Job spending at home. The whole trip has drawn high marks from many experts. But biden returns home to republicans so intent on topping him no matter what that theyre now talking up the idea of biden only getting half a term, which is not a governing concept. Republican senator says he wants to functionally kneecap bidens fullterm by taking back the other branches. Mitch mcconnell has come under a lot of criticism for saying at one point he wanted to make sure barack obama was a oneterm president. I want to make joe biden a onehalf term president. And i want to make sure they have a senate white house. Appears a little confused. There is no such thing as a halfway president. Any Student Of The Constitution Or Mob Deep Knows that. And some in d. C. , they want to compromise with these shook republicans over the funds, like trimming the biden jobs bill to get gop support while more and more democrats ramming through Jobs Spending in the trillions. Now, President Biden has done most of the traditional things that are demanded in washington to show that you mean it, that you are trying to be bipartisan. Meeting with the other side. Negotiating with the republicans chosen negotiators. Biden didnt choose who they were. Making his case to a public that increasingly backs biden Style Spending if you look at the polls of republican voters. Now were getting right near where the rubber hits the road. Stop your first term than meet you anywhere near the middle. Joining me now is david corn, Washington Bureau chief for mother jones and were thrilled to announce here on the beat, he has a new newsletter coming out. And mark thompson. Good to have you both here. I would be remiss if i didnt mention here in person. Happy 2021. It is great to be here. You havent missed a beat. It is great to have you both here. Mark, i come to you. Theyre drawing the line in the sand and talking about the midterms, Nullifying Biden may do by trying to fin back the house and the senate. That is why the hold up for manchin to get rid of the filibuster, to bring about the type of Voter Protections that go further, compromise people can build on that but it is not enough. We need to deal with preclearance, we need to deal with no excuse absentee voting. If manchin is a democrat. If cinema is a democrat, they must defend everything john lewis fought for in his life so that the democrats can keep the house and the senate. Otherwise barrasso will get exactly what we wants. Votes rights have been attacked. If you reason to Mitch Mcconnell today, they dont see a problem. So it is not a matter of them compromising and trying to find a way to make this work and to make sure it doesnt give the democrats a part son advantage, its not what theyre talking about. They dont agree with the premise that democracy is threatened here. How can you put a reasonable deal with people on that side of the weissle . I think, okay, you go through the motions. You give them a chance. But at that point, you got to then say, okay, our decision here is not to compromise or not. It is to deal with these problems. When i worked in the senate, it is about can you get someone towards the things they wanted or their home state. Here there is thats not really whats going on. There is the idea of after this pandemic recession, after everything were going through, after the notion of having infrastructure, which is something they all pretended or claimed to support. It is all up in the air. Then you have Senator Manchin who is the one. He is the one that everybody wants at the cocktail party, david. Let me play for you and then get you in something that did leak. This is not the typical interview. Manchin has taken a hard line against all of this stuff. Now this leaked audio where he sounds warmer to go at the mcconnell obstruction filibuster. The infrastructure has become stronger because you only need five more republican senators. But i dont see, you know, him yet in a position where hes caught on to the fact that what republicans are doing is theyre taking everything. Talk about the way we used to deal with spending bills. Theyre making everything part of a political culture war. Infrastructure, vaccinations, Voting Rights. It is all about us versus them. And we cant give an inch on any of this for most of the republican party. 70 of the party believes joe biden is not the president. Until he comes to terms with that big dynamic, this isnt it fathers senate where you can sit down and talk about what great guys these republicans are. It is a different thing. Until he comes to that realization, he will get played for a fool. You raised a good question, david. Thats what you do. Thats how you roll. You raised a question of what is less, being an ill le legitimate nonpresident. Our panels stays here. I want to turn to the other big story i mentioned. President biden signing into law this bill that establishes juneteenth as a federal holiday. The first holiday since Martin Luther king day, which is four decades ago. This is a day of profound power. Freedom day, liberation day, emancipation day. And today a national holiday. [ applause ] we are gathered here in a house built by enslaved people. We have come far and we have far to go. But today is a day of celebration. It may be long overdue, and it may be partly symbolic, but its meaningful to many people there. You can see for yourself. When the last remaining slaves were free on june 19th, 1865. Now, this managed to pass the United States senate unanimously. And a majority of House Republicans voted for the bill. This is about our history. It is about facts. It is about facing america. It comes, though, at a time where i think it would be incomplete to report this without noting that republicans who did vote for the holiday, ill tell you that happened, are also actively pushing so many issues that undercut the very spirit in the civil rights at issue, including opposing the teachings of facts about slavery, dealing with Racial Injustice in schools. To say nothing of the ongoing crackdown with Voting Rights that specifically has been found to target minority voters. Our panel is still with us on this other big story, mark. Walk us through what this means. I like to be precise. If people say nothing ever gets done bipartisan, it is interesting that this, however symbolic, did. And, yet, what good is it if it comes with a crackdown on the right to vote. Youre absolutely right. And of course everyone welcomes a holiday. And welcomes the recognition of the history. But if you vote unanimously for yunteenth and then try to stop Voting Rights, ill be on the bus all this week with black voters matter as we go from city to city for voter suppression. If you suppress the vote and if you want to do a holiday and not bring hr40, the Reparations Bill to the floor when it has almost 200 cosponsors for the first time in history, if you vote for a holiday and dont stop suppressing the vote, dont bring hr40 to the floor, then you are speaking with a forked tongue. I want to be clear. I know people are happy about the holiday. Thats an accomplishment. We fought to get dr. King a holiday and that was a bitter and ugly fight. Ronald reagan opposed it. But this holiday in 2021, we have all matured. Everyone evolves. We like holidays. But you cant recognize and commemorate and celebrate the holiday of emancipation if you also are not going to do what is necessary to bring about repair. We still have a reckoning in this country. We still have modern day lynchings in the form of police violence. We still have the voter suppression. We still have a fight against Teaching Truth in schools. And we still have not addressed all of these things, which are vestiges of enslavement which hr40 would establish a commission. Everyone who voted for this, we expect to see them before the end of the summer for hr40 or else the democrats run the risk of actually making that a halftime because the same base that President Joe Biden said. He said the black community has had my back. Now it is my time to have yours. If the house passes and it has the votes, it is important to me today that nancy pelosi asks the whip, the Speaker Of The House asks to start the whip count. If it comes to the floor, it will pass. Joe biden must appoint hr40 Reparations Commission by executive order. He can do that. And we could start the process. I appreciate. We are out of time. But, david, how do people get your no, no. How do people get your newsletter and should they expect it to be more of a bob dillon experience or a billry Joel Experience . Oh, come on. I cant believe you asked that. The clash, actually, and bob dillon. The simplest thing is to go to my twitter feed davidcorn dc. Does the dc stand for washington, d. C. Or david corn . Its strategic ambiguity. Definitely more dillon than billy joel. Why do you sound like a politician when we talk about music . Why do you . Why do you . I could tell you i like dillon more than billy joel. Listen, i want a big tent. I want to appeal to bob dillon fans, jayz fans. Are you going to sign up . Yes. You heard it from david. We have so much more on the program. Let me tell you whats going on. Obamacare super sized. I have my legal breakdown. First our report on how the manhattan da could target trumps company with the very law used to target the mob. To b like many people with moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns disease, i was there. 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I just heard something amazing now for the first time one medication was approved to treat and prevent migraines. Dont take if allergic to nurtec. The most common side effects were nausea, stomach pain, and indigestion. Ask your doctor about nurtec today. Im so glad youre ok, sgt. Houston. This is sam with usaa. Do you see the tow truck . Yes, thank you, that was fast. Sgt. Houston never expected this to happen. Or that her grandpas dog tags would be left behind. But that one call got her a tow and rental. Paid her claim. And we even pulled a few strings. Making it easy to make things right thats what were made for. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Get a quote today. Im good. I handled all the investments. Got it. Rico. We can charge them all with criminal conspiracy. With rico case, you can charge one with a felony. Charged them all. That was the legal breakthrough when rachel dob bs and the da had the evidence in the dark knight. It is a fictional reference but to a real law, rico. Congress passed it over 50 years ago to give prosecutors a better tool to prosecute the mob. And its been used against big crime families. In all 17 of the main 24 mafia families across the u. S. Have at one time or other faced rico prosecutions. Rico was the strong new weapon that helped convict john gotti back when mobsters were openly terrorizing neighborhoods in new york and the famed fdny was taking them on under u. S. Attorney rudy giuliani. An indictment to be made public later today charges the five godfathers with a racketeering conspiracy and running a criminal enterprise. Authorities call this the most important pros kougs case ever brought against Organized Crime. In just 13 hours, a federal jury found gotti guilty. John gotti convicted here of five murders that carry 20 years apiece. Rico count is a big deal. The other acts like murder are already of course crimes on the books. But rico meant taking more people down for working together on those crimes. From top bosses to lowerlevel people who just take their commands. Rico cases are challenging. Theyre complex. But they do carry that big payoff for prosecutors to crack. Although a syndicate. Thats how the reputation was lured to entire songs about how rico puts heat on gangsters. He says he cant talk to the cops. Thats illegal. No Double Crossing my peoples. And he goes on to lament, you might just get hit with the rico. Now fact check, talking to cops is actually not illegal. It is uncouraged under the law. But meek is referencing how it feels illegal in the streets. He knows what so many groups have learned from the mafia to helds angels. You dont want to be hit with the rico. If you are, it would likely be the down fall of your entire organization. Now, this Special Report with that context is to help us understand why were talking about this on the news and what a rico charge might look like for the Trump Organization because they could get hit with the rico. I say that based on the evidence, the precedent and some new clues that we have because the Trump Organization, we know, is under criminal investigation by that same office fictionalized in batman, by the new york da. And it has tapped a mob prosecutor, rico, to work the case. Now, rico is a federal law, but new york is called little rico. It could be triggered by the little requirement of three crimes would carry a big Prison Sentence up to 25 years. Now, you have to prove a pattern of criminal activity, not just a single crime. We have reports of probing evidence of bank fraud, of financial deceit, tax fraud. And da cy vance is the only person to get trumps tax returns so he could compare them to test lies for trump properties. The other limit is time. At least two other crimes for this type of prosecution must be within five years. Now, if the theory of the case includes any crimes done around the 2016 campaign, that deadline hits soon. And i mentioned the campaign not as speculation. We know the one Trump Organization official who already went to prison, Michael Cohen, was convicted of an election crime for Donald Trumps benefits. So prosecutors have every reason to scour any similar violations of new york law in their work. And ive spoken to Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up, so im all over that. And i spoke to allen about it. When that audiotape first leaked, you might have thought, whos allen . Well, hes Allen Weisselberg, who we all know now because hes at the center of this probe. The top money man on that call that cohen was referencing, the cfo, could be indicted by this summer. And that brings us to what Harvey Weinstein and donald trump have in common, at least according to legal experts because the Southern District of new york brought a rico suit, this mafia law im telling you about against weinstein. It was a tough tactic. They ultimately won the case. Although that part of it was dismissed by a judge. We have seen this in other forums. An Olympic Gymnast suing Usa Gymnastics under the rico act. Trump himself knows how dangerous rico can be because there is an open probe in georgia where theyre investigating donald trump trying to shake down the Secretary Of State to, quote, find votes. Now theyre working there with this prosecutor on, basically, a rico theory. Racketeering, did you say . Is this State Prosecutor in georgia really thinking about prosecuting him like a mob boss . Well, now that prosecutor has hired a racketeering georgia. They have hired an outside prosecutor, an expert in racketeering who literally wrote the book on prosecuting state racketeering. A sign that racketeering may be a big part of the case against trump and his allies. These are just legal facts. It may sound bad or mean to talk about what trump does if subject to a mafia racketeering charge, but it is just how hes being investigated. Meanwhile, the doj is considering using rico against Trump Supporters in the january 6th insurrection. You can see its a lot. But it is not the only legal problem facing the Trump Organization. Even if donald trump himself is not ever indicted, there is another way that prosecutors can actually indict the entire trump org, which could bankrupt it as a corporation, sending it out of business and bankrupting donald trump again but in a more final way. Let me repeat that because there is a lot going on in all these cases and the cfo. The people who know how this stuff works say it is possible and, thus, bad for trump that this could all end with his whole company indicted at the corporate level. Now, for a prosecutor to do that, its a high bar. It is not enough to find evidence of a single crime at the company. To indict the whole thing, it is a higher bar. I can tell you what it requires. You have to factor in whether the company is pervasive in its wrongdoing, how long have the crimes been going on if theyre found. Two, prosecutors look to the past misconduct. Is this a one off or has this company been faced with these kind of allegations before . Three there is a question of harming innocent people. If a Gigantic Company is indicted and goes out of business, how many other people lose their jobs . Now, the Trump Organization is notoriously small when it comes to fulltime employees. Four, there is something called voluntary disclosure. Whether a company has been upfront and trying to fix its owns problems or whether its been hiding them. If there is crime at the trump org, they have not been turning themselves in. And, five, a word that hung over the mueller report, obstruction. Hes been investigated for it numerous times and that is a valid feature of what prosecutors look at when deciding to indict the whole company. Now, im telling you all this. You might say where are these rules from . The da holds all the cards in this probe. And at the das office, they have people that advise the da on the rules to maintain consistency. And the current das number two actually wrote the book on this. He was chief assistant da. What i just read to you are the exact rules from his 11 year old memo that provides the standard that the das office is using right now as it gets up to that big call. The name is familiar, we have had him on the show before. There is no one better to break all this done than the prosecutor that wrote the guidelines. Dan alonzo joins me live right after this break. Ns me live rigt after this break that Rewards Rashida where her spending is trending. Just ask overly confident diy Rashida Rashida wait, was this the right wall . Or last minute gift shopping Rashida Rashida im putting a bow on it wow. Even sneaking away for a vacay rashida. Rashida shhh ive earned this . From home improvement, drugstores, select travel and more earn 5 cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to 500 spent each billing cycle. Oh are you using liberty mutuals Coverage Customizer tool . So you only pay for what you need. Sorry . Limu, youre an animal only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The lexus es. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Get 0. 9 Apr Financing on the 2021 es 350. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. We are joined by daniel alonzo. Thanks for being here. Thanks for being here. Lets start with rico. Why is it being invoked so often in multiple probes of donald trump . Well, because its first of all in new york we call it oca, Organized Crime control act. It is a natural thing to consider filing these charges, Enterprise Corruption as we call it. Its like a little rico that many states have. It gives some advantages. You know, you do it. The advantages are that its got a pretty strong penalty. And a lot of White Collar Crimes in new york carry relatively weak penalties. So it carries up to 35 years, so it is a serious crime. You can get in all sorts of evidence that you might not otherwise be able to introduce. In criminal cases you have to only introduce the evidence of that crime. But if you have an expansive criminal enterprise that the law requires you to prove, then everything that happened during the existence of it can come into evidence. Well, you may have peoples ears buzzing in the Trump Organization which your old boss is investigating because lets say there is more than one theory of the case. The nice theory for trump would be they pushed up at the line a lot, but they didnt cross it criminally and hes got. Okay . The bad theory for them would be they broke the law all the time. I dont think the bad theory is they did one misevaluation of a real estate deal and were good the rest of the time. If they habitually did that, do you see da vance is willing to use rico in this case . I see them at least considering it. Obviously one of the things that the little rico does is it requires a pattern of criminal activity. So it requires free of all crimes within ten years. But it also requires a criminal enterprise, right . Not just an enterprise. Rico, the federal law just requires a federal, participating in its affairs. This requires a criminal enterprise separate from the enterprise. So you can do just an association in fact of people within a real company, a legitimate company that are acting as a criminal enterprise. But you have to prove as a prosecutor, you know, a separate structure, you know, an ascertainable structure distinct from the crimes. They have to have a continual purpose. It is not easy. You have to decide that thats there. I notice you keep calling it little rico. A lot of people call it lil rico. Lic rico, yeah. The laws across the country have been called the little rico. We saw oca. We have gone this far on racketeering. Thats one job, unless they beat it. It could go either way. The other problem is no matter what they pursue, the da could indict all of Trump Organization. We are digging through the memos and we found you wrote this thing. When you look at those factors, bottom line at the end of the day, do you see a strong case here or not . I think that it first of all, its really crucial that the crimes be committed on behalf of the organization, right . We know that weisselberg, you have reported and others have, that hes being investigated in part personal tax violations. That wouldnt count. That might be pressure on him, but that wouldnt count. Things like the Stormy Daniels payments, the misevaluations, the bank representations, insurance, tax could be done or likely being done if theyre crimes on behalf of the organization. Thats key. But the memo what the memo does is it is meant to get companies to selfreport. We patterned that memo after the federal policy which revolutionized white collar investigations. As you pointed out in your previous segment, it is unlikely that the Trump Organization has fulfilled the guidelines of that policy. They havent selfreported or cooperated. You said unlikely . Yeah. Are you being very diplomatic . I think so. I will hold out the possibility they are completely innocent and well cover it factually. Yeah, different question. But with regard to this question, it is not only unlikely. There is no way that the trump org and its leader donald trump have done anything cooperative towards this. They have been very disrespectful here just as he was towards federal regulators in the alleged obstruction in the mueller probe. Well, cooperation is a term of art there. It means doing more than the law requires. Yes. If you are answering subpoenas, great. The law requires you to do that. You have to do more stuff. You have to do an internal investigation, present the results to the da office, agree to be interviewed without demanding interview. Im pressing you specifically because you are such a knowledgeable and important player in this. Im asking you, one, is there a strong case for indicting the whole organization and, two, is that something da vance would be more or less interested in . If the things that Michael Cohen is talking about within these evaluations are chargeable crimes, then it is highly likely that weisselberg either did it, commanded it or recklessly tolerated it, which is what the law requires and weisselberg qualifies as a high agent. And da vance . Yeah. Hell do that for sure. This case, given the policy, given all the considerations, no reason not to charge the Trump Organization assuming there is a Corporate Structure on that, the entity that weisselberg works for. Do you see a likely outcome as da vance goes in and charges whatever malfeasance they have which includes the cfo and they indict the entire Trump Organization, which is a huge body blow to donald trump and they dont ultimately indict donald trump himself . Thats a serious possibility, sure. And can a person withstand that . If the company is ultimately convicted. You do have to consider that, right . If it is literally a fact that the organization will go bankrupt, then the da has to consider that because its part of his job to see that justice is done. You have to consider whether that company going, you know, into the metaphorical toilet is good in the interest of justice or not and balance that with all the other things we talked about, the pervasiveness, the lack of cooperation, the lack of selfreporting and make a balaning test. This is a somewhat regulated industry. They do work with governments, but it is not highly regulated. It is not a bank, for example. It is fascinating what you say. I hope people are listening closely because you laid out a situation where there might be a tough body blow to trumps entire world that does not go over into raising the issues of actually prosecuting the next president , which are tough and unprecedented waters and you are someone who has one of the most credentialed expertise on indicting companies in all of new york state. And you know cy vance legally than just about anybody. I dont know if i know cy vance better than anybody. We do work closely together. Also appreciate yourdydy dy lomasy. The Supreme Court upholding obamacare again today. What does it mean . We have that next. We have that next. Hanges, the United States Postal Service is changing with it. With ecommerce that runs at the speed of now. Next day and twoday shipping nationwide, and returns right from the doorstep. Its a whole new world out there. Lets not keep it waiting. New projects means new project managers. Its a whole new world you need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your Seventy Five Dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. My parents worked long hours and i helped raise my younger brother. When college felt out of reach, the kpmg future Leaders Program was there for me. 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Rethinking how wcommunicate to be more inclusive than ever. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change. Faster. Vmware. Welcome change. Today the Supreme Court issued another defeat for republicans who have now spent a decade trying to stop obamacare. The Supreme Court upholding obamacare in a clear and broad 72 ruling. This is the third time the highest court has upheld that Signature Achievement of the obama presidency. The Obama Health Care law is upheld by the Supreme Court. Today, once again, chief Justice Roberts stepping in and saving, in a sense, the Affordable Care act. They discussed the fact that to take away the subsidies would send obamacare into a death spiral. For the first time, the u. S. Supreme court has spared obamacare. Some of the coverage of some of those big rulings. We lived through them together. You probably remember some of them. Republicans tried to kill the about over 70 times. In court and in congress, they failed every time. We do not fix our health care system. America may go the way of gm. Paying more, getting less and going broke. Today after almost a century of trying, Health Insurance reform becomes law in america. Republicans say they want to repeal and replace obamacare. Mccains no vote kills republicans hopes. Obamacare is the law of the land. We did not have quite the votes to replace this law. Im joined now by the legal writer for the New York Times magazine. Welcome and does it bring back any memories . We have been in this suit for a minute now. Yeah. I think i saw your face in that previous coverage a minute ago. It does bring back some memories. Justice alito said this is the third part of the ethic trilogy. I saw that saying oh, gosh, its been so terrible so long. This is his take on it. I remember that day that was a big deal initially because it was so much less clear. And that of course raises the dramatic stakes. Now its become so clear that you have got Trump Appointed justices joining with Justice Briar and the Chief Justice to say, no, get out of here. This is clearly constitutional. What does that mean for obamacare today . You know, i think the legal arguments that the opponents of obamacare have made have gotten weaker and weaker over this trilogy of cases. What we saw here was Justice Briar. It was 72, just like you said. The seven justices are saying that the parties that tried to sue this time dont even have standing to sue. And justice thomas, you know, one of the most conservative members of the court who had been against obamacare in the previous cases, he said, look, the parties here just dont have the kind of injury that a lawsuit can address and so thats where we are. Yeah. When you look at the coalition, what does it tell you about where Justice Roberts wants this case to be, although the divisive cases might come again. Chief Justice Roberts took it further than anyone else because its called the roberts court. It has his name in it. Hes very invested in courts public image. When the court makes bipartisan decisions about divisive issues in american society, it makes it easier for the justices to do something they called law, that is different from something called politics, that politicians do. And this is the kind of case that helps chief Justice Roberts and other members of the court show they are not politicians. Headline here, Supreme Court rules in favor of Catholic Charity that would not allow same sex foster parents. Unanimous ruling on what sounds like a divisive issue. Reading this case this morning, i notice they really made it as narrow as possible. It is an issue that matters to a lot of people. Your thoughts . Yeah. I agree with you. This is a narrow, very technical ruling. This was supposed to be a challenge to this big Supreme Court precedent, which you know, called Employment Division versus smith, which said that you can burden religious expression if you are the government and you pass a neutral generally applicable law. To get around that and find in favor of Catholic Social Services and not the city of philadelphia, which was trying to end this foster screening contract. The court said this law doesnt apply to everyone because there is one official in philadelphia who can make exceptions to it. In fact, that official had never made such an exception. So it was a pretty hypothetical kind of technicality. But it means that the national the court gave is not this big rejection of the holding Employment Division versus smith, not a big change that suddenly gives, you know, religious groups many more tools to win in court than they had before. It looks like very specific to this case kind of outcome, but one that will disappoint a lot of lgbtq advocates. Right. As you say, they were hoping it goes farther on that, the quality issue. The unanimous decision is there were a lot of justices who thought this was the better outcome given the alternatives. Always great to have you on Supreme Court days. I trust we will do it again. Great. Thanks so much, ari. When we come back, Tucker Carlson is really bad and hes getting dunked on by strong feminists. It is a big story we will explain when we return. Turn or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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One of the greatest political, cultural, Gender Controversies of our time, depending on who you ask, is about a song. Or an anthem. The female and erotic power in a sexual acronym that became a true phenomenon. It debuted at number one. It broke the youtube record for an all female record. It upset many conservatives. It is garbage. Its aimed at Young American girls. This is what the Feminist Movement was all about. The hate the lyrics. Its about what [ bleep ] and if you say differently, its because you are a misogynist. Sexualization thats keeping women down in this society. Totally degrading. They will lecture you. I turned it off. People have every right to turn off what they dont want to hear or see. Far more americans were tuning in. Across all of 2020, the most googled song and most googled definition of any word was wap, beating out entanglement and pandemic. This has been everywhere. As for all the conservative attacks, the news tonight is its being answered in a new song that takes it to the political detractors. It shows a republican senator in a red maga tie going online to hypocritically attack her in misogynous terms. The women that you accidentally are trying to step on is everybody you depend on. They cook your meals. They haul your trash. Drive your ambulances. They guard you while you sleep. They do all that and in the video, they take the senator hostage. She addressed the right wing criticism saying one thing i know, two things for certain, none of these people saying it to my face and none of them are going to see me at the bank. Im going to keep talking all that i want. That same team of women give the republican senator a fictional operation. We cant go into all the details here on the news. It might be different than your first guess. Its a provocative rebuttal to conservative men who seem fixated on womens bodies and upset by their sexuality voice and power. Megan is flexing her ability to ride this to more success, see me at the bank, and encouraging listeners to put some of the right wing critics issues under the microscope. Wap topped google. The new song is trending with some of the highest interest on line in the red states of mississippi and oklahoma. Naturally, washington, d. C. Up next, joe bidens Foreign Policy reset finds a victory in congress. Ngress ly together . Was that your grandfather, paving the way for change. Did they brave mother nature. And walk away stronger . Did they face the unknown, with resolve. And triumph. Theres strength in every family story. Learn more about yours. At ancestry. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. 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Dan okay, i dont know where the hole for this is. Or fourth Time Streaming that period drama dan. Dan you just made me miss her best line, dan so now im going to have to start it again. Even insisted he didnt need directions dan. Dan okay, im not lost. Im exploring. Dan that said, do you know where i am . From select gas, streaming, travel and more earn 5 cash back that automatically adjusts to your top eligible spend category, up to 500 spent each billing cycle. Several other key updates. That big democratic vote in the senate, joe manchin has been opposing several of the Voting Rights bills. He promoted his own alternative ideas. Today, for one of them he got a boost from stacey abrams. What Senator Manchin is putting forward are some basic Building Blocks that we need to ensure that democracy is accessible, no matter your geography. Those provisions that he is setting forth are strong ones that create a level playing field. Its a sign of some dialogue there. Getting any such bill passed turns back to whether you can get floor votes, something Mitch Mcconnell has been blocking and today he makes it clear where he stands. I have taken a look at all the new state laws. None of them are designed to suppress the vote. A revised version produced by one of the democrats yesterday, endorsed by stacey abrams, in what is an extraordinarily dubious constitutionality would remove redistricting from State Legislatures and hand it over to computers. Equally unacceptable, totally inappropriate, all republicans i think will oppose that as well. Computers, be careful. He is referencing this dialogue between manchin and abrams. The other moment is the house repealing the very military authorization for the iraq war. This is almost two decades old. The Biden Administration has been supporting this as it makes an argument for moving past many recent foreign policies. Congresswoman lee who voted against the authorization in 2002 spoke out about sponsoring this repeal. If you remember, that authorization was passed because we were told lies that there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. There were none. This has been on the books now, like you said, 20 years. Its time to get it off. Its not needed. This is a big deal, what the house has done, partly on a bipartisan issue. Congress has not addressed the 2001 authorization that related to 9 11. Thank you for watching the beat. Find me online. Always a good way to connect. How are you doing . Good to see you. Have a great rest of the evening. Cheers. Good evening, everyone. We begin with a blockbuster day of news. The Supreme Court, for the third time, rejected an attempt to destroy the Affordable Care act. At last, Federal Recognition Independence Day for Black Americans. Commemorating the day in 1865 when all Black Americans were officially free from slavery. We begin tonight with a new lost cause. The republican partys whitewashing of the january 6 attack on the capitol. As the gop deepens his commitment of the deadly insurrection, its impossible to overlook the parallels to

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