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Extremely positive senator joe mansion, democrat from west virginia, who he did vote in favor of the bill on friday he said the meeting was very positive but senator nelson of florida who voted no on friday said that he believes you will see a resounding yes this according to our colleagues from nbc news. Republicans feel they offered a significant olive branch and even being willing to bring immigration debate to the floor before february 8 but we will see whether those assurances are enough to win over what are 12 democratic votes needed to secure this to reopen the government but stocott, of that, it goes bc to the house, and we will talk about that vote as well. Thank you so much we will jump back to d. C kayla will monitor the vote as it takes place a vote that could take a half an hour or so in the meantime, markets remain front an center for us as always our expert panel is with us, as usual. Today we have ian winer of web bush security. Josh, the headline from a market perspective is that the market seems unphased by not only the shut down itself but stocks are higher historically, when you look at how markets have done during prior periods of government shut downs and weve got examples going back 40 years from my friend ryan detrick at lpl, typically the market on a median basis is flat. No one should have expected this to be either great or terrible, one way or the other and things can happen independent of what is happening in washington i think bigger picture, what youve got is a continuation of the strongest stocks getting stronger take a look at biotechs. A lot of small and mid cap biotechs up 4. 2 early this morning. Now up about close to 3 but these are big moves in very speculative areas of the market. And i think is indicative of risk appetites being at incredibly high levels a couple of deals today santa fe doing a deal. So that space that has been jumpstarted of late getting more fuel, if you will but overall, the point is, that the market hasnt seemed to care all this much about what is happening in washington. As were about to get literal votes and as i want to reity nate that nbc is reporting that the senate has votes to end the shut down which is in its third day. So one thing i think you would watch is the value of the u. S. Dollar. New that you are reporting that, you see a bounce in the u. S. Dollar the u. S. Dollar historically comes under pressure when you have these shut downs. I think whats important is the fact that let limb sit far away from when the shut down occurred historically, 2013, back to 95, 96, if you tie this to debt limit or shut down are close together, then it is a problem on a small basis for the market. If we are pushing this to the middle of february and we will find out soon, i think that becomes more of an issue for the market because youve got that debt limit issue and again it goes back to what happens to the u. S. Dollar which is already in that down trend for the year you know, joe, you make a good point whether it is the debt ceiling, whether it is the kick the can down the road, which i think will come out of the senate thats what the vote is a kick the can we know that and point being is i dont think any of these things matter im not taking away from your point about the dollar, i just dont think that markets over all, whether the bond market or stock market, they dont seem to really care. We will do this in three weeks at best. Do this shut down dance again. What does matter, we all know, is earnings and we are right in the heart of the earning season. Going on sol lid for another three weeks and so far from the first two weeks you have seen that is what is propelling this market, the stock market, that is, higher the Interest Rate move has not been as pronounced as i expected it to be so theres very little to upset this market, in my opinion we are at 264, 265, lets call it. Zooming through that 263 and 270 on our way to 3 wp we have been hanging out at the ceiling we have been hanging out at at the last year and half i dont know why you would think that we have been suggesting anything but. Youre right. Fool me once, shame on you fool me twice, and three times, shame on me. Nothing has changed in the big picture. That has people optimistic about the valley that has companies optimistic about the tax cuts and earnings that are going to follow as a result that right. Ultimately it doesnt really matt matter what happens with congress right this second but you see stuff like m a, biotech, buy backs coming, and you see the went fits people are expecting. I do think rates matter. I do think this is one of the things this rally is based upon and so if people lose faith in the u. S. Government based on blowing out the deficit and you see gold rally and yes the dollar is bouncing, that to me is big are risk for rate start to rise. Does anyone think the rate rise is a concern it is an issue of bond proxies. Bond proxies have been important last couple of years so select components of high yield market will come under pressure right now Dividend Strategy that worked for many, many years, now it is about when have you Dividend Strategy, who will grow your dividend are you growing at 15, 20 this year yes, if you are, okay, fine, if not, its a problem. I dont want to be glib about the shut down or suggest that no one cares about it at all. Can you see perhaps from some of the action in the market today, a little tick higher clearly the market wouldnt want a prolonged shut down at a time when things are pretty good. The overall tenor and tone of what is happening in the market and big business seems good. And you wonder, look, im not a political expert but you we wonder if thats what democrats are thinking there is great momentum for President Trump and both who own congress at present and there is an election if ten months. As we get closer to that and i think closer to summer, thats where i think these political wranglings might have more effect if you worry about the houses of Congress Going democratic then that could put pressure on things that matter to the stock Market Regulation getting back it talking about more substantive those things could be on hold if you have a conflicted Congress Democrats are not antiinfrastructure. This is a it is a bipartisan issue and i think no one would say we dont have to either upgrade infrastructure or put more people to work. My point is if you are in a closed government with prolonged overly partisan battle about simile keeping government operateding with it simply delays d delays discussion. I think youre right but i think were already in that situation in everything except actual name. I think we have been in prolong got shut down with nothing getting done for years and years and no cooperation whatsoever. You have a thought on that as well i think the fear of democrats taking congress is going to be an issue as we get later in the year everything is based on the republicans being able to eliminate regulation and big tax reform bill. But they will make the president s life a living heck if they get in office and thats going to be a big problem for the president. You think the market would have an issue if that happened yes if democrats take yes, i think it will be an issue because i think people will start to think that some of this stuff thats happened as far as pro business is at risk. Josh, youve been watching rsi, relative strength index as well you talk about it on an almost daily basis. You want to go into a little more detail on what exactly youre looking at and why it matters so much . I think tactical investors are looking at something miraculous i think have you 14 months in a row of the market up people talk about 14 period meaning 14day when there are individual stocks. A friend of mine, ra wald, shown the before, technician at oppenheimer is talking about the s p. We are at level 87 which almost is off the charts, as you can see here this is something we have not seen except 1 of periods going back to 1930 the reason this is notable is that people hear the term overbought and say thats as good as it gets. A sale signal. And i think he made the point that markets top pretty much a year after rsi or momentum peaks. So even if we are at these extreme levels, in and of itself, that is not a profitable symbol to be trading on. Whether you take profit or short the market can you go back it prior examples from 1980s, 50s, 090s, where you have maximum momentum thrust higher which is what you are experiencing now markets could be as much as 30 higher 12 months down the road i think it is important to recognize things are pretty much as good as they get from a momentum standpoint. But that in and of itself is not enough to say, get out of everything at the top. What do you think about the other sentiment indicators like aaii i do think about that stuff i know that sentiment add extremes in hindsight has more market tops. However, invert, should sentiment be really good right now . I dont think there is any reason sentiment should be very good it is concurrent more so than forwardlooking. If sentiment turns into wild speculation which we are seeing in some areas of the market, i guess the question is, does that start to matter. Great point this is the last thing i would say on this, a great economy and faster than expected growth, brings challenges that you havent been thinking about when things are going too slowly or people werent positive enough so the new challenges are thing like, potential for wage inflation. Look at bloomberg commodity index. Im sure you guys track it thats about to break out of a 2 1 2 year high. Coiled just below resistance i dont know what that looks like when businesses report earnings you have a double in the price of oil you have obscene amounts and maybe that becomes a challenge and hiring rates on borrowing. So we have to think of a bet are economy, not just a worst one. Back to washington, d. C john harwood joining us now. John, it would afear there are enough votes to open the government that democrats are going to take Mitch Mcconnell at his word they will open the government and come up with some kind of broader immigration plan i think thats right. They are willing to take his word i just got off the phone with a democratic source. There is a lopsided vote in favor of reopening government in a few minutes. As you suggest, scott, there is not a prolonged shut down now. But it doesnt alleviate the shut down threat for this reason this extension goes through february 8 senator mcconnell committed to a fair and open process for democrats to bring up immigration legislation, including a daca fix and other measures and have a shot at passing that they may be able to pass it. But nothing is going to happen, is going to happen unless President Trump agrees to sign that measure so the question is, if that is not if those things have not happened by february 8, democrats retain ate built at that point to shut down the government again and i think there is a period of time over the next couple of weeks where they will figure out, is that worth it . Do we want to do that . Can we insist on that and hold members together if not, this is an issue throughout the campaign and democrats on the question you were discussing with your guests a few moments ago, chances are pretty good right now for democrats to retake one or both chambers of congress they have 14point advantage over republicans in the generic poll and abc Washington Post survey this morning. They would then, if they are not able to force this over the next three weeks, they may make the decision that we will campaign on this over the fall and try to use this issue to strengthen our position part of the issue, john, is whether the president and some members of his own administration can and are on the same page and will remain that way during these negotiations over the next few weeks. Precisely it has been clear that president at different points has been willing to make the kind of deal that Chuck Schumer wants to make but then he has pulled back lindsey graham, republican senator, says thats because of pressure he is getting from hard liners on his staff and of course that pressure from hard liners reflects the pressure that paul ryan is under in the house. Thats why trump and ryan are intimately linked in this. Unless you get trump blessing this, then paul ryan is not likely to feel that he has the latitude to bring up an immigration deal so i think the crisis is going to lift in the next few minutes. But it is not going to go away and there is still a Decision Making process for democrats over the next tlhree weeks of ho hard a line we want to draw here the Freedom Caucus has a hard line as well as this goes back to the house and how paul ryan can rally his caucus and those are willing to support something that either the president wants to sign or they can agree on with senator schumer. Are you talking about, scott, an immigration deal . Yes im talking about an immigration deal exactly right thats my point. Unlist President Trump gets behind it, then the hard liners in the house are likely to be able to prevent paul ryan from bringing it up thats not going to be an issue today because theres not a deal on immigration today i think if as expected the senate reopens the government, with a vote which i suspect will be a large vote well over 60 votes, then you will have the house assent to that measure and the government will reopen but then youve got a couple of weeks where we have the chance of going through this all over again. Maybe for a longer period of time if democrats decide now is the time that they are going to take a stand to try to get daca once and for all and force paul ryan and President Trump to go along if they decide it is not worth it, then we will talk about it through november. They are looking at polls that many of us are looking at which would suggest that large numbers of the public also want a solution to daca yes and making these what nearly a Million People legal permanent residents of the United States democrats have a stronger position in Public Opinion they are not they have their own vulnerabilities. Especially in some of the more conservative states where Democratic Senators are facing reelection Democratic House members and some of the less liberal areas are facing reelection trying to hold the seats while they recapture the house. Overall youve got two big advantages for democrats one, the d. R. E. A. M. Ers have very large overwhelming support in the public for making them legal. And second, President Trump, the face of the issue and face of the government right now, is very, very unpopular yes john, thanks. We will watch the vote back to you as needed. John hart wood with breaking news for us in d. C we have been talking about the stock market reablgs today stocks are higher and have increased a bit since nbc news began reporting that there are enough votes we have talked also about what is taking place in the bond market with tenyear yield hitting its highest level in more than three and a half years today. At what point do rising rates threaten the rally senior markets adviser mike santoli with us. Mike i think you need to examine the premise that yields are higher as you started to do earlier. On this trip, we wont shoot with the tenyear going to maybe thats the ceiling that would be a surprising outcome for majority of people looking for higher yields if they pull back and regroup that set aside, i think there is irony in recent months biggest worry for the stock market was what flattest yield curve guess what, the way you get a steeper yield curve, thats the main way itll happen this time. That should be a net positive. But to get to the question, when or if yields will hurt the stock market, obviously, it depend how high they go how far they carry higher. Now if 3 is supposedly potentially scary level as some people have flagged as threat to stock valuations, i would go back and point to 2013 last time we rush up to 3 on tenyear treasury yield and below 2 , eight months earlier an stock market with one of its best years going you might push back and say valuations are are lower then. True stock market was under 14 in 2013 you were revaluing stocks. But there is no maujgic triggern yield when they say they start to pinch on stocks how fast we get there, i think the risk there to me is more about if there is some kind of financial accident have you some overleverage group of investors and upend some kind of strategy and some Chain Reaction because yields move really fast to the upside across the curve. Who knows if that could happen but that is definitely an element of it. And to me, credit market responds is absolutely key if credit markets remain calm as yields go higher, thats fine. Thats the lubricant for the stock market as jpmorgan says, why yields go higher is a crucial element as well if it is because the mark set captivated by rising earnings and inflation coming from very low levels to normal levels, you are probably okay right there. Maybe an satisfying answer in terms of when they might pinch, i just think the variables have to be thrown into the pot and boiled together and you never know what the magic relationship is between bond yields and stock values i think most would be fine for rates rising for the right reason thats what are alluding to that other folks are talking about. All in the speed in which they rise even if it is for the right reason speed and i guess also by the way we probably work the stock market up to a point here, you guys are talking about the sentiment and extended technicales a enall this where it doesnt take much of an excuse to have a pull back but to have a real waterloo moment for the stock rally that says, this is it, i dont think you get there because yields are within a certain moment within sight right now if Corporate Credit market remains okay yeah, were at session highs right now. Mike, thanks very much youve been surprised, you admitted earlier, that rates have remained low. They are low, obviously. And scott, let me be clear. I do think we are going to 3 . What im surprise bed is that it hasnt happened faster what you and mike are talking about rb rates rising for right reasons, what i would be worried about and this is to sentiment discussion you are having, the sentiment implied if rates did not rise for the wrong reason. Ie, gdp isnt growing fast enough we get gdp on thursday probably somewhere around 3 lets call it 3 for three quarters in a row. If that happens and you have a yield curve as flat as it presumably would be, if fed raises three times and youre at 3 , those two things dont go together thats a bad scenario. What im looking for, to the point you guys are making is Something Like 75 basis points of yield steepening from the fed funds rate to tenyear thats not crazy that would put us at 3 by yearend just hold your thought. I want to throw up shares of twitter. I want to keep it moving with news expected out of washington. Look at twitter shares falling today on news that chief operating officer anthony nodo might leave that Company Every corps just put out a note on that top ache few moments ago and joins us on the phone. Anthony, welcome hey, scott, how are you so your note says, dont go nodo the stocks arent hit all that much you think it is that much of a material negative if mr. Nodo leaves i do. I think it would be really difficult to find somebody of that caliber to replace anthony. Hes been one constant presence that joined in july of 14 and became coo in 16. Investors respect anthony and i certainly do he previously was an Internet Research analyst and banker himself. Our concern is that if he leaves, it is just investors mimay not have a replace wmt that sort of track record, with that sort of presence. And he has done a lot. In terms of driving the companys sports strategy. I think that twitter has a live events platform has really developed and as we know, nodo is cfo of the nfl. So twitter is becoming more valuable as a distributor of sports so our conversation with investors suggests this is a pretty terrible outcome for twitter if they lost noto. He is an architect of thursday night football for example and it comes at a delicate time for the stock. Even though the stocks been performing well, it is up 30 since third quarter. Yeah. Sounds like you are understating it. It has been performing great been performing great and so, you know, i think that you know, the expectations for twitter in terms of this shift back to Revenue Growth and accelerating engagement have become quite high. And you know, we can debate whether there is some premium stock if the company is sold, it is less likely that the company is sold if anthony were to leave. My point is that what investors want to see is a follow through of fundamentals and if he leaves i think it caps that whole narrative in kind after different light. You think it has been a punk move in a stock . 30 in three months . Is that justified . I think it makes sense because engagement has been improving. The product roadmap has been improving and youve had this generally this shift back to add Revenue Growth that the street has been expecting and so, you know, with the stock having rallied, i thought jpmorgan made the right call going into what seems like it should be a descent quarter for them pb you know, i think the reason that i havent upgraded the stock is because of users. If we are stuck here at 330 million users and were not going to 500 to 600 million users for twitters global, it will be hard to grow into the 20 plus times valuation so it is the right move, if you will, in the stock up to this point. But my target is 21. You need stability leadership and user growth. Thats the key dau growth, weve been seeing. But monthly user growth both nearterm and longterm is what you want to see. Let me bring josh brown into the conversation who owns the stock. In all intents and purposes has upgraded it in his own mind lately josh anthony, my question is, you mentioned notos track record. The stock is down 39 since the time you referenced since i think july 2014. So what track record is number one. At least not as far as shareholders is concerned. And number two, is twitter known for Operational Excellence right now . Is that what you think has driven the stock since its gone public because i have a different take. On number one, can you choose whichever sort of time and obviously this hasnt been it is your time i used your time from when noto was involved yeah. But if you look at last few quarters, stock is up 30 . I think anthony laid ground work for some of that improvement in i im sorry, i hate to interrupt, but with all due respect, what changed in the period of time this stock has risen by 30 is not mr. Noto he has been the there the whole time what change said jack coming back how can you say that one is more important than the other i dont really agree with that, josh cost controls have been a big part of bringing margins up to record levels. I think noto being cfo implemented quite a bit of cost control. I think key audience metrics you cant credit only jack for that we have been close to anthony and some of the things he has been working on. I mentioned the live event strategy with an awesome new front in the spring. And signed deals for sports highlights and the new blockbuomberg channl the shift is coming from new video revenue and noto around the live video revenue and there were formats like the ad formats now going away. Im not saying that twitter is crushing it. I dont have a buy on the stock. But i think mr. Noto brings value to the table and i think saying anything otherwise is discounting how hard itll be for jack to find somebody of this caliber, somebody that is the face of the franchise, so to speak and i get people emailing it, i have a a man crush sounds like it. But no judgment. Tough to replace. I think he is a good executive very strong executive. Now look, we understand clearly where sentiment is around anthony noto. That is for sure anthony diclemente, thank you for your time. Thanks for calling in. West point grad, i know youre partial. Very partial. And it pains me to hear you say the things you say about him what . Like he has no impact well, there is nothing for shareholders from when he came in to now. I think the big risk is you finally have the company turn the corner and if you have a guy like noto leave, then i dont want him to leave, i completely agree with that lets jump to the latest regarding the shut down. Senator schumer has been speaking on the floor of the senate kayla has details. Senator dushin is there in your live picture speaking out in kayla . Scott, senator schumer says he will reopen, siting a deal he struck personally with republican leader, Mitch Mcconnell. Here is senator schumer. The republican leader and i have come to an arrangement. We will vote today to reopen the government, to continue negotiating a global agreement with the commitment that if an agreement s isnt reached by february 8, the senate will immediately proceed to consideration of legislation dealing with daca. The process will be neutral and fair to all sides. So democrats are going to vote for this. The government will reopen in matter of hours. But schumer using the opportunity at the podium on the floor to lay the blame of the shut down at the feet of President Trump. Saying the deal making president sat on the side lines and then after his meeting with the president at the white house on friday senator schumer and the president havent talked that it was mainly the leaders on capitol hill and notably schumer and mcconnell personally working this out but democrats seem to feel they have the assurance that if they dont get the deal by february 8 that they will be able to have some immediacy on the schedule to get one done as soon as possible scott . We havent seen the president publicly over the weekend at all. I wonder if now once the government opens if we see President Trump make any kind of statement. We will check back with you. If that happens, perhaps with aimian jabbers at the white house as well. Stocks are are at the high of the day. And there will be a conversation a month from now about the debt limit i said this before this is close to the debt limit. Does this mean the market rolls over because of it no, it does not. But pushes it back to where the Treasury Department will have to continue borrowing and they are going to have to have a resolution to extending the deadline for the debt limit to 2019 thats a little bit uncomfortably close. All right we are just getting started. There is so much going on. We will jump back it washington as needed once that vote becomes official and the government does reopen after what is now a threeday shut down. Here is what else is coming up on the Halftime Report one analyst big call on a Home Improvement stock he says will improve your portfolio. Up 33 in just two months. Is there room to run plus, the Video Game Company two of our traders are buying. And why they picked it over the competition. Before the break, who wins in the government shut down . According to our data partners, when at the start after government shut down and sold when it reopens, energy is the leading sector followed by telecom and utilities. With tech the biggest loser. Halftime report with scott wapner and traders is back in two minutes. Over the years, paul and i have met regularly with our ameriprise advisor. We plan for everything from retirement to college savings. Giving us the ability to add on for an important member of our family. Welcome home mom. With the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Dynamic performance, so you can aggressive styling, so you can break away from everyone else. The bold lexus is. Experience amazing. Youre still here . Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Held yoo, everyone, im sue herera the president of the Economic Forum says he well wums President Trump anded he hopes this has better communication. He is looking to President Trumps address on friday. Think the president of the s u. S. Is here it opens up for discussion about more equitable globalization. You have to also address the trickling down as well secretary of state Rex Tillerson visiting downing street he was greeted by boris johnson. They were expected to discuss yemen, syria and the Iran Nuclear Deal pan tonic is recalling more than 750 flat screen tvs and stands over potentially deadly hazards to kids. Cpsc says the mounting screws connecting the tv to the stand can become loose and cause the tv to tip over they were told 20 is it to 2014. Hard to see that, but at least you got it thats the update tht this hour scott, back to you thank you so much word out of washington there are enough votes to reopen the government they are voting as we speak. We will jump down once we cross the key 60vote limit. Lows getting a double upgrade from bernstein today analyst raising that stock from a sell it a buy. 125 is the price market thats the highest on the street what is your take . It seems like everyday, scott, we are talking about a new analyst upgrade in the retail space clearly there is value here in that space it is not surprising that the space got decimated last year. A lot of people will point out that look this stock is up 30 in the last three months or so thats one way it look at it it is also up 50 in the last three years. There may still be room to run in this particular name given the housing industry possibly picking up millennials moving out of moms basement, buying homes. What i think you do is nibble a little bit but no reason to back up the truck here and buy a large position nibble, take your time you have the left of the year to buy a position i dont see the reason to buy is president if the momentum is there. Im not saying thats what youre saying but momentum has to be a positive things for a lot of these things especially when you see a form after fundamental term you can say maybe it is coming from an activist i would argue it is coming from a consumer that is feeling more in their wallet and going out and spending and the focus of the spending appears to be on housing. It has been present for home depot. Weve been questioning for many years why lowes didnt have the performance you are witnessing at home depot. Now you see the beginning of it. Now you see the beginning of over year they are identical. Lowes is a touch cheaper thats the stock depot is dor how much does lowes have to spend to catch home depot. And is amazon a threat so im not sure it is such a great buy. There is such a thing as saying great company, great stock, but i missed it if im long, i dent want to sell it but do i want to come in now at 89 rsi stock. Forget about 30 in a couple months it is up 14 in two weeks. This is not what professionals are doing, hopefully, with other peoples money buying into names like this after whats gone on you can say you missed it and let it set up a again. Couple of bad days in the market might get it in a pull back. But jumping in because you feel like you missed it and want to be a part of it, i dont know if thats the best strategy lets emphasize about what you says, what ch is stay long yeah, i wouldnt sell it. I wouldnt want it pto pay the x if i think i want to be in this for years to come just because it has run up a lot, great, le me take the profit but thats different, that i have new money and whats for today. That distinction gets lost sometimes. Just because something is a sell, doesnt make it a buy. Next up, activity in an Airlines Stock and up 18 in two months where does it fly to from here pete will tell us when we are back in two minutes. Your friend just marea. You like her. Shes really good at social media. She buys stocks in companies that stand for something. You like her. Shes always up on the latest trends. She got in early on the whole goat yoga thing. And her sunsets are always nofilter. You like her. But youd like her better if you made more money than she does. Dont get mad at just marea. Get eatrade. You myour joints. Thing for your heart. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Its abor it isnt. Ence in 30,000 precision parts. Its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians. Or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. Now through february 28th. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. We are back. Our friend, pete, oh, pete sad day, man. Sad day. Im happy for cramer im happy for cramer, too but sad for you im happy for jimmy and the eagles but not happy for my eagles. We finally hit a wall and couldnt get through this one. Thats all right. There will be another day. Pete, youre going to need that wall. Because i dont think philadelphia will send its best people you might need a higher wall couple of years you insult cleveland and now insult philadelphia. Im rooting philly this super bowl pete, lets get down to business what do you got for us today sure. Im looking at hanes brands, number one this stock went from 23 down to 19 in november. Here we are again pushing the 23 level. Which is interesting because we also have very large call buying the february 24 calls, 5,000 of those purchased today between 50 and 60 cents somebody looking for a breakout here interesting because when you go back and look at all of the businesses that amazon was knocking out, they took the same dip and then theyve rallied back and in many cases run up to new highs. I think this is exactly what folks are expecting for right now. When you look at pe level here, it is very, very low a lot of this makes sense. Ive got another one for you as well delta. Dal. We talk about airlines all the time and some moves. Great night. I know in the tease you talk about delta and fast move to the upside someone is expecting more in a short period of time because they are buying this fridays expiring january 60 calls and trading for around 60 cents at the time stock trading 59. 75 some why that n that range. Looking for the stock to blow up and through the 60 level. Another one where we decide to jump in as well. I own these calls. We will see what happens from here until friday. In hanes, im also in that stock because i do believe in what i saw on the paper there that this stock is ready to break out. You have an update for us too, right yeah. We were talking about juno if you go back to december 20, weve had incredible activity, scott. Buying february 52 1 2 calls we all know the story if you go fast forward to just this past week and now today, with that buy, though calls from 2. 50, now trading over 33 thats an incredible run youve got to love when you see that kind of unusual activity. And in the same day today, unusual ablg activity in cell gene we add lot of paper in there recently with gilliad. Maybe with this acquisition people are getting excited about the biotech industry once again. Good stuff, pete. See you back here soon thanks. Up from minneapolis today we do have breaking news from the senate floor. Kayla joins us now with that scott, the procedural vote to refund the government has overwhelmingly passed the vote is still open. 78 yes votes 17 no votes, including two republicans. Senator rand paul and senator mike lee two republicans who traditionally have not ever voted for these continuing resolutions. We will see what the final vote shakes out to and what our exact timing is for the house vote expected to happen this afternoon. All right thank you very much. Show you the markets again Dow Jones Industrial average hitting a new high moments ago at highs of the day now good for 85 points. S p, putting in new record as well theres a look at nasdaq up by sss. Her 52 point ruell over 1600. Halftime is back in two minutes. Alerts wouldnt you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell . With fidelitys realtime analytics, youll get clear, actionable alerts about potential Investment Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Hey. Pass please. 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These thickets have represent, right amount visible, take two, 125 , this one i get is the cheapest on your list not by much, though, yes, but 23 times earns, also to activision. Carrie, its joe. How much of this is about the esports, the franchises, just this phenomenon thats going on in the country oh, i think a lot theyre taking advantage of where gaming is going on the professional sport and fantasy sport side of things if you think about owning what is essentially the content, which is comparable to a studio without having all of the burden and all of the costs of an entire studio system and infrastructure, its a cheap way to do it the margins are much higher. Jimmy you and joe, carrie, his some good points, but its more than star wars. They have madden nfl thats a great franchise they have fifa soccer, so the point being, this is not a onetrick pony at all. I can live with the 23 multipool, which gives it a peg ratio of 1 1 2 times good, we agree. Value and growth combined. Yes all right carrie, enjoy the victory for another day. Two weeks to wait for the super bowl well see yobau ck here. Thanks. Final trade is next. Two,that was awful. Why are you so good at this . Had a coach in high school. Really helped me up my game. I had a coach. Math. Ooh. So, why dont traders have coaches . Who says they dont . Coach mcadoo you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum just to help you improve your skills. Boom thats lesson one. Education to take your trading to the next level. Only with td ameritrade. Its abor it isnt. Ence in 30,000 precision parts. Its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians. Or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. Now through february 28th. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. 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Have they already gotten the bat news in, will their different yield come to the forehere more importantly than that, will any of their content initiatives take over from this utility. Thats what i week looking for. Better be watching the show tomorrow do you know what the ceo is of verizon . Lowe mcadams do you know where hes going to be tomorrow . Hes going to be great. Faber got him we look forward to it, too earnings i agree with joe. I think the first question on ever Conference Call is how does this change your Capital Spending plans they wouldnt sigh buybacks, but thats what theyre asks. Watch what they say about i phones with verizon and procter and 2k3w578 able, one of the first are uses all right netflix earnings after the bet what do we think get a coin. What does that mean it could be 5 to 10 higher other lower, and that is not something that given my discipline im comfortable with. If youre lock wait to see, youre going to rye says yourings other than that youre not doing something in the afterhours. Roll your eyes all you want. Its like you cant measure it you know im not in the same you know, because of that number, im not going to be in it however, this is a bellwether stock. Joe, to your point unless something fundamentally changes in their report, i think the stock goes higher from here. Josh brown . Yeah, i think professionals react to earnings moves post that they disagree with. I dont think like anyone is servely making a big gamble on tonights release. That game is mostly over, but watch what happens tomorrow. Less than 30 seconds. Final trades ian thanks for being here. In honor of west point buy aobc, the old smith and wesson i think its going. Alb has had a tough week after a fear about more lithium being produced im still long. Metlife is coming out of doldrums that was undeserves. Something else . Im lipping the marriott, but im going to sell a bit. Heads you win, tails you lose heres power lunch. After three days of a shut down, the Senate Reaches a deal to reopen the government, but only for three weeks were hitting new record highs, important earnings this week are front and center, and its turning into a really, really bad flu season how its impacting the economy and your workplace power lunch starts right now s. Melissa, thank you

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