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Were going to show you that individual in moments. Here in new york investigators searching for a motive now after a man wielding a knife barged into a rabbis home during a Hanukkah Party and went on to stab five people. The suspect was captured an hour after the violent attack. This, the latest in a strong of antisemitic attacks in new york state. At least 13 in the past three weeks. First lets get to cnns lucy kafanov in white settlement, texas where the Church Shooting took place. Tell us what were learning this morning . Jim, this morning there are famili families grieving in this corner of texas and demanning answers, not about what happened, this entire senseless act of violence was caught on camera, but why. We know the gunman entered the church before 11 00 a. M. Yesterday, sat with the congregation, listened to the sermon before getting up seeming to have an interaction with another church member, pulling out a shotgun, opening fire, two armed Church Volunteers responding swiftly taking him out. The whole thing captured on a live stream of the service. I want to warn our viewers this video is incredibly disturbing and g a look. Its difficult to watch and listen to. Six seconds, as you say, thats how long it took to take him out. Three fatalities, but it could have been much worse. Nearly 250 people inside that church yesterday. One of them, a female eyewitness, described the terrifying moment all of this unfolded. I see him sit in the pew behind us and, you know, something was telling me, something is not right. I just kind of kept looking back there. Reporter now authorities have not identified the gunman. We know several agencies are involved, local Law Enforcement, the atf, the fbi. They know he was a transient person with roots to this community, but he did not necessarily live here. Hes had multiple arrests, different runins with Law Enforcement but not on any known watch lists. The Quick Reaction of the armed members of the congregation you see on the tape, remarkable. Thanks very much. Now for more on what were learning about the attack in new york, where five people were stabbed during a hanukkah celebration in a rabbis home, cnns brita brin gingras is in new york. Theyre still trying to determine a motive here. Is that in question . What else do we know . Theres still a lot of questions about the motive, specifically why did the attacker choose this house . He lives about 40 minutes away from here, so why he came here is still uncertain. What we know is that saturday night was supposed to be a night of reflection, of celebration. There were about 100 people gathered inside that house on saturday lighting the menorah for the seventh night of hanukkah and it really turned into a night of terror. Police say that the attacker came into the house and just started going on a rampage. Earlier this morning on new day one of the people that was inside described what it was like. He first stood in the entry room and started hitting people right and left with his big machete knife. I didnt know what it was. Thats when i started to run outside. All the people together in the dining room, we ran out through the back of the house, the back door outside. I ran back to the front door to see if i could help anyone from the other side. I saw him coming back towards me. I ran out. I saw that he went to the old guy. I came back in, grabbed the coffee table that was on the floor, hit him in his face. Thats when he came back outside after me. He told me, hey, you, ill get you and he started walking towards me. I was running, going before him like a few feet, screaming hes coming, so everybody in the sin na go could runaway. He went almost to the door of the synagogue, reached for the door it was locked, thats when he walked down a side street towards his car. I didnt know where he was walking to. I walked slowly. I looked at his plate number and called 911 and i came back up the street, the Police Officers were already there. And that gentlemans quick thinking actually helped apprehend this man. Police were able to get his license number, track it down. A couple hours later he was seen in a car in new york city and nypd was able to arrest him. Authorities say he had blood covering his body from the attack and he smelled of bleach. He was arrested. His name is grafton thomas, 38 years old. He was in court yesterday for his initial arraignment, charged with five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary. He has 5 million bail. Its still unclear to authorities but his family has spoken out through a spokesperson saying that he is not antisemitic, he has a history instead of mental illness, but all of that is still to be determined by authorities. The governor saying hes sending his hate Crimes Task Force to help out with this investigation as well. Thanks very much. Joining us to discuss julia keim, former assistant secretary for the department of homeland and security analyst. Good to have you on this morning. Thank you, jim. Governor cuomo in response to this and other attacks vowed this morning to propose a law that would make new york the first state to treat these incidents as domestic terrorism. There are already laws on the books that treat crimes like this as hate crimes. Treating them as domestic terrorism what difference would that make . It might not make much of a difference except for a statement to the outside world this is a form of violence for political gain. I dont know if we know that in this particular case, so im not sure that we have this in the situation in new york. But i think what Governor Cuomo was getting at was a sense that look, you can parse each of these incidents separately and say oh, this guy is crazy or this one had Mental Health issues, but if you look at the totality of circumstances in particular for the jewish community, the 20 rise in antisemitism alone in new york state a state we tend to view as accepting, if you look at the overall hate crimes numbers out of the fbi, take a step back and look at the totality, hate sort of has a seat at the table right now. Always has in america, but it has sort of the head table seat right now in terms of animating a lot of the violence that were seeing at communities of worship and specifically at synagogues or against Orthodox Jews who are not at synagogues, being attacked on streets, markets and elsewhere. You note the statistics here not just in new york state but elsewhere incidents of hate crimes domestically. Based on your experience why is this . Oftentimes social media is a cull drin of these kinds of feelings and motivation not unlike what you see with cases of islamic terrorism, right, radicalized online. There is a connection. Yeah. Radicalization is complicated. People think of it as an on off switch but it involves three key factors. The first isolation by the perpetrators. A sense theyre being displaced by the other. The hispanic immigrant, the jewish family that moves in next door. That is combined with a sense of community that often these people get online. We see this in the White Supremacy movement that these men are just festering off of each other, this hatred towards africanamericans or mexicans or jews. The third, though, is important to state today, which is a public space that is accept issing or condoning or winking and nodding about this kind of hatred. So do i think theres a do i think something that donald trump says at a election speech that he gives is responsible for violence . No. I do think that theres a through line between the hatred that we see in the public space by our leadership and those who would take that hatred and sort of act on it. So i think we have to sort of call out hatred in the public space as much as we do in each of these individual cases. Now in the case of islamist terrorism theres an enormous amount of resources focused on identifying those who might be radicalized online looking at particular sites, monitoring that sort of communication. Are similar or should similar efforts be focused on other kinds of hate crimes to kind of stop it before it starts . Yes. And they are now. It took a long time for the department of Homeland Security and the fbi to acknowledge and recognize that the shift in terror in terms of motivation in the United States domestically at least had gone from islamic terrorism to more generally what we might call White Supremacy terrorism. There is a greater focus on it. There are domestic privacy laws and other laws that prohibit the government from surveilling in ways we might be able to for a cell in yemen or jordan or wherever else. There is that greater focus. The challenge, of course, is that while we can focus on White Supremacy or other kinds of hatred that were seeing today domestically, we also know just from our history that the public space is and how we talk about the other, how we talk about people, is relevant to a sense of empowerment those who would seek violence against other people get out of the public space. I think its really important that we call it out. Yeah. As if theyve been given license in effect to express and act on these feelings. Jim, even the wink and nod. Its just even the sort of we know exactly whats being said, but its not being said, right. I mean that and the plausible deniability that people who sort of animate or cultivate hatred, they can say i didnt mean that, it just has to be called out directly. Yeah. You think it would be simple, but its not. Thanks very much. Thanks. Iran is warning of, quote, consequences after u. S. Air strikes hit iranbacked militia in iraq. What were learning about the growing tensions. The kremlin says that president s putin and trump spoke by telephone on sunday, the First Time Since july. The white house, though, has not provided any read outs, any comments about that conversation. Thats highly unusual. Is this further fallout from the ukraine call . And the New York Times is reporting just how a key a role acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney played in halting that ukraine aid, where those orders came from. Were going to dig in. Whatever happens out there today, remember, you have the hilton app. Will the hilton app help us pick the starters . Great question, no. But it can help you pick your room from the floor plan. Can the hilton app help us score . You know, its not that kind of thing, but you can score free wifi. Can it help us win . Hey, hey were all winners with the hilton price match guarantee, alright . Man, you guys are adorable alright, lets go lose this soccer game, come on book with the hilton app. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Expect better. Expect hilton. If your glasses arent so will we. No we wont. Dont forget to use your vision benefits before theyre gone. Now innetwork with vsp. Visionworks. See the difference. Rowithout the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. This morning iran is warning of consequences after the u. S. Carried out air strikes on an iranian backed militia in iraq and syria. The u. S. Hit five sites in what it calls precision defensive strikes. The pentagon blames the Militia Group for a series of attacks on military facilities housing American Forces in the region. One of these attacks on friday ended with the death of an American Contractor stationed there. Arwa damon joins us now. Tell us how other leaders in the region are responding to this, its a sensitive time and direct conflict between the u. S. And iran here. Its a very sensitive time and that conflict between the u. S. And iran is once again to a certain degree if you look back on history unfolding in iraq, a country that can hardly cope with even more instability. In fact, the iraqi caretaker Prime Minister had spoken to the u. S. Secretary of defense about half an hour prior to the attack. The americans were telling the iraqis that they were going to be launching these strikes, and the iraqi caretaker Prime Minister had asked that the u. S. Not go forward with this, but obviously, as we now know, the americans did, hitting three targets in iraq, two in syria. This particular militia has a very complex to a certain degree history in iraq. It was back in the days of the u. S. Occupation of iraq, under this Umbrella Group that americans called the special groups. These were groups that were backed by iran, funded by iran, trained by iran, received a bulk of their weapons from iran, and were specifically fighting the americans on the ground. They were responsible for some of the deadliest roadside bombs that we saw taking place. They then moved on once the battle against isis began, to be part of this iraqi force that was made up mostly of former shia militia fighters, and they have come out after these attacks and said that they are calling on their forces to once again take the battle to, as they put it, the enemy america. Of course there are great concerns about how this is going to potentially further destabilize iraq and affect, of course, the u. S. Troop posture within that country. Lets speak to retired rear admiral john kirby, press secretary military diplomatic analyst now. Admiral kirby you have the attacks, the u. S. Strikes, the u. S. Blaming iran for attacks on facilities housing u. S. Forces. Weeks ago iran shot down a u. S. Drone. I wonder when you look at an attack and then attacked a saudi oil facility. Can you say the u. S. And iran are fighting something of a lowgrade war now in the region . I think thats what the iraqis are worried about, that theres a proxy war going on inside their sovereign territory. I dont know that i would go so far myself to say that thats what were in right now. I think the pentagon very much was trying to send a message to iran and these militia forces to stop these attacks on our coalition bases and troops as one defense official told me yesterday, it was a message and we hope it was received. Now everybody is going to have to wait and see how that goes. I dont see this as the beginning of some larger escalation necessarily. Okay. Iraq as you the Prime Minister of iraq said these attacks were a violation of iraq sovereignty, of course, a longrunning concern of the u. S. Officials is that iraq is too close to iran, that the leadership too dependent on iranian support here. What does this tell you . I mean whose side is iraq on in this, if you dont want to call it certainly not a war, but if iran is attacking u. S. Forces there and iraq is telling the u. S. Dont respond, i mean how do you square that circle . Its interesting, isnt it, because the Prime Minister, while decrying american actions as a violation of their sovereignty, hasnt the Iraqi Government hasnt decried iran and their use of iraqi soil to attack the very Coalition Forces, American Forces, that the iraqis have invited in to fight against isis. They are in a difficult position. Domestically as well. Arwa hinted in this in her report, a lot of domestic turbulence inside iraq, the young population are very dissatisfied over the Iraqi Government over claims of corruption, and mismanagement. The iranian backed militias have not just significant fire power in the country, but they are gaining in political power inside the country in what they claim is in favor of the shiite majority. They are not so welcomed. Iraq is kind of in the middle. They want the Coalition Forces in america to help them clean up with isis but they also have a long border with iran, long relationship with iran, the government is shia aligned. They want to keep good relations with iran at the same time. Stay with us, another story i want to get your insight on. The white house 24 hours later staying silent following President Trumps phone call with russian president vladimir putin. The kremlin confirmed the two leaders spoke by phone. They did so merely 24 hours ago, a call initiated we are told by russia. This is the first reported call between trump and putin since july, but still, these 24 hours later, the white house has not released its own read out of the call or provided a comment on the conversation. Cnn White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond joins me now. This is unusual. Are we seeing fallout from the ukraine call, the white house saying none of your business . Look, jim, this white house has not followed any kind of clear pattern when it comes to the release of these readouts of foreign leader calls between President Trump and other foreign leaders. Sometimes they dont release any readout at all, but typically when another country does release a readout of a call this white house usually releases its own readout that same day. We are not at that point now where it has been nearly 24 hours since the kremlin released its readout of the call. There are some questions as it relates to what else the two leaders discussed. The kremlin did say that president putin reached out to President Trump to thank him for intelligence information that was provided to the Russian Security services that apparently helped thwart a terrorist plot that was planned for new years eve in st. Petersburg, russia, but the kremlin did say the two leaders discussed issues of mutual interest. What those issues of mutual interest are so far we have no indication because we have yet to hear from the white house as far as its version of events on this call. Look, a lot of interesting things are happening of mutual interest between these two countries. Of course there was yesterday those strikes that President Trump ordered against an iranian proxy in iraq and syria and theres also, of course, this looming impeachment situation in the United States. We know that it was just a week ago that President Trump actually amplified Vladimir Putins defense of him on impeachment and his criticism of the impeachment process, so that is, of course, potentially Something Else that could have come up on the call. Jim . Did the president bring up the expected attacks on the 2020 election has u. S. Intel has said russia is undertaking. Reasonable questions for americans to ask. Lets bring back john kirby, you served in the state department and pentagon. Its unusual not for the white house to acknowledge what an elected u. S. President spoke about with a foreign leader identified as an adversary here. Why is that a problem . Its a problem because the american side of this call we dont know what our take on it is. The russians are hard to beat to the punch when it comes to these readouts. Always frustrating for me too when secretary of state kerry would talk to foreign minister lavrov, to beat the Russian Foreign ministry to a readout is tough to do. We always followed up with context of our own so the American People could understand the context of the call. If theres nothing wrong, no reason why we shouldnt why the topics were all above board there should be no reason why the white house would want to withhold a readout. This should be an opportunity, see it as an opportunity to take the mystery out of it, to dispel any myths about, you know, any nefarious conversations with putin and just put out their version of it. They have a credibility problem here. We know from the ukraine investigation that in a call between trump and zelensky the readout said the president raised corruption when the transcript showed he did not raise corruption in that issue. Thats a problem, isnt it, if the American People cant trust that the white house is speaking to them accurately about how a u. S. President is speaking with a foreign leader . Absolutely. They certainly have a credibility problem. But not doing a readout is not going to help them with that credibility problem. They should put out one as fulsome as they can, understanding and you know this, jim, the readouts are never really all that detailed but you can cover the major topics that will hopefully be reinforced by whatever transcript there is. Their credibility problem isnt going to be assisted by them withholding information. As far as i know they havent ac knowledged that the call took place. They have not. By the way, cnn has asked for it, they havent received it. The white house, if youre listening, we would like to know, can you confirm the call and tell us what was discussed on the call . Admiral john kirby, thank you very much. New emails obtained by the New York Times place the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney at the center of the Trump Administrations effort to withhold military aid from ukraine. In fact, weeks before that july phone call. More on his role and the opposition against that aid holdup from inside the Trump Administration just ahead. Tom my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. She was a school teacher. My dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. Their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. Im tom steyer, and i approve this message. 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Acting chief of staff Mike Mulvaney according to the New York Times sent an email saying, quote, im just trying to tie up some loose ends. Did we find out about the mun for ukraine and whether we could hold it back to which the aide responded expect congress to become unhinged because congress had authorized that aid. The times says opposition was greater than previously known and the report reads, quote, in late august defense secretary mark es per joined secretary of state mike pompeo and john bolton, the National Security adviser at the time, for a previously uns disclosed Oval Office Meeting with the president where they tried but failed to convince him releasing the aid was in the interest of the United States. Again, both those things counter to the White House Defense so far. Im pleased to be joined by democratic senator bob casey of pennsylvania, thank you for taking the time this morning. Thanks, jim. Looking at that New York Times reporting there, you have mark esper, the defense secretary, secretary of state mike pompeo, and the then National Security adviser john bolton going to the president and saying, release this aid, its in americas interests. Should they testify, bolton, mulvaney, esper, pompeo, before the senate . Jim, as you know, chuck schumer, the democratic leader in the senate, has called for the testimony of at least two of those individuals, mr. Bolton and mr. Mulvaney. I think that is essential because they have relevant information about the key circumstances i think a lot of americans want to know more about. One is the National Security implications here and obviously the question of aid. But what the reporting today or yesterday i should say in the reporting this week about what transpired there, is indicative of the concern that was raised within the Administration Long before it got up to the level of pompeo and others and esper by folks who were in the National Security apparatus of our government worrying about this way back in july, even before july in some circumstances, and i would urge people to read the House Intelligence Committee reporting, roughly pages 67 to page 80, which outlines all the concerns they had. As you know, that email it looks like mulvaney is talking about a followup on a conversation, where does it stand, these efforts to do this . I wonder, you have announced your support for joe biden in the 2020 election. This weekend in iowa, biden said he would obey any subpoena to the senate, this after raise something question as to whether he would do that. Of course the senate is run by republicans, so any demands democrats have would have to be in some sort of back and forth with republicans. Would you support calling biden to testify if republicans would commit to having bolton, mulvaney, pompeo, esper testify . Well, jim, i think we have to start with the facts here. This is an inquiry, an impeachment inquiry, which has now resulted in two articles of impeachment in the house going to the senate for a trial, which is predicated on some very basic facts that are not in dispute here. Number one, that the president solicited the interference of a Foreign Government in our next election and then all of the other allegations that are part of those two articles, so this is about the president s conduct. I think the big difference between the president s conduct and the way Vice President biden has conducted himself as a public official for decades is one engages in unlawful conduct, the other, Vice President biden, complies with the law. To get into this back and forth about what what witnesses will be subpoenaed and who will go, i think its in some ways playing the trump game of trying to divert attention to the real questions that americans want to have asked. Listen, i get that argument, but the senate is run by republicans. It democrats like yourself want to have these Key Administration officials testify, would you be willing to make that exchange . Say okay, if we have a chance to press bolton, to press mulvaney on this, we will, in effect, trade and say fine to call the Vice President as well, the former Vice President . Jim, i would start with this. Number one, the determination about what democrats as a caucus is, im a member of that caucus will do, has to be the product of debate and deliberations. I cant begin to negotiate that here. But i will say this, what should what should govern the testimony of a witness or the seeking of documentary evidence, what should govern that is relevant. What is relevant to the inquiry . Here were trying to determine what happened when a president of the United States solicited the interference of a Foreign Government in our next election and what happened with regard to the aid as you had earlier in your first question. They have to be relevant. Vice president bidens work as Vice President is not relevant here to this inquiry. Nancy pelosi has not communicated the articles of impeachment from the house to the senate yet. Should she do that the moment the Senate Returns from the holiday recess . Well, shes got some discretion about the timing. I think what shes trying to determine is, what is the scope and basic outline of the senate trial, the process. Majority leergds mcconnell has not given much indication other than that he wants to shut it down. I think she has a right to be able to examine how the trial will go and then pick managers, these are house members that have to, in a sense, act as lawyers or advocates in the senate trial, so shes trying to make a determination. Jim, i think theres going to be a trial and i think were going to be doing this work in early january. Senator bob casey, thanks for joining us and happy holidays to you and your family . Same to you, jim, thank you. Congressman john lewis has spent his life and career fighting for equality and human rights. It started during the civil rights movement. He is a legend of that movement. Hes battling his tough ent opponent yet, stage four pancreatic cancer. He says he will keep serving his constituents despite the disease and as hes treated. Elizabeth cohen here with more. Elizabeth, stage four, typically ma means the cancer has spread, pancreatic cancer, a difficult one to respond to. What is the prognosis as far as we know . Lets talk about stage four cancer. As you said it means it has spread or metastasized to places often the lungs or the bones or the liver. Unfortunately, as in the congressmans case, its relatively common for it to be caught this late because people dont have symptoms until its too late. So what happens is that if you measure from the time a diagnosis out five years, five years after diagnosis only 3 of these patients are still alive. As you said a serious diagnosis. The congressman said in a statement he is clear eyed about this diagnosis but also said that by the grace of god, he will be back on the front lines soon. He mentions specifically recent medical advances that have made this kind of cancer at least more treatable and there are survi the supreme court, of course, who survived this against the odds, Ruth Bader Ginsburg a number of years ago. Are those advances making a difference . Lets talk about Justice Ginsburg because part of what helped her was that hers was found early because she was getting checked for other cancers. Thats an important distinction next to somebody like congressman lewis where it was caught late. These new treatments involve a new chemotherapy cocktail. Its a different combination than doctors have used in the past. Some doctors also use immuimmun to fight the cancer. To be clear eyed the increase in survival is often measured in months, not years. It helps but it is not something typically that would keep someone alive for years and years. Understood. Well be praying for him. Elizabeth cohen, thanks very much. An unimaginable tragedy, five People Killed in a plane crash. The husband of one of those victims spoke with cnn. We will have his words next. T f. But i also want great taste. So i drink boost for women. New boost women with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New boost women. 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What an amazing clean ill only use an oralb oralb. Brush like a pro. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. There were four plane crashes across the u. S. That left six dead, eight injured over the weekend. In maryland one person was killed after a small plane crashed into two houses on sunday. No one thankfully was inside the homes you see there during the crash. In new york, a pilot was the only one on board as a plane went down on long island on saturday. That pilots condition has not been released. In north carolina, a small plane crashed during takeoff from asheville regional airport. Four people there suffered minor injuries. In louisiana, five People Killed when a plane on its way to the College Football playoff game in atlanta crashed in lafayette. One of the victims killed in that crash in louisiana was the daughterinlaw of a coach, the offensive coordinator, in that game. Natasha is in lafayette this morning and tell us what more we know about the crash. Reporter well, jim, this is going to be a very challenging investigation for ntsb because there was no distress call before the plane went down and they have no flight data recorder, which is not typical for these types of planes to have them anyway, but they have a lot of work cut out for them. Investigators are standing in the field behind us right there looking at one piece of the wreckage you can see in this field. Now the debris scatters across about a quarter mile. Witnesses tell ntsb that they saw this plane teetering, tilting, hitting transmission lines and trees before skidding into the parking lot you see in the distance. That is a post Office Parking lot. It hit several things, including a car. The car burst on fire and flipped upside down. There was a woman in that car. She suffered severe burns and is in a new orleans hospital right now. Of course as you mentioned, five people in the plane were killed and there was one survivor on the plane who is in a local lafayette hospital right now in Critical Condition as well. So with all crashes, ntsb is going to be looking at three things at the pilot, at the plane and the environment. On saturday morning, when this plane took off from lafayette regional airport, the weather was listed as foggy, with visibility about three quarters of a mile, so they will be looking at all of that, jim. You were in contact with the husband of one of the victims, carly mccord, she is the daughterinlaw of louisiana and lsu coach. Tell us what he had to say. I can imagine what a difficult conversation that was. Yeah. He was messaging with me over twitter and it was just so painfully obvious that this is the most difficult time of his life at this moment and yet he took the time to tell me that his late wife carly loved so fiercely she was very competitive and liked to joke with the family. Heres part of the statement that he wrote to me. He said, i mean i could write a book on carly right now but i just cant find the words. Its so hard and it hurts too much. I just want her here with me. Thats all i want. She is and will forever be my world. Steven ensminger jr. Said to me that he was not able to get off of work otherwise he would have driven with carly to atlanta for this game and instead she boarded this flight which crashed shortly after takeoff, jim. Goodness. Heartbreaking for him and for her family and the other victims families. Natasha chen, thanks for being on the story. The United Nations calls Climate Change a clear and present danger. That statement could not be more true for people in africa who are at risk of a hunger crisis. Cnn will take you there for a firsthand look. These are the consequences today of Climate Change. The hilton a. Will the hilton app help us pick the starters . Great question, no. But it can help you pick your room from the floor plan. Can the hilton app help us score . You know, its not that kind of thing, but you can score free wifi. Can it help us win . Hey, hey were all winners with the hilton price match guarantee, alright . Man, you guys are adorable alright, lets go lose this soccer game, come on book with the hilton app. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Expect better. Expect hilton. Aveeno® with prebiotic striple oat complex balances skins microbiome. So skin looks like this and you feel like this. Aveeno® skin relief. Get skin healthy™ general is zeroing in on Climate Change during his new years message, calling it a clear and present danger to the planet and saying, quote, we cannot afford to be the generation that fiddled while the planet burned. And as the u. N. Advocates for urgency, there are nations such as zimbabwe which are already feeling the effects of Climate Change. Heres cnns david mckenzie. Its incredible, isnt it . The victoria falls. One of the natural wonders of the world. But and its a big but this entire stretch of rock should be churning with white water. Climate Scientists Say that the Climate Crisis is hemorrhaging this region. A multiyear drought has transformed zimbabwes rivers and farmland into miles upon miles of sand and scorched earth. Here they dont speculate about Climate Change, theyre suffering because of it. Once proud productive farmers like this man reduced to handouts to survive. Reduced to just one meal a day. Nowadays, theres no rain. Its a hunger gripping a u. N. Estimated 45 million people. And this part of africa, the Climate Crisis is only getting worse. The region is projected to be warming at more or less double the global rate of warming. Reporter stinnes francois engelbrek is a lead author on climate reports. At the current rate, the Southern Africa region five decades from now will be unrecognizable compared to the region we are living in today. Reporter and in a future without aggressive emissions reductions, almost unlivable. Where day zero events like when cape town almost ran out of water last year are three times more likely. And cyclones, like edai slamming into mozambique in march, will become more powerful and more frequent. Extreme events punishing countries that did little to cause Climate Change. We should realize that if we look at the historical responsibility for the problem of global warming, the entire african piece contribution is an order of a percent. Of 1 . Of 1 . Reporter but now among the first to feel its devastating effects. I wish they could stop Climate Change, because we are the ones who are now suffering, mumbe says. If the climate stays like this, we wont make it. David mckenzie, cnn, western zimbabwe. Violent attacks on people of faith over this past weekend. Two people shot to death at a texas church in new york. Five people stabbed at a Hanukkah Party. Cnn has reporters on the ground. Were going to bring you live updates. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. This next ones a happy story. A texas man turning donated Christmas Trees into kecanes fo his fellow disabled veterans. Jamie willis started canes for veterans after serving in the army himself. Willis says he realized the canes provided by Veterans Affairs kept collapsing and had no style. The 50yearold has since made more than 200 canes himself. As the Christmas Season comes to an end, he is asking for donations to continue his work. But for those who cannot donate a tree, willis says he welcomes other donations, especially sandpaper and tools. Its a great mission. Very good monday morning to you. Im jim sciutto in new york. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is blaming at least in part a scourge of hate in this country for recent horrific attacks on people of faith in the u. S. First, investigators are still looking for a motive after a man barged into a rabbis home in new york during a Hanukkah Party. He stabbed five people before fleeing the scene. He was arrested shortly after. One of the survivors who fought back against the attacker is now describing those harrowing moments. Were going to bring you his words, his account in just minutes. And in texas, new video this morning of the very moment, and you can see it there in the upper hand of the screen, of a gunman opening fire in a crowded church. He killed two people before members of the churchs Security Team shot back and killed the attacker. All of it happened in just six harrowing seconds. Lets get to cnns lucy kavanaugh in white settlement, texas. Where this took place. Nose quick responders in the church, they were armed, able to take him down within six seconds, but he was still able to k

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