A warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the u. S. And all around the world. Im max foster. Bianca is off dotoday. Just ahead jim jordan knows he has his work cut out for him. Hes been trying to win over the moderates and part of his pitch im told is that he is in the best position to try to unite the conference. You never expect it out of a president. He is giving secrets to people and carrying secrets into his home. The Biden Administration announcing that it is waiving 26 federal laws in order to green light the construction of a border wall in south texas. Live from london, this is cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo. It is friday, october 6, 9 00 a. M. In london, 4 00 a. M. Washington, d. C. Where the House Speakership took a surprise turn in the past few hours with former President Trump endorsing congressman jim jordan for the post. Jordan and fellow republican Steve Scalise are the only two lawmakers who have said that they will seek the Leadership Position when the House Reconvenes Next week to pick a new speaker. This after an Ugly House Vote forced speaker Kevin Mccarthy to step down because of a small group of republicans on the far right. But jordan is considered closely tied to that group and that could prove to be a big obstacle. Melanie zanona explains. Reporter i think that could be one of his biggest vulnerabilities in this speakers race. Of course his Flame Throwing brand of politics as well as the fact that he is the face of the Biden Inquiry will be a tell sell primarily in the districts won by joe biden. And even would gop moderate told cnn that he is not anxious to support jordan and that jordans challenge is that he has built the monster that is part of the problem. And remember, jordan was a cofounding member of the Freedom Caucus which was home to many of the members that ultimately voted to oust Kevin Mccarthy. But Jim Giordanos He has his work cut out for him. Hes been making calls trying to win over those moderates. Part of his pitch im told is that he is in the best position to try to unite the congress in part because he has the ear and a respect of that Freedom Caucus. And one other group id look out for is the moderate members who were loyal to Kevin Mccarthy. Because a lot of bad blood between Kevin Mccarthy and Steve Scalise, the other republican who is running, has happened over the years. And jim jordan was really a loyal ally of Kevin Mccarthy particularly in january during the speakers race. So that could go a long way in convincing at least some of these members to get behind jim jordan. And Christiane Amanpour asked Hillary Clinton for her take on the ongoing dysfunction within the Republican Party. And here is some of that exchange. Should the democrats have saved him so to speak, should they have voted to keep him in . You know, that was a very tough call for the democratic cause causes. But the problem was for them, as i understand it, he was totally untrustworthy by any measure. He immediately after they did help them keep the government open as you know began to blame them for all kinds of, you know, extraneous matters. At some point a he had looker who has lost all credibility in dealing with the opposition where you want to have an open line of communication, you want to be able to trust his word, is going to, you know, ask for their help and not get it. It is said that the main contenders for his position are jim jordan who you know very well from ben ga zi i dont know him well. I stared at him for 11 hours while he made stuff up about me, so i dont know him, but ive seen him in action. So what would it mean if he gets the speakership . He is one of the principal ringleaders of the circus that has been created in the Republican Party for the last several years. I have no inside knowledge about what the republicans will do, who they will end up voting for. But when do they put the Country First . They do not represent a majority of even the Republican Party when you look at the extremists in the house. They certainly dont represent a majority of the country. And you know, somebody has to stand up and say enough. You know, we could have disagreements. Im all for that. I was in the senate for eight years. I worked with a lot of republicans and opposed them when i didnt agree. But at some point there needs to be a backlash against the control that this small group of extremists have. And i dont know who will lead that, but lets whoever becomes the new speaker will. Be sure to catch christianes full interview airing monday. There are damning new reports about Donald Trumps handling of Classified Information after he left the white house. Abc news and New York Times kritds sources who say the former president allegedly discussed details about us nuclear sin marines with a member of his Maralago Club months after leaving the white house. That person is an australian billionaire Anthony Pratt who shared the information with others. Trump reportedly shared details on how many Nuclear Warheads u. S. Submarines could carry and how close they could get to russian submarines without being detected. Cnn has confirmed that federal investigators have interviewed pratt and he could be a witness in trumps Classified Documents Trial but the allegations were not included in the jk sack smi indictment of trump. Trump put out a statement saying that the leaks lack confirmation and should investigate it instead of perpetrating their baseless witch hunts. Trump has always acted in a proper manner according to the law. Former ambassador to the u. S. Is down playing the alleged breach he says Australian Service members have been serving on american submarines for years and the countries share weapons technology. But general heardling says there is risk. They can certainly take steps to try to fence the information, fence the capabilities, fence the type of secrets that have been given away. That has happened multiple times. We look at ties that have given information to foreign governments and there is that reaction of the Intelligence Community and military or State Department to try to mitigate the risk that can occur with this. But you never expect it out of a president. Hes carrying secrets into his home where everyone that is read into classified documents signs a piece of paper that says i will not divulge this because each of these secrets some having do with National Security and divulging it could cause either grave or serious harm to the United States. And it appears that there have been incidents with President Trump just willynilly giving that because he wants to appear big. There have been times on cnn where you all have asked me questions that ive known the answer to because of my background and because of secret information i had. But im not going to give it up. In the hours ahead Trump Organizations former controller is expected to resume his testimony in the civil fraud trial, this is after new York Attorney general accused the trump team of Overvaluing Two Key Properties including a trump tower apartment. Kara scannell is following that case. Reporter now they have moved inside the Trump Organization calling the former controller, he just retired earlier this year, e. But he but he has beenn who put together the Financial Statements at the heart of this case. What the state has begun do for the first time is to connect the Financial Statements to the lenders. Do for the first time is to connect the Financial Statements to the lenders. This goes to one of the claims in the case, the statements were issued to receive favorable interest rates. So weve seen the Seven Springs Family Property being mentioned for the first time in a document and also seeing another bank, Deutsche Bank loan, being referenced in how they incorporated the Financial Statements into their credit report. So this is the first time were seeing this case move a little bit away from just the Financial Statements and on a handwritten note at the top that the final review would be done by djt. So donald trump. So connecting him and the former president to these statements for the first time. But these are all still the Building Blocks of this case. Were only in day four and it is expected to last as much as three months. But the state is starting to move forward, kind of transitioning to other areas that they are looking to make the claims on. There is a new court filing from donald trump in his federal election interference case. Attorneys are asking for the federal judge to dismiss the charges brought by special counsel jack smith. The indictment alleges that trump illegally plotted to stay in office after losing the 2020 president ial election. His attorneys argue that trump has immunity because he was president at the time. In addition, they argue that trump was acquitted by the senate after he was impeached on charges of inciting the january 6 insurrection. In georgias Election Racketeering case, sources tell cnn that the Fulton County District Attorney has opened talks with several defendants about plea deals, a bid to whittle down the large pool of 19 defendants. Only one bail bonds man scott hall has formally accepted a deal. No word on whether any sort of deal has been offered to trump. At a hearing last week the d. A. s office said that they would probably offer plea deals to defendants Sydney Powell and kenneth chesebro. Both attorneys are set to go on trial later this month. Two regions in ukraine come under russian fire and residential areas take hits from missiles. Well have the latest on overnight strikes for you coming up. Plus cadets graduating from Military College attacked by drones. Well show the mch different scene just minutes of ter these pictures were taken. And a potential meeting between joe biden and xi jinping is in the works. Well tell you where and when it might take place. Continuing to ukraine, whose second largest city took a major hit from crush srussian missile. A three Story Residential Building was destroyed in kharkiv and two more buildings damaged. Nine woor woere wounded in the. And ukraine is also reporting massive grown attack on odesa. The drones set several vehicles on fire and damaged poor infrastructure on the danube river which ukraine uses for xw grain about ports. Kyiv says a missile hit a village wednesday killing at least 51 people. It happened while they were holding awake for a fallen ukrainian soldier. President zelenskyy who attended a meeting of european leaders in spain pleaded for more air defenses. Translator i believe that today it is impossible to protect people especially during the winter except by air defense. To protect people who died absolutely tragically because of this inhumane terrorist attack. 50 civilians were killed during the funeral. Russia does this every day in the Kharkiv Region and only air defense can help. So europe has a lot of its own issues. Different challenges. But from ukraines point of view, key topic was air defense. Lets bring in nic robertson. There are multiple attacks. Interesting how they are using drones in a different way . I think were seeing a consistent pattern. They used to have a limited supply, but now they are manufacturing themselves. So you are consistently 33, 25 of them shot down by ukrainians, so you are seeing this consistently growing larger number of drones coming in and consistently again targeting the Grain Export Facilities on the danube and also shutting downs ferry across the danube to romania. And that has been giving romanian politicians a great deal of concern as well. But i think what you see when you see that strike in kharkiv and some new numbers have come in now, the casualty toll has gone up now to 23 people, one 10yearold boy killed in that strike, a baby injured there. That is quite close to that big strike yesterday. So again, it is about russia putting this psychological pressure on the northeast of the country where they have been trying to press against that frontline. And of course russia is looking to test ukraine and see where they are not willing to fire a lot of ammunition because they are concerned about supplies maybe not coming in. So i think the picture when you look at it as this consistent increasingly consistent and higher number of drones being used effective at shooting some of them down, but What Zelenskyy said yesterday and to what the u. S. Secretary of defense said when meeting with allies and partners about supplies for ukraine, air defense, air defense, air defense. That is the critical thing. A numbers game in a way. That is the reality. If you are the government in ukraine, you have limited stocks of air defense, what do you protect. You try to protect the population centers. But as we see in kharkiv, second biggest city, not even possible. Thank you. Vladimir putin has announced the successful test of a new generation of Nuclear Powered cruise missile, part of a Program Unveiled in 2018 to develop intercontinental and hypersonic missiles. The latest version is known by nato as the sccx 9 sky form. Its Nuclear Propulsion allows for multiple range. Here is President Putin speaking thursday in sochi. Translator i want to assure everyone that at the moment, the response from russia to a Nuclear Strike on its territory is absolutely unacceptable for any potential aggressor. Because from the moment the enemy Missile Launch is detected, no matter where it comes from, from any point in the worlds oceans or from any territory, in a retaliatory counter strike, so many hundreds of our missiles will appear in our air that not a single enemy will have a chance of survival in several directions at once. Syria is vowing revenge for a drone attack on a Military College Graduation Ceremony that killed at least 89 people. No one has claimed responsibility, but the Syrian Government blames Terrorist Organizations supported by what it called wellknown international partners. Meanwhile the white helmet Civil Defense Group Reports 12 people were killed when Syrian Regime forces attacked towns and villages in idlib and allepo. They say markets and aid workers were targeted there. Ben wedeman is live for us in rome with more on that. Reporter what we understand is that the drone strike at the military academy took place in the afternoon. In fact the ceremony was breaking up when this drone attack happened, the syrian arab news agency, the official news agency, is putting the death toll at 89, among them 31 women and five children who of course were Family Members and relatives of those who were graduating at ithat ceremony. Current number of injured is 277. Observatory for human rights says as many as 123 people were killed in this drone strike. However, at this point neither of these claims can be verified. It is presumed that the drones were launched from Idlib Province in the northwest of the country which is controlled by a variety of opposition groups, although none of them have claimed responsibility. The Syrian Government has announced three days of mourning and flags to be flown at halfmast as well. And of course the syrians are vowing revenge on what they call the Terrorist Group or groups that were behind this attack. As you mentioned, weve seen a series of Syrian Government strikes on the northwest of the country killing as many as 12 civilians in addition to turkish drone strikes on kurdish targets in the northeast. And of course it is important to keep in mind that serial is battleground for a variety of International Forces in addition to the Syrian Government, there are russian troops, riranian troops, hezbollah regularly carries out airstrikes. So definitely a country which doesnt get much attention in the news these days, but very much the scene for what is essentially a proxy war between a variety of regional and international powers. Ben, thanks for bringing us that context. And plans are under way to arrange a potential meeting between joe biden and xi jinping. At the and summit in san franci. And joining me now is marc stewart in beijing. So why do we think this is happening and how significant will it be . Reporter hi there, max. Look, there has been a lot of conversation in recent months about getting this relationship between the United States and china back on track. In fact if we look back to june when Secretary Of State Antony Blinken was here meeting with xi jinping, some of the language that came from the meeting talked about the need to stabilize this relationship. And the apec meeting in San Francisco would be the logical next step in all of this. We have seen a lot of high Profile Visitors from washington Here In Beijing in recent weeks that includes secretary of treasury janet yellen, raimondo. And one of the goals of the meetings is to find out where there are points of Common Ground between the two nations, but also where there are red lines. There are some very thorny issues that get in the way of the relationships between the United States and china. Such as taiwan, such as human rights, such as some of the chip issues. The point is, if these areas are established ahead of time, if and when this meeting between xi jinping and President Biden were to take place, there would be some definitive starting points in all of this. And this is an ongoing conversation obviously, so leaders from the u. S. Would also be heading to china next week. Reporter right. Were expecting to see Chuck Schumer here as part of a bipartisan delegation. It is being described with a focus on security issues, on tech issues, Economic Issues between the two nations. They will also be going to south korea and japan. And in addition were hearing from senator bill cassidy, a republican from louisiana, he says this delegation will indeed meet with xi jinping. So well have to see if that really does happen. Marc stewart in beijing, thank you. President Biden Backtracks on a border promise. Why the wall touted by donald trump is going to expand. Plus migrants making the dangerous trek across the southern u. S. Border are facing even more Hazardous Conditions in northern cities. After the break, the situation in chicago. Youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Its true. Plus, when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. 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Plus a stunning new report from abc news and the New York Times about donald trump and americas military nuclear secrets. They cite sources who say trump allegedly revealed details about u. S. Nuclear submarines to an australian member of his Maralago Club after leaving the white house. The u. S. President currently says he is being forced to Add Construction to trumps border wall even though it means violating a campaign promise. He claims he cant get out of expanding the barrier. Mj lee explains. Reporter the contentious political issue border wall back in the spotlight. The Biden Administration announcing that it is waiving 26 federal laws in order to green light the construction of a border wall in south texas. It will be built using previously appropriated funds specifically earmarked for this purpose under the trump administration. But the building of the wall clashing with this explicit promise that biden made as a president ial candidate. There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration. Reporter his then opponent donald trump made construction of the border wall a major rallying cry in his row election c reelection campaign. Were now building that beautiful wall. And this powerful border wall is going up at record speed. Reporter the decision coming amid a urge surge of umigrants. The administration facing intense pressure including from . Democratic lawmakers to get the situation under control. I am from a border state. And, you know, it has been a crisis on the border on and off for decades. Weve spent a lot of money on it, but we could always use more resources, money no border patrol. Reporter President Biden defending the move saying he was powerless to stop the use of the funds. The money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, redirect that money. They didnt. They wouldnt. And in the meantime, there is nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated. I cant stop that. Reporter but biden also bluntly rejecting the efficacy of a border wall. Do you believe a Border Wall Works . No. Major shift in u. S. Policy toward venezuelan migrants. The u. S. Will deports them directly to their home country if they enter illegally and lack a legal basis to remain. The change comes as senior u. S. Officials mets with their counterparts in mexico city thursday. The Immigration Crisis was at the top of their agenda. Secretary of state Antony Blinken said that they have made head way but they face significant problems. I think one of the defining challenges that were dealing with is it is unquestionable that we have made real progress. And yet the challenges we face are in many ways historic in nature. And we might have to make sure that our progress not only keeps up with the challenges but actually gets ahead of them. Venezuelans make up a large share of Southern Border Crossings but for years the u. S. Has been unable to deport themy relations with caracas. The Policy Change would extend the temporary protective status allowing them to stay in the u. S. For 18 months. In mexico city the Homeland Security emphasized other lawful pathways available to certain migrants. Todays high level Security Dialogue is the first to include migration as part of its agenda, an Essential Component of our national and regional security. The United States is committed to continuing to work closely with the government of mexico as we implement the model that has proven effective. A model that pairs the historic expansion of safe, orderly and lawful pathways for migrants to come directly to the United States or elsewhere to obtain humanitarian relief outside the smugglers grip with strict consequences for those who go not use those lawful means to enter our country. Officials need to find solutions to the migrant crisis on the ground, the situation getting more dire. Migrants who have been transported from texas to democratic controlled northern cities are facing desperate conditions. Resources in the city of chicago are stretched to Breaking Point because of huge influxes of migrants. Now chicagos mayor says he plans to go to the southern border soon to assess the situation there. Whitney wild reports from chicago. Reporter This Is The End of a six week long journey from venezuela for carla garcia and her 5yearold niece. Translator so tired. We dont have a decent place to sleep. Reporter they sleep in a corner of a south Side Chicago Police station while dozens more migrants line the sidewalks. More than 3,000 migrants live at City Police Stations and airports. Since ive been in office, we have been flooded with buses, with individuals who are in very desperate circumstances. Reporter mayor johnson expects the number of migrants to reach 20,000 in coming days. Migrants started arriving in august 2022 when text Governor Abbott added chicago to a list of Sanctuary Cities where he planned to send buses saying relief is needed for overcrowded southern border towns. This is very much tied to the politics of the Republican Party that has made it very clear they want to destabilize cities like chicago. Reporter tension is flaring between illinois leaders and the white house for more help. The pressure to manage this crisis will only grow. Next summer the Democratic National Convention Comes to town, officials believe that will prompt even more buses. There are other things the federal government can do other than sending us money that they havent yet done. And i do believe, and i have spoken with the white house since even over the weekend in a letter, to make sure that they heard us. Reporter johnsons administration is working rapidly to house migrants opening one shelter per week. But closing some public facilities to make room for Migrant Housing has angered some residents. Our rights are bebeing infringed upon. Reporter and the city has inked a nearly 30 million deal for military grade tents, a temporary solution while they race to move chicagoans off the streets before the winter sets in. Im very much committed to make sure that we get people off the floors of Police Stations and airports because it is not humane. Reporter back at the police station, carla is not sure leaving venezuela was worth the sacrifice. Translator we dont know yet. Because were here. All this uncertainty and just sleeping here. If you are thinking about coming here, think twice. Because this is very hard. Reporter the department of Homeland Security sent people here to chicago to assess the situation. Meanwhile chicago mayor johnson says he plans to go to the southern border. He said he understands what Southern States are dealing with, but he wants to go himself to assess the situation. Whitney wild, cnn, chicago. Terrifying moments in the Wisconsin State Capitol building wednesday after an armed man demanding to see the governor was arrested, posted bail and then showed back up with a rifle a few hours later. You see him here on the ground after he was taken into custody the second time. Officials have i dentified the man and says he is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. Funeral services have been held in San Francisco for dianne feinstein. Her body lay in state in San Francisco city hall ahead of thursdays services. The city is where she was born and where her historic political career began. Former House Speaker nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Vice President Kevin Mamala Har were amongst those who paid Tribute To Feinstein at the private memorial. Dianne commanded respect and she gave respect. She was a serious and gracious person who welcomed debate and discussion but always required that it would be well informed and studied. Feinstein was a strong advocate for gun control and womens rights and seen by many as a role model. She served more than 30 years in the United States Senate Making her the longest serving female senator in american history. Dianne feinstein was 90 years old. Well be right back. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Welcome back. New trading day gets under way in just about five hours. Futures are looking pretty positive to finish the end of the week. Meanwhile european markets are already up and running and they are positive as well. So that will no doubt add momentum to wall street when it opens. This is how it all started with asia. Only the nikkei was down across that region. No big developments moved the markets on thursday in particular. All of the major indices closed relatively nat. The markets will be looking for signs of inflation not under control. Nat. The markets will be looking for signs of inflation not under control. The Labor Department is expected to report that employers added 170,000 new positions last month down from 187,000 jobs added in august. Analysts say the labor market is still strong with unemployment expected to inch down to 3. 7 . Patients are starting to feel the impact of the Largest Health care workers strike in u. S. History. Some 75,000 employees of Kaiser Permanente walked off the job on wednesday complaining of Staffing Shortages and demanding better pay including nurses, pharmacists and other workers in six states and washington, d. C. While kaiser says patients should still seek necessary medical care, some of them say they had to postpone their Nonemergency Services including ultrasounds or lab work. Just listen to this woman who says her cancer stricken mom cant get any blood work done. I think kaiser should be stepping up and doing a better job of keeping their facilities sta staffed. This is just wrong on all levels. I feel bad for the nurses but i feel worse for the patients. Ill have to figure out if maybe one of the hospitals i can take her and see if by chance they are doing lab work. Not really sure what to do at this point. Meanwhile negotiations over the actors strike resume later today. The sagaftra union and the alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers finished their last bargaining session on wednesday. The two sides are also expected to work internally over the weekend before they are due to hold more talks on monday. The actors union has been on strike since july. Sources tell cnn there are signs of progress in talks in the uaw strike. Gm says they have provided a counteroffer. Uac declined to comment but the Union President is due to update members later today. The union has made progress with ford and stellantis, but there havent been Significant Movement in talks with gm before now. The Company Reported Record Earnings last year and strong earnings for the first half of this year. And the union has twice expand its strike against gmp. Here is how one worker described why they are on strike. Were really fighting for the middle class. We want better wages. Whe we want a good fair wage so you can go to work, be proud of what you do, feed your families. Northeastern states are in for another soggy wet weekend this time because of Tropical Storm philippe. It is still hundreds of miles from the u. S. And expected to be a postTropical Storm by the time t time to makes landfall in maine or canada saturday night. It is bring heavy flooding and gusty winds to the region. Last weekend parts of midatlantic and northeast were inundated by record breaking rainfall. And the typhoon getting closer to hong kong. But not expected to make landfall there. It has strengthened to the equivalent of a category 3 Atlantic Hurricane in open waters. That is after the storm killed one person and injured more than 300 others in taiwan on thursday. It struck the islands southern tip with heavy rain and strong winds knocking out power for hundreds of thousands. Taiwanese Officials Say close to 3,000 people were evacuated there. The storm is expected to strengthen in the next 12 to 24 hours before weakening again. Experts say western europes heist Mountain Peak has struck yet again. Mont blanc has lost about 6 feet. They say it is down to its lowest level since precise measurements began more than two decades ago. Mapping specialists arent drawing any conclusions but they say Climate Change specialists and other scientists will try to explain exactly what is happening. Were gist just minutes Awam Finding Out who will take this years Nobel Peace Prize. Well look at the favorites. Chicago bears call him one of the greatest players in nfl history. Dick butkus has died at the age of 80. He played nine seasons for the bears and was selected to eight pro bowls. He was known for his intensity on the field but retired at age 31 after a serious knee injury. His largest than life Personality Led to a second career in acting. He appeared in a string of tv shows and movies including any given sunday, and longest yard. The commanders paid tribute to him before their game against the bears thursday night football. The bears have yet to win a game this season, but quarterback Justin Fields caught fire early. He ended up with four touchdown passes on the night. Three of them to dj moore. The victory breaks chicagos 14 day losing streak which dates back to october of last year. Tom bradys final game jersey could set a record on the Auction Block next month. Buyers are expected to bid up to 2. 5 million for the number 12 grass stains and all. That price would make it the most valuable jersey ever sold by more than double. Brady wore the jersey last february in the final game of his career which spanned 23 seasons. He retired with seven Super Bowl Rings and a long list of nfl records of course. To basketball where the Philadelphia 76ers say Star Center Joel Embiid has committed to playing for team usa at the 2024 paris olympics. The reigning mvp was born in cam maroon and holds american and french citizenship. He told reporters earlier this week that it was a tough choice between the three options that he had. The six time allstar is set to join lebron james, steph curry, kevin durant and others xwho expressed interest in playing for the usa. What an opportunity to see them all together. Top executives at the Golden State Warriors say that they will back a new wnba franchise in the bay area with league play to begin in two years time. This is the first wnba League Expansion since 2007 and brings the total number of teams to 13. The name hasnt been selected. Here is wnba commissioner on the expansion announcement. Weve used three consistent pillars when evaluating the data for an expansion team. A team in a city that provide as platform for deep and innovative fan engage himseengagement, hash for success and has value to the wnba content, media and entertainment foot print. And San Francisco bay area has proven to meet the mark and well about seed the mark in each of those three areas. Now to stories in the spotlight and the girl scouts are pulling the plug on its cult favorite cookie, that is the raspberry rally. The confection was sold only online. Girl doubt Officials Say they opted not to sell the rally this season to focus on demand for classics and to combat rising costs as well. The popular croc shoes which became a goto for many during the pandemic just took a whole lot of western flare. Check out the cowboy style clogs. The shoe giant unveiled the special Clog Will Go On Sale on september 23. The company credits the fan base the idea for the new Shoe Pointing to fans buzzing about crocs inspired cow boot on social media for years apparently. What do you think . Just minutes away from the announcement of the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize recipients. President zelenskyy and Alexei Navalny are among the odds makes favorites but nothing is of leaked. The Peace Research institute has its own short list of contenders including campaigners for womens rights in afghanistan and iran, a pair of indigenous rights activists. The International Court of justice, myanmar ambassador to the United Nations and human rights Data Analysis group. Well wait to see. Join me for more on that. Thanks for joining me. Well have live coverage of the peace prize announcement coming after the break

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