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Aid from ukraine. What that means for the president s impeachment trial. But first the last weekend of 2019 ends in violence and bloodshed as people at worship are attacked in new york and texas, less than 24 hours apart, in what are being described as acts of pure evil and downright hate. In new york were following breaking news. They have filed hate charges against a man for stabbing five people that were at a hanukkah celebration inside a rabbis house. There were antisemitic statements inside the antisemitics home. I grabbed the coffee table on the floor, hit him in the face, and thats when he came back outside after me. He told me, hey, you, ill get you. And he started walking towards me, and i was going before him like a few feet screaming, hes coming, hes coming. Then in texas, a gunman opens fire at the west Freeway Church of christ, killing two parisioners as they prayed. However, police say it reallyul. A congregant who was carrying a gunshot the perpetrator just six seconds into the attack. Video was caught on the churchs livestream. I want to warn you, this is graphic, this is disturbing. This is the moment when a member of the congregation fights back, stopping the shooter who had entered the church and sat down in a pey among other churchgoers, pulling out a shotgun and opening fire a short time later. [ gunshots ]ut of texas here in just a moment. First, though, lets go straight to bryn gingras in new york. Did the suspects actions lead to these charges . Talk to us. Reporter charges against Grafton Thomas who is currently behind bars on murder charges and 5 million bail. Starting with the attack that happened here in the home behind me, Authorities Say when thomas walked in, he essentially said, no one is leaving. He had his face covered and he started going out on a rampage, allegedly with that machete that he was holding. Five people were injured in all. One person we know had a skull fracture, but according to the complaint, someones finger was also severed. We also know thomas fled the scene, and authorities told us he was pulled over in harlem about two hours after this attack occurred, and according to this complaint, he had blood on his hands, on his clothes. He reeked of bleach. We also know that investigators pulled from his car a cell phone as well as a machete and a knife. And then, according to this complaint, they found even more evidence inside his home, including a machete packaging, according to the complaint, also an antisemitic writing in a journal, as you just detailed for your viewers, brianna. We also know that according to this complaint, investigators found searches online with antisemitic undertones. One of the things he searched was jewish temples near me. So this raises the he request of his motive, right . This is one of the things investigators say they have been trying to figure out, especially since thomas actually lives about 30 minutes from here, so why he picked this particular rabbis house to carry out this attack is still unknown at this point. Some of these questions being answered, certainly, in this complaint but still a lot of questions out there at this point, brianna. And on such an important night as well. Brynn, thank you so much. Well continue to follow this with you. Lets discuss this now with evan bernstein. He is legal director for the antidefamation league. Evan, thank you for talking with us. This is terrible what weve been seeing. This is just one of many attacks. There was an attack on jewish new yorkers almost every day last week. What do you think is behind this . There are still a lot of questions. The fact is the Jewish Community is now being targeted. In the last two and a half weeks, we had the jersey city shooting and murder that took place there, and then the unbelievable spate of attacks that took place in brooklyn last week, and now during a holiday of hanukkah, the stabbing that took place in the ceremony, and the party that was taking place in the rabbis home in monsey. It has been an absolutely unbelievably difficult time for the Orthodox Community here in the jewish region. It has to stop. The community cannot continue to deal with these kinds of attacks on what seems to be almost a daily basis. You just heard brynns report that the perpetrator lived about a half hour away. Clearly seemed to go out of his way to target this area. And for people who arent familiar, this is rockland county. This is one of the largest per capita populations of Orthodox Jews in the country. Youve actually been to the scene there. You mentioned a little bit about how the community is doing. They cant continue. This is obviously not sustainable. Theyre living in fear. Tell us about what youre hearing from them. So i got to the scene on saturday night about 11 00 and i stayed until 6 00 the next morning, working with Law Enforcement and talking with Community Members. The common theme i heard from Community Members in the monsey area around that synagogue is the enormous fear they have for their children. They really feel like their lives are being completely affected in how they can worship, how safe they feel. There are a lot of interconnectors between the Monsey Community and the brooklyn Jewish Community. A lot of family members have family in both communities. It deeply affects monsey and brooklyn and vice versa. What happened a month before, it certainly affected the community in monsey. Then to have an attack in their place, they really are terrified. Theyre afraid to go to the synagogue, theyre afraid to worship like they want to. They wanted to go to a more suburban area, a more safe lifestyle which they felt was in monsey, and thats been shattered for a lot of these people. Its so disconcerting and so sad for this community that theyre having to go through this. People that want to celebrate hanukkah, theres been so many victims over this past hanukkah that so many now will never be able to celebrate hanukkah in the same way, and that is a real tragedy. I know that you talk about social media. How do you see social media playing a role in this . Social media is a place right now where people are getting really activated in learning how to hate. Weve seen that, unfortunately, in pittsburgh, in poway, even jersey city. Were going to learn more as we hear about the hate crime charges taken against this individual in monsey and the writings, and well see whether or not maybe hes been activated online. So many people online, its a place you can go in the chat rooms and get information and get activated and radicalized. Theyre lone individuals. Theyre not necessarily a fi fill affiliated with a large group. They get their feelings out there and they get affirmed and we see people act out. We clearly dont know whats happening in monsey and well f. Speaking of radicalization, thats something when you talk about terrorism and lone actors, thats something we talk about. You heard Governor Cuomo vowing to pass a law that would make new york the first to treat these kinds of incidents as domestic terrorism. Lets listen to what he said. We have to change the laws to call this what it is. This is terrorism. It is domestic terrorism. These are people who intend to create mass harm, mass violence, generate fear based on race, color, creed. That is the definition of terrorism. Would it change anything to label it as this . Im curious what your view is on defining this as domestic terrorism. Yeah, i think as long as Law Enforcement agencies understand that and it can certainly amplify what charges and what kind of conviction and sentencing would happen. We saw the same thing in jersey city where the attorney general in jersey and governor murphy supported it being called Massive Destructive terror. I think its important that states start looking at these things because they are terrorist acts. These are things terrorizing our community. Just because its on domestic soil does not make it any less of a terrorist act, and i think its important that elected law officials are looking at it in that way. Evan, thank you so much. We appreciate you talking to us. Evan bernstein with the antidefamation league. Thank you. In texas were learning more about the heroic congregants that helped take down a gunman. Lucy is in white settlement, texas. Tell us what youre learning, lucy. Reporter thats right, brianna. We dont have any more on the motivation of this gunman, but we know more about who he is. The fbi described him as a transient individual who had numerous runins with the law, multiple arrests in different municipalities. Hes not on any known watch list. A few moments ago we heard from the Texas Attorney general, ken paxton, who offered more details. He said this individual, the shooter, didnt have a direct connection to this community, but that he may have spent a little bit of time here because this church had often opened its doors to transient and homeless individuals. The attorney general said he believed this was a lonely individual who possibly was struggling with mental illness. Again, this is coming from the Texas Attorney general. We are now getting more information about the heroic individual who helped take down the shooter. Jack wilson is his identity, his name, hes been formally named. Take listen how the Texas Attorney general, joe paxton. Saw this. He taught many people in this church how to shoot. He taught them how to be prepared. Hes not only responsible for his actions which ultimately saved the lives for hundreds of people, but hes also responsible for training a lot of people in that church. Reporter and brianna, jack wilson issued a statement. I want to read you a short bit of that. He wrote, the events at west Freeway Church of christ put me in a position i would hope no one would have to be in, but evil exists and i had to take out an active shooter in the church. We know there was nearly 250 people inside that church behind me yesterday during the services when the firing began, when the shooting began. The death toll could have been much thir individual not responded and taken away the gunman. Absolutely. He took him is out quickly. The u. S. Striking back iranianbacked militia. And a new report shows top trump aides knew that congress would blow its lid. Among them Mick Mulvaney, chairman chief of staff, who admitted it was a quid pro quo with the president of ukraine and told reporters to get over it. And congressman and civil rights icon john lewis vowing to fight after being diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis or active Psoriatic Arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. It can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. 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In fact, the iraqi caretaker Prime Minister had told the u. S. Secretary of defense, mark esper, not to carry out these attacks as he was being informed of them about half an hour before they took place. Afterwards he said that this was a violation of iraqs sovereignty. We also heard from the militia that was targeted, a group called asba prebollah which was instrumental in the fight against isis but were never fully under control of the Iraqi Government, and many of these groups, brianna, do have longstanding ties to iran. In fact, during the u. S. Led invasion then occupation of iraq, these groups were largely being funded, trained and armed by iran. This particular group that was being targeted put out a statement calling on its fighters to get ready for yet another battle to push the american enemy out of iraq. The Iraqi Government has also said it might be time to review its relationship with the United States. So its caused quite a lot of concern in iraq, to say the least. And a lot of this concern also centers around the fact that iraq, for quite some time now, has been asking both tehran and washington to stop using it as a proxy battlefield because of just how destabilizing that is. And iraq right now is already going through an extremely unstable period. So add to that all of this and you really have a recipe for a potential further escalation, which is, of course, what everyone is worried about, brianna. Because what we know well from recent history is that destabilizing a country like iraq, that does not stay confined to iraqs borders alone. No, it does not. Arwa, thank you so much. Arwa damon. I want to bring in retired rear admiral john kirby. He is a former Pentagon Press secretary and cnn diplomatic analyst. We heard arwa explain this. Iraq is saying this is a violation of their sovereignty, the u. S. Attacking these iranianbacked militants, but i know from the u. S. Perspective, there is sort of a feeling of, isnt that rich . Right, there is a feeling in the Defense Department about that since the Iraqi Government hasnt complained about the fact that Iranianbacked Shia militias in their territory is also using sovereign iraqi space to attack coalition forces, forces, i might add, that are there at the invitation of the Iraqi Government. So what does that say about who theyre more aligned with, afraid of, beholden to . Its interesting the squeeze the Iraqi Government is in right now. There was a huge protest against the government for malfeasance, poor governance. They have a long border with iran, they need a Good Relationship with iran, theyre aligned shia to shia. But they also need the United States and they want the United States to continue cleanup operations against isis. So the Iraqi Government is in a very difficult position right now. Lets talk about afghanistan, because even as the taliban and the u. S. Preliminarily reach this cease fire, we see this big attack over the weekend. Taliban killed ten Afghan Soldiers at an army base. There are many people looking at this and theyre very skeptical about whether a cease fire will hold. What do you think . Im also skeptical. I think the recent history would advise us to be skeptical. Look, theres two things we know about the taliban. One, theyre not trustworthy, and two, theyre not monolithic. And when youre negotiating with them, and im not suggesting we shouldnt pursue diplomacy here, you need to realize not one faction or one individual leader in the taliban speaks for all of them. So it points to the difficulty of trying to find a diplomatic solution. It also, i think and would hope, brings some counsel to the administration in not being too abrupt at pulling troops out of afghanistan without anything concrete in return by the taliban for that. That seems like very much a possibility, right . Right, just pulling troops out precipitously like this could give the taliban a win with nothing in return. We get no assurances from them. So the president over the weekend has a call with vladimir putin, and we learn about it from the kremlin, right . So the kremlin says this call has happened. They release a readout pretty promptly and the white house says nothing until this morning. What does that tell you . Its hard to define whats in their head. Its also difficult, look, to beat the russians to the punch. That was my experience at the state department. You hang up the phone and anywhere out with a readout immediately. This is a while. Exactly. This is head of state to head of state, much different level. And yeah, were days after this. And the white house hasnt even acknowledged the call. So i think, look, if it was a perfectly fine call, to use the president s phrase from ukraine, they ought to print a readout and take the mystery out of it rather than having everybody speculate what was discussed. There is no other foreign leader that trump talks to that is more consequential right now other than maybe xi in china and vladimir putin. The American People have a right to know what that conversation was all about, what was discussed, and any assurances made either way. We also have the right to know if he brought up election interference, which is really important since were almost into 2020. And theyre interfering as we speak. Thank you, admiral kirby, very much. The action Mick Mulvaney got before the president put a hold on military assistance to ukraine. And who raised the alarm of the president issuing a quid pro quo. And Bernie Sanders is reassuring voters that his medicare for all plan will not cost them their jobs. Have you ever read the list in conventional tampons . Theyre scary this is my body, i deserve something safe and comfortable. Finally, a product that is designed with my comfort and needs in mind. Its time for rael change. Its time to get rael. Civil rights icon and democratic congressman john lewis makes the sad announcement about his health. He says he has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He said, i have been in some kind of fight for freedom, equality, basic human rights for nearly my entire life. I have never faced a fight quite like the one i have now. While i am cleareyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that Treatment Options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that i have a fighting chance. The 79yearold congressman was diagnosed after a routine medical visit earlier this month. And sources tell cnn that President Trump is frustrated over the impeachment process, chf which was shown by a barrage of tweets this weekend. There is an argument about whether he held up military aid in ukraine. He said, im just trying to tie up some loose ends, and then he asked, did we ever find out about the money for ukraine and whether we can hold it back . Robert b. Blair said, it would be possible but not pretty. Expect congress to become unhinged if the white tried to countermand spending passed by the house and in the. I want to ask you about what happened in june, but i also want to talk about your colleague in what has saddened so many people. He has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and there is such a concern for him from people who have known him from decades, and you were in the same class in the house of representatives in 1987. This must have been worrisome news for you to learn. Absolutely, brianna. First its good to be with you. John lewis has been a great friend. We were elected at the same time to the congress of the United States. We shared the same experience as far as becoming the new members of congress. Weve remained good friends. Hes quite an inspiration for all of us. Hes been through so many struggles in his life. We know this will be a difficult struggle. We are with him. Our prayers are with him. Our thoughts are with him, and i know that hes a fighter and hell do everything he can to continue the fight in the United States house of representatives. If ever there is a fighter, it is john lewis for sure. I do want to ask you about this New York Times report that shows top trump aides knew withholding aid to ukraine would cause a firestorm months before it happened. The president , of course, still acted, he still withheld the aid. What does that tell you . It tells us how important it is in the senate trial on impeachment that we hear directly from those parties that knew exactly what the president had in mind when he held up the aid, and that we received the documents, including the email exchanges that took place. Its absolutely essential for the senate to have a fair trial that, those witnesses be heard from directly. They were not heard from in the house. The president refused to allow these individuals to testify or to present the documents. So for a fair trial in the senate, we have to hear from the sources themselves. The New York Times is reporting that in august, National Security adviser john bolton, secretary of defense mark esper and secretary of state mike pompeo were all standing around the president s desk. They were trying to convince him to reverse course on freezing this aid. Is that particularly significant to you . Oh, absolutely. Its showing that those that are responsible for National Security recognized there was no reason to withhold the aid from the point of view of the legality since congress appropriated it. But more importantly, how it compromised ukraines National Security, how it aided russia, who was our enemy, and i think our National Security advisers all tried to tell the president , dont withhold that aid. Thats not in the National Security interests of the United States. Its certainly going to be harmful to ukraine, and your legality on doing this is very questionable. Early this morning my colleague jim sciutto asked republican mark green about this oval office meeting, and this is the response he gave. Lets listen to this. I would expect those guys to share their opinions with the president , and i would also expect them to walk out and either execute the president s wishes or, you know, just maybe even leave if they disagreed with the president. The president asked ukraine to investigate the former Vice President and whether or not he used his position to get his son millions of dollars in lucrative contracts. Down here in tennessee, the vast majority of people are completely fine with that, so its a nonissue from the beginning. Whats your reaction to that . When the president of the United States reportedly asked the president of another country to do a political favor for him, to get involved in our elections by researching an opponent and trying to give information that could be harmful in the president ial elections to a political opponent of the president , and making it clear that there is a contingency on a president ial visit or releasing aid, no, thats not all right. Thats very much against the use of power by the president of the United States. Thats the articles of impeachment that have been sent to the senate. Its now up to the senate, obviously, to hold an open trial where we can hear from the direct witnesses. But no, its not okay for the president of the United States to use his Political Office for personal advantage rather than for the American People. Over theekd, as you know, senator cardin, the iraq. This was in iraq and syria. This was in response to rocket attacks that killed a u. S. Contractor and wounded four u. S. Soldiers. Do you have any concerns that this is going to escalate into a bigger situation, or do you have confidence that the u. S. Will be able to keep this under control . Brianna, i have concerns as to how the president what the president s policy is in regard to iraq and syria. Clearly iran is a dangerous actor. They do things that are extremely against very much against our National Security interests. We know that. Theyre acting in a way that destabilizes that region of the world. Our problem is, what is the u. S. Policy . We saw inconsistencies in syria when the president ial loud the turks to enter that area, going against our kurdish ground fighters. We saw the United States pull out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement which isolated america and our allies in the nuclear noin va innovations of iran with iraq and syria. Theyre doing military operations without the approval of the Iraqi Government. I just dont understand what our strategy is, and i think the president made a major mistake when he pulled out of the Nuclear Agreement when iran was in compliance with the Nuclear Agreement. Senator cardin, thank you so much, and a happy new year to you, sir. Thank you. Senator Bernie Sanders called out by voters who say his Health Care Plan is going to cost them their jobs. Well have his response. Also, new details about what caused a plan to crash a plane, pardon me, to crash in louisiana, killing five, including a wellknown Sports Reporter. Coolsculpting takes you further. A nonsurgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells for good. Discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. Some common sideeffects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Dont imagine results, see them. Coolsculpting, take yourself further. Save 100 on your coolsculpting treatment. Text resolution to 65190 to learn more. Save 100 on your coolsculpting treatment. 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Call today for a free guide. Democratic hopefuls return to the campaign trail after the christmas holiday, right after it, and for two days New Hampshire voters confronted Bernie Sanders about his Health Care Plan and its impact on employment. Listen. I work for a health Insurance Company. I have for my whole life. Thats what i know. Im 58 years old. Help me. Youre going to take away my job. I believe in you. I think this is the way to go. Let me tell you what were i need a new job. Were going to transition you, give you the job training and the opportunity if your job is lost. We have cnn political analyst and National Political correspondent for time, molly ball here with us. I will say this about Bernie Sanders, if you lose your job, if your Health Insurance changes. He admits its a possibility, but at the same time thats a bit disconcerting. Weve heard on the campaign trail from time to time people who work for Health Insurance companies. Theres a lot of those employees. How big of an issue is health care and health care how it affects employment going to be, do you think . On the one hand, i think be really have seen the big debate of the democratic primary be to hash out what it would be mean to transition to a Single Health payer system. It tripped up Elizabeth Warren and she had to think back to the complications and finances of that, and now were hearing Bernie Sanders have to explain parts of that. I think the big picture is that people like medicare for all when they first hear it, and then the more they hear about the disruptions that it might cause, the more you see that public support eroding, even among democratic voters. At the same time its a little odd. I know health care is still a top issue for many voters, but the last democratic president passed health care reform, and yet it is still the number one thing that all of these democratic president ial contenders seem to be talking about. There is a lot of other issues out there. And so it is a little strange to me that theyve all gotten wrapped around the axle of health care. You know, Bernie Sanders is a serious contender. When you are seriously in contention, as he is, especially in the early states, youve got to do more than just have slo n sloga slogans, youve got to be able to explain things, and specially to those New Hampshire voters who can be tough. Yes, theyre flinty. Lets talk about joe biden because hes actually taking hits on his iraq voting record, both from Bernie Sanders and from mayor pete buttigieg. Is this something thats going to affect him, or is this just baked into joe biden, everyone knows where he was on the iraq war . I dont think everybody knows. I think most peoples impression of joe biden is as Vice President. So things that happened before that, i think weve seen voters learning more and more about, you know, his record in the 90s with anita hill and the crime bill, and also his record in the 2000s when he did support the iraq at the same time this is kind of ancient history at this point. I dont think its as live an issue as it was, say, in 2008 where it became a major difference between Hillary Clinton and barack obama, because it was really fresh in voters minds because president bush was still in office, and democratic voters were very concerned about being able to undo the bush record, particularly on Foreign Policy. I have not felt like Foreign Policy is a huge factor in this campaign, but i dont think it helps. I dont think it helps with democratic voters to learn this about someone. Over the weekend, the former Vice President had to reverse course on his original statement that he wouldnt comply with a subpoena to testify in President Trumps impeachment trial should it come to that. The next day he said he would comply with any subpoena. Which thats the right answer, right . Thats the right answer. So what do you make of this, and why do you think he said what he said in the beginning . It seems like it was just a bad instinct, right . It seems like just sort of knee jerk. His feeling was, well, i think this process is ridiculous and they shouldnt be going after me. I feel like weve heard that recently from another person who possibly occupies the white house right now, and just because you dont like that someone is coming after you with a subpoena doesnt mean you can just ignore it, generally, in law. So i think this is a really interesting episode in terms of what it shows about bidens instincts and also the fact that he did reverse course, the fact that this wasnt an accident, he didnt misspeak, but he did listen to the criticism and he did reverse himself and basically explain that he realized why that wasnt a good instinct in the first place. Right, youre not above a subpoena, right . Which is what democrats have been saying to so Many Administration officials. Thank you, molly ball. We appreciate you being here. Thank you. Happy new year. Happy new year. Still ahead, hate crime charges have been filed against a man accused of stabbing five people at a hanukkah celebration. What police say they found in his home and how his lawyer and family are defending it. Whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Just in to cnn, a stunning new account in a woman who ran barefoot to help victims of a plane crash saturday morning in louisiana. By the time it come out the cloud, it was vertical sideways. You could hear the sound of it coming lower. No engine sounds or anything like that, i could hear a woman screaming. Thats whenever i was running. My feet were already burning. So i couldnt go any further, ignited more, and then i could hear one more help me. Horrific account. Lets go to lafayette now, where natasha chen is following the story. Brianna, from this plane crash, theres only one survivor who was on that plane, hes in a local hospital in lafayette right now. Another person who was on the ground in a car, in that post Office Parking lot, she suffered severe burns and shes being treated in new orleans. Now, of the five people who were killed, we know as you mentioned, theres 30yearold Sports Reporter carly mccord, she worked at wdsu. I was able to speak over direct messages on twitter with her husband. He was talking about how she loved fiercely, how shes so competitive, and liked to joke around with the family. Hes of course incredibly hurt right now, but he did want to say this, i mean, i could write a book on carly right now, but i cant find the words, its so hard and it hurts too much. I want her here with me, thats all i want. She is and will forever be my world. He wasnt able to get off work saturday, otherwise he would have driven with carly to atlanta for the game. She boarded this plane that crashed shortly after takeoff. Im going to step aside now to show you whats happening in the field behind us. Investigators are looking at pieces of the wreckage in that field. The debris field spans about a quarter of a mile. This is going to be particularly challenging for these investigators, there was no flight data recorder on this plane. Its not typical for a plane like that to have one. There was no distress call. Theyre relying heavily on a couple witnesses and witness videos that were turned into them. Here is the ntsb senior air safety investigator talking about what they know right now. One witness who has pilot experience stated that the landing gear was retracted. The attitude at the time of impact is estimated to be wings level. I do not have a nose down angle indication at this point. The wreckage is massively fragmented. And charred and partially consumed by fire. Were expecting more information from ntsb this afternoon as their investigators continue to work in this field. They also told us yesterday they expect to have all of this cleared by the end of today, brianna. Natasha chen in lafayette. On new years day, be sure to check out the cnn film of the life and career of linda ronstadt. She came to los angeles. Ladies and gentlemen, miss linda ronstadt. Weve been the stone ponies. The l. A. Scene was in gear, and the whole thing broke loose. There was rock music, folk music co mingling. How could we define what this would be. Linda was the queen. She is like what beyonce is now. She was the only female artist to have five platinum albums in a row. Youre no good was a hit on the r b chart and pop chart. I became the first artist to have a hit on all three charts. Youre no good youre no good youre no good baby youre no good she was the first rock n roll star. Linda ronstadt, the sound of my voice, new years day, on cnn. Needles. Essential for the sea urchin, but maybe not for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. 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