Its going to be a very hard thing to concede. What will be left of the Republican Party when he is gone . Ill speak to a member of the Republican Senate leadership roy blunt and newly elected congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis and nancy mace coming up. Plus, power play. Democrats and republicans face off in the last election of 2020. The country is crying out for healing. As President Elect biden fills his cabinet, who will have control of the senate to potentially confirm them . Ill speak to georgia democrat candidate jon oshoff ahead. Hello. Im dana bash in for jake tapper in washington. As americans finish an unusual thanksgiving weekend, the nation is heading into what is expected to be a devastating month for the pandemic. Already 4 million new u. S. Covid cases and more than 34,000 deaths this month alone. We havent even begun to see the effect of thanksgiving travel, dinners, or black friday shopping. One Infectious Disease expert is now warning that the postholiday case surge will be destabilizing for the u. S. Health care system, the economy and Homeland Security with some projects of deaths will double double before vaccines are able to be available to people to give some really muchneeded relief. As President Elect biden prepares to take Office Amidst this crisis, President Trump is finally showing some signs he knows he lost and telling reporters on thursday that he will leave this white house if the Electoral College votes for President Elect joe biden on december 14th. But he is still spreading dangerous and fraudulent claims about the election. I want to go now to Admiral Brett Giroir who, of course, is in charge of testing for the Coronavirus Task force. Admiral giroir, thank you so much for joining me on this holiday weekend. First of all, Many Americans changed their plans for thanksgiving, but more than 1 Million People still flew the day before thanksgiving, the highest since the pandemic began. Many are going to be flying back today. How worried are you about the impact that this will have . So thank you for having me on. We are all very concerned about travel but those who are traveling, its very important to remember the good rules and that is very critical to wear a mask at all times, to wash your hands, to have good hand hygiene, to avoid crowded spaces and that will decrease your chance of getting it or spreading it during the conveyance. Once you get back to your location, just remember youve had an increased risk of being exposed. So you should decrease your activities for about a week and if you can get tested. That would be a good idea. We are very concerned about the travel but what we do makes a difference. Its not as if we are passive onlookers. We could really make a difference here. You just said there should be a decrease in movement. Should americans who travelled for thanksgiving or gathered actually be fully quarantining right now . No. That is not recommended to have a quarantine after travel, unless youve had a direct exposure to a person with covid for 15 minutes and in close contact. But it makes sense, if you have an increased risk because youve traveled, do the normal smart things, the common sense things. That is decrease the unnecessary activity. If you have necessary activities, of course. But youve had a time where you could have been exposed, make really sure you adhere 100 to mask wearing, to avoiding crowds because you could inadvertently have gotten covid and spread it. So be careful during the week after your travel because you are at increased risk. Dr. Anthony fauci is saying he expects there will be a surge on top of a surge now because of what we have seen this weekend. Do you agree with that . So i talked to tony yesterday and we are both in very good agreement that what happens depends a lot on what we do. There certainly can be a surge because of the travel and the mixing of people who have not been in their own little pods. But right before the holiday, we started to see just the glimmers of flattening of new cases which was very positive but we are at a risky time because of the travel. Its not just the travel. But its exposing people who have not been sort of in their own pods. We know that people are acting pretty well right now when they are in their local home locations. But when they go somewhere different, you have groups of people mixing and, remember, you can be asymptomatic and still spread the virus and that is what is so dangerous. That is so important to remember. More than 91,000 americans are now in the hospital with coronavirus. Its the highest number we have seen yet during this pandemic. Some top experts are suggesting the number of daily u. S. Deaths could be double in the coming weeks to reach 4,000 per day. Do you think that the u. S. Could reach 4,000 deaths per day this winter . So a lot depends on this weekend. Again, what we saw before the holiday was that cases were starting to peak and go down and Positivity Rate was starting to go down. Hospitalizations and deaths lag that by two, three, four weeks. It really depends on this weekend. We, of course, want the trend to continue, but this weekend with all of the travel, its really concerning to all of us. Youre right, our hospitalizations are peaking right now at about 95,000. About 20 of all people in the hospital have covid. So this is a really dangerous time. We really have to see what this weekend looks like. I really cant project that. But, remember, we are not passive bystanders. If we do the right thing, universal mask wearing and avoiding crowded spaces and crowded restaurants and bars and those things, we can still flatten this but this is a crucial time as you pointed out. Admiral, i want to get to your expertise which is testing. The United States is performing about 1. 7 million coronavirus tests per day. I want you to listen, though, to what dr. Anthony fauci said about the u. S. Testing strategy last week. We should be flooding the system with tests to determine the trends of the asymptomatic spread. We dont have that availability of tests. We should have now we should have tests that are Point Of Care, sensitive, specific. You can do at home, you can get the results yourself. So we dont have widely available Point Of Care testing as dr. Fauci just described. How big of a problem is that and when can americans hope to see that . So we have had great progress in that. And, again, we need to develop the technology. We are investing hundreds of millions of dollars into it. We have about 70 million Point Of Care tests in the system this month. Thats a lot more than we had in months beforehand. A little card based test. We are Flooding Markets and we are in ten different states for surge testing. We have eight different locations where were doing serial testing. We do have a whole new solicitation out trying to look for more home tests. But the home tests that is widely available and the hundreds of millions is not here now. We have our first homebased test. Its only available about A Hundred Thousand per month but we will continue to invest and knock down every door to get the technologies and to scale up. We continue to use the dpa, hundreds of millions of dollars. Would love to have hundreds of millions of those tests. We are not there now. We are going to get there within a couple of months, i do believe. So is the u. S. Doing enough right now on testing . Is the u. S. Doing enough on testing . Yes. We are doing everything we can possibly do on testing. We would like to see testing increase. Because of the asymptomatic spread, we would ultimately like to get to a point in time where we do a lot more asymptomatic testing and that is critically necessary. Let me rephrase that again. Unless we get control of the viral spread by doing the things like wearing a mask, avoiding indoor crowded spaces you cannot test your way out of this. Its got to be the smart policies and universal mask wearing is critical. Avoidance of those spaces is how we get out of the pandemic. Testing alone will never do it. We have to have both. Lets talk about encouraging news and that is about potential vaccine and that potentially coming by the end of the year. 4 in 10 americans told gallup this month they dont want to take the vaccine. That includes a majority of nonwhite americans. How are you going to convince americans to take this vaccine . So i want to make sure that all americans know that this vaccine these vaccines have been tested in Tens Of Thousands of individuals. They are independent data safety monitoring boards. Theres going to be an independent review. The Pfizer Vaccine will have Advisory Committee on december 10th. We are trying to educate the public. We have to see what the data show but all indications are this is an extremely safe vaccine, the Pfizer Vaccine and moderna. And very effective. Over 95 effective. Remember if we immunize those groups at the highest risk like longterm care facilities, the elderly and minorities, we can absolutely get 80 of the benefit of the vaccine by only immunizing a few percent of the population and that is what we really need to do this month when we are going to have you know, we should have enough vaccine by the end of the year to immunize 20 million americans and we have to immunize for impact. The rest of the america will get it in the Second Quarter or Third Quarter of 2021 but we could maximize our impact right now. You said on fox last week, that youre confident in your plan to distribute the vaccine, the plan that you just talked about right there. Your message to the Biden Administration is, quote, you need to let it work. Would it be a mistake for the biden team to make changes to your plan to distribute the vaccine . Obviously we think the plan that is there is pretty optimum. There were formal meetings with Operation Warp Speed last week with the Biden Transition team. Im told that meeting went extremely well. Remember that almost everyone on Operation Warp Speed who will be there on january 19th and be there on january 21st. I believe there will be a smooth professional transition. Remember, we are starting with about 40 million doses this year. Just think about flu. We have already distributed 180 million flu vaccines this year. Now the logistics are more difficult and the cold chain is more difficult but i really am confident in the plan to get it and particularly get it to the states and to the highrisk populations. This is a lifesaving vaccine. This puts the end to the pandemic. This is the way we get out of the pandemic. The light is at the end of the tunnel but the American People have to do the right things until we get that vaccine widely distributed. Wear a mask, avoid indoor crowded spaces and all of the things you know. Thats a hopeful note to end on. Thank you so much, admiral, for joining me on this thanksgiving weekend and thank you all that you have been doing during this pandemic. Thank you. Another trump legal challenge smacked down. When will Republican Leaders step up and acknowledge that he lost . Ill ask one of them, republican senator roy blunt, joins me exclusively next. Plus, President Trump is heading to georgia. What do democrats need to do to get out the vote in pivotal runoff races there . Democrat Senate Candidate jon oshoff will be here. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. And putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. Thats why weve become the nations Fastest Growing retailer. Because our customers love it. See for yourself, at carvana. Com. Inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Ck, looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. 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Get out and about and support our local community. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. Need help finding a doctor . Head to crohnsandcolitis. Com nan Herbal Stress Reliever . Ashwagandha, that helps you turn the stressed life. Into your best life. Stress less and live more. With stressballs. Welcome back to state of the union. Im dana bash. Its been more than three weeks now since the election was called for joe biden and President Trump still has not acknowledged he lost even though the Biden Transition is under way officially now. Cash and formal communication, its all happening with trump officials. Still, not many republicans have challenged the president on his baseless claims. Joining me now exclusively is a member of the gop leadership republican senator roy blunt of missouri who also chairs the Senate Rules Committee which oversees the election. Senator, thank you so much for joining me this morning. A Growing Number of your Senate Republican colleagues are now acknowledging that joe biden won the election. Do you accept the fact that joe biden is the President Elect of the United States . Well, we are certainly moving forward as if thats whats going to happen on january the 20th. The Transition Money which really is a relatively new thing in American Government that the elected president would have to have Government Money to make their transition is available. The rules committee i chair issued the regulations a few days ago so that Senate Employees who wanted to be a part of what is called the landing teams and the various agencies have a legal structure now to where they can go and be at those agencies between now and january the 20th, if the if the biden the Biden Organization wants them to do that. But, you know, the president wants to see this process play out. The President Elect technically has to be elected president by the electors and that happens in the middle of december and january 6th, im one of the four members of the congress that participates in the joint session that decides that those electoral votes are fully accepted and that is when this process is over when those votes are accepted and counted. But we are working with the Biden Administration, likely an administration on both the transition and the inauguration as if we are moving forward. Likely administration. So is it safe to say you do consider joe biden the President Elect . Well, the President Elect will be the President Elect when the electors vote for him. Part of the problems we have had between the media and congress and particularly republicans and congress the last four years, is always a straw man that is set up. I think im on a list that youre keeping that your network of republican senators havent yet acknowledged that there is a President Elect as if that is a significant thing. Its just a constant fight yeah. About things. What matters is what matters is we are doing going through the process to allow this process to work its way to inauguration day. I hear you. But the issue, senator forgive me. But the issue, senator, is that its not just a title. Its that the current president has lost and his allies have lost or withdrawn more than 30 lawsuits since election day. Michigan, pennsylvania, georgia have certified the votes. And maybe even more importantly, the president is undermining the democratic process by Talking About Fraud that nobody can find. Even judges who look at cases that come before them say is not happening. So that is why that this is an issue. Do you well i guess the question is we are at about the end of that was process. When the states have certified, thats why you come to that conclusion. That is why things are set up in this way. You go back and you officially look at the ballots. Georgia handcounted every ballot. There may have been ballots that shouldnt have been cast but the ballots that were counted, in my view, were counted properly. Georgia transitioned to a Paper Ballot Background System from what they had four years ago. I understand that. Let me ask it this way with this approach. You were the Secretary Of State in missouri. Have you seen evidence i was. Of widespread voter fraud . You know how this works. Have you seen any evidence of voter fraud . Well, its up to the president s lawyers to present that evidence and at this point they havent done it in a way that was acceptable to any court. I think there were things that could have been done differently and better to ensure there werent voter fraud. I think the system, frankly, was more secure than its ever been before and the president deserves some credit for that. So given Security Effort that reached out to the states. Given the fact you have not seen paper ballots. Given the fact youve not seen voter fraud and that most importantly, the president s legal team hasnt presented anything that is legitimate in any of those court cases, do you wish that the president would stop talking about voter fraud and undermining a democratic process that is quite fragile in this country . Well, i think the democratic process is strong and can certainly survive this discussion. I do hope that voters, particularly republican voters, turn out and vote in georgia and, again, the Georgia System was changed so that there was a level of security that georgia didnt have four years ago. I that was encouraged by the congress and they did that. Im hoping voters vote and the president says he is going to georgia next saturday. So he must be thinking that voters need to vote as well. I want to that will show more strength in the system than anything that we are talking about. I want to move on to the coronavirus. Just yes or no. Do you, roy blunt, as not just the former Secretary Of State of missouri, as the rules chairman, you have a birds eye oversight view of the elections, do you think it was rigged . Yes or no. I dont think it was rigged but i do think there was some things that were done that shouldnt have been done and i think there was some element of voter fraud as there is in every election. But i dont have any reason to believe that the numbers are there that would have made that difference. And not enough to change the result, thats the key. I do wish in pennsylvania when they were opening all of those ballots, they would have let people see that they were checking the signatures. When you send ballots out to people that you dont know if they are still there or not and they come back and you dont check the signatures senator that is a huge problem, but i dont think we have demonstrated its a size of a problem that would change the result. There is no evidence that people didnt see signatures. In fact, the state Supreme Court and now federal court have both thrown out the notion that that didnt happen. But i want to move on to coronavirus because it is an important time in the pandemic. Uhhuh. The United States reached 2,000 deaths per day, tens of millions of americans are going hungry this thanksgiving. Unemployment benefits ran out months ago for some. Others, the extensions will run out next month. Congress has failed to do anything in recent months. Will you help struggling americans before Congress Adjourns this year . Well, i hope so. You know, ive been one of the major advocates that we need to do this and we need to do this now and we need to continue the funding for the vaccine, the delivery of the vaccine. We need to stabilize through that the Payroll Protection Effort that worked so well, direct money to struggling families would be helpful. And some of extension of unemployment. But the problem was that our Friends On The Other Side of the building thought that it was 2. 4 trillion dollars or nothing. Half of that would have made a big difference and then after the first of the year, we could have dealt with this again. I think its a huge failure on the part of the congress and im disappointed by it. The president was prepared to sign almost any sized bill. I think they didnt want to give him that before the election and now we cant seem to figure out how to give it to him after the election. But you think now there will be a compromise and people will get the help they need . Well, i dont know that there will. Im certainly working hard to make that happen. You know, admiral giroir talked earlier about what we have done with testing and what we have done with vaccines. We have really written two new big chapters how to respond to a pandemic. Something i think he said wasnt quite noticed. There were 70 million point of service tests produced in october. There were never 70 million that were kind of overnight tests. That is more tests than americans have taken the entire time up until october 1st. So we have had this great surge and availability of testing. Now we need to get people to take the test. The vaccines are going to be available a year quicker than anybody anticipated and hopefully, people most impacted get those vaccines first. Then essential workers who come into contact with most with people, get it second. And by then, youre into late march and maybe 50 of the whole population that wanted to get a vaccine had access to that vaccine and that is how we work through this. Great effort on the part of the congress and the administration to write these two new chapters and how you respond to a pandemic. Senator, you chair the Congressional Committee that oversees the inauguration. Youve got a lot of jobs. What adjustments are you going to make to the inauguration because of the pandemic . Are you going to require masks . Yeah, i think we will. Dana, i think we hope to be outside again on the west front but i think we wont see nearly as many people on either the platform or out there in the space where people get into the secure space and have a ticket to be on the west front. Back to the earlier discussion, i do have that job. I have the job of counting the electoral votes. I hope the president is there on inaugural day and continuing to work to see that what we can do to have the president there and have Vice President biden there likely sworn in on that day. Well, you said you hope he is going to be there. I mean, there is no indication that he is going to go. Are you having conversations with him trying to push him to do so . No. But ive certainly encouraged his staff to look at the transition now. Look at the opportunity in georgia to help us win these senate seats. Look at what the president can do if the president is leaving the white house, as he says hell do if he loses the Electoral College vote, to help us win back the house in 2022. I think there is a big role for President Trump and i hope he embraces that and it looks at how you move to whatever comes next for him, assuming that this election works out the way it appears it will. Senator roy blunt, thank you so much for joining me this holiday weekend. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. President trump said this was the year of the republican woman and that is one thing that might not need a fact check. Two gop women from this record breaking freshmen class join me next. This is advanced hydration with key nutrients that support your Immune System to help you feel more confident whether youre heading out here, or even in here. Get ready, with the advanced hydration of pedialyte. On all the food that makes you boogie. [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals upbeat music get the food you love with perks from [crowd] grubhub. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. And now your copilot. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Chevrolet. Irresistibly smooth chocolate. To put the world on pause. Lindor. Made to melt you. By the lindt master chocolatier. Welcome back to state of the union. Im dana bash. In a year joe biden won the white House Republicans made a dent in the democratic majority of the House Of Representatives and they have a Record Number of gop women to thank for that who more than doubled their numbers in this election. Joining me now, is republican congresswomanelect Nicole Malliotakis of new york and congresswomanelect nicole mace of south carolina. Thank you both for joining me. Congratulations to you both. Why do you think republican women performed better this year than in the past . We had more women running this year and it was an exciting time. We saw in 2018 a Record Number of democrat women run and win. If women want to have a seat at the table, then we have got to raise our hand and say we are going to step into the arena, risk it all, and we are going to run. And we have to have more women run to win and we cant just do this year in 2029. This is something we have to do especially in the house every two years when they have our Election Cycles. We made a huge difference this year. And if we want a seat at the table women have to run and they have to win. The great story about this year and, dana, im appreciative of you having nicole and us on today. Its not just Democratic Women who can break the glass ceiling. Republican women have been doing it all year long in these elections all across the country. And, in fact, 26 of the 27 tossup races here this year were won by women, minorities, combat vets, in my case i was an in a lean democrat seat we took back this year. Its an exciting time to be a part of history with all of these great hard working women. Congresswomanelect Nicole Malliotakis, your father is from greece. Youre helping to make House Republican more diverse. What do you think this says about the future of the gop, a future over the past few years have been pretty worried about . Look, this is what i know about the gop we are a Big Tent Party and we do have people that come from different places from Around The World. We do incorporate women and now we are seeing women have a seat at the table which is tremendous. If you look back at our nations history, the first female member of congress was a republican woman in 1917. Weve come such a long way from then. I think its upon nancy and i to pay it forward to recruit other women. One of the reasons why you saw so many women take office on the republican side was because of the efforts of leader kevin mccarthy, because of people like liz cheney, Steve Scalise and others who recruited qualified women who have something to share with the American People. And who have the experience and the background to be productive participants in the legislative process. And i think one of the reasons why we were so motivated to run is seeing the Democratic Women being elected in 2018 that dont necessarily reflect our values, particularly those who are selfdescribed socialists. Somebody like me daughter of a cuban refuge i want to be there to be part of the dugts discussion and the debate and provide a counter view. Congresswoman mace, this to you. Democrats still have triple the number of women in the house. Triple as compared to republicans. Democrats have at least 89. Republicans will have at least 28. I say at least because there are still outstanding races. Right. So we are, obviously, talking to you about the strides republican women made this cycle. But why is that gap so big . Well, democrats are just in a better job of Recruiting Women to run. And i believe the Republican Party, they finally come around and i look at our freshmen class right now. We really reflect the faces of america, the diversity and the inclusion we have in the Republican Party and that is our future. And if we dont get on board with recruiting the right people, minorities, women, veterans, et cetera, then well lose in the future. I think its important that our values of freedom and entrepreneurship can speak to people in the country from all walks of live. We can have it in the Republican Party. I know our conservative message we havent done as good of a party and communicating it to the mass because it is a compassionate message and look at the races we won this year, that messaging really worked particularly in my case. We won. We had a very narrow race, but there were narrow races all across the country. I think what is important now too as we are talking about the turnout and the election and all of the seats that were flipped this year, but there is massive record turnout on both sides of the aisle. 70 to 75 , in my case. I think this is a real referendum from the American People on d. C. To sit down and find where we do agree, where we do get along and Work Together. We have got to do that for Hard Working Americans with covid19, with government shutdowns statetostate. People are struggling and we have got to come together and work hard for the American People. That is a refreshing goal for a lot of people in this city for sure. Congresswomanelect Nicole Malliotakis you are the only republican from new york city. You spent a lot of time in your campaign focusing on your fellow new yorker alexandria ocasiocortez. Shes a member of the socalled squad. You say you want to form a freedom squad. What does that mean . Well, look, we have a Natural Alliance that is occurring among the members of this new freshmen class and i think people will be very impressed with this class, by the way. But what ill say is we have individuals who share similar experiences as my family. My mother is a cuban refuge and my dad is an immigrant of greece. We also have individuals like Carlos Jimenez who came to this country as a 6yearold boy from cuban. We have Maria Salazar who is an immigrant from cuba as well. We also have Victoria Sparse from the ukraine and we have two members are immigrants from korea. I think what youre going to see is a group of individuals who will serve as a counterbalance to the values of the socialist squad. I mean, what we stand for are freedom, liberty. We love this nation and want to see it prevail and see it remain the land of opportunity. What has in essence attracted millions of immigrants from Around The World to pursue that american dream. We dont believe we should be dismantling the destroying or Free Market Principles and dont believe in a Green New Deal and dont believe in packing the courts. I think theres a stark contrast between what were offering and what people like alexandria ocasiocortez are offering. Particularly me being from new york city in her backyard where we are seeing that socialist Movement Grow six members of the new York State Legislature are putting up a slate of candidates in the city council. Its important that new york city has a balance and someone who is going offer something different. Congresswoman mace, you talked about reaching across the aisle and working together. President elect joe biden said during his thanksgiving day address that American People want democrats and republicans and independents to come together and Work Together. First of all, do you consider joe biden the President Elect . Right. Everything i mean, in that direction he is the President Elect. That is where its headed. I do believe that we have got the Transition Process happening now. The president should also use every legal avenue that he can and present evidence if there is voter fraud. You know, we got to understand what happened this Election Cycle if there was improprieties occurring statetostate. The American Election system is only good as peoples confidence in it. That should be the way it is, whether its a republican or democrat. If roles were reversed, i think that democrats would want every legal avenue pursued also to find out if if there was any voter fraud, look at the evidence and have their day heard in court. I think its really important that two years from now, four years from now, we have the next Election Cycle that people have confidence in the outcome. We cant allow our disagreements to continue to cause division. We have got to rebuild our country. I am republican. I am physically conservative. But ive also worked across the aisle. Ive passed Prison Reform legislation that was signed into law this year. Something rare you see republicans do. I think that is really important for us to find those things that we get along on, that we can agree on and work on them together. And you talked about voter fraud. There is absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Right. Even a little bit of voter fraud given all of the cases that we have seen in federal and state courts basically being laughed out. And on that note, ill go to you, congresswomanelect Nicole Malliotakis. Does it concern you that the president is undermining the results of an election that both of you won . I dont believe that the president is undermining anything. I believe he is within his legal rights to be questioning any irregularities that may have surfaced. Look, this is a legal process. This is the constitution. This should be all settled in december and the president said should joe biden be elected by the alec tore alec tors that he would confirm with a peaceful transition. I think that is very important. For us to Work Together and have bipartisanship we need to have trust in our system and this is the integrity of our Election System and i look forward to working with anybody and everybody who is going to work with us for the American People when all is said and done. Im guessing its probably fair to say that neither of you think that the election that each of you won was rigged. I will have to leave it there. I really appreciate you both coming on and i want to say thank you and congratulations to you both on your wins. Appreciate it. Thank you. Dana, thank you so much. Thank you. Could President Trumps efforts to poison the results of the 2020 election come back to bite republicans in georgia with the senate on the line . Democratic candidate for the senate jon oshoff will join me next. 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Head to golo. Com now. Thats golo. Com. Welcome back to state of the union. Im dana bash. President trump and President Elect biden are both expected to campaign in georgia. The two runoff races there that will decide control of the senate are something that everybody is looking at. Some republicans are worried, though, that President Trumps claim of voter fraud will come back to bite them in a state with voices on Maga Social Media Kw Calling for a boycott of the vote. Joining me now, is democratic candidate for senate there jon oshoff. We should note we did invite his opponent republican candidate david perdue to join us and he declined. The last time a runoff in the senate was 2008. The democrats barely got half of the votes in december. The republicans won by 15 points. What makes you think this wont happen to you . Thank you for having me, dana. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. A lot has happened in georgia in 12 years. An Extraordinary Movement to register voters, to mobilize communities, to train volunteers and get out the vote. This infrastructure we have built here the last eight years is extraordinary and its why joe biden carried the state and georgia democrats are motivated to participate because we recognize to get out of this crisis and to get Financial Relief to businesses and families who are suffering and to enact a broader legislative agenda expanding Voting Rights and civil rights, investing in clean energy, making sure health care is affordable for every family and this requires victory in the two senate runoffs. We know the stakes and we are motivated to make a difference. Even on election day, though, when joe biden was on the ballot, democrats lost almost a dozen seats nationwide in the house. Didnt Win Majorities in about a dozen state legislative chambers that they were really targeting. So what makes you so sure that republicans who voted for biden wont use this, your race, as an opportunity to have a check on him . Well what we need is the capacity for this Incoming Administration to govern in the midst of a crisis. So many families here in georgia and across the country cant feed themselves right now. Businesses are on the brink. Folks are looking at eviction and foreclosure. And, look, let me be candid about this because we all know what will happen if mcconnell holds the senate. He will try to do to biden and harris just like he tried to do to president obama. Obstructionism as far as the eye can see at a moment of crisis when we need strong action. So lets talk about the virus, which is obviously overshadowing everything in this country, including your race. The white house Coronavirus Task force said that georgia, your state, is, quote, in the early stages of full resurgence and that this is the moment to dramatically increase mitigation. So would you support harsher restrictions in georgia like closing restaurants and businesses temporarily . I think we should follow the expertise of Public Health experts like those of the cdc which is based here in georgia. If this that is the consensus of the Public Health community, we need to take that advice very seriously. Politicians need to recognize the limits of our own knowledge and wisdom. Epidemiologists who dedicate their careers and their training to studying the spread of Infectious Disease are qualified to advise us on the correct mitigation procedures. The problem we have had all year is that politicians have been suppressing and ignoring Public Health advice. Its time to trust the experts, listen to Public Health professionals in a Public Health crisis. If they said shut things down temporarily, you would be all for it . If the cdc and its leadership gave a strong indication that those kinds of stronger Mitigation Measures are necessary to save lives and contain the spread of the virus, it would be malpractice for politicians to ignore that advice. There are more than 2,000 americans dying every day. The spread is out of control. And the problem is we have ignored the Public Health experts. So i will be listening to them and not to political consultants, pollsters, or folks looking out for their own financial interests like my opponent. On that note, according to the new york times, the Justice Department opened a probe into your opponent, Senator Perdues stock sales this summer to look into possible insider trading. You called purdue a, quote, crook, but this is an important but, the Justice Department closed the case. They didnt bring any charges. What evidence do you have to support your claim that he is a crook . Well, i think that the standard of conduct for a sitting u. S. Senator needs to be higher than that he wasnt indicted for egregiously unethical misconduct. Senator perdue was buying up shares in manufacturers of vaccines and medical equipment and dumping his Casino Shares while he had access to classified briefings on covid19 and was telling the rest of us this was no deadlier than the flu. All year Senator Perdue hands lying to the public and the press insisting he had no control over his stock trades. But this new reporting reveals that the fbi investigation, the Banking Records reveal he was, in fact, personally directing his own stock trades. So now Senator Perdue needs to come out of hiding. Its not enough for him to say i wasnt prosecuted. He needs to explain why he has been lying all year about the level of personal control he has over his portfolio. This is grossly unethical misconduct for a sitting u. S. Senator. Calling him a crook suggests he committed a crime which again the Justice Department found no evidence of. They didnt pursue charges. Fair . No, i dont think so. I think that a sitting u. S. Senator exploiting his office, exploiting his access to privileged information, exploiting his power to enrich himself while his own constituents are suffering and dying absolutely makes Senator Perdue a crook and hes afraid to come out and debate me because he wont answer these charges because he cant defend the indefensible. Bernie sanders endorsed you yesterday. He is vying to be Labor Secretary in the Biden Administration. So he backed you. Do you support him in that endeavor . I am not making recommendations to the administration on cabinet picks. But i appreciate the senators support and look forward to working with him to fight for a 15 minimum wage, to put the interests of Working Families ahead of corporate lobbyists in washington to address this climate crisis, invest in clean energy and look out for ordinary working people for a change, instead of people who have bought access and power in washington. You are not pushing to endorse a cabinet pick, i understand that. Do you want Senator Sanders to come down and campaign with you . Well see. I havent had that discussion with him. I welcome his support. Again, look, i think that his advocacy for ensuring that health care is a human right in this country, for putting the interests of Working Families over corporate interests is welcome, is necessary, is appreciated. So is his support. Okay. Jon ossoff, i appreciate you joining me this morning. I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. We will talk to you probably a lot more in the next month and a half until january 5th. Appreciate it. Thank you. Appreciate it. And thank you for spending your Sunday Morning with us. The news continues next. When i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. If you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. Women with metastatic and twe breast cancer. Rs. Oday. Our time. For more time. Has come. Living longer is possible and proven in postmenopausal women taking Kisqali Plus Fulvestrant. In a clinical trial, Kisqali Plus Fulvestrant helped women live longer with hr , her2 metastatic breast cancer. And it significantly delayed disease progression. Kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. 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Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common. And if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your doctor about humira citratefree. The same humira you trust with less pain immediately following injection. If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. This is gps, the Global Public square. Welcome to you in the u. S. And Around The World. Im Fareed Zakaria coming to you live from new york. On todays show we won by historic numbers. We won pennsylvania by a lot. A president dishonestly denying he lost the election. I won, by the way. You will find that out. In doing so, cracking the foundations of so many of democracys most important norms and institutions

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