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potentially another covid search. as more states open up, as air travel numbers open up and hit records since the start of the pandemic, the cdc is warning new variants could wipe out all the progress we've made recently if we let our guard down. but first, we begin with our colleague natasha chen. she joins us in georgia. good morning. there is new surveillance video from close to one of the scenes of those murders. what can you tell us this morning? >> yeah, poppy, it was actually those surveillance images that authorities released on tuesday evening that actually prompted the suspect's parents to call police. they were able to help identify him. and because of that, police then tracked his cell phone and stopped him as he was going south. investigators believe he was headed to florida to perhaps commit similar attacks. so the reason this was not worse, the reason he's in custody here in cherokee county is because his parents called in durks to those surveillance images. here in cherokee county he's been charged with four counts of murder, one count of aggravated in assault. in fulton county, he's also charged with four counts of murder there. yesterday in atlanta, we heard the 911 calls released from those two atlanta spas. here is a clip from one of those 911 calls. >> hurry. >> do you have a description of him, ma'am? >> is it a male or female? >> they have a gun. >> they have a gun? >> some guy came in and shoot the gun so everybody heard the gunshot. and some ladies got hurt, i think. and everybody's scared so they're hiding. >> and in georgia here, there's discussion about hate crimes because in addition to the murder charges, authorities are looking at whether this also could be a hate crime. here it includes the targeting of victims, not just based on their race, national origin, religion, but also based on sex. so that's a factor they're looking into. >> that's a very important factor. that being women also qualifies under the new hate crime law. and natasha, before you go, what do we know about the victims? what do we know about these six women? were they parents? they all have these grieving families. >> they do. they went to work on tuesday, not knowing that they wouldn't return home to their families. and we are still learning more, trying to find out more about the women who died in atlanta. here in cherokee county, the names of the deceased have been released by authorities. they range in age from 30 to in their 50s. so this is all very, very difficult for families and multiple counties. and i have to say, we played that 911 call. you could tell from two different spas. and the disturbing part is how there was sort of a barrier in communication, in understanding how urgent the situation was with one woman hiding and trying to whisper and the other being asked to repeat herself so that dispatchers could get what was happening exactly. >> natasha, thank you for the reporting this morning. in terms of the official motive, that has still not been called, if you will, by police for these heinous killings in and around georgia. it is only deepening fears of rising anti-asian hate and violence in the united states. this year alone there's been a disturbing trend of this across the asian community. in new york city, there were at least ten suspected anti-asian hate crimes committed between january 1st and march 14th of this year. >> in san francisco, police say an asian man and woman were assaulted by the same suspects just wednesday morning. these attacks police believe were unprovoked. earlier this week, three teens were arrested after allegedly robbing and assaulting -- see the video there -- an older asian male inside a san francisco laundromat. just last month the incident captured on video. we're joined now by connecticut attorney general william tong, the first asian pacific-american elected to office in the state of connecticut. thanks for joining us this morning. >> good morning, jim. >> you have been very forthright in laying a significant amount of the blame for this at the feet of politicians and their words. tell us what you mean by that. who -- what kinds of statements do you believe fuel these kinds of attacks? >> yes, let me just say it was chilling to hear that 911 call. and one of the victim's accents. she might have been someone in my family so, it's chilling for me and asian-americans across the country. i lay the blame at the feet of politicians like president trump when he started his war on american immigrants. that was really bad. it started to get bad. when he blamed asian pacific americans, including chinese americans for the coronavirus and called it the china virus or the kung flu, that made all of us unsafe. and this is what happens. people get attacked in new york and san francisco and now in atlanta. and now six women are dead. six asian-american women. and the flood is on his hands and other politicians like him. >> you are not only the attorney general there but the son of chinese immigrants. you've been a victim of hate speech like this, repeatedly, and you made a really important point and that's that this country has a long history of legacy and hate and racism against asians, just going back to the internment camps. and you also point to the -- this as just being the latest round of scapegoating. it makes me wonder if you think we've learned much as a country. >> you have to wonder. and this is a history that people don't really know well. and that's what it means to be an asian-american in this country today. largely invisible in the discussion about racism. people are surprised to hear about anti-asian hate. they don't know the legacy of the chinese exclusion act. the beating death of vincent chen and the internment of 125,000 japanese american citizens in camps on american soil. when we blame them for pearl harbor. yeah, it happens to me. it happens all the time. i've been called the manchurian ag. my name has been mocked. and just yesterday someone accused me of being an agent of the asian communist party. but i'm the attorney general. i can take it. if it happens to me it must happen a lot to everyday people who aren't attorneys general who don't have the same protection and public profile that i do. and i worry about families across connecticut and across this country. >> this is happening at a time in this country where you have a broader rise in right-wing white supremacist extremism. there was an intelligence report yesterday that identifies this as the greatest -- well, reidentifies it because the data has been there for some time as the greatest domestic terrorism threat. as you know, politicians have given license to these kinds of feelings against asians, against blacks, latinos. i wonder what you are calling to be done now. calling for to be done now, right? because it's about language. it's also about law enforcement response. tell us what needs to be done to protect people. >> we need a much stronger law enforcement response. the fbi director, the department of justice, under both president biden and president trump have said that hate and the rise of violent extremism motivated by hate is the number one domestic terror threat in this country. and it's well past time to really respond to it. president trump defamed the department of justice's civil rights division. we need stronger hate crimes enforcement by state and federal and local law enforcement authorities as the chief civil law enforcement officer in connecticut. i need a strong federal partner to make that happen. and we need a much larger conversation in our country about race and how it -- how racism affects all of us and targets the most vulnerable. asian-american women are among the most vulnerable. and racism and this kind of hate and violence visits upon them much more severely than any other communities. >> action and conversation. connecticut attorney general william tong, we'll do our part here. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. this morning, health experts are sounding the alarm as now more than a dozen states are seeing significant rises in new covid-19 infections. half of those states seeing a rise in more than 20% compared to just last week. going the wrong direction. >> totally. adrian broaddus joins us from michigan where they've seen more than 50% increase in new cases in a week. do officials there know why? >> oh, poppy and jim, health officials here in michigan have pointed to a number of factors. i spoke with jennifer moore, the medical director for the health department in the central part of the region. when she spoke, she rattled off a long list of reasons. she talked about covid fatigue. for example, she says we've been experiencing the pandemic for a year, and people are tired. aside from covid fatigue, she also pointed to the rolling back of covid-19 restrictions earlier this month. indoor dining capacity increased here across the state of michigan. and shops and businesses are also allowing more customers inside. and when she talked about the covid fatigue, she mentioned state data shows travel is up across the state of michigan. and some parts, we are back to pre-pandemic levels of travel. and there was a prison outbreak earlier in the month. and one key element that morris says really concerns her is not one, but two variants reported in the state of michigan. and that uk variant, she says, is spreading rapidly. but michigan isn't alone. it is among the states seeing an increase. michigan falls behind alabama and delaware. right now we are outside of ford field which is downtown detroit. the governor is going to speak with the media in the next hour, and she's going to outline how ford field will become a mass vaccination site. and the hope, as they get those shots in the arms, they can turn things around here in michigan. jim and poppy? >> yeah, can't come soon enough. adrien broaddus, thanks. a man is arrested -- just alarming story -- outside the vice president's residence in washington with an ar-15 semiautomatic rifle. more than 100 rounds of ammunition. several 30-round ammunition clips. this based on alerts from police in texas. plus, russian president vladimir putin wishes president biden good health? this after president biden says he thinks putin is a killer. what's the message behind the words? we'll be live from moscow. also, there's a battle brewing over a new oil pipeline in minnesota. watch this. >> you have people that have been crawling into the pipeline itself that have been chained to the machines. i mean, it's an all-out struggle for mother earth that's happening here. >> prosecutors are calling for construction of it to be halted as the company races to complete the project before it can be stopped by the white house or the courts. inflation rising, currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of this. with one companion that hedges the risks you choose and those that choose you. the physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. my strongest and closest asset. the gold standard, so to speak ;) people call my future uncertain. but there's one thing i am sure of... i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. woo! you are busy... healthier brain. better life. working, parenting, problem solving. at new chapter vitamins we've been busy too... innovating, sourcing organic ingredients, testing them and fermenting. fermenting? 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and i wonder if he's talking. >> they found a rifle and a lot of ammunition. specifically, an ar-15 rifle, 113 rounds of ammunition, five 30-round magazines. he's behind bars right now. if he's talking to anybody, he's probably talking to an attorney at this point. right now what we know is that, again, he's facing this list of charges. here are the charges. carrying a dangerous weapon. carry a rifle or shotgun outside of a business. possession of unregistered ammunition, possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device. let me tell you, d.c. has very strict weapons and ammunition laws. they do not mess around with any type of ammunition or weapons, anything relating to violence. here's how it all went down. this man, again, is from texas. there was an intelligence bulletin issued by texas law enforcement that went regionwide here in d.c. law enforcement, keeping their eyes and ears open, spotted him outside the vice president's residence. they detained him. through the course of the investigation, they found all of these -- found this weapon, all of this ammunition before he was able to cause any harm. encouragingly, luckily, a secret service official tells us none of the protectees were in the residence at the time but very, very startling and alarming. we'll learn more about this today for sure. >> whitney, thank you for that reporting. incredibly scary. well, a dozen house republican members voting not to award the congressional gold medal to u.s. capitol police officers or officers with the metropolitan police department who were faced down and attacked by the violent rioters during the intersection at the capitol on the 6th of january. >> that's 12. that's two more than the republican house members who voted for impeaching trump for inciting that deadly insurrection. we're just hearing from one of those officers who was attacked. harry dunn, a black capitol police officer says that he and other black officers are still deal with the racist insults hurled their way in the midst of the attack. >> here we are giving so much and putting our lives on the line to protect democracy and keep it, and we're being called racial slurs, traitors and any just weapon these people could use. one of my colleagues said that he was called a racial slur. he was carrying a rifle, a long gun that day, and a group of terrorists came to him and said, you think you're a tough "n" word with that gun. put that gun down and we'll show you what type of "n" word you really are. and that -- nobody deserves that. nobody deserves to be talked to like that, but especially this guy. but we keep coming back and back and we love our country, even though it doesn't love us back. we fought against not just people that were -- that hated what we represented, but they hated our skin color also. that's just a fact. and they used those words to prove that. >> if that doesn't turn your stomach, i don't know what does. joining us to discuss, charles ramsey, d.c. police chief and philadelphia police commissioner. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> there's a black officer who laid down his life in the face of hundreds of people, violently attacking the capitol. we heard a sitting republican senator, ron johnson, somehow say those attackers were patriotic americans, but listen to the distinction he made, and i want to get your reaction to that. what meaning are in those words. have a listen. >> i knew those were people that loved this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law. so i wasn't concerned. have the tables been turned and president trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> so racist attackers calling black police officers the "n" word, attacking with deadly force. just fine. blm protesters would have been a threat. what do those words mean to you? >> well, senator johnson clearly is part of the problem. those comments were racist. if you ask him, he'll say, oh, no racial overtones at all. it's ridiculous. he is part of the problem, and he's not alone. and it goes beyond just our house and our senate. the rise in hate crimes in this country, whether it's directed toward asian-americans, african-americans, latinos. it doesn't matter. we have to take a stand against it. it's just something that can't be tolerated anywhere in this country. but to hear it come from an elected official, a senator, that pretty much says it all. he definitely is a person who has no business at all being a member of the united states senate. >> commissioner, think about the context of this. here we are today talking about clearly hate-motivated murders across georgia and atlanta. against asian-americans. and listen to what we just heard from an american hero. an american capitol police officer who said, as a black man, protecting the capitol, we love this country even when it doesn't love us back. it's just astonishing, and i wonder with all your perspective being a black leader in law enforcement all these years, what you think. >> well, you can hear the trauma in that officer's voice. but i have to say, i'm not surprised that that happened on january 6th. the people that attacked the capitol were mostly from extremist organizations, hate groups and so forth. and so i'm not surprised. i've seen it before. i've actually experienced it during my career, both in terms of the people that we serve that may say something like that, or within my own department. so it's something that needs to be addressed. there's no question about it. the one thing i disagree with is when he says that, you know, the country doesn't love him back. these people are not representative of the entire united states of america. i just refuse to believe that. and so i would hope that after he kind of, you know, his emotions settle down a little bit, he realizes that you're going to have some people like that, but you can't just paint everyone with a broad brush. in a sense we're almost doing the same thing we're accusing others of doing when they look at us through a racial lens. it doesn't mean it's not a problem, and i'm certainly not trying to minimize it. those officers, particularly the officers of color, were traumatized in many ways during that incident. >> charles ramsey, there's a report out from the office of the director of national intelligence yesterday that talks about the threat of domestic terrorism in this country and clearly identifies. as the data has shown for years, the data showed the same thing in the trump administration that white supremacy was the biggest domestic terror threat. they politically downplayed that. so the fact has been true for some time. so the difference with this threat appears to be that they -- these groups have their defenders in positions of power, right up to the former president who echo some of their rhetoric. from a law enforcement perspective, how do you fight that threat? with that reality? >> it makes it more difficult. there's no question about that. when you have a president of the united states and many of his close allies that are sending out all these, you know, signals and dog whistles and so forth, it just makes it more difficult. i mean, they are the first ones to say, oh, these people are patriotic, you know, because they carry an american flag and so forth. they also had confederate flags, symbols reminding us of the holocaust. how is that patriotic? it's not patriotic. and then to turn around and say if it was black lives matter or antifa, you know, that suddenly i would be more concerned. i mean, that's not to say there aren't extremist groups on both sides of the political spectrum because there are. but, you know, to look at one group different than the other, to me, it's just ridiculous. and this whole issue with domestic terrorism is very serious, and our elected officials and all americans need to take it very seriously because this country can crumble, but it will crumble from within if we aren't careful. >> lincoln said that, i think. thank you, sir. >> thank you so much. it's a really important point. we appreciate having you, charles ramsey. the country's education secretary is projecting some optimism this morning saying that school in the fall will look more like what it was before the pandemic. yay for that. how do we get to that point? 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let's look at what they did find actually worked. they followed the numbers and followed the outbreaks. they found frequent testing, they called it bulk testing, meaning lots of different people, even if they are asymptomatic. and that is so key. you don't just test someone because they've been exposed or because they have symptoms. frequent testings and that the test results would be available in 6 to 12 hours. that's so important because if someone is positive, you need to tell them to go home and if it's three days later, that's not really so useful. it needs to be quick. also this is very important. people needed to mask and they still needed to do social distancing. this frequent testing with fast results was not a replacement for masking and distancing. all of those things needed to be done together. poppy, jim? >> okay. but if you do them together, it's really effective. good to see more evidence of it. thank you, elizabeth. let's bring in leana wen, our cnn medical analyst. good morning. good to have you. >> good morning. >> so you've been great in your coverage of the schools from a medical perspective, as a parent of young children. i wonder what you think about this. this is new sound from the cdc director dr. walensky talking about that study that showed effectively, with masks, three feet of distance in schools works pretty much just as well as six feet. here she is. >> so there's been one study that was published late last week that demonstrated in massachusetts where there's generally 100% mask wearing that three feet was actually safe. student rates and teacher rates of disease were the same in six feet versus three feet. >> is it? do we know enough yet? she's like, it's just one study. we don't know. how many studies do we need to tell us this? >> well, i do think that the one study is important because if the goal for us and it should be the goal for us to get all of our schools back for full in-person instruction in the fall, we can't have six feet distancing. we're just not able to have enough space. and enough teachers in order to do that come the fall. so i think our goal should be to figure out if that is the overall mission, if we need to get our kids back, and if we need to have only three feet distancing, what are the other layers of mitigation that we have to have in place? for example, maybe you need six feet distancing whenever masks are not on. for example, during lunchtime. maybe then you have two different shifts of lunch. maybe you also need testing in addition to mask wearing in order for that to happen. and i also think there needs to be a conversation about vaccination. as if teachers and staff are vaccinated but come the fall, can we also make sure as many parents as possible are vaccinated. that also sheds a level of community immunity or herd immunity in that school. >> dr. wen, you have been very concerned about some spikes we're seeing in some states. new infections. on the other hand, you note as other sdoctors have noted that vaccinations work to keep people out of the hospitals and keep people alive. those two big things. i wonder, with that in mind, and the increasing number of people vaccinated, does that take away some of our worry about the increase in infections we're seeing? >> not really. and here's why. i think that we are on the cusp of a fourth surge right now with 15 -- more than 15 states seeing a rise in the number of infections, with more transmissible variants soon to be dominant here. and i think on the one hand, it's a really good thing that many of our older individuals, the most vulnerable, are vaccinated. that's really good. we're going to see an increase in the number of infections but not necessarily an increase in hospitalizations and deaths which again is a really good thing. but we also note that many governors are not going to reimpose restrictions unless we see our hospitals becoming overwhelmed. so we could see a situation of a lot more infections outpacing the ability of our vaccines to work and people letting down their guard but not having the restrictions in place to curb it. and i fear that we may lose, as a result, this race of variants versus vaccines. >> but would the fourth surge, and maybe, you know, i don't want to be pollyanna-ish. would the fourth surge be less severe in terms of hospitalizations and deaths because you would have more people vaccinated and then each week that goes by, their immunity to it goes up? >> it's certainly possible. i think that, as a result, though, we're going to see the proportion of people who get sick, very sick and die, it's going to skew towards a younger population because the older individuals are going to be protected. and i think that may also really impact our ability to keep our schools open. if there's an overwhelming level of infection and our kids are not protected because they can't be vaccinated and you have this more transmissible variant, that really spells a lot of problems when it comes to our goal of reopening schools. >> listen, it just speaks to -- we're so close. just keep being smart with masks and distance. it's like taking your seat belt off two miles from home. a lot of accidents happen close to home. dr. leana wen, thanks so much. >> thank you. moscow has recalled its u.s. ambassador, and russian leaders are calling out president biden after he called vladimir putin a killer. well, he is. a live update on the rising tension between the two countries, next. today let's paint with behr ultra scuff defense... so that you can live that scuff-free life. honey, i'm home from my really important job! scuff defense. honey! scuff defense. 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>> well, i certainly think, jim, that putin is very adept at hiding his real feelings, and his demeanor when he was making these comments about president biden's health saying he wishes him well. clearly masking what he was thinking. i wouldn't say it's a threat but it's true russian television has been filled with speculation about president biden's age, about his mental state of mind and how that could have had an impact on these comments that he made about putin being a killer. so president putin was clearly talking to that, and adding to that sort of speculation that's been so prevalent in the russian media. he didn't just talk about that, though. he raised all sorts of other issues as well. he said that people tend to see others as they are themselves. it's almost like he was saying it takes one to know one. he then, you know, referenced that comment you're a killer, and then he went on to talk about a whole litany of kind of abuses and historical misdeeds by the united states. talked about the genocide of native american tribes, slavery. he talked about the dropping of nuclear weapons on japan during world war ii. and so, you know, remember, putin was not just responding to the american president, he's also speaking first and foremost to a domestic audience. he used this stark criticism from president biden as an opportunity to remind russians about the historical grievances and historical criticisms that they had of the united states for many, many decades. so that's how president putin himself is domestically trying to brush aside these very pointed allegations by the u.s. president. >> yeah. >> matthew chance, laying it out well for us, thank you for that reporting from moscow. ahead -- this story. president biden shut down, as you know, the keystone xl pipeline. he did that on his first day in office. there's a different pipeline already in the works, and the company behind it is racing to finish it before it can get stopped. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. ♪ the lincoln family of luxury suvs. with unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans, there's more to take advantage of. pick up your prescriptions here. and get free delivery there. ♪ wow, uh-huh ♪ unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans. take advantage everywhere. ♪ wow. ♪ covid has made clear that having health insurance is more important than ever. at covered california, every plan is comprehensive, covering everything from preventive care to mental health. and it's the only place that offers financial help for health insurance. enrollment is open due to covid-19. if you or someone you know isn't covered, now is the time to sign up. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll now at 21 states led by texas and montana are now suing the biden administration over president biden's decision to effectively kill the keystone xl pipeline. but as that legal fight wages on, another pipeline in minnesota is already under construction. >> and the fight there could set the a precedent for the future of pipelines across america and fossil fuel industry as a whole. watch this from bill weir. all >> reporter: way up north, this is the new front in an old fight. it is called embridge line 3. it runs through the wild of minnesota. setting up another clash over energy, sovereignty and our life threatening addiction to fossil fuel. so how much of this fight for you is about the immediate concerns of a leak that would spoil the water and land and how much of it is about stopping manmade climate change? >> it is all the things at once. it is the spills, right, which always happen with pipelines. it is the disruption itself of just the pipeline going into 800 wetlands, 200 bodies of water. and then the climate change piece, emissions, 55 coal fire plants. >> reporter: and it starts where forests are replaced with open pits and toxic lakes so big you can see them from space. since it is scraped and steamed into a thick sludge, tar sand oil takes tremendous amounts of water and energy to push through a pipe. and one study found line 3 will contribute as much pollution as 50 coal fired power plants. >> what is the position overall on climate crisis? >> we agree climate change is an issue. and in fact almosts as our name implies, embridge, we're keen to building a bridge to the energy future. >> so at what point in order to break this addiction do we say we'll start with the black tar heroin at we detox our way toward being clean? >> yeah, i mean i think the real challenge here is that we have a demand for energy. and the reality is even as we see great growth in renewables, we'll still need some fossil fuels for years to come. >> reporter: after president biden pulled trump era permits and killed the keystone xl, those who lost the building at standing rock found fresh hope. the tribes and their allies who failed to stop the dakota accession oil from flowing just watched the first native american interior secretary get confirmed and now they pray that the president or a judge will stop line 3. but that is a much bigger ask. unlike keystone xl which was starting from scratch, line 3 is a replacement, and of the 340 miles that will cut through minnesota, 40% of it is already in the ground. to outrace a court our white house order, embridge is working as fast as the thawing ice and xwroeg growing protests will allow. >> over 130 people have been arrested so far. we have people that have been crawling into the pipeline itself that have been chained to the machines. i mean, it is an all-out struggle mother for mother earth. >> we respect everyone's views and safe protesting. what we don't want is individuals to become unsafe or trespass. and we ask our workers for deescalation. don't engage. because it goes back to safety, integrity and trespect. >> reporter: and the carbon emissions are coming from cars. and so if you really wanted to go directly to the source, you stations. >> when you compare a job on the pipeline compared to building solar pan hims or thrilling for geot geothermal, does it pay the same? >> that is an excellent question. in minutenesota because of the k we've done, our laborers working on the pipeline and working building wind turbines are making the exact same money. >> reporter: for one side of the file, it all comes down to supply and demand, while the other demands a supply of energy that doesn't come with ythousan miles of pipes. a debate that will define the 2000s and beyond. bill weir, palisades, minnesota. sglin cr all right. concern over a coronavirus surge is growing rapidly as a dozen states see a big rise in new ca cases. michigan key among them with an increase in cases of 50%. we'll take you there. are the color cartridges in your printer ready for another school year? 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, Walensky , Parent , Sound , Director Dr , Children , Mask , Massachusetts , Same , Studies , Rates , Teacher , Disease , Student Rates , Goal , Feet Distancing , Instruction , Order , Kids , Teachers , Mission , Space , Players , Place , Lunch , Mitigation , Shifts , Lunchtime , Level , Dr , Herd Immunity , Community Immunity , States , Hand , Sdoctors , Hospitals , Vaccinations , Mind , Worry , Surge , Transmissible , Cusp , Individuals , Hospitalizations , Deaths , Vaccines , Restrictions , Governors , Result , Immunity , Pollyanna Ish , Population , Sick , Proportion , Reopening Schools , Problems , Close To Home , Seat Belt , Accidents , Ambassador , Leaders , Tension , Update , Vladimir Putin A Killer , Paint , Countries , Behr Ultra Scuff , Job , Defense , Scuff Defense , Honey , Interior , Scruff Defense , Chuckles , Scuff , Gum Disease , Breath , Listerine , Home Depot , 25 , Boldtm My , Plaque Psoriasis , Emerge Tremfyant , Skin , Burning , Itching , Painful , Stinging , Moderate , 16 , Tm Janssen , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Cause , Wait , Sign , Teddy , Bears , Teddy Bears , Ya , Pay , Isn T A Hot Dog Stand , Wet , One Hundred , Dreams , Money , Lender , Option , Work Sofi , Loan , Family House , Personal Loan , Kitchen , Sofi , More , Matthew Chance , Heels , Cnn , Plan , Intention , Demeanor , Speculation , Television , Putin , State Of Mind , Age , Impact , Sort , Issues , Sorts , Comment , Misdeeds , Litany , Abuses , Dropping , Slavery , Genocide , Native American Tribes , World War Ii , Japan , Criticism , Opportunity , Criticisms , Audience , Grievances , President Putin , Allegations , Keystone Xl Pipeline , Works , Racing , Extreme , Comfort , Advantage , Plans , Prescriptions , Delivery , Suvs , Uh Huh Unitedhealthcare , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Wow , Health Insurance , Everywhere , Covid , California , Mental Health , Enrollment , Care , Covid 19 , Decision , Montana , 21 , Fight , Pipelines , Fight Wages , Precedent , Whole , Fossil Fuel Industry , Reporter , Front , Bill Weir , Way Up North , Energy , Addiction , Wild , Line 3 , Sovereignty , Clash , Embridge , 3 , Water , Spills , Leak , Concerns , Land , Manmade Climate Change , Disruption , Climate Change , Emissions , Wetlands , Piece , Coal Fire Plants , Bodies Of Water , 800 , 200 , 55 , Tar Sand Oil , Lakes , Pipe , Amounts , Forests , Open Pits , Sludge , Power Plants , Position , Pollution , Bridge , Almosts , Energy Future , Demand , Challenge , Black Tar Heroin , Building , Fossil Fuels , Growth , Renewables , Permits , Standing Rock , Tribes , Native American , Soil , Dakota Accession , 40 , Scratch , Judge , 340 , Fast , Protests , Court , Xwroeg , Thawing Ice , 130 , Safe , Views , Workers , Trespass , Deescalation , Stations , Integrity , Safety , Carbon Emissions , Source , Cars , Trespect , Geothermal , Laborers , Geot , Pan Hims , Minutenesota , Supply , Demands , Side , Wind Turbines , File , Debate , Pipes , Ythousan Miles , 2000 , Concern , Color Cartridges , Palisades , Sglin Cr , Printer , Sink , Dad , School Year , Boy , Cyanora , Missile Dropping , Honor Roll , Store , Cartridges , Dean , Trips , Dean S List , Epson Ecotank , Shaq , 5g , Bill , Chill , Ultra 5g , Network , Xfinity Mobile , Samsung Galaxy , S21 , 5 , Cost , Customer Satisfaction , Carrier , Xfinitymobile Com Mysavings , Youity , You Toe , Killing Spree , Witnesses , Hearings , Potential , Capitol Hill , Invest , Spike , Learning , Doctors ,

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