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Desk the bullish call on the machinery manufacturer why one says the environment is better than people think the Halftime Report begins right now. Even had time to put my name in there happy monday your Investment Committee today is joe, josh brown, stephen weiss. We have another very special guest with us on this monday lets begin with the markets and maybe the bold call by global cio scott minerd he says the s p 500 could rally another 15 this year. It could take the index just below 3500 that was take the dow to 31,000. Im only like 24 years old. Amazing you started when you were two. Youve been very right youre more of a bond guy. Why are you saying stocks can rally . We do more than stocks. We do macro also it also plays into each other here this rally, whether youre looking at bonds, stocks, high yield. Its all being driven by liquidsty. The central backs around the world have signalled they will step on the accelerator. They will dump a lot more money into the system. Everything is going up stocks are an exception. All you have to do is look at a replay of the post asia crisis back in 1998 you get stocks at the kinds of levels im talking about do you think capital has to flow out of bonds for equities to make that 15 jump . Last couple of years youve seen bonds as that source of capital. A lot of investor money is going in there the only equity really flows were seeing is on the passive side to large type cap equity names. Youll see the money flow out of the Central Banks into bonds which will free up capital and that will naturally find another place to migrate to and ultimately and it will end up in the hands of stocks. I guess one of the reasons im glad to have you on and the whole panel because i think what i was talking to scott before the show is here what i dont understand everything in the world is up. U. S. Stocks, bonds, junk, treasury, gold, bit coin, europe, asia where is the money coming from well, i mean thats almost like a metaphysical conversation because money is really blips on a computer screen. It doesnt have to come from anywhere i would remind everyone to remind themselves that every time you hear about so and so is buying x, another so and so is selling x to them. I think thats really important. I guess what i would ask you and i think i know what youll say but i think the viewers would like to hear about what this all means. If were saying that were going to have the banks dump more money into the system and that will find its home in risk assets which we all gragree will happen, what does that have to do with anything that the Central Banks are supposed to orchestra orchestrating . Financial conditions are very easy we know that even when we had way more stimulus during this recovery it really didnt have the impact of taking the growth rate higher than trend and keeping it there like is this just another stimulus that runs its course and a year later were lapping those results and its not as good what is the point of this . I mean, from a policy standpoint the only thing left is just lower Interest Rates and pump out liquidity obviously, europe cant afford to go into a recession because they have a crisis in the south. China cant afford a slowdown so they will dump as much liquidsty in the system as they can. Now the thing that is surprising to me is the Federal Reserve has kind of hit the panic button it was interesting, i was with john taylor a few weeks ago and he said scott, pce is at 1. 6 . We have a crisis on our hands. It just appears that the central bank the Federal Reserve is so afraid of getting back to the zero bound that they basically have decided they will take a pr preemptive step to keep it going. They will let inflation run high 2. 5 inflation would be welcome. Anything higher than that would be a problem theyve got room to run and they will go for it im going to jump right into it because i know that people know we knew each other. You were just in the white house. I know you talk to john taylor and others have you been asked to join the Federal Reserve board of the United States . I have not been officially asked. Anybody hinted around that you should be a fed governor besides you theres been discussions would you do it if it was formally offered to you . It would be a great opportunity to serve at the Federal Reserve. If that were presented to me, ive got other things to weigh im one of the largest shareholders of Guggenheim Partners the importance of our growth will weigh in that decision. This is a decision i would rather face when im 70 and not 25 thats really interesting congratulations even on being not officially nominated but hinted around. What would you do if youre jay bo powell right now is he doing a good job and what would you change from his current job . I think they are doing the right thing to be on hold and to be cautious. I think that i would be very slow to embrace the wholehearted jump to sort of locking us into a rate cut path. Perhaps one rate reduction would be appropriate as an nurns policy to make sure we keep the expansion going. I think the receipt rit hetorice than that. Po powells comments have indicated this is more than one rate cut keeping the economy going is everything, which is really interesting because this is the same man who in december, it seems like we all have amnesia, this is guy told us were on aut autopilot and Interest Rates are going up im not sure the chairman will find himself having to reverse course again later this year otherwise we might need a new chairman ill leave that up not my opinion. Thats coming from the president of the United States hes been very vocal about some of that as well. Id say you just killed your chances of becoming a fed governor i wasnt dovish enough . Exactly going back to equities, peter said the real key to making money in stocks is not getting scared of equities looking back ten years the scars of 08 and 09 healed slowly those wounds were deep i think you can see a replay from 82 why to stocks keep going up thats the thing the data unless the stock market it is self is shrinking o much they dont count for the 20 upside in the market its the tides of Central Bank Policy is supportive for the markets. Its not just by the way, the fed. Its another six different Central Banks. They will be adding to the easing in the next six months. Thats a big tide thats supporting the market. The question that i have for you is the next 15 higher is it because we overshoot on valuations or is it because economy does respond to this tide of central bank easing . I think, first off i think were being too pessimistic about earnings i think well see modest increase in earnings not big increases. When you look at the multiple today around 18 and a half times give or take given the level of Interest Rates we could support a multiple in the low to mid20s multiple expansion will be part of it. That would make sense in a liquidity driven environment because people are essentially afraid to miss out they continue to chase stocks and drive them higher. Being a fundamental guy at the end of the day, though i look at technicals a lot is to say do you really want to step in as an investor today to try to catch the last 15 of a move when were already up 300 . Didnt people make that argument the whole way up. They said the easy money has already been made. In 2013 the s p went up 27 . They said thats as good as it will get in 2017, we went up 30 . I think the russell did like close to 40. How do you know its the last 10 or 15 if you look at markets in the past, 82 to 2000 is 18 years. I struggle with that all the time people ask me whats your answer to that. Look at the market between 1982 and 2000. 1987 was a severe blow like two weeks. Its against market timing. When you look at numbers were in a secular bull market i think we have a lot more room to run we know that the difference between today and 2013 is we know that the economy is over extended unemployment is below full employment everything is being just driven by Central Bank Policy a opposed to the 2013 i would argue the fundamentals were healing. I thinks were Getting Better and we had a lot of room to run because we had a lot of Spare Capacity in the economy. On the over extended comment. Just really quick on that comment. Do you really see any big imbalances to suggest its over extended the other thing that gives me pause is back in 2006, it was clear the real fed funds rate was above the time neutral rate. Today its quite the opposite. Were going further below neutral. In way if the fed just backs away and if the Global Economic back can prover can this economy not run, can this market not run another one or two years i think it can. I think were living on borrowed time and borrowed money. Right thats okay. We can print more of that. In 2006, we were at full employment the idle capacity that the economy needs to grow, that is extra workers, things like that were just not available and eventually the economy had its recession. I think today were in a very similar place. The only different today is the rate of inflation is much lower. I think the fed can afford to allow the economy to overheat and i think its going to let the economy overheat first of all, theres a few things one size doesnt fit all depending upon what you want your exposure to the market to be depends upon your personal Economic Conditions and your age. If youre 80 years old, youre not going to be 100 if youre younger, you should be more fully allocated to the market the market go up more than 80 of the time. With the exception of the nasdaq taking ten years to recover after 2000 then youre fine. My view is sometimes we make this too difficult, number one number two, we really dont understand the market mechanics. Past investing in 88 of the companies they are involved in, they are the controlling share holder and more and more keeps going into it. You have more than 50 of the large cap. Its a lot more democratic you can just get in for nothing. That money has stayed there. I do believe we can go to low to maybe 24 times on a pe basis because number one bonds are not an alternative and number two not only do you have the fed at your back right now but you also have inflation thats panacea for stocks. A little bit of inflation. Not too much and accommodate the fed and accommodate central bank everywhere else. Thats as easy as the equation is i think where its really important to remember is when you mention the secular bull market from 82 to 2000, we can look back and say that was an easy time period to your point, you had 87, 91, the crisis you had so many big sell offs inside of that time period the last ten years has been fantastic. The last 20 through june, the s p only done 5. 6 for the last 20 years its been one of the worst 20 year rolling returns going back since 1960 which goes back to 1940 people need to kind of take the recessions that are on the horizon. That would be okay when we have one. It doesnt mean well have another 08, 09 hold on i think shes making an important point. Theres two schools of thought out there. They have been saying that for a better part of a decade. They are high. You can make the 2008 analogies again is this a fed led debt bomb or can we sneak our way out of this . The consumer is in great case Corporate America has a lot of leverage and the Debt Service Ratios are much higher default rates zero until theyre not youre not being compensated for it. Were at some of the tightest levels in Investment Grade bonds we have been at in this recovery what does that tell you what does that mean in. If youre going to buy a high yield portfolio and hold it for the next ten years, youre going to get a return somewhere close to the ten year treasury rate. Youre not being compensated for the volatility if you look at multiassets and bryan mentions they are all higher, the opportunity over the last 18 months has been in rebalancing. How doi want to think about this conversation of rebalancing when i look at the s p that has given me total return and i look at the merging markets thats given me about 9 . You look at sitting on the Federal Reserve board. Theres the narrative that all of whats going on here with the conversation with chairman powell is about lowering the u. S. Dollar rel tifr to the rest of the world what would you say to administration about if thats a fruitless e lesless ef lesless t does that provide the opportunity in the emerging markets . I think asia is a bit difficult now. I would probably stay away from Eastern Europe theres other people that would have a better handlie on this than i do. Why are you bothering with this what do you think about the next five years maybe i dont want to own as many equities as i did before. The precious metals, silver, things like that look interesting. Is that a currency play its a currency play. Thank you its stuck in the trade everybody else around the world is trying to depreciate their currency to get some competitive evening. Whether theyre doing it overtly, thats whats happening. Scott, i agree with you on all of those three things. You think they will benefit from all that central bank stuff. Countries like a brazil will do well thats right. Youre talking about Central Banks that show the Federal Reserve cutting rates. It will be good for emerging markets. It takes off the need for the unessential bites to a tight policy we see room to these emerging markets so they can unleash the stimulus economy the goal is another way to position for this because lower yields mean higher gold prices and or macro edge. Let me ask you a question just in terms of what the average coupon is for a corporate corporation, theyre ability to get out of the indebtedness is much higher. There are Debt Services going to improve if the fed starts to cut rates. A lot of the debt sits in the high yields market the Bank Loan Market has become just as important as the high yield market as we saw rates rising that was putting pressure on Free Cash Flow our work shows that Free Cash Flow holds up. Ultimate ultimately, its this period like 1998 to 2000. The default rate remains low for the next year or two ultimately there will be a need to raise rates one thing i would say and im biassed about this, i i tend to like to are you selling now . We have been very low under weight risk in the rally what does that mean we didnt take a lot of credit risk. I think its going to prove that will be in the long term investing in the ten year treasury a little over 2 , poor. Slow he and safely we talk about equity valuations, we look and see negative 13 trillion high yield on top of that high yield rates are negative. What is your lens on that type of exposure or bubble in that type of market i think i think it was actually jpmorgan. I dont know if youre familiar with the firm. You talking about the firm or the man . Now youre just name dropping. Did an interesting piece about the fact that we are getting vulnerable so many people are leaning in the direction of taking on more and more risk that all you have to do is get a couple of people to start selling and then theres no buyers in sight we dont know what the shadow debt market is the shadow lending market. Its crazy you need a further deterioration. Thats when we see it. The ecb is going to press once again on the easing button i think thats why investors have been crowded into other higher risk taking things. Were looking at european hybrid bonds. Whats that hybrid of what its a nonfinancial issue. It might have fixed floating structure or some sort of a nontraditional bond exposure. Thats where jpmorgan is seeing hybrid bonds deep in europe what does that tell us about the state of the more approachable it tells us jpmorgan has a great issuance business in hybrid bonds this is a tactical trade for us. For the next ten years maybe that will be a disaster. What im saying is you could see another 50 basis points of spread tightening based on what the ecb will do the next few months im reminded of the taper tantrum. Which one . The bernanke. All he had to do was say theres the possibility they would stop buying debt and the bond market sold off i think that right now were in this sort of Indian Summer period where everything feels good and the whole bit at some part if we see inflation pressures pick up in the United States, we see the economy overheating, just the illusion that we could stop this debt buying because theres no fundamental reason for these things to be trading where they are at except the liquidity of the Central Banks is propping it up honestly, i like to step back and try to get a bigger perspective than what we live in most days. In 20 years i think were going to look back on this and were going to say how did we ever convince ourselves that buying bonds of these kinds of yields made any kind of investment sense. Were all in the business of one degree or another of chasing short term returns and trying to get a longer term. I dont think people are buying bonds for returns i think they are being used in ta technical sense. No one is like im psyched to buy a ten year yield they need to keep dry powder in something that is not earning zero they have no intention of holding the bonds to maturitmaty they are coming in and out as they have to rebalance into stocks thats coming on in numbers bigger before because of how big retirement accounts have grown we should not look at bond prices or bond yields and say this is someones prediction of the economy. I dont agree that it is i really feel like the technicals within asset management, rough management globally are driving much of what were observing and trying to get meaning from. We have to lever ave it there i think a lot of people agree with you as well in reality the market may be telling us Something Different scott, you told us that maybe theres a chance some day down the road you might join the Federal Reserve. We appreciate that congratulations even if you havent been offered i vote for him. I second vote i got two votes you got three were all in. Is there a Federal Reserve of santa monica have to move east again. It was great discussion. Really smart thank you very much. All right. Were only Getting Started that was about half the show here is what else is ahead on the Halftime Report. Your call of the day. The desk debates a Big Industries name that bank of america says to buy right now. Our experts will be answering your questions straight ahead. Go to cnbc. Com halftime or tweet us ahatit lfme report. The Halftime Report is back in two minutes. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. Here is your cnbc news update President Trump hosting a made in America Showcase made in the white house. Tweeting that progressive female representatives of color who were born in the u. S. Should go back to their countries. He was heavily criticized by democrats but said that he has congresswomen should apologize to him joe biden taking on his democratic opponents in health care in a Campaign Video he defends obama care and criticizes other candidates who would End Private Health Insurance for a medicare for all system i understand the appeal of medicare for all but folks supporting it should be clear that it means getting rid of obama care im not for that amazon workers protesting outside the home of jeff bezos this is after a leaked email reveal that Amazon Web Services would supply Homeland Security immigrant and Customs Enforcement division with facial Recognition Software thats the cnbc news update at this hour. Back to do yoyou. Thank you very much. Deere underperforming this year but bank of america is betting at changes the firm upgrading deere to a buy. Also raising its target to 185. It is your call of the day joe, this has been kind of a the stock tanked its come back its not super bullish been kind of a dead money stock for a year or so what do you make of the call i make that its very consistent the calls we heard surrounding it addco has been the better of the Farm Equipment placed. The analysts community got this entirely wrong at the end of may. We understand that deere is experiencing a perfect storm as it relates to Business Model because of the trade dispute because formers are using their older Farm Equipment they are not going out and buying new products. Overall this is a Quality Company that can overcome some of the ed winds on a longer term basis. Seems like they are getting an upgrade they said that dealers werent negative a lot of the trouble that farmers have been having in going out. Again, i think you have to look past all of that this is a Quality Company that froze off a decent amount of Free Cash Flow i think its going to get you to wear it needs to be. Our call of the day on deere. Thank you very much. Lets get a market flash spiking as you can see that well show you the highs on the heels of a wall street journal report saying that Charles Scwab headlines these operations at usaa a big deal military and veteran and families have Insurance Products there. Still, that competitive dynamic pushing schwab to the upside i think they should be doing more of this kind of thing its not going to move the needle it sounds like a huge number its good from the standpoint its more wealth management. Its some higher margin business id like to see as a shareholder i want to see them get more aggressive also move schwab which has big offices in austin. Your state of texas continues to grow it does it continues to be a good state for business the doors are open we see that with the migration coming from the north, southeast and west theres some people that have moved to texas there are the transport coming off of their six straight week of gain. The trades are up next its your etf edge lets get a check on the s p sectors as we go to break. Literally half up, half down health care your best peorr. Rfme the dow is down 25 points. Were back right after this. Grandmothers doctor. We can do the screening at her house. Hi. This is the man thats going to check your eyes grandma. Cognizant ai solutions are helping Healthcare Companies advance diagnostics and prevent blindness in patients with diabetes. Everything looks good. You have beautiful eyes. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You need decision tech. Is it to carry cargo. He or to carry on a legacy . . Its show of strength. Or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain. Or breaking new ground . This is the time to get an exceptional offer on the mercedes of your midsummer dreams at the mercedesbenz summer event, going on now. Lease the gla 250 suv for just 329 a month at the mercedesbenz summer event. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Welcome back time for etf edge. The transports in focus today. Earnings after the bell. Some of the biggest names in the group are under pressure rick, edelman joining me now we know the saga about the shippers fedex, ups all under performing on concerns of global trade. What will they say tonight i think trade is the big deal here it will probably be negative if you look at the iyt, the two biggest holdest are rails. They are up 25 and 36 respectively iyt is almost performing as well as the s p so far here today if you look at those stocks right now, like the shippers, they have kind of been stopped in their tracks, forgive the pun. Youre the number one registered investment add vvisen the United States. Congratulations. Youve been there for years. What do you tell your clients about the impact on earnings were seeing display on the stocks under performing. Fedex suffering dramatically losing 30 it demonstrates that no individual stock is safe you need to recognize it creates opportunities at the same time if youre so inclined to take advantage of those market movements. The real key is the transport industry is increasingly a commodity. Even a brand like fedex, i dont care im going to get my package from whoever will provide the service cheaper and faster brand doesnt matter anymore what are you advising your clients . Theres no question the tariffs are temporary. Theres no way governments will tolerate this. China is suffering the biggest losses in its gains over decades now. The u. S. Is beginning to be harmed when we move into the election, theres no way that the government will sustain this activit activity the pain trade. The pain that would cause the biggest problem for traders is go long. Do you think that is sound advice if this trade deal gets done, there will be great upside not just hire in the u. S. But especially overseas. Thanks very much. For more etf edge, catch our live show, 1 00 p. M. Eastern time well tell you how to profit off of earnings seasons. Theres etf for all of that. Give you a red hot pmeri day deal to add to your cart Halftime Report returns in one minute twentyfour people came together to sign an agreement that created the stock exchange. Just the right elements coming together. It started when scores more people came together, just down the street and traded bonds that helped pay for the revolution, and the nation it created. It started in an office on the corner where the right people witnessed the telegraph and brought information and humanity together forever. It started with the markets, bringing together steel and buildings and silicon and medicine and rockets. We believe the possibilities of life and investing are greater when we come together. Its why for eighty years weve connected ideas with technology, data with inspiration, investors with solutions. So that every day together, it all starts again. Welcome back we know that vaping is a huge being estimated to be around 9 billion. We have two reasons this controversial habit has been spreading like wildfire. Part of the documentary that premieres tonight. Unreglated Digital Marketing has become a free for all for the vaping industry. Its a practice thats come under fire from the fda. In 2018, cdc research showed that 10. 5 million kids were exposed to e cig advertising try this flavor its better than the rest or this flavor is not very good this is perhaps the most heated debate in the ecigarette controversial. The appeal and availability of a seemingly endless array of flavors. For while they may have adults quit their cigarette habits, all those sweet tastes, around 7,000 may be drawing new and underage users into the world of nicotine addiction. There are some research that says e grcigarettes are less harmful but are not risk free. You have to tune in tonight. Its a big one for those parents of teenagers out there 10 00 p. M. Eastern time. Time now for the traders to answer your questions. Ready . First up a question for you mr. Weiss. On amazon, nat in atlanta want to know how much higher amazon may be headed. Good question on the start of their prime day. Lets forget about the noise of the next two days whether the prime day disappoints or better than expected this valuation of this company is not based on a valuation metric as the momentum continues, stocks can go higher they have license to spend whatever they want to spend on initiatives. They have done well. You have to give them credit they are one of the smartest operators out there if not the smartest that we have ever seen. They invented their own holiday, prime monday. Jim in florida asking about slack. You might be slacking right now. Im never slacking. I own the stock. I bought it the day they came public ill probably end up adding. I do want to see them report a quarter. Get a sense of not only what they have to say but how the street thinks about it in the aftermath. That will probably be its been public for ten days not much to say about it thats where i am with this. Carol wants to know if gold will continue to rise. I think gold does continue to rise just recently we had a strong rally but we just broke out of a five year trading range. The catalyst for gold are in place which is lower yields as a function of the fed cuts rates of inflictiation picking up is celgene a buyer . The deal was supposed to close in january of 2020 right now the deal should close around 94. Right now the stock is right under 92 only about a little over 2 left of premium we would be a seller here. All right seller there good stuff straight ahead, well talk Energy Prices and why every storm now that hits louisiana or texas matter a lot more to all of us in the northeast lets get down to tyler with what is coming up on the exchange i am here to tell you peter thiel taking aim at another Silicon Valley giant his accusations are against google well tell you why hes calling for a federal investigation by the fbi and maybe the cia. Morgan stanley spotting an untapped and growing market it says investors are missing weve already got burgers without the meat soon we could have coffee without the beans. Well explain that all that and more ahead on the exchange Halftime Report comes back right after this tell him were flexible. Dont worry. My dutch is ok. Just ok . in dutch tell him we need this merger. in dutch its happening. just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best Wireless Network according to americas biggest test. Now with 5g evolution. The first step to 5g. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Or trips to mars. 4. 95. Delivery drones or the latest phones. 4. 95. No matter what you trade, at fidelity its just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Welcome back to the the Halftime Report. The Energy Report now. Energy stocks sliding in the wake of barry. Thankfully it was not nearly as bad as some feared the gulf coast and refiners were mostly spared. One refinery is still closed but believes it will open up tomorrow after last months refinery explosion in philadelphia, the biggest on the east coast are drivers in the northeast increasingly dependent on southern gasoline . 335,000 barrels a day of capacity are gone. Probably never coming back thats about 30 of gasolines supply in the midatlantic and east coast the most crowded area in the United States and it will come now from houston and louisiana places subject to storms and flooding but you like the energy sector. We do i think its interesting that, you know, energy has never been more important to the American Economy in general as were now net exporters of energy and i think that you definitely will always have black swan type risks. We like energy, some stat, currently energy is now the lowest weighting ever in the s p that its ever been at around 5 . Used to be 20 . Right mlps and pipelines, kinder morgan, viper energy, Black Diamond that continue to have high quality cash flow increase their Balance Sheet and pay good distributions but the market doesnt care but ultimately they will because sentiment will change and a real interesting statistic is ukraine just recently purchased its first ever shipment of american oil, right . Really important and i jus think the narrative for energy will continue to get less worse and those stocks relying on colonial and plantation pipelines god forbid anything happens to those pipelines. Real short supply in the northeast. I think youll have time to buy it then so i wouldnt i wouldnt buy energy now. I wouldnt buy the mlps. Theyve done nothing youve seen crude move higher yet there is a natural resistance baf the tax Filing Requirements and they havent performed. Interesting, though, im saying mlps but a lot have converted to c corps and getting high quality dividends while youre waiting looking for the next nvidia, that is not the space. Looking for High Quality Companies with cash flow theyre absolutely a great place to be and especially as theyre converting tore more c corps which are more investor friendly. Mlps have been under pressure and continue to be under pressure that a very brief resurgence in 2015, i just wouldnt do it. So basically the logistics issue that has challenged the eastern seaboard for decades still remains in place pad one. Miami, the main but its gotten worse with the refinery gone and its not coming back. It has worsened but the counter to that has been marcellus shale. Sure and rail shims right, rail shipments, marcellus shale so the dependency for the market you cant argue we got to go theyre more important than they used to be for us now. Final trades straight ahead on the the Halftime Report. Defy the laws of human nature,at the summer of audi sales event. Get exceptional offers now. Or trips to mars. 4. 95. Delivery drones or the latest phones. 4. 95. No matter what you trade, at fidelity its just 4. 95 per online u. S. Equity trade. Like. Pnc easy lock, so you can easily lock your credit card when its maximum limit differs from its vertical limit. Or requesting a call to help get a new credit card one that hasnt followed the family goldfish. Pnc make today the day. Has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. Final trades, brynn. Gilead sciences we like they pay nice dividends, g pipeline like an shays ya. Health care has been an underperformer but trading two turns to the s p and i think can outperform. Chrome castle. Schwab. That does it for halftime. The exchange begins right now. Well, thank you so much you very much. Welcome, everybody to the exchange. Here is what is ahead. The markets big test, earnings season kicking off this weekend. Expectations are weak. Could it put an end to this record run plus, aiding the Chinese Military thats what one billionaire says google may be doing. How and will his accusations catch washingtons attention plus, san franciscos proposed ceo tax and why tiffanys luster may not last and coffee with no coffee thats ahead in rapidfire but we begin wit

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