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The scenes to succeed Kevin Mccarthy. Already two declared candidates in the race. Steve scalise, the House Majority leader, as well as the House Judiciary Committee chairman, jim jordan, meeting with colleagues and trying to secure commitments, suggesting to them that they could unite this badly divided republican conference, but the question is can they get that . There is ample anger, still at those eight republicans who voted to oust kevin kevin mccard congressman matt gaetz, as some calls within the gop to boot him out of the House Republican conference all together. Those are still coming in questions about how that will play out. As we are hearing from republicans on both sides of the capitol, concerns that events from yesterday could undercut their ability to govern and raise serious questions about their ability to hold on to the control of the house. Weve got eight people over there that say they stand on principle and policy, and its really all about, you know, selfpromotion. Its beyond frustrating. I would have a hard time actually saying there are true republicans. Theyre about promoting themselves. Theyre republicans by name and registration only. If they are for the party, they would have done what was best for the party. Whats the party doing now . Were not able to do anything. Reporter that is one of Kevin Mccarthys closest allies, now in the senate who had served on the house, taking aim at those members. Now theres debate within the republican conference about how to go forward and whether or not they can maintain the rule to allow one individual member to seek an ouster. Many want the Speaker Candidate to declare that is off the table, they will change the rule, raise the threshold for calling for such a vote. That is not what the hard liners in the conference want. They want to maintain that issue, and also, jake a question about how to deal with key p policy issues. Jim jordan said hes against funding for ukraine, going against the position Kevin Mccarthy even as he put the brake on aids. The House Of Representatives had one of the most embarrassing weeks in history after firing the House Speaker for the First Time Ever in American History, and then what did House Republicans do after that . They took the rest of the week off. Not exactly the response that many of you watching at home would have done if you had disgraced yourself so badly at work. The only evidence we have seen of any work going on right now among House Republicans is that acting House Speaker, republican congressman Patrick Mchenry kicked out two senior democrats, nancy pelosi, and steny hoyer from their honorary offices inside the capitol. Is any real work going on inside the House Of Representatives now. Cnn tom foreman is here to answer any annoying questions. What is happening with the house now that they seem to be in limbo, purgatory, whatever you want to call it. The most likely thing is theyre listening for the sound of a Freight Train. That is the calendar right now. Look at this. Even if they go forward with this house gop meeting next week, as planned, even if they somehow produced a speaker right now, they suddenly are up against five and a half weeks before a Government Shutdown deadline. Thats the Freight Train im talking about right mere. Five and a half weeks to handle an issue that was already wildly contentious that set the stage for exactly what has happened now, and you have to navigate all of this, with all the same people and a new speaker in place figuring out how to do it. Now, yes, as you point out, they have a speaker pro tem, rules allowed for that, representative Patrick Mchenry is in place. The question is, jake, how much can he actually do, and in this unprecedented circumstance, there are many questions about that. We know, congressman Patrick Mchenry, the temporary speaker, hes basically there to oversee the election of the new actual speaker, and nothing else. So what cant get done or is it at least very unlikely to get done right now . This is all very theoretical. I like the way youre phrasing it. I was talking to manu, and he was making a point, the congressional search, he can call people to order, make basic rulings, see if they have a quorum, things like that, but basically hes just there to pick a new speaker, so what does that mean . That means all sorts of things that republicans might want to deal with, democrats as well, y just cant be dealt with, the budget, Defense Spending out there, which republicans like tuk ato talk about a lot. The ukraine debate going on, improvements or changes at the border, any National Emergencies that might come along, hopefully they dont, but that also goes into a slow down. One of the few things that seems like it could go forward would be the work of some committees, but whats the point of Going Forward if you dont know what direction youre going, jake. Tom foreman, thank you so much. The Drama On Capitol Hill is contributing to a gloomy outlook for u. S. Military aid to ukraine. No House Speaker means no additional money for the war torn country, at least for now. And once a new speaker is chosen, its unclear if that person will support ukraine at all. One contender, congressman jim jordan, as you heard from ma knemanu, suggested it would not be first on his list at all. Any Speaker Candidate will be pressured to ditch ukraine as a condition of the colleagues support. Frederik pleitgen is in Eastern Ukraine. How rapidly is ukraine draining the supply and funds that it already has . Extremely rapidly, and we could see a lot of that over the past week weve been here on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine where a lot of offensive actions that the ukrainians are taking are currently going on. In fact, we were in one battle where the ukrainians were using a lot of ammo that we know is western ammo, to try and push the russians back. Just earlier today, skjake, i w at an artillery position. They had a western howitzer, and american supplied ammunition, and that ammunition is extremely scarce already. At the current rate, for every shot the ukrainians can fire, the russians can fire ten, and so obviously they understand if theres any holdup, any delays in further u. S. Aid that situation is going to become a lot worse, as theyre trying to support the ukrainian troops that are currently trying to advance. One of the things that we do know is that for things like artillery ammunition, howitzer ammunition, there are other nato countries that can make up for the shortfalls if bad comes to worse. There are also other things that only the United States can supply. If we look at ammunition for the himars, and also the surfacetoair Missile Systems that the u. S. Has provided to ukraine, any sort of ammo for that, rockets for that, has to come from the United States, jake. And fred, cnn was first to report that the u. S. Is going to transfer thousands of seized iranian weapons to ukraine as ukraine continues to wait for more funds. What kind of weapons are these . Reporter yeah, these are mostly light weapons, as they call them here, but still weapons that certainly can make a difference. First of all, its a million rounds of ammunition, which is a lot and would go a long way for the ukrainians, at the rate that theyre firing right now. A lot of it is rifles, thousands of rifles, probably some sort of model of the ak47. One of the things we picked up on as we went through that list, and cnn was the first to report on that, theres antitank guided missiles as part of that as well. 70 of those, which doesnt seem like a lot, but of course at the current rate that the ukrainians are using these things, its definitely something that could also make a difference as well. Weve seen on the battlefields here in ukraine, as we have been, you know, coming here over the past year and a half of this conflict or that this russian invasion has been going on is that the ukrainians use those weapons, and they are very important to them, jake. Cnns fred poerik pleitgen i Eastern Ukraine. The next guest banged the gavel when Kevin Mccarthy became the first House Speaker in American History ever to be ousted by a floor vote. The office of speaker of the house of the United States House Of Representatives is hereby declared vacant. Republican congressman steve womack of arkansas then called the motion to remove mccarthy, quote, utterly irresponsible, counter productive, and a distraction from our duty, end quote, congressman, you supported Kevin Mccarthy, do you know who youre going to support now . I do. Thanks, jake, for having me. Im a scalise guy. Steve scalise has earned the opportunity to lead this conference should he be elected. Conservative modified speaks for himself. Hes got an operation in place. Look, hes an amazing person. Hes a survivor, and i told him last night in a private phone call that as long as his doctors are good with it, as long as his wife jennifer and his family good with, im all in. And look, we need to rally behind, coalesce around a speakers candidate. We have two already in the race. We need to coalesce as early as tuesday night, and get this vote taken as soon as possible so we can continue to move the work of the American People in the congress. I know its early, but do you have any idea what the vote count looks like . None at all. I do not have a feel for how this is going to go. I said early on, and i believe this that scalise is one of those guys that could get mccarthy type support across the conference. He appeals to a broad sense across the conference, not the least of which he was shot many years ago, and now hes dealing with another medical issue, but i do think his story resonates with a lot of people, and plus, his operation is in place, and he has the ability to fund raise, so, look, i think he has earned this right. But its going to be a vote. And were going to have maybe a binary choice, maybe not. Well see on tuesday night. So obviously what happened yesterday was an historic moment. Its never happened before in the history of this great republic. What was it like for you to preside over that moment . It was very surreal, as i have discussed with others, knowing that i was going to preside, i had been asked earlier in the day, and i knew the historical significance of what we were possibly about to do. And i went down and i spent some time with the parliamentarian, because i wanted to go over all of the potential things that could happen in a highly emotionally charged very contentious setting of the u. S. House of representatives. And we went through a lot of those different issues. There i learned that we were going to be doing a Roll Call Vote which was going to take us the better part of an hour to complete, and so having a good feel for what could possibly come up, whether its a point of order, you know, an appeal of the decision of the chair, those are the kinds of things you have to be prepared for. And i knew a lot of people would be watching, and i knew there would be a lot of people in the chamber and the gallery, and there were, but, jake, look, we didnt need this. We didnt need a situation where we were going through something as serious as this and yet didnt have our act together in the chair and didnt look like things were in order. I think we did a pretty good job of controlling the floor so as not to let things escalate into something contentious and terribly unproductive. You did a great job presiding, but, you know, the general message is obviously one of chaos. Do you think republicans will need to change this motion to vacate rules no matter who becomes speaker . I interviewed Congressman Graves Earlier today, and he was reluctant to endorse his fellow louisianan, because he needs to know where scalise stands on motion to vacate because he wants that rule gone. I want that rule gone. I think its absurd. Theres a reason we have never done this in history before, and its just absurd for us to be put in a situation where one person or just a small handful of people could paralyze congress the way it is paralyzed right now. So i am in favor of a change in the rules package, but that will be a vote of the conference. Well have to decide that as a group of people, and i believe in, you know, the will of the group. If were going to do that, lets do it. Theres a lot of other things that people are talking about right now. Jake, i think more than anything, we need just a period of introspection. We need our members to go home. Ill go home tonight. We need to spend this weekend having kind of a very sobering conversation with ourselves about who are we, what did we just do, why did we do it, how can we prefbt it from happening in the future, and then get about the business of electing a speaker. Reminder, were on the clock right now. We have no timeouts right now. This clock is moving to the middle of november, and were going to face what we faced last weekend, all over again, maybe this time without a confirmed speaker. Your colleague, Congressman Graves also told me that he was glad that speaker pro tem mchenry adjourned for the week because he thought if you all had continued in session, there could have been a fistfight, that it would have come to blows, do you agree . I agree with that. Absolutely. I sit in those meetings and it does get contentious, even in just basic terms. Yesterday it was different. There was anger, there was frustration. And frankly there was desperation going on. Youve got a paralyzed congress. Members sitting in the room with low ceilings, close quarters. I think it was the right thing to do to get us on out of there, let us go home. Lets come back with a renewed sense of purpose, and take this issue and quit making the House Of Representatives the issue. And the speakers battle the issue, and lets get about the work of the American People. Thats what we were hired to do. Lets get about doing that. Last question, sir, and i really do appreciate your time. In 1910, that was the last time there was a motion to vacate, and your fellow republican speaker, joe cannon, he won that motion to vacate, but then republicans went on to lose the house in the elections of 1912, are you worried that the same thing is going to happen, that the mess of this, the chaos of this is going to hurt republicans in 2024 . I do. I do. It is and look, you dont have to think terribly practically to understand that we were given a very thin majority, very thin. Four or five seat majority when we took office earlier this year. And the American People are watching us every day, and they have to be deciding in their own collective minds as to whether or not we have the ability to govern the House Of Representatives, and if we can come back i think time is still on our side. We can right this ship, but we cant come back on tuesday, still be terribly divided and let this whole speakers race persist now for days or weeks on end. We need it done. We need to get about the work of the American People. And we need to do it with dispense right now. Safe travels back to arkansas, sorry. Good to see you. Always good to be with you. I appreciate it. Sources describe to cnn, Mean Girl Treatment by Kevin Mccarthy with nancy pelosi right after he was kicked out of the speaker s ship. This sounds like a middle School Cafeteria story. We got to talk about this one next. Were back with cnn exclusive reporting, republicans saying that former House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy, he himself was behind the move to kick nancy pelosi and steny hoyer out of their Office Spaces in the capitol, the hide aways, which happened hours after mccarthys ouster. Lets discuss with my panel. Republicans say its because pelosis office is the office of the preceding speaker and now that mccarthy has been fired, hes the preceding speaker. Democrats believe its a retaliation because democrats did not step in to save mccarthy. What do you think . I think that republicans are taking a kind of pleasure in this that is not solely attributable to the rules being enforced in a consistent manner. I think sometimes revenge is a dish best served extremely pettily. Steve scalise and jim jordan are running for speaker. A coupl been floated. Congressman kevin hern of oklahoma, what do you think is going to happen . I know its early. We had congressman womack on, hes a big scalise booster, but he said he has no idea what the vote count will look like. Normally, i have to say, just traditionally, i have been in this town for a few decades now, it would generally just go to the next person. I mean, thats how its kind of been. Those days have changed. Those days have changed, and its fine, its an intersection, what do you think is going to happen . If i were a betting person, i would put my money on scalise. Most of his staffers have far more experience, compared to jim ma jordan, some of the other names, in terms of their ability to whip enough votes to build support to become speaker, and something that i think is interesting here, jake, is i think there should be some concern about the ability to continue Raising Money the way mccarthy did. I just cohosted an event two months ago for rerpublicans on behalf of the speaker, and one one of the things i found interesting among participants there, some were not even conservatives but they liked mccarthy particularly from a business perspective. And im not certain if some of the other names we have heard this far will be able to have that gravitas. Listen, and i think that was part of Kevin Mccarthys appeal, right, he seemed like a standard issue moderate, a Chamber Of Commerce republican, right. He of course had his appeal to folks like Marjorie Taylor greene and his way of being maga and going to genuflect before donald trump but at the same time just the sort of Establishment Wing of the party liked him. You saw obviously a lot of moderates back him as well, and so i think a question is does he sort of stay in that role. Some people are like does he retire, stay, sounds like hes going to have a very big office, Nancy Pelosis old office, and if its jordan, i think some people are maybe worried about what would the republican brand be like if its jim jordan whos a bit of a fire brand, certainly much more on the maga wing than someone like Steve Scalise. I mean, Steve Scalise is a very conservative republican, but jim jordan does seem to be more after maga type candidate. Donald trump hasnt endorsed anybody yet, we dont know if he will. Although there was this reporting from Donald Trumps unofficial white house Chief Of Staff sean hannity, thats what they refer to him as, on his show last night. Take a listen. A source is telling me at this hour, some House Republicans have been in contact with and have started an effort to draft former President Donald Trump to be the next speaker. And i have been told that President Trump might be open to helping the republican party, at least in the short term if necessary. This is your semiregular reminder that you do not actually have to be a member of the House Of Representatives to be speaker of the house. Your thoughts . Well, its not in the text of the constitution. Its arguably implied in the constitution. Look, American Politics has gotten pretty ridiculous, but i dont think its gotten quite this ridiculous. I think the idea that somewhere a look, donald trump was not interested even in weighing in on this race. Is he really going to want to go through actually running the u. S. House . Its a lot of work. What i would say, jake, is very interesting about this, donald trump didnt say anything to come to Kevin Mccarthys defense, compared to the first time where, remember, he made phone calls to individuals on the floor and from some of the conversations that i have had with individuals, some people believe that this is sort of something that the former president liked to have seen, in part because a lot of his people wondered why didnt mccarthy come out and endorse the former president. He was asked several times, and he sort of danced around it. Trump is also a little bit busy, running for president , and several defendants positions. Hes in the courtroom spending his days there and railing against the system. And listen, i think as people came out and said he has fans on both sides, and he clearly does, and listen, i think its also clear that even if he would have made the calls, its not likely he could have saved him at this point. And he wouldnt want to lose. He wouldnt want to be on the losing side. Cnns manu raju asked jim jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee if he would change the motion to vacate, the motion that mccarthy somewhat. Foolishly. Foolishly agreed to, although it maybe was the only way he could get the speakership, which allows one member to go to the floor of the house and make a motion to oust the speaker, heres what jim jordan told manu. You change the motion to vacate. Thats up to the conference. Thats not my call. Thats up to the conference, thats not my call. Thats not actually true. The conference would say get rid of it, but in order to gets votes, scalise, jordan, whatever, are going to have to take a position on it, right . Well, there are some calls to change the motion. A lot of calls but not from matt gaetz. How do you get 218 votes, and its going to be hard because the people who really like the ability arent going to want to give up the ability to get rid of a speaker. It sets a terrible precedent, and i think the next speaker, will have to acquiesce, are we going to see a repeat in nine months of matt gaetz, i dont like this position, therefore im going to file a motion to vacate the chair again. Yes, yes, you are. Im answering your question, yes, you are. See you in nine months. Thanks one and all, appreciate it. A stunning report today. A stunning report from the New York Times digging into the indictment against democratic senator bob menendez, and uncovering a deadly car crash in 2018 that might explain a lot about some of the allegations about the senator and his wife. Stay with us. Cmon, were right there. Cmon baby. Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. An. A new report in the New York Times reveals democratic senator bob menendez, nadine, hit and killed a man in her car in 2018, before her and the senator were married. This car crash is allegedly what started the bribe that was listed in last months federal indictment against senator menendez, hi wife and three others. The indictment claims that two of those codefendants offered to help buy Nadine Menendez a new mercedes in exchange for the senator interfering in the prosecution of one of the codefendants business associates. Nadine menendezs lawyer told the New York Times quote, my understanding was this individual ran in front of her car and she was not at fault. Unquote. Joining us now is cnns jonathan miller. According to the times, mrs. Menendez was not tested for drinking or drugs after the crash. How unusual is it for police to not check for that after a deadly car accident. Well, in the state of new jersey, to get a test like that in a Motor Vehicle accident, even one with a fatality, there has to be not probable cause but at least reasonable suspicion observed by the officer that the person might be in an intoxicated condition or on drugs. That would be slurred speech, unsteady on her feet, smell of alcohol on the breath, and police dont observe any of that at the scene according to their report, and when you look at the video, shes articulating the words clearly. She appears to be steady. So its not something that they could have done absent one of those factors. A retired Police Officer arriving on the scene saying that his wife was friends with ms. Menendez and was asking about any potential charges. Does that raise your antenna at all . I mean, it would raise my antenna just because it should, but if you listen to at least whats recorded on tape, i think whats more significant is what hes not asking. What hes asking is hes a retired officer, hes asking if the Prosecutors Office is going to be involved. In Bergen County, new jersey, if theres a fatal accident, the Prosecutors Office actually runs the team along with the Sheriffs Department that comes to the scene of fatal accidents and investigates. What hes not asking is, hes not taking the officer on the side and saying is there anything we can do, can you help us out, is there a professional courtesy. Hes just asking if the Prosecutors Office is going to be notified and hes told, yes, it is, and he said i understand why. He understands the victim has passed away. Richard coupe was the individual killed in the accident, and his family has lots of questions. Who makes the call on whether an investigation into a fatal car accident like this stays open or is closed . Well, this happens in the township of ba gota, new jersey and their Police Department responds and they immediately control the scene. Ultimately the Bergen County Prosecutors Office, and the sheriffs bureau of criminal investigation take over the processing of the scene and make the determination on criminal charges. In this case, there were no criminal charges brought. There was no summons issued based on the video they recovered, and her statement. She said i was driving along, the individual darted out between cars, and the next thing i know, you know, he was on top of my windshield. That is it. Absent something to disprove that, it would have been difficult for them to bring a criminal charge. They issued a subpoena for her phone, this is important. It means was she texting when she didnt see him. Was he talking on the phone, doing something else. We dont have in any of these reports the result of subpoena. Former President Trump has had a lot to say about the Washington Post, and its owner jeff bezos, were going to go behind the scenes of the fight with the man who was stuck in the middle of it. Stay with us. As democracy unfolds, albeit messily before our eyes, most of americas journalists are trying to cover it as best we can, and with as much objectivity as possible. We are not at war, we are at work. That mantra from marty barrett, 17 Pulitzer Prizes under his belt, including ten at the Washington Post where he was the Executive Editor for nearly a decade. Bmp that, editor of the boston globe, during his investigation in the catholic church, later portrayed in the oscar winning movie spotlight, and now a new memoir, collision of power, trump, bezos and the wthe wash post. Thanks for being here. I want to start with Jamal Khashoggi because this week marks five years since he was brutally murdered at the direction of mohammed bin salmon, according to u. S. Intelligence. You write that the Trump Administration thought the Washington Post was irrationally obsessed with his murder, and you write that trump w would come to acknowledge doing mbs a big favor. I saved his ass, i was able to get congress to leave him alone. Very bizarre thing to brag about. But i have to say, trump is one of the reasons, but ehes not te only reason that mbs has gotten away with murder in front of all of our eyes. Obviously a lot of people want to protect saudi arabia. Its the source of a tremendous amount of oil. The u. S. Has alliances with saudi arabia as well. But, you know, hes been protected by congress. Hes been protected by trump. Hes been protected by Jared Kushner who is managing 2 billion in assets by saudi arabia. What a coincidence. It is a strange coincidence, isnt it, its really something. Its kind of like an incredible payoff thats right out in the open. Lets turn to jeff bezos who owns the Washington Post as we all remember trump incessantly ba bashed bezos and his ownership of the Washington Post. Bezos never weighed in on editorial decisions but you write in the book, donald trump has to be a less pleshable subject to bezos, though he was obviously giving stories about him a close read. Bezos seemed to suggest the post should make an endorsement in the 2016 race. You were considering not endorsing at all. That does seem to be weighing in a little bit, no . Hes the owner. He had a role in the editorial pages. I was not involved in the editorial pages. I was overseeing the news coverage. So news. The late fred hyatt brought up when and if we make an endorsement. Jeff bezos said when and if, he felt the paper should make an endorsement. And the post had run a lot of the critical editorials about donald trump, and that was the natural endorsement to make. And thats what they ultimately did. And trump really declared war on Bezos Talking about how amazon shouldnt get deals when it came to postage, because of the Washington Post coverage of trump. I mean, ive never seen you describe it. Tell us how you describe it. Well, i mean, look, trump was ar arguing that it was getting too much of a deal. There was no evidence there was a deal. Trump argued their postal rates should be doubled, then he said tripled, then he said quadrupled. Might imagine he was makes these numbers out and intervene instead a Cloud Computing contract, a 10 billion contract, looked like amazon was the lead bidder, and trump intervened and it did not go amazon. I want to bring up something i disagree with you on. Felicia, a former post reporter, highly critical of the posts leadership, and youre critical of how often she tweeted and i dont want to get into that and your social media policies because i certainly understand where youre coming from, bur a reported that kobe bryant dibrys disturbing rape case, dna evidence, accusers story and the half confession. You objected to that. She was put on administrative leave while the post investigated. She had violated the companys social media policy. In your book you describe being livid over her tweet. First of all, i cant think of anything more journalistic in the sense that we are the ones that are supposed to bring up the most uncomfortable truths to the public than that tweet. And second of all, i bet there were millions of rape survivors and Sexual Assault survivors that saw her tweet, and thought, thank god somebody out there is speaking for me. Sure. Look. I mean, when we have done obituaries on controversial people, we always bring up their moments of dishonor. We discuss that. We report on that. But we also assign certain people to do those kinds of stories. We dont expect anybody in the newsroom to decide to throw out commentary as they wish whenever they wish, and whatever manner they wish, and so of course we were going to deal with those Rape Allegations and the obituary that we were writing. She decided to put out a tweet less than an hour after it had been confirmed by the associated press, the death of kobe bryant had been confirmed by the associated press. She wasnt involved in the story. We didnt ask her to be involved in the story, and we took great care. We take great care in our coverage of sensitive issues to write those stories in a sensitive way and decide when were going to publish it. We cant have any one of a thousand people on our staff decide taking responsibility themselves to say how we should cover a particular story. We assign particular reporters to do it. They have editors, and theyre the ones who make those judgments. But unless youre going to ban everybody on your staff from tweeting and social media posts completely, i still just dont understand what she did wrong. I mean, look, im from philadelphia. Okay. Kobe bryant went to high school, his dad coached at my high school, girls varsity basketball. I want to believe the myth about kobe bryant, too, but there is this ugly incident in 2003. I dont want to think about it, and i certainly didnt want to think about it after he died, but what felicia did is journalism. Well, i mean, look, we as editors decide whos going to cover a story, how you cover a story. You do that here. It was just a tweet. It wasnt a tweet. It was a tweet at a particular moment and particular way that created an enormous reaction where people focused on us at the Washington Post as opposed to focusing on our coverage of kobe bryant. Of course we were going to cover that. And we did. And we had covered those Rape Allegations aggressively beforehand. Yeah, but why did the post, and why did you respond so strongly to it, do you think . Because we didnt ask her to get involved in that story. We dont feel she should have been involved in that story. The people who should have been were the people we assigned to be involved in the story, and it distracted attention from the coverage that we were undertaking. I guess the only other thing i want to ask about this is a 2018 cdc study shows that 81 of women and 43 of men in the u. S. Reported experiencing some form of Sexual Harassment or assault in their lifetime. You yourself when you were at the boston globe did so much for victims of Sexual Assault and victims of the catholic church. I wonder if maybe you have a blind spot on this . I dont think i have a blind spot on this. Im glad you pointed that out. We did enormous work at the boston globe to highlight sexual abuse by priests yes, 100 . I just brought it up. Okay. Jake, but we took great care with how we did those stories. We didnt have Everybody Tweeting whatever they wanted. We didnt have People Tweeting about celibacy or anything like that. We picked the reporters to work on that. We selected the headlines, we were very careful with the headlines, we were very careful with how the stories were written, and thats what a News Organization is supposed to do. Aside how we are going to cover these sensitive issues. Thats what we wanted to do in the case of kobe bryant. Lets assign the right reporters to work on it. Lets have editors involved in those discussions and in the formation of that coverage, and those are the people who should focus on it, not just anybody on the staff. Look, its okay that i agree with you on 95 of the book and we disagree on a tweet. Marty barren, the book is collision of power, great to have you here. Thank you. Well be right back. From chrome to duckduckgo. Duckduckgo is a browser you download to your mobile and desktop devices. Unlike chrome, the Duckduckgo Browser has privacy builtin. It comes with a private alternative to google search, which doesnâ– t spy on your searches, and it blocks cookies and creepy ads. And theres no catch. Its free. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you around. Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Sad story in our national lead. A universitys Homecoming Celebration Thrown Into Chaos by gunfire. Leaving five people, four students, injured. Thankfully with non life threatening injuries. After shots erupted outside a crowded homecoming last night. Right now, police are searching for a suspect and say the five were unintended targets. The shooting at Morgan State University is one of at least 531 Mass Shootings in this country this year. And 58 shootings on school grounds. In 2020, guns became the number one killer of American Children if you included those up to 19. Guns kill more kids each year in the u. S. Than cars, than cancer, than poison. That is a statistic that is unique to the United States. This just isnt the case in any other comparable country in the world. Since january 1st this year, more than 1,300 kids and teens have been killed by gunfire. 1300 birthdays that will not be celebrated next year. 1300 heartbroken families. This month, cnn is telling some of these childrens stories. How they died is important. Lets also remember how they lead. Stories such as 10yearold frankie who loved science and math. He walked into the room and lit it up. His presence was always felt. He loved to laugh, just have a good time goofing around. He was just different from all the other kids, you know . Happy birthday dear frank happy birthday to you he cared deeply about people and his friends and his family. Just everyone and everything. He was like a old soul trapped in a lit tle kids body, you know. He just had so much life in him. He was like a light. Hi frankies show on tv. He loved to play baseball. He just loved to be a part of a team. He loved the anime. His birthday is in october and he wanted me to get him a costume. Its the demon slayer. Thats the costume that he had. I buried him in it. It was perfect. It was perfect. Just every day waking up without him here is hard. Its just like a hole that i just feel empty. I feel empty inside. Like theres just nothing. He was my baby. He was my baby. Please read the cnn series that profiles americas youngest gun victims at cnn. Com. Our coverage continues with wolf blitzer in the Situation Room right after this

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