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vaccine. it's staggeringly high. you hear talk about how minorities don't want the vaccine. that's a big problem. well, first, it is. and there are good reasons within minority commune tips to be wary of vaccines but it's about information. it's about messaging and access. that is not what we're talking about on the other side of the wall. why don't they want it, the white men who by and large were trumpers. trump's whole graame was the vaccine when it came to fighting the pandemic. operation warp speed. if you look more closely, trump has always pushed his base, and that's what that democratic is, to believe only him. and now, for some of them, taking the vaccine is oddly compliance, surrender, a nod to biden being president. and also, trump won't tell them any differently. he won't tell them to take it. he got his in secret, and now, he is the only living past president who refused to be a part of the psa to push the effort. think about that. why? why wouldn't he tell people to take the vaccine? why doesn't he want to tell people to take it? he is pushing the disease of division. the position is opposition. and it is making us sick. the fever of this, the fervor for openly playing us and them, and the name is senator ron johnson. >> i made the comment that on january 6th, i never felt threatened. because i didn't. and mainly does because even because the thousands of people were marching the capitol, were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they want node vote, i know they respect the country, would never do anything to break a law. if the tables had been turned and president trump won the election and those were tens and thousands of black lives matter and antifa protestors, i might have been concerned. >> this is about us and them, and it's about race, period. do you think that brian sickla was concerned? senator johnson, do you stand with those arrested for the murder of brian sicknick? they were spraying toxic chemicals, not charged with murder, but they are charged with assault. both appeared in federal court today. just patriots, johnson calls them. who knows how many others are sitting silently. they did not say he was wrong -- it's okay because they are white. if they are black -- oh. that is what blm is, right? it's just blacks. you forget about all the allies. you forget about all the white people who believe in systemic justice, equality. think about it. they came almost 1,000 strong to the capitol, and chanted hang mike pence, patriots, law abiding citizens. and all those who are quiet in the face of what he says are c complicit in it. he said the shame is on you and me. >> there is nothing racist about my comments. it's shocking it would take what i consider completely innocuous comment and use the race card on me and said there is a racist comment involved. was none. >> by the way, that works for about three-quarters of the people who voted for him. know that. that's the scale of what you're dealing with. now, take a step back. he may not get it. he may not get it. he may think it is inknocks n now -- inknockous, armless. he is race ses sif when it comes to what he perceives as a threat. white, you say nice things. patriots, they love law enforcement. exkreptd for the ones they kimmed and maimed, losing an eye and finger. except them. but if they're black. it is by definition, senator, racist. i have zero interest in promote it here. i invited the senator on the program. he used to come on the program all the time. i wanted to explain why he would be more afraid of black attackers than white ones. he didn't want to come on. that is his choice. he came out today and made it clear this is not about race, friend. it's just about defending the trump mob. listen. >> the vast majority of people here are here exercising the first amendment. the vast majority of trump supporters would never think of rioting or committing any illegal act. >> first, the justice department says in is the largest and most complex criminal investigation in history. i said it many times and it needs to be said tonight. are all trump supporters violent? of course not. but are all the people as far as we know who attacked the capitol trump supporters? yes. why is johnson ignoring it? that's the point. this has nothing to do with race. why distinguish between rioters by race. it has nothing to do with race. why say the places where the election was rigged -- which it was not -- are predominantly minorities here. why do you bring back the most odious laws. since jim crow. google jim crow laws in the states where they existed and compare them to the language, phraseology of what is sold to 40 states now, some 250 plus bills, tack a look and be shocked at the similarity. he and anyone in the party are welcome to come on the show. explain how these are about keeping the election safe, and you have to limit access to the polls. tell me why it's safe. tell me why you call hr will have 1 the devil's work. it's the only act that can stop this wave of legislation. here is what i think. i never heard you use the devil's work thing about obama care. why about this? my argument is, this is becoming a holy war for you guys. hopefully, one again, democrats will find a way to fight off the obvious intentions of people like senator johnson. they did it back in the day with a better johnson. and here were his words about what they tried in the '60s. >> the constitution says no person should be kept from voting because of his race or color. it is wrong, deadly wrong, to deny any of your fellow americans the right to vote in this country. all americans must have the privileges of citizenship regardless of race. >> you know, i used to hear that and be like, yeah, no kidding. we have come a long way. have we? have we? let's take us to the better minds. natasha and michael, good see you both. natasha, what is your take why ron johnson says what he says and it's dumbfounded for what is said. >> well, ron johnson wants people like me to come on his show and be mad and outrage and say there goes the left wing media, but it's ron johnson pulling the race card. he prefaces racist comments by saying this is going to get me trouble, and what does he do? he says the comments and he braces for the backlash. we saw it with the former president as well. we're seeing in a lot of aspects of society, where people bring the energy, they peek their mind and they are actually honest. ron johnson is honest about how he sees the difference in propes tors but they are innocuous comments. but let's get to the heart of his comments. ron johnson is validating some white people's feerps that black protestors are actually scary. they are less patriotic, less loyal. we saw with our own eyes capitol rioters atracking democracy, trying to stop a legal vote, and law enforcement losing their life. so the last thing i have to say about this, this irrational fear of black protests in the united states, we saw black protesters, allies, dressed up in their sunday best. children were still sprayed with fire hoses. they were still beaten by law enforcement. we saw what happened in selma. so that respectability, it did not protect us then, and it doesn't protect us now. black protestors, black lives matter, are exercising their fundamental right to protest and they should be protected doing so. ron john shonn apologize but he won't, and that's exactly what he wants to do. stand his ground and make it seem as if he is winning a culture war against the left. >> michael, we say all the time, you want to protest, protest. nowhere does it say you have to be peaceful assembly, you can be angry, you can yell. as soon as you touch me, as soon as you touch property, now you're not a protestor, now you're a rioter. there is a line. there have is a new line in the party of opposition. if you're white, should you be outraged about what is going on and you will get protection from us. the roof is not johnson. it's all the men and women who are quiet after he said it in that party. what's your take? >> i think you're right. and also, i think the proof lies in the widespread acknowledgment of what johnson's saying, the shallow show of police force on that particular day. remember, that was a day not only where it was well known was going to be a protest inspired by then president trump but there is also a risk it might be a day when we faced some type of retribution by the iranians and we were still at the lowest def con possible. and today, senator johnson is saying, i'm surprised and the reaction to what i said. but gnat tash that pointed out, when he said it last friday, there was a preamble. i know it might get in trouble, but this is what i think. final thought, if i may, former vice president mike pence, chris, he's been the most quiet of all amidst this backdrop. if there is one person who would want to speak up, because they were calling for him to be hung, it would be the former vice president, and yet, he is said nothing. >> that is an interesting play on his part. i have to tell you, you know what is upsetting to me? a lot of things. but i get to know, you love having you on the show. i get you're right to have the attitude you have tonight. they will expect an outrage and you have left with the cancel culture and all that stuff. you have that on your back when you come to make this argument. i don't like you have to put an even face on it. but he gets to do what he does. he gets to say what he says and you can't be jut raged in let me tell you, i don't know i have ever covered anything that is more outrageous to me. i at frightened by the potential. and i know -- i'm not a theatrical person. i have no shtick. i am frightened by this, and it's outrageous, and you make the case well. michael, appreciate you. we will talk about this a lot. we will talk about this a lot with the better minds. because this is the battle line. maga has always been a regressive suggestion. you guys who thought, you get get rid of trump and it's gone, i always told you, it's about who and what remaining. you have one shot at nipping a new generation of jim crow in the bud. it's absolutely about race and i take no comfort in seeing it. a senate democrat joining us next with what the chance is. senator merkley, he lived january 6th. what does it mean for the ability to save the 1rvotes rigs of minorities, next. tonight... i'll be eating roasted cauliflower tacos with spicy chipotle sauce. 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they were concerned. democratic senator jeff merkley was there, senator, thank you for joining us on the show. >> good to be with you. >> he will get good buy-in by the race card, cancel culture, the leftd. that will work. no one came out from his party in the senator house and said shut up, johnson. we're not about that. that's your problem. how do you think you can work with people who will stand by in the face of what he said? >> i tell you, the comments made me immediately think of willie horton from presidential campaign. it's basically saying, if someone has dark skin, be scary. be afraid of them. they're not like that. and i just -- i would like to think that ron johnson wasn't thinking clearly when he says these kinds of things. but it seems to be a record that keeps being replayed. and i could hope my colleagues come out and say any sort of race bidding, deliberately culti cultivating divisions in america -- >> that is not what they want to say. a adam kinsinger will not say, we don't like any violence. you have to say, what ron johnson said is wrong. in the control room -- did adam kinsinger use his name? yeah, thank you. but not on the senate side. here is my point. i have been making the point to all you guys. i don't know where your optimism is working with him when they showed opposite inclination. do you recognize hr-1 as the only way to stop this wave of legislation that will absolutely limit the voting rights of minorities across the country? >> absolutely. in the senate, we prefer to call it s-1 but it is essential that we use the constitution power. we have the able to lay out parameters, and it's our constitutional responsibility to defend the ballot box. the journey is knocking down the ballot, that was imposed by rights, gender, jim crow, and we made it with the voting rights act. and here we are with a massic campaign, a massive effort to attack black americans, college students, native americans to cast a ballot. it's absolutely wrong. it's absolutely just a corruption of our constitutional responsibility. >> the only way you get rid of s-1, the senator's right, and house resolution. the only way you get rid of it, the jim crow era, and the people born who wanted to slay down progress. i don't know if you will have a vote within your own party, and that will be some assessment of the democrats. we don't know that. let's put it on hold. let's talk about something you do know. you have a problem at the border, you always had. the flow sin creasing because the biden administration rolled back sof of the restrictive, inhumane practices. but you increase the flow without the handling of it. did they own they made tight easy for too many to come and they're not equipped? >> i think tharey were moved by hu human decency to say that leaving so many across the board, we have to give them safe harbor, that is the international responsibility in refugee convention is about. and those who recruit those who come to the border are running advertisements and saying, now is the moment. the biden administration will not turn you back. so they have a big challenge, and that challenge is created out of them doing -- the way we should treat refugees, to recognize we provide a safe harbor, we have an expedient process to determine if they qualify for asylum. if they don't qualify, it's difficult, they sent home. the facilities and processes were not in shape to handle the flow. >> we need to hear more about how they aggress that. when you encourage people to come, you belter be able to handle it. many administrations have made these problems that we are living in real time. senator jeff herkley,thank you for addressing the issues. >> thank you, chris. politics are holding us back from crushing the pandemic. that's all it is. the vaccine resistance now is on the right, and concerns about variants are growing. let's look inside the numbers to see the reality, in terms of who stands between us and an end to the nightmare once and for all. the wizard of oz next. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. the harry's razor is not the same our razors have 5 german-engineered blades designed to stay sharp so you can enjoy lasting comfort and we never upcharge you for high quality harry's. available in store and at i have an idea for a trade. why don't you call td ameritrade for a strategy gut check? 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>> do did you get the vaccine? >> no, i had covid. i think that is the best immunity possible. actually having the disease. >> i got to tell you, the take this and the stuff he said about the white rioters don't bother me but the brown ones do, i think he's ignorant. he can't not know that having covid doesn't remove the need for having the vaccine. but he is not alone. you may have medical reasons, right? but if it's out of will -- here's the case, pieces of people getting reinfected are well documented. i can show you the cdc clearly says if you have covid, you still need to be vaccinated. but we're learning just how much the opposition party, the trumpers torch the cdc's credibility, and they found a variety of issues with all they handle scientific data in the trump administration. including putting out guidance that wasn't offered. the reality, the guy who insists he deserves all the credit for the vaccine but didn't tell anybody when he got it, and no show on the former president's psa promoting it. >> i think it would make all the difference in the world. he is a widely popular person among republicans. he has such incredible influence over people in the republican party, it would be really a game change fehr he did. >> why is it former president trump telling people to take the vaccine that he made possible? the wizard of oz, harry anton, says the numbering back up dr. fauci. >> the situation is, if you look at the polling and you look at, breaking it down by republicans versus democrats, who say they have gotten the vaccine or will get the vaccine, what you see here is a very clear indication, 72% of democrats say they have gotten or will get the covid-19 vaccine. just 48% of republicans, and what i should note, chris this type of gap was much smaller. used to be much, much smaller, and we heard the rhetoric, a lot less note worthy in terms of positive reinforcement, and what you see is a perfect indication. >> you said when it comes to he is hesitancy versus resistance, you have to look at the hard core nos. >> this is so important. if you look from september of 2020 to march 2021, the people who are hesitant, who say they will get it but they will wait. that has dropped. the same period, the folks who said i have gotten it or i'm going to get the asap has jumped 13% up to 54%. the people who are hesitant have decided to move back saying i'm going to get it immediately. the key nugget here is the percentage who say they won't get it, that is 23% back in september. that number hasn't moved. the people who have been resisting all along, the people who say i'm not going to get it, they are hard core nos. >> is there anything you can glean from the data, about what are the best chances to get people to take the vaccines? >> the more you get to know somebody who has a vaccine, someone who you know is inoculated, and 50% say they want to get the vaccine as soon as possible. versus those who don't know anybody who has gotten the vaccine, just 33%. for me, number one, people have to know people who have gotten it. that is key for trump. if you know someone who has gotten it, you have far more likely to have gotten it, and slide four here, i think this is the other important thing. if you look at the reasons people say they're not going to get it what it really comes down to is they don't have enough knowledge of the vaccination. there are concerns about side effects. they want more info. just generally speaking. those are the top concerns. it's not like they think, i'm anti-vax generally, that is really low on the totem pole. you want to have a lot of knowledge that they work, and if we are able to push it forward in the press and the politicians, that will alleviate the vaccine hesitancy, and get people to take the vaccine immediately. >> very helpful, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> talking about setbacks, the george floyd murder trial. a $27 million settlement on the civil side. now, will that stand in the way of a fair trial for the officer derek chauvin on the criminal side? his defense attorney thinks so. this is not an unusual situation, or is it? we will take you to the top p procute -- prosecutor next. 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>> i would say zero percent chance. this is not even a year later. it's fresh on the minds of so many people. the idea of delaying it with what end? as if some place else in minnesota people may not have heard about it. i made national and likely international news. and the pretrial settlement, the idea of having time come in the way is probably going to be a zero percent chance. and the judge will take into account. >> if he can get chauvin on the outside for the entire time, we get why he would want a delay. now, the idea of what this settlement means. for those who have followed the situation, mohammed noir was a settlement in minnesota. it set a supreme court precedent independent the state to use the charge. it can cut both ways. you hear there's a big settlement. we heard one potential juror say, whoa, that makes me think he did something wrong. and you can also hear, $27 million, they have taken care of the family. there is already punishment here. >> absolutely. the idea that a settlement is going to influence the defense is really a fallacy. if you're the prosecution, having the culpability in the form of financeable accounting, the city council felt this way. remember, he was also fired by the police chief in minneapolis as well. you have all the ideas to be aware of the potential last year, a plea to the third degree murder charge as well. it comes in the minds of jurors who are already made aware before they are summoned back in september. and it could yield a benefit defense. it's not as if the settlement is coming out of the police union's dollars or the police department, it comes out of taxpayer dollars, and the taxpayers will say, we have part of the town burned down. there was backlash against those who hijacked the protest and committed crimes. that factors in as well. and i don't know if all the elements are met here but $27 million is quite a statement. why must we go the extra mile and give them a prison term as well. that is why it commonly comes after. and the federal government serves as a civil rights backdrop to take into account what happened at the state level, to have avoid having a state level jury think about these with a personal touch. and instead, broaden out to the civil rights legislation as well. and they seem to be aware of it, and also having some what opinion of chauvin already based on what they know. and an opinion on george floyd, it's going to factor in how they are going to factor in. >> 8 and 9 were seated today. 8 is a man in his 30s. and 9 has a negative impression of chauvin. laura coates, i usually understand what you're going to say but it never sounds as good as when you say it. i really hope to have you as much as possible as we go through this. once we get in the trial, it's going to get sticky and it's going to get quick. you it will be good to have you. >> let's get after it. >> let's get after it. you know why we get the vaccine? 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(doorbell rings) thanks! splitsies? ♪ ♪ meant the food, didn't you? four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. (laughing) (trumpet playing) someone behind me, come on. pick that up, pick that up, right there, right there. as long as you keep making the internet an amazing place to be, we'll keep bringing you a faster, more secure, and more amazing internet. xfinity. the future of awesome. got to get the vaccine, got to get the ncinformation. ga got to track the science. we'll have moments like the chc chvlas. "cnn tonight" with d-mon. >> i was not seen my mom. for whatever reasons whether it is right or wrong, grandparents love to know that your kids are gaining weight. >> oh my gosh. >> you are too skin ny. >> i hear it all the time. we all want to be the chvlas. >> we can

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