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Degrang in geneva before heading into the first round of talks. They lasted about two hours, the two president s as well as Secretary Of State Antony Blinken, Russian Foreign minister sergey lavrov. Larger groups under way trying to hash out a possible agreement. Good morning to you. Im jim sciutto Live In Geneva. Great to have you there, jim. Im poppy harlow live in new york. The sitdown comes as President Biden looks to send a clear meggs to his russian counterpart in a relationship he says has reached a low point. So what can the two leaders accomplish over the course of today . Theres a lot on this agenda from nuclear arms to Climate Change to recent cyberattacks and a potential Prisoner Swap for rusamericans detained in russian. There will not be a joint news conference. Our team is covering every angle. We begin coverage with cnn chief National Affairs correspondent jeff zeleny just outside the building where the meeting is taking place. Tell us whats happening right now. We were told at the start of the day four to five hours with the total of talks, but with the possibility that it might go longer or perhaps be shorter. How are things going based on reading the clock at this point . That first meeting between President Biden and russian president Vladimir Putin and their two top diplomats went 93 minutes. Thats according to the time announced by white house officials. Now theyre moving into phase two. It was scheduled on the clock, on the itinerary to go about an hour and 20 minutes. Right about shaping up as people thought it would. Again, it is on track, this longer summit in total, to go about five hours. But so many issues on the agenda to discuss. Of course, it is up to the two president s and their officials who are in there with the room to decide how long they want to talk about all of these matters. Of course, it began with a handshake, and we saw a chaotic moment inside the room there, but then we do not know what the conversation how it unfolded after that. That will be up to the white house and the kremlin to really shape their own narrative about this. Were already getting a sense of that. A u. S. Reporter asked President Biden in the Photo Opportunity there if he trusts Vladimir Putin. It appeared that President Biden nodded in the affirmative. A few minutes after that White House Press secretary genjen ps was not nodding in the affirmative, but acknowledging the scrum in the room, a sign from the white house that President Biden does not necessarily trust president putin. All of this is happening as President Biden had this to say about why hes meeting face to face with Vladimir Putin. As i said outside, i think its always better to meet face to face. Thats a brief response to some of the criticism from a few different areas about why have a facetoface meeting at all, is putin being elevated by this . President biden made clear he wanted to engage directly with president putin. Now there are five officials in the meeting for the second part of the summit. Lets take a look at the names of people in the room right now. Of course, Secretary Of State anthony blinken, a longtime Foreign Policy adviser. Jake sullivan, the National Security adviser who has been at President Bidens side. Victoria nuland, eric green, expert on russia and, of course, ambassador john sullivan, the ambassador to moscow sent back to the u. S. In april, a sign of tensions. Jim, that could be one area of agreement here, if both sides agree to send their envoys back to their respective foreign capitals. Jim. Jeff zeleny just across the lake from the location of that on going summit meeting. Lets bring in cnn White House Reporter tash yeah bertrand as well as chief International Correspondent for cnn, clarissa. Each side has its own definition of success and failure. As you go for biden and for putin, what cots tuts a win . I think for the Biden Administration its a heavier lift. President putin simply by standing up next to President Biden, the most powerful man in the world, thats already a win for him from a Public Relations point of view. I think he will feel actually he needs relatively little to get out of this summit. Dont forget, he was not the one who requested it. For the Biden Administration with the close analysis and some criticism that they have faced, they want to show something to come out of this. No one is expecting it to be a tangible deliverable in terms of, oh, well solve the cyber thing or Alexey Navalny will be released or aggression in ukraine will come to an end, but there still needs to be something to explain why this was necessary at this moment in time. Both leaders have used this word predictability, trying to inject an element of predictability into the relationship, and so, if that can be achieved on some level, and it could be just opening a series of dialogues or reinstating those ambassadors or starting the process for a prisoner release, then i think certainly both sides will probably call it something of a success. In describing the goal as being predictability, has already changed from previous administrations of both parties, frankly, going back to bush, in each case where they talked about reinvigorating the relationship, resetting it, whatever the verb is. No talk of that. Closer to the cold war. The cold war, when you had these summits, it was almost microscopic agenda, very small areas where both countries could agree to have a dialogue. Usually about nuclear weapons. Arms control may be on the table today, but much more modest expectations. Nobody is talking about a reset here. President putin has no interest in a reset. Hes quite Lap Pi Playing The Arch Villain and keeping the west as an adversary. You wont see him bowing and skreeping in any way. Nor will you see President Biden bowing and scraping. Hes always going to be a very firm tone, making it clear america does stand for these values and president putins feet will be held to the fire when russia does not. You saw that in their body language. You cover the white house, natasha. How has the Biden Administration set up where it hopes to go here . And i assume youve been pressing them today. How are they beginning to spin expectations for what the end result is here . Several white house officials are in the same position we are, waiting to see what happens. They dont really know what to expect from Vladimir Putin because, of course, he is know tor yously unpredictable. Thats part of the reason why theyve been lowering expectations. This could go really well or could go really badly. We just dont know at this point. I was talking to a former senior official in the nsc who dealt with russia yesterday, and she said in this situation youre damned if you do and damned if you dont. Thats in response to critics who say maybe this isnt the right time for a summit. Several International Observers will say, look, diplomacy is a good response to the tensions that were seeing at this point, and at the same time, biden can differentiate himself from former President Donald Trump in the sense that he can actually approach president putin and not be obsequious and deferential and say to him or convey to him what u. S. Values are and what they expect of the russians. I think this is pretty much a situation where the u. S. The bar for the u. S. Performance is fairly low especially after helsinki in 2018. Biden will be expected to have some announcement to make or some kind of during his press briefing, some kind of deliverable to announce, but at the same time people arent really expecting all that much because everyone knows that Vladimir Putin has not really changed who he is. Understood. Well, we will be looking at that messaging as well. That will be a sharp contrast from what we heard from President Trump in helsinki. Natasha, clarissa, thanks very much. What, if any, effect will this have on russias disinformation campaign, the attacks on the u. S. Political process. Cnn Political Correspondent dana bash joins me now. This is an Ongoing Campaign by russia which sadly has allies in the u. S. A lot of the rhetoric, a lot of the attacks you hear from russia, echoed by some in the u. S. And the other way around, a lot of critiques of biden youll hear echoed by russians. What can biden do to counteract this in a summit like this, given that putin has clearly decided its in his interest . Its hard to imagine hes actually going to stop Vladimir Putin from trying to meddle in u. S. Elections. As youve written in your book, Vladimir Putin did it in elections throughout europe, particularly eastern europe, those countries who were trying to have viable democracies. I think what you heard from clarissa and natasha, its so important to underscore that one word which is predictability. I think at this point it is predictable here in the United States that russia will try to meddle. Thats not nothing. It means that u. S. Intelligence services can be on the lookout, as they were in 2020. Perhaps a lot more aggressively than they were in 2016. But the other thing that is so noteworthy that weve already seen, jim, and i also just want to underscore this, is what jeff zeleny came back on to report to you about 10, 15 minutes ago which is that jen psaki, the White House Press secretary, want to make clear that President Biden was not nodding in ascent saying, yes, i trust Vladimir Putin. They didnt want to let, never mind a news cycle go by, but a Matter Of Minutes go by without making that record clear immediately because that has so many ramifications in terms of perception and in terms of this summit which is happening as we speak, ongoing. When former President Trump met with putin, particularly in helsinki, but not confined to there, he would often accommodate, apologize for russian activity, even famously take the word of putin over that of u. S. Intelligence agencies. That got both republican and democratic criticism at the time. To hear a democratic President Biden call out this kind of behavior i dont mean to hunt for bipartisanship in washington where its very difficult to find, do you expect a meeting of the minds here where folks on both sides of the aisle to say, yeah, that was necessary to hear that message . Maybe this is going to say naive, but i do. There are still republicans, even and especially those who are leading or at least high ranking in some of the Foreign Affairs committees, armed services, Foreign Affairs, foreign relations, who are more old school when it comes to wanting and understanding the importance of making sure that the Russia Relationship is stable, and making sure the u. S. Is on equal footing and not kowtowing to russia, which is what was so stunning about that helsinki moment. Will there be partisan griping . Of course there will be, particularly from those who actually kind of play into russias hand on the first thing you asked me about, which is election meddling, by sharing misinformation and propagating that. But i do expect that, while there will be criticism, that there will also a more of a genuine desire to get some form of an accomplishment for the greater good, Geopolitical Good and also when it comes to american National Security. Perhaps to show his diplomatic chops, right . This is first, most consequential diplomatic trip since becoming president. Dana bash in washington, thank you so much. What kind of approach is President Biden taking with putin . To be a Fly On The Wall in the room. Former defense secretary chuck hagel weighs in. Thats coming next. Plus, what is it like to be face to face with putin, a man that biden has publicly accused of being a killer . Well talk about that ahead as well. Please stay with us. ListerineĀ® cleans virtually 100 . 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Serious allergic reactions may occur. Learn more at cosentyx. Com. Not everybody wants the same thing. Thats why i go with Liberty Mutual they customize my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. cause i do things a bit differently. Wet teddy bears wet teddy bears here only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. After about two hours of the first round of their summit talks, President Biden and Vladimir Putin are right now taking part in a second round. Its a larger, expanded meeting with a number of their top diplomats involved. They have multiple crucial issues on the agenda, lots of them very difficult ones, including russian cyberattacks on the u. S. , Russia Meddling in u. S. Elections, russias continued occupation of ukraine as well as the mutual interest in restarting the iran nuclear deal. Joining me now, secretary chuck hagel. You were prescient. She said in 2016 before President Trump won the election, you said whoever won should sit down with putin, you said, because otherwise we could find ourselves very quickly in another cold war buildup. It appears, sadly, you predicted right. Given all these areas of disagreement and escalation in those areas, describe how dangerous the u. S. russian relationship is at this point in your view . Well, thanks jim for having me on. I think the world is as dangerous, as volatile, as uncertain as weve seen since probably the early days of the cold war, and i think it represents an even more dangerous world because of technology, because of cyber, because of all the things that you know and the world knows thats going on. President biden has always been a Foreign Policy leader who has believed in engagement. And i think this is about as much as anything else. Dana said it earlier, stabilizing a relationship. This engagement is very important. Youve got to find some rationale, some roadmap, some highway here to stabilizes the relationship. This isnt going to produce all kinds of new initiatives, but if you can stabilize the relationship, build a foundation and a basis of further communication, which were going to have to have to deal with these big issues, both where we have common interests and common challenges where we dont agree, thats fundamentally first. Both sides have described the state of u. S. Russia Relations at a low point and the seriousness, the urgency of the Biden Administration demonstrated by it reaching out for this summit a number of weeks ago when, for instance, there was real concern that russia was going to carry out an allout invasion of ukraine. Notably the Biden Administration says it is not looking here to reboot, reset, reinvigorate the relationship, but just make it more stable, more normal. Describe to us what that would look like. Well, i dont know exactly, jim. But what i do know, that unless there is a new sense of stability brought into the relationship meaning the two leaders of the two nations being able to communicate and deal with these issues honestly, directly and clearly, then the future is pretty bleak. I think there are a number of common interests that we can Work Together on. Obviously weve got a Pandemic Health issue, weve got an environmental issue, trade issues, supply chain issues. Certainly thats outside, in a way, of our nuclear differences and other differences we have. Cyberattacks that we know are clearly coming from the russians. So you dont start with the hard things. You dont start with the complicated problems first. You start with the things you can agree on and then you work out and address the other issues, the big issues, the important issues, and i think thats the approach. Where this goes, i dont know. My guess is putin is very smart, very savvy, very clear, and he can sense this as well. Biden is probably as experienced in Foreign Policy and government, in relationships as any president weve even had. These two men understand it. I think the people around them understand theres an awful lot at risk here. You look for posturing, you look for statements at events like this. But also in advance. It was notable to me in the days leading up to this that President Biden for the moment at least, took ukraines membership in nato off the table. He said in his words, school is out on that question. That remains to be seen. We know russia would not welcome ukraines admission into nato. They would view that very much as in their territory. Was that in your view an important concession from biden, or did he go too far given all that russia has done in ukraine . Well, i think it was realistic. The fact is the sad fact, jim ukraine has had nothing but a series of corrupt governments since the implosion of the soviet union. Crimea, that happened when i was secretary of defense. The russians were in crimea. They had a 25year lease, Military Lease for bases there. They had troops there. 90 of crimea is nationalist russian. The Eastern Ukraine is much the same. Thats not to excuse what putin has done here. That was a pretty easy step for putin to make. I think before nato entry for ukraine is that some criteria have to be met. Thats the way it is for any new member of nato. They have to meet certain criteria, and cleaning up the government is a big one. There are some other ones as well. I think the way biden has handled this is exactly right. Were not walking away. The pentagon announced last friday theres 150 million new package of equipment coming to ukraine. Were not going to walk away from ukraine. Good point there. Notably, biden is the third u. S. President who will be in office with russia occupying parts of ukraine and annexing part of it. Multiple administrations have not yet figured out how to solve that problem. Former defense secretary chuck hagel, thanks to you. Thanks, jim. Were live in gengeneva. Thats villa la grange where biden and putin and their a advisers are meeting as we speak. Please stay with us. Our live coverage continues next. This is the sound of change. The sound of a thousand sighs of relief. And the sound of a company watching out for you. This is the sound of low cash mode from pnc bank, giving you multiple options and at least 24 hours to help you avoid an overdraft fee. Because we believe how you handle overdrafts should be in your control, not just your banks. Low cash mode on virtual wallet from pnc bank. One way were making a difference. Incomparable design makes it beautiful. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2021 nx 300 for 359 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Voiceover riders. Wanderers on the road of life. The journey is why they ride. 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Well get back there in just a moment. Theres a lot going on in the United States. In less than an hour Vice President harris is set to meteorologist with texas senators and representatives who blocked the states controversial voting bill. A group of democratic lawmakers walked off the floor last month. This meeting comes just weeks after President Biden tapped harris to lead efforts to pre preserve Voting Rights in this country. John harwood joining us from the white house. The big outstanding question here, what can harris do long term because republicans in the statehouse in texas have been very clear that they think they can clearly get this done in the special session. Reporter thats right, poppy. Its not clear what harris and democrats can do in texas. Its not clear what they can do, democrats and harris can do in washington. This is another one of those very difficult assignments along with stopping the root causes of Border Migration that Vice President harris has been given. But what happens in texas was a bit of hope for democrats. They saw those legislators walk off the floor, temporarily delay that bill. This is a bill, like bills in many red states around the country, trying to restrict early voting, curbside voting, place curbs on the efforts made during the pandemic to make voting easier. Democrats have a response to that. One is the We The People act with various ways of having federal safeguards on voting as well as the john lewis Voting Rights act to restore some of the protections that lapsed as a result of a Supreme Court decision a few years ago from the old Voting Rights act. Its a very difficult assignment for harris. Not a problem in the house, but, of course, a problem with the senate where you only have 50 democratic votes and you have a republican filibuster. Harris is trying to rally the troops today. John harwood at the white house, thank you very much for that. Meantime republican lawmakers in pennsylvania are pushing new voting restrictions, advancing a major Election Overhaul Bill in the statehouse yesterday democratic Governor Tom Wolf called the bill extreme and said it creates barriers for people to vote. Our National Correspondent Dianne Gallagher who has been following the right to vote all across the country knows a lot about whats going on in pennsylvania. What do we know about this direct appeal from the governor and what it may or may not be able to prevent there . Reporter poppy, look, this is the first of what will likely be many steps for this legislation. It cleared the House Committee yesterday, but it is quite apparent that republicans in pennsylvania would like to fast track this. It was only introduced last week. This, like other bills weve seen across the country, completely would overhaul the Election System in the state of pennsylvania and add a whole slew of new restrictions, like to Signature Verification and voter id. It also would reduce deadlines for things like registration and mailin voting. But, like other Election Overhaul Bills weve seen, with those restrictions also comes some expansions. That tends to be what the sponsors like to harp on when theyre promoting their bill. In pennsylvania were talking about the addition of early inperson voting there, but not until 2025. So, of course, after the 2022 senate and governor race. It also would address some of the issues from 2020 in pennsylvania by allowing those Election Workers to process and start Counting Ballots before election day. But, look, the governor said this is too extreme. It makes it harder for people to vote. He has said that he will veto anything that includes new voter id measures. The sponsor of the bill just a few moments ago sent a letter to the governor. Weve obtained a copy of it. I want to read you a simple line from it. He said i am requesting a meeting with you so we can finalize legislation that can become law. To put it plainly, governor wolf, how do you know what were willing to change or compromise on this bill if you will not come to the table. Poppy, i should add that there are many republicans in pennsylvania who feel this bill is not extreme enough. Its not exactly smooth sailing within the republicancontrolled legislature. Dianne gallagher, thank you for explaining all of it to us. On capitol hill, bipartisan talks on prosecuting officers. Lauren fox joins us. Tim scott, cory booker, karen bass have been optimistic in the last few weeks. Has that changed . Reporter poppy, they have set really a june deadline for themselves, hoping they can wrap these negotiations which have gone on for months now in the next couple of weeks. They are stuck on a key question of whether or not to change the standards in which you can charge a Police Officer with a crime. What theyre arguing about here is known as section 242. Its important because a lot of republicans argue they thought democrats and republicans in these negotiations had decided to set this issue aside in hopes that they might be able to work through other issues like qualified immunity which basically means that you cannot currently charge a Police Officer in civil court. There had been kind of an agreement that was introduced by senator tim scott that what you might be able to do is charge the Police Department for that civil crime. Obviously, that would be something that might be a middle ground. But this issue of whether or not youre going to change the standard of when a Police Officer can be charged with a federal crime, i think that is something that lawmakers are really trying to find a way through right now. Democrats are arguing that this is something they want to keep talking about. Meanwhile, republicans are arguing this is off the table for them. Tim scott told us yesterday, its time to move on. Poppy. Lauren fox following the negotiations with tim scott and the others very closely. Lauren, thank you very much. Much more to come here in geneva where jim is. He is monitoring the developments coming out of this critical summit between russian president Vladimir Putin and u. S. President joe biden. Cnns special live coverage continues next. Plaque psoriasis, the tightness, stinging. The pain. With tremfyaĀ®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. Serious allergic reactions may occur. TremfyaĀ® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. TremfyaĀ®. Emerge tremfyantā„¢. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Pain . Yeah. Here. Aspercreme with maxstrength lidocaine. Works fast and lasts. Keep it. Youre gonna need it. Kick pain in the aspercreme President Joe Biden, russian president Vladimir Putin continue to meet at the historic villa la grange in geneva. Earlier the two shook hands, exchanged words as the press watched with stoney faces. Biden noting that it is, quote, always better to meet face to face. Putin hopes the talks will be, in his words, productive. Cnns Fareed Zakaria joins us. Good to have you on this morning. The operative words in this summit are stability, predictability. Thats what you hear consistently from the u. S. Side. Theres no discussion of a reset, a rejuvenation of this relationship, more realistic. I wonder if that speaks to the urgency with which both sides see the Current Crisis in that relationship. Is that the right way to read this . I think very much so, jim. If you listen to the russian side, they always pointed out that they were trying very hard to get to some stability and predictability, because from their point of view, i suppose, they look at the United States enacting more and more sanctions on russia, talking about put tin the president called him a killer. Theyre also looking for Something Better out of this. But its going to be very hard because this is a central issue that you talked about in your book, the shadow wars. So much of what is going on with russias behavior is happening in the shadows, by which i mean in cyberspace. That really has become the central theme of russian interference right now. Ukraine is in the past in the sense that crimea is annexed, even though they continue to do activities in Eastern Ukraine. Syria has also died down. The central issue now is this shadow war, as you described it, in cyberspace in which i dont know that youre going to be able to make that much progress. Its notable, fareed, you mentioned that. I noted among those in the room with president putin as he meets joe biden is valerie jury ras move, the architect of this doctrine of total war, shadow war just under the threshold of a shooting war. You, fareed by the way, were showing as i speak to you, an image from inside this expanded bilateral meeting. You can see there President Biden on the left, president putin, as well as a number of advisers as well as Antony Blinken and sergey lavrov, this round two of the ongoing summit. Fareed, you have the unusual honor, privilege, of having met putin, sat across from him. You describe him as very penetrating, intelligent. Describe to the best degree you can the man that biden is sitting across from right now. So putin comes across as very intelligent, very well briefed, somebody deeply steeped in russian history, particularly recent russian history. Hes able to very quickly go through recite you the sequence of events that took place from the collapse of the soviet union to the present day in which he never fails to omit even a single western mistake, slight. Hes got an accumulated hes got a bunch of chips on his shoulder. Hes very i wouldnt say cold, but he can certainly make jokes and say things that are lighthearted. But penetrating is the word i often come back to. Very cold eyes looking at you, very focused, very disciplined. Ill give you one example that i think is far back enough that i think its fine and i can characterize generally. I was in a green room with him once for about an hour with the italian Prime Minister and the president of kazakhstan. In many of these situations that ive been in, the politicians will make small talk. Theyre good at that. Theyre people people. Putin was all business. He was trying to navigate and negotiate something with the italian Prime Minister, and he just got right to it. The former kgb agent, of course, showing that experience, perhaps. Before we go, for a domestic u. S. Audience, tell us the significance of bidens approach to russia and putin versus trumps far more deferential approach, frankly, to putin and to russia. Fiona hills comments during the Helsinki Summit that she contemplated faking a medical episode because that Press Conference was such a disaster, just remarkable to hear from the woman who was Senior Adviser to trump on russia. How important is that difference between bidens approach and trumps approach . This is a very important issue. Im so glad you asked it, jim. Fundamentally what biden understands is that the world is stable because the United States and its allies have put in place a series of institutions, rules, norms, procedures that kind of regulate, regularize, stabilize. Thats why weve had enormous changes over the years and havent had a major war. For the United States to continue to play that historic role as stabilizerinchief, it needs to be clear, predictable. It needs to be deterring bad stuff, encouraging good behavior. Trump was doing almost the opposite. He was the disrupterinchief. What biden is returns the United States to is that Core Position of stabilizing the world which has helped us all get peace and prosperity over the last 70 years. Well be watching closely if hes able to accomplish that. Fareed zakaria, thanks so much, as always. There is much more to come here in geneva. Special live coverage continues as putin and biden continue to meet face to face right there at the villa la grange here in geneva. Please stay with us. It drives you. And it guides you. To shine your brightest. As you charge ahead. Illuminating the way forward. A light maker. Recognizing that the impact you make, comes from the energy you create. Introducing the allelectric lyriq. Lighting the way. Sometimes you wanna go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came welcome back, america. So through ancestry,o see you. I discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a Nursing Cadet for world war ii. She was only 17. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com uno, dos, tres, cuatro [sfx] typing [music starts] to life like never before. [sfx] happy screaming [music ends] welcome back. Happening right now President Biden taking part in arguably the most significant talks yet of his long political career as he comes face to face with russian president Vladimir Putin. Cnn is continuing our live coverage in geneva with all the breaking details on the key summit. Here were following other stories as well. Developing this morning, the Israeli Military launching air strikes in gaza, the first since a ceasefire went into effect nearly a month ago. The military says those strikes were in response to heliumfilled balloons attached to incendiary devices they say being launched from gaza. It sparked multiple fires from israel. Has das, obviously this is the first escalation weve seen since the ceasefire. This comes right after the new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett takes over. Reporter definitely, poppy. It feels like the situation has simmered. Not quite like the boiling over we saw during that 11day conflict. We could be approaching that point. This incendiary balloons, it sounds simple. Theyre essentially balloons you see at a birthday party, attached to explosive devices. The militants often launch them from gaza, using the wind from the Mediterranean Sea to launch them into israel. Authorities say they caused at least 20 fires. The Israeli Military responding with air strikes overnight. They say they targeted hamas Military Complexes and meeting places. Palestinian media saying there was no casualties, just structural damage. This is a harsher response to these balloons that have been going on for years, military has been launching them from gaza to israel. Its a much harsher response than we have seen in the past. This is something my sources and israeli officials said, that after last months operations, they were no longer going to tolerate these types of actions any longer. Hadas gold on the ground in jerusalem, thank you. Thanks to all of you for joining us today. Im poppy harlow. Im jim sciutto in geneva. Our live coverage continues. Here, if you already pay for Car Insurance, you can take your home along for the ride. Allstate. Better protection costs a whole lot less. Click or call to bundle today. man ive made progress with my Mental Health. So when i started having unintentional Body Movements called tardive dyskinesia. I ignored them. But when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work. I finally had to say, its not ok. it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. 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Low cash mode on virtual wallet from pnc bank. One way were making a difference. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre watching our special live cnn coverage from geneva, switzerland, the site of a truly high stakes summit between american President Joe Biden and russian president Vladimir Putin. Im kate bolduan in new york. Thank you so much for joining us for this very important moment. Its wonderful to have wolf in geneva as it all unfolds. New images just in to cnn, a view inside the room where it is all happening. The american and russian president ing staring each other down across the negotiating table. You never want to reach too much into one photo, but when it comes to putin and biden sitting across from each other, you do. Biden and putin are face to face for the first time as heads of state, shaking hands when they arrived and immediately down to business. The president s meet today at a time of very high tension and a

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