Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield

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york magazine." she said her job was to report on the governor's every move and alleges he often touched her without her consent, on her arms, shoulders, small of her back, her waist. it led her not to even want to go to events like the one she describes, when she was 25 years old she went to a holiday party at the executive mansion and said the governor approached her and as she described it, held her firmly in place while gesturing to a photographer that he wanted their picture taken. the governor said to her, "i'm sorry, am i making you uncomfortable, i thought we were going steady." it's a moment she subscribed as humiliating, happening in front of her colleagues. she says she felt the governor's actions weren't about wanting to have sex with her but about wanting to show that he had power over her and he used touching and sexual innuendo to stoke fear in women. we've reached out to bateman and haven't heard back. we've reached out to the governor's office. they haven't addressed the specific allegation but he addressed the allegations in toto during a telephone news conference on friday. take a listen. >> i did not do what has been alleged, period. look, it's very simple. i never harassed anyone. i never abused anyone. i never assaulted anyone. now -- and i never would, right? >> reporter: so there you have the governor continuing to deny that he's done anything wrong. i should mention the protest you can hear behind me, they talked about several issues but one of them is wanting cuomo out of office, one more sign that he's losing support not just members of congress but some members of the public as well. >> let's talk about what appears to be the growing list of democrats who are calling on the governor to step down. what can you tell us about that movement? >> reporter: right. these are really the biggest names in politics in new york. we're talking about the majority of the congressional delegation. and not just the majority of the congressional delegation but prominent members of it like jerrold nadler, sean patrick maloney, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. also we heard on friday afternoon in a joint statement from the two senators from new york, senate majority leader chuck schumer and kirsten gillibrand coming out together to say the governor should resign, because he's facing multiple allegations. even the folks saying he should resign are saying yes, there should be due process and these investigations should continue but as of right now we feel the governor has lost the confidence of new yorkers. the governor saying he's not going to resign, politics didn't elect him, the people of new york elected him so he's going to stay in place. >> athena jones, thank you so much. new york city mayor bill de blasio announced domestic travelers will no longer have to isolate on april 1 as air travel hits a new pandemic record here in the u.s. more than 1.3 million people passed through the tsa checkpoints, the highest number since march 15 of 2020. spring break now in full swing as people pack the beaches in miami despite the cdc warning that even fully vaccinated people should avoid travel for now. cnn's natasha chen joining me now from miami beach, a popular destination for air travelers. natasha, what are you hearing and seeing? >> reporter: fred, there are a lot of people descend to go this area, not really heeding warnings. we're seeing packed businesses, people not wearing masks on the beach, we're seeing boat traffic behind us. we're talking about more than 50,000 new cases on a given day. so there is still some way to go before we're in the clear. the u.s. hit a new record of covid-19 vaccine doses administered in a single day. more than 2.9 million doses on friday alone. more than one in ten people in the u.s. are now fully vaccinated according to cdc data. and more doses are coming. but there is still some hesitancy hawhen it comes to th vaccine. and it's not just among vaccine communities. >> we're seeing vaccine hesitancy, dealing with white republicans, honestly. >> reporter: but more options for those who do want it. three covid vaccines are now going into arms. astrazeneca tells cnn its phase 3 trial results are coming in the next few weeks after which they'll apply for emergency use authorization. more states are expanding eligible groups for a covid-19 vaccine. as president biden has directed states to make all adults eligible by may 1. but for some people, satisfying the light at the end of the tunnel isn't enough. some spring breakers want to enjoy normal life now. >> i work in a hospital back in st. louis. >> every day in st. louis, trying to get a little freedom down here. because we heard about the rules. >> reporter: more like the lack of them. florida businesses were allowed to reopen at full capacity in late september. but without the ability to enforce mask wearing with fines. >> we're probably one of the few wearing masks, walking around. >> reporter: now miami beach's mayor is bracing for what he fears would be a super spreader. would it make life easier if people didn't come? >> yes. >> reporter: for the spring breakers who do come, he hopes they'll vacation responsibly. >> i'll be blunt. we're trying to survive this. this is not a moment where we're saying everything's great. we recognize that there's a pandemic, there's a crush of people who want to come here, there's real public safety issues that we have to address. and we also worry that this community will become a super spreader for other communities. >> reporter: the same concerns echoed by the nation's top infectious disease expert. >> i don't know if you're a cancun guy or a miami beach guy, how concerned are you about spring break? >> we want people to have a good time but don't put your guard down completely, just be prudent a bit longer. >> reporter: one of the challenges is seeing differences of opinion among leaders at different levels, in different regions, on how to approach all of this. for example, here in florida businesses were allowed to reopen at 100% capacity starting late september, in comparison, there are other states only now starting to relax some of those restrictions, for example los angeles county starting monday will start allowing indoor dining at reduced capacity for the first time in nine months, fred. >> all right, natasha chen, thank you so much for that. coming up at 2:30 eastern time, "coronavirus: one year later." a panel of experts will discuss the past and future of the pandemic including the medical, emotional, and financial tolls taken. right now in louisville, kentucky, people are gathering to remember breonna taylor, the young black woman who was shot and killed by police in her apartment one year ago today. earlier this week, taylor's mother filed internal affairs complaints against six louisville police officers in connection with her daughter's death. jason carroll is at the memorial event in louisville right now. >> reporter: fredericka, the crowd has already heard from tamika palmer, breonna taylor's mother is here in the crowd. members of george floyd's family also here as well. on the stage behind me, civil rights leader benjamin crump who was speaking to the crowd for several minutes. kenneth walker was breonna taylor's boyfriend. you'll remember he was charged with attempted murder for firing at those officers during a botched police raid. of course walker said he only fired because he thought someone was breaking in and the officers never identified themself. the officers saying they did. just this week, fredericka, as you know, a judge dropped those charges against kenneth walker. walker taking the stage, saying the fight for justice must continue. also out here today are a number of people who wanted to hear from the speakers to talk about justice. i wanted to introduce you to olivia alexander and jodie zahn. i wanted to get your impressions about what you've heard so far. >> yeah, i've been really encouraged about the message of community, most importantly. i don't want our city to be represented in a way negatively by the breonna taylor incident. the community message is the most important to me. >> reporter: there's been a lot of talk about police accountability from a number of the protesters, demonstrators who have been out here so far. >> i think it's wild that it's been 365 days and it seems like there's been gradual concessions but still no conviction, still no trial that's criminal. and it kind of i think is jarring to realize we're so far out. and that's not even a thing that can be done on the government level. >> reporter: i know there have been some changes here in louisville, for example banning no-knock warrants. but a lot of folks out here are saying they want to see still more changes. what are some of the concrete changes that you would like to see in terms of police reform? >> that's a really great question. i think there needs to be a stronger relationship between the police and the community in general. i think there's not a great relationship between the black community and the police here in louisville. it would be really great to see some more initiatives around that, around community building within the black community and lmpd. >> reporter: when i was speaking to breonna taylor's mother, she was saying the protests and marching will continue. do you think that's true? >> absolutely, they have incredible endurance. >> reporter: thanks very much for joining us. i did have an opportunity to speak briefly with breonna taylor. i asked her if she would be able to take the stage. she said emotionally, if she could find the strength, she would take the stage. i asked her what she will say, she said she'll just speak from the heart. >> she has to be incredibly strong. that's really difficult. jason carroll, thank you so much for that. coming up, heartbreaking scenes from the border. the biden administration struggling to keep up with a surge in migrants at the u.s. border. cnn talks with families about their difficult journeys to america. plus dr. anthony fauci says he's very concerned that the coronavirus pandemic will trigger a mental health pandemic. a psychologist will be joining me live straight ahead. when it comes to your financial health, just a few small steps can make a real difference. ♪ ♪ ♪ guidance on your terms. confidence feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. many plug-ins are stuck in the past. they release a lot of scent at first but after a while, you barely know they're working. new febreze fade defy plug works differently. it's the first plug-in with built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell 1st day fresh for 50 days. it even tells you when it's ready to be refilled. upgrade to febreze fade defy plug. antibacterial or moisturizing body wash? 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>> yeah. >> reporter: from there, some migrants are dropped off by immigration officials and bus stations like this one in brownsville where we met roxanna, maria, and her 6-year-old daughter caitlin. she says she evaded a snake during her journey to the united states and fell off a raft while crossing the rio grande. why is there a surge right now, do you think? both maria and roxanna say they learned from news reports. in their home countries they learned the biden administration is allowing migrant women with children to enter the u.s. and you believed that that was true? >> si. >> reporter: which is not entirely true. the biden administration says it's allowing unaccompanied minors to remain in the u.s. pending immigration cases and some families are allowed in on a case-by-case basis. that perception could be driving some of the surge. health and human services is caring for about 8,800 unaccompanied minors while they're reunited with company and is considering using a nasa sig site to expand bed space. some nonmigrant shelters have seen a spike in the flow of mothers, children. and pregnant women. cindy johnson has volunteered to help thousands of migrants across the river and collected hundreds of postcards with their story. this child is saying that they witness people dying, people getting beaten? cindy says she scanned them and sent them to then-candidate for president joe biden. what was the goal of sending these letters to biden? >> the goal was i wanted them to see their humanity. >> reporter: rosa flores, cnn, along the u.s./mexico border. overnight we spring forward. but don't store away your snow shovels just yet. merely 5.5 million are under a severe blizzard and flash flood warnings. historically severe weather conditions are expected to move eastward over the weekend. heavy snow in nebraska is expected to start later today. in shallow water texas, take a look at what happened just yesterday. >> look at that! >> too dangerously close there. a tornado watch is in effect for portions of northwest texas and east central new mexico until 6:00 p.m. central time. those storms are expected to shift eastward into arkansas, mississippi, and western tennessee today and into tomorrow. and talk about a job with a view. that's are live pictures outside the international space station where two american astronauts, victor glover and michael hopkins, are in the muddle of a lengthy space walk. nasa says the pair will be completing several system upgrades including the station's cooling and communications systems. this is the fifth space walk of the year. coming up next, coronavirus one year later. hard to believe. are we any closer to normalcy? we'll talk about the medical, emotional, and financial impacts of this pandemic, coming up. my hygienist cleans with a round head, so does my oral-b. my hygienist personalizes my cleaning, so does my oral-b. my hygienist uses just the right pressure, and so does my oral-b. oral-b combines a dentist-inspired brush head with the gentle energy of micro-vibrations for the wow of a professional clean feel every day. my mouth says wow and so does my oral-b. the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring - automatically. so no hiding under your pillow. or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, start the year smiling two yearat aspen dental where new starts happen, every day. get exceptional care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible payment options for every budget. now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation. no insurance? 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>> listening to myself a year ago gives me chills. we all thought we were going to get that ppe within weeks. and it was months. even now, almost a year later, we still in many places across the country lack access to adequate personal protective equipment. the covid relief bill that was just passed earlier this week finally includes billions of dollars to create the testing supplies, the personal protective equipment, and the rest of the supplies that all medical providers have been asking for for the past year. and here we are, it's a year later, we're just getting it. at the same time, fred, we've come so far. that was a terrifying moment. we knew nothing about the virus. we were all rightly afraid that we were going to get sick. today most health care workers across the country have been vaccinated, we can go to work with a little lightness in our hearts knowing we won't be going to work without bringing the illness home ourselves or to our families. >> it's been a hard year for everybody. as we zero in on the medical fitness of this country and us as individuals, president biden says that all americans will be eligible to get the vaccine by may 1 and there will be enough supply by may 31. the president also expects small group celebrations on july 4, wouldn't that be something? do you think this timetable is realistic even when you factor in these more contagious variants out there? >> so the timetable is certainly far more optimistic than even i, an inherently optimistic person, had hoped for. i had thought most americans would have the chance to get vaccinated by july. but the biden administration and our pharmaceutical manufacturers have gone above and beyond in increasing the manufacturing capacity. so i do think that timeline is accurate. then for the july 4 deadline, it depends on how many of us line up to get those shots in arms. having vaccine supply is one thing. actually getting vaccinated is another. and it's that final step that is going to determine whether or not we really can get together for july 4 get-togethers. >> sometimes we look at other countries and use it as a barometer. people are vaccinated in israel and they're using people who are vaccinated -- people who are vaccinated in israel are using so-called green passes, used for activities like going to the gym, eating at restaurants, going to a live performance. masks are also still being worn there. what is kind of the new normal going to look like potentially in america? do you see us following suit? you have to carry around something to let people know that you've been vaccinated? >> carrying around a proof of vaccination is certainly not a bad idea. any of us who have traveled to sub-saharan africa or south asia know you have to bring a yellow card with you in order to it into those countries to prove you've received vaccines against yellow fever and typhoid and things like that. that said, i don't see a lot of americans tolerating the need for a vaccine passport. instead we'll have social pressure. i already am getting together with friends and other health care workers who are fully vaccinated for a social drink. that kind of social pressure will make a difference. i don't see us having green cards in the u.s. masks, i hope we'll keep wearing them on public transport or during fall and winter when respiratory viruses are so common. we've seen virtually no flu this year thanks to masking and social distancing. but i don't see the u.s. keeping mask mandates around forever. >> the cdc guidelines, if you're gathering in small groups like you are with some of your medical colleagues, if you've been vaccinated, you can do so, but if there's somebody involved in that small gathering that has not been vaccinated, mask-wearing is still being advised. dr. megan raney, stand by. coming up, let's pause and remember the thousands of americans both young and old who we lost in the last year. ♪ onemost reliable network. we designed our 5g to make the things you do every day better. with 5g nationwide, millions of people can now work, listen, and stream in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities where people can use massive capacity, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is the 5g that's built for you. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. feeling sluggish or weighed down? 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>> absolutely. people are thinking about what it was before the year that was. so what we do know is that folks aren't doing particularly well, as you just indicated, dr. fauci has named some of the concerns he sees moving forward. a lot of the studies in the past month have emphasized that coping with eating and sleeping problems are being impacted. we're thinking about the ways in which people are grieving, the word we really need to say, grieving not only the loss of human life, 535,000 people, not just the loss of human life, but of experiences, things they hoped and wished for for the year. and they're turning to things that are not promotive of the most healthful policies and practices for them to engage in to cope at this time. >> that's a good way of putting it, loss of experiences. it really is a grieving process as people assess how much they have missed, besides missing loved ones whose lives have been lost. this new cnn national poll finds 77% of americans say the worst of the pandemic is behind us. from a mental health standpoint, what is the best way to view the pandemic now? is it safe for people to feel like the worst is behind us? >> fred, there are two things that i feel about that. so one is that i'm incredibly excited that people are feeling hope and optimism. we know that's an exceptionally important part of our mental health, to feel like there's something to look forward to. in a time where folks are being vaccinated at incredible rates, at a time when the weather is warming up, at a time where people, as we heard in the last segment, are gathering together when they find themselves vaccinated, we're seeing a brighter horizon and hope for the future. we know sometimes folks, especially americans, are more optimistic than the data actually tell us we should be. so we know that 75% of adults here in america are feeling stress, are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed. and so to know that there are so many stressors and so many things we need to tend to with our health and also put that optimism over it means that we have to be willing to heal. we have to be really mindful of what we're currently facing and not try to jump too quickly forward without mending and healing where we currently are. >> i feel like that optimism too is kind of a coping mechanism for a lot of us. it makes you feel better to make yourself be optimistic and hopeful. so this new study, published, you know, by the public library of science, finds 21% of health care workers have symptoms of depression. 22% have experienced anxiety. 21.5% experienced ptsd. how can we help our friends and family who work on the front lines? >> absolutely. anywhere from one in five to one in four, so we're talking even higher in some of the surveys that we've looked at, front line providers that are experiencing the challenges, and again, how could they not, right, thinking about how much they're burdened by that. i think what we can do for them, in much the same way we should be doing for each other, is prioritizing mental health. if we know something is on the horizon, what we can do today, march 13 of 2021, that we couldn't do a year ago, march 13 of 2020, is say it's on the horizon, we know it's here, and rather than being reactive and sluggish, to do something about it, we can say, if there's a mental health problem here or on the horizon, we need to think about what it would take to change some of our insurance policies so it's not just four sessions, perhaps, for free, maybe we're talking about eight or 12 sessions being provided. we're building in a culture within our departments, within our hospitals, within our spaces, to say mental health days off are not only just provided but they're encouraged. so en masse we're giving more days, we're thinking about how do we prioritize something without having to go through a number of written responses or things that we need to do for the protocol. how do we just ensure that you're taking that day and that time for yourself? i would say not only for essential workers is that important but we should be doing that in all spaces, like i do with my students, to say if you need the day, take it, you don't have to talk with me about it, take it, we all need this time right now. >> all great advice, dr. anderson, thank you so much. stick around, so much more straight ahead. in a clinical test, 100% of women showed reduction of wrinkles, even deep ones. new revitalift night serum with pure retinol from l'oréal paris. recently, total wireless helped charli michelle stage a virtual dance recital with the new iphone 12 with faster-than-fast 5g. unlimited plans starting at $25 dollars a month. now with nationwide 5g. total wireless. do amazing. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ ♪like an echo in the forest♪ [singing in korean] ♪another day will return♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ honestly, i thought i was getting my floors cleaned. then i learned, my mop could be loaded with bacteria. that means i gotta clean my mop too? ugh. so i got a swiffer wetjet to get a cleaner, clean! i stick on a fresh pad. boom! it's ready to go. the spray breaks down dirt. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. unlike my mop that can spread it around. and wetjet's even safe on wood! all this? buh-bye. it's so simple! i get a cleaner clean every day. try wejet with a money back guarantee. stimulus checks are hitting bank accounts across the country right now as president biden hits the road to tout his nearly $2 trillion relief plan. 90% of families will receive checks of up to $1,400 per person but so many families are struggling. i'm joined by michelle singletary, a personal finance columnist from "the washington post." you always help people figure it out money-wise, michelle. so many families are so far behind. when they receive these checks, it's going to be difficult to prioritize, what bills should you pay first? so help people try to prioritize. what do they do once they receive this check? >> we know that studies show that people do, with the checks, exactly what they should do, which is pay their rent and utilities. i like to say you ought to triage your budget. just like if you were in an emergency room, they take the most critical patients first. you pay the most critical bills first. that's the roof over your head, food on the table, utilities, your loan to keep your car, those kind of things. and all those other debts, just put them on pause until you see a better income stream. >> and this week, you actually wrote about a significant financial help in this bill for parents, for children in america. how do you see it? >> i think this bill is going to be a tremendous boost for so many parents of children. and it's going to lift a lot of people out of poverty. you've got $1,400, not just for the parents but for every dependent that you're taking care of. so a disabled adult, even your elderly parents. so for parents with children, there's also an increase in the child tax credit which by july they'll start getting probably monthly payments, which is going to be a tremendous help, as people still try to get work or go back to work. >> do you worry at all about how people will manage, you know, what could seem like a real windfall, there are so many necessities in which to address. are you worried that people won't know really how to manage it after they've met their rent and utilities and all that that you mentioned? >> i'm very worried. i run a ministry at my church so i see people, from people making nothing, unemployment, to people making six figures. lots of people are struggling across that line. they're already behind. while this money will be tremendously helpful, people are still behind in their rent or their mortgage or their other debt. so it's a help, in it's going to be a struggle still for a lot of families. >> this promise of this money, this package, that it will help cut the child poverty rate in half, that is tremendous. how do you see it realistically chipping away at that? >> you realistically chipping away that? >> this goes in the briden administration, wanting to increase the minimum wage. they will now get money every month. as simple as buying groceries, right? and the families know how to manage money. they have so little. and we will talk about it, they don't know what -- they do know. and they know they aren't making a living wage. so when they get money like this, which is a hand up, not a hand out, they are going to use it for the things to take care of their family. that is all they ever want. for us to help make sure they make a living wage. >> and quickly, so many women are out of the work force as a result of this. how do you see this package helping them? >> so it will help them manage for their family and give them a little breathing room to take care of their children and hopefully find time to look for work. i'm very concerned about that already, right? we knee parnents and people working to take care of their families. >> stand by. we have so much more ahead. next, the video we all need after a year of social distancing. >> take off your mask. surprise! since 2009, we've lost 33 million acres of grassland and wildflower habitat in the us great plains. air wick scented oils is partnering with world wildlife fund to reseed 1 billion square feet of native wildflowers and grasslands... making our connection to nature stronger. learn more at the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring - automatically. so no hiding under your pillow. or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, two years in a row. we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. keeping your oysters business growing usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at ♪ you can go your own way ♪ it's time you make the rules. so join the 2 million people who have switched to xfinity mobile. you can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data that's right for you to save even more. and you'll get nationwide 5g at no extra cost. all on the most reliable network. so choose a data option that's right for you. get nationwide 5g included and save up to $300 a year on the network rated #1 in customer satisfaction. it's your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. all right, i want to bring back my panel as we wrap up what it is, a year in this pandemic. for all of you, quickly, in a line or two, the silver lining? dr. anderson? >> this is not time for business as usual. it's time for radical care. that is what i'm excited about. it's a new leaf that we can turn, and think about what is necessary for the future, rather than chugging along and really not being well. i'm excited we're going to emphasis care and wellness moving forward? >> dr. raini? >> i have seen the power of voices and minds coming together to do good. whether it's through get us ppe or covid tracker. i have seen doctors, nurses, students, coders coming together to create solutions that literally saved lives. and i have been so impressed by that power and i hope we don't lose that. >> michelle singletary? >> i got an email from a reader who didn't need the stimulus money and that person said they were going to donate the money. i see it as hope. and this too shall pass. >> for me, the past year a silver lining has to be being in the moment. whether it means really appreciating, further appreciating the time with my kids or husband or even on the phone face time, loved ones and friends. that is more precious too. ladies, thank you so much for your time. your advice. again, it's not over. we're not out of the woods just yet. thank you again. thanksing if being with me. cnn newsroom continues in a moment. first, the tears and screams of joy as vaccinated grandparents reunite with kids and grand kids. >> take off your mask. >> ah! >> hi. >> hi. >> surprise. >> oh! >> my daughter and granddaughter came to my apartment to give me a little gift they said, and the gift was the prescription from the doctor, and it said, you are allowed to hug your granddaughter. i was definitely not going to let her into my apartment, even though had i completed my covid -- my vaccines. i was stuck in covid land. and having this prescription from my doctor, gave me the courage to let her in. just hugging and hugging and crying and crying. for the first time in a year. >> grand dad! >> hi. >> hi, grand dad. >> what's up, big boy. >> i missed you. >> i missed you too. >> i love you guys! >> i love you too. >> i missed y'all. thanks for joining us in the cnn newsroom. let's begin with the american comeback. one year almost to the day since the deadly coronavirus shut this country down, there are a few cautious signs that real recovery may be coming into view. stimulus cash is on the way to millions of american families. today, $1400 checks. that much per person already hitting bank accounts this weekend. and major progress on vaccinations, 101 million doses administered so far, but that could be

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