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the southern border. more than 4200 unaccompanied migrant children are in custody in the united states as pressure mounts on this administration. we do have a lot more on that in a moment. let's begin with the race to vacc vaccinate. randi kaye is live at a mass vaccination site. you see so many getting vaccinated in florida at the same time you see spring breakers acting like there never was a pandemic. >> absolutely. i mean, you -- it depends on where you go here. that's when you know you're in 2021 or maybe even 2019 when the spring breakers seemed to be living in that year, before the pandemic even hit. but if you look at the numbers, they are certainly going in the right direction for the vaccinations. just take a look at how many have been fully vaccinated across the country. more than 38 million people fully vaccinated with that covid vaccine and even the partial numbers are impressive. more than 71 million have been partially vaccinated. you mention those record highs. the cdc has been tracking those shots in arms and the seven-day average for the covid vaccine doses has reached a record high of 2.4 million doses a day. so i am at this south florida fairgrounds this morning. and they have now turned that into a vaccination site. it's appointment only. hoping to do 500 vaccinations here today. but they are expecting a large crowd and that is because the governor is trying to ramp up more shots in arms. get more shots in arms. it's now the age to get a vaccination. the eligibility age has now been dropped so you can come in if you're 60 years old. 60 and above. the vaccine is available. but we're seeing the crowds coming. the cars are slowly heading in here. it opens just at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. but even in other states around the country they are looking to expand in mississippi. they are looking to expand the vaccinations offering now, the vaccination to those 16 and above, just the second state to do so. connecticut not far behind looking to do that as well. but certainly you mention the concern among the cdc and the spring breakers here in the state of florida. we saw them in huge crowds on the beaches, the bars. big gatherings in miami beach. a hundred arrests over the weekend. crowds trying to break up the crowds. there's no mask mandate and the governor has said these municipalities cannot fine anybody for not wearing a mask. we didn't see a lot of mask wearing, didn't see a lot of social distancing. the cdc chief is warning we could see another surge like we saw in the spring and over the summer if they don't take this seriously. >> the last thing we need. randi, thank you for that reporting in florida. a big step in the push to get kids back into school, this morning, moderna revealed the first children have been vaccinated in the next phase of their pediatric vaccination trial. >> cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has been following this. elizabeth, what does this mean for the timeline as to when the trial will be complete and, therefore, it will be safe for children to get the vaccine as well? >> you know, jim, moderna is not saying what their timeline will be, but we do know they are very early on in this clinical trial. they still haven't figured out what dose is best to give children of various ages. it will be months. it will take months to do these clinical trials. let's take a look at what moderna is doing. 6,700 participants ages 6 months to 11 years old. that's the age group that they're testing it in. they'll be testing it in those children in canada and the united states. and they are testing different doses to see what dose might be best for babies and toddlers and then for children ages 2 to 11. now it's important to note, pfizer will probably have its approval for a children's vaccine before moderna. pfizer fully enrolled its trial in january. so they are ahead of the game here. jim, poppy? >> there is some really good news in a handful of states across the country. really loosening up vaccine restrictions, opening up vaccination for those 16 and older. what do you know? >> so states areflexible. other states as well. some states are saying everybody 16 up. some are saying everybody 16 up if you have an underlying condition. each state has its own individual set of rules. and this is a good thing. it means there's nor and more supply. we're getting more out there. there are two groups that health authorities are really worried about reaching. and that's minority communities, communities of color that have been very hesitant about this vaccine and also republicans. we've seen in a cnn poll that almost half of republicans don't have any intention to get this vaccine. dr. brett giroir was asked about this earlier. >> i think it's very important for former president trump as well as the vice president, to actively encourage all the followers to get the vaccine. the people who follow former president are very committed to president trump. and i think his leadership still matters a great deal. >> this is a very hard to reach group. former president trump got a shot in january but didn't say anything. so what we're hearing from health authorities, gee, wish he would get out and say something because then maybe his followers would do the same. jim, poppy? >> all the questions about the seriousness of this outbreak for months has an effect and we're seeing it there in these partisan information bubbles. sad to see. experts from the world health organization are set to meet today as a growing list of countries is now suspending the use of the oxford/astrazeneca covid vaccine. >> more than half of european nations have halted their use after a small number of patients did experience blood clots. let's go to melissa bell in rome this morning. this is a huge blow to europe's ability right now at least to try to get these surges under control. do they know if there's a direct correlation between these blood clots and the vaccine or is that what they're looking at now? >> that is exactly what they are trying to look at now. poppy, this is the point the world health organization, the european medicines agency, astrazeneca itself have come out and said, for the time being there's no evidence that there is any correlation between those handful of people and we're talking about more than 30 -- just over 30 total of 17 million people who have been used -- using astrazeneca vaccine in the united kingdom and in the eu that have experienced these problems with blood clots. for the time being no evidence there's any correlation. astrazeneca points out that figure of just over 30 people, that size of a population, on that size of sample is really what you'd get in any ordinary population. and yet, european national health agencies, one after another, and they really have been falling like flies the last few days, have begun announcing the suspension of the astrazeneca vaccine. even france and germany that initially defend its increased use. what's happened? it isn't just about the numbers. what happened yesterday is that denmark, one of the first countries to announce the suspension, said the reason it had done so is one of the people who died after being inoculated as a result of blood clots was found to have unusual symptoms. i think that is really what sent alarm bells going. so these are the subject of investigations, the european medicine agency should be delivering its verdict in the next dfew days. the fact is in so many countries it's stopped. and that's a massive blow to a rollout that had already been under pressure. it's a massive blow because it comes even as the third wave is sweeping across the european continent. here in italy we're under a new lockdown in half the country and, of course, it has ramifications way beyond europe. we're talking about vaccine hesitancy and because the astrazeneca vaccine itself was one that was really considered crucial in the global fight against this pandemic. it is cheaper than other vaccines. the company is not making a profit on it. it is also easier to store, easier to roll out. 3 billion doses purchased and it's considered crucial for trying to help the developing world to fight their own health emergency. not just about a health emergency, but it's about a pandemic. we have to get the whole world vaccinated. >> melissa, thank you very much. let's bring in dr. colleen kraft from emory university hospital. let's be clear here. we don't know if there's any correlation here between the astrazeneca vaccine and these blood clots, and it very well may be incredibly safe. it probably is. but they are pausing to study that and figure that out. what is your read on this. what is everyone who may be getting this vaccine need to know? >> right. so any time that we give a lot of people a vaccine, we start to worry about if we can attribute certain side effects or things that happen to that vaccine. i think you have already said the numbers, poppy. 17 million. 30 people. this would happen probably at that reate in a normal population. i have received the ebola vaccine spoep this is a very safe vaccine. it's important to look into these safety concerns as they come along, but i don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. we need to make sure that we're actually seeing a signal before we say we shouldn't give this vaccine. >> and let's remember here for our audience here in the u.s., this is not the vaccine that people are receiving. there are three other vaccines, pfizer, moderna and now johnson & johnson. and they have not shown anything like this. if you are listening at home and making an association here, don't make that association. there's no evidence of those kinds of problems. we do, sadly, dr. kraft, have an issue here where, despite the enormous success rate of the three vaccines available now in the u.s., without safety issues, you have this political problem. half of republicans aren't taking it. it's been months of disinformation from republican leaders and even going back to the president. it's not serious. you don't have to wear a mask. blah, blah, blah. what do we do about it? you can't have it be a party line issue because you need the population vaccinated and stop the pandemic. >> you're right. covid-19 does not care whether you are republican or democrat or any other party. so it's really important, i think, that we have to eventually come -- this isn't surprising entirely, right, given the year of misinformation we've had sort of under the previous president and all of the aspects of this that's been stoked. we're number one in the world for absolute number of cases. the reason is because this has become a political issue in the united states. and so i think we really have to figure out, and this is something i think about all day, every day is how to just have individual conversations with people to understand what their concerns are, and then work towards, you know, enhancing that relationship so that they can make a good decision which would be getting the vaccination. >> moderna is trying out their vaccine on really little kids. 6 months to 11 years old. that makes me smile because i think of my toddlers. so what does that mean for most parents of young kids? >> i think it means a sense of freedom. i have my parents who are both vaccinated coming to visit me this week, and i'm so excited. i can hardly stand it. and i think it also makes me happy to think about my children also being around my parents and them all being vaccinated. and that concern about hospitalization or severe disease being gone. that is really, really exciting. >> so -- i've heard a lot of stories like this. met a grandparent yesterday who for the first time in a year was able to pick up their grandchild from school. when do you see the country reaching a critical mass of vaccinations? approaching herd immunity? we're at about 20% with one dose now. summertime? >> i am a little more pess pessimistic than that. i think we're in this race against this variant. if we can really still try to wear masks and do all of the things we should have been doing to prevent this transmission in the beginning, we can prevent that variant from taking hold in the united states and that will be a better place to get to herd immunity. if that variant rolls through and there's some issue with the vaccine, that's where i get concerned. my prediction is sort of like maybe early fall, late fall in terms of sort of reaching that critical mass. only because of thinking about the children getting vaccinated as well. and not really seeing if that's going to be completely finished by the time they start school in august. >> understood. we'll be watching closely. we'll hope for a little better. dr. colleen kraft, thanks so much. >> thank you. still to come -- a scramble to find a place to house a surge in migrant children, unaccompanied, coming over the border. we'll speak to a republican lawmaker who visited the border. that's next. dozens of new bills seek to limit early voting. make it harder to get absentee ballots and more, all targeting efforts in texas to expand voting access. and the white house is looking to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations. we'll speak ahead with a member of the president's council of economic advisers. stay with us. so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? 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>> the administration is trying to keep up with the sheer number of minors crossing the u.s./mexico border. and one of the steps they are taking is using this convention center in dallas to house children between the ages of 15 to 17 years old. boys specifically. now this morning, the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas stressing the need to build capacity while encouraging them not to make the b journey to the u.s. border p. we're building the capacity to address the needs of those children when they arrive, but we are also and critically sending an important message that now is not the time to come to the border. do not take the dangerous journey now. give us time to build an orderly, safe way to arrive in the united states. and make the claims that the law permits you to make. >> now jim and poppy, the administration again facing a steep challenge on the u.s./mexico border as we continue to see a surge of migrants. mayorkas saying in a statement this morning that they are expecting and on pace for encounters not seen in the last 20 years. >> priscilla alvarez, dank than very much. joining me is marianne miller meeks of iowa. she's on the homeland security committee and part of a delegation of house republicans who toured a detention facility at the border in texas yesterday. congresswoman, thanks for taking the time this morning. >> it's my pleasure, jim. >> so, tell us what you saw down there. >> well, we first went into a processing facility. this is a new facility that's just over a little over a year old. they thought they would never see capacity to the numbers that they are seeing now. so their capacity is about 1,040 and yesterday they had already exceeded that capacity. typically the surge or the biggest volume of people coming across the border is april and may and this is february. they saw the biggest number of unaccompanied minors and single families and adults coming across the border. those are just the ones they knew came through the facility. they are not tested for covid-19. they have facilities for them to sleep. they provide food, clothing, diapers. they have a screening questionnaire for medical and temperature checks but other than that, they aren't testing for covid-19. >> i wonder, runder the trump administration, a number of mechanisms and systems that previously handled influxes of migrants, the asylum system, the central american minors program which reunites children from central american countries with legal guardians or parents here in the states. they were dismantled. as you watch this now, do you believe it was a mistake to dismantle those systems? >> that's a great question. i can tell you the border patrol agents we met with, all of them were supportive of the previous administration's policies and they think in them has created this surge. at midnight on january 20th, the wall stopped being built, including that portion of the wall that was already funded. so they have gaps, a 17-mile gap and that with that new wall was also technology and all that has stopped. they are very supportive of the wall. the technology that went with the wall so that was video sensors, that was sensors to detect motion and also underground sensors that would detect tremors. all of those were extraordinarily important. the crossing that goes into the santa crista mountains is a very important part. they think the wall needs to be extended into the mountains. there's a road right on the other side of the fence and that they have a large caravans and buses of people dropped off. they rush the fence and then you see the cartels use that as diversionary tactic to bring other things across the border. they think those policies worked and should have remained in place. and they are very concerned about title 42 going away. especially during a pandemic and covid-19. >> i want to get to the wall for a moment. i've also spoken to border experts, security officials who say that the wall, you know, throughout the trump administration, was not the solution but specifically to the issue of minors here because the real change under the biden administration, right is to say, we're no longer going to turn around unaccompanied minors. we're going to put them through a legal process here rather than turn them around unaccompanied to go back home. do you support reinstating that policy? turning unaccompanied minors away at the border again? >> i think if you look at it, we heard stories from the border patrol agents of 1-year-old children being dropped off at the border with a sign or written on the back of their clothing a phone number for someone to call. a 1-year-old child. unaccompanied. no adult. not knowing who is with them. and this is a huge money-making scheme for the cartels. you send the message that the border is not open to anybody to cross. we shouldn't be encouraging minors to come across unaccompanied. families to send them. the border patrol agents we met with and the border patrol union members had indicated to us the amount of money the cartels make in human trafficking. we don't know where these children go. we assume, you know, hhs tries to do a good job of making sure they're going to go to a community where there's a sponsor, but you don't know who that sponsor is. there's human trafficking. sexual abuse. sex trafficking. it's a huge problem at the border. and our border patrol agents are doing a phenomenal job trying to take care of all of these individuals but then they go to communities and the communities don't even know these individuals are arriving. they have no preparation. they don't know they're there. they have communities who have lost revenue through the pandemic and are already struggling and then an influx of minors or families. >> i get that. we have done a lot of reporting on this program about smugglers taking advantage of that. i'm just asking you specifically, what do you do with those children today? it's happening today. do you shelter them? give them some health support as it's happening now? granted overwhelming those facilities and they are building more and adding more. are you saying you want to turn them around from today? is that the solution in your view? >> right now what they are doing is to process these children to try to process them through within the 72 hours. and then to contact either their sponsor or an ngo in order to help facilitate these children getting to whoever it is that's on the phone number that's being called. so they are being processed in a humane manner. the border patrol agents we spoke with told us they are using their operational budget for food, clothing, supplies for all of these children and families. that's coming out of their operational budget. >> right. >> they don't have funding for this. that'sa eating into their budge going into this year. we need to fund the border patrol to be able to handle these families and unaccompanied minors to be able to take care of them and get them medical care when they need medical care. they are doing the best they can under situations that are extreme to them. >> doesn't that -- i get it. >> 120 border patrol agents are pulled off monitoring the border. now you have people coming across on the watch terrorist list list. >> the terror watch list, that point, let's set that aside. that's been debunked for years even by internal documents from the dhs. >> that's what the agents told us when we were there. >> well, members of the relevant committees on the hill have said they have not been briefed on that and the president's claims during his administration were previously debunked on that issue, but -- >> i can't say what the president claims. i can tell you what the border agents told us. they had just apprehended and taken into possession a large load of fentanyl and so you have those coming across -- >> fentanyl, yes, and from countries but not known terrorists. >> they said they were on the terror watchlist, i'm sorry. >> well, dhs. >> i'm reporting to you what i was told at the border. >> understood. dhs under the previous administration admitted that was not true. i want to ask what happened now. are you willing to sit down at the table with democrats to trade on this? would you trade, for instance, more border security for protections, say, for dreamers, which is a proposal lindsey agre graham has suggested. is there a deal to be made here or just accusations going back and forth? >> you know, the immigration system has been broken for decades. this is not a new problem or new issue. and i think certainly there's willingness to enhance border security and also look at immigration. and as you mentioned, looking at the dreamers or daca and how do we do that? one of the issues with daca was that it was through executive order, not legislation. i'm more than willing to sit down with members of both parties to hammer out how we can address border security, help our customs and border patrol agents there at the border now doing a tremendous task of processing and protecting us and protecting our national security. and then also addressing people who came here when they were young through no fault of their own. i think certainly there is, you know, a willingness to work in a bipartisan fashion to address this. >> let's keep up that conversation. you may have identified a path there. we're always trying to highlight on this program and elsewhere, ways where the two sides can get together. congresswoman, we appreciate you joining the broadcast this morning. >> thank you for having me on. have a great day. texas republicans unleashing a slew of bills that would make it harder to vote. critics calling this the latest push to perpetuate the big lie. about a stolen election. a false one. and suppress the vote. take a look at the markets here. the opening bell just ringing now. mixed open here. both the dow and s&p 500 do close at record highs yesterday. jerome powell will give his assessment of the state of the u.s. economy tomorrow. investors watch closely to see what he says and also any decision on interest rates. this is how you become the best! 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>> poppy, just because they're not aware and there's no evidence of fraud doesn't mean that it's not being used as a hypothetical. a potential reason for the need for these bills. it sort of falls underneath this buzzword umbrella that we're seeing a lot of these legislators use. this election integrity that encompasses restoring confidence in elections that was shaken because people were told lies by the former president and his supporters about the 2020 election. but here in texas, the sponsors of those bills also talked about fairness and uniformity saying they want elections to be uniform across the entire state. texas, of course, is the second largest state in the country. there's a lot of diversity, when we're talking about population density. that's why people here in harris county where houston is, the most diverse city in america, it's one of the largest counties in america and a recent democratic stronghold. they feel these bills are targeting them specifically. the devil is not necessarily in the details here. the sponsors were adamant about it. take a look at what some of these bills would do. in some cases it would prevent county officials from sending absentee request forms to people unless they request them. it would make it easier to challenge signature matches, purge voter rolls and then the hour setting ban when it comes to election day voting and early voting. that's what seems to target harris county and other large counties here. harris county used drive-through and 24-hour voting during early voting periods in 2020 to great success. they have also used expanded hours, of course, jim and poppy, because of the population density and the number of people who have shift work here. the people here say that it is simply an assault on the fact that they had record turnout and that they didn't like the way the results turned out. >> thank you, dianne. we have a big ticket agenda ahead for the biden administration. that means big bucks. how is president biden planning to pay for all of it? we'll ask a leading member of his economic team, next. keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. still your best friend. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. but everything fits in. still hard work. just a little easier. still a legend. just more legendary. chevrolet. making life's journey, just better. in just a few hours, president biden will leave the white house. he heads to pennsylvania where he'll visit a small business in chester. it's his first stop on a tour highlighting the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan. with me is a key member of the president's economic team, jerod bernstein. good morning. thanks for being here. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> so goldman sachs says that our economy is going to be 8% bigger at the end of this year than last year. and that unemployment is going to fall to 4% at the end of this year. is that what the white house thinks? >> we certainly think that the american rescue plan is going to definitely boost gdp growth and reduce the unemployment rate to magnitudes certainly in the ballpark of what you're seeing there. goldman's -- >> so maybe 4%? maybe 4% unemployment this year? >> what i was going to say is goldman's forecast tends to be the most optimistic. i'm not ready to give a point estimate but all of the forecasts i've seen, including our own, have not just lower unemployment at the end of the year but tight labor markets, something that looks more like full employment, pulled forward at least a year. so that we will arrive at tighter labor markets delivering benefits for american workers a lot more quickly, thanks to the rescue plan. >> that's really good news. but it makes me wonder why then a third of the plan, almost $700 billion, that isn't even allocated to be spent until next year according to the nonpartisan congressional budget office, needs to be spent at all. if we'll be doing that great, do you need to spend $700 billion more next year? >> that's a really important question and the answer is, we do. here's why. one of the things we've seen in this stop and start economy since congress started fighting back against the pandemic and its economic impacts have been this kind of start again/stop again, wait and see economy. we go up, we go down. what president biden wants to deliver to the american people and what he's out there, as we speak, as you just said on his hope is here tour, himself and the vice president, are out there touting that this time is different. this time we've calibrated a plan of the magnitude and lasting power to reliably get this expansion, this next recovery launched without the wait and see falling back kinds of problems we had thus far. that means controlling the virus, distributing the vaccine, getting benefits out to small businesses, which is a theme we're touting today. that's all part of the rescue plan. >> here's something that must be concerning to a bunch of folks who need this money. that is, as of now, debt collectors can seize stimulus checks to folks getting them, whether for medical bills, credit card debt. are you worried struggling familiyies are not going to get what they need because of this and is there anything you can do to address this? >> we're always worried that families aren't going to get the relief that they need and that's why the bill was crafted with precisely those problems in mind. >> but this can still happen. i think this can still happen. >> so i can't speak to every single type of debt but i know if we're talking about educational debt or housing debt, there are moratorium and forbearances built in to the m american rescue plan that suspends those debts, as people get back on their feet and as relief reaches them. what we know now is that checks are already going out. direct impact checks are going out the door. we're talking about 100 million shots in arms and 100 million checks in people's pockets. that's the president's near-term goal, one we're confident we can achieve. >> at this point it looks like unpaid credit card debt and medical bills are not exempt. let's talk about the wealth tax. senator elizabeth warren proposed an ultra millionaire tax. any asset over $50 million could be taxed at 2%. anything over a billion at 3%. this will raise $3 trillion. you loved this in 2019. you called it smart, well crafted for our time and something our country desperately needs but janet yellen says president biden doesn't like the idea. is the white house explicitly ruling it out? >> well, i thought what treasury secretary yellen said was precisely right, which is this is something that we have to look at. it's not ruled in. it's not ruled out. i have tremendous -- >> she said a wealth tax has been discussed but it's not something biden favors. it seems pretty clear. is it off the table? >> yeah, this is not something that the president has talked about when he has talked about his tax agenda. my point and what i wrote back then is that senator warren thinks i think very deeply about these issues and it's very keyed in to the disparities and wealth in this country. something the president has talked a lot about but there's different ways to get there and politicians have different ideas. when president biden talks about tax policy, and this is -- by the way, this is not in the context of the rescue plan. this is in the context of things coming later. he talks about higher corporate rates, higher personal rates. he talks about making sure that those who have benefited most from this economy are those who are going to have to bear more of the burden of paying for these programs. and that includes wealth holders but we're not at a point we'll be specific about this tax policy versus that one. >> okay. then i think elizabeth warren should maybe take some hope from this answer from you that maybe it's still on the table for you guys, her plan. let's end on student debt because it matters so much to folks to so many people. so the american rescue plan, in it, the president removed this obstacle that was in the way of now allowing him to cancel some student loan debt because it made loan forgiveness tax-free. is the white house in the process of crafting an executive order that would forgive $10,000 in student loan debt per american that holds it right now? >> so this has always been described by the president as legislation. so that's obviously different than -- he has consistently said he wants to work with congress to resolve this. i want to get back to the wealth tax. i -- janet yellen is our treasury secretary and the one who determines what the president's decision, what happens in that space. so what she says is on the table and is off the table is what's correct here. and i think the key point is that the president has consistently said that those who have done the best are going to need to pony up and probably most important from the perspective of our listeners is this $400,000 line in the sand that he's drawn. that the tax increases will be highly progressive and not hit anyone below $400,000. >> understood. that's clear. we're always theep have you, secretary yellen. we'd love to have her join us. jared bernstein, thanks for hitting on these important topics. we'll be right back. (ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you. - like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling) new this morning, "the washington post" is reporting that the army initially wanted to reject the d.c. government's request for the national guard help ahead of that insurrection on january 6th. >> cnn's whitney while joins us now. and, whitney, to be fair, the pentagon was not alone in being reluctant to deploy uniformed soldiers in advance of this. that said, in retrospect, looks like they were not prepared. what more do we know now? >> what the post is reporting is there was this initial reluctance, the army said we don't want to be part of this unless it's just as a last resort. they were pushing for the national guard to be used only in the event that there were about 100,000 protesters going to arrive in d.c. so that would have been quadruple the a that was expected that day. this also offers a bit of a window into the deliberations which is important because up until this point, we haven't heard from anybody publicly who is within the top ranks of the pentagon who was in this decision making process. we heard very little about the decision making that had gone on behind the scenes. again, what this shows is that there was an initial resistance to the idea at all. that's for a couple of reasons. the first was that they were concerned there wasn't a lead federal agency that was going to be handling the preparations as well as the on the day operations. finally, they felt like law enforcement was better equipped to deal with this. however, as "the washington post" points out, it is not uncommon at all for the national guard to assist d.c., civic leaders and law enforcement that something has gone on for decades here, poppy and jim. >> whitney, thank you very much for that reporting. we're going to take a quick break. we'll be right back. see every delivery... every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? introducing self protection from xfinity. designed to put you in control. with real-time notifications and a week of uninterrupted recording. all powered by reliable, secure wifi from xfinity. gotta respect his determination. it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month. top of the hour. good morning, everyone. i'm poppy harlow. >> and i'm jim sciutto. the biden administration is tag facing two major battles, the pandemic and growing humanitarian situation at the southern border. even as vaccines increase nationwide this is good news. the daily rate is going up. there are growing fears that many americans are letting their guard down too early. the white house is desperately working to avoid another potential covid-19 surge, particularly with th

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Half , Patients , Ability , European , Rome , Point , Correlation , Surges , Evidence , European Medicines Agency , Astrazeneca , 17 Million , 30 , Problems , Figure , United Kingdom , Eu , Population , Size , Another , National Health Agencies , Sample , One , Reason , Suspension , It Isn T , Denmark , Germany , France , Alarm Bells , Investigations , Result , Symptoms , Subject , Fact , Rollout , Verdict , Wave , Dfew , Course , Lockdown , Ramifications , Vaccine Hesitancy , Italy , Vaccines , Store , Profit , Company , Fight , 3 Billion , Health Emergency , World , Colleen Kraft , Emory University Hospital , Things , Everyone , Side Effects , Safety Concerns , Signal , Reate , Bathwater , Baby , Anything , Audience , Johnson , Three , Issue , Kinds , Association , Home , Don T , Listening , Success Rate , Kraft , It , Problem , Issues , Leaders , Safety , Disinformation , Republican , Party Line Issue , Blah , 19 , Wall , Sort , Aspects , Party , Misinformation , Isn T Surprising Entirely , Cases , Decision , Conversations , Concerns , Relationship , Parents , Sense Of Freedom , I M So Excited , Stories , Met A Grandparent Yesterday , Time , Hospitalization , Grandchild , Disease , Herd Immunity , Critical Mass , Summertime , 20 , Variant , Masks , Transmission , Pess , Hold , Rolls , Prediction , Thinking , Terms , Better , Unaccompanied , Scramble , Bills , More , Voting , Absentee Ballots , Lawmaker , Targeting Efforts , Dozens , Member , Texas , Council Of Economic Advisers , Voting Access , Taxes , Wealthy , Corporations , Stay , Trillion American Rescue Plan , Small Business , Big One , Power , Doesn T , Internet , Connection , Gig Speed Network , Bounce Forward , Comcast Business , Home System , Fund , Innovations , Bracket , Invesco Qqq , Ava , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Agent , Innovation , Scrambling , Migrants , Mexico Border , Particular , Border Patrol Facilities , Grip , Thousands , Priscilla Alvarez , Planning , Story , Migrant Teenagers , Convention Center In Dallas , Facility , Government , Situation , Unaccompanied Minors , Minors , Alejandro Mayorkas , Boys , Department Of Homeland Security , 17 , 15 , Capacity , Journey , Needs , Tb , Border P , Message , Way , Orderly , Law , Challenge , Mexico , Statement , Space , Saying , Encounters , Part , Marianne Miller Meeks , Congresswoman , Thanks , It S My Pleasure , Detention Facility , Delegation , Homeland Security Committee , Iowa , Little , Processing Facility , Gold , Volume , 1040 , Families , Ones , Adults , Checks , Facilities , Clothing , Food , Screening Questionnaire , Diapers , Temperature , They Aren T Testing , Program , Systems , Asylum System , Influxes , Mechanisms , Runder , Snow , Question , Border Patrol , Guardians , Mistake , Agents , Policies , January 20th , Technology , Sensors , Portion , Video Sensors , Gap , Crossing , Tremors , Motion , Santa Crista Mountains , Cartels , Fence , Mountains , Side , Road , Buses , Tactic , Caravans , Title , 42 , Solution , Change , Security Officials , Process , Policy , Phone Number , Child , Someone , Sign , Adult , Back , We Shouldn T , Money Making Scheme , Cross , Members , Human Trafficking , Money , Amount , Border Patrol Union , Hhs , Job , Sponsor , Community , Border Patrol Agents , Sex Trafficking , Sexual Abuse , Care , Individuals , Preparation , Revenue , Advantage , Influx , Smugglers , Health Support , Doing , View , Ngo , Order , 72 , Budget , Manner , Funding , That Sa , Best , Situations , 120 , Terror Watch List , Documents , Terrorist List , Claims , Committees , The Hill , Fentanyl , Terrorists , Terror Watchlist , I M Sorry , Load , Possession , Yes , Table , Border Security , Dreamers , Graham , Protections , Proposal , Instance , Democrats , Willingness , Immigration System , Accusations , Executive Order , Legislation , Immigration , Daca , Parties , Processing , Customs , Security , Task , Conversation , Fault , Fashion , Path , Ways , Slew , Sides , Elsewhere , 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Bill , Single , Mind , Type , Moratorium , M American Rescue Plan , Debts , Impact , Feet , Forbearances , Door , Pockets , Goal , 100 Million , Wealth Tax , Elizabeth Warren , Talk , Asset , Ultra Millionaire Tax , Let , 50 Million , 3 Trillion , 00 Million , A Billion , 3 , Trillion , Janet Yellen , Idea , Biden Doesn T , It Smart , Tax Agenda , Senator , Favors , Wealth , Politicians , Ideas , Disparities , Biden Talks , Tax Policy , Rates , Context , Programs , Holders , Burden , Student Debt , Guys , Student Loan Debt , Obstacle , Crafting , 10000 , 0000 , Treasury Secretary , Listeners , Tax Increases , Perspective , Anyone , Line In The Sand , 00000 , 400000 , Secretary Yellen , Topics , Jared Bernstein , Kaleb , Ringing , 13th Surgery , I M Good , 17th Surgery , Guess What , 13 , Surgery , Mother , Times , Shriners , Shriners Hospitals For Children , Care Kids , Family , Because , Doctors , Screen , Nurses , Hi , Gift , Difference , Ooh , Hold On A Second , Okay , Love , 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