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recommendations giving people more freedom to socialize without worrying about getting others sick. an important first step in getting the nation back to normal nap is the head of the cdc says it is certainly not the final destination. >> our guidance must balance the risk to people who have been fully vaccinated, the risks to those who have not yet received the vaccine and the impact on the larger community transmission of covid-19 with when we what we all recognize to be the overall benefit of resuming everyday activities and getting back to some of the things we love in life. >> there are now more than 30 million people in the united states who are fully vaccinated, but america is still averaging more than 60,000 new cases per day. let's talk more about this now with our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen and dr. adrian burroughs, a family mets physician. elizabeth, i'm excited about the recommendations. walk us through these. >> it really is exciting, brianna. more people are getting vaccinated, good to know there are some benefits to it. let's take a look at these. first of all, these are for people fully vaccinated. i want to define what that is.c two weeks after your johnson & johnson shot or your second moderna or pfizer shot. what does this mean? if you're fully vaccinated, you can visit indoors with others who are fully vaccinated without masks, without social distancing. if you're vaccinated, your grandma's vaccinated give her a hug without a mask on. pretty darn exciting ar the year we've had. fully vaccinated visiting someone not vaccinated indoors, you can do it if one household. not visiting with a bunch of people. people from one family and at a low risk of severe covid-19. the unvaccinated people need to be from one household and at a low risk of severe covid-19 and you do not need masks and you do not need social distancing. so this is, can you go back to 2019 and do whatever you want to do? no. of course you can't. i think these two things are pretty big. brianna? >> dr. burroughs, what is the biggest takeaway here for you? >> well, the biggest takeaway, there's benefits to being vaccinated. and so i'm very excited, much as was just said, that we're moving to a point where vaccinated individuals can get together, and as well as vaccinated individuals with low risk individuals. so that's a wonderful thing. the thing that we need to make sure of is that we need to make sure that the cdc's guidance corresponds with the president's guidance and dr. fauci, who is saying the same thing moving forward, but certainly encouraging. >> and then elizabeth what about travel? because there are so many people who just have not been able to see relatives, they're so far away. what does the cdc recommend for that? >> you know, i think, brianna, this is disappointing to people fully vaccinated. they are still saying even if vaccinated, you should not travel. that's officially what the cdc is saying. that doesn't change. as more people get vaccinated and as we move forward in time, they may say, sure. if you've been vaccinated go ahead and travel. right now saying even with a vaccine, try not to travel. >> and dr. burroughs, cdc also says those fully vaccinated don't need to get tested long a. testing numbers dropping in the u.s. should more people are tested more often or is it sppart of people getting vaccinated. >> talking individuals not vaccinated, certainly, still get tested. the ones that are vaccinated, as long as they're not symptomatic, then, yes. i agree. they probably don't need tos tested as often. one of the things, though, i want you to remember there's not really clear evidence how long we have immunity postvaccination. certainly having symptoms, you need to be tested. >> in some cases the, anyone who is vaccinated, or who isn't vaccinated but looking forward to that may look at these cdc guidelines and have a very specific idea of something they might want to do and they want to know if they can do it. should the cdc be giving specific examples what people can and can't do? especially since now there are sporting events resuming, movie theaters reopening? >> absolutely. especially when looking at states like texas which has opened up everything pretty much, and you have universities like the university of alabama saying they're going to be having 100,000-plus expected for, when their stadiums reopen, when college football starts in the fall. the cdc shoulding giving specific and clear guidance to not only americans but to some of our political leaders as well in terms when it's safe to do certain events. so i look forward to those recommendations going forward. >> i sure do. i think a lot of people do. doctor, thank you, elizabeth, thank you. there are more than 17 million people who watched oprah winfrey's sit-down interview with prince harry and meghan markle. an intervule that turned into an earthquake that out-did the hype around it. first time ever they explain why they left the royal life in the uk. they blame failure by the palace to support them as markle said she was barraged with vicious and racist media coverage. the couple also describe a conversation with an unnamed insider about their son's skin color prior to his birth. and just as jaw-dropping, meghan opened up about having suicidal thoughts. >> but i knew that if i didn't say it, that i would do it, and i just didn't -- i just didn't want to be alive anymore. and that was a very -- clear and real -- and frightening -- constant thought. >> joining me now is cnn's richard quest. you've covered the royals a long time, and i don't know, richard. even hearing that the second time it doesn't get easier to hear. put this in perspective for us. how damaging, how much of a bombshell is this interview for the royal family? >> reporter: the damaging part is, is huge, both in the public domain and also to the credibility of the senior members of the royal family who will be involved in this. no question about it. the damage is real. it is deep, but how does it manifest itself is the key question? give you what i mean. this is not -- it's a bad parallel, but makes the point. this is not like governor cuomo where you have accusations that are constantly put and eventually the result is either he stays or he goes. he resigns or he doesn't. this is a case where charles is not about to resign. the queen is not going to abdicate. the royal family will continue and that's why you have to look and say, well what does this actually do to the british people? where does this place them? how do they view their royal family? particularly since -- well from what meghan said, what the duchess said last night, it's diana repeated. peoplewarning and no one listening and in the case of one person in particular, the prince of wales, prince charles, harry's father, that, of course, is exceptionally damaging, but he's not going to resign. he's not going to go away. >> this issue of mental health. something the royal family has spoken about. they have advocated for people, for getting resources, for it not being stigmatized, and then you hear meghan markle talking about having these intense struggles. i mean, she was clearly, as she describes it, in crisis. >> yeah. >> right? she was in cries and they don't -- they don't respond appropriately. what did you think about that? >> reporter: the stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming. i can hear kate and william, the duke and duchess of cambridge. next time they try do to do something on mental health, one person. e aye what about your sister-in-law? why did she have to go on oprah? the point i'm saying. but where do you go with it? i mean what do you do? once you've said this, it's not a -- they call it "the firm" but it's not a company you just fire somebody from. so there has to be, a thing people will follow. people will want to expect a cause and affect from, they said this, therefore, this must happen. that's not -- if you remember after diana, the way forward group. the queen put forward a group to modernize. done in a much more slow way. i would expect as a result of this something similar, but very nuanced. there will be very careful, the way the -- for the simple reason that you don't just pull a whole lot down. allegations were serious but response will be measured. >> yeah. careful indeed. maybe to a fault. right? what we learned i think from this interview. richard quest, thank you so much. much more on that shocking interview just ahead. we're going to dig into the claims of racism from "money & mark markets," -- mseghan markle , ad the queen's secretary joins me live with his perspective on this. plus live in minneapolis on day one of the trial for the former officer accused in george floyd's death. hear why the judge already dismissed the jury. who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. so help heal your skin from within, and talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent. if your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. oprah's bombshell interview with the duke and duchess of sussex won't air in the uk for a few more hours yet. stunning revelations from prince harry and meghan markle already causing shock waves in the uk andy cross the globe. in this interview prince harry discussed how his relationship with his father prince charles began to fall apart following the couple's move to canada in early 2020. >> when we were in canada i had three conversations with my grandmother, and two conversations with my father, and before he stopped taking my calls, and then said, can you put this all in writing, what your plan is. >> harry says he did put his plans in writing but after the announcement came out still had a visit with his grandmother abruptly canceled. >> please pass on to duke and duchess of sussex cshe cannot come. she's busy all week. do not come up here. okay. so i rang her from fort worth and that night, and said, i was thinking about coming anyway, but i hear you're busy's she said, yes. something i didn't know that i had. i said, well, what about the rest of the week? that's busy now as well. okay. i didn't want to wpush. i kind of knew what was going on and then later that night -- >> doesn't the queen get to do -- doesn't the queen get to do what the queen wants to do? >> hmm. >> no. when you're head of "the firm" there is people around you that give you advice. >> okay. >> and what also made me very sad, some of that advice has been really bad. >> and charles ansen, the press secretary to queen elizabeth. you have a very unique persecutive to share and i thank you for coming on to talk with us. in this specific case about the queen clearly communicating to prince harry that she was busy after inviting him what do you make about this? because she does have control over her schedule. right? was this her call, do you think? >> absolutely. the queen has control over her schedule, and obviously her team consults her about what she wishes to do, but i think the much more important point is that the queen is very family-minded. and in my experience, seven years as her press secretary, her door was always open to members of her family. and to see them. and obviously if they were in london at buckingham palace and obviously further afield when in norfolk or scotland. so i don't really recognize, i'm afraid, that trait that's described. i've always felt that the queen is very family-minded. she also very fair-minded and she's close to her grandchildren, and particularly to william and harry who were amongst the first. >> meghan and harry leveled serious charges of racism at their family members in the institution of the monarchy. how do you think the palace is going to respond to this? >> well, i think, you know, the important general point to make immediately is that as well as being the head of state and the queen of the united kingdom, the queen is also head of the commonwealth. a grouping of 55 nations in africa, asia, the caribbean and all around the world. a massive 2 billion people that are represented in the commonwealth. and it's been a project which the queen has encouraged from the moment she came to the throne, and it's a very successful grouping, economic, professional and political terms and she leads it in a neutral constitutional way, and i think, really, something of a flag carrier when it comes to multiracialism, cooperation between nations, and the way britain has changed during the course of her reign has become much more multiracial. so i don't -- >> nonetheless, her -- her granddaughter-in-law is -- is saying that she was barraged, in a racist way, verifiable by the british press and doesn't feel protected by the royal family or the palace and describing conversations that someone had with harry about what color of skin tone archie to be would have and what the possible ramifications of that would be? these are serious charges. doesn't the palace need to respond to these? >> i think they certainly need to consider them, but i'd be very surprised if there were any consistent, or even a volume of racism amongst the british media. when i was commentator of prince harry and meghan in 2018 for 48 hours at windsor and i've never seen a more positive and welcoming press for a member of the royal family, and for a great event like that. so i don't -- i don't think there is any ingrained racism in the british media, nor do i think in the british monarchy. i think, you know, the element of racism, such as there is, is not very different from what you have in the united states. there are groups of individuals very active on social media tweeting and retweeting all the time to give the sense of a volume of anti-racial feeling. i don't -- i don't believe that it is a major problem of the kind described. i think that's all i can say on that. >> prince harry seemed to take a different view on that. he said -- i thought this was one of the very, the most interesting parts of this interview. he said, essentially, he didn't believe there was racism, until he had to see the institution through the eyes of a black woman who he loved, and it's clear listening to what he said that he truly felt that there was racism, is racism, and, you know in that regard, perhaps i wonder if we should take his word at it? word for it? and i wonder how, i mean, how is the royal family going to perhaps look at what effect clearly prince harry and meghan believe they had and see if there's something they need to be thinking about in this regard? >> well, i think there are quite a lot of issues raised by the interview across a range of different aspects of behavior, and i think some of those need to be looked at, you know, by the royal household, perhaps, and others i think are really questions of personal relationships, and require that sort of conversation and time to heal. that takes place in most families and needs to be done privately. i mean, the irony of the monarchy and marrying into the monarchy is that, you know, it's a -- it's an intensely public institution known all around the world, and, therefore, you know, those that marry into the royal family find themselves in a constant -- constantly in the limelight and in the glare of publicity, and sometimes it's friendly, and sometimes it's unfriendly, but i don't -- i don't believe that it's -- it's fundamentally hostile, but i think, you know, if there are misconceptions, and if there are problems and they need to be discussed and, of course, this would all be a lot easier to have sorted out and perhaps not reached this point of crisis if there hadn't been covid. there's been a year where people have not been able to see each other and meet, and in the case of prince harry and meghan, it's been, you know, unfortunate for them that there has been -- it's been difficult for them to come back and spend a little time in britain. of course, they remain members of the queen's family. she made it absolutely clear she wished them well and so did the royal family. if that was there decision to go and live in california. it was made very clear in that first announcement, if you look at it, from buckingham palace, that they were welcome to come home at any time, and they would always be welcomed as members of the queen's family, whether in london or bell morel and done on positive basis. not in anyway done on a, it was done in a very generous way to try to give them the best possible chance. so i think it's, i think it's upsetting especially at this time, and, you know, the queen is 95. she's been on the throne for 69 years and probably the most experienced, deep with loved around the world and now dealing with a, you know, a family problem. which is much better sorted out privately than all over the media. >> it is definitely, it's being sorted out very publicly definitely, charles. and, look i really appreciate you coming on, charles anson. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. enjoyed talking to you. next, we dig deeper on harry and meghan's claims on which members at least of the royal family did not talk about archie's skin color and what it might be when he was born. plus, police in colorado attack as they tried to break up a huge street party violating covid protocol. tonight i'll be eating a calzone from doughballs in aurora. 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sure thing! and with fast, nationwide 5g included - at no extra cost? we've got you covered. so join the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction... ...and learn how much you can save at in openroprah's interview w prince harry and meghan markle, charges of racism at the palace including "several conversationses with were an unnamed family member concerned about the skin color of their unborn child." >> in those months when i was pregnant, all around the same time, so we had intandem the conversation of he won't be given security, not going to be give an title. and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> there is a conversation -- hold -- hold up. >> several conversations. >> there's a conversation with you -- >> with harry. >> -- about how dark your baby's going to be? >> potentially, and what that would mean or look like. >> in an interview this morning oprah said prince harry wanted to clarify who was not part of those discussions. >> he did not share the identity but wanted to make sure i knew and if i had an opportunity to share it, it was not his grandmother nor his grandfather that were a part of those conversations. >> with us, a journalist and host of the podcast, and we were texting last night both watching this and this was the moment of interview. so jaw-dropping. it's clear now harry is saying that the queen and prince philip basically, this wasn't them. but i wonder what you think of this moment overall? >> yeah. this, brianna, was one of the most shocking moments in television interview history, hands down, period. i think for a lot of black americans watching, it was also a really painful reminder of a time where there were these colorism tests for access to higher society. this is part of american history. there were times where people had to pass blue blood tests. was your skin light enough to see that your blood was blue in your veins. paper bag tests. people hold a paper bag up to your skin. if you were lighter than the paper bag you were gained entry into certain aspects of society. it's a throwback to a very ugly time in american people for a lot of people and shows you what the palace was really thinking about. they could have used meghan markle and her son as an amazing bridge to so many parts of the world to embrace diversity, increase the palace' popularity and bring them into a new space of diversity and inclusion and they were thinking how dark the baby was going to be. >> really interesting to hear harry talking about this. to talk about how he didn't actually see racism until he was seeing it through meghan markle's eyes, and i'm sure as the parent of a child who would be biracial and then said it was immediate, just being confronted with this? >> yeah. something a lot of partners, white partners and interracial couples, interracial relationships go through. my white father talked about this. a realization a lot of white people have when they realize that they're going to have black babies. and something that was clear with harry is that he's very, very concerned about history repeating itself, and said something very, very telling. he's a quick study. he said he was concerned about history repeating itself, eve more dangerously in when you add in the issue of race. think about how bad he felt things must have been in the uk that they came to the united states to escape racism? so that gives you an insight into how deeply he feared for the safety of his child. >> came through loud and clear. thank you so, sorry much for being with us today. >> thank you. next, hear why the judge dismissed the jury on day one of the trying of the former officer accused in george floyd's death. we take you live to minneapolis. and citing the media's reporting on a story and lie when they claim the media doesn't cover said story. it's an important time to save. with priceline, you can get up to 60% off amazing hotels. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ - [narrator] at southern new hampshire university,. we're committed to making college more accessible by making it more affordable, that's why we're keeping our tuition the same through the year 2021. - i knew snhu was the place for me when i saw how affordable it was. i ran to my husband with my computer and i said, "look, we can do this." - [narrator] take advantage of some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation. find your degree at the dexcom reads my number. it sends it to my phone. that means my sugar is going it sendhey siri.y phone. what's my sugars? 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>> reporter: brianna, a feeling this charge would be an issue when it came time for jury selection. this is a third-degree murder charge. you mentioned the two derek chauvin is already facing. second-degree unintentional and second-degree manslaughter. the third charge prosecutors initially wanted when filing this criminal complaint. the judge peter cahill dropped that third-degree murder charge back in october. this past friday in appeals court here in, for minneapolis area, ruled that the district court here should reconsider reinstating this motion. that happened friday when we were expecting the jury selection process to happen here on monday. of course, before the jury selection process happened, they were going through motions here in court, and what they decided was that they could not move forward, or at least wanted to hear from the appeals court on whether they could move forward with jury selection before this third-degree murder charge reinstatement was settled. that's where we are, really, at the moment, and that's why earlier today judge peter cahill sent the jurors, prospective jurors home to hammer this out. why we've seen a recess until a few moments ago where hopefully we'll get some answers. the prosecutors filed this motion. we're in a waiting game to see whether the jury selection process will be affected at this third-degree murder charge is figured out. >> this was a trial that a lot of people are watching and watching it with you. omar jimenez, thank you. ronna mcdaniel, head of the rnc, making a claim empty after an apartment robbed. upset there wasn't a solo news conference, day 47 and still no joe biden press conference. cnn, where's your outrage never being able to ask joe biden a question? that tweeted to the top of hur twitter feed and pinned it there so it's the first you see on her page, but it's not true. >> there have been observations the president has yet to have a, a news conference. today is president biden's 43rd day in office and he still has not held his first solo news conference. >> not done a news conference just yet. >> president biden under pressure not holding a press conference. brought it up last week. >> when the white house press secretary was presses on this again by the press corps, here's what she said. >> he has done about 40 q&as since taking office. yes, one before end of the month. >> his aides sure to point out he has taken reporters questions at events including a primetime cnn town hall. cnn was one of the first news outlets to spotlight he hasn't had a solar presser on tv and online that's been done. our chief correspondent raised the question in february and headlined a newsletter with it last week. tippy top placement's that story. cnn kevin liptak analyzed archivaled documents as the american presidency project at uc santa barbara and many predecessor when it came to having this first event. mcdaniel seems to be following the lead of truth-challenged television shows. >> 42 days into administration still no solo press conference from joe biden. the long ef stretch of silence from hi any president in at least a century. joe biden is attacking our most cherished democratic norms. >> refusing to speak directly to the media. should we take from that he doesn't consider his own network to be the media? >> so do you think three weeks or so we'll be at the point with a million vaccines per day, but seems -- >> no. i think we'll get there before that. >> and talked about -- >> you. >> after cnn reliable sources media mnewsletter, fox did segment after segment on it and led some shows last week with it. this is a tradition on plant trump and the fox moon that orb irts it. accuse the media of ignoring the story even if they broke it and use the very reporting criticized to claim "times" hasn't covered sexual harassment allegations sdens new york governor andrew cuomo. >> see what the media does. tepid doing this. only the "new york post" and handful of others actually covered this with seriousness it tames. "new york times" and other big media outlets have been far behind. >> problem for this, the "times" had some of the most significant reporting on this. his claim so ridiculous even a fox host called him on it. >> but the "times" broke the most recent story about the victim charlotte bennett, the second woman. they broke that story. >> wouldn't even be talking about it if it wasn't for the "new york times" reporting. >> worth remembering that as a lecture about sexual harassment he dropped his endorsement of donald trump back in 2016 after the "access hollywood" tape dropped. >> i'm out. i can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. it is some of the most about hornet abhorrent comments you can possibly imagine. my wife and i have a 15-year-old daughter. if i can't look her in the eye and tell her these things i can't endorse this person. so i'm out of the endorsement, and that apology? no apology. an apology for getting caught. >> 19 days later, he apparently found a way to look his daughter in the eye announcehood e would be voting for trump. it's hypocritical. relying on the work of the media, same, and log partisan attacks and then attacked media that did that very reporting lined about whether the media covered the story. next, hundreds show up to a street party in colorado without masks or social distancing, and then attack the police who tried to break it up. y. new neutrogena® rapid tone repair 20 percent pure vitamin c. a serum so powerful dark spots don't stand a chance. see what i mean? 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>> thank you, brianna, and thanks for having me. that video was extremely disturbing. to see videos of an illegal gathering that are like that where we see literally no masking, no social distancing, and what's even more disturbing is obviously the personal violence against police and against people's property. it was clearly really disturbing, and especially now at a time when we've done so well in boulder county to drop our cases, our hospitalizations and our deaths. we don't want to see a reversal of that. so it was a pretty challenging thing for us to have to watch. >> you're right. it's terrible all the damage that is done and the injuries, and to police officers, but then this is done in the middle of a pandemic. maybe it's because it's in a pandemic and folks are longing to gather together but here obviously things got out of hand. your department is advising anyone who is there to get a covid test, is that right? >> that is correct, because when we have gatherings that are that large, it's very difficult to identify all the people that were there, and the best thing that people can do is get tested, get tested within five to seven days. there is ample free testing available for people so that is what we're advising people to do as well as to self-quarantine and monitor their symptoms. >> should we take anything away from this, the gathering? i mean, certainly this was an unusually large gathering, but when it comes to colleges, over the course of the pandemic, many have pointed to colleges and said that young people are not behaving appropriately. i think, you know, you know i'm familiar personally with a lot who are, but you look at that video and there are many who are not. >> yeah. i think there's a couple of key things. the first one is we're talking at, you know, the most numbers that we're seeing are between 200 and 800, so compared to the entire university population, that's about .02%. that's assuming that all those -- those folks were college kids, so what i don't want to do is lump all college kids into this, but these college kids do need to change behaviors and we know that. it's critically important, especially now. we know that people have covid fatigue. we've seen it. it's been consistent in the last several months especially, and we're getting very close to the light at the end of the tunnel. we know more vaccines are coming. vaccines are being distributed now. what we need people to do is just hold with us for a few more months until we get more vaccines out there, and it's going to drop our numbers and we'll be back more towards normal than right now. >> does it speak to the need of vaccinating young people ahead of priority for what they are right now? >> well, i think the way we're vaccinating people now makes most sense and that's because we know that the populations that are being vaccinated are most at risk. they are the ones who are going to show up in our hospitals. they are the ones who are going to end up deceased, so we are taking the right approach. we know -- even if we have -- we do expect increasing cases, and we do expect cases from this event, but we know that we've got our most significantly at-risk vaccinated and that means for us less hospitalizations and less deaths moving forward. obviously we want all people to get vaccinated, but we know that's going to take a little bit of time. >> yeah. jeff zajac, thanks so much for being with us. still ahead, new cdc guidelines on what people who are vaccinated can do safely. plus, congress advances what's being called the largest cash infusion to americans in modern history. hear what is in the covid relief bill and also what's not in it. tonight, i'll be eating the al pastor burrito from boca burritos right here in aurora. 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