Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto

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first prime time speech commemorating the one year milestone since the shutdown. we have a lot to cover. let's begin with omar jimenez as the trial will begin today, the jury selection in the case, the murder and manslaughter charges that have been brought against derek chauvin. >> reporter: that is right. so jury selection process should be getting going officially in any moment now. we were watching this morning the attorneys file back into court and work out some pretrial motions with the judge peter cahill at which point the judge asked if the attorneys had heard from the court of appeals yet, as to whether this third-degree murder charge would be settled. but as of just a few moments ago we learned that the attorneys for the defense officer derek chauvin filed a petition to the minnesota supreme court on whether to rule on whether the appellate court decision this past friday over whether they would reconsider to reinstate the third-degree murder charge could go forward. it is a lot to keep up with, but that is the legal situation right there. separately, the judge in this case rules that jury selection could move forward while that process has -- is playing out. and so right now that is what we're waiting on, on the jury selection as that moves forward. yesterday, however, we had a member of the george floyd family that was present in court as one family member is allotted for the chauvin and floyd family to be present in person as this is happening. and here is how his sister bridget reacted to actually being in there and being able to see derek chauvin's face. >> the officer took a great man, a great father, a great brother. we are praying for justice. our hope is that justice prevails and we can all use this as an opportunity to be better and do better for those around us. >> reporter: obviously emotional time for the family. an aunt is expected to be in court today. as for what we're going to see, they're going to look at 14 jurors. seven in the morning and seven in the afternoon. and yesterday, despite the delay, they were able to make some progress, dismissing 16 jurors of the first 50 pool just based on the questionnaire sent out previously to potential jurors. jim and poppy. >> ultimately second-degree murder, manslaughter, third-degree gives the jury options, right, in terms of what they could ultimately decide on if they choose to. thank you very much. this morning millions of fully vaccinated americans are waking up to looser restrictions. and a big step for the country towards normalcy. >> that is right. let's bring in our chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta to talk about the news and the guidelines with sanjay, almost 10% of the country vaccinated, you have recommendations from the cdc for the people who are fully vaccinated, how big of a step as jim just said toward normalcy are they? >> i think it is a big step. i think first of all the vaccines themselves, have been this amazing tool in terms of preventing people from getting sick but what we've been hearing over and over again that what does this mean for my life, how is my life going to be different now. and i think that is what these recommendations really are sort of getting toward. fully vaccinated, but two weeks after your second shot or after your first shot if it is the johnson & johnson vaccine, that is the first thing, but what does it mean if you are vaccinated, you could hang out with other vaccinated people, and maybe this is common sense but this is what the recommendations show, you could hang out indoors without masks, give a hug and a handshake and you don't need to physically distance. if you are fully vaccinated, you could hang out with a single household that is considered low risk, because they don't -- they're not elderly or have pre-existing conditions and they've been good about exposure. so grandparents visiting kids and grandkids could happen with the new recommendations if the grandparents have been vaccinated. that is really good. one thing i will point out, that the recommendations will continue to change. i talked to andy slavitt, instead of do this and don't do that, it is more low risk, medium risk and high risk, so look for that language. but also the recommendations will be died directly to the percentage of the country that is vaccinated. so 10% have received vaccines. within two weeks it could be 20%, 2 to 2.5 million per day and at end of the month we could be at 30% and each time that happens i think the recommendations will become looser and allow people to do more things. >> 18% of the country almost one in five has gotten one shot. so building some immunity to this. those numbers that you just described there, sanjay, including by the end of the month perhaps being up to 20%,%, that is remarkable. is that really a headline here for folks at home because i know that these things could be and sound incremental to people in terms of how for instance the guidelines are changing. but big picture, the country is moving very quickly toward vaccinations, is it not? >> it really is, jim. and frankly, i think the numbers even now are still probably ubd targeting a bit. so 60 million people by the end of the month and that means 2 million per day and we're exceeding that and we're going to bring johnson & johnson online in the next several days and weeks so i think it will go up further. but i think there is an important distinction which is that we're also largely, not perfectly, but largely vaccinating the right people. this is a vaccine that prevents severe ill ness and death. nursing homes represented a third of the deaths in this country and residents in long-term care facilities have now largely been vaccinated. so you see what i'm saying. it is not just the number of vaccines, it is who is receiving them. everybody nothing will change until herd immunity, that is not right. things will change incrementally along the way. >> everybody is talking about the travel guidance from the cdc that did not change and they're still saying do not travel and stay at home. you could explain that to folks if it makes sense. because they're thinking if i could be with other people indoors without a mask, but i can't travel. >> right. look, i'll say two things and i spoke to a lot of people about this yesterday over the last day or so including andy slavitt. i think there are two things. one is that they're clearly being cautious. this is a different tone that this task force is taking. but the second thing is, the issue is this, if you're vaccinated you could transmit the virus to somebody else not yet vaccinated but is vulnerable and an elderly person or pre-existing illness that you may come across. that is the concern. is it high risk? probably not. is it low risk, probably not as well. but airline travel, despite reasonable concerns in the beginning, have not been sources of large outbreaks, over the last four days, 4.5 million people travelled in this country and people have been traveling throughout this pandemic. there has been the surges of travel around holidays. we did see increases in numbers but that typically wasn't due to the travel itself, but more because of the gatherings that that travel sort of enabled. so i'm not that worried about airline travel. and that is based on data. i think, my guess is, reading the tea leaves, is that the next time we hear new recommendations we'll hear for favorable looser recommendations regarding travel. as you know, texas no longer has a state wide mask mandate and crucially businesses could open 100% capacity. i was larmed when i heard from our reporter on the ground that the positivity rate in texas is now up above 10% at 12%. that is high, right. are you worried that those moves and it is not just in texas counter-acts the progress that we're seeing elsewhere? >> yeah, i am. i think there is no question that there -- we're still in the midst of all of this. as much as there is good news, we could still have resurgence and we know that masks work. and i talked to dr. christopher murray about this and he said something very interesting. i said are you worried about texas and other states that are lifting their mask mandates and he sort of said not really and here is why. despite the fact that some of the states do that, it is really how the people behave in these states. so just because a mandate is lifted, doesn't necessarily mean that people will stop wearing nir masks or that local cities or local businesses may still require masks. you've seen that in other states around the country, including florida. people always say well florida has done such an amazing job despite the fact there were no the mask mandates and they opened up but what about the mayors in miami and broward and these counties, large counties, it is how the people behave more than the policies that are implemented and he believe that's despite the mask mandates being lifted it may not make that big of a difference because people will hopefully still do the right thing. three quarters of the country wear a mask regularly when they go out according to his models. >> that is higher than i knew. >> me too. >> good news. >> sanjay, thank you for everything. you were among the first before even the government to call this a pandemic and you saw what was coming and you've been with us every step of the way. we're very grateful and glad to have more good news to talk about these days. >> thank you. well $1.9 trillion, that is the size of the stimulus package. it looks like it is going to be on the president's desk by the end of the week as the house gears up for a final vote on legislation. >> nancy pelosi said that will happen tomorrow morning at the latest. manu raju live on capitol hill. so manu, looks like it is on schedule and therefore this gets through before the unemployment benefits expire on the 15th. is that what you're hearing there? and then i have to ask what is next on the legislative agenda? >> reporter: look, this is still a question mark about the exact timing of the final vote passage. it could happen as soon as tonight. that is what leaders hope for. but it is expected to slip into tomorrow morn if they don't get papers from the senate over to the house. given that it is such a massive bill, it takes time for some of the papers to formally be put together and the precise details and the like being transferred over to the house and it will also take some time for it to go over to the white house. so it is unclear when it will be signed into law. it will be expected to be signed before the jobless benefits expire but a lot of the states need it to be enacted before they could move forward and make sure that people don't see had been interruption in jobless benefits. $1.9 trillion, including that $300 in weekly jobless benefits, people who make a certain -- under a certain income threshold could deduct $10,200 of the benefits and stimulus checks up to $1,400 for individuals and money for vaccines and school and expansion and the child tax credit, affecting so many parts of society and people waiting for this relief. we do expect the bill to be pass add long party lines. maybe two democrats could potentially vote against it. they can't afford to lose more than four. but we don't expect any republicans to vote for it as we saw over the weekend in the senate that also passed along party lines, guys. >> interesting political judgments there. mo thanks very much. still to come this hour, texas has ended the state wide mask mandate, as of tomorrow businesses could reopen 100% capacity. hear what one mayor is saying to residents ahead of the rollback. and lawmakers in georgia gearing up to pass a sweeping voting bill that would really tightly restrict the ability for many people to vote. people who are against it say it is the most restrictive law since jim crow. details on that ahead. and prince charles making his first appearance since prince harry and meghan's interview with oprah. the moment he was asked about the claims that they made. 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are they listening to the doctors or to the governor on whether or not to wear masks? >> well, thankfully here in san antonio, the vast majority of people in the pandemic have been paying attention to the medical experts, the doctors and we've been putting out the message every day about the importance of protecting yourself and people around you by simple acts like wearing a mask and social distancing. so we've seen a great number of people say they are going to continue to wear think masks. businesses have been showing great leadership having been through so much turmoil because of the mixed messaging throughout the year, they are also standing up and saying that they are going to promote safe environments by requiring mask wearing and in their establishments for the safety of their employees, for the public and for of course their customers. >> that is the irony here. that 75% as our reporter was saying of businesses in a place like houston, they support keeping the masks going, right, because in a way it helps them open, not hurts them. is that what you're hearing from businesses there, that there is kind of a self-defeating purpose here with lifting the mask mandate or encouraging people not to wear them. >> absolutely. and the unfortunate part about this decision is it puts those businesses that want to do the right thing on the front lines of confrontations between people who don't want to abide bit rules that they establish in their own facilities. and the challenge is, we've had this false assumption that the economy is going to improve when they open things back up. that is not the case. the economy will improve when consumers have confidence, they have confidence tied to how safe they will be in the community. >> yeah. i mean, my own personal experience when i've gone to restaurants, you look around and you see how well people are wearing masks and so on. it makes you feel safer. let me ask about vaccines. because there is evidence of the vaccination effort in this country accelerating above 2 million aday, approaching 3 million aday nationally. you say you're not receiving nearly enough vaccines compared to what you should be in the proportion to the eligible population in san antonio. what do you hear from the federal government when you say that? >> well, we are hearing about the increase in production and certainly we're glad for new vaccines, particularly the j&j one coming out. they're going to make their way through the states. but to this point we've only seen a slow crawl in terms of the numbers of vaccines we're getting to our community. the seventh most populous city in the country has the highest mortality -- case mortality rate, our social vulnerability index is very high. we need more vaccines. if this is a race against time, we need to make sure we get vaccines out to those most vulnerable residents as quickly as possible. >> are you finding the biden administration, the federal agencies under the biden administration more responsive, are they more effective in getting vaccines out and getting questions answered? >> they are. and they've been communicating with us on a daily and weekly basis. and the most important thing that is happening now is that there is a unified message about the importance of protecting each and the steps we need to take as a nation, as local communities to put this pandemic behind us. but every city in the country, every local county and city is calling for these vaccines. and i know it is incredibly challenging as we're trying to ramp up the distribution, but our data show that the vulnerability index that is driving where these vaccines should go, we just simply need more vaccines in our metro areas. >> we do hope you get this e-- them. there are a lot of communities desperate for that. final question, maybe just a positive one, do you sense that this summer you're going to turn the corner there in san antonio, that the direction of vaccination, the direction of hospitalizations and deaths from covid are all moving in the right direction, right? do you sense that you see the other side of this coming? >> i am full of optimism, jim. because when i look around, throughout this year, the sharpest tool that we've had to fight this pandemic given all of the challenges and in politics has been public trust. and information from our public health officials. thankfully here in san antonio, we've shown a great deal of compassion and team work with one another. listening to that guidance, wearing masks, despite what politicians may say, and i was happy to report yesterday that our positivity rate has really declined precipitously. we're down to 2.5%. so it is great. we have to keep our foot on the gas in terms of getting to the end of this pandemic because that could very quickly be undone if we let our guard up too soon. i think our folks here in san antonio get that message and will continue to protect one another. >> we can't give up now. mayor, we wish you to the best of luck. people in san antonio the best of luck as we get through this. >> thank you, jim. what a great interview. compassion and team work get you say long way. that is very clear. ahead, another sweeping bill that would restrict voting in georgia, a lot. it just got one step closer to becoming law. martin luther king iii, the son of dr. martin luther king jr., he joins us on this next. ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. get exactly what you want on wayfair. hi. last piece. -kelly clarkson? 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>> what worries me most is this is a pattern of consistently suppressing the right to vote for a number of persons within our state, certainly in the black and brown and communities of color in general, perhaps with the student population. the fact of the matter is that even something like it may be illegal -- legal to bring a senior water or food who is in line for a long line, we should be expanding the process, not reducing the process. although the governor still has to sign it and has not, it is tragic that it passed in the senate and the house. >> i should note it was not that long ago, it was 2005 in the state of georgia when it was republicans, including the now governor who is then a tate senator brian kemp who supported no excuse absentee voting something they're now opposing and you called these measures more sophisticated versions of jim crow practices. i wonder what you think practically will be the end result of them on the ground if they become law? >> well i think the end result is going to have to be that we have to quadruple our efforts. and certainly when you think about what stacey abrams as a nucleus did and a number of african-american women and others, helen butler, lat asha brown, deborah scott, just to name a few, who were on the ground mobilizing. and my point is that at the end of the day, no matter what is thrown at us, we have to over come. my father showed us over and over, and my mother, through our leadership how to over come. so we're going to fight these things regardless. the hope is that the governor decides that we've got to change this bill somewhat. because it is tragic that in america 43 states are looking at these kind of draconian policies. and yet we as a nation go all over the world talking about democracy and suppressing it at home. that is a hypocritical act. >> you know, a lot of this goes back again not that long to 2013, and the shell v holder decision by the supreme court, in which the chief justice then and still john roberts wrote explaining that majority, it's a 5-4 decision saying our country change for the better and we don't need the provisions because our country is changed for the better. now in some ways it had and has. but then there is this. look at these images on your screen. on the left-hand side of the screen, you see the confederate flag flown in selma on bloody sunday and on the right-hand side you see americans carrying a confederate flag on january 6 at the insurrection. when you see those and consider that decision and the words of the chief justice, what do you think? >> i think the chief justice and i don't like to be critical of the court, although i think we have to constructively look at this. so obviously the court is not looking or was not looking at what is going on in communities. and so this weekend we were in selma, in fact, for the 56th anniversary of bloody sunday and what john lewis and hose williams did by leading that march and tragically being beaten. it is sad we are not celebrating the fact that it is been 56 years and we're still making progress. we're moving backward. and somehow we have to get our nation to look forward and not backwards. so how do we move the nation forward and create opportunities so more people can vote. more people voted on january 5th and november 4th of last year than ever before. so why do we need to change the rules. and there were no incidents of fraud. >> let me step back with you finally, big picture about where this country stands. because charles blow wrote about this on sunday in "the new york times" and it struck me and we looked more at the polling numbers of the point he was making as this week you have the jury selection for the trial of derek chauvin in minneapolis and in the killing of george floyd and this new usa today ipsos poll found that 28% of white americans believe that what happened to george floyd is murder but i bring that up because it is down from 55% of white americans who believed that in june just days after his killing. how do you explain that drop? >> that is very perplexing. and it somehow -- something has happened in the discourse, the political discourse. and people, i don't know, i would question the polling, i'm not sure that is an accurate reflection. i'm sure it is an accurate reflection of how some people feel. but i wonder if the number that high. because there is no explanation. it makes no sense. we all saw a police officer being judge, jury and executioner all in one. so, there is no -- that is perplexing. truly perplexing. >> was stunned by the numbers, too. until we went back to the polling this morning to take a look and that is what they found. well we appreciate you being on today to talk about this really important issue, martin luther king iii. >> thank you for the opportunity. >> jim. great to have him on. a lot of history there. well prince charles was questioned about this morning about the explosive claims made by prince harry and meghan markle in their interview with oprah winfrey. his response, next. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, bothen i'm not a reallso idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ more than 12 million people in the u.k. watched oprah winfrey's interview with the duke and duchess as sussex, not as many here in the u.s. but still a lot. >> and this morning prince charles had a h the opportunity to respond to the interview and the claims made by prince harry and meghan when he visited in vaccination center in london. did he respond? let's ask max foster. did he say anything buecause th palace hasn't said anything. >> reporter: let's have a look at the video. i'll let you see for yourself what he said when he was approached during this visit earlier today in london. >> could i ask what did you think of the interview? >> reporter: so no response there, obviously. i think there was some messages here, though. this was a planned engagement, at a vaccination center and it went ahead. so this is i think the royal family saying we are carrying on despite everything that has happened. we're not going to be led by the narrative here which was set by meghan and harry and oprah in the interview. i'm hearing from the palace they don't want to be rushed into a statement. that doesn't mean a statement isn't going to be forthcoming but they'll do it in their own time. they're playing the long game. they're seeing this as part of history but not the entirety of hoyle history so i think they're thinking about how to respond to the bigger claims and the smaller ones and you could probably pull harry and meghan up on details but the country is questioned about race and fairness which play into the brand. >> prince harry, you'll remember, called out the close relationship between the palace and the u.k. tabloid press. i lived in london for ten years, it is not the relationship i remember. i remember that as quite adversarial. you've covered the palace for sometime. did he describe that accurately in your experience? >> reporter: well it is actually meg m meghan that talked about holiday parties that tabloids were invited to, tabloid reporters saying i've never been invited to one of these parties have you and we do get invited to media meet and greet and couldn't be described as parties. whether or not that is an accurate portrayal by the justice, they didn't feel the palace should be dealing with the tabloids and working with them and the palace, without speaking to them, they would probably argument and we have broad debates about what parts of media they're working with, we have lots of arguments about that, they don't feel they have a right to choose which parts of the media think work with, the media is a accepseparate body b we're not going to discriminate against parts of the media and meghan thinks they should but the tension between the tabloids and the palace, i don't think you could say they're working together and there is frustration about meghan and harry but that is nothing new. >> max foster, thank you for being on top of it for us. after a year of distance learning, which is a nice way of putting it, some parents just are not ready to send their children back to the school yet. why some black families are opting to continue with remote learning ahead. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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[ bell ] >> are you scared that some of the kids are going to slip beneath the cracks? >> yes. and i think that that is a question that any educational leader, particularly if they are serving and leading, in an urban school system, that is exactly what we worry and think about. >> reporter: lisa hairing is leading one of the largest school districts in the state of georgia and knows there is an uphill challenge to get minority kids back into class. >> they believe that the vast imagine of our families that have chosen face-to-face are the families that are white or caucasian. trust or lack there of surfaced to the top. let's be candid and honest about that because that is the truth. >> reporter: many minority parents are skeptical that schools are truly safe. jim and poppy you understand a lot of the kids have dealt with tough circumstances when it comes to covid-19. we know how hard the pandemic has been hitting black and brown families. so the real question is can they keep kids safe in school? the school has such a big impact on us, we talk about a lot about first responders, but our teachers are putting in a lot of work during the pandemic. think back to your own life and seeing the teachers that had an impact. i could think about mr. diaz and mr. johnson and you know kids need that sort of interaction to make sure that they could move on in their future, jim and poppy. >> the data has shown schools continue to be relatively safe. ron young, thank you very much. a quick programming note. be sure to watch as jake tapper hosts a live cnn special, back to school and kids and covid and it airs friday night only on cnn. >> look forward to that. thank you so much for being with us today. we'll see you right here tomorrow morning. i'm poppy harlow. >> and i'm jim sciutto. "newsroom" with kate bolduan starts right after a short break. that doesn't play games. no surprise fees, legit unlimited data for as little as $25 a month. and the best part, it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month and get every month for $5. which is why i brought them. two $5-a-months right here. hey. hey. plus the players of my squad. hey. what's up? then finally my whole livestream. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. visible, as little as $25 a month or $5 a month when you bring a friend. powered by verizon. wireless that gets better with friends. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at at jackson hewitt, we offer safe and easy ways to file with a skilled tax pro. securely drop off your documents, have them picked up, or upload them, and work with a tax pro online from home. safe and easy ways to file that work around you. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to support local restaurants, we've been to every city, including baton rouge... and even topeka. yeah, we're exhausted. whew! so, tonight... i'll be eating the roast beef hero (doorbell) excellent. and, tonight... i'll be eating the coconut curry chicken winter hill. (doorbell) (giggle) oh, they're excellent. i had so many fried plantains i thought i was going to hurl. do ya think they bought it? oh yeah. hello, everyone, i'm kate bolduan, thank you for joining me. at this hour we're monitoring several developing story. in minneapolis, jury selection is under way in the murder trial of derek chauvin. just one day after jurors of a potential jury pool was abruptly sent home. he's charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of george floyd whose killing prompted weeks of a global reckoning on race and injustice. we're also keep a close eye on capitol hill where the big question is not if the president's massive covid relief bill will pass, but when it will pass. it is a monumental piece of legislation that is one of the largest rescue measures in the history of the country. and also the cdc is now facing p pushback on what vaccinated americans should or shouldn't do. you saw that on the show yesterday. and now the question is the cdc

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News , Sanjay , Correspondent , How Big Of A Step , 10 , Vaccines , Life , Hearing , Tool , Shot , Two , Masks , Vaccine , Thing , Sense , Handshake , Johnson , Hug , Risk , Household , Conditions , Kids , Grandparents , Grandkids , Exposure , People Don T , Percentage , Language , Andy Slavitt , Time , 2 5 Million , 30 , 2 , 20 , Numbers , Immunity , One Shot , 18 , Five , Things , Home , The End , Folks , Headline , Vaccinations , Picture , Bit , Distinction , 60 Million , 2 Million , Deaths , Residents , Nursing Homes , Death , Ness , Third , Number , Nothing , Everybody , Care , Facilities , Herd Immunity , Way , Travel Guidance , Mask , Travel , Issue , Virus , Tone , Somebody , Task Force , Concern , Pre Existing , Illness , Pandemic , Concerns , Airline Travel , Holidays , Beginning , Outbreaks , Sources , Surges , 4 5 Million , Four , Data , Travel , Tea Leaves , Guess , Gatherings , Travel Itself , Wasn T Due , Businesses , Texas , Capacity , Estate , Mandate , 100 , Ground , Positivity Rate , 12 , Question , Wall , Elsewhere , Midst , Something , Mask Mandates , Dr , States , Christopher Murray , Resurgence , Fact , Some , Cities , Doesn T , Job , Mandates , Florida , Policies , Counties , Big , Mayors , Difference , Broward , Miami , Everything , Government , First , Models , Quarters , Three , Size , Stimulus Package , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , House , Legislation , Vote , Capitol Hill , Manu , Desk , Schedule , Manu Raju Live On , Nancy Pelosi , Unemployment Benefits , Agenda , 15 , Bill , Senate , Papers , Leaders , Georgia House , Question Mark , Passage , Timing , Law , Details , Being , White House , Benefits , Interruption , School , Income , Stimulus , Threshold , Individuals , Money , Certain , 1400 , 00 , 300 , 400 , 0200 , 10200 , Parts , Party Lines , Democrats , Child Tax Credit , Expansion , Society , Republicans , Weekend , Judgments , Imo , Guys , Mayor , Mask Mandate , Jim Crow , Georgia , Voting , Rollback , Lawmakers , Ability , Interview , Harry , Prince Charles , Meghan Markle , Oprah , Appearance , Korean , Rock On , Au Gratin , Calzone , Doughballs In Aurora , Priceline , Hotels , Butt , Monkeys , Calzones , Sh Yeah , 60 , Deal , Trip , Blood Clot , Corner , Dvt , Taking Eliquis , Doctor , Bleeding , Another , Eliquis Didn T , Tape , Help , Patients , 98 , Treatment , Both , Cases , Injection , Artificial Heart Valve , Fda , Numbness , Medicines , Signs , Bruising , Muscle Weakness , Tingling , Procedures , Oysters , Yobusiness Growing Liquis , Corner Couldhas You Swamped G For , Candidates , Shortlist , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , Seventy Five , Ev , Wait , Dog Whimpers , Houston , Verge , Dan Simon , Reaction , Population , Celebration Events , 75 , Parties , Nightclub , Yes , Governor , Complaints , Rest , Business , Signaling , Effect , Tone Setting , Implications , Place , Texas Restaurant Association , Big Box Retailers , Chain , Media , Restaurants , 75 , Threats , Pushback , Couple , Survey , Kind , Staff , Immigration And Customs Enforcement , Irony , Bars , Decision , San Antonio , Out Of The Woods , Move , Mistake , Doctors , Whether , Message , Majority , Importance , Experts , Facts , Attention , Leadership , Distancing , Messaging , Turmoil , Course , Safety , Customers , Public , Employees , Environments , Establishments , Purpose , Going , Part , Lines , Confrontations , Challenge , Consumers , Economy , Assumption , Confidence , Community , Experience , Vaccination Effort , Evidence , 3 Million , J One , Increase , Proportion , Production , Point , Crawl , City , Vulnerability Index , Populous , Mortality Rate , Mortality , Race , Administration , Questions , Basis , Communities , County , Peach , Distribution , The , Data Show , Areas , Direction , Covid , Side , Vaccination , Optimism , Hospitalizations , Coming , Moving , Compassion , Team Work , Politics , Officials , Challenges , Health , Information , Public Trust , Guidance , Listening , Precipitously , Politicians , Gas , End , Guard , Foot , 02 5 , Luck , Best , Martin Luther King Iii , Next , Jeans , Radio Up , Wings , Burger , Pair , Cold Beer , Applebee S , , 5 , 1 , Wayfair , Piece , Look , Room , Kitchen , Drinks , Kitchen Cart , Dreams , Style , Kelly Clarkson , On Wayfair , Sofa , Singer , Setup , Storage , Game Night , Game , Bottles , Same , Plastic , Beverage Companies , Plastics , Caps , Material , One Hundred , Bottle , Waste , The Circle , Times , Strength , At Ancestry , Family Story , Effort , Voting Absentee , Criteria , Mail , Ends , Voting Access , I D , Brennan Center For Justice , Bills , Voter Restrictions Efforts , Laws , 250 , 43 , Jr , Defense , Coretta Scott King , Cost , Election Workers , Center , Stress , Ballots , Georgia Top , Persons , Pattern , Color , Matter , Student Population , General , Process , Line , Food , Water , Brian Kemp , State , 2005 , Absentee Voting , Versions , Excuse , Practices , Result , Efforts , Stacey Abrams , Few , Others , Nucleus , Lat Asha Brown , Deborah Scott , Helen Butler , African American Women , Mother , Dover , Father , Democracy , World , Go , Supreme Court , Chief Justice , Shell V Holder Decision , 2013 , Ways , Better , Provisions , John Roberts , 4 , Screen , Flag , Bloody Sunday , Selma , Insurrection , Words , 6 , January 6 , 56th Anniversary , 56 , Beaten , Sad , Hose Williams , John Lewis , Opportunities , November 4th , January 5th , Rules , Incidents , Fraud , Charles Blow , Polling Numbers , Usa Today , The New York Times , Derek Chauvin In Minneapolis , Poll , 28 , 55 , Discourse , Drop , Reflection , Polling , Thigh , Explanation , Jury , Saw A Police Officer , Executioner , History , Response , Claims , Age , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , Idaho Potato , Beautiful , Recipes , Dishes , Potatoes , Side Dish , Idaho Potato Farmer , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Bothen , Reallso , Limu Emu , Limu , Liberty , Car Insurance , Pay , Liberty Mutual , Duchess , Duke , U K , Sussex , 12 Million , London , Vaccination Center , Max Foster , Buecause Th Palace Hasn T , Visit , Video , Messages , Narrative , Engagement , Led , Palace , Statement , Doesn T Mean A Statement Isn , Ones , Entirety , Hoyle , Relationship , Tabloid Press , Brand , Fairness , Ten , Holiday , Tabloids , Tabloid Reporters , Couldn T , Argument , Debates , Portrayal , Work , Body B , Arguments , Right , Frustration , Tension , Parents , Families , Children , Top , Distance Learning , Learning , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Term , Retirement , Cash Payment , Policy Lapse , Life Insurance , Worth , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Conventrydirect Com , One Hundred Thousand , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Insurance , Stop Trulicity , Insulin , A1c , Body , Type 2 Diabetes , Power , 7 , Trulicity Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Vision , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Stomach Pain , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Trulicity , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Skin , Gel , Moisturizer , Prebiotic Oat , Boat , Moisture Barrier , Hi Jen , Aveeno , Hi Sabrina , Calm , Nature Tm , Call 911 , Pg E , 911 , Safe , Wires , Wire , African Americans , Schools , Trust , Ryan Young Reports , Incentury , Black , Focus , Minority , Disinvestment , Investments , Jasmine Gregory , Three Boys N , 19 , Priority , Class , Setting , Systems , Study , Haven T , Reopening , Voices , 62 , Child , Building , 46 , Teachers , Teacher , District , Classroom , Strategy , Educators , Parent , Plan , Plans , Districts , School Classrooms , Underinvestment , Shape , Inequity , Leading , Leader , Cracks , Bell , School Districts , School System , Lisa Hairing , Face To , Truth , Circumstances , Impact , Responders , Kids Safe , Mr , Interaction , Diaz , Back To School , Ron Young , Programming Note , Live Cnn Special , Friday Night , Jake Tapper , Newsroom , Break , Surprise Fees , Doesn T Play Games , Kate Bolduan , Cnn , 25 , Friend , Players , Livestream , Verizon , Squad , Two 5 A Months , Friends , Project Managers , Projects , Visible , Boom , Tax Pro , Documents , Resume Database , List , Credit , At Jackson Hewitt , Seventy Five Dollar , Crohn S , Flare Up , Moderate , Adults , Medication , Intestine , Uc , Inflammation , Infections , Ulcerative Colitis , Surface , Flight , Stelara , Cancer , Reactions , Serious , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Pres , Infection , Symptoms , Sores , Tb , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Baton Rouge , From Pikliz In , Doorbell , Winter Hill , Topeka , Roast Beef Hero From Parm In Soho , Plantains , Giggle , Hurl , Everyone , Story , Hello , Oh Yeah , Murder Trial , Jury Pool , Whose , Eye , Big Question , Injustice , Reckoning , P Pushback , Show , Rescue Measures , Shouldn ,

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