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What difference will it make for the u. S. Economy . Is this priced in . Peggy we did not see the markets move much. A lot of this is priced in in terms of the economy. What it is is a political win for trump before year end and nancy pelosi has positioned it as a way to say to her constituents, we are still legislating even though we are going ahead with impeachment. David it looks like the usmca is a done deal. What about the china trade negotiation . We do not seem to ever quite get there . Peggy we are plunging toward the december 15 deadline on sunday. It is the zero hour in terms of whether we get a phase one deal before the december 15 tariffs were scheduled to take effect. Our latest reporting is looking like there could be a delay on sunday, even if they do not get the terms of a phase one deal done in time. David thank you so much for joining us. That is Peggy Collins from washington. Now we go to london. We have a yougov paul. A yougov poll. What did it tell us . Therese it told us the conservatives have a majority lead but that has been squeezed somewhat in the last weeks. That wouldve been done in the last week and shows the labour party has advanced on the conservative lead, showing conservatives with a 28 seat majority. That will not worry Boris Johnson too much. He would be more concerned if landslide, ited a might convince tory voters to sit out. It still shows there is a margin of error away from this being a Hung Parliament or a tory majority. Pollsters have a hard time saying which way it could go. We published an article based on a poll for bloomberg that shows there are a lot of waivers from the remain side. Supporters that show the liberal democrats or even the labour party is soft support compared to those supporting Boris Johnsons conservatives, who are quite firmly in that camp. David what could throw a wrench in dollar this . Is it the ground game . You said it is a cold vote. It is 100 years since they have had a vote like this in december, one of the issues is if labor can get out the vote . Therese i imagine therell be a lot of free taxi rides, specifically for older people getting to the polls. The records tend to show older voters vote reliably. They are meant to be there is meant to be bad weather but i do not think it will hinder voters. It will be very interesting to see whether the youth vote turns out. We have at least 3. 7 new voter registrations, many of them young people. They tend to register. Will they all vote . That will be a big question. They will be expected to be in Jeremy Corbyns camp if they do. They do not vote with the same degree of reliability as older voters. Much, thank you so joining us from london. Stay tuned for special coverage of the u. K. Election results starting at 5 00 eastern time, 10 00 london time tomorrow. Now we have a special treat. Alix steel is here. When i woke up this morning, the thirst thing i read was aramco. Alix did you read it went up 10 . I would be surprised if it did not hit 10 maximum. It is orchestrated to be a good ipo. You have Retail Investors in, family and friends. This is what the Saudi Energy Administrator was talking about. Retail investors, if youre in it for a longer time, you get more shares to convince them to stay, and then you have the wealthy asked to buy the ipo. David it seems like an inside deal. It seems like they might try to pull something out of saudi arabia. With that make a big difference . Alix for them i think it would. You will not know what the real valuation is until youre able to get more flow or more liquidity in the market. It only sold 1. 5 . Not much liquidity to begin with. Getting it externally would be huge not only for mohammed bin salmans plan, but also to get more people in it who traded. If you are an em fund, you still to buy the stock. It would be bigger if it was elsewhere. David good news for aramco, good news for saudi arabia. Good news for the energy industry. Down in thea write meantime. What is that about . Alix you have aramco raising all this money, on the other hand chevron taking one of the biggest right downs in oil industry history. Natural gas prices are so low they cannot make money. The issue becomes who else will do that and how bad does it get for producers who will go bankrupt, or exxon . They made a bet on natural gas . Where is that right down . A very different scenario than saudi aramco. Stay tuned. There is a lot coming. You can catch alix steel every thursday on commodities edge. Now lets get a check on the markets. Joining us now is Abigail Doolittle. Abigail, what have you got for us today . We have the fed coming out. , gettingit is amazing buried by all of these other headlines. Earlier this week around impeachment, the u. K. Election, and trade, trade, trade. Right now we remain in wait and see mode. A small move for stocks. Take a look at the chip index weve been watching the last couple of weeks. A little bit of a tell on the trade story because of the revenue coming out of china, the supply chain. That may suggest some investors are optimistic about the possibility of trade deal will be struck at some point. Who knows when that could be signed. Also optimistic around 5g. Not a lot of reaction there at all. I am searching for a place where we can talk about some sort of reaction and i found the spot. That is the skew index. Everybody knows the vix index, the fear index, which has been snoozing. A lot of complacency. The skew index is dependent ray dalio making that bearish bet that could have been a hedge. It might not of been a bearish bet. This skew index spiking sharply. Last summer when stocks are at alltime highs, the vix were asleep, the index was superhigh and that was a predictor of the volatility we saw the fourth quarter. David is that people hedging on the downside bigtime . Abigial we do not know whether it is hedging or bearish bets. Were looking at the best year for the s p 500 since 2013. We are looking at the best year for tech since 2009. That is saying something. That was the fire sale after the financial crisis. Most managers want to keep this thing going and hedging just in case. David thanks to Abigail Doolittle for the market check. Now we turn to Mark Crumpton first word news. Mark in jersey city, new jersey, the mayor says the gunmen in yesterdays shootout targeted a jewish it market. That left six people dead, including a police and two suspects. Officials have not called it a terrorist attack. French officials are trying to calm a nationwide protest against pension reform. The government says for retirement age will be increased for the countrys youngest, but offered a series of concessions. They include the countrys firstever minimum pension, which would replace a complicated Pension System that included dozens of special privileges for some sectors. The announcement came a day after more than 300,000 protested across france. ,n other news, Greta Thunberg the activist behind a global way the student strikes has been named timed magazines youngest ever person of the year. The 16yearold spoke at a United Nations conference in madrid, telling delegates rich nations are not doing enough to solve the climate crisis. Greta thunberg says she was surprised by the honor. The previous youngest person was the first one chosen, charles lindbergh, who was 25 when he was picked in 1927. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. I am Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. David thanks very much. Coming up, the fed decides. It will be in less than two hours. We will get the Interest Rate decision. Michael gapen is here with the preview. That is next. Ons is balance of power bloomberg tv and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I am david westin. No one expects the Federal Reserve to change Interest Rates, but that does not mean there is nothing for the central bank to address. Whether it is the big issue on repo or where we are going next with the dot plot. Here to take us through it is michael gapen, barclays chief u. S. Economist. What you expect . Michael nobody expects the fed to do anything. The message will be the economy is in a good place and we think Monetary Policy is that right as long as the outlook evolves in the way we expect. The real issue is what constitutes a Material Change in the outlook . The fed is saying we think we are in a good spot, but if there is a Material Change it will change. A lot of the questions will surround that issue. David what is that driven by when you say Material Change . Is that Labor Participation . Is that the Unemployment Rate . Michael it is easily to come up with answers how they more. Weaker growth or inflation not rising as they expect in the forecast. Cutsyou are shifting the and most people think of the fed is acting in the next year, it is two. The interesting conversation will be what would is to cut. The interesting conversation would be what would get them to change. The bar is extremely high. Lower inflation, a view of inflation target framework, and a number of factors that mean any hikes are in 2021. David in past months we have heard about trait and the uncertainty over trade. Has that waned . Michael we got good news on the usmca. I do not think anyone thinks that will make the u. S. Outlook stronger, but it is the absence of the negative. We have remove the risk of trying to pull out of nafta. We are set up for some sort of phase one agreement between the u. S. And china, probably not by this weekend but sometime early next year. If that happens, the main message to market is we have likely gotten past peak tariffs and that will stabilize the situation further. David you called early for cuts this year. It turns out you are right. We should listen to you this year. Michael we are in the soft landing camp. Growth will be around 2 . Not a lot of unemployment not a lot of movement in the Unemployment Rate. Given it is the president ial Election Year in the fed is likely to shift to something that looks like a makeup strategy on inflation, i think the fed is on the sideline for the next year. Today there dot plot will tell you they would expect to take back one of the insurance cuts in 2021 and another in 2022. That is about as far as they will go in suggesting removal of these insurance cuts. David we are talking with michael gapen, chief u. S. Economist at barclays. It is an Election Year. Is that likely to affect the fed, they will not do much to rock the boat . Michael i think the fed would act if it felt it needed to. It probably raises the bar a little bit for action in either direction. If it is obvious the economy is weakening, they will need to respond. Next year iso hike virtually impossible. You would need inflation running to 2. 5 and Inflation Expectations moving higher. The most you can get out of the fed is a shift in communication around the middle of the year. The risk to the outlook balance. That is as far as i think they go. David what things do you look at . What bellwethers . Is it consumers . Housing . Michael in terms of understanding how things could be better what we are paying a lot of attention to his participation. We would love to have productivity pick up, but there are ways you can get a benign outlook for the fed and a strongerthanexpected economy. That would be if the rise in participation continues. There are reasons to suspect it can, and if it does, there would be strong employment growth, Consumer Spending closer to 2. 5 , and the economy running above trend, although without a lot of inflation pressure. This to me is the key point. David where are we in productivity and Capital Investment . Michael everything we look at says productivity is subdued. We are getting a bounce on the back of the tax cuts, but when we try to extract some of the noise around that, trend productivity has not moved that much at all. Still around 1 , may be better. Capital spending next year will be stronger than this year, but thought that much. But not that much. Growth globally is weak. There are still risks to the outlook. I think the average Multinational Firm will hold off a little bit. David we are talking with michael gapen, chief u. S. Economist at barclays. There was a lot of panic about repo and liquidity in the marketplace. Is that fixed or might we expect a standing facility to be created . Michael i do not think it is entirely fixed. It is manageable to the extent of the fed is buying treasuries and offering large quantities and its overnight facilities. And terms of a shock that will disrupt the system, it is memo. I think will have to pay more for funding in the year end. Looking a year out, i think the fed will consider a variety of options, including a standing repo facility. They may also discuss ways to make the discount window have less stigma. They will discuss more than the standing repo facility but we will get movement in that direction. How much is regulation responsible for . Michael is a significant portion. Not entirely related to that. There are other factors in play. I think the Regulatory Environment is important. If the fed is looking at this and saying we think there is enough liquidity in the system, but it is not getting moved around, why is it getting reallocated . The Regulatory Environment is one of the reasons. David always pleased to have you here. That is michael gapen, chief u. S. Economist at barclays. Our coverage of the fed decision will start just before 2 00 eastern time in new york. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Top of the stock of the hour. Boeing is the second worst performer in the doubt and trading in its worst since october after the head of the 737 max will not be cleared to fly until next year. Kailey leinz is here. I do not be skeptical, but i did not expect it to fly. Kailey the timeline has changed many times since the plane was first grounded. Boeing was hopeful the faa would give them clearance by the end of this year, but the administrator of the faa throwing cold water on that, saying it will not happen until 2020. We are on our time, not boeing. He was also testifying on capitol hill today saying the same thing. We are prioritizing safety. For the faa, they have an incentive to take it slowly because they have taken a lot of heat for the way they handled not only boeing certification and their involvement in the certification of their own planes, but the fact they did not ground the plane after the first crash and waited until after the second. Their intentions are different than boeing, who wants to get the plane back in the air as fast as possible. David how much confidence do investors have that boeing knows what the problem is. We interviewed the head of ryanair like last may or june and he said the aircraft would be up and running by the summer. It has gotten extended and extended. Do we know what the problem was and are we confident they can fix it . Ithael it was us kailey was a Software Issue and pilot said they were not trained in how to operate the system. A software fix, you have to retrain pilots, you have to get all the planes in storage out for the airlines to fly them. It is not just the faa, it is regulators all over the world and elsewhere. There is a lot that has to be done. This has been a consistent overhang on boeing. Think about the fact that we have a duopoly in the play maker space. Boeing has only delivered 345 planes relative to airbus , who has delivered more than 700. It is down about 19 since march, when the second ethiopia air crash happened. It has been range bound over that time and has not gone steeply lower. It is the worst performer in the dow. Boeing has not been giving realistic expectations to investors. They had said the plane would get recertified in october. 737 max planes flying passengers. We had an impact as well. The other portion in regard to the impact on boeings bottom line, which was lower in the last nine months than 2018, also Reputation Management or boeing is a company the way they certify the safety of their jet. Even once they get the planes back in the air you have passengers need to be willing to get back on them. Still a lot of issues facing boeing, the least of which is the faa approval. David going to be a while before we do not look at the seed cart and try to figure out which plane we are flying. Many thanks to kailey leinz for that report on boeing. Up next, fcc and doj clearance was not enough. The tmobile and sprint deal one of federal merger but now it is facing scrutiny from states attorney general. It is our antitrust angst. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott. You came back david from new york, this is balance of power. For first word news, we go now to Mark Crumpton. Mark the mayor of jersey city says the government yesterday targeted a jewish market and the attack left six people dead, including a Police Officer and the two suspects. Were weree victims found inside of the market. The Trump Administration maximum Pressure Campaign against the Iranian Nuclear Ballistic Missile program, sanctions. They started on a shipping line and a Chinese Company involved in delivering missile parts to iran. The secretary of state, mike the measuresnced even as he expressed hope that a prisoner swap could lead to talks between washington and tehran. In india, the controversial citizenship will that prevents illegal muslim migrants from neighboring countries from becoming citizens. Hindus, christians, sikhs, and others, are eligible. Harvey weinstein is awaiting trial on rape charges and must post a 5 million bail. A New York State Supreme Court increase the bail after prosecutors said weinstein repeatedly violated conditions anhis release by disabling electronic ankle monitor. He is accused of disabling device the device 50 times. He appeared today shuffling slowly with a walker. News, 24 hours per day, a quick takes, on bloomberg, powered by 120 journalists and analysts 2400 journalists and analysts in 120 countries. Tmobile david tmobile and sprint david tmobile and sprint worked for over a year on their merger. But lawsuits in federal court are seeking to uncle enforce federal antitrust laws to block the deal. Source of todays antitrust angst. Welcome jennifer read, Senior Analyst at bloomberg intelligence, and kevin, partner andcasimir its benson former head of the bureau of competition. Welcome to both of you. I emphasized that it is a federal court, federal law, but it is states. How does that jennifer equate . Equate . Jennifer for a long time they have been able to enforce this law. It is very unusual, though, for them to go ahead and not align the department of justice decision in the merger and decide to go to trial to try to block the deal that has already been approved. David not just approved, but they gave something at the office. They sold parts of their businesses to a, the objection. Kevin to accommodate the objection. Kevin thats right. They acknowledge that it was anticompetitive and negotiated for months after the yearlong investigation to come up with this document that brings in a third party that actually has unused spectrum that could be applied to creating a network. Now this carefully constructed puzzle comes a roaring in after the fact. They dont offer their own remedy, by the way. They say to block it no matter what. The federal agencies involved, they must be looking to cut a deal and they have to answer states in addition question Mark Jennifer addition . Jennifer thats right. They already have an increased burden based on the antitrust regimes. They have a lot of different regulators with different rules they are dealing with. Now you could have 50 other regulators and enforcers looking into the deal who could disagree with what was said by the department of justice. It adds to the unpredictability and the burden. David some states have settled with tmobile and sprint. What did they settle for . What did they get out of it . It shows how special interest minded they are. Theres a reason they are the ones who look at these mergers. When you have individual states or whoever, each comes in and you look at what they are after, they are after particular items that affect their state. Jobs kept at their state, call their state,d in and special interest. For every job that is protected in one state, it could mean the loss of a job in another state. At this point in time when they do this, the fixes have been jobs, keep call centers in. A one point it was to give contribution to a attorney general to distribute with wide discretion. What do you think that will happen the next time there is a merger . Others are going to say i want a piece of the pie and monty hall is back there saying lets make a deal. [laughter] seen this before, the Justice Department and ftc going on opposite sides of the litigation. Are they in their expressing their view on the proper application of federal law . The department of justice tried to intervene to try to disqualify one of the lawyersfs outside hired by the state of california and the judge denied that. Rather than being an outside observer right now and expressing their opinion about whats going on here, so far not. Kevin, is it probative, as you use the term, in a court of law . You can decide what you want to decide, but it is relevant to the area who have taken a hard look and say it is ok. Yes, states will fight that tooth and nail saying that they are like everyone else, but when you consider that the agencies came up with a collective solution in a long process with a very specific answer to the problem, whether it is spoken or not, i would think a judge would give that serious thought before saying off the table, block the deal. Just the second here, we have been hearing about this testimony of the last couple of days where tmobile said they thought they could raise prices. Thats a sideshow as far as im concerned. The Justice Department will acknowledge that it is anticompetitive as written. What is being looked at now is whether the fix is sufficient to cure the problem. David jennifer, you are antitrust as a lawyer, but im politicalsk you a question. States with democrats as attorneys general, theres a lot more populist of an approach. Is it more likely that we will see more of this kind of populist uprising in the state attorneys general in antitrust areas . Likely, i think it is its a reaction to the sentiment that has become popular amongst democrats that antitrust enforcement has been lax, suggesting that the ftc and department of justice havent done their job and the lawsuit questioning the remedy kevin was talking about suggests that the department of justice blew it. Their decision is incorrect and wont fix the merger. This is a reaction to the idea that the department of justice and possibly ftc are not enforcing antitrust laws appropriately and the state ag thinks they have to step in to pick up the mantle. Much, thank you both so great to have you with us, as always. Breaking news now, a deal to sell an ice cream business from nestle to an ice cream focused that is a french private equity firm. The nestle u. S. Ice cream business includes brands like aggen daases hog an and eddys. Been the center of strife since 1947. Our next guest arose to become the head of ethan allen here in , rising fromates that strife. Thats next. This is balance of power this is balance of power. David this is balance of power , on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im david westin. Farooq kathwari has been chairman and say ceo of ethan allen since 1988, but more remarkable than that was his path to the position. Born into a cashmere caught between india and pakistan, creating more than one business from scratch before taking over the major furniture retailer. He has told his extraordinary story in the book trail blazer, from the mountains of cashmere to the summit of Global Business and beyond. Welcome to mr. Kathwari, good to have you here. Farooq great to be with you. David it truly is an exceptional story. Tell us about your origins and what was going on in cashmere when you were a boy. Hand, greatne mountains, beautiful mountains. Beauty in terms of nature. My family was involved in arts and crafts. My great, great grandfather set of an arts emporium. I grew up in a family of art. My father had gone more into politics after studying the law. I was less than five years old when he made the decision of going from one side of cashmere, on the indian administered side, to the pakistani side for a few weeks, but was not able to come back. David you essentially lost him for an extended time . Farooq we did. We were able to later joined him. My sister was 10, my brother was nine, stayed behind with our grandfather. Whatw the we saw conflicts can do. At age 15 we were able to go back to the main kashmir. I was always involved in sports, that really helped me. You,he problems around sports, and tension. Especially cricket. I ended up being the captain of the team. To be a part of the team at age of accidents. Ot a lot of them was a conflict in cashmere. I was a student playing cricket in delhi, india, coming back i journalist from the washington evening star. I asked why he was going and he said he wanted to cover the disturbances. I decided to take him around. I think i was 18 years old. Me to come toet america at age 20. David you got it in your head that you would go to nyu business school. You have been to college, but it was not easy getting here . It was not. I didnt have the right papers. Its covered in the book, but it was a miracle. So many people helped me. That iat i knew, some didnt know. Here i ended up in an almost impossible situation. Him from the great, beautiful mountains of cashmere i wound up in brooklyn. Now i have to find a job. The first job that i did was i thatn ad in the newspaper said bookkeeper needed. I had never seen a calculator. My classmates said dont apply. I did, i got the job, and ended up working for this small little Printing Company near canal street. That my grandfather made the decision to really help me in my career. He ended up asking, sending the 12 wicker baskets of arts and crafts. Them. Ded to sell the ceo from bloomingdales had given us a lecture at school. , went to see him 8, 12 times after being rejected, i saw him and they became a customer. That started my career. Jumping onresisted board at ethan allen, but eventually became chairman and ceo. It strikes me, you have made such extraordinary progress through your career, coming to this country, being a Major Business leader. Has cashmere made any progress in the meantime . They are in the news again this summer. Have they made progress since 1947 . Have gone, they backwards. It was in a early 1990s when the situation was similar to now, where some indians decided they had created this situation of lockdown. Things were very, very bad. I was invited actually by the indian Prime Minister, he said come on over to see if you can help. I went. I meant cashmere leaders in jails. I went to pakistan and met their Prime Minister. I came to the conclusion that you cant help shape the debate. Its not good for india, pakistan, or kashmiris. We ended up creating i helped to create what is called the cashmere citigroup. 26 leading scholars joined. The next 10 years i spent a tremendous amount of time and energy between india, pakistan, kashmir, and came under the idea under this umbrella that solution should be peaceful. Accepted byould be people. Should be honorable. And feasible. David we are speaking with farooq kathwari, chairman and ceo of even how he and a native kashmiri. You made progress, shuttle diplomacy, yet it fell apart. Is it possible in this day and age with Prime Minister modi, for example, and iran con and pakistan, who says he wants to fix this, is it possible to get back on a road to real reconciliation . I think so. Crisis creates opportunity. Today its worse because of the fact that again cashmere is in lockdown. India and pakistan are two armed countries. When i got involved at that time there were millions of troops on the borders. When they asked me to do that shuttle diplomacy, i went back and forth. Along with a lot of other people , we came up with ideas that felt relevant in kashmir. As well as in other parts of the world. Finding a peaceful, honorable, feasible solution. They are all there right now. David tell me about the United States for just a moment. Today as anme here immigrant, when you did, in the made mid1960s . A muslim coming from cashmere, a place of real dispute. Could that happen today . Can. Q i think it america is an amazing country. Forget who the leaders are, what the policies are. Of course, i had come from an area of conflict. My first challenge was navigating the subway system. What i saw around was people. Regular people. I said im going to be one of them. You know, america is a country with such tremendous opportunity. Such tremendous challenges everywhere. But absolutely. David you have certainly demonstrated what can be done with a lot of grit, resourcefulness, intelligence, and ambition. Many thanks to farooq kathwari. We will have much more with him, including a discussion of the ethan allen business and the effective tariffs. That is going to come out in our second hour, coming up today. This has been balance of power , on bloomberg and bloomberg radio. David this is balance of power , im david westin. Democrats have endorsed the revised u. S. Mda to replace nafta. We talked earlier today with Chuck Grassley of iowa, charged with getting the deal done. A lot of changes were made by the damage thats that republicans wish had not been made, but in order to get this otherwise very good agreement through the house of representatives, they probably had to be negotiated. Negotiated 100 to satisfy the democrats either, but compromise is how things get done in the United States and so it was compromise in a way that i feel the overall thing is very, very good. We may lose some republicans because of it, but it will get through the United States senate probably easier than it gets to the house of representatives. Lose republicans, what abbe because of the intellect intellectual property rules and lower drug prices . Dont forget, i very much for the protection of intellectual property. The 10 years is less than what u. S. Law was, but greater than what they have in mexico or canada. Just one of those compromises that had to be made. I think it will lead to cheaper drugs. But if you dont protect intellectual property, you wont get the miracle queue or is that we sometimes get to the pharmaceutical research that we do. We have heard about what it might mean for the auto industry. What about the farmers in iowa . For the first time to be able to get a massive amount of Dairy Products into canada, to get cheese into canada, to get the highquality fleet into canada that has been cut out, i think that is the biggest advantage to it. Also, dont forget that if we hadnt had this agreement and nafta, canada or mexico are the biggest trading partners of the United States, we want to continue that going along. Then we would have the threat of the president pulling us out of nafta. That would have been catastrophic to agriculture. In a statement yesterday you call this a win. If that is right, why didnt we get it passed by the senate right away . What is the hold up . Get it passed before the trial on impeachment . Dont forget, my prediction from a week ago monday on the senate floor was that if it didnt get done by that friday, we wouldnt have enough time to get it through this year. Timetable, i knew it then. Your question now is legitimate. Why not do it before impeachment or this year . This week and next week is going nominationsly on and im getting the governmentfunded for the rest of the year. And then you have christmas and new years. We can do this if we wanted to andere the 26th, 27th, 28, 29th. But then the immediately in january under the rules of the senate, and impeachment has priority over everything else, including mandating working six out of seven days a week. So, we have got to get to that. Will that be one week, two weeks, or five weeks, like it was with clinton . Thats unpredictable at this point. Coming up, balance of power continues on bloomberg radio. We will have more with farooq kathwari. This is Bloomberg Television. Scarlet im scarlet fu, this is etf iq or we focus on the risks and rewards offered by Exchange Traded funds. Scarlet should you stay or go . The s p 500 is going is enjoying its best run in six years. The ecosystems, our guest expense a crucial role of authorized participants and how they grease the wheels of the etf industry. And lets make a

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