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Yeah, when we react to those. Every day we seem to react to something different. Its shocking just how much and thats why we have such a volatile market were in now its kind of covered upa bit o that its something that has stood out for a while now. I know the theme was everybody said justice of the peace morgan under 100, thats when you have to buy it. Its been under a 100 for a while. Theyve had opportunity after opportunity and the financials dont seem to be able to get up and move and sort of break out to the upside. Thats been a hangover along with some of the industrials obviously, tech has been the leadership role. Thats been pulling the markets to the up side significantly but today were seeing a bit of a rollover we could be in for a pretty volatile session we havent seen volatility jump up the way it has. Its very interesting to keep an eye on what do you make of todays action given were awaiting all the Bank Earnings next week. In terms of their outlooks, im not sure im not sure about you, about what they are going to say about the future quarter the quarter that were in given so many uncertainties. We dont know if there is or what the next round of fiscal stimulus will look like which will impact consumers and perhaps impact Loan Loss Provisions sure. I think the market is trading between this 3,000 and 3100 level on the s p we are up over 40 from the bottom were 6. 5 , 7 from the all time peak todays action is not unwarranted. The market is not cheap anymore the way it was in march and april. The market seems to have absorbed the fact that this quarter is just going to be kiss it away, goodbye. Its going to be terrible. The numbers for 2021 are starting to pick up. The numbers for 2022 even. Estimates are rising also. Theres a discounting mechanism while we decided this quarter is bad. Banks abysmal. Interest rates are terrible. Loans. Its been the worst case possible for financials, industrials and the most consumer stocks. Utilities terrible on the plus side, the covid resistance stocks continue to gain attraction to investors we have seen growth in a number of companies where we wouldnt have known until we have seen it possible that they are markets of expand. They have accelerated in terms of reaching new audiences. Rolling out new digital platforms whether its amazon, twilio, microsoft, paypal. The other payment processers, the type of zoom, telemedicine its all been a positive for these business sz and the narcotic has loved that. Thats why its trading in a range thats much higher than many people would have expected. Wiess, what are you looking to do today, if anything im in the looking to do much the market needed a reason you just dont go up in straight line, particularly in this environment. Its pause hopefully, it will be the pause that refreshes i wouldnt be surprised to see it go down a little more were in the trading range thats going to stay if you have any concerns, if youre an investor or trader and you have any concerns about the quarter, you shouldnt be in the market except in the stocks that will perform which are the technology stocks, which will the 5g stocks. If the market came down and im relatively fully invested. I always keep fair amount of cash for me, fully invested is not 100 id be looking to buy some of the chinese names to add to what i own. I bought iq. Very powerful buying going on there. Only a few number of stocks that the Insurance Companies can buy. Those are some of the listings in the bigger cap stocks i think that we went too far on the reopening trades for sure. The low hanging fruit was picked it was over picked and now its rotting a bit. Youre in a valuation holiday. Companies are not going to come out and give you forecasts now for the second half or even for next year. They dont know. It would be irresponsible to do it its market built on faith if you dont have that faith going out a year, you shouldnt be in the market valuation holiday i think its more like purgatory. Companies are stuck between a rock and hard place when it comes to giving guidance take a look at what happened with wallgreen finally did give guidance. It was way below expected by a mile. You start getting the Core Companies coming out one of the things to watch for is in previous Earnings Seasons you used to say how are we going to expand operating leverage how will we grow revenues. A big focus will be where are costs going to come out of i think the market will sense that that has some pretty negative connotations Going Forward until we get through this earnings season, it doesnt surprise me that we get this pause especially in financials, industrials, cyclicals financials have their own issues given they are not allowed to buy back their stock anymore theyre not allowed to increase dividends. We just dont know whats going to happen in terms of loans and consumer behavior. Going into this, it does make a little more sense to be cautious and you got the barbell strategy you talk about the stay at home stocks, the covid stocks on a pure valuation basis some of them dont make sense anymore even when we look across the valley and say, okay, can these sustain the growth rates or is this, we got to have money parked somewhere in the market those are much more safer, quote, than being in the other stocks i want to talk about those stocks in a moment i do want to get to what could be a disappointment for investors and a blow to consumers. We have been talking about the consumer this is reports of a round of stimulus lets get to kayla with the latest. Reporter the negotiating position among republicans has been the income thresholds for americans to receive the next round of stimulus checks should be lower than 75,000. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has gone as low as 40,000. Sources tell me that is just an opening negotiating volley and its expected the financial income thresholds will land somewhere between 40,000 and that prior 75,000 individual income mark. Earlier today i asked the treasury secretary whether the administration supports ta 40,000 threshold and where it could land we do support another round of Economic Impact payments. Those are not checks its direct deposit. We can get that into hard working Americans Bank account very, very quickly. Reporter he was also very conservative in his outlook for other parts of this Stimulus Program that we could see in the coming weeks on unemployment insurance, he made it clear there will be a technical fix that keeps americans receiving this money, this benefit from getting more than 100 of what their prior earnings were before the pandemic theres been a study showing that twothirds of laid off workers are making more on unemployment than they did before the pandemic. Me made it clear there will be a fix to that. He said for states and local governments it will not be aid for states that the the administrations deem have been badly managed. Unclear what that means. Blue versus red. The administration is holding the line on that finally on airlines, he would not say whether they have committed to keep their work forces in tact to access loans that they have agreed on this week he called that loan facility, a backstop for those airlines and suggested they would still need to access money in the Capital Marks before they might have access to that regardless of whether theres any future stimulus traunch for those airlines a memo from delta saying it had renewed caution about restoring more flights to its schedule the administration is viewing this as a very targeted approach, a conservative one even despite some of the economic erosion we are seeing with the recent resurgence of the virus. The unemployment benefit would remain in tact but the stimulus checks that 159 millio u. S. Households have gotten, that could be narrowed by way of the income limits . Reporter correct that is correct. To be clear on the expanded unemployment insurance, its unclear whether it would be a specific number. In the past Package Service a 600 additional weekly benefit its unlikely it would be a dollar figure. It would rather be a calculation to what that person was making before its going to be a little difficult to do that but well see how they negotiate it in the coming weeks thank you kerry, i want to go to you if we see narrower round of fiscal stimulus, a lot of strategist have built their forecast on the assumption that not only would monetary stimulus be to the moon and back, basically but that fiscal stimulus would remain intact and continue if we see that scaled back in any way, does that jeopardize your view of the markets well, it might jeopardize a view that would take the market to new highs in the next few months i think the fed has made it clear it will continue to be a backstop for the Financial Service industry the fed will continue to print money. I think thats extremely positive that care package so far has been fantastic for the market we built up confidence that consumers have had money to spend and theres been plenty of signaling on the part of the administration that they were going to scale back that next package for fiscal stimulus to consumers. I dont think its a huge change in what the market might have expected but its somewhat of change it definitely keeps that momentum in favor of the growth stocks, the Tech Companies and less toward those that benefit from a rebound reopening, revitalization in the economy. There should be some effect. I dont think it will take the market down 10 or 15 because of it could this dim, pete, the prospects potentially of the banks . If consumers dont get the same amount of stimulus that theyve gotten in the past and that scales back and the economy doesnt fully reopen on schedule as it had been anticipated to do, would that put the banks in a more precarious position i dont know if there could be more. This has been floated there will be some scaling back im looking at the markets briefly. They have rallied a bit off the lows which is giving us a Little Something and maybe its what kayla was giving us in terms of all the different details of what potentially looks to be where we would be. I dont know if well be in break out levels but i think this is not as unknown as expected buzz because of that, i think its something we can degist quickly. Theres a lot of money sloshing around out there everybody wants to get back to work i think the idea of some of the scaling back does make a lot of sense. Youre really a bank bear now. You know what, im not. Im not a bank bear. The problem i have for the banks now is the same problem that everybody has been talking about which is how are they going to make more money . How are they going to process themselves through this . I still own banks. Obviously the restrictions stand out as well. Where that is right now and we jumped up more on a day like today but you can get premiums that are giving you unbelievable returns monthly along side whatever the dividend yield is youre creating a dividend yield. The Derivatives Market is offering me a great opportunity here where were seeing implied volatiles that we would normally never see. Hopefully they will go higher. The fed is going to be constantly in their business telling them what to do or whatnot to do, is that the situation you want to be in . Pete made an interesting point. If you look back a year ago, 18 months ago when the banks, the expectations of the banks were really high and we would go into the quarter of earnings and they were so high the stocks would pull back. Today, we have got a situation where the earnings expectations are so low i wouldnt be surprised that you get a positive surprise coming out of them next week because theres so many negatives against them to come back to your question about if you hold them and we do and we own the big banks, the jpmorgans and bank of americas of the world one of the things to look for is mma picking up youre seeing that slightly. How is the Wealth Management businesses thats why i own to like the diversified big banks now. They have the ability to do a lot more they now have a lot more customers going through ppp. How is that playing out in terps of the usage of Customer Base of technology i think a lot of this is baked in some of these stocks are trading below book they will have access capital. I think it will be an interesting earnings week. We want to go to bob and check in with him. Hes got more color on the markets. Bob. What were seeing today is the continuation of a trend thats been going on for weeks now. That is the market believes even if the reopening story is choppy, tech will be the winner this year. You sigh banks we have been talking about but industry and industrials. The three basic cyclicals have been acting terribly in the last three weeks. Tech is flat today thats not a surprise at all megacaps are flat. These have been the big five stocks are almost 20 of the s p 500 be p they have been holding up well. Even on a down day they continue to be flat to slightly on the upside look at this dispersion in the sectors since june 1st we started noticing this choppiness in the beginning of june that w, thats two months in the s p. Thats the market trying to figure itself out here if you look at the sectors like technologies since june 1st has been the big winner. Everything else is really done not much theres three or four winners here semiconductors, internet stocks, software stocks, Cloud Computing stocks and megacaps we showed you. The usual five names you know about. Less stimulus, definitely psychological effect on the market treatment of vaccines, thats a positive fourth one, trade war with china. Finally, valuations. You were noting some of these stocks been a little bit over valued five buckets and a lot to think about. Certainly is. Thank you. Almost flat. Todays session we already saw a number of new highs. Microsoft, new record high today. Pete you took notice of that apple hit a new record high. Peleton, the stay at home stock, a new high today the analysts giving it a street high price target here on this one. Steve, what do you stick with that is still fairly valued . I think you stick with whats got you here away from the ones that are in the stratoverse like square its a problem if you look at the others, we too often, not me, perhaps not people on the panel come on and apologize for these big cap tech stocks doing so well and try to find a reason for why its so wrong and so bad they deserve to be where they are. Their growth has accelerated as more people stay at home and work from home you pull 5g, which i think will be the Biggest Technology innovation since the cloud you pulled that forward. The deployment is increasing they deserve to go higher. Why make it difficult . We have to talk about the banks all day long they are probably safe i dont see making money there the head winds are too strong. Consumer stocks, were not talking about stimulus were talking about income replacement. When youre still looking at lo losing your job, you see all these Stores Closing its the saddest thing in the world. You hear about layoffs every day. No amount of unemployment is going to take away the psychological impact of that youve got these two markets and the market thats going to work are the ones that are bringing things that their businesses increasing and that is the technology stocks. Dont apologize. Dont make excuses, dont think its wrong its appropriate and stay away from the other hope and pray trades stocks like a microsoft and apple are beneficiaries of this work from home pandemic sort of environment but they are beneficiaries when we get to the other side you can have it both ways and the valuation is never expensive . Well, they can have it both ways because they are doing very well now in this environment where people are remote. They will do well as we continue to go back to work and there will be more people being remote whats i think a matter of great importance is this valuation level is nowhere near where we were in 1999. People like to use that comparison about the dot com bubble and we have companies ta feel like the market is over heated the big names in technology are selling for 20 to 30 times earnings now, excludeing amazon. If youre talking about microsoft, facebook, google, alphabet, apple. These are not very high price names. They sell for about the same multiple as Procter Gamble or coke or pepsi. Were seeing an environment in which the companies that are succeeding are not crazily expensive on the value they go up in spries and every time anyone who thinks well, we have to sell some mie rowsoft or amazon or netflix because its come up too far, that turns out to be a mistake relative to the price as they continue to go higher i have no problem with people saying we have done it too if a position gets above 6 , 7 , 8 you can scale it back. Thats portfolio management. I think thats reasonable. Lets not really assume that because these stocks have gone up or because they represent a larger percent of the s p that they are over priced and very top heavy in the market. Its within this range Procter Gamble and coke and the others, their growth rate is in the low to mid Single Digits versus carry notes in a peg ratio, those are e g j egregiously consumer stocks. Complaining about that my concern here is when you get through the valley, capital can flow to other areas of the market it has nothing to do with the growth rates of the microsofts and the alibabas we own those its not that im saying we dont own those. The concern is a reversion to the mean, a diversification strategy that when you do get the reopening and i know its far out. Its hard to see, educational but the markets are forward looking and its a question of rebalancing and actually risk position at that point yes, ride these. We all have take your profits when you can but also look for other sectors because history will tell you that when these sectors get too big, like you did in 09 with the financials and 99 with tech and valuations were different, et cetera. Its always different every time just be careful. Barbell strategy, it works over time you just dont want to fall in love with six, seven, stocks that make up 70 of your portfolio. Straight ahead, meg sits down with david ricks. Thats next when Halftime Report returns in two minutes you say that customers make their own rules. Lets talk data. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you switch up your wireless data whenever. I accept 5g, everybodys talking about it. How do i get it . Everyone gets 5g with our new data options at no extra cost. Thats good. Next item, corner offices for everyone. Just have to make more corners in this building. Chad . Your wireless your rules. Only with Xfinity Mobile. Now thats simple easy awesome. Lets get the headlines with sue. Thank you so much heres whats happening at this hour, everybody. President trump tweeting quote, this is all a political professi prosecution after the Supreme Court said he does not have blanket immune toy to have his tax returns turn over to a manhattan court. They are suspected of being involved if human rights abuses. Dr. Anthony fauci saying he expects moderna covid19 vaccine is likely to go into phase three trials later this month. He hopes it will be a vaccine by the end of this year or in early 2021 we are monitoring his comments well bring you more coming up melissa, back to you thank you. Moderna up 5. 5 in todays session. Lets get to kate rogers with a market flash on starbucks. Starbucks just announcing that beginning on july 15th, it will be requiring customers to wear facial coverings when entering Company Operated stores in the United States the decision is to prioritize the health of employees and customers and support Public Health officials as they work to prevent the spread of covid19 employees have been wearing the facial coverings for some time they will receive trainings on how to interact with customers starbucks was the first to close its dining rooms back in march back over the you. Thank you. Pete, long time fan of starbucks. What do you say . Well, it makes sense. Im not surprised at all this is one of the things that starbucks always seem to be out front of everybody else and the lead when it comes to a lot of heez types of issues it makes total sense i think they will get through this process well. They have gotten through well because of the drive through they took a hit like everybody did. They held up pretty well like so many of the fast foods because the drive through possibility. Looking forward, i think this is a positive for starbucks everybody will not love it but its something we have to expect in the future. Not just from starbucks but others as well lets get to meg now i want to ask you about that. Lets start with the news of the day which is your investment along with 20 other pharmaceutical companies of a billion dollars in combatting antibiotic resistance. The problem that has the potential to dwarf covid19 in death and economic costs tell us about this problem and why we dont have new antibiotics. Thanks for having me on its a pleasure to be here an exciting day for conquering potential pandemic which is slowly developing. Covid19 came suddenly this has been developing for some time. We know what we need to do which is develop new antibiotics antibiotics are the backbone of the modern health care system. The mortar thats holding the whole thing together procedures from root canal to open heart surgery to cancer care cannot happen without antibiotics. The bugs are mutating. They are mutating at a steady rate every year more and more deaths occur in the United States last year 30,000 people died from resistant bugs. Its estimated by 2050 as many as ten Million People could die per year from antimicrobial resistant bacteria this is 20 plus companies designed to Fund Clinical stage bioteches and move the pipeline in the absence of what is been a public response to keep this viable segment of our were excited to announce this today with so many other Companies Part o of tf the goal is to g two to four antibiotics by 2040. The that a bit of a modest goal . Maybe we would be excited if we could do more than that. Were using the Historic Success rate for new antibiotics theres been some success. Some of which were using in this pandemic whether its sell or other antibody technologies this will fund them. If we had more, it would be successful and happy to have that situation yeah, i want to ask you about your efforts in covid19 you along with two different partners were first in human Clinical Trials with brand new design drugs for covid19. You started those human Clinical Trials in june when will we see the first data and what does the time line look like for getting those out to patients thank you for that. Were kpieexcited about our cov9 antibodies were working on several it could be combined for if they are effective alone, were happy to pursue that path because its more efficient were currently in phase two setting. A study in ambulatory patients we ran a phase one study in june we progressed it to phase two. You can confer from that the the safety looked good and the drugs performed as expected. Well likely start other pivotal studies because theres other applications here. In nursing home patients or Front Line Health Care workers preventing the disease or preventing its spread. This is all moving quickly we expect well have a data package together and be pursuing an emergency use authorization could be quicker if some of the interim looks at the data are very positive. One of the con stranstraints hes making enough. It could be released add a product some time in october dave, i want to you about that idea that you have both cocktails and single antibodies approaching this we talked to regeneron chief research that an antibody could be dangerous how are you looking at that whether having a single antibody approach is the way to go . We have to remember in the context of a virus in the human body, the antibody that were giving as therapy isnt the only thing fighting the virus your body has already mounting probably with thousands of its own produced antibodies a response against the virus this is known to be highly effective. We expect it to help significantly. Its not tonl thihe only thing attacking the virus. We have to make assumptions about where mutations happen were pursuing our own antibodies that receptors like a pair as well as alternate finding sights which would be to the one that is of concern raised by regeneron. That would be true if its true, well be ready for that it is more efficient to have a single antibody. We have to make a lot of difficult to make protein to cover what is a pandemic thanks for being here today we look forward to hearing more about your progress. Thanks again thanks for having me on thank you. Lets trade this one pete, you have owned lily in the past what are you liking now in. Right now i still own pfizer, merck, some biotech exposure in gilead they have more in the pipeline now than i remember in the past in terms of phase one, two, three. Just phase two and three, they have 20 plus drugs and a couple of them in the alzheimers world. We saw the reaction the other day. Eng they are in the right place but they dominate in diabetes. I should own this stock. I got to relook at it once again and see if i can still get it up at these levels because its off of its high now. Stooefr, i want to go to you now. You own moderna, i believe i do own moderna. I believe it will go into phase three in july. The government put a lot of money behind it. Ive always said moderna is more about covid. Its about the messenger Rna Technology that pfizer is working on and their hope pipeline of 16 different drugs that will work i own the xbi which is the biotech index. All right call is out on square. Straight ahead and a reminder, you can always watch our listen to us live on the go on the cnbc app. Thmes ckig aerft is come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. All right,sir. Con stelation brand upgraded they are expected to emerge from the pandemic beer sales continue higher kerry, you own it. You owned it in the past we owned it we sold it its had an incredible run from the bottom its up about 80 . Constellation sells krcorona be. That was not great at the beginning of this pandemic they also own Modelo Corona has come back even though they couldnt order beer and wine in restaurants, theres been an incredible surge, you could say, in Package Store sells and liquor store sells. If that had not been the case, it would be difficult to be in the alcoholic beverage business. Constellation had the benefit of consumer demand being at home even though they couldnt sell in restaurants the stock, however, has come back quite a ways. Its expensive it has a leverage rate of about 4 to 1 they also still own a big piece of canopy which is not working great. Thats in the marijuana business Marijuana Stores have not been allowed to open around the country. Finally, if youre looking at whats happened in this business as people have flocked any growth in consumer, thats where this is name they have gone to we think it might be expensive right here next up, cisco upgraded to an other weight sarat, you own this one. This is like middle of the road its a great company, great Balance Sheets they have some tail winds with Network Security behind them youre not going to go wrong owning this stock. Its got a good dividend as well lets hit square here hit an all time high getting a downgrades to a market perform over at cohen. The stock has been absolutely incredible this rise. Theyre in the right spot at the right time square and paypal, the acquisition of venmo was brilliant. Id be in paypal right now nice pete our experts are ready to answer your questions next. To reach us head over to cnbc. C cnbc. Com halftime. Were back in two minutes. [narrator] at Southern New Hampshire university, were committed to making college more affordable. Thats why were keeping our tuition the same through the year 2021. [student] i knew snhu was the place for me when i saw how affordable it was. [narrator] find your degree at snhu. Edu. Save without even leaving your house. Just keep your phone and switch to Xfinity Mobile. You can get it by ordering a free sim card online. Once you activate, you only have to pay for the data you need, starting at just 15 a month. There are no term contracts, no activation fees, and no credit check on the first two lines. Get a 50 prepaid card when you switch. 5g is now included with all new data options. Switch and save hundreds. Xfinity mobile. The traders are answering your questions first one is for stooeeve. S skyworks keeps chugging along. What now what do you tell john . I think the earnings were good 51 of their revenue comes from apple. They sell to the manufacturers with 5g, imagine the total adjustable market increasing to every case you can imagine the markets unlimited for skyrocks and corevo. I own both i think you should too john in cincinnati called you mr. Wiess. Not just steve proper respect. Next up for pete, how do you determine if an option trade should be split versus buying culls or puts . Bill in orlando asked that question for bill, i would answer back, i think what he is saying spread it. If hes talking about spreading it, when i choose to spread than just buying a naked call depends on volatility and the option value of the dollar itself ill spread those off. Otherwise, often times Something Like a cisco or those names where volatility is lower, i can buy something where i feel comfortable owning the call. You sell Something Else to offset the option youre buying . Absolutely. Sarat greg on twitter wants to know when does delta become a buy and where would you place the stock . Ive been holding this since we owned it for about five years. I would look to buy if you dont own. I own it i think you can initiate a small position here. Its at 26 its down 50 year to date its the best of all the airlines its got to best management team, the best Balance Sheet and probably the best roots. I would initiate a small position now you get more of a down you buy more if it breaks another 10, 15 from here. Daniel in new york asks what do you think about initiating a position in its a veterinary company, its recessionresistant vet visits are back close to their alltime high, but theyre also in the livestock business there have been breakouts in places that process meat i would say buy half a position. I would buy a full position. Its been on a real tear more trades ahead, how do tuplerare playing that, next on Halftime Report. Hey there people eligible for medicare. Gimme one minute. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 medicare will pay for. Whats left is on you. Thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. These are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. So call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company today and ask for your free decision guide. With this type of plan, youll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. Whew call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. Welcome back to Halftime Report. Its time for futures outlook. Crude is under pressure, as the Broader Market is to the negative for more on some move, lets bring in jeff kilburg. Hey, jeff, what are the traders doing . Youre right, we did see a down draft in crude oil. That correlation is interesting, as we saw the nasdaq turn back positive, we saw buyers come into the crude oil market. I want to be a buyer a buyer at 39. 25 in the august contract as crude tithers, well see it back up, but be mindful if we break out of range, i have a stop at 38. 75. Thanks for that, jeff. Coming up next, unusual activity, plus your final trade, straight ahead on the half experience the adventure of a bigger world in a highly capable lexus suv at the golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2020 nx 300 for 339 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Wow. Jim could you ipop the hood for us . . There she is. Turbocharged, right . Yes it is. Jim, could you uh kick the tires . Oh yes. Can you change the color inside the car . Oh sure. How about blue . Thats more cyan but. Jump in the back seat, jim. Act like my kids. How much longer . Exactly how they sound. Its got massaging seats too, right . Oh yeahhhhh. Oh yeahhhhh. Visit the mercedesbenz summer event or shop online at participating dealers. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on select new and certified preowned models. Fireeye is rallierally. Pete, what are you seeing . This time theyre just buying a july, so a week from friday is expiring those are going for about 60 cents right now. I loved them i jumped on top of those farfetch, online marketplace out in london, very interesting, they have a lot of things going on somebody was really right and they want to stay in the stock theyre buying the july 22s, about 5,000 of those, those are trading about 60 cents as well there was buying after they had bought like a week and a half ago, and not only are selling out of those, but rolling up and getting into this. That makes me like it even move. The final trades now, Carrie Firestone . We like visa. Its flat for the year, Payment Processing continues to more toward cards and digital. Sirat jpmorgan. Im sticking with the banks. Mr. Weiss thank you thats appropriate the government move into stocks or governmentdriven movement into stocks in china is not over i would buy baidu. It may be the next one to recover lost petie. Greet to be with you all the exchange can kelly evans begins right now thanks, melissa. Covid cases arising and rethinking the opening a flood of headlines for investors, just how worried should you be . Well dig into all of that well talk about whats wrong with wells fargo it could be on the brink of layof layoffs. We do begin with the selloff, and bo

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