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Skype today. You have a big day for the dow admittedly, were talking a lot about numbers in the last 15 minutes or so listening to Governor Cuomo go through troubling numbers in new york sta state. 37,000 total cases deaths up 100 in the past 24 hours. Lets keep everything into perspective as were talking about all this and thinking about the folk who is are hurting as a result of this virus. Tell me what youre thinking about today. Youre in the midst of a big day. Could be the best week for stocks since the 1930s yeah, my plan to take trades where i can get them super size core positions. On the show yesterday probably light exposure as the day went on when the market popped 5 yesterday, i found it troubling on top of the big move we had the day before i did take some exposure off late yesterday afternoon still, extremely well invested at this point where it was a week ago in terms of cash. Today were having another 5 day and im a little perplexed the vix is telling us, if its an accurate read of what the risk is out there, that there is some risk to it. Im more convinced i can find my Downside Risk which is the lows we saw last week or on monday and that thats where the market can go back down its not going to be straight up as we get into april and the earning season, as the numbers worsen, the tragic numbers were seeing in new york, that well see elsewhere, as that continues to occur, i think the rally hits the breaks i dont believe well test the bottom but thats the break. I think the market has been indiscriminate with tech today which was lagging until this last push and is probably lagging some other parts at this point, i dont know if you want to put anymore money into the market. If youre trader and capable of trading, its a phenomenal Trading Market at this point im comfortable with the core positions going forward. Id be careful with some names boeing i would be careful of others like united rental. I hope it comes back i think were in a very inter t interesting market lets try to put some perspective on this. Lets hear from paul jones because he was on squawk box this morning he here is ptj. My guess is one of the reasons the market is up is the rebalancing. It sees the fact there will be a lot of equities to buy thats one reason. My guess is well stay firm into month end and then well be challenged in april. Well be challenged as we go through the epicenter, the peak of the epidemic curve. I think that could bring us to a retest might bring us to a fractional new low. I do think the stock market will find a bottom. No doubt the stock market will rally and it should rally. My guess is well be higher three or four months from now, five months from now than lower than where we are right now. Thats Paul Tudor Jones there are people starting to say we have already put in the bottom right its very lucid what he said, very easy to understand. I think were trying to hold two thoughts in our mind i think most of us believe that at the end of the year well be meaningfully higher than what we are now. What youre hearing is this idea we will probably retest the lows the reasons for that are technical. You see some of the more speculative names in this bear market that are up 100 off the lows of last week. Thats naturally going to have some people saying maybe i should lighten up. Those people who bottom fed last week the other thing is fundamental we just dont know the duration nor the extent of the profit hit that will come out of this here is my advice. Number one, i think steve was saying this too. Maybe i got them wrong lets be careful if you know yourself to be a wonderful trader, by all means, go ahead and trade if youre a long Term Investor then you can pick up stocks at this price dont be surprised if in the next week or two we retest the lows because thats ha normally happens. You know many the last three weeks ive had two rounds of buying on monday of this week i felt pretty stupid about them right now i feel good. I still have about 5 cash in the Equity Portfolios that i run and im just going to wait and sit on that. Bear market rallies do end up retesting the low. Bear markets are a bottoming process. It takes time to develop i dont think well hit a new low. I think its reasonable well go back in the vicinity of mondays lows in the next two weeks and ill be a buyer. Mike wilson says the bear market is ending he says this is the best reward market in two years. Do you agree i think i agree with jim in i think there is opportunity at these levels im not certain that the bear market is over if i look back to 2008, i know we saw two bear market rallies of 18 plus at the end of 2008 before we bottomed in march of 2009 what i think youre seeing this week is a little bit of optimism about how we can get through this crisis with the backing of the fed and the backing of the government with this big fiscal stimulus plan of more to come down the road after easter we dont know where earnings are going to go from here. I think it may be a rude awakening in midapril when we get that peak in coronavirus count here in the u. S. And were starting to get into earning season and starting here for management teams the quarter was bad and withdrawing suspending and we just have no clear sight down the road joe, we know the lights are going to congresswomme back on the switch on the economy was turned off baa ecause of what we dealing with with the virus. At some point it will get turned back on but it will be on dimmer and it will slowly get up to full light its not going be a flip of the switch and youre back running normal as before how the you factor that in as youre trying to price stocks today and what future earnings may be you make the assumptions that risk assets have discounted a lot of the negative news as example, look at the claims figure we got this morning and the market responded by going higher you have situation where you have the Investor Community and the multiple client conversation im having and im sure every one is having, most investors are sitting in their seats they are riding through this volatility and worried about their families and worried about paying bills this is a trading event and markets are responding in that trading event to two things. Number one, they are responding to a massive rebalancing that will come at the end of the quarter out of treasuries into equities number two, they are responding to a very powerful technical formation that we last witnessed in 1932. You go back and study the week of july 5th through july 15th of 1932, you see the technical formation of whats known as an outside up reversal week Paul Tudor Jones is listening to this show, if jim kramer is listening, they know exactly what im talking about we have that formation this week the Trading Community is reacting to that we came in on monday we traded below last weeks s p 500 low. Were now trading above last weeks s p 500 high. I said the hardest trade to make the the right traright trade. There are many head winds to come in ternings and economic numbers. Right now the Trading Community is responding to those two bullish im going to take issue with a couple of things you said trading, Trading Community. The Investor Community believes we have bottomed they are buying stocks i want do you listen to john rogers of aerial investments from the town hall about what he said of the current environment and he is not a trader let oos listen i think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy stocks at bargain prices buy when theres maximum pessimism. We have been around 37 years at ariel and i know i said that once in a lifetime chance the buy in 87 and 2008. I do believe this is an opportunity. Take advantage of the volatility and the bargains joe, do you want to respond to that . I dont know if were talking about two Different Things sounds like youre talking about in, out traders. No. No you said Trading Community. Lets quickly debate what im talking about. When im talking about when i say the client, im talking about the Retail Investing community. I think of john rogers, Ricky Sandler with the expertise of trading if they need it. Im not talking about people going in and out of the market over the course of the day i want to be clear. Some people hear Trading Community and that sounds different than addressing the longer Term Investor i want to make sure were on the same page. This is the kind of program where we do have from time to time, shorter term traders versus longer Term Investors lets make sure were clear to everybody. Absolutely. I respect that viewpoint and i agree with it. By no means am i suggesting you want to go in and out. Thats the last thing you want to do in this environment. What im sharing with you is the retail i venvestor, the violencf this sell off, they are sitting back and looking for information for all of us. They are looking toward programs like you had on last night and looking for indications to suggest stability and you have stability in the marketplace that professional investors and trards a traders are reacting accordingly. Was someone trying to Say Something . I feel more like a trader in the past couple of weeks i think most would agree only because of the tremendous sell off has created opportunities that are truly once in a lifetime the key points i would make is there is value thats being created in the marketplace today in u. S. Equities cash flow yield in excess of 5 and equity risk premium thats probably above the mean versus the 10year treasuries the second i think i would highlight is while the sell off has been broad based, the degree and the spread between the best and worst performers have widened. Thats an anomaly. As an active investor, thats what youre seeking. Those are the opportunities we speak of and rarely get to see and those are the opportunities that i think we as investors should participate in. Ive got some breaking news with phil. Let me do that real quick. Phil, its regarding toyota. What do you have for us . This is news that ties into your conversation about bringing back the economy toyota announcing it will be pushing back its plan to restart 15 plants. They thought they would bring production back on april 6th now they are saying not until april 20th this is the Third Company today that we heard from, honda and ford said were not going to start up in the end of march, maybe april 6th or 7th it shows the Auto Industry, they may want to start up in a couple of weeks but they are saying, might be a bit longer. Scott, back to you understandable at that. Thats phil with the update on toyota today weiss, you do have notes that seem to be more positive in nature the policy response we got not only from the fed but the hill sets the stage for an eventual and strong recovery. I agree with that maybe thats your top and youve got a little more to go. A decent amount to go. Do you think as i do because all the moves that the fed is taking, liquidity coming in this will be be liquidity fueled rally that will get you past the peak it may take a little longer. It may take a year instead of six months doesnt matter that will be the trajectory. It is a great buying opportunity but also anybody has to be troubled that without getting deep into what covid is going to do to this country, ive got stocks i bought on monday thats up more than 20 since where i bought it. Going back to what john said last night, were not at maximum pessimism. Were moving much more towards optimism its unusual to get the type of moves we have gotten you raise a good point. The question is, is it false optimism. We feel convinced equity offer attractive value i think i just push and pull between you do see some very attractive valuations for some high quality stocks here that could be worth buying at this point in time. On the other side of that, we do have this Major Health Care crisis that we need to get under control and wrap our hands around what the impact will be not only economically but from an earnings perspective. While we are starting to see some positive signs, both the credit market seems like its starting to especially up with the action the fed is starting to take is really helping heal that market. The dollar is starting to soften the am of uncertainty that remains in the market is what worries me a bit if that is the truth, were looking at a 17 multiple on a four basis at todays levels which feels a little too high. Jim, its been mentioned what the vix is doing i get theres a little more optimism in the stock market some of the credit markets have thawed why is the cix remaining el valted to the degree that it is. They have no idea how long or how deep this recession in their earnings is going to be. The sectors benefitting like a target yesterday came out with some good sales figures but said our margins will go down we really dont know what it will look like they do tend to take as a major input what Companies Give them as guidance. They are getting no guidance and they wont until at the earliest three weeks from now when the earning season starts and you start to get some commentary from leaders i dont think companies will be able to give guidance. In terms of why you have to hold these two thoughts of a higher year end but we may retest the lows, it ties into the vix and the maximum amount of uncertainty. There may be optimism growing. Uncertainty is still way too high for us to say that the low is in. How are you going to value stocks if you really arent going to get any sort of confidence on earnings for quite a long time. People arent going to wait that long the market will place its best investors will place their bests on either how bad its going to be maybe not as bad as expected and youll have to make a decision and some clearly are today and yesterday and the day before that stocks can rise in this environment. Were busy looking at Balance Sheets we now have to look at other valuation metrics like gross profit yields. I go back tothe areas of the market that have been sold off those companies are never coming back the profitability in those streams are never coming back. Air space defense. We talked a bit about restaurants and hotels those are forgotten areas as if well never see the likes of the last couple of months again. Valuations matter more than ever i think the point that joe made is a very important one. How much is really discounted in the market we had one of the worst unemployment claims numbers reported to date a and the market is working. How do you balance the fact the headlines will get worse i think the way to go about this is being nimble, patient and balancing stocks of tomorrow meaning the day after when we do see the lows when ever that is the market is going to have to do what yanna suggests and every day from here forward youll have new york governor, andrew cuomo coming out publicly telling you numbers and are hard the bear it will be hard to deal with that the numbers will continue to go up in new york from the number of cases of people in the hospital and the number of deaths thats going to be hard to deal with when youre thinking about the market incredibly hard to deal with. When you look at the market right now, you can understand the circumstances that are lifting it to you point, you have to be fair and reasonable. We still have not had any support for the price of oil oil is still trading below 25 thats a problem for the mark place. Theres got to be some sort of solution, one would think regarding the saudis and the russians and this oil situation. Where is it why has it not occurred at a time where the administration is throwing everything they possibly can at supporting asset prices the Federal Reserve is not going to normalize rates until the s p 500 is back near or above its all time highs i was going to suggest never. Its going to seem like never. I would tell you its a good number a number of those restaurants arent coming back the market cant trade to a level that were going to go back to full employment. 50 year numbers. Things will change its not going that just yet scott i was just going to say how things are going to change one key question we should be asking is when we do come out on the other side, how is our world going to change. Think about how were commune indicatikats communicating today. Work from home, home schooling, Online Education all of that will change for the better these are tailwinds that will only accelerate because of the demand and necessity of them your point is very well taken. I do think that we have to have that conversation more and more about what the world really will look like on the other side of this and if it will go back to the way it truly was now its no accident, steve, that youre buying a stock like micron because of the demand that is going to be required to deal with some of the issues that yana just talked about. Exactly ive been very bullish and over the last year, year and a half been doing work on 5g, extense ifr wo extenseive work. Thats going be the future micron had a phenomenal quarter. They attributed it to data center every Large Company in world from amazon on through pushing back the auction from june to july thats been the big bottleneck i have a 5g portfolio that will o outperform the market. 5g is not 4g 4g was only a mobile network 5g is a platform technology. This is where the markets going to accelerate. This will be a phenomenal opportunity. Theres no premium yet on 5g stocks you get micron double upgraded. Listen, its an unmitigated positive the whole semi sector has been outperforming the s p 500. We know why its important but ill say it is because chips are today what steel, concrete, basic steriles amaterials are id 20th century they are is cyclical stocks. Steve is talk about 5g theres one area where there should be continued demand for chips. Not everybodys out buying an iphone today theres also going to be a heck of a lot of demand from the cloud enterprise server business thats going to continue to pick up were all working from home. Data connectivity will be very important. All of the internet of things, applications that require specific chips, a lot of which include field programmable rays, this will be a continual source of demand. Are you going to lease that extra floor of office space that you may no longer want to carry or spend that capital on updating your servers and all sorts of transformations like you were talking about i think youre asking the right questions. Many of these conversations are probably happening in the boardroom. I think an extension to that story happens to be one of our investmen investments, i think health care is going to be right in that sweet spot where it has the hybrid characteristics of a lot of innovation taking place the must have, the pharma, the med devices,ing all the things were talking that the folks on the phone lines need more than yesterday. I think youll see a lot of thing for years and years to come and i think health care will be in that sweet spot netflix is being tauklked about positively youre selling netflix today why . Theres a Balance Sheet trade. The upgrades with netflix is cyclical in its nature aisle looking for structural opportunities. Im selling netflix and adding to microsoft and apple better Balance Sheet, stronger cash ill make that trade in this environment all day. You also sold zoom video. I did ill talk the 120 in that i think the story about the incredible usage of zoom its become popularized most people know it and the conversations i have privately with friends that the first thing they ask me. Should i go buy zoom voideo its a known known doesnt mean the stock will fall significantly. It means the good news is probably already priced in this is an interesting conversation im wondering if this is representative of a Broader Market view in where you think the stock market has recovered too quickly. You think some of these stocks have gone up too much because youre selling the very names that have played into the narrative. Walmart, youre selling. Zoom video, youre selling netflix, youre selling. You think those stocks have gone up too much . Do you think the market has as well you tell me. I think its a great question im buying Quest Diagnostics dgx. The market has swiftly recovered over the last three days im just managing the risk i look at where we are right now from a valuation standpoint. I think about the risk that i had three days ago relative to the risk that i have today the multiple head winds and the multiple tail winds and i identify, okay, my risk assumption might be slightly higher than im comfortable with and i need to make adjustments to that. Lindsay, ill give you the last word and then well take break. I think the tech conversation is interesting because technology has been able to hang in there throughout this downdraft in this bare market. They are seeing their manufacturers return to full production they are also seeing Smart Manufacturing volume recover it talks to the recovery youre starting to see in china and gives us a little peak into what it could look like for us whn we get to the other side of this. Okay. Well take a quick break straight ahead, one retail analyst, so much to talk to matt boss about well do that when we come back after this quick break the dow jones is up more than 1100 points. Were back after this. Hey you, yeah you. I opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized that i could be earning interest back on my money. This is amazing. I just discovered sofi, and im an investor with a diversified portfolio. Who am i . They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. Thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. Welcome back well continue our market conversation the numbers coming out of new york city and new york state its hard to take. They are hard to fathom the governor was very direct this morning new yorks governor says new York Hospitals are now allowed to put two people on one ventilator to address the urgent need for the machines. The death toll has risen to 385. Stimulus bill is a disappointment it does not address the 10 to 15 billion revenue loss that state is suffering because of the Virus Outbreak this was the time to put politics aside and partisanship aside. This is the time for governmental leaders to stop making excuses and just do your job. Do your job. The Homeland Security Department Says it is delaying requirements for americans to get new Identification Cards in order to board airplanes or to enter a Federal Building and they delaying it by another 12 months the real id deadline now moves back to october of next year g20 leaders held a teleconference they said they will go whatever it takes to fight the coronavirus calling it their priority to tackle the impact of the outbreak you can get more on the coronavirus coverage here on cnbc go to cnbc. Com were expecting another briefing by the governor and he says he expects the death toll to be higher the other number he gave out which will have to be dealt with is the estimated tax revenue 10 to 15 billion. He was saying how the actions in washington dont address that at all. Hes not the only governor who is going to be dealing with massive, massive shortfalls that will have to be dealt with in some form of fashion in d. C. He is saying what they will be doing as soon as he gets past hes calling the apex which he expects to be in under 20 days fp apex of the virus. He will have to sit down and figure out where that money we wont be able to make up the entire shortfall hes admitted that hes piling to washington through back channels but hes going to sit down with all of the School Districts in new york state and say this is what you are facing once we get kids bac into school. Hes got a lot of balls in a air but he was very direct at the actions in washington and not al all happy. Its not the only one absolutely. Thats very true governors all across the country is dealing with it thank you. You got it. The coronavirus is having a crushing impact as you know on the retail industry. Joing us now joining us is jpmon matt boss. I dont know how you do your job now. I dont know how youre supposed to know the unknown. How are you assessing the industry today i would say the number one theme across retail is survival. I think youre going to have a clear bifercation of the market share donors coming out of this. We cover both sides. Discounters, dollar stores, off prices and strong Global Brands its Department Stores and mall base specialty retailers that were donating share before this thats where we still remain more cautious. Thats where were watching the Balance Sheets and were really paying attention to competition and how fierce this might look on the other side of it as dollars may be more constrained. Is there such thing as a mall based business on the other side of this . Absolutely. Its double the tailwind that the u. S. Consumer saw in 2018 that helps i do this to your community as we think about move thats been happening for the greater part of the last five years from brick and mortar to e commerce, thats where i think the strong emerge Even Stronger and some of the weaker brick and mortar retailers, you will lap the closures and containment a week from now theres going to be a minus on tovp that. Thats the market share that will continue to shift to e commerce Second Quarter gdp just cut to negative 25 this is the conversation that krame has been having and had it with the speaker, had it with the treasury secretary its making sure you have a world matt where you dont come out of this. Such an overwhelming amount of market share but the Specialty Store has no chance. I think jim has been doing a gate job in speaking with the secretary and restoring some level of balance. The consumer grav tatss for value. There still will be a Treasure Hunt it could benefit on the back end. You have strong brands, nike, lululemon. They come out stronger i think the second side of it and i know you guys were talking about it earlier as well i think on the more structural side youll see mma. Theres strength out there in retail but i think the list is a lot longer than just some of the larger picture ones that jim has been speaking to its good talking to you. I appreciate the insights on the program. All right, joe you heard matt hes the number one rated analyst. What do you think . Lululemon will be a winner coming out of this environment i think nike, which i missed that trade im looking for nike to pull back to get in there those are two clear winners. You also have to ask yourself what could go wrong. They have to be careful theres going to be consolidation and dont make unneeded acquisitions those are clearly the two winners in this retail space how about you, jim . Starbucks coming to mind. I was thinking about that when joe mentioned nike matt is a terrific analyst but i just dont want to be anywhere near malls you asked a question does it exist at the end of this he answered yes, but i still dont believe that i like the price here. Yana. I think historically speaking you should think about what happens 12 months after an incredible amount of stimulus and tax cuts they have been sold out over 30 plus percent off of their all time highs and trading below their tenyear averages. To me theres a lot of value there. How about you, weiss. Im upset with myself for missing lulu i think they have a tremendous opportunity. I prefer the higher end retailers who have safety in their jobs and savings i think the lower end is going to be under some pressure. Nike could be a great holding. Looik id like to see come back. Lulu will report today phenomenal company in the sweet spot thank you well step away quickly. Up next well answer some of your questions you can tweet us as well you can watch and listen to us bcpp on the go as well on the cn a were back after this. Liking the now platform . Every time it takes care of something for us, we celebrate. How often does that. Got it. Servicenow the smarter way to workflow. All right. Welcome back lets answer your questions. Joe, im going to come to you first, because im going to have a question of my own based on an email you just sent me about the dollar down bigtime today and what you think the significance is over the longer period. Because its probably a good thing. Yeah, its interesting, scott. There was a g20 meeting this morning, wasnt there . And now the dollar is about 1. 5 lower on the day its consistent with my belief that you might be able, finally, for the first time in two years, to find some opportunities outside the u. S. In developed equities and emerging Market Equities so a lower dollar is good. Takes the stress off a lot of the emerging economies its good for our exporters. And i think adds lending support to the industrial space today. Ill go back and add one thing, though oil should be rallying with a lower dollar and its not. Weve got to keep our eye there, too heres a question for you, steve weiss. If this market is a bottom, do you believe that visa or mastercard will benefit from pentup consumer demand . You know, i have a bigger question in terms of number of shares, not dollar amount, than when i came in, although its relatively similar i dont think its going to. As a matter of fact, the hit to visa and mastercard, mastercard came out late last week, wee talked about it, still seeing revenue growth, which surprised me because so much of their business comes from not only Business Travel and entertainment, but also consumer spending, and with the airlines shut down and the hotels shut down, theres nowhere to spend money, as well as everything else, movie theaters that kind of demand doesnt get replaced its gone forever. But i think theyll get back on track. Heres my one caution. Before all of this happened, there was a lot of controversy about the valuation on visa and mastercard so if we get towards there, then im selling, because i think theres risk to it in terms of how long its going to take to come back hey, heres one for ill give it to you, jim. Im just seeing it live on twitter right now and i think its a good question missed getting into nvidia, says danny e. Missed getting in the last few years, entered last week, now its up 30 in such a short time, should i sell or hold . Good question and a lot of stocks fall in that category it is a good question and i think the short answer is, buy a little bit dont load the boat here but the reason i say buy a little bit is, look, i was talking earlier about the green shoots that are the semiconductors outperforming and economically, you do expect the semis will lead us out of what will be a cyclical recovery just buy a little bit here because, who knows you dont have to load the boat right now. And look, if youre even nervous about buying nvidia, you could pair wit a lower beta semi name like an intel, which is one of my favorites but just take your time. You dont have to buy into the deep end ill come back to auto stocks in a minute. But its related to what ill go to phil lebeau to right now in chicago, who has more breaking news regarding the Auto Industry add Fiat Chrysler to the list of companies who says it will not be starting north American Auto plants as planned at the end of this month. Fiat chrysler is now saying that its plants will be shut until april 14th thats four automakers today who have said it will be well into april before production restarts scott, back to you and back to jim, phil, because you own gm tell us what youre thinking about auto stocks, because we have a question from dan in erie, pennsylvania, about those stocks yeah, okay, so and look, maybe we can bring phil back in on this. But sar for north american sales is tracking somewhere around 10 million for march. Thats way down from the 17 million that we were tracking at and theres no reason to expect that thats going to pop up through the month of april maybe in may, maybe in june, well see. But, you know, if youre seeing a 35ish percent decline in auto sales in north america, that means that the inventory thats on dealer lots right now is plenty sufficient. So im not surprised to see the company say, look, we dont need to take the coronavirus risk with our workers, we dont need to produce right now lets sit back look, as far as the stocks go, ive been saying for quite some time that these stocks are priced for a recession well, you know what, unfortunately, were in a recession. And thats why youre seeing them rally, is because their bleats were so much better going into this recession than anything weve ever seen in a recession before so theyre getting stress tested and theyre passing the stress tests. Thats what i would have i would love to hear from phil, if we can. We cant. Hes already moved on. Okay, sorry well handle the producing on our end, okay, jim yes, sir. Yana, im coming to you last, from devon in rochester, minnesota, i want to buy international etfs, is now a good time to do that youre asking a u. S. Large cap growth manager, ill stick with u. S. All the way, because you havent gotten paid for the risks that youre taking in em or international markets, yeartodate, as well. So ill stick with u. S far enough, stick to your wheelhouse lindsay, why dont you take that one for me this goes back to what joe was talking about earlier. I think this is an interesting opportunity to start to look at international, especially emerging market etfs like i mentioned earlier, youre starting to see early green shoots of a turnout in china, which could lead were going to see that region of the world start to produce Economic Growth before we get it back in europe and over here. So that with the decline in the u. S. Dollar will definitely benefit the emerging markets i would like to see the dollar come in still a little bit more before getting more instru constructive, but i think theres an opportunity there now. Okay. Well take another quick break, well come back and get final thoughts right now, the dow is holding on to a gain of bteetr than 1,000 points, better than 5 see you in two minutes isten. And ready to help you find opportunity. So. Lets talk. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. Every time it takes care of something for us, we celebrate. How often does that. Got it. Servicenow the smarter way to workflow. All right breaking News Coverage continues tonight on cnbc with our special report markets in turmoil ill see you at 7 00 eastern time looking forward to that once again. Steve weiss, start us off. My final thoughts are stay in position right now if something got stretched, take a little profits off, but i still like the markets, even though its extended yana . Youre getting paid to take the risk, but do so selectively. Lindsay bell. I think that when the market dlips more than 30 , we popped back a little bit, there are places where you can look for opportunity in highquality names, so keep your eyes open. Jimmy know if you are a shortterm trader or a learning investor and stay in your lane, because staying in your lane, you will make money even in your tractor, you stay in your lane. Last to you, joe . Best day in investment grades home depot, target, nvidia all offering debt. Thanks for watching kelly, over to you scott, thank you very much. And hi, everybody. Our special coverage continues here on cnbc today is day three of the dows winning streak and its now on pace for its best week since 1933 but what a difference a week makes. This time last week, the dow was headed for its worst month since the 1930s, as well it all goes back to the global battle with coronavirus. The u. S. Job losses this morning were just as brutal as expected. Were still waiting for congress to pass the massive relief package. And today, more Big Companies are dropping big news about job cuts and cash shortages. So whats an investor to do

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