We should also underscore the very public warning that we just heard which you added to that Secretary Blinken put out there for the world, that the expectation and the hope is that there wont be a second front in the north of israel, that hezbollah will not use this as a time to move in. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time. And thank you for waiting. Thank you. And now i want to go back to Security Concerns here in the u. S. , that antisemitic violence will potentially descend on centers of jewish life here in the United States of america. And again, john miller, youre another one who i had to interrupt because of tony blinken coming up. You were saying before that about the sources that youre talking to about any specific Credible Threats. So right now we dont have any specific Credible Threats to any location or plot currently, and that is basically across the country. But that is a point of evaluation literally minute by minute as they watch the forums and the chat rooms and the places where these threats emanate from. Dana, youve seen a message that came out on the 10th from the former head of hamas calling for Friday The 13th to be a global day of anger, calling on arabs and muslims across the world to show their anger for the al aqsa flood. There is no specific call in that to commit any acts of violence. Its interpreted as a calling for global protest. But theres been a lot of Internet Traffic that is giving concern to Law Enforcement authorities. So in places like New York City on friday theyve ordered all 33,000 Police Officers no matter whether their assignment is detectives, plain clothes, intelligence, to show up in uniform and be available after theyve mobilized, not anticipating that but they want to be ready. And how rare is that, what you just described, having every rankandfile new York City Police officer ready just in case . Its fairly rare. And i think in the period of time where weve been through covid and weve been through the postgeorge floyd demonstrations and so much turmoil its become less rare. So it is a little bit of a goto when you might need additional forces. And john, i just want to say because were out of time that you were also talking and you mentioned this at the top of your report about increased chatter on some of the Internet Sites where this kind of thing occurs, where i know everybody in Law Enforcement is paying very, very close attention. John miller, im sure you will be back on as you learn more from your sources. Lets hope that those warnings do not actually come to bear. Thank you so much for being with me. Thank you for joining inside politics. Cnn news central starts after a quick break

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