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Have the legal right to challenge the law. Moments ago former president obama tweeted out a statement that reads, today the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care act again. This ruling reaffirms what we have long known to be true, the Affordable Care act is here to say. The principle of universal coverage has been established and 31 Million People now have access to care through the law we passed with millions more who can no longer be denied coverage or charge more because of a preexisting condition. Also decided today, a local religious freedom case. Justices ruled in favorite of Catholic Foster Care Agency in philadelphia that refused to consider samesex couples as foster parents. Joining us to talk about this, cnn justice correspondent Jessica Schneider and White House Correspondent jeremy diamond. Jessica, on the obama care decision, what more do we know about how the decision was made . These seven justices essentially ruled on procedural grounds without getting to the heart of the issue, but the effect is the same, that the Affordable Care act will remain in place. Its the third time the Supreme Court has upheld the law since the laws inception. What happened is the three liberal justices joined with four of the conservative justices to say the plaintiffs in this case who were 18 different republicanled states plus two individuals, they just didnt have the real right or legal standing or legal injury to bring this case in the first place. They said the fact that congress had zeroed out the penalty for not buying insurance, making it zero dollars, that effectively meant that the federal government couldnt even enforce its provisions. Therefore, there was no harm to these states or the individuals. The Supreme Court essentially tossing it out on that ground, and the practical effect here is that the Affordable Care act stands. In the dissent, Justice Alito was joined by gorsuch, and he wrote and showed his exasperation that the Supreme Court had yet again found a way to uphold the law. I think he wrote, they initiated yet another improbable rescue of the act. In fact, the seven justices here deciding that because these plaintiffs had no standing, that the Affordable Care act should stand and remain the law and, of course, protect millions of americans who have gained coverage under the law. Jeremy, lets come to you at the white house. We know that President Biden was heavily involved in the original passage of obamacare. What is the white house saying today . 11 years ago when then vice President Biden leaned over to president obama as he was about to sign the Affordable Care act, saying it was a big fing deal. It was a hot mic moment. He says its here to stay. That is certainly the message from the white house, that its here to stay and they plan on continuing to improve upon it to give millions more americans access to Affordable Health care. The president says, quote, todays Supreme Court decision is a major victory for all americans benefiting from this groundbreaking and lifechanging law, and after more than a decade of attacks on the law, todays decision, the third major challenge to the law that the u. S. Supreme court has rejected, its time to move forward and keep building on this landmark law. Its important to look at what this day would have been like here at the white house had the Supreme Court ruled the other way. You would have seen 21 millionplus americans lose let Insurance Coverage and the white house scrambling to patch that up. The white house is grateful, other than from the Practical Impacts on peoples lives, they have a lot on their plate already including this Infrastructure Deal in the works, Voting Rights legislation, Police Reform legislation. Theyre glad to not have this added to their plate. Jessica, tell us about the other big decision, the one from philadelphia. Does this set a precedent for other religious freedom challenges . Whats interesting, alison, this was a june announce decision, and the reason was because it does come under very narrow circumstances. In this particular case, all the justices agreed that philadelphia violated the First Amendment rights of this Catholic Foster Agency when the city of philadelphia canceled its contract with the agency because they said it violated the citys laws against anti discrimination because this Catholic Agency would not recruit samesex couples. That was the narrow decision here. Chief justice writing for six of the justices and said that basically since philadelphia had made exceptions in its policy for other agencies, it should have done so as well for the Catholic Service organization and, also, as the Catholic Foster Agency talked about in its arguments, it said no gay couples had even applied to its agencies and samesex couples had other agencies in the city to go toward. What the court didnt get to is the broader issue that some wanted them to address which is, can religious institutions or businesses not serve or maybe even discriminate against people for their for being a same sex couple because of the religious beliefs of that institution . The court didnt come to that broad decision. Jessica and jeremy, thank you for that reporting. With us is one of the attorneys who filed the brief defending the Affordable Care act in the Supreme Court case, Attorney General for the state of virginia mark herring. Mr. Attorney general, thank you very much for being here. Lets start by, were you surprised by this decision and were you surprised by the way the Supreme Court broke on it, meaning three conservatives sided with the more liberal justices to protect this . Well, todays decision is a huge win for every american. Had this lawsuit been successful, it would have dismantled the entire Affordable Care act including medicaid expansion, protections for preexisting conditions would be taken away. In my home state of virginia alone, 642,000 virginians would have lost their health care, 3. 4 million virginians with preexisting conditions would lose those protections. It would have been devastating all across the country. Todays ruling was very decisive, 72 ruling, in front of a very conservative Supreme Court. I think its also important to remember how we got to where we are right now. This is a third major legal challenge. Ive been involved in two, this one and the one before which was a case out of virginia. Originally this was led by a group of republican attorneys general, led by texas, and they challenged this on what were really flimsy legal theories. It was meritless from the beginning. And then the Trump Administration sided with those republican attorneys general. So i and my democratic Attorney General colleagues said were going to fight for health care, for our residents and for the country. We intervened in texas. The case worked its way up to the Supreme Court, and today we won an astounding victory, 72, very decisive. Unfortunately in the meantime, millions of americans had to deal with the anxiety of having to worry about whether their health care would taken away from them at any moment. People like Breast Cancer survivors, worried about if their protections against preexisting conditions would go away . Would they be able to get coverage at a price they could afford or at all, for themselves and their families, and so many other like them. Today it is the Law Of The Land. It continues to be the Law Of The Land and i will continue to fight for health care. Everyone deserves access to Affordable Quality Health care no matter who you are, no matter what your medical history is, what your Employment Status is or what your financial background is. Mr. Attorney general, the decision wasnt really based on the merits of the law. It was based on the stand ding of those plaintiffs that, 72 the court found they didnt have standing to bring the case. You mentioned this is the third time this has been challenged. Do you expect this decision will make a fourth challenge any less likely . Well, the ruling was that the court did not have jurisdiction to hear those arguments which were meritless, and it didnt need to get to those meritless arguments because it didnt have jurisdiction to hear it. Will there be another challenge by conservative republicans continuing to challenge this . I dont think theres a good legal basis for it. They may try. But one thing is for certain. If they do, i and my democratic colleagues will be right in there fighting for health care, making sure americans have access to Affordable Quality Health care which they deserve. But do you agree with president obama who tweeted out that this means the Affordable Care act is here to stay, or is it not quite that easy . As i said, i dont think theres any legal basis for another challenge. Will there be one . Maybe. Well be in there to protect health care. After three challenges in front of very conservative courts, i think the signal is pretty clear that obama care, the Affordable Care act is here to stay. It is the Law Of The Land. If there are more legal challenges, well be right in there to beat them back. Even with this new court, 63 more conservative, with Amy Coney Barrett, we know that was a significant part of the confirmation for justice barrett. You expect that, if this comes back with the right plaintiffs, that this law will still stand . Absolutely. Look, the legal basis of their lawsuit was flimsy at best. It never should have seen the light of day. Really, it was a lawsuit that was a thinly veiled political attack. Weve seen republicans over and over trying to take Health Care Away from people. Will they try again . Maybe, but we will be in there and we will win and we will protect health care for all americans. I do just want to bring up that graphic again that shows the breakdown. I do think its interesting to see who aligned with whom. As we said well, this is how its broken down in terms of liberal and conservative. I want to show what happened with the decision today. As victor just said, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh and john roberts as soon as i see the graphic, ill be able to tell you and Clarence Thomas sided with the majority opinion. There was Justice Alito and gorsuch who dissented. Basically they said theres nothing this court wont do to protect the Affordable Care act. They were sort of disparaging in saying that i felt the bias was towards the Affordable Care act. I think the court had a strong basis to do exactly what it did, and had it actually reached the merits, we would have won that, too. There was really no merit to this case. It never should have seen the light of day. Even the most conservative justices on this court could see there was no merit here and threw it out, and with instructions for the lower courts to dismiss the case. So its a strong ruling, a strong majority. Thats a great day for americans, to know their health care now is protected. They know, also, if theres another legal challenge, we will be right in there to fight for health care, to protect their health care. Again, Tens Of Millions of player cans would have lost their health coverage. Thats staggering. Over 130 million americans with preexisting conditions would have had their protections taken away. It would have thrown the Health Care Markets into turmoil. Thankfully, even this conservative Supreme Court could see the case was without merit and threw it out. Attorney general mark herring, thank you very much. Thank you. President Biden Returns to the white house to find a new bipartisan Infrastructure Plan. Could this be the one that breaks the gridlock . Plus, dramatic video of a thief who just does not care who is watching, and the bigger question here, whats behind San Franciscos surge of shoplifting. And here. And here. Which is why the scientific expertise that helps Operating Rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. Seek a commitment to clean. Look for the ecolab Science Certified seal. No, hes not in his room. Dad, why didnt you answer your phone . Your mother loved this park. She did. Sometimes you wanna go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came welcome back, america. It su at progressive,e you. We love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. Thats why progressive Car Insurance covers your pets for up to 1,000 if theyre ever in a car accident with you. This mini majorettes gonna march her way right into your heart. Im sorry. Can we stop . I know that were selling Car Insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, its too much. Define too much. Whats wrong with cute animals . So are we doing this or what . Nah, its over. [ sighs ] well, someones got to break the news to mittens. [ Squeaks Softly ] shes a diva. [ Mittens Squeaking ] President Biden is back In Washington. The todo list is long, a litany of stalled agenda items and a Congress Deadlocked over how to get them to his desk. Infrastructure, Voting Rights, Police Reform. Now there is some movement on an Infrastructure Plan to improve the countrys crumbling roads, bridges and energy systems. 21 senators, including 11 republicans, said they support this new infrastructure framework. Cnn Congressional Correspondent manu raju with us now. Still a huge Sticking Point on infrastructure, how to pay for it. What are you hearing . No question about it. Still a lot of details they have to work out, both on the process and the policy. The process, too, is important. What the democrats are saying, particularly those on the left who are concerned that their priorities are not going to get into this 1. 2 trillion eightyear plan is wait for the next bite at the apple, that being trite to move along through Straight Party lines through a Budget Process known as reconciliation. The person in charge of that on the senate side is bernie sanders, the Progressive Independent who caucuses with democrats. He told us hes looking at a 6 trillion price tag to move on Reconciliation Package that would include a lot of joe bidens agenda items. That 6 trillion number has caused concerns among moderate Senate Democrats who say they need to negotiate that price to be much lower. A lot needs to be determined. On the left, a lot of democrats are saying the moderates who negotiated this bipartisan deal need to agree to go Al Long Par Lines on that deal. Joe manchin has not yet committed to going along Straight Party lines. In talking to house democrats, they said manchin needs to commit in their view in order for them to support a bipartisan proposal. And then, manu, just this morning Mitch Mcconnell weighed in. What did he say . Mitch mcconnell made very clear that he is opposed to moving forward on anything on Voting Rights. He also made clear that an infrastructure package, a bipartisan deal would need to be negotiated. Hes been open to that. He said there had to be a discussion Going Forward on that. What Mitch Mcconnell was saying is that he was looking forward to a key vote coming in the senate next week, a bill to overhaul voting and election laws in this country. Democrats are setting up a key vote on tuesday on that. Mitch mcconnell is 100 opposed, and republicans are unlikely to break ranks, meaning it will almost certainly die. Manchin is in the middle of that. When i talked to him earlier today, he said hes making the pitch to his caucus and he hopes they come aboard. Take a listen. Its going to be leader schumers decision to make on that. Ive been talking to stacey as you know, working across the aisle with all the republicans trying to get people to understand, thats the bedrock of our democracy, an accessible, fair and basically secured voting. Thats it. This is not about me. Its about our country. People better start looking at how do we get to where we got to on january 6th and why dont we want to fix it. One of the key things hes proposed to change the sweeping Election Overhaul Bill is to require voting id in states across the country. Thats something a lot of democrats dont agree with. They did have a Caucus Meeting just moments ago. They talked about this issue, trying to find a compromise. The democratic goal is to get all 50 of their members to agree on thing, to make the argument that its republicans blocking the plan Going Forward. As i said, it doesnt have the 60 votes to advance. It ultimately will be taken to the voters to decide. Senator graham said there could be some progress, breakthrough on one of these major legislative proposals. What does he say . On policing. Hes been sitting in on bipartisan talks to over hall policing practices. When i talked to him last night, he said there could be a breakthrough because theyre closer to an agreement about the standards to set in Prosecuting Pla Police Officers. Democrats wanted to lower the standard, making it easier to prosecute Police Officers who commit crimes. Some crimes such as charges of sexual assault. Qualified immunity referring to lawsuits in civil court brought against individual Police Officers, theres agreement that the employers could be sued, like Police Departments and cities, not individual Police Officers. Theres still many details to sort out there, even as there seems to be some more optimism on that major issue could be reached as soon as next week. Manu raju there for us on capitol hill, thanks so much. America is reopening after the pandemic. Criminals, though, are taking advantage. Still ahead, the video that shows this theft, and you can see people here are recording him in a busy drugstore. Its that brazen. Put it on the bike and head out. 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Delicia this is where all our recycling is sorted 1. 2 Million Pounds every day, helping to make San Francisco the greenest big city in america. But thats not all youll find here. There are hundreds of goodpaying jobs, with most new workers hired from bayviewhunters point. We dont just work at recology, we own it, creating opportunity and a better planet. Now, thats making a difference. Wait until you see this brazen crime caught on video in the heart of San Francisco. Shoppers were inside a walgreens and they watched in shock as a masked bicyclist rolled in and began shoplifting, filling a trash bag with merchandise. A store Security Guard was standing there watching. Youll see it. Its part of a disturbing trend in the bay area. Cnns dan simon has the video. Reporter shoplifters usually try to conceal their crimes. Not this one at a walgreens in San Francisco. The Thief Grabbing Items off the shelves and filling a garbage bag, even as a Security Guard observes from feet away. Moments later, the guard attempting to grab the bag, but the thief gets away with a laurj haul. Its hard for me as a journalist to say i wont be involved, i cant get involved, i have to be neutral. Reporter the viral video caught by local abc reporter lee ann melendez. I live in the city, and i see this constantly. Reporter indeed it has happened so constantly that walgreens says it shas shuttered 17 stores in San Francisco over the past five years mainly due to theft. When you see the amount of theft in San Francisco versus some of our average stores in the company, that multiplier factor is really driven by the organized retail crime. A walgreens executive telling supervisors last month that theft here is four times the national average, driven by Organized Crime rings. Cvs says its experiencing a similar surge. This has been out of control, and people are scared to go into these stores, seniors, people with disabilities, children, and its just happening brazenly. And with few consequences. According to police data, less than 3 of theft cases this year have netted an arrest which some believe only invites more criminal behavior. Ultimately we do need more Police Officers. Its important that make sure we have sufficient staff to walk the beats. Theres no easy solution to this. I feel like the theft is outrageous, and its obvious that people are taking advantage of the fact that theres zero consequences. Reporter for Business Owners like adam who has been documenting the citys woes, the chronic theft adds to the disparity felt on the streets, aggravated even more by the pandemic. Visible homelessness surging, open air drug use and dealing common. Last year overdoses, mainly from Fentanyl Resulting in a record 712 deaths, more than doubling those who died of covid. Theres a high amount of crime, Safety Concerns and quality of life has seemed to shrink tremendously. As for whether that Walgreens Shoplifter has been appended, the San Francisco Police Officer says its aware of the incident circulating on social media and its being investigated. Dan simon, cnn, San Francisco. What a situation. Yeah. Fueled by an Organized Crime ring. I want to pull that thread and hear more about that. Me, too. I want to know what he was stealing and why Organized Crime wants it. Tomorrow we have a segment on it. Still ahead, Voting Rights under attack in america. Were about to hear from one of the texas lawmakers who walked out of his statehouse to stop a restrictive bill. What happens next . After pioneering photographic film, we made it our mission to help change the world. In healthcare, our Imaging Expertise and Ai Technology aims to help Diagnose Disease earlier. But why stop there . When we can apply our expertise in cell biology and Specialized Technologies to help make vital vaccines and treatments available to all. 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Texas State Representative tweeted after a meeting with Vice President kamala harris, my takeaway, we need to continue to build a broadbased coalition and really let americans of all stripes understand the precarious nature of our democracy and the importance of our right to vote. State rep Raphael Achia joins us now. Great to have you here. Tell us what the upshot of this meeting was with the Vice President. What do you want Vice President harris to do to help you in texas . Great to be with you. Happy fathers day this weekend to all the dads out there. I just wanted to say how gratified i was to be in the meeting with Vice President harris. She gave us a lot of times. She shared a lot of experiences and ideas on protecting the right to vote, not only in texas, but across the country. We were joined in this trip, also, by a number of representatives from both the house and senate that helped kill the Voter Suppression bill, and we were received by the Senate Democratic caucus In Washington and also the speaker of the house. Weve had a pretty intense itinerary the last couple days. The Vice President said just very clearly, lets build this Broad Coalition and focus the eyes of the nation on Voting Rights. She mentioned that texas was a spark, a spark and a wakeup call because of the precarious nature of our democracy, were not just talking about the insurrection on january 6th. Were talking about this allout assault on Voting Rights across the country in Republicanled Legislature that have been enabling the big law told by expresident trump. Let me interrupt for a second i just dont know if you have time for this. In terms of building the broadbased coalition, it sounds great, except youre up against a Special Session that your governor and the state republicans say theyre going to call in your state to pass the most restrictive voting act, law, in the country. So i know time is of the essence. Time is certainly of the essence, no question about it. As were coming up on august 6th, the anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights act, clearly the governor will throw red meat issues on the call of a Special Session. We still have tools in our tool belt. Like what . What could you do . Including not coming back for that Special Session. Yes, the governor could be empowered to send Law Enforcement out to pull us back in, but were already discussing, not only attacking the bill if we come back and fight it directly in the House Chamber through procedure, through the rules, as we have done throughout, but also looking at continuing to break quorum. Its no secret thats something thats been effective in the past in the state of texas. We have had a series of Voter Suppression bills and findings by federal courts against the state of texas of intentional discrimination. Sb7 was the punctuation of those efforts. Were ready. Its not just the texas legislature. Were making common cause with our colleagues throughout the country who are subject to Voter Suppression bills and really getting the attention of the country. The key thing is that we pass federal legislation that gives us a backstop in texas against these very restrictive measures. I want to get to that federal legislation in a second. Are you saying you would be willing to even leave the state to break quorum . Brave texans have done it in the past to protect Voting Rights and avoid gerrymandering. I would be willing to do it. I think my constituents that i hear from on a regular basis are proud of the patriots that walked off the floor to kill the Voter Suppression bill. I think they would have my back. Now lets get to the federal laws that are possible. As you know, senator joe manchin has been against the more expansive one. Now he has put out a list of the things he is comfortable with. Let me read some of these proposals to you. He wants to make election day a public holiday, expanderly voting to at least 15 consecutive days, ban partisan gerrymandering, require voter id with allowable alternatives to prove your identity in order to vote. Are you comfortable with what hes laying out there . No question. And Senator Manchin is a former chief Elections Official for west virginia. I think hes looking to that experience to form his asks. Texas already has photo id. We were able to overturn the discriminatory strict photo id and do what manchin is saying, create nonphoto ids who dont have that type of id. Very quickly, while i have you, in our waning seconds, Governor Abbott is saying that hes going to attempt to do some fundraising himself to build a border wall in texas. If he can raise the funds and its not Taxpayer Money. Its from donors, i suppose are you comfortable with that . Hes already taken 250 million of Taxpayer Money from the budget which we did not authorize. Were certainly going to be challenging that. If he seeks to add taxpayer dollars, i would just say buyer beware. Weve already seen the fraud committed by steve bannon which hes under investigation and indictment for on the trump border wall. This sounds like another similar ploy. This is a federal jurisdiction. This border wall can only be built by the feds. I think this is an Election Year ploy by the f governor and a waste of 250 million that should be going to the residents of the state of texas. We appreciate having you on. Thanks for having me. Still ahead, the conversation about race in schools as republicans in some states try to limit how the history of racism in this country can be taught in classrooms. Well talk to two students fighting to make sure the truth about americas history, all of it has a place in schools. Are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort . Taking align can help. Align contains a Quality Probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24 7. Try align, the pros in digestive health. Next hour, President Biden will sign into law a bill making june 19th, juneteenth, a National Federal holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the united states. Several states have band or are looking to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools, also the concept examining american institutions through the lens of race and racism. Now some students are pushing back and making the case for what they call a more diversified curriculum. Diversified narrative are wanting to include the black experience. Two leaders of the charlottemecklenburg group, katherine and veronica, thank you for being with me today. Let me start with you, katherine. I mentioned the states across the country trying to limit how race is taught, the history of racism in this country. You want to expand it. Tell me what you want to see that you are not seeing in the classroom. Sure. So the first thing that we thought of really with the more diverse curriculum was just the importance of representation of the whole, the importance of students being able to see protagonists that look like them, that have the same culture and religion of them and seeing it in their textbooks, that might not be represented now. One is a diversified, more diversified diverse novels, novels by and about people of color and also textbook reform in the future. So looking at the full history of america, not simply through one lens. Veronica, i understand that actually both of you finished your sophomore year. Youre rising juniors. Are there books, a part of the curriculum, that offer a black, contemporary perspective . Yes. Both katherine and i were able to have teachers that taught english classes with racial sensitivity in my mind and promoting inclusivity, and so we got to experience reading text and passages that did include, not only black voices, one of the recommended books is so you want to talk about race, and part of it deals with how to discuss many different topics but includes White Privilege and explains to people who may not know about it or believe that its real. Why should that be part of the curriculum in schools . Why should students of all colors hear about White Privilege . I think the sooner we accept and acknowledge that White Privilege plays an active role in our society the sooner we can get to the end of that privilege and create a society in which everybody can benefit equally. If we dont get on with that, no change can be made. You say people of color and white students, and thats an important part also. There are specifically more rural areas, and there are districts that are not as diverse and its important for white students to see the accomplishments of people of color, to see and know that anybody can succeed if we were to give everybody an equal opportunity to do so. You know that theres a bill moving through the Carolina Legislature that looks a lot like bills passing through the constrae where theres a clause that says the concept could be oppressive certainly by the issue of race consciously or Unconsciously Cannot be promoted in classrooms. Staying with you, katherine, do you believe this book would be allowed if this bill passes, to discuss the White Privilege in a class . If the bill passes i dont know that it would be allowed to, but i think the bill misses the point of Critical Race Theory as a whole. Thats the problem with many people who oppose it, they dont show a real understanding of Critical Race Theory. I think looking through the acts and history of america, especially those that, you know, show that there is a racist past of america, and how the acts in history influenced Society Today and influences all american institutions. I dont think that is portraying a specific group as racist but more so is looking at how we can, again, try to deconstruct the racism in these institutions. Veronica i had a conversation with a lawmaker in texas in which he is pushing the antiCritical Race Theory and how race can be taught in the Classroom Bill in texas, and if students are having the conversations in the classroom or not. Are you having these conversations aside from the Curriculum Schools there in charlotte . Absolutely. Whether its about a text that implicitly talks about racism or systematic racism, we definitely do talk about different cultures and how each different races are perceived, and literature and talking about those things with a bill like that passed, it would be ultimately censoring the conversations that encourage students to be more engaged in classes, and it would limit it would limit how we talk about the subjects that were seeing in our literature and english classes. Veronica, katherine, thank you both for being with me. Thank you so much. Thank you. Still ahead, cnn has just acquired new video of the violent attack at the u. S. Capitol on january 6th. Rightwing media hosts do not want you to see this. Some hosts on fox are so embarrassed of this they are concocting theories about this. This is not a Law Enforcement operation. This was a military defense. Were coming for you, nancy once they started banging on the door, thats all i heard. Now, new details from those who were there. President trump said come to d. C. , its going to be wild. This may sound extremely strange to a lot of your viewers, but i feel he was a a apoint inned by god. Trump . Yes. Cnn special report, assault on democracy. The root of trumps insurrection. Sunday at 9 00. Some say this is my greatest challenge ever. But ive seen centuries of this. With a companion that powers a digital world, traded with a touch. The gold standard, so to speak ; at carvana, we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. To us, the Little Things are the big things. Which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. Happy birthday. Thank you. We treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. Because thats what they deserve. Stand up if you are First Generation College student. Crowd Cheering stand up if youre a mother. 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