visits with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk of covid-19 disease indoors without wearing a mask or physical distancing. and refrain from quarantine and testing following a known covid-19 exposure if the vaccinated person remains asymptomatic. so far, more than 30 million americans have been fully vaccinated, which is more than the total number of confirmed infections nationwide. today the u.s. surpassed 29 million cases. it sparked new concerns about the spread of more infection shows variants just as more states reopen and lift their mask mandates. joining me a emergency medicine physician and medical director at the baylor college of medicine. alwaysia to he sue. i wonder what you think about the new guidelines that so many people have been waiting for. are they what you expected? >> there definitely some parts of the guidelines that are what i expected. we have been vaccinating people in this country for the last three months. we have over 30 million people that are fully vaccinated. so a lot of us have been wondering when we can start gathering again, when we can start having in-person meetings at work again. and i do think that the cdc does a good job delineating those situations. there are a lot of nuances in the guidelines, though, that i think are very important the highlight and discuss because what we don't want is people to just think that the cdc released guidelines and now we can start having parties again. that's not what they are saying. >> a lot of this has to do with people wanting to kind of get back to normal. and these recommendations mention gyms and restaurants. and they say the risk of infection for vaccinated people is lower than unvaccinated people that seems like common sense, of course. should the cdc give more examples so people fully understand what they should and shouldn't do? >> that's one example the nuances that i was talking about, brianna. yes, the risk is lower if you are fully vaccinated if you go to a gym or indoor dining. however, the overall transmission risk in those settings are higher. even people who are fully vaccinated should still consider wearing their masks and physically distancing in those space especially if coming into contact with unvaccinated people. >> on travel, this is what dr. wallenski said about that. >> every time there is a surge in travel we have a surge in cases in this country. we know many of our variants have emerged from international places and that the travel corridor is a place where people are mixing a lot. we are really trying to restrain travel at this current period of time. >> when do you think that we will be able to travel safely? >> i haven't yet heard of any specific country releasing travel guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated. but along the same vein that the cdc released guidelines for small gatherings, if you have been vaccinated, i do think as more people in this country start to get their vax scene as we vaccinate more people globally we are going to start seeing both individual travel restrictions from certain countries, and the cdc release further guidelines on traveling for those who are fully vaccinated. >> this guidance is specific to people who have had their vaccine. it's specific to vaccinated people within their homes, not in public. do you think that public precautions should change now that cases are dropping? have we leveled out at too high of a level to do that? >> i don't think public precautions should change just yet. although we have 30 million people in this country who have been fully vaccinated and that sounds like an amazingly high number it is still only 12% of the population. so very, very far from where we need to be in order to achieve headquarters immunity. again, the cases are dropping, but it doesn't seem as if they are dropping as quickly of a rate as they were maybe a couple of weeks ago. we are leveling off right now at about 60,000 cases, which is still way too high of disease transmission within the community. i would like to see those numbers come down signature conditionally before we start to lift any more restrictions. >> we are just waiting. doctor, for those numbers to come down. certainly, we do wish they were. we certainly appreciate you being with us. great to he so you. >> absolutely. thank you for having me. oprah's interview with prince harry and meghan markle is turning out to be a blockbuster this more ways than one. early ratings are in and the couple drew more rating an awards shows as they describe why they left the royal life. the duchess revealed how racism came from within the palace and how it had to do with the color of their baby's skin. >> in those months when i was pregnant, all around this same time -- so we have in tandem the conversation of, he won't be given security. is to the going to be given a title, and also concerns and conversations about how car, his skin might be when he's born. >> there is a -- hold up right now. >> there is several conversations about night there is a conversation with you -- >> with harry. >> -- about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially, and what that would mean, or look like. >> i want to turn now to cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter who april corps our reliable sources. there is so much to talk about here. meghan describes having suicidal thoughts. if anything, all of the hype underestimated just how revealing this interview would be. that's what i was thinking as i watched it and i was picking my jaw up off the floor. and the ratings are showing that people wanted to know their story and they attracted a lot of folks with it. >> yes. this was bigger than almost everything on american television. more than 17 million viewers watched live last night on cbs. that doesn't include all the people who are watching on demand today or streaming on we know it is wearing around the world. it hasn't officially aired in the uk yet. that's not for a couple more hours. more and more people are consuming this and finding out what has happen. the more people who watch the better it is for harry and meghan and the worse it is for the royal family. this was bigger than anything on tv, the golden globes, the emmys, even the inauguration. harry and meghan are setting off with their own lives their own careers, there was their reintroduction auto into world? it was bigger than just palace intrigue. the themes of this interview hit a chord i think with a lot of issues that are on a lot of people's minds. the response in the uk has been harsh and some columnists are calling for harry and meghan to be stripped of their titles. >> the divide this the media coverage is astonishing. u.s. coverage versus uk coverage. we will put out examples. the american framing is what harry and meghan are saying about being snubbed by queen elizabeth. a lot of the coverage in the uk is framed around reactions from the royals. of course we are not hearing from them officially publicly but there is speculation about reaction. here is another example of the front page, the tabloid headline making this all about the queen, saying the queen is suffering as a result. the wide is remarkable. you think about revolutionary war rivals. u.s. versus uk revolutionary history. it is playing out in the story of a princess who has been seriously harmed by the palace. i think she has done a lot of good talking about her suffering, the depression, the suicidal thoughts. it is important the see help hotlines out there in the u.s. and the uk so people know what it was like for her and they can seek help if having those feelings as well. >> it was a stunning revelation how honest she was about the challenges they confronted. but it seemed to be certainly necessary for explaining why they decided the leave. thank you. during the interview markle also talked about the news coverage and how it differed between her and kate. >> kate was called wavy katie waiting to marry william. i imagine that was really hard. i do. i can't picture what that felt like. this is not the same. if a member of this family will comfortably say we have had to deal with thiks that are rude. rude and racist are not the same. equally, you have also had a press team that goes on the record to defend you, especially when they know something is not true. and that didn't happen for us. >> i want to discuss this now with my colleague cnn anchor don lemon, also the author of the book "this is the fire, what i say to my friends about racism". this interview, one jaw dropping moment after another. oprah was practically speechless. >> i am glad you mentioned oprah. i thought oprah did a fantastic job. as an interviewer you know when to push and when to pull back. i don't think this was an interview where you needed to -- where you were interviewing someone who was involved in some sort of conspiracy or some sort of crime. this was an interview where you wanted to -- where you wanted to get intimate knowledge of someone's personal life, the reasons for doing what they did. it was more of a conversation. oprah did push her but only pushed her enough that where she talked about the thing she wanted to talk about, also enough get some answers as to what people were thinking. it wasn't like an interrogation. oprah was speechless. most people are speechless. i have to tell you, i don't think oprah, or anyone who watched it, especially any one person of color is surprised that the british family -- that there was racism there. that is what a monarchy is based on, heredity, hierarchy, a caste system, bloodlines. and so the whole institution is built on a basist structure. so there should not be a oh, my god, the british family is racist. of course they are racist. that's what the entire monarchy is built on. the racism, the family that is supposed to be in it only by birt. so far by birth it has only been white royals on the british throne. that's it. we shouldn't be like oh, my god, the british family is racist. yeah, the system is racist. >> you say people weren't surprised but harry explained that he was surprised, right? that he didn't really see it until he had to see it through the eyes of meghan markle, through the eyes of a black woman who he loved. and then he said it was immediate being confronted with this, don into that part was no surprising because as we always say, that is what privilege is all about. if it doesn't -- you don't have to deal with it, then it didn't exist for you. look at all the criticism -- before the interview aired there were people on social media saying i can't believe, why are they doing it whoa is me, they are rich, welcomy, royal, what have you, not even knowing what the interview was going to be about. not even knowing someone else's existence. i wonder why these people always try to explain what someone else's experiences are. and why all of these privileged people, most of them on social media, white women, who are criticizing meghan and harry and oprah for what they were about to do and then the interview as well. why is that -- why do you have to get on social media and weigh in on everything that has to do with black people and racism? especially if you are a white person in this country. unless you are bog to be helpful and open about it instead of saying it doesn't exist. oh, my gosh, how dare you, they see everything through the eyes of this. why don't you try to look at it with some understanding with an open mind instead of always criticizing especially people who have built their reputations on criticizing people. and you know who you are. because you do it every time. every time there is a story about criminal justice or something black or colin kaepernick or meghan markle -- they always have to rush to twitter and criticize someone or get in on it because they want relevance. you are not relevant anymore. stop trying to be relevant on the backs of black people. that's what i will say to that. of course i am not surprised that harry was introduced to racism through his wife. and he felt it in a personal way. that's how it happen. i am a black man from the south who is engaged to a white man from the east end of long island. there were revelation force him, and still are in our relationship because it wasn't something he had to confront on a daily basis. now he does. now harry does. it means the world to him. harry has a black child. >> yeah. >> and a black wife now. so it is personal. >> and that -- him having a child who is biracial. i mean, you know, kids are -- they mean -- you know, they mean so much. i imagine that was quite an awakening for him thinking about, you know, this person, even before he was born, who was clearing going to be so important to him, if not the most important person to him. >> and he started seeing it? he might be treated differently than other children in the royal family. >> imagine your kids, brianna. people love their kids and want to protect them. you know, for someone to treat the kid differently or to be concerned about how dark the child's skin tone is going to be -- which is something i do write about in the book. i talk to you about it all the time. listen, we shouldn't be surprised that you have a black woman from america who is in their eye as commoner. and then you have this white red head british royal. people wanted to know what the baby was going to look like. that was out of curiousi. but what matters is your reaction. i can't wait the see it. or my dairy, what color is his skin? is it going to be too dark? two different reactions. i think the key is the reaction here. i thought it was a fantastic enter view. i thought it was eye opening. i think there was -- initially people thought that maybe meghan and harry didn't -- they should have waited it out longer, instead of just 18 months that they could have made a difference inside the ril family. once you got a sense -- you heard what they said to oprah why they did it then maybe you realize it wasn't going to work out for them and the best thing to do was come to america and speak out and speak out with someone like oprah. >> it sounded more acute, like a crisis certainly that they were in the middle of. we got a sense of that? also, people say we haven't heard from the other side. what are they going to say? of courser with not racist, or whatever. what did they do? think about their actions. they did not stand up for their own because he was married to a black woman, had a biracial child. they let him go, leave the country, they wouldn't come to terms with what he wanted to do. we have only heard from one side but that one side at this point rings very true. >> don thank you so much. i was looking forward to this conversation. you do not disappointment. watch don tonight at cnn tonight at 10:00 eastern. and of course check out his wonderful book as well. thanks don. >> bye. >> up next i will speak with two royal insiders about the other big headlines, there are many, including the erie moment when prince harry reveals what happened after the royals cut him off financially and why he thinks his mother diana saw it coming. and day one of the trial former officer accused in the death of george floyd. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis... stelara® can provide relief and is the only approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection... flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. if you've been financially impacted by covid-19, janssen may be able to help. prince harry and meghan -- it is the interview people are talking about today. let's discuss this now with owe mid scobee and carolyn duran. they wrote the book, finding freedom, harry and meghan and the making of a modern royal family. i want to have you listen to something that meghan said that really needs a little more context for a non-royal obsessed audience. >> the idea of our son not being safe and also the idea of the first member of color in this family not being titled in the same way that other grand children would be -- >> she was saying, carolyn, that he would not, they learned be titled as a prince, that he would not have security. so there wouldn't be assurances of his personal protection. can you explain to us what the protocol is for those kinds of title designations and how this may have changed according to what meghan was saying, with archie. >> yes. i mean, it's called royal style in the uk. and that's what determines whether you are a lady or whether you are a master or whether you are her royal highness or his royal highness or a prince. it is very technical. and the grandchild of the reigning monarch is traditionally a prince or a princess. but as we know, lady louise windsor and her brother, did not use the prince or princess title. nor to princess anne's children. archie is a great grandchild green. but when his grandfather, prince charles, ascends the throne, he could become a prince. and that is specifically what meghan was referring to. it's quite complicated. and it obviously has -- is being discussed, what prince charles will do when he ascends the throne under a slimmed down monarchy is really what she's talking about. >> it seemed to her to feel personal, but also concerning just logistically when it came to his personal security. this morning, oprah revealed that prince harry wanted to clarify the comments on the discussion that he had had about archie's skin color. >> he did not share the identity with me, but he wanted the make sure that i knew, and if i had an opportunity the share it, that it was not his grandmother nor his grandfather that were a part of those conversations. >> so the accusations of racism did not extend to the queen and to prince philip. but that conspicuously leave his father charles and brother william sort of unconferred by that. that really stands out. >> it is possible that will turn into a guessing game over here in the uk. of course it is all that the papers and the media organizations in the country are talking about. it is worth mentioning that meghan didn't refer to it being a senior member of the family or not. that is a large email family. there have been experience of racial ignorance or racism in the country. let's not forget meghan's first christmas with the family, michael kent arrived wearing a blackible broach which is considered particularly insensitive for her first encounter with the house of wind soar's first biracial butch he is. it gives an idea of what we are dealing with her. i think the palace will want to avoid it turning into a guessing game. from what i understand they are working on a statement but i was told they are taking their time. >> they are really taking their time. there were bread crumbs about who was saying this. it was someone talking with harry and comfortable enough with him to broach this subject. meghan said in the interview she wasn't going the reveal who it was because it would be quote very damaging. when i think of that, i don't think of a princess michael of kent. >> no. but it is a very large and a very extended royal family. there are many people that could have spoken to harry. he's -- the family is very close. they spend christmas together. they have a large gathering that the queen holds at buckingham ball as beforehand. he has many relatives, god parents. so i don't think that we want to make a guess or accuse people since it's such a loaded statement. and obviously, very, very damaging and unsettling. >> yeah. >> certainly, i think that what we are seeing right now, there have been many, many royal interviews that have been done previously. we all remember the famous interview back when prince charles made his statement and princess diana said there were three of us in the marriage. i think what we saw last night was something that could potentially be much more damaging to the monarchy with what meghan and harry revealed about racism targeted towards them and of course not getting the support that she really needed and he really needed when they were undergoing mental health struggle. that is much more damaging than what took place 25 years ago. >> because, let's listen to this. this is one of the bombshells where meghan said that she was actually suicidal. >> i just didn't want to be alive anymore. and that was a very clear and real and frighten ing, constant thought. >> she said she couldn't be left alone because she was having specific thoughts about this. she was also pregnant at the time. and she said that she asked hr for help and they denied her. why would that be? >> well, technically, as a family member rather than an employee of the firm she is not protected by hr. i think we have to take one step back and take notice about what meghan said about even speaking with palace aides about needing help. she in that very moment of need was basically ignored and told this would not be a good look for the institution. i think that reflects so poorly on a royal family that focuses so much on mental health issues. of course we saw prince william, kate, and harry put together the heads together movement talking about it is okay to say. and this goes completely against that. this fact, i would say out of all of the accusations made this is the biggest shame on the family because this is something that can't be argued against. no one can say that it didn't happen because of course meghan is showing her own experience. for a pregnant newcomer to the royal family, the first biracial member of the royal family to feel like that, at her lowest point, and to be left alone is disgusting a repeat of exactly what we saw with princess diana and sarah ferguson in the past and shows that the royal family has yet to learn if those lessons. >> it was a sad part of the enter have you. thank you for being with us. certainly we want to say this, because if you or someone that you know is having suicidal thoughts, there is help. you can call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. another republican incumbent today announcing that he will not seek re-election. what this means for the party. plus as congress advances what's being called the largest cash infusion to americans in modern history, hear what's this the covid relief bill. also what is not. and mexican restaurants in texas being threatened with i.c.e. calls after it asks people just to keep wearing 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>> surprised and then when i thought about it, not surprised. i mean, this is a man -- you say pragmatic, not of the trump wing of the republican party. although he did call biden president-elect before trump would have wanted him to. he did not vote for impeachment. but i think there are lots of republicans -- you just saw them all on your screen who have decided that rather than face divisive primaries with pro-trump candidates on the right challenging them he decided at the age of 71 he just wasn't up for it. he is a close ally of mcconnell, released a glowing statement about him, calling him a true ally of the senate. being an ally of mcconnell is not a great thing in donald trump's mine. the more i thought about it the more i thought well, you know, i guess it makes sense. >> maybe now isn't the time to be a roy blunt. not ideal right now. >> right. >> president biden announced a shorttime egg he is going to make his first primetime address on thursday to commemorate one year since the coronavirus became a pandemic. what are we expecting to hear here? >> what we are not going to hear is a huge it's over, reopen, forget the masks, go back to restaurants. what we are going to hear is, i think, we are coming out of the dark winter that the president always spoke about. he is probably going say, we are coming out of it, but we are not there yet. so don't stop being careful because we have to be careful now with all of these strains coming in. but i think he's going to let the public know how far we have come with the vaccinations going into people's arms, with trying to reopen schools, by giving schools the right resources to do that. he will probably talk to people also about the relief that's coming in the covid relief package. and you know, $1.9 trillion is an awful lot of money. but i think he's going to try to outline to the american people who is going to get the benefit of it and let the people know that those who have been suffering this last year who lost their jobs are going to get some help and that it's on the way. joe biden as you know is not the sort of guy to take a victory lap and say this is the greatest thing ever, look at what i have done for you. he is probably going to say we are just at the beginning, keep up the good work, and we have a long way to go. >> he is banking on getting some appeal from voters, more than he has gotten from elected republicans, for sure, gloria good to see you. the rush to repeal mask mandates putting some workers in a terrible situation. customers in a mexican restaurant in houston even threatening to call i.c.e. simply because employees were being safe and keeping their masks on. thaeks next. [ announcer ] we are now boarding. get away... without going anywhere. be one with nature. get to know the locals and sample the cuisine. book a dream vacation delivered right to your door. sometimes the greatest destinations aren't far away. ♪ wayfair you've got just want i need ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? thank you! hey, hey, no, no, limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ already feeling the fallout from the governor's decision to lift the mask mandate in the state allowing businesses to operate at 100% capacity. according to a report, threatening to call i.c.e. when employees refused to work maskless. other restaurants report employees have been yelled at for wearing masks. emily williams knight, president and ceo for the texas restaurant association. emily, thank you so much for being with us. you have -- your association issued updated guidance to restaurants in texas that recommends restaurants require their employees to wearing a masks, and encourage guests to do the same thing. what is your reaction to learning about this backlash that restaurants are receiving just because they're trying to stay safe? >> it's clearly incredibly unfortunate. stepped through 12 months that restaurants have gone through everything and almost unimaginable. we quickly, when we heard the governor's announcement. it was disappointing through the weekend to see this behavior. one of the key reasons we issued this set of guidelines, there are guidelines for the restaurants, their promise to the consumer. also really consumer guidelines. if you're going to interact with the business these are guidelines or rules you should follow. disappointing and longtime members of ours and it was very concerning. >> has the mask mandate being rescinded has it brought on confusion, how patrons should behave other patrons who work in restaurants should behave? >> our goal. put them on the front door of every restaurant in texas. tells the consumer this is expected of you. we're doing our part. you do your part. it's expectations ss in communication. if you choose to not follow the guidelines a positive for restaurants, curb-side, take-out, delivery. going into the restaurant especially for employees follow the guidelines published. it's just the right thing to do. >> you know, emily, you know that there are patrons who want to go into a restaurant and they want to go in now and not wear a mask and in a lot of cases they're not going to have to unless the restaurant requires it, and when the restaurant requires it, does this pushback, there's a pushback so many restaurants are seeing. how should restaurants handle this when they have guests refusing to abide by that restaurant's mask mandate? >> you know, a slight advantage, maybe, in all this is restaurants have been public facing to the guest community, right? to their communities forever. whether forgot ketchup in your bag, unhappy with service, most are trained to de-escalate these situations. that's our advice. de-escalate. since may 1st customers wearing masks into the restaurant and one seated they can remove it. talking a number of steps in addition to that. asking to show grace to employees that have been remarkable we have food the past 12 months. we really need that partnership now. >> these reports of, especially seems when it comes to mexican restaurants, of some patrons saying that they're going to call i.c.e. on these restaurants. you know, we've heard in the press, employees of those restaurants who say, you know, i -- i am an american. why would they are saying this? i think we know why, but have there actually been any calls to i.c.e. to your knowledge? >> we have not heard this and this the role of social media and we're monitoring it closely, too. the incident in houston was unfortunate. it's brought to light when you monitor social media, so many consumers rally around that restaurant and others to say we're going to do the right thing. it's just unimaginable you would target a restaurant for trying to keep their employees safe. it's the day we live in, right? this mask debate has cbecome highly political. we're pushing restaurants to post guidelines outside at least guests know where you stand and let's let the community vote and what we've seen so far in houston is is a ton of support for this restaurant and their employees. >> good news. emily williams, thank you so much. >> thank you. once you get the vaccine what can you do? what can't you do in everyday life? the cdc reveal issed its long-awaited guidelines on that . now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. the new myww+ gives you more of what you need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? 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