the strike action embarked on by Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria, JUSUN, to demand financial autonomy for the judiciary enters day nine, some Senior Advocates of Nigeria, SANs spoke on JUSUN’s position and what the state governments must do.
— Ozekhome, SAN
Rights activist and lawyer, Mike Ozekhome expressed support for the ongoing JUSUN strike, insisting that the judiciary must be emancipated now. He said: “Autonomy as prescribed by the Constitution, is the goal of the JUSUN strike. No more, no less. This was why I supported President Muhammadu Buhari’s Executive Order which had ordered direct payments to Heads of Courts for disbursements. Though appearing then otiose and superfluous, having been duly and fully provided for in the 4th Alteration to the 1999 Constitution, I still supported it. Why should Governors waylay, like armed bandits, funds meant for the Judiciary on a first-line-charge? Where is the hallowed doctrine of separation of powers, checks and balances, as ably propounded by the great French Philosopher, Baron de Mintequieu,in 1748?