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weekend. 2 million a day. those are great numbers 16781% of the country has been fully vaccinated, a weekend have have now cnn reporting releasing right now. the biden administration launching a $250 million media blintze targeting the vaccine. what's the goal? the concern? that's coming up. health experts warn complacency could trigger another deadly surge. they don't want to see any more scenes like thissing large crowds hitting miami beach, masksless in the streets, other places as well. for more details, let's bring in cnn's medical correspondent elizabeth cohen. good morning. >> good morning. this is a large campaign. a quarter of a billion dollars. let's take a look at where that money is going to go. it's go doing go largely to tv, radio, billboard print, and digital ads. there will be a podcast by a well-known figure. we don't know who that is. while it will talk about social distancing and staying away from crowds, it will focus on vaccination and they're going to promote it to protect your family, to protect your community. they found that that kind of residency resonated well with people. you might wonder, gosh, so many people are scrambling to get a vaccine, do we really need to be promoting this? they're going to time it when there's more vaccine out there so they don't create more of a demand than can behandled. but there are people who do need to hear this message. there are people out there hesitant or adamant about not getting the vaccine. let's take a look at how those numbers break down. when we did a cnn poll march 3rd through 8th, we asked who will not try to get vaccinated. democrats, 7%. independents, 32% of them said they will not try to get vaccinated. the republicans, nearly half. this campaign, they have their work cut out for them. erica? >> so, elizabeth, in terms of the campaign, especially the polling numbers, are there specific plans to encourage the republicans, trump supporters as well to get vaccinated because we know of that hesitancy there. >> you know, erica, i was speaking with a marketing executive who is involved with this campaign. what they said s look, we recognize different groups need different messages. there is this sense that, hey, if leading republicans would come out and say, i got the vaccine, that could have some meaning even though donald trump lost the election. there are still people who really do listen to him. he did get vaccinated, but he has not come out and talked about it. dr. anthony fauci had something recently to say about that. >> he's a very widely popular person among republicans. if he came out and said go and get vaccinated, it's really important for your health t health of your family and the health of the country, it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of the people who are his close followers would listen to him. >> so i think there is hope trump and other leading republicans will come out and say, yes, i got the shot. we will be watching for that. thank you. joining us now, david, i'm going to start with you because this is a political issue. it shouldn't be. you can see how political this is. npr just asked in a poll if the vaccine is made availability to you, will you choose to be vaccinated? 44% say no. republican men, it's 49% no. so why doesn't the former president get in the game here? what's the possible explanation for his hesitancy to promote the vaccination when he got one in january? >> that's what i got hung up on. he did get vaccinated after he had the virus, so he certainly felt it was good enough for him and a necessary step for him to take particularly at his age and vulnerability because he wouldn't necessarily be immune, however, it would be rare for him to be reinfected with one of these variants. so i don't understand this. he could have a real impact. i think you're right. what's sad is the politics around vaccine is not really so much about anti-vaccine sentiment as, oh, is this thing so serious? i thought it was about over. i think the thing to do is appeal to president trump and maybe allies of him who could put pressure on him or those who are like-minded who could begin to spread that word so more and more men, particularly republican concern can get over this concern or hesitancy. >> i know you talked about eventually tying it to the incentives. what the vaccine allows you to do. it's more than hugging your grandchildren, as you know. if they're tailoring that message in terms of whoo can we do, reopening businesses and sending kids back to school and targeting people who are hesitant in areas where we know there's a push to reopen, how effective do you think that would be? >> i think it would be very effective. yes, there are some people with very specific concerns and, of course, firsthand these individuals, we have to address their specific concern. for example, i have heard from patients who think the vaccine causes coronavirus. you're not going to get the virus from the vaccine. i also think there are a lot of people who for lack of a better words, it is complacency. they'll say, doing know how serious the coronavirus is. i think that kind of message is really important. of course, we hope that people will answer to the message of it protects you, it protects your family, it protects your loved ones, but there are others who need to see a very specific incentive in it for themselves, and that's the kind of carrot we can give people by making sure, for spam example, hey, you can now go to the theater and restaurants safely if you get the vaccine. i think that kind of messaging, what's in it for you, needs to be made clear in the biden campaign as well. >> i want to ask you something important that dr. fauci was asked this weekend. it's a question of how children will go to school. the question is whether people who are masked can be 3 feet from each other, not 6. listen to this. >> the cdc realizes it's okay. they're analyzing that, and i can assure you within a reasonable period of time, quite reasonable, they'll be giving guidelines according to the data they have. >> i know school districts including my own, if you can be 3 feet safely masked, you can do a lot of things in school. >> that's right. john. coming into the fall, we're looking at 3 feet. we can't do that if we have to keep to the 6-foot rule. the cdc has to look at the vaccination as an additional layer of protection. what happens if you put vaccination in there as well. if you say all the teachers and staff are vaccinated or even parents, are you able to say with masking and maybe with testing can you replace the 6 foot rule and replace it with th 3 feet instead. look at the different layer and see which layers can replace others in order to get schools bat pa-- back to reopening safe. david, it comes back to the messagi messaging. i wonder if there's a race between the patients people have and whether we're letting them no. when you have all of these things in place, the world reopens. >> some of this is happening alr already. when dr. fauci says you may be able to gather for 4th of july, people will swing the door open a lot wider. if i look at where my kids are, three different schools, slightly different approaches, their testing regimen and contact trace have gotten a lot better. that should be enough because we haven't had widespread outbreaks. even public schools as well. that should be enough. we're not seeing widespread outbreaks, and that's what the science has shown. and that step of getting kids back into class is so krzysikly important because even where they are in a hybrid situation, in smaller schools, you're talking one or two kids in a classroom. we're not getting back to the actual benefits of in-person schooling and that's done. >> was i wrong to be elated when i saw there were more than 3,000 vaccinations reported saturday morning, nearly 3 million on sunday morning? it seems like it's really significant. >> for so long we've been talking about how demand has been so much higher than supply, but i think that's going to can up so soon. there are three major barriers. we're soon going to have a supply for every american to be vaccinated. by may 1st president biden says we'll have eligibility for everyone because distribution has ramped up so much. again, it's a matter of education, but it's also a matter of making vaccines more accessible. we want to make getting a vaccine an easy choice. i think what we need to do next is not only making it available at mass vaccination sites but doing vaccines at pharmacies, primary care offices, churches, schools, businesses, making it easy to say, yes, it's something i want to do, but i'm not able to take off from work or wait hours in line. i want to do this because this protects everyone around me and a ticket back to my life with the previous pandemic. >> thank you both for being with us this morning. >> thanks. >> cn video capturing migrant families making the dangerous journey across the southern border how is the government dealing with this surge in migrants, particularly this dramatic such when it comes to children. to reach your weight loss and wellness goals? 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>> thanks for having me, john. this is one that's been with fu us for over a decade. that's what i find most aggravating. those on the talk shows yesterday are trying to turn this into a political issue. these are kids fleeing horrible conditions they're escaping violence, and we need to focus on addressing both the immediate challenge, which is, by the way, not going away, but we need to have our congressmen and women do their job. we've been trying since 206 to get immigration reform and we never seem to be able to do it. it's been 15 years. it's time to pass commonsense, smart, bipartisan reforms, and until we do, this problem doesn't go away. i can say firsthand having served in the trump administration, deterrents the way they were trying to do it, it didn't work. we still had surges, people amassing on the border in 2020 during the pandemic when the border was shut down. it's not something that the executive branch can do alone. we need congress to act. >> just so people know, the one policy that has been changed in terms of the border is that unaccompanied minors are now being let in. they were not before. now they are. that is what the specific change is. it isn't a giant epic change as it were or is not being portrayed by some people, but there are messages being exploited by cartels. how so? >> so we do have a big problem. you do have cartels. it's a huge money maker for them. it used to be drugs. now it's smuggling humans. what they will do is latch onto any one change, which there was this change where they started admitting children for asylum claims at the start of the biden administration, but the cartels were already advertising last fall that changes were afoot, that the border was going to be reopened because the only reason we saw numbers drop in 2020 is for the administration to use the public health law, title 22, to shut down the border. that caused thecartel. and then they started to amp up. they've been advertising they can get you in, and they make money off of this. in order for us to change the dynamic, it's a very complex mix of law enforcement actions, addressing the transactional criminal prosecutions, the countries that need assistance by making sure that it's a safe country -- safe sets of countries that people want to live in so they don't feel like they have to escape some place else just to survive. it's very complex. i'm not suggest any one administration has it all wrong or all right. just frustrating that politicians are using this as a war with each other instead of rolling up their sleeves and doing the hard work, which is what many officials have had to deal with. >> i want to ask you about the siege from january fth. ron johnson made a statement and i want to play part of it and ask you a specific question. listen. >> i know there are people who love this country that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, and so i wasn't concerned. had the tables been concerned -- joe, this could get me in trouble. had the tables turned and president trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of black lives matter and antifa, i might have been a little concerned. >> if possible, i want to leave aside ron johnson's racial position. the black lives matter movement seems to scare him. even though he continues to perpetuate the big lie in general, but he's identified something that you pointed to as a real failure in national security which has been the national security apparatus looked at the people involved in that january 6th insurrection and did not see it as a threat. what do you think? >> it's a complex situation. it's not any one factor. i do think what led up to it is you had the same groups show up in november and december, had protests that had a little spillover violence, usually at night, kind of counterprotest interaction, but it was nothing to the level of what we saw january 6th, so i think that created some complacency, but i also think there's an element of people in the crowd that were showing up on january 6th are people that law enforcement know from their home communities or the places they grew up from their high schools, they know people like this. they know people that get agitated about politics and they're diehard maga. it's easy when we think we know a type of person to imagine they could ever cross the line and do something violent. i think there's this built-in unconscious bias, if you will, because you think if you know them, they can get rowdy at the bar, they're the friend you have to kind of make sure you drag away before things get too terchs and fists might get thrown. i think they overassumed this was going to be the same oil same oil, and i think that's work we need to do in the national security country to understand better the nature of the threats. we have not taken the violent white supremest threat seriously. but there's a lot of misunderstanding that fed into this complacency. >> i have to let you go, but to put a pin in it, do you think therif there were a large amount, it would have been handled differently? >> absolutely. it's impossible to predict. it's obvious we have a bias problem with police and the way we secure our country. >> and maybe legislate. see ron johnson. elizabeth neumann, thank you very much. americans traveling in numbers not seen since the pandemic begin. we have a live report next. rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles goodbye! neutrogena® opportunities are all about timing. so if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, it's time to take advantage of a plan that gives you more for your medicare dollar: an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. call unitedhealthcare today to get $0 copays for all primary care doctor visits, $0 copays on preventive dental, and $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions. in 2019, members saved an average of $7,200 on prescriptions. you'll even get free annual eye exams, and free designer frames. don't miss your shot. if you're turning 65 or retiring soon, learn about our wide choice of plans, including ppo options, call unitedhealthcare today. we'll walk you through your choices and find the right plan for you. catching a good opportunity is all about timing. so, enroll today, before the moment slips away. it's time to take advantage. psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. this is wealth. ♪ ♪ this is worth. that takes wealth. but this is worth. and that - that's actually worth more than you think. don't open that. wealth is important, and we can help you build it. but it's what you do with it, that makes life worth living. principal. for all it's worth. time for cnn business now. there are longer term benefits for loans for americans. christine romans here with that. good morning. >> it's now the law of the land. a defining legacy. the biggest federal effort to cut poverty in the last century, potentially reducing poverty by a third, child poverty by a half. yes, there are stimulus checks coming. but more importantly, parents get $3,600 for kids 6 and under. essentially a guaranteed income for these families for the rear. these measures mean thousands for families. there's more food stamps. $1,000 a month for a family of four. $300 in jobless benefits and the first $12,200 are tax-free. there's one catch here. the benefits are all tell prairk john. president biden and some democrats are trying to make several of these permanent. >> i can't help but notice the stockmarket has been going up again a lot and the dow is set for another record high. sh this a short-term surge or stimulus or idea of a recovery? >> both of these. wall street has the luxury of looking into the future. the stockmarket has surged to record highs. look at that split screen. wall street has the luxury to bet that president biden's stimulus will super charge the economy. in fact, goldman sachs is expanding the largest expansion in generations. 8% economic growth, a huge turnaround from the pandemic. that growth along with the vaccine projects and reopenings that's got investors hoping consumers spend more money. that would spark inflation. they're seen as vulnerable. we saw that ten-year treasury yield hit a high. john t risk of inflation hypothetical down the road not as great as not doing this right, not hurting enough. focusing on the now. >> i'm still shaking my head. >> can you believe that? the biden boom some are calling it. it's a fire hose of economy. u.s. air travel hitting a pandemic high over the weekend topping the christmas and new year's holiday numbers. that's despite the cdc continuing advise against travel. i alsco insides as you likely know at home with spring break kicking off. a lot of people getting on planes, pete. >> reporter: that's right, erica. the new pandemic record is half of what it was a year ago, but the numbers are going up. the tsa says it's going to 1.3 million on friday. that's the highest number we've seen in the last year. this is what the new normal looks like at least for now. the cdc is recommending people get tested before and after every trip. it is pre-security. the cdc did stop short of saying vaccinated people can travel fleely without risk, and dr. anthony fauci said dwight lands like that. >> they really would like to get the data that would allow them to go to the next step. some people think it's a little bit too slow, but they'll get there, and they'll get there soon. >> industry groups just want to get out right now. all disney parks are sold out this week. united airlines is'ding flights to sunny and skiing destinations starts next moind. people are only booking tickets a couple weeks out. erica? >> pete muntean, thank you. most of italy effectively locked down. this is following a surge of coronavirus cases and the tough new restrictions being imposed. we're going to take a look at those next. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa want to brain better? usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. ♪ ♪ ♪like an echo in the forest♪ [singing in korean] ♪another day will return♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ so you're a small business, [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. the military in myanmar has extended martial law since the military seized power in a coup last month. security forces killed at least 38 people on sunday. china is said to be stepping up its involvement in response to the crisis after several chinese-funded factories were damaged and set on fire over the weekend. italy prepared for another nationwide coronavirus lockdown already in effect in some areas of the country. cases are spiking due to the more danks variant identified in the uk. cnn has been covering the pandemic from around the world. i'm melissa bell. just after italy became the first country to lock down, the vast majority of its population entered a strict lockdown with people only allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons. seven of 8.3 will be back at home with schools shut and the restrictions will last until at least april 8th. i'm cyril vanier. more than a third of the eu countries have paused astrazeneca. the pharmaceutical giant says its data from more than 17 million vaccine recipients shows no increased risk of blood co-ing a lags, and the european medicines agency is maintaining its green light for astrazeneca as it reviews the incident. >> reporter: i'm will ripley in hong kong. fears of a fifth wave of covid-19 have cities taking drastic new steps, locking down thousands of residents in several apartment buildings here in the heart of a hong kong neighborhood. this latest was traced to a gym. there were hundreds of close contacts in mandatory isolation including young children spark concern over the mental health of youngsters forced to sit in quarantine for 14 days. >> our thanks to our reporters all around the world. we want to remember some of the nearly 535,000 americans lost to coronavirus. 46-year-old james jeffrey murray grew up in karabell, florida, in his family's oyster's business. he was known as the grill master serving up meals with trademark warmth and wit. he leaves behind a wife and three children. >> gwennith ran a learning center. her husband said she didn't fit the regular mode. she was named south dakota teach over the year and served 18 years with the state board of education including four as president. we'll be right back. still your best friend. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. but everything fits in. still hard work. just a little easier. still a legend. just more legendary. chevrolet. making life's journey, just better. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tremfya®. emerge tremfyant™ wondering what actually goes into your multivitamin? 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>> this could have spelled trouble if the tables had been turned. if they were black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> there you have it. there's a lot to unpack. this might get me in trouble. it's not bravery. it's bias. second, he acknowledged trump lost the election. baby steps, but the biggest reveal t reason johnson insists this wasn't an armed insurrection. the rioters were white and republican. same attack, same destruction, same death toll, totally different reaction. so much for the false flag fiction he was trying to peddle. this is about so much of the sickness our politics is about fear of others, about group blame and violence should be condemned wherever it occurs. that's exactly what ron johnson is not doing. it helps explain why black lives smatter a bogeyman. he bragged of the covid relief bill last week. >> i know the strength of black lives matter in this last election. i know it's a group, it doesn't like the old fashioned family. >> he is repeating the belief that they want to abolish the family. it doesn't. it sustained an assault in our country since the days of the kkk and still survived. with these two remarks they are pulled back with negative obsessions. conservatives claim they are too quickly able call them racists. if you can't clearly condemn an attack on the u.s. capitol, you effectively excusing violence when it comes from your twieb. that's unsustainable for your nation. that's your reality check. >> john avalon, as always, appreciate it, my friend. later, governor abbott will talk about election integrity. here's what he said about the voting rights bill that just passed the house. >> with regard to hr-1, they're trying to institutionalize voter fraud in the united states of america. they want to make mail-in ballots permanent. everyone knows, including democrats in texas have said one of the easiest way to cheat in elections is through these mail-in ballots. they want to make it harder to require the use of voter i.d. they want to protect ballot harvesting. >> joining me now is natasha brown, the co-founder of black matters fund. i want your thoughts that he said it would institutionalize voter fraud? >> you know, it's interesting, to hear that is just amazing, what people want to do, particularly republicans, they want to put their racism in policy so in looking at a deal that expands ballot access, it actually is a pro-democratic deal is a deal that would actually reflect and really support all voters in this country. so to literally be able to say that he knows it's not true. it's a part of a dog whils on a big lie that -- dog whistle on a big lie that trump told. people are able to participate in the government and they can make those decision how to use their vote on who represents them. >> we know this is likely a hit, a major road block, of course, in the senate. so what do you see as the next move at this point? >> you know, i think the next move is when we are looking at what is happening in the senate, we will look at what will happen in the filibuster. i don't anticipate the republicans have enough integrity or courage that they would stand nor vogt rights matter, in fact, they have been quite opened not against the racism but about their intention to shut the process, to close the process. so that all americans are not participating so i think what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to see the senate, to end the filibuster so sweeping changes made in this country will expand it for all. >> so that's the one aspect of it. right? looking at it at a more local level, what we are seeing are the bills more than 250 efforts in 43 states at this point being put forth and as we look at what's happening, let's take georgia, for example, we can put up on the screen what we just saw in terms of those bills we saw if georgia. the governor said he will sign the bill in its current form into law. as you know, the lt. gov., a republican, obviously, jeff duncan is saying there is a lot of solutions if search of a problem over the weekend. if you look at what's happening in georgia as i understand it, using corporation and calling on big business here could actually be the key. why? >> oh, absolutely. i think the call of citizens have a responsibility of protecting democracy. quite honestly, the democracy is good for business. the nations are stable. democratic institutions, those markets also are strong. i think we have to look at companies spiking in georgia. we are talking ups, delta airlines, the southern companies, coca-cola, home depot, those companies, if you work at those companies, a part of manage. , and consumers, so you are looking at what is happening right now, this anti-democratic racist legislation. we expect those corporation as a corporation is a call to corporations. i think it's a great opportunity for those corporations to say they align themselves with social equity, will move forward as we want to make this nation stronger and better and protect democracy, this is a perfect time to review the local leverage to stand up and say, no, we're not going back to the jim crowe era. >> do you see that happening, though? >> i do see some shifts. i think recently we saw on the week, the georgia chamber of commerce, which all of those companies are a part of came out with a statement that they are not supporting dheels stress vote. what we want to see is more. we want to see those companies stand up to date and use their political power and lever a him to do a couple things, to also divest from those sponsors of the deals. the sponsors of the deals literally are putting their basis on racism and anti-democratic practices. we have a strong message that we are a strong democracy. we will not go back to an era that black people have to actually fight and bleed and die for the right to vote a part of what we believe is all citizens should have a part in the process of being able to have their vote protected. >> you bring up a couple really good points, not only this bill but stacy abrams said over the weekend on cnn it is racist in terms of what is happening in georgia. also it's more than a statement. right? there need to be real action. oftentimes, it comes from following the money. how much appetite do you think there is in those companies to really move forward with more than just a statement? >> you know, so what we have been doing over the weekend and other organizations. i think as consumers, we will have the power to make sure they have the backbone to stand up for this. that at the end of the day, what is really important is that we have a strong, inclusive democracy. so both companies do have a responsibility. we pay tax dollars. we look at black voters in the state of georgia, we contribute $106 billion to the economy in that state. we in the company and also consumers. so i think this is the moment that corporate america can make a difference, particularly, though, in georgia and we're not going to go back. i think we have to put pressure, exert pressure, the power of demand. so i think we will have to exert pressure around let them know to call these companies, ups, home depot and the southern companies and delta air lines and let them know that we expect them that as we support them, we expect them to support the voters of georgia. >> natasha brown, great to have you this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> "new day" continues right now. when you travel the country you need to speak to the real people. >> spring break, letting down their guard as more, new infein infectious viruss are spreading across the country. >> aas we get through the summer, we will know more and webone don't want to be too precipitous enmasse. >> minors are showing up at the border in greater numbers. >> this is a humanitarian challenge to all of us. >> this is "new day" with allison cam rot and the john berman. >> like down there on the floor, welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day." allison is off. erica hill, you were in the camera the whole time. >> i did. i didn't want to especially on a monday. >> so shots going into arms in record numbers. more than 11% of the country has now been fully vaccinated. more than 3 million vaccines were reportedly administered saturday morning. that is an all-time high. that is such an encouraging number. look at that, the daily average is more than 2 million right now. so we have new reporting on how the white house wants to get that number higher, launching a quarter billion campaign with vaccine hesitancy. today the biden administration discuss the cross-country push for the $129 million coronavirus relief bill. >> they are trying to contain people key border, more than 4,000 are in the custody of border patrol. many held longer than legally allowed in facilities not equipped for children. the president is ordering fema to come in and help care for those children, to help move those children. i want to bring in now cnn correspondent john harwood. >> john, great to see you this morning. let's talk about this list. this ad blitz fighting vaccine hesitancy, what's behind us? >> reporter: well, what's behind us, john, we're about to get to the point where we have enough vaccine that the issue is not feel scrambling to get appointments, but people not scrambling to get appointments, because they have some skepticism of the effectiveness of vaccines. we have already seen this during rollout, where the vaccine supply has been available, healthcare workers, nursing home workers have declined the vaccine. you have people paying their people to get vaccinated. what the biden

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Some , Alr , Schools , Wider , Approaches , Testing Regimen , 4th Of July , 4 , Three , Haven T , Outbreaks , Contact , Trace , Situation , Class , Classroom , Science , Two , Benefits , Vaccinations , Schooling , 3000 , Sunday Morning , 3 Million , Supply , Barriers , May 1st , 1 , Vaccines , Everyone , Matter , Choice , Distribution , Education , Eligibility , Primary Care Offices , Pharmacies , Churches , Say , Pandemic , Life , Line , Ticket , Border , Thanks , Cn Video Capturing Migrant Families Making The Dangerous Journey , Migrants , The One , Weight Loss , Wellness Journey , Wellness Goals , Offer , Membership , Team , Back , Lisa , Weight Watchers , Ww , Ww Com , 360 , Limu , Liberty , Car Insurance , Pay , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Moderate , Crohn S , Adults , Medication , Inflammation , Flare Up , Ulcerative Colitis , Relief , Stelara , Risk , Symptoms , Infections , Infection , Cancer , Doctor , Intestine , Serious , Skin Growths , Uc , Flight , Treatment , Surface , 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Thoughts , Ballot Harvesting , Deal , Racism , Ballot Access , Voters , Dog Whils , Dog Whistle , Decision , Point , Vote , Move , Hit , Road Block , Senate , Process , Intention , Integrity , Courage , Filibuster , Vogt Rights Matter , Bills , What S Happening , States , Efforts , Aspect , 250 , 43 , Bill , Saw , Georgia , Let S Take Georgia , Form , Corporation , Jeff Duncan , Calling , Big Business , Solutions , Search , Lt , Democracy , Citizens , Call , Responsibility , Nations , Key , Companies , Institutions , Markets , Ups , Delta Air Lines , Coca Cola , Racist , Legislation , Home Depot , Corporations , Equity , Happening , Leverage , Shifts , Jim Crowe , Georgia Chamber Of Commerce , Lever , Dheels Stress Vote , Sponsors , Deals , Anti Democratic , Basis , Practices , Points , Stacy Abrams , Action , Organizations , Backbone , Inclusive Democracy , Company , Tax Dollars , 106 Billion , 06 Billion , Infectious Viruss , Guard , Aas , Infein , Summer , Precipitous Enmasse , All 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