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it sounds like it's not much of a difference but i imagine that it will be, that it's sort of less of a burden but of course schools still have to make sure the children wear masks and perhaps the most challenging part of this is they need to come up with testing strategies. dr. rochelle walensky has said that this week, that she wants to see more robust testing systems in every school in the united states. >> it's been impossible actually i think to keep kids six feet apart in some cases considering the confinement of the classrooms, so perhaps this is going to make people feel like they are actually operating within the guidelines. elizabeth, thank you so much. elizabeth cohen. just two days after the shooting rampage, another minority group is being forced to reckon. the president ordered flags at half staff for victims killed in the atlanta area shootings. and tomorrow he and his vice president plan to meet with asian-american leaders when they visit the city. and today the house is holding a hearing on anti-asian hate in the country after months of reports of bigoted attacks, increasing during the pandemic, fueled by bigoted rhetoric, based on the virus originating in china. investigators this georgia say it's still not clear whether racist hate was behind the murders. they say the suspect robert aaron long, they say he acted out of distress over a sexual addiction according to him. long's court appearance today was cancelled. we will get the latest on the investigation first though to the house hearing on anti-asian attacks in which a texas congressman spewed the exact rhetoric that is blamed for inciting the racism while also invoking internships tied to lynching, forcing one asian-american congresswoman to respond. let's watch. >> the victims of race-based violence, and their families deserve justice and that's the case what we're talking about here, the tragedy that we just saw occur in atlanta, georgia. i would also suggest that the victims of cartels moving illegal aliens deserve justice, the american citizens in south texas that are getting absolutely decimated, the victims of rioting and looting last summer deserve justice. we believe in justice. there's old sayings in texas about, you know, find all the rope in texas and get a tall oak tree. we take justice very seriously. we ought to do that. round up the bad guys. that's what we believe. my concern about this hearing is that it seems to want to venture into the policing of rhetoric in a free society, free speech, and away from the rule of law and taking out bad guys. now we're talking about whether talking about china, the chinese communist party, whatever phrasing we want to use and if some people are saying we think those guys are the bad guys, for whatever reason, and let me just state clearly, i do. i think the chinese communist party running the country of china, i think they're the bad guys. i'm not going to be ashamed of saying i oppose the chicoms, or the chinese communist party. when we say things like that and we're talking about that, we shouldn't be worried about having a committee of members of congress policing our rhetoric. because some evil doers go engage in some evil activity, as occurred in atlanta, georgia. who decides what is hate? who decides what is the kind of speech that deserves policing? >> i want to go back to something that mr. roy said earlier. your president, and your party, and your colleagues can talk about issues with any other country that you want but you don't have to do it by putting a bull's eye on the back of asian-americans across this country, on our grandparents, on our kids. this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community, and to find solutions and we will not let you take our voice away from us. >> joining me now is rachel quo who is co-founder of the asian-american feminist collective, she's also a researcher at the center for information technology and public life and cnn's abbey philip is with us as well, she anchors "inside politics" on sunday. rachel, what was your reaction to this exchange we just witnessed? >> yeah, this exchange, we're seeing this moment where the u.s. -- the rhetoric, right, around free speech, which has long been used to perpetuate racism and also kind of point out that the ways that the access to so-called freedom of rights and the rights of expression are not evenly experienced. i think the comments where there's advocating for vigilante justice and invoking a really horrific symbol of racial violence, which is a white supremacist tool used to police and discipline racialized populations and something we're seeing right now. this is both counterproductive and also detracts away from ongoing racism that is impacting multiple communities of color and i think specifically speaking to violence against asians right now, the rhetorical use and reference to the chinese communist party is also linking to the u.s.'s permanent war and military engagement with asia which is not unrelated to the violence we're seeing against asians right now, and specifically to this moment where we're seeing violence against asian women that this hypersex hypersexualization that has been happening in the rhetoric surrounding what's happened in atlanta is also tied to the legacy of u.s. occupation in asia and this way that asia seems to be presented as a dangerous threat, and as like a foreign enemy. so i think that's where i would start and land. >> and abbey, when he was talking about texans valuing justice he brought up lynching, which is not justice. vigilante justice is not american justice. and the history of lynching in texas is a dark chapter that spanned many, many, many decades. >> yeah. i mean, there's so much going on there. first of all, the false equivalency between racialized violence and, you know, his reference to rioting and burning down of buildings is just what i said, a false equivalency. they have really -- they are not on the same level of things, frankly. eight people were murdered in atlanta, georgia, and that's not the same thing as burning down a building. a life is not the same thing as a building and i think that by conflating the two things he's trying to imply that we should treat them with the same degree of outrage. but then the other part of this, as you said, is that invoking lynching, the people who say that saying in texas, they're not black people. they are not people of color. who might have been on the receiving end of lynching. and it just shows how narrow the focus is of people like that congressman, where they can't even see the perspective of other people who are not like them. they're not even aware of the invocations of what that means. and i think it really is part of what made congresswoman grace meng so outraged was just the ignoring of the reality of the pain for the asian-american community and just why even bring up the chinese communist party? just the fact that he would bring that up seems to imply that he thinks there's a connection to the between the geopolitical disputes between the united states and the chinese government and what individual asian-americans and asian people face in this country every day and that in and of itself, that is the problem. >> and today, rachel, a state representative in georgia talked about the shooting spree that did kill the six asian women. let's listen. >> we do know that there were four women who were ethnically korean who were killed. their ages ranging from 50 years old to 70 years old. and at least two of them lived and worked in those spas. this one fact alone highlights the vulnerability, the invisibility and the isolation of working class asian women in our country and we know that vulnerability makes them targets. because when they go missing or when they die the loss of their lives will not incite the same kind of rage and they won't even be treated with the same humanity and in this case they've been characterized as a problem that needed to be eliminated. >> it feels like this is a moment, rachel, where, i mean, this is clearly on the minds of so many asian-american women and it's like an outpouring -- it's this moment where finally, i think, something that a lot of people have not heard, now they're hearing it. >> yeah. i think the kind of -- this particular moment, right, is really how we're also being faced with exposure to violence also that happens at the everyday level that is less spectacular and also fatal. so this particular moment there have been multiple moments where asian women have been killed and attacked and murdered because the ways that men have felt scorned, rejected or tempted by women they felt entitled to. this is not new and it has happened before and often that there hasn't been adequate attention to this. one of the things this points to, again, about the multiple scales of violence that this particular moment is spectacular but at the same time like the ways these forms of economic violence, economic procurity and vulnerability at the intersections of gender, class, immigration is compounding and creating different forms of neglect and exposure to harm and these vectors are what we're seeing right now. from the conversation earlier i think what also needs to be conceived of is what are broader ways we're thinking ability justice in this moment, so what are our responses to violence that don't replicate more forms of racialized and gendered violence. i think that's important to think about and i think the comment where women were living at their place of work points to a tension of how our inadequate social safety nets around housing and where people have access to forms of social support are rendering further exposure to forms of violence and, again, inadequate responses to when violence occurs. >> rachel kuo and abby philip, thank you so much to both of you for joining me in this conversation. >> fear is spreading through ya asian-american communities. in san francisco police say a man and a woman, both of asian descent, were assaulted within minutes of each other in separate attacks by the same person wednesday. separately three men were arrested yesterday for their alleged involvement in an assault and robbery of an asian man inside of a san francisco laundromat last month. then's dan simon is covering this for us from nearby oakland. dan, what where thecan you tell? >> reporter: the bay area has a very large asian-american population, the area has seen a wave of attacks. the most extraordinary in january, a man minding his own business, going for a morning stroll where he was brutally assaulted and subsequently died and just yesterday two more elderly asians attacked in downtown san francisco. you can see the aftermath of one of those attacks of a 73-year-old. you can see the woman. she is terribly distraught. she has some injuries to her face. police announced they did make an arrest in connection with those assaults and they also announced they made three more arrests in connection with just an absolutely despicable act at that laundromat where an elderly man is robbed and beaten as he's simply trying to do his laundry. san francisco police and the mayor announced they are stepping up patrols in asian neighborhoods. and brianna, here in oakland chinatown has seen just a tremendous amount of activity with regards to assaults of asians and the district attorney here announcing that a special task force has been set up to deal with those kinds of attacks. brianna. >> dan simon, thank you. a man arrested outside of kamala harris's residence had a rifle and ammunition. what we know about this threat. the u.s. is verifiably on the cusp of another coronavirus surge as the new and potentially more deadly variant spreads very quickly. and cnn heads to oklahoma, where some there say they won't get the vaccine. are you going to take the vaccine? >> no, sir. >> tell me why? >> i don't trust the government and i don't trust biden. >> i'll speak live with a doctor in oklahoma to get his response. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the same medications as the vet, but for less with fast free shipping. visit today. president biden's address next hour will focus on his administration's process on the goal of immunizing 100 million people in the first 100 days. biden has not even hit 60 days in office and appears to be on track to make the goal. cdc data shows one in eight americans have been fully vaccinated but the news doesn't hide the fact the country is still in danger of another case surge. several states starting to see steady upticks in new cases week to week. this may be related to variants across the u.s. movie chain amc announced nearly all of its theaters will be open form and as schools open under strict safety guidelines the nation's education secretary says schools in the fall will look more like what it was pre-covid. in oklahoma's boise city where most of the town voted for former president donald trump some people there say they will absolutely not get immunized against covid. very few are confident about the vaccines, one person even said he thought the vaccine would give him the coronavirus. cnn national correspondent gary tuchman finds out why. >> it's breakfast time in boise city, oklahoma and i have this question. does anybody in this restaurant think it's a good idea to take the vaccine? >> no. >> raise your hand if you think it's a good idea. anyone here, it's a good idea to take the vaccine? raise your hand if you think it's a good idea? not one person here thinks it's a good idea? complete quiet. boise city is the county seat of sparsely populated cimarron county, oklahoma where 92% of the voters chose donald trump on election day, the highest percentage in a state where all 77 counties went for trump. what do you think about the vaccine, are you going to take the vaccine? >> no, sir. >> tell me why? >> i don't trust the government and i don't trust biden. >> chad and misty hughes are husband and wife, neither of them plan to get the swreen. >> just don't want to. >> why don't you want to? >> when i take the flu shot i usually get the flu. there's no reason to take it. >> you're saying you think you'll get covid by taking the covid vaccine. >> probably. >> are you -- why are you thinking that? the research doesn't show that at all. it shows it keeps people safe. >> it's just my choice. >> these women are sisters and they too are doubters. >> why are you doubtful? >> they just started rolling them out. >> well, yeah, but this has been a worldwide effort. >> are you imfullying that the flu can be cured, but still hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu. >> a lot of people die from the flu but not nearly as much as covid. this is a horrible pandemic and this is like an amazing vaccine, these vaccines have come out, they're saving lives. >> no, we'll just agree to disagree on this subject, i guess. >> i just -- i'm just not. not going to take it. >> what if president trump came out and was very robust, and said take the vaccine, i took it even though i didn't tell anybody about it, it was done secretly but i think you should take it. he's said it a little bit. but he hasn't been robust. if he was robust, would you take it? >> no. >> trump's a liberal new yorker, why would we listen to him either. >> did you vote for him? >> he was the best option. >> no matter where we went enthusiasm for the vaccine wasn't easy to find. despite this front page pronouncement. >> this is the boise city news, your newspaper, and here's an article, covid vaccines are available in your hospital. they want people to get them. are you going to get one? >> no, sir. >> how come? >> i really don't ever get vaccines. >> we did find the boss in the grocery store, though, who gave us a different answer, but with a caveat. are you going to take the vaccine? >> i have taken it. >> and what made you decide to take it? >> my wife. >> gary tuchman, cnn, boise city, oklahoma. >> his wife. joining me now to talk more about the town's resistance and its effect on keeping new cases, new case numbers down, dr. williams. i love that man's answer, it was his wife who talked him into it but i wonder if you were at all surprised by what we saw in that piece, that many oklahomans, at least in that town, feel this way. >> well, brianna, thanks for having me on. the answer is i'm not that surprised. people are very afraid about any kind of change and any kind of vaccine. but the positive is, we actually are making tremendous progress in oklahoma, we've administered $1.5 million -- or 1.5 million injections, almost a million people have gotten both of their injections thanks to our state health department and the undersecretary of health keith reed and the whole governor's team. the thing we're encountering, though, is there's just resistance and i think you'd find there's probably resistance in a lot of small communities across the united states and there's resistance in even in a practice like mine in oklahoma city because people are just afraid of the vaccine. they have auto immune disease, they've had flu shots that haven't worked, and that's what we've really focused on as a task force with the state is what do we do next? that's the big question. and so what we feel like we have to do is we have to get the vaccine to provider offices. now that the federal government approved johnson & johnson, that vaccine is so much easier to give, it's a one-time dose and it's highly effective. you already know quite well, the pfizer and moderna vaccines are probably the two greatest scientific events practically in medical history, they're phenomenally effective vaccines, phenomenally safe. but, again, you have to take two, and they're -- it's new so they're scary. but our goal is to get that last mile to, quote, the undersecretary of health here, and get those vaccines into doctor's offices. you heard those people say i don't trust the government. well, you know who they'll still trust? they'll trust their nurse titioner and their doctor. >> that is why the johnson & johnson vaccine is so important because it can go, it doesn't take this deep freeze, it's just easier and this is something that could go to a doctor's office without there being waste because the conditions are not, perhaps, ideal for those other vaccines. so i wonder, then when you listen to people who said what they said in that piece that my colleague gary did, are these folks -- do you see them as, like, look, these people are just not going to be persuadable when they hold this kind of opinion, or do you think, yeah, these are people who can be persuadable but maybe only by their family doctor or by the nurse practitioner that they've known for 20 years. >> and just for my personal experience, talking to my patients about it, and members of our task force who are all very strong clinicians, i think it's going to take the personal touch. i think it's -- that's the key step because some of these people, because i've done this, you just have to sit down and go through the data with them and explain that these are really safe, and you may have heard this over here, and this over there, but no, it really is a good idea, and you explain it in detail that, in a nonthreatening way you're trying to incorporate them into the process versus telling them what to do because in oklahoma, i mean, people don't like being told what to do anyway because we're all strong minded. so educate them. i think we're going to get the vast majority of these people, once they're with their provider will get the vaccine, but it needs to be done -- everything's about compassion. and understanding and empathy and letting them know that you consider their fears and can address them and make them feel comfortable with the choice to get the vaccines, once we get it into the smaller communities, a big shoutout to the coast guard helping our state of all things to get the data stuff done in these small offices, we're going to have hopefully between 500 and 700 physician offices up and running by april, or again provider offices, nurse practitioners. so we'll hopefully get there but no, it's -- you're -- that's a great story because that's what people feel and they're scared. and we have -- it's not just -- we have to talk with them, and not at them. >> such a good point, dr. williams, this is where the nation's doctors and nurse practitioners come in, and we really, really appreciate your perspective on this. >> oh, well thank you very much for having me and thanks for doing the story. >> of course, and thank you for being with us. president biden confronting both russia and china as vladimir putin responds to biden calling him a killer. yet some 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occurred, then be prepared. >> you know vladimir putin, you think he's a killer? >> uh-huh. i do. >> what price must he pay? >> the price he's going to pay, well you'll see shortly. >> let's talk about this now with susan glasser, one of our cnn global affairs analysts, also a staff writer for "the new yorker," what did you make of putin telling biden to be healthy? >> it's a classic putin remark, a barb and edge in there. he also said today in moscow that, you know, it's an old russian playground saying that, you know, it takes one to know one. in effect. as if to accuse biden himself of being a killer. you're seeing an early war of words and in a way that's politically convenient actually to both leaders. >> and biden now you see is confronting china and he's confronting russia here in his first two months. his administration has sanctioned 24 chinese officials. how do you see these tensions in the big picture of the biggest foreign policy challenges that biden is going to have? >> well, i do -- i think you're right to put them together in the sense that, you know, this is clearly a foreign policy moment of great power confrontation rather than cooperation. and not to suggest a through line with president trump where you see the difference is in the confrontation with people like vladimir putin. donald trump obviously was always very complimentary in a way of vladimir putin and xi jinping, even though his administration had a more confrontational policy. joe biden is much more in sync if his own officials and his own policy. biden has promised more confrontational actions to respond to russia, to confront it for its election interference. it's notable this very strongly worded report came out this week that suggested russian election interference, once again, on behalf of donald trump. and now frankly you see kind of trump supporters and vladimir putin and his supporters once again echoing the same language about joe biden. it's kind of eye popping for those of us who followed vladimir putin for all these years. >> indeed it is. susan, it's always great to have you, susan glasser, thank you. >> thank you. just in, a contentious exchange between house republican leader kevin mccarthy and cnn's manu raju as mccarthy tries to rewrite history of his role in supporting and propagating the big lie. plus, the fbi just released new video of suspects in the most egregious attacks on police officers during the capitol riots. and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. ♪ ♪ [sneezes] hey allergy muddlers. 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>> brianna, thanks for having me, i know how important these issues are to you and your family so i appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about them. on vaccinations, as of today i think we are somewhere near 2 million veterans having gotten at least one vaccination, about 1.1 million having gotten two. that is to say the complete suite of vaccinations. and, you know, you are absolutely right that not only veterans but all of us face the limited supply challenge that the president and the white house have done so much to alleviate but there's still a long way to go. we are very much focused on prioritizing the six or so million veterans who entirely rely on us for their care. there's another three who are enrolled with us to work on. and then caregivers and family members as the house and senate are now debating whether they should give us authority to do that too. all of those things are things we want to do when we have the supply to do it. we will be in a position to really ramp that up because i've got to tell you our vaccinators, our docs, our nurses in the va system, they're unbelievable. we're hearing positive stories from all across the country every day. but we want more supply as i know everybody does so we can vaccinate even more veterans. >> so it sounds like you're still waiting on that, that there isn't actually any firm answer about when you would get -- when you would get more supply? >> well, you know, we get -- there's a process we go through every week, everybody does. everybody gets their allotments each week. we've gotten slightly more each week as the country has developed more of supply and then obviously as the president has indicated by may everybody will be eligible. so we anticipate a significant increase in the supply over the course of these next two months as we get into may. >> i want to talk to you about homelessness. because it's actually -- it's down when you're looking at veterans right now, long term. according to hud 8% of homeless adults in 2020 were vets, that's down 50% over the past decade. i mean, that's great but i'm sure you would agree it's still too high. so what's your plan for dealing with that, for getting vets off the streets and into the shelters, particularly with the pandemic? >> yeah, look, it's an excellent question. the homeless number is down 50% over the course of about the last ten years. that's good. but it's not -- nowhere near good enough. what we intend to do is we're included in the president's american rescue plan is not only support for people who are struggling right now with rent or people struggling right now with their mortgage or utility payments, that kind of support is available through the program right now. but we're also going to focus on proven strategies. one is a strategy that says the first thing we can do is focus on housing first, and then come in behind that with all the services, things like health care, things like mental health care, things like substance abuse counseling so that our vets have the full suite of services that we know are required to help somebody off the street but the first challenge, first and foremost, brianna, is to make sure that we prevent homelessness in the first instance. those numbers you cite are really going back a year ago. we don't really have the best indication yet of just how severe the impact of the pandemic has been on overall homelessness numbers so that's why we are really cranking up investments in this space and again this is going to be on a proven strategy that says let's keep people in houses first, let's get them in houses first and then let's get the supportive services to them right behind that so that they can succeed with all the skill and all the sacrifice that they've -- the skill they've demonstrated and the sacrifice they have undertaken on behalf of this country, that's the at least they should expect. >> secretary, your acting health head was talking today about getting vets back in for routine appointments. very worried about the delayed medical care of the last year that we mentioned as we introduced you. is the va ready for a huge flood of overdue appointments? i asked you this certainly with your familiarity with the crisis that shook the va during the obama years when it came to -- when it came to the backlog of appointments and the wait times. are you sure that this is something that can be avoided? >> look, the bottom line is that this is why the american rescue plan that the president put together and congress has passed and the president's now signed is so important. $14.5 billion in there to make sure that we have the resources to compensate for any delayed care, point one. point two, we've done a good job over the course of this period of staying in touch with our veterans so that if they had to be rescheduled we tried to get them rescheduled. we had a dramatic increase in telehealth appointments so we've been able to stay in touch with vets, address things through telehealth appointments but that now the third point, but that doesn't entirely address the question that you have, which is a question everybody has. we're seeing across health care in this country not just in va, but across health care, the cost of delayed care. that is to say people not going in for, you know, annual checkups and so forth. that, again, is why the added resources in the american rescue plan are so important and that's why we're so excited about the fact that it's now a law. so we have the resources. we're getting ready. we're in touch with our veterans and we're increasingly able to be in a position where more and more vets can come in. but look, post pandemic there will be a new way of delivering health care. a lot of it will be telehealth and we've learned important lessons in this period on that. >> secretary, so many important issues facing the va right now. secretary mcdonnough, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, again, brianna. new details on the man arrested on gun charges outside the vice president's home. why his parents alerted authorities weeks ago. ( doorbell ) thanks boo. ( piano glissando ) i think you better double them tots. no, this me was last year. i didn't get my madness last year, so we're doing double the madness this year. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. a texas man is now facing weapons charges after police arrested him outside the official residence of vice president kamala harris in washington, d.c. officers found a rifle and ammunition in suspect paul murray's car on wednesday and as cnn's whitney wild reports, the suspect had been on the radar of law enforcement in texas for several weeks. >> reporter: brianna, the brazos county sheriff's office says they've been in contact with paul murray over the past two weeks at the request of family members due to his behavior. they didn't find any criminal violations, but the agency continued to monitor the situation because his behavior and statements were so concerning. they also had information suggesting he had weapons. law enforcement issued a bulletin for this region, and that's what prompted law enforcement around here to stop him outside the vice president's residence. brianna, d.c. police say in his vehicle he had an ar-15 rifle, 113 rounds of ammunition, and five 30-round magazines. police say he's been charged with several counts that includes carrying a dangerous weapon, carrying a rifle or shotgun outside of a business, possession of unregistered ammunition, and possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device. a secret service official says none of the agencies protecties were in the residence at the time of the incident. brianna? >> all right, whitney wild, thank you, and murray does remain in custody and it's not clear if he has a lawyer. coming up, shocking comments at a house hearing on anti-asian attacks when texas congressman chip roy invoked terms about lynching. and just in, new guidelines from the cdc on schools and how students should social distance. ? olay regenerist faced 131 premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. olay's hydration was unbeaten every time. face anything. find out more at managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying active and eating right? yup, on it there, too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of life insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if you policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. hello, it's the top of the ho hour, i'm brianna keilar and just in, a major development. cnn's elizabeth cohen is reporting the cdc is expected to change its social distancing guidance for schools, recommending separations of three feet instead of six. i want to bring in dr. adrian boroughs, a family medicine physician. what do you think about this? is this the right call

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System , Everybody , Isn T , Allotments , Increase , May , Homelessness , Long Term , 2020 , 8 , Number , Plan , Streets , Dealing , Shelters , Enough , American Rescue Plan , Ten , Strategy , Strategies , Program , Payments , Utility , Brent , Mortgage , Services , Counseling , Mental Health Care , Substance Abuse , Numbers , Somebody , Challenge , Street , Instance , Homelessness Numbers , Investments , Indication , Space , Houses , Sacrifice , Skill , Appointments , Secretary , Acting Health Head , Familiarity , Va , Crisis , Backlog , Flood , Va Ready , Obama , Bottom Line , Rescue Plan , Times , Resources , Point Two , 14 5 Billion , 4 5 Billion , Telehealth Appointments , Staying , Telehealth , Checkups , Law , Look , Lessons , Secretary Mcdonnough , Gun Charges Outside The Vice President , Details , Parents , Doorbell , Thanks Boo , Tots , Piano Glissando , My Madness Last Year , Madness , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Wires , Wire , Weapons Charges , Paul Murray , Law Enforcement , Officers , Radar , Car , Whitney Wild Reports , Washington D C , Behavior , Violations , Agency , Contact , Information , Request , Statements , Bulletin , Weapons , Region , Vehicle , Ar 15 Rifle , D C , 15 , Counts , Possession , Weapon , Shotgun , Rounds , Magazines , 30 , 113 , Five , Official , Whitney Wild , Capacity , Ammunition Feeding Device , Incident , Secret Service , Agencies Protecties , None , Custody , Chip Roy , Terms , Lawyer , Coming Up , Countries , Hydration , Products , Anything , Olay , Olay Regenerist , 131 , 12 , 10 , Heart Disease , Yup , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Heart Attack , A1c , Side Effects , Heart Risk , Stroke , Death , Dehydration , Ketoacidosis , Kidney Problems , Side Effect , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Yeast , Insulin , Dialysis , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Life Insurance Policy , Term , Cash Payment , Retirement , Income , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Worth , Screen , Visit Conventrydirect Com , Coventry , Finding Out , One Hundred Thousand , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Top , Hello , Separations , Family Medicine Physician , Adrian Boroughs ,

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