The russell 2000, another alltime high, up 2. 1 . The s p 500 up a solid 1. 5 . Important is the cyclical reopening rotation we had happening in recent weeks, often it comes at the cost of tech but that is not happen today. The nasdaq 100 is up 1 . This is a bully lock cyclical rotation on the expectation of normalizing economy this is a goldilocks cyclical rotation on the expectation of normalizing economy. I know we have been talking about whether or not it will last. If we take a look at the sectors on the month, it does suggest the cyclical rotation is on the way. Take a look at energy, up 30 . Heading toward its best monthly performance ever. That is the foam oh buying we have around that is the fomo buying we have around energy, but also financials. We have stocks off to the races. Taylor is interesting as we talk about the reflation trade in the outlook for politics. We are looking at bond yields up three basis points on the 10 year, five basis points on the 30 year that goes into the cyclical theme you were discussing. The outlook for bonds, with yields rising, part of the reflation trade . Abigail right now you can make the case bonds are at the perfect goldilocks level because you have the 10 year yield still in this years range below 1 . Stock investors do not have to worry about yields going too far, too fast, which would bring into question valuation and discount rates and other of risk issues. You also have bonds at the higher part of the range. It brings in the idea reflation, the perfect amount of reflation is ahead. As long as the 10 year yield stays below 1 it is a healthy spot. That is what stocks are telling us. Above 1 it could be a different story. Right now bonds are a part of this reflation trade. Alix our thank to bloombergs abigail doolittle. I want to bring in christina romer, university of california berkeley professor of economics. Formal council of economic advisors chair. Great to have you. We have been talking about janet yellen as treasury secretary. What does she bring to the table . Christina it is great to be with you. She bring so much. I was just listening to your description of what is happening in markets, and i know i am feeling a lot calmer, a lot more confident, and i am guessing they are, too, in part because we are going to have a very good treasury secretary. What she brings is a wealth of experience. Here is someone who has worked in administrations, in the Federal Reserve, and the broader sheral reserve system, so understands the economy, she knows the players, she knows the international players, so that is fantastic to bring that experience, tied together with incredible smart. That is incredible valuable. The other thing she brings are the right values. What did she care about . She cares about unemployment, about getting the virus under control because that is what is good for the economy and good for people. She will care about rebuilding our International Economic relationship. She cares about climate change, something i think is one of the most existential threats to the World Economy and something that dovetails incredibly well with president elect bidens focus on dealing with this issue at the same time we are dealing with the tremendous short run issue. Kevin i remember when you were in the Obama Administration and covering recommendations you have given to the Obama Administration about the need he was president elect the need for more fiscal stimulus. I am curious. We are facing a very similar debate right now where former fed chair yellen has been out front, peering at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum and other events, where she has been urging more fiscal stimulus. Leader macconnell has said he does not agree with that. What advice can you give the Incoming Administration in order to try to get enough support for there to be additional stimulus . First, i want to echo former fed chair yellen. I do not know what to call her , toe days other than janet say absolutely the economy is in a tenuous spot with the virus urging, with some of the indicators starting to look a little shaky. This is exactly the time you need some help to the economy. We have the prospect of a vaccine, but it will be a while. The nexto get through several months. That is going to be a priority. I think of anyone can navigate this, janet is likely to be able to do it. She has built good relations with congress, with members of the senate from both parties. I think she may be uniquely well situated to be able to navigate this. Things, especially if you want to get something passed, they will have to work with republicans, and that may be not getting everything you dot, but saying what can we that will make a real difference in peoples lives, in the economy, and might have bipartisan support . That is what we are going to need. Kevin what can you tell us yellenow a secretary would deal with the International Component of her job, especially as it relates to chairing cfius and tariffs and sanctions. That has been increasingly a larger and larger part of the secretarys portfolio in recent years, even before the trump administration. Absolutely. A lot of our International Relationships are in tatters. That is going to be more of a job than normal. About janet is a planner. She figures out what needs to be done, she games it out, she pushes her staff hard to come up with good policies and every possible line if the decision tree. She willbe out there, be traveling to these international meetings, rebuilding our relationships. Been at g7 meetings for years because she was fed chair. She knows the players. They trust her, they know her, they respect her. That will make it much easier to deal with the trade issues. We will have the issue of international physical coordination. International fiscal coordination. One of the things done in 2009 was for countries to say lets all fight this thing together. I can see her helping to lead a charge for Something Like that worldwide. Taylor on that theme of coordination, on the margin, how helpful is it you seemingly have a Good Relationship with the Federal Reserve giving she just came from that role . Christina it certainly cannot hurt. I think right now there is no issue. Secretary powell has been his outspoken about the need for fiscal stimulus as janet yellen has been. Monetary policymakers understand their tools are limited today. They see the damage, they see the unemployment, and they want policymakers to help. Fact she will have good communication with chair ,owell is certainly valuable but her main communication is going to have to be with congress. Kevin our thanks to christina romer. Happy thanksgiving. The former chair of the White House Council of economic advisors in the Obama Administration. Coming up, more on president elect bidens cabinet selection, with jim messina, who ran the obama biden president ial campaign. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Kevin this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Taylor lets get to Mark Crumpton for the bloomberg first word news update. Mark pennsylvanias top Election Officials have certified that democrats joe Biden Victory in the key battleground state. Another significant blow to President Trumps efforts to overturn the Election Results. The certification is the official declaration that mr. Biden won pennsylvania and its Electoral College votes. Electors will cast their votes for mr. Biden when they meet on december 14 unless the court intervenes. Some Senate Democrats are calling on youtube to take down videos with what they call false and misleading information about the election. In the letter, the senator say because President Trump refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power, this information and manipulated media content on your platform may fuel civil unrest. Youtubeibits prohibits videos that incite violence but says it allows clips expressing views on the outcome of the election. The European Union and other donors are offering new funding or afghanistan. A largely virtual pledging conference in geneva true representatives for more than 70 countries in the first such event in more than four years. The eu pledged 1. 4 billion dollars in assistance to afghanistan over the next four years, but like many others made it support conditional on the countrys commitment to democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and gender equality. David dinkins, who broke barriers as new york citys first africanamerican mayor has died. ,avid dinkins had a calm manner a dramatic shift from his predecessor ed koch and his successor rudy giuliani. He was doomed to a single term by a soaring order rate, stubborn unemployment, and missed of a ride in brooklyn. His wife joy should his wife joyce died last month at the age of 89. David dinkins was 93 years old. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. I am Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. Kevin thank you. Pennsylvanias top Election Officials have officially certified president elect bidens victory in the keystone state. This is another blow to President Trumps effort to overturn the Election Results and comes as the Joe Biden Cabinet is starting to take shape. For more insight, i want to welcome jim messina, former Obama Biden Campaign manager and former deputy chief of staff to president obama. Former president obama yesterday spoke to the washington post, saying he believes the team the president elect is establishing will be able to get us out of this pandemic. Treasuryu think secretary janet yellen and a state Department Led by tony blinken will Work Together internationally in order to turn the corner with the pandemic . Jim a great question. When i was in the white house i worked with all of these people who were getting major jobs. Is what you see our competence. These people are incredibly good at what they do and they are well respected around the world. There is not any World Economic leader who does not know janet yellen on a first name basis. She is able to bridge the ideologically divide inside the democratic party. She is respected by both sides. Tony blinken is one of the most competent people ive ever worked with. He knows every foreign leader around the world. Incredibly important coordination will happen with agencies, with governments, with world leaders. These folks will walk in the room and know exactly what to do and be respected and not have to spend real time getting up to speed. Are so why these picks smart, because the word competence keeps coming back to me over and over. Kevin in the last segment we spoke with christina romer, one of the chairs of the National Economic advisers during the Obama Administration. One of the things she did during the obama transition was to advise there be more stimulus. Flashforward 12 years later and we are having the same washington debate about the need for more stimulus, something former fed chair janet yellen has been at getting four has been advocating for. You know what it takes to strike a deal with leader mcconnell. How can President Biden do that with more fiscal stimulus . Jim i think christina is exactly right in her comments, which means we will have to take a deal. I was White House Deputy chief of staff when we cut the first bill on the economic stimulus deal in 2009. Good deals have both sides saying i wish i wouldve gotten more. The other thing is we will need to have the Business Community and the world all on the same page, saying to democrats and republicans, get this done. Do not play politics. Jamie dimon was right last week when he said both sides were acting childish. Get to the table and get this done. That kind of spirit is what joe biden will bring. When i was in the white house, we went to the Vice President over and over again when we wanted to cut a deal because he was the one who was respected and new both sides to get these things done. That is exactly what he will attempt to do in the white house as president and the republicans not on everything, i will not be pollyanna on this, i do not think we will hold hands into the river but on major things like the stimulus bill or a budget bill, he will be able to get it done. Taylor is getting things done as a relates to stimulus just passing what we can agree on versus Nancy Pelosis all or nothing approach which leaves us with nothing . Why cant we pass what we can agree on . Jim the speaker has said she wants to get a deal Going Forward. What joe biden is good at is saying to both sides, lets see reality and get this done. I saw him do it in the economic bill. There would be no obamacare without joe biden because he was the one who helped me get the final votes for that. That is what joe biden is so good at and that is why think given the team he is putting together, smart and knowledgeable people like janet yellen, who has been confirmed by Republican Senate in the past , she will have the respect to walk in to Mitch Mcconnell and say lets put aside the politics. This is what we need to get done. Taylor Going Forward, what is the mandate to govern, given that the second largest vote went to trump and the biggest nonwhite vote since the 1960s . What does that mean for the mandate to govern Going Forward . Sideshat voters want both to Work Together. They unseated only the third president in 100 years. They kept control of the senate and republicans hands. That is a clear message to both parties to say lets get along and get a basic blocking and tackling of government. Lower the temperature enough. Lets get easy things done, that is what the voters want, that is what america wants, that is what america needs. We talked about congress, but the governors, because of the issue with the ben dimmick and covid cases across the country, with the pandemic and covid cases increasing across the country, how will that work with the executive branch . Jim my College Roommate is the governor of montana and he was talking about how important this is, not a democrat or republican. Governors have to work closely. Part of this is putting science first in putting politics aside and saying what are the things we have to get done, and that is what i am hopeful joe biden can do. Put the science and economics first and put the politics later. You as always. Former obama Campaign Manager jim messina. Cabinet palm it is a big round number we like to talk about even though the dow is price weighted, not market cap. It is dow 30,000 for the first time ever. Mean record highs we continue to see on the s p 500 and the russell 2000 also fresh record highs. Ons is balance of power bloomberg tv and radio. Kevin this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I am Kevin Cirilli in washington, d. C. Taylor i am taylor riggs in new york. Time for our stock of the hour. We do a deep dive into individual stocks like marijuana stocks also spiking after the dsa approved a transition to a after the gsa approved of a transition to the biden government. Emme chandra with a look at what is next. Emma we are seeing double digit pops up some of the biggest and bestknown names. The likes of tilray, sundial, aurora. As we bring up the chart, that will show the industry as a whole benefiting from this investor enthusiasm. We should show you mj, the biggest pot etf, daily moves are up around 6 . That mirroring what we saw in the first days after the election. That is because investors expecting a joe biden presidency to be beneficial for the move towards greater legalization of cannabis. They have heard both joe biden and Kamala Harris being supportive of cannabis reform. More states act positively in that direction. Getstors thinking they will action on a federal level. Taylor everything is higher, but you look at tilray in particular. Increasing the cash flow with the debt swap. Debt is free, everything is 0 . Why not . Right. Hat is absolutely showing investor enthusiasm for that particular stock. We are seeing the debt convergence, converting 124 million worth of debt into about 6 million shares for an existing bondholder. Also helping to strengthen the Balance Sheet for tilray and removing a big chunk of interest obligations. Jeffreys calling it a shrewd move. Taylor emme chandra, thank you as always for joining us. Stay with us. Up next, the role of the u. S. On the global trade of the global stage. We speak with Eurasia Group president ian bremmer about what bidens team could tell us about his priorities. This comes as more headlines cross. Nevada certifying Election Results, also showing a joe Biden Victory. That seems to be more clear through and through. Ons is balance of power bloomberg tv and radio. [announcer] imagine having fuller, thicker, more voluminous hair instantly. All it takes is just one session at hairclub. Introducing xtrands. Xtrands adds hundreds or even thousands of hair strands to your existing hair at the root. Theyre personalized to match your own natural hair color and texture, so theyll blend right in for a natural, effortless look. Call in the next five minutes and when you buy 500 strands, you get 500 strands free. Call right now. upbeat music taylor this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im taylor riggs in new york. Lets get to the first word news with Mark Crumpton. Mark although president is finally calling on his agencies to cooperate in the formal transition process to a Biden Administration, mr. Trump is still not admitting he lost the election. He tweeted repeatedly today about Election Fraud and said today, i concede nothing. The General Services administration has confirmed that joe biden was the winner of the election. That gives them access to Current Agency officials, briefing books, and other sources. The president is expected to hold a News Conference any minute now. Reportedlyournoy is expected to be the next secretary of defense. She would be the first woman to run the pentagon. New york city will have vehicle check winds at key Bridge Crossings and will strictly enforce the travel quarantine. Sheriffs office today it said it will conduct spot checks when outofstate buses drop passengers off at the curbs. Teams will be on the ground to direct individuals to testing sites and provide education on quarantine. Violations will be enforced and may carry fines of up to 2000. Princeton University Says all undergraduates can come back to campus for the spring term in february. The schools says it made the decision after establishing an oncampus lab and cultivating Strong Public Health practices, but returning does not mean an end to heavy restrictions. Parties and most other gatherings will be prohibited. Masking and social distancing requirements will apply around campus. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and on bloomberg quicktake, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. Taylor thank you, mark. President elect biden is set to announce a key formal policy and National Security appointments at 1 00. He is also expected to nominate his longtime advisor tony blinken as secretary of state, marking a return to a Foreign Policy strategy focused on alliances. Kevin we are actually hearing from President Trump. President trump nothing like that has ever happened medically. People are acknowledging that it is having a big effect, but the stock market has just broken 30,000, never been broken that number. That is a sacred number, nobody ever thought they would see it. It is the ninth time since the beginning of 2020, and it is the 48th time that we have broken records during the trump administration, and i just want to grant graduate congratulate all the people within the administration that work so hard. And i want to congratulate the people of our country because there are no people like you. Thank you. Taylor i mean, you helped me here. What was your key take away from that . Short and sweet. Marks ort and sweet remarks in which the president appeared momentarily inside the brady briefing room. According to our colleagues, it was a lastminute press conference in which white house staffers were rushing to get into the briefing room. That was a very brief public trump,ary from president taylor. Acknowledgmentl gsahat is going on, even as has signaled the transition is going to move ahead. The headline on the terminal captures it beautifully. Trump discusses stock market in a very short press leaving. Lets get to ian bremmer of the Eurasia Group, president. That very brief commentary from President Trump moments ago . Ian he is not doing a lot of governing, right . Coronavirus continues to be the most important story out there. Until january 20, you would want the president to be out in front of it. That is not the case. We also have not seen a concession from President Trump. In fact, he fired christopher krebs. I know that felt like a year ago but it was a week ago. With the man insured trusted for ensuring election security. He was fired for not upholding President Trumps allegations of Election Fraud. Ultimately, it doesnt matter to the outcome, but it matters because he has an enormous megaphone, and a lot of people believe him. You have a large number of Trump Supporters in the country that actually think the election was rigged. That means their willingness to believe in the institutions of the United States are deteriorating. It makes it a lot harder to govern, lead by example internationally. Do you think anyone is going to listen to the u. S. When we criticize other countries for their electoral irregularities when we have a president who actually said the election was stolen . It is a joke. It is a problem that will resolve itself in the immediate sense, and the markets will be just fine with it. You saw it bouncing on the announcement of yellen for treasury yesterday, but the deep structures related to the United States not having the kind of institutions that we use to, or that countries like germany, japan, the nordics, canada do, that is something that we will be living with for a long time. This question yesterday and im desperate for your thoughts. A lot of people think the idea of trumpism and America First was in reaction to obama, trying to work with alliances, being tough on china but only with alliances. Are we just going back to that . How is this time different . Ian i think a little bit of both. I think obama as president , biden as Vice President , were much more law multilateral in orientation, they wanted to work with allies, but were also pretty reluctant to deploy american power. Signaled with America First very quickly, much ,ore unilateral, transactional and much more willing to deploy american power. By the way, you look at the wins that trump has gotten over the last four years, whether with south korea or the u. S. Mexicocanada agreement, allies front, or and the 5g the new peace deals happening in the middle east, leaving aside the palestinians, all of that was a unilateral America First approach. You saw under obama like the Iranian Nuclear deal, for example, or Constructive Movement on climate , were largely multilateral the americans were working with allies and was not driving the power by itself. There is an enormous amount of distance between those two approaches. You would like to believe that a Biden Administration is not going to simply revert to the of the Obama Administration but will find some lessons from some of trumps successes as well. From my personal conversations with those that are in the new cabinet, they do recognize that some of the things that trump did actually worked, and worked better than the old obama approach, and i think they are ready to learn as well. I am cautiously optimistic that we will head to a more constructive place. Kevin i want to pick up on something you said about 5g. Coming up, we are going to be speaking to the department of state undersecretary keith krach, and nations around the world are adopting their 5g protocols, going against china. U. K. Yesterday said that they could ban Huawei Technologies as early as next calendar year. From your conversations based with individuals in the Incoming Administration as it relates to 5g and china, do you think they will continue in that vane of trying to secure a clean 5g network for western allies and not with the chinese . I believe the trump Foreign Policy on 5g, specifically in terms of huawei, has been the most successful Foreign Policy they have implemented in their entire administration. As you mentioned, a surprising number of allies signed up. This did not exist before trump. Fact that the incoming Biden Administration understands that success and wants to continue along those lines. But you asked me specifically about continuing the Clean Network, c. I want to be clear. I think the Biden Administration will not just be focused on the National Security components but will also be engaged must more with the American Private sector to help ensure the policies we implement actually do not hamstring our own private Sector Companies that are trying to develop globally or that is a push and pull. Ifius, which about s looks to review investment from a National Security perspective, it is not just homeland security, you need to people from congress and treasury involved. You want to understand how would impacts American Economic interest, not just domestic impacts. Biden with respect to china will be more blended in that regard. Taylor are our i allies willing to be tough on china . Ian it depends on the ally. They are much less willing if we are not doing anything. The east europeans, who are part beijing, plus one with they all joined belt and road, they are getting more money in an environment where there is not much money to be had. Know, thely announcement last week of the largest multilateral trade deal in global history, the United States has no part in it. China is driving it. You know about belt and road. Framework forest Infrastructure Investment globally being driven by beijing. United states has no equivalent. If you are asking American Allies when they rather join with an american architecture or chinese architecture . They would say american architecture. If you said, would you rather choose that or nothing . They would choose that. As an american, i would rather the chinese develop ports in sri lanka than not have a port. Because it will lead to growth. I would much prefer that it was driven by americans or europeans, but that is not on offer. Unless we are going to start spending money and doing longterm strategy. Remember, the transpacific partnership, which trump fights but obama could not get it done, they failed. Option, is no american it is not clear what we are asking our allies to do. Taylor so many perspectives, always grateful for your time, ian bremmer. Coming up, we will speak with congresswoman Haley Stevens of michigan on whether congress will come to a stimulus deal. We are still waiting. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Taylor this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im taylor riggs in new york. Kevin im Kevin Cirilli in washington. Us now is congresswoman Haley Stevens, democrat of michigan. Give us the playbyplay. When are we going get more Fiscal Relief . We need it, and we know we need it now. Right now a few days before thanksgiving and no one is repaired to take a vote, but it is clear from our Small Businesses to our public schools, our state and local budgets that we need a relief packaged just as we needed one in early summer. You start to look at the spike in cases, and right now, in some ways, it is all eyes on north dakota. There is an exorbitant rate of vitalitys, cases around the block fatalities, cases around the block. I mentioned that because it is Republican Leadership in the state that is coming together with democrats in the house to say lets get a package done. Our Small Businesses cannot withstand this. Our job losses cannot go on like this. We need to get through the other side of this pandemic. In some ways, it is similar to where we were in the early days of this virus. Kevin to follow up on that precisely in terms of getting past the hardline, where both sides are dug in, you have worked with republicans before, much more of a centrist democrat. In terms of another round of Fiscal Relief, will it take republicans in red states in order to put pressure on compromise . We want to see that, i think there is a real opportunity for that. One of the other ongoing questions, kevin, are the Georgia Special elections. I heard earlier today a on television, are we going to see Mitch Mcconnell not come to the table because of these special elections in georgia . In many respects, that is the exact opposite of what the American People want. To thent an end politicking, politics above everything, and a deal to be done for the american worker, american small business. You are spot on, i have worked on both sides of the i o. I worked in the Obama Administration on the auto rescue. A little known fact that some bush appointees came from the there. It was also comprised of republicans, people that have gone on to run for office in the republican party, but we were united to save the auto industry. Now we are looking at the balance of the American Economy and getting deals done. We should be able to do it. Thate withheld this notion we dont need to get cynical. You just have to get to work. I maintain those conversations, i have Good Relationships with my colleagues. I am not taking extreme viewpoints, and i continue to advocate for what we need in michigan, which is the point our Small Businesses. Taylor what pressure have you put on Speaker Pelosi to work with mnuchin to get a piecemeal approach . Rep. Stevens we certainly saw mr. Mnuchin somewhat exploded last week when he called on the Federal Reserve to return the dollars that were allocated to the Federal Reserve to buoy our economy. With myeen very clear leadership. I dont think we need to get into the race to the bottom with a dollar figure. What we need is relief. I have regularly taken to the house floor and spent time listening. But right now in this environment, we are also removed from one another, which is also causing problems. The letter writing campaigns that go on, obviously spending time with my constituents and reconfirming, i work closely with about a dozen or so of the mayors and township supervisors right here in metro detroit. Most of them by and large are on the others of the aisle, so i take their viewpoint, bring them together, and share them with my house leadership. We need our fair share of federal funding. They say, fiscal responsibility. That is really important. I call it return on spend, return on the taxpayer dollar that is being spent. Certainly, we wanted to get a deal done. The house has voted, we know that. We have the words from Mitch Mcconnell saying it is not time to act, moving forward on the supreme court, talking to my other senators here in michigan, they are frustrated. Taylor we are thankful for your time, presented of Haley Stevens. This is bloomberg. Taylor this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im taylor riggs in new york. Kevin im Kevin Cirilli in washington, d. C. It is time for a bloomberg exclusive. I spoke to keith krach, under secretary of state for Economic Affairs, and we discussed economic growth, energy, the environment, and more. Keith what began as a pilot in terms of the Clean Network, this is one of the thing that the Chinese Communist party has an overwhelming success. To hit on that thread of an alliance of democracy, uniting those democracies around the world based on Democratic Values , it turns the tables on the Chinese Communist party. If you look at where this can be extended to, it is in areas of clean infrastructure, areas of ,lean financing, Clean Minerals clean supply chains, clean energy. I think this is a magic formula that is timeless. , we this got announced announced it as a comprehensive approach to addressing the longterm threats of the Chinese Communist party, and is built on a coalition of trusted partners. That is countries, companies, and civil society. Kevin two more questions for you. I remember traveling with secretary pompeo at the beginning of the year in the latin america and throughout jamaica as well. It was not uncommon to see huawei buildings, signs all throughout downtown. Could we be looking at a significant shift in that as a result of this network, the Clean Network initiative, over the next couple of years . Where maybe china does not have such a presence in their technological endeavors in countries that are so geographically close to the United States . Keith you are so right. And around the world. If you look at what has happened, it has turned the tide on huawei. Kevin that was part of my conversation with keith krach, undersecretary of Economic Affairs at the state department. You can hear more of that interview crossplatform on the bloomberg. Taylor look at you going crossplatform. Kevin i try. Balance continues. We are waiting for a speech from the bidenharris team. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Nd radio. Mark im Mark Crumpton with bloomberg first word news. President trump made a very brief appearance in the White House Briefing room about half an hour ago. He hailed the Dow Jones Industrial average passing the 30,000 mark, calling it a secret number. He also said he was thrilled with progress toward developing vaccines for covid19. The president did not take questions and did not mention the elections. Concedep has refused to to president elect joe biden although the white house has given approval to begin the transition process. The Nevada Supreme Court has certified joe bidens victory in the state, the latest setback to President Trumps efforts to reverse the Election Results. The governor will officially appoint the electors who will cast nevadas six Electoral College votes for mr. Biden. Michigan made mr. Bidens went official on monday. Georgia certified its results last week. Pennsylvania followed earlier today. Arizona is set to certify its results on november 30, and wisconsin by december 1. The head of the European Central banks as prospects of a vaccine against the

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