Transcripts For CNN New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman

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pulling back. minors are showing up at our southern border in record numbers. >> we have a broken system and need a holistic approach. >> this is a humanitarian approach for all of us. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day." it's monday, march 15th. it's the ides of march, i just realized that. >> oh, my gosh. >> i believe. i was told. alisyn is off and erica hill is here. i want to start off with something i think is amazing, okay? more than 3 million new coronavirus vaccinations were reported on saturday. that's the biggest number. nearly more on sunday. right around 6 million for the weekend. that's just staggering to me. we're now averaging more than 2 million vaccinations per day for a virus we didn't know about 14 months ago. so that's a great thing. it just is. one in five americans have received at least one dose, 11% fully vaccinated. it seems when it comes to supply and logistics, the u.s. is pretty much there or close to there. one obstacle that remains is hesitancy. one group that's lagging, self-identified republicans, supporters of the former president, particularly men, which is why dr. anthony fauci is urging the former president to get in the game when it comes to urging people to get vaccinated. other news this morning, a new fear that spring break could lead to a spike in coronavirus cases. and today president biden continues a cross-country bush to highlight the benefits of the $1.9 trillion relief bill. i think people started getting checks this weekend. >> the other thing is trying to contain this growing problem at the southern border. more than 4,000 unaccompanied minor children have crossed over the border. the president now ordering fema to help care firefighter those kids. we're going to get you the very latest on that situation. let's begin with jeremy diamond who's live at the white house with the latest this morning. jeremy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. you're going to be hearing a lot about this american rescue plan. that $1.9 trillion relief package which president biden signed into law last thursday. that's because the president, vice president, first lady and second gentleman are embarking on this help is here tour. that's what the president is branding with his top officials, to go across the country and sell the benefits of this $1.9 trillion relief package. it's a duo effort. he wants americans to know the relief they can get. if you look at the map, you'll see they begin fanning out across the country. it begins today with the first lady in new jersey and the vice president in las vegas, nevada. what's notable is a number of battlegrounds being hit. president biden is in nevada but heading to the state of colorado tomorrow where michael bennet, democratic senator from the state of colorado is up for re-election once again in 2022. they end the week, of course, in atlanta, georgia, and that is notable because none of this, $1.9 trillion package, a package certainly of that size would not have been possible without the democrats winning the two key senate seats in the state of georgia, and hanging over this would be the 2009 stimulus bill. president obama didn't feel they did enough to sell this package. while this relief bill has 60% of support among americans, the president wants to make sure it stays that way especially as republicans continue to heat up their attacks near the midterm. >> thank you. also this morning, a growing concern that crowds of spring breakers partying like it's 2019 could lead to a spike in cases. about 100 were arrested in florida over the weekend as some gatherings got out of control. natasha chen is live with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's quiet now because i'm guessing the spring breakers have just gone to bed. we did see a lot of crowd issues over the weekend and you mentioned an arrest. a couple happened a few blocks from where i'm standing. miami police say they were unruly, surrounded them. a couple of officers were even injured. some of these issues are typical of spring break season, but policing visitors during a pandemic is twice as difficult. spring break is here in miami with people crowding the beaches and bars as if there is no pandemic. some gatherings grew out of control. miami beach authorities arrested at least 100 people over the weekend, and without a statewide mask mandate in florida, local leaders must impose their own rules, something the miami beach mayor says is more difficult with spring breakers in town. >> the government has made it difficult. we have a mask mandate. we just can't find anybody. >> reporter: according to the tsa, more than 2 million went through airports across the u.s. friday and saturday. >> people are going on spring break and letting down their guard as so of these new more infectious variants are spreading across the country. >> reporter: the threat of the coronavirus is not the only concern for health experts. while 15% of u.s. adults are fully vaccinated this morning, a large number of donald trump supporters are refusing shots. according to a poll, nearly half the people who backed trump in 2020 say they will not get the vaccine. >> in arkansas it's a very pro-trump state in terms of the last election, and so we see that resistance whenever we're opening up eligibility for the vaccine. >> we're seeing vaccine hesitancy, and a lot of that is dealing with white republicans, quite honestly. >> reporter: whool all other living former presidents were quiet, trump received his vaccine in january. >> i can't imagine if he comes out, they would not be vaccinated. it would be very helpful to the effort for that to happen. >> reporter: some states like maryland is relaxing their restrictions. >> we didn't lift them. we kept the most serious mitigation measures in place, which is masking and distancing. >> reporter: dr. anthony fauci asks americans to keep following personal safety measures warning the u.s. is vulnerable for another coronavirus surge. >> we can avoid that if we continue to vaccinate people, get more and more protection without all of a sudden pulling back on public health measures. >> reporter: dr. fauci also confirmed with cnn over the weekend a new study out of massachusetts showing no significant difference between a 6-foot and 3-foot difference between a person, which could prove really critical to helping to reopen schools. >> if you wear a mask. even then, it could be a big change for how schools approach us. so this morning more than 4,000 unaccompanied migrant children are in border patrol custody and now fema is being sent in to help. so what does this mean? fema is being sent to help do what? >> reporter: fema's mission is going to be to help get the unaccompanied children in border patrol facilities into shelters that are suited for them. now, this is the challenge the administration keeps facing. there is a number of children crossing the u.s./mexico border alone and not enough shelter capacity to accommodate them. as we know, there are 4,000 children in border patrol custody. that's up again from last week and it's why fema is being asked to tap in so they can help move along this process and move quickly. john, we should also note fema has been involved in the past. here, mallorca is asking them to move it along in terms of children. >> what happens stateside with governor greg abbott? he needs to approve this, correct? >> reporter: in this case it's happening with the department of homeland security. this is separate from when they were offering funds to texas. in this case, fema is helping with a gonvernment-wide effort. >> that's an important distinction. how about these facilities where these 4,000 children are being held? >> lawyers that my colleagues spoke to about a dozen children in one of these border patrol facilities, and they shared accounts of children who are scared, who are worried. they also encountered children who had been there for several days and had only showered a few times or had not been able to contact their parents. so, again, this underscores the challenge for this administration. these are not facilities intended for children and they need to move out quickly to avoid the situations they're in currently. >> any sign where the fwhum bers are headed? >> john, the numbers from last week are already up. it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. the paces are accelerating and moving fast. >> priscilla alvarez, thank you very much for your reporting on this. a shocking claim about the capitol insurrection. by shocking claim, i'm talking wildly racist. stick around. uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ when we found out our son had autism, his future became my focus. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a 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what other way is there to read it other than white protesters promising death and upheaval, not bad, but largely black protesters really bad. johnson, you might remember, is that guy who read a statement into the congressional record who called the invaders jovial. does that mean they wanted to hang mike pence with a smile? like what's the friendly version of a camp auschwitz sweatshirt? of course, dozens of police officers were injured, one killed. 300 have been arrested connected to the siege. one open question from senator johnson. he said his racist comments could get him into trouble. any sign of that? and with that, i mean among republican leadership or officials? >> we haven't heard anything from republican officials yet and they have been silent regarding the comments he's made. it's probably not the most stream but the first since the january 6th insurrection. his office has not clarified. i'm sure senator johnson will be asked about it today. it's hard to square what he said and the images you're showing. you saw the images of police officers who protect the capitol every day being beaten, being, you know, crushed in doors, these horrific images, and senator johnson is kind of defending them here, and it just follows this long -- i mean clearly these comments are a more extreme example, but this is kind of kind of what we see from republicans, kind of creating this false equivalency black lives matter protests over the summer which did get violent, to be clear, but trying to equate that with what happened on january 6th at the capitol, which is completely on a different level and a huge attack to our democracy. >> to your point, it's this revisionist history that we're seeing, right, and what goes back to what we heard many years ago, what you're seeing and hearing is not really happening. this is what's continuing. that's the message being put out. to john's point we haven't heard anything from tsenator johnson, this might get me in trouble. >> we'll be asking republicans and senator ron johnson to clarify those comments. it's a reminder of where there are other kinds of problems over the fallout of the january 6th insurrection. remember that 911 stile commission that nancy pelosi has proposed. that's absolutely gone nowhere. she proposed it last month but there's still disagreements over how many democrats, how many republicans to appoint to the panel and definitely a di disagreement over the scope of it. nancy pelosi wants to expand the scope of the commission to look at domestic terrorism. mitch mcconnell said if you bring that in, we going try to investigate the black lives matter protesters. that's just another example of how on something that was just a shocking and should be potentially unifying as an attack on congress itself, it's creating these deeper and deeper bipartisan desniegs i'm going to send some history books to ron johnson. that confederate flag didn't mean they loved america and wanted a civil war. he may want to check the record on that. seung min, one of the things the democrats in the biden administration says, this is all the more reason to pass comprehensive immigration reform and there's the beginnings of action on capitol hill on that subject. what kind of roadblocks will this face? >> there's a passage of two targeted bills. it's a pathway for dreamers, the undocumented immigrants who came here as children, and also a legalization path for undocumented farm workers who have been doing a lot of the essential work during this pandemic, getting food to the tables of americans. and while the bill is expected to pass the house, we know those bills will face an uncertain future in the senate. and clouding all over this debate is that crisis at the border and the rising number of migrant children. i think republicans would point to that as they argue against immigration bill this week and future immigration reform efforts as signs we can't give any more signs -- any more signals that these democrats -- or that these democrats would qualify for these bills, which they will not, first of all. but they say the biden administration say they should not be sending signs that it's a good time to come here, which they've obviously made clear, but obviously they are struggling with that at this moment. we're talking about 4,000 children in custody always of yesterday. the biden administration has not answered yet if it would need additional funding to deal with the crisis at the border, whether it's additional hhs funding or other ccp funding, and that's something we should definitely be watching for. it was something requested under the obama administration. it's certainly something the biden administration could be looking to this time around as well. >> seung min kim, appreciate it as always. ing that you. vaccination rates are soaring across the country, especially over the weekend, and yet there's one large group of americans hesitant on getting their shot. that's next. ♪ ♪ 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and said go and get vaccinated, it's really important for your health, the health of your family, and the health of the country, it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of the people who are his close followers would listen to him. >> dr. anthony fauci urging former president trump to urge his supporter os to get vaccinated. a recent poll shows 46% of the republicans will not try to get the vaccine. joining us now is dr. peter hotez, the dean at the university of tropical medicine. doctor, that hesitancy we're seeing not just from republicans but leaders, this is really among white republicans is a major concern. how much do you think it would change things if former president trump came out and said i got the shot, it's safe, do your part? >> yeah, absolutely it would be a game-changer. and here's why. i mean this is an evolving story that we've seen since 2015, erica. what happened was -- the backstory is the anti-vaccine movement to re-energize found a way to link itself to political extremism on the right to the tea party and to the far right component of the republican party. it started in orange county, california, but quickly moved to texas and oklahoma where it really amplified. and political action committees starting to form around the anti-vaccine movement. they started going after me because i'm a vaccine scientist in texas, and i have a daughter who has autism and have been rioting about why the vaccine does not cause autism. and in 2020 it piled on the protests against masks and social distancing. so what was an anti-vaccine movement is now an anti-science movement. it's now a mainstream platform of the republican party, and that's why we're seeing so many members of the u.s. congress not willing to take vaccines. what we need to do is find a way to de-link anti-science from the republican party. national science was started by lincoln. you know, the republican party was never anti-science until now, and now we've got to figure out a way to decouple it, otherwise it's going to have deadly consequences. >> it would be a mainshame if t main problem is the hesitancy. we saw this video from galveston, texas, where a woman refused to wear a mask when she went into a bank. any business can require a person to wear a mask. you see this woman refused. watch what happens. >> you can go and get a mask and take your money out. ma'am, listen. we're going to do this the easy way or the hard way. >> what are you going to do? arrest me? >> yes, for intrude ing the premises. >> you're hilarious. are you going to shoot me for trying not to breathe. come on, dude. >> don't do that. oh, no. >> do not touch me. who do you think you are. >> put your hands behind your back. >> my hand is behind your back. put your hand over. relax. >> i'm totally relaxed? no, you are not relaxed. >> this is -- >> no, it is not. >> as you can see there, the people in that bank didn't think it was police brutality. you can see right there, the problem that's been created in texas which is she actually was confused. she thought this was a, quote/unquote, public place. clearly it's not and now you have police officers put in this position where they need to take her out, dr. hotez. >> there's two problems here. one, you've got again this element of the political right tying their political allegiance of being defiant of vaccines and masks and social distancing and this started with the medical freedom movement that accelerated in 2014. this is where it is really amply find then you have a lot of confusion by the government lifting the mask mandates, which i think was a very unfortunate situation. we have the b.1.1.7. variant accelerating. and we see what's happening in europe right now. it was in central europe and now western europe, cases going up from the b.1.1.7. variant, and now we know 50% of the virus isolates like texas, georgia, and florida with the b.1.1.7. variants, and we're lagging and we have the spring breakers this. is a perfect storm. i'll really worried for those three states. >> as we look at all of that, both john and i are really intrigued by what dr. fauci said. the cdc is really looking at this data, and is 3 feet okay as opposed to 6 feet. i'm curious your take on that and what you think we're going to hear. dr. fauci said it won't be very long. i promise you there will be guidelines in regard to this data. >> yeah. it's all about mask compliance. that's going to be absolutely critical because if you don't have masks, remember, this virus aerosolizes. 6 feet would not be enough. it could go 17, 18, this virus. it's all about wearing masks and that becomes more of a problem with the little kids and special needs kids. that's a consideration. the other is we've got to do better at starting to vaccinate teachers and staff, and that has to ramp up as well and providing better access for teachers and staff and those lagging behind. those two other considerations to me is as important as the 3-feet, 6-feet, and 17-feet concept. >> everyone has to wear a mask. full masking can open up if people are willing to keep on doing it. dr. hotez, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thanks so much, john. president biden breaking his silence about the sexual harassment allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo. his response when asked if it's time for the governor to step down. that's next. aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ try the body wash, too. the world around you may seem like an immovable, implacable place. it is not. it can be bright. quiet. and safe. it's a change that will be felt from this street. to this street. to no street. and everywhere in between. all it takes is the slightest push in just the right place and that will be the tipping point that changes everything. ♪ ♪ some say this is my greatest challenge. and that will be the tipping pgovernments in record debt;g. inflation rising, currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of this. with one companion that hedges the risks you choose and those that choose you. the physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. my strongest and closest asset. the gold standard, so to speak ;) people call my future uncertain. but there's one thing i am sure of... do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think the investigation is under way, and we should see what it brings us. >> president biden making his first comments in the sexual harass management gaegss facing new york governor andrew cuomo. it comes as top democrats including new york's two senators are calling for cuomo to resign. we have the latest. >> reporter: those calls for his resignation started on friday when several members of congress called on the governor to resign, and late friday the two top democrats here in the state, senator gillibrand and senator chuck schumer also called on him to resign. yesterday the two of them explaining their decision. >> it's clear that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners as well as the people of new york. that's why i believe the governor has to resign. >> there are multiple serious critical allegations of abuse so that governor cuomo has lost the confidence of his government partners and so many new yorkers, and so for the good of the state, he should resign. >> reporter: our jake tapper is reporting, erica, that one of the reasons why the members of congress came to this decision on friday and then the two top senators was that because of this new reporting by the local paper here in albany citing a possible new accuser, they say that, plus the fact that there's this impeachment investigation now under way by the state assembly, all of that put together, they have decided it's time for the governor to resign. erica? >> shimon prokupecz for us. thank you. the british prime minister boris johnson is expected to respond today. a 33-year-old woman was walking home when she was killed. a 48-year-old police officer was charged with her murder. it's sparked a national debate about women's safety and sexual assault and there's a lot of anger over the police's handling of a vigil this weekend. cnn's nina dos santos is in london. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's been several days since sarah everard disappeared. it's solemn, it is sad. it's also socially distanced somewhat, but there's seething anger, many people saying they can't understand the senseless tragedy of somebody just disappearing from these streets at 9:30 p.m. when he only misfortune is when she was walking home alone. many women say they're feeling too unsafe to go about their daily routine once the sun sets. people started gathering in the thousands to express concern over women's safety. earlier in the day katherine, the duchess, came to pay her respects. she lived here as a single woman before she met prince william. at the time before it goats dark when women get so anxious, the police started to move in. they handcuffed them, pinning them down, and dragged them away. that heavy-handed response has had the fee nation commissioner on the back foot, some calling for her resignation. boris johnson is going to be hosting a task force later on today how to better protect women. it's coming at an extremely important time now. parliamentarians will be debating a crime and justice bill the government has put forward that could give the police even more powers to police events like this in the future. remember, this was always going to be a difficult event for the metropolitan police on sunday largely because the main suspect in sarah everard's murder is one of their own. we have a live report from sao paulo next. still your best friend. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. 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numbers here are what's happening in other parts of the world. in brazil, new cases, deaths soaring. more than half of the icus say they're at half their capacity or higher. what's the latest there? >> reporter: one year after the first patient was treated in sao paulo, we're unquestionably in the worst days of the pandemic. we've been reporting on this and seeing it on the ground. the vaccine place behind me is one of the good things happening in brazil in regards to the coronavirus. pamela can only look at the photos of her grandmother. she said watching the videos is to painful. the world didn't deserve my grandma, she says. she was too close. she died two days later, the facility quickly overrun by a new variant of covid-19. this doctor who works there says we think about the families who are suffering, and we can't sleep. it is unbelievable. this hospital just doesn't have the facility to care for those who are really sick. those patients would usually transferred somewhere else. right anyhow there's nowhere else to go, so instead of getting transferred, they're dying. 12 patients died last week waiting for an open bed. pamela's grandmother was one of them. right now access to those facilities is nearly impossible. albert einstein hospital is one of brazil's best, but, here, too, the rooms are full. they're scrambling to find more because the patients keep come. we first saw hints of this six weeks ago when we reported on it. hospitals there were overwhelmed amidst a new outbreak, and the city was forced to build so called vertical grades. from then to now, that chaos has survived. in 2 of 26 states, icu capacity is at or above 80%. in sao paulo, it's 90% or climbing. and when you run out of beds, they tell us. people die. >> the coffin is closed, so the family doesn't have the ability to say good-bye. >> reporter: the numbers are surging from the sao paulo cemetery. from above you can see the thousands of newly dug graves. the ones behind me have been staggering. the coronavirus deaths have come in just the last week. experts say the causes of the new surge are a myriad, more transmissible vary yiant, u few vac vaccines and lockdowns. outside this hospital every day between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m., they wait to hear their names. they go in to get news on conditions, and often it's not good. and then comes the grief and the tears brought from a pandemic that just won't end. and even though there are vaccines given out behind me, the pace is so slow. less than ten have gotten their first dose of a vaccine and less than 2% of the population have been fully vaccinated at this point. urgent they they're happening, but they're not happening as quick as they need to. >> the images, it's so tragic. is there a way of knowing what the impact of the variant that's dominant in the country has affected the situation? >> reporter: very early on into the scientific research, john, but what we dough no is they're of the opinion it's more transmissible. the broader question, is it affecting mortality rates in any way? we still don't know. it's too early to say. this is our second trip to brazil. we've spoken to four different doctors all across this country, and every single one of them say they're seeing patients icu younger than ever. they're seeing 20-, 30-, 40-year-olds dying. >> thanks for your coverage on this. the ncaa tournament is getting ready. the bleach roert is next. and we've got grammy highlights. that's ahead next. washed your hands a lot today? probably like 40 times. hands feel dry? like sandpaper. introducing new dove handwash, with 5 x moisturizer blend. removes germs in seconds, moisturizes for hours. soft, smooth. new dove handwash. mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. a year after it was canceled, it's back. >> here we are. the field of 68 is set. the entire tournament being held in indiana starting with the first four on thursday. time to start filling out those brackets. gonzaga is your number one overall seed. the bulldogs are the first to go undefeated from start to finish. baylor, illinois, michigan rounding out the other number one seeds. the big ten strong this year leading all conferences with nine teams in the tourney. you can take part in the march madness with us. go toe to toe with the anchors. you just have to do that by friday morning. >> one of the greatest nfl careers has come to an end. san saints' drew brees is hanging up his kids. it's his kids who broke the news. >> after 15 year with the saints. >> and 20 years with the nfl. >> our dad is finally going to retire. >> so he can spend more time with us. yay. >> this was the 42-year-old soaking in the moment with his family, sharing a hug with tom brady after the bucs eliminated the saints. i played with brees every year. always the smallest player on the field. a big heart, relentless work ethic. he set himself up to be one of the greatest of all time. >> the video from the kids is wonderful. really sweet. >> really sweet. >> congratulations to the entire family. bjorn said and other female artists who reigned supreme at the grammys. >> the grammy goes to beyonce. >> she won four awards. that gives her a total of 28 grammys. that's more than any singer, male or female in grammy history. her daughter, 9-year-old blue ivy carter taking home her first grammy, winning best video with her mom "brown skinned girl." she's the second youngest performer to ever win a grammy. >> and the grammy goes to "folklore," taylor swift. >> taylor swift also making history. she becomes the first woman to win album of the year three times winning this year for "folklore," which she recorded during the coronavirus lockdown. and for a second straight year billie eilish took home an award. she said in her speech megan stallion deserved it more. but megan did pretty well herself. she was named best new artist and made history with beyonce as the first pair of women to ever win best rap performance with the remix of megan's "savage." >> a lot of girl power. makes this girl very happy. >> when is your song coming out? >> it would be please don't ever play this again. >> i'm pretty sure there's a category. >> it would be amazing. i would sweep it. >> "new day" continues right now. when you see a plateau as high as 60,000 cases a day, that is a very vulnerable time to have a surge. >> there's a lot of disinformation campaigns out there, a lot of people who are vaccine-hesitant, and we're doing everything to overcome that. >> you have to be careful. people need to keep an eye on the fact the virus has not left us. >> nearly 4,000 migrant children are now in the custody of the u.s. border patrol. >> you cannot help but notice the government administration changes and there's a surge. >> we're working night and day to decrease that capacity. welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. this is "new day." alisyn is off. er erica hill is here. >> always a pleasure. >> i have good news. nearly 6 million doses of the vaccine in the a

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Insurrection , Stream , January 6th , Images , Kind , Being , Capitol , Doors , Example , Protests , Summer , Equivalency , Attack , Point , Democracy , Level , Hearing , Message , Senator , Tsenator Johnson , Problems , Stile Commission , Kinds , Reminder , Fallout , Nancy Pelosi , 911 , Scope , Nowhere , Disagreement , Disagreements , Panel , Odi , Commission , Domestic Terrorism , Mitch Mcconnell , Congress , Shocking , Desniegs , Confederate Flag Didn T , History Books , Civil War , Seung Min , Things , Reason , Action , Immigration Reform , Beginnings , Capitol Hill , Bills , Immigrants , Passage , Pathway , Subject , Roadblocks , Dreamers , Bill , Work , Farm Workers , Legalization Path , Food , Debate , Crisis , House , Clouding , Immigration Bill , Signals , Immigration Reform Efforts , Clear , Funding , Ccp , Hhs , Vaccination Rates , King , Shot , Insurance , Martin , Hailstorm Hit , Veterans , Usaa , Employees , Data , My Boss Doesn T , Method , My Hr Passwords , Everyone , 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, Guidelines , More , Consideration , Special Needs , Virus Aerosolizes , 18 , 17 , Teachers , Staff , Mother , Considerations , Access , Concept , Andrew Cuomo , Response , Allegations , Thanks , New York , It S Time , Silence , Sexual Harassment , Moisturizer , Body Wash , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Daily , Nature Tm , Aveeno , True Jen , World , Street , Everywhere , Immovable , Everything , Tipping Point , Push , Companion , Currencies , Record Debt , Seam , Tipping Pgovernments , G Inflation Rising , Asset , Touch , Gold Standard , Investigation , Sexual Harass Management Gaegss , Senators , Calls , Chuck Schumer , Resignation , Senator Gillibrand , Confidence , Decision , Governor Cuomo , Partners , Governing , Abuse , New Yorkers , Good , Reasons , Jake Tapper , Fact , Impeachment Investigation , State Assembly , Paper , Accuser , Albany , Boris Johnson , Erica , Put , Shimon Prokupecz , British , Women , Police Officer , Murder , Sexual Assault , 33 , 48 , Danger , Handling , 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80 , 90 , 2 , Beds , Coffin , Cemetery , Graves , Ones , Surge , Transmissible , Causes , Myriad , Yiant , Experts , Lockdowns , Names , Vac , 00 , 5 , Conditions , Grief , Tears , Space , Population , Ten , Knowing , Impact , Happening , Research , Dough , Opinion , Doctors , Trip , Mortality Rates , Don T Know , Four , Tournament , Dying , Coverage , Ncaa , 20 , 40 , Bleach Roert , Grammy Highlights , Dove Handwash , Sandpaper , Costa Rica , Blend , Germs , Moisturizes , Soft , Mom And Dad , 1990 , 1971 , Customers , Irazu , Diners , Google , Field , Set , Brackets , Gonzaga , Indiana , 68 , Seed , Tourney , Seeds , Teams , Conferences , Undefeated , Bulldogs , Michigan , Baylor , Illinois , Nine , Careers , Anchors , Nfl , Toe To , March Madness , Drew Brees , San Saints , Saints , End , Dad , Hug , Bucs , Soaking , Tom Brady , 42 , Heart , Greatest , Brees , Player , Work Ethic , The Field , Bjorn , Congratulations , Singer , Grammys , Artists , Awards , Total , Grammy Goes To 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