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The bottom line, President Trump saying iran must never obtain a Nuclear Weapon and the u. S. Was never allowed to do so. From a policy standpoint, he doubled down on his decision to withdraw from the Nuclear Disarmament arrangement negotiated during the Obama Administration and saying the crippling sanctions against iran have further isolated them. Enough,f that were not we have the president getting ready to fly to japan for the g20 meetings. There were a lot of expectations about maybe some progress is being made because they pulled back on a speech from the Vice President. Pence Vice President mike has been assertive in criticizing president xis regime in china is canceling a speech he was supposed to give that would have fit with the types of speech yesterday in the t, and aggressive chance stance against the chinese for how theyve been negotiating the trade deal and for their International Economic policies. That coupled with the rhetoric we have seen from larry kudlow as well as commerce secretary wilbur ross and even trade representative Robert Lighthizer on capitol hill earlier this week would suggest the president is heading into this one off meeting with president xi in japan somewhat optimistic. Can ship that weather here if you want because new york is not that pretty. Kevin i love it down here. David now to Anna Anderson in washington. We have this fish fry. Anna it might be too warm in South Carolina. Since we have more than 20 candidates, i will try to narrow it down to the top ones. Elizabeth warren is having a moment. What she is trying to prove issue can appeal to different kinds of voters. She is not just going for the policy geeks. She can appeal to the democratic base. Who had Pete Buttigieg a tough week responding to a Police Shooting in his hometown of south bend. He is looking to make sure he can brain a lot of the black voters he can bring the black voters that have been wary of his campaign. There are two candidates for who South Carolina will be very important, cory booker and, like harris. And kamala harris. Theyve put a lot of resources into South Carolina. And we have joe biden, former Vice President , and he has had a tough week, getting criticism from voters for comments about how he worked for senators characterized as white supremacist in previous congresses. Biden has a lot to point to in terms of accomplishments, but he also has a lot of questionable votes and some questionable interactions he will have to explain throughout the campaign. David will be talking about that with our political panel. Bostick we have the stress test next thursday. Tell us what to expect. Youre expecting the banks to pass the stress test. We are not expecting that this time around. Were expecting next week when they finally reduce the payout plans that they will be riding just a little bit. David the tests are getting easier or the banks are getting better. This chart shows that after they theirough the test pretext losses have gone down over time. Sonali the banks will tell you they are overcapitalize. They can weather the storm pretty well. There are a lot of people who say that is not taking into account everything. The stress tests are easier than they need to be. Who is right . You do not know until the next crisis. It is unclear as to how the banks should be capitalized, or beyond that what should be the right ways to measure that. David thank you so much. Now i want to go back to iran. Overnight we had reports President Trump had ordered strikes against iran in retaliation for the shooting of a u. S. Drone, but then he rescinded the order. We talk to the former secretary of defense after the risk for escalation in the region. It does look like we are in a likely position with respect to intentional or. Intentional war. Has so desk has shown no inclination and the iranians have showed no inclination. The issue is unintended war. The iranians taking a step they do not realize is going to far. They have done some interference here and there. Taking down an american drone is the transition from attacking shipping and somebody elses stuff to attacking our stuff. It comes closer. Im concerned about unintentional. Our courses are up against one another. We have tens of thousands of forces in the gulf. It only takes a few minutes for something to develop quickly. I was in office when 10 sailors mistakenly went into iranian waters and were taken prisoner. In those minutes, we were winding up. Things,the way we do particularly when our own forces are at risk. We were able to diffuse that crisis quickly and get the sailors released. You have two armed forces up against each other. I know that if it is a dustup between the United States and iran, we will win and they will lose, but nobody wants that. David take us inside the planning in the pentagon and the white house from your experience. We have assets in the area. U. S. Military assets hit in that room. Does President Trump have any choice but to have some action back in response to that . I think it requires some sort of push back. Not necessarily a military one. He has repeatedly talked about economic and political retribution. ,e seems to want to confine it he does not need to, but that appears to be the way he is going. Is muchnal conflict less likely than unintentional conflict. David that was part of our interview with former defense secretary ashton carter. ,e is the author of a new book lessons from a lifetime of leadership in the pentagon. Lets find out what is going on in the markets with emma chandra. Emma sessions open in the red today and all of them climbed into the green. The nasdaq falling into the red and the s p 500 with a very slight gain. It has managed to add to its closing record yesterday but now hovering close to where we close yesterday. Alsojones also you looks to be headed toward a closing high. The first record closing high since october. The number we need to hit would include 26,800 points and we are a bit below that at the moment. We are looking at a very good month of june so far for u. S. Stocks. We still have one week to go. This is the s p 500 over the past 15 trading sessions. You can see that grind higher, the s p 500 putting in a gain of 7. 3 over their past three weeks. We are already looking at the best june since 1955, back when president eisenhower was in the white house. There is also been a good week for other asset classes. We should be able to see oil having a very good week, rising around 2 after gain of 5 yesterday, up 10 on the week. It is the best way for oil since december 2016. Gold also having a good week, rising more than 4 . Boring to brilliant in that time. It crossed over the 1400 an ounce point and we are hovering close to that at the moment. We have Paul Tudor Jones last 1400 wesaid if we hit would quickly go to 1700 an ounce. Gold is one to watch. Gold headed for its fifth straight week of weekly gains. Also looking at gasoline rising 6 on the week. Putting in a big gain after that fire at the east coast largest refinery in philadelphia. I wanted to mention the banks as we do get the results from the first round of the stress test after the close today. Jpmorgan, bank of america, and wells fargo all rising. No bank is expected to fail. We will not get the Capital Allocation until thursday of next week, but they are expected to be dividends and payouts by leslie they have done in the past few years. David thanks so much. Coming up, our political roundtable is here to talk about the South Carolina fish fry that is attracting almost all of the Democratic Candidates for president. That is next and this is bloomberg. David this is balance of power on bloomberg television. We turn to Mark Crumpton for bloomberg first word news. Mark President Trump says the u. S. Was cocked and loaded for butiation against iran, he canceled the strikes 10 minutes before they were be carried out. The president tweeted he called out the strikes after being told 150 people could die. He added the u. S. Will never allow iran to have a Nuclear Weapon. Chinese president xi jinping has wrapped up his first state visit to north korea. In a speech in pyongyang, president xi encourage the north to focus on economic development. Jongun has made great strategic strides in improving the economy and the livelihoods of north koreans. Was thet xis trip first by a chinese president north korea in 14 years. The United Nations top human rights official is planning to hold separate meeting in caracas with that is ways than with venezuelan Opposition Leader juan guaido and president that this maduro and president nicolas maduro. Juan guaido has failed to seize power five months after launching a campaign to remove maduro. Maduro maintains his rival efforts are part of the u. S. Back to. Dents protested in europe near a coal mine in germany calling on governments to take bolder action against climate change. Demonstrators called carried colorful signs and banners. It comes a day after European Union ares European Union leaders failed to agree to a plan to make the blocks economy Carbon Neutral by 2050. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and tictoc on twitter, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. I am Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. David . David as you just heard from mark, President Trump has confirmed he ordered and then canceled a strike against iran in retaliation for the shooting down of a u. S. Drone, a reluctance he showed in the oval office when he talked about the incident. Fortunately that sharon was unarmed. There was fortunately that drone was unarmed. We do not have a man in it. It would have made a big difference. Feeling, i maybe wrong, and a may be right, but i am right a lot, i have a feeling it was a mistake made by somebody that should not have been doing what they did. I want to get out of these endless wars, i campaigned on that. This is a new fly in the ointment, shooting down the drone. This country will not stand for it. That i can tell you. We welcome and apply adviser and the founder of red barn strategy and president of accountable new york. You heard the president almost debating with himself. I do not want to go to war but i cannot let them get away with that. Traditionally the president s have the country, not just their own party, rally around them when there is an international conflict. Is that true here . The challenge is how to get it. Who wouldve thought twitter would be involved in national security. The fact that he did that shows what ive always said reporters since the day he is running for office, he is not your typical candidate. David will the democrats back him . I think if he did decide to take action in the immediate aftermath, they would. There are questions to be asked about how the president can use troops. We are seeing President Trump caught up like george w. Bush was between the neocons who are pushing for regime change in iran and obviously they have a willing resident because he wants to overturn anything barack obama did, particularly the nuclear deal, and on the other president who is making the case he does not want the u. S. Involved in these kinds of intervention. We see him caught between those pressures and it will be interesting to see who wins out. David the key word here is proportional the keyword here is proportional respond. The president stepped up and was a leader. What are we responding to . The iranians want us to fight this battle and make it a military battle because they cannot compete on the economic front. When i was in israel, that was a major conversation on the border of israel, but where that goes to iran and the impact these economics burden we create on the contrary, where they have an impact on iran. They cannot compete, they want us to compete militarily, and the president did not bite. David lets turn to South Carolina. We have representative clyburn with his annual fish fry. 22 Democratic Candidates. Tell us the significance. What is everybody show up for this fish fry . Jeanne it is not the food. There was talk about joe biden and others. Are you going to write off the south or not and he made the case clearly he was not going to write off the south and the democrats cannot afford to do that. We see 22 of the major candidates going down there, all vying for support and you have a Democratic Party that has to appeal to africanamericans and has to do well in the south. You will see them trying to make that case. Theres a South Carolina primary. David in early one. Whoever the congressman endorses will have a tremendous impact on who the nominee is. When you go i will, new hampshire, South Carolina, that one endorsement could make the difference in who the democratic opponent is and who the republicans have to face. ,eanne the endorsement matters im not sure it matters as much as it used to. It is a big thing in South Carolina. He is a black leader. You will never do anything the democratic primary without the black support. David africanamericans are critical in South Carolina. We have seen that in prior primary races. At the same time we have joe biden stepping into the race issue. He is doubling down. Why is he doing that . Jeanne this seems to be joe biden. The message is right. You need to work with people you disagree with. The example was dead wrong. Booker, onehat cory of three africanamericans in the senate, apologize was absolutely overthetop. Joe bidens other problem is he is running fundraiser to fundraiser and not stopping to talk to the press or the public. This is the old joe biden. Is it is theness president ial primary for the president. Cory booker has been a leader on this issue from day one. He is now joe bidens opponent. If he did not step up and fight joe biden, who has always been a man in front nobody questioned, that is something joe biden has not had since before he was Vice President. No democratic question joe biden. That is new. David does joe biden have something of a point . Thing he was saying is we have to work with people we fundamentally disagree with. If we will do something in washington, we have to work to them. Have we lost that entirely . Jeanne that is the big debate. I think he has a point. He is right with the message. The example is wrong. I work with students all day. You do not get back to 1973 and talk about that as an example. You might as well go back to 1673. When i was on this show in burlington, vermont, one of the comments i made is that the democrats cannot talk about reaching across the aisle. That is what is happening. Joe biden tries to be a voice of reason. He says it in joe biden terms and it is often inappropriate or the wrong choice of words. When he does that and says we need to reach across the aisle for anything, and a democratic primary that is so hypersensitive, it is not on the left you are wrong, that is where cory booker stepped up. Generalthe democratic voter is not nearly as liberal as the base and the democrats would make a big mistake to lord to ignore joe bidens advice. David donald trump did almost nothing politically correct and it worked out. Do we need candidates that say things that are not quite elegant were not quite right . This is a question i say in any race we have. If you do not win a republican primary, you do not get to the general. That is one of the challenges joe biden will have. , he will ofoo tight alienated too many boats on the left and not be the nominee. I do not think he will be the nominee. David many thanks to our guests. Still ahead, carnival in the crosshairs as it is facing fierce headwinds. It is our stock of the hour, next. This is bloomberg. David youre watching balance of power. Time for our stock of the hour. It is carnival. Im not sure ive ever seen the forecast described as awful. Emma we have seen the stock drop over the course of two days losing around 4 billion. Gains down around 6 on the year. The slide beginning yesterday when the company came out and cut its earnings target for the year for the second time since march. If you look at january, earnings per share at four dollars, june is seeing them at 4. 34. Take a look at the bloomberg. You have a chart showing you how analysts have brought down their price targets and suffered a flurry of downgrades. Four companies downgrading the Company Based on the forecast. David what caused it to be off . Vonnie there emma there appears to be three reasons. Carnivals highend cruise ship, there seems to be disruption there. Travel restrictions to cuba. The u. S. Barred cruise ships from going there earlier this month, the government citing government repression and their involvement in the humanitarian crisis. Sayingrg intelligence that only affects a tiny share of carnivals capacity, not being able to stop. To stop it cuba. The other has been booking volumes falling particularly in europe. That was surprising to a number of analysts, Bloomberg Intelligence saying this was surprising. Europe accounts for 27 of carnivals capacity. We have seen a supply spike of crude holidays in europe. Political unrest in france which may be affecting bookings and growth is stagnating in europe. David how many people are going to cuba . Many thanks to emma chandra. Up next, my interview with steve scalise, the House Majority whip the House Minority whip. That is coming up next, and this is bloomberg. Were the slowskys. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. David this is balance of power on bloomberg television. Im david westin. For bloomberg first word news, we go to Mark Crumpton. Mark Iranian State television has released images it says shows debris from the downed u. S. Military surveillance drone. The head of the revolutionary Guard Aerospace Division Said iran had warned the aircraft several times before launching a missile at it. Iran collected of debris from its territorial waters. The United States says the drone was in International Airspace when it was shot down. Former defense secretary Ash Carter Says the u. S. And iran do not appear to be on a path to war, at least not on an intentional one, but that does not mean that future trouble is out of the western. Secretary carter spoke with bloomberg today. Our forces are up against one another. We have tens of thousands of horses there in the gulf. It only takes a few minutes for something to develop ugly. Mark he added if there were to be an Armed Conflict with iran, he is confident the u. S. Would prevail, but added, nobody wants that, nobody could want that. The European Union Commission Says the brexit Withdrawal Agreement will not be reopened no matter who replaces theresa may. Commission president Jeanclaude Juncker says Member States met to talkels without may about the stalled process and agreed unanimously there would be no irregular renegotiation. Britain is set to leave the block on october 31. A day campaign weekend in South Carolina will test how much joe bidens early stumbles matter to voters. South carolina is the scene of the First Southern primary. Recent focus on bidens statements on race and abortion have been a reminder of how much the he will face as Democratic Front runner. The former Vice President s weekend includes readings meetings with africanamerican leaders and civil rights activists. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and tictoc on twitter, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. David thank you, mark. Two years ago, the secondmost harvell republican in the house of representatives was struck down by a bullet while practicing for the annual charity game between republicans and in rats. Steve scalise lived to tell the tale and wrote a book about it. We spoke with Representatives Police about the audience for his book. Steve one of the reasons i wrote the book was i wanted to tell the story through the eyes of the heroes that got us through that day. There were so many heroes and miracles. These days, it is easy to get cynical about politics or life and we dont see enough euros. There were some reallife giants, our Capitol Police officers, david bailey, krystal griner, who were literally in a shootout with the shooter. Brad wenstrup, my calling from ohio, who came to see me as soon as the shooter went down, put a target on me that got me to the hospital. So many miracles that not only saved me but a dozen other members on the ball field that day, members of congress, who would have been taken out by the shooter if not for all of those heroes and miracles. A relatively happy ending given how it could have developed. You wrote the book to acknowledge everybody because you could not acknowledge everyone in the room when you first came back to congress. At the same time, i wonder how it changed you. Did you change you in any fundamental ways toward your attitude, toward your job, government . Me a if anything, to give sharper focus on what is important in life. In a job like mine, i was majority whip at the time. Your days are heavily scheduled, you are meeting every 15 minutes, you are going from morning until late night. There is always Something Else to do. All of a sudden, everything stops. When i came to come three days after the shooting, i was not wondering what both were on the house floor, what meeting i had the next day. I just wanted to see my wife and kids again. It really does sharpen your focus on whats important. As i got better, started to rehab, learned to walk again, once i got through those first few weeks of wondering whether i would live and want to move again, i did want to get back to work. About an areaalk where democrats and republicans may come together, the usmca. We heard rob portman say that he is hopeful we can get ratification by the august recess. Is that realistic . I am sure you have some sense on how your democratic counterparts are proceeding on that. Steve it is definitely possible and im hopeful that we can get it done. It would be good for the economy and country and to show the world that our two neighbors from the north and south, canada and mexico, that the three of us can come together and get this agreement. Usmca, it ist the better than the current nafta in a lot of ways, for so Many Industries in america, for american workers, or industries were now that dont have the same their advantage with mexico and canada. But it has to be scheduled on the floor to get to a point where we can pass it. I know im the minority whip, but i have already put a team together. There are republicans and democrats ready to help pass it. I think the votes would be there to get it passed. We just need a speaker to schedule it. We know the white house is in talks with the speaker to get it set in the next coming weeks. If we get it scheduled for a houseboat, i have confident we will pass it. Lets boost our economy even more. We already have a growing economy, but if we can get trade right, and this would be a big signal to the world, then we can get deals with our european allies, asian allies, and an focus our energies on standing up to china. That would not only benefit our economy, but the World Economy. That, lets turn to standing up to china. It seems to be bipartisan support for getting usmca, the need to stand up to china. At the same time, there is a price being paid as we speak in the tariffs being imposed, and that is starting to be reflected in growth numbers. People not making the Capital Investments they might otherwise make. Do we have to break a lot of eggs to make this omelette . Steve i hope that maybe we can where cajunstyle on let we have some spice along the way but taste even better. Stolen, has stolen intellectual property, but the big negotiating point right now is the enforcement. If they cheat, what happens . That is where the negotiations are. This is not just important to americas economy. All of our friends around the world want to see a stand up to china because they know we are the only country that can. If we do this, it will benefit all of our economies for a long time to come in i dont like seeing any shortterm pain, but if we get this right, people, president from both parties for years has not been able to get this done. This will benefit the u. S. And World Economy for a long time forward. David you moved from majority whip to minority whip. How different is that job . Steve it is very obvious the differences on a daily basis, from we dont schedule the floor, Speaker Pelosi does. To other things, too. In the end, we are still advancing to fighting to advance our cause is. In order for us to get some good things, Speaker Pelosi will have to work with republicans, if something is going to get to the president s desk. There is a lot of important work we need to do, we need to focus on lowering health care prices, we need to address this crisis at the border. It is overwhelming our agencies from Border Security to health and human services. All of these are things we should be working on, and can get Real Solutions on. I hope we are able to. David tell us about succession issues. I read in your book, you did not expect to move up to whip. Rprisedntor su everyone by losing, and then you were the whip. Sooner or later, things change. Steve you always have to be ready for changes that come. We didnt expect to be in the minority. We knew it was a possibility. You have to deal with it and still be able to fight to advance the things that you believe in, the things you need to do to get the country back on track. We have a lot of great new members, this freshman class. A lot of them dont get ,ttention because you see aoc others getting all the attention, but there are people that are superstars, military leaders. I feel confident that we will have new generations of leadership. In the house, we have 75 of our members never served in the minority theres been a lot of turnover on our side, more than the other side, but a lot of good, new people coming in. David that was my interview with steve scalise, author of back in the game. Coming up, the iword, that is how President Trump refers to it. We will speak to a prominent advocate of impeachment, style entire tom steyer. This is bloomberg. Er. This is bloomberg. We went through the greatest which hunt witchhunt in political history. The only collusion was committed by the democrats, the fake news media, and their operatives, and a people who funded the phony dossier, crooked Hillary Clinton and the dnc. It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election. Spy on our campaign, which is what they did. And subvert our democracy. David that was President Trump kicking off his campaign for reelection by going after bob mueller. Once again. For a different point of view on the Mueller Investigation and president , we welcome from san ofncisco tom steyer, founder a nonprofit focusing on climate change, immigration, and education, and more recently need to impeach. Tom, thank you for being with us. We have talked about impeachment before. We now have the Mueller Report. Do you think that within the four corners of the report itself is enough to impeach and convict the president . Tom i absolutely do, david. 448page Mueller Report, which i wouldnt wish on my best friend, you see he clearly gives you 10 instances where the president committed obstruction of justice. , it is Justice Department policy not to indict president , so im not going to do that. But if you read it and i did it is absolutely clear this president has met the criteria for impeachment. David president , so im not going to do that. But if you read do you think des made a mistake in responding to the Mueller Report . That is without having seen the grand jury testimony. Did they make a mistake by saying we needed more of the material, because they imply they did not have enough within the Mueller Reports itself . Tom i have set for a long time there has been enough information in public to have impeachment proceedings. N think its a absolute critical part of this. Have hearings on television and have people come on and describe what this president has done. Putting this in the hands of the American People. We see, when we talk to them, they are always appalled at how much of a liar and a cheat this president is, and they always related to their own circumstances. If i did that, i would be in jail. Or i would be courtmartialed. Or i would lose my job as a Public School teacher. They internalize it and understand how bad his behavior really has been. David theres a lot of sentiment in the house of representatives, but do you believe there are the vote to convict in the senate . Ultimately, he stays in office unless the senate convicts. There does not appear to be the votes in the senate to convict. Tom i think people look to look at this as an inside the beltway washington, d. C. Proceeding. On its face it is. Powerpoint is a broader democracy and including the American People. We believe, after americans have seen through televised hearings, which is how we take in our information, that they will demand from their elected representatives on whether democrat or republican, that they do the right thing. Our point is, this is a question for the American People. That is why we been pushing as hard as possible for these televised hearings. That is who we think the correct power is in the country, the people, the moral center of the country, and that is what we count on. David whatever the house of representatives do, the American People will have a chance to express their view in november 2020. We spoke to jim comey, who was the subject of an off a lot of the report earlier today, and about theat he said possibilities of impeachment and voting President Trump out of office. I hope that he is not impeached because then that would let the American People off the hook. American people need to vote their values next year. If he was removed from office that way, a whole lot of his supporters would think there is some sort of coup that went on. We need an exercise in american democracy to show everyone, these are our values, and they dont reflect him. David if the American People want to rise up as one and you are not qualified for office, they can vote him out. At some point, that will be the only answer, and i understand time is ticking away. But there is a different question here. We have the most corrupt president in American History. Everyone in washington, d. C. Understands that what weve been ,aying for the last eight years this president has met the criteria for being impeached. If you have values, if you have rules, you cannot say that the president is above the law. By not doing anything about it, you are saying to every subsequent president , but also to the American People, that we may write things down on a piece of paper, but we dont mean it if you are rich and powerful. To me, this is a big question in terms of precedent. When the chips are down, do we do what is right . That is what weve been calling on for a year and a half. Lets hold people accountable, including the most powerful man in the world. Only ayou are not respected investor but you been involved in politics for progressive causes, advocating things. Situationess that such that it is not risking losing between 20 election to put so much effort and time and money into impeachment . Does the one not take away from the other . Tom absolutely does not take away from it. From our standpoint, the reason we have the crisis that we do in democracy is the vast majority of americans believe that our democracy has been purchased by rich corporations. Fact, everybody in this country is looking for, as far as im concerned, is some backbone, values, and standing up for what is right. I dont believe it is ever politically unpopular to do the right thing and stand up for the American People. We anyone who says somehow should not do the right thing because it is not in my political interest, 16 or 18 months from now, that is the wrong question. Is, can thestion American People retake our democracy, and can we get rid of the corruption that is ruining our government . David we talked before the 2018 midterm elections and you had an organization set up to identify certain candidates particularly for congress that you wanted to support. How did that work for you, did you make a difference through that . 2018 was the example of what ive been saying. When we were trying to do as much as possible, we did the largest youth Voter Mobilization in 2018 in American History. People under the age of 30 more than doubled their participation in politics. This is the largest generation in American History and they were voting at half the rate of other americans. We said it was imperative, if we are going to have a representative democracy, the people participate. We areer to the problem having a d. C. , to the failed system, is more democracy, more participation, and to get people involved and voting so that we get better answers. It worked like a charm in 2018. David with that experience, what is your plan for 2020, do you plan to endorse a candidate for president on the democratic side . Tom the only thing we have said so far is that we are going to continue to push as hard as we can for the broadest democracy. What we believe in is getting as much power out of washington, d. C. Away from the lobbyist, away from the corporate money, and that to the people. Whatis my understanding of is absolutely the solution to our problems. Literally, this is the critical point in american politics. 80 of americans, four out of five americans, democrats, republicans, independents, believe their democracy has been purchased by corporate interest. They are right. Im in the 80 . Until the votes of people take back democracy from corporate interests that are perverting the outcome, i dont believe we will be in the kind of situation of functioning successful government that we are so obviously missing. David if that is your goal for 2020, do you hear candidates that have declared now, 23 as i understand it, that are speaking to that . Im not sure i have heard a lot of candidates speaking in the language that you just used. Tom one of the things that is different about how im seeing this world but im attuned with the vast majority of americans we see a crisis in government. We see a breakdown, failure in washington, d. C. Across the board. Gun control is a perfect example. The vast majority of americans want background checks on guns and they are off the table. We are the only country in the world not in the paris climate agreement. These are basic things that governments should take care of in the normal course, and we cannot do it. The answer for me is to push the power back to the American People to get the kind of onepersonone vote responsibilities from elected officials that i believe has been corrupted. David does that mean that you would not accept a support a candidate that accepted pacs . Tom taking money from corporations is an absolute conflict. I have seen it firsthand. I continue to see it on a daily basis. What it means is elected officials are not doing their job of representing the people that put them in office. David always great to talk with you. When we come back, we will talk about climate. We ran out of time this time. Thank you so much. That is need to impeach founder tom steyer. Next week will be a busy one in Global Politics. We look at the key dates you need to know about. That is next. This is bloomberg. David this is balance of power on bloomberg television. Im david westin. Next week is a big one in Global Politics. Sunday, istanbul gets a do over for its election of mayor after president erdogan have the results of the march election unknown. Tuesday, we hear from st. Louis fed president bullard. He will be appearing in a conversation with kathleen hays. Wednesday, the first of two democratic residential debate in miami. Thursday, the debate continues with joe biden, bernie sanders, and keep the judge. Of the we have the start critical g20 summit in osaka, japan where President Trump and chinese president xi are set to meet if they can make progress on trade. Sign up for the balance of power newsletter and bloomberg politics. Get the latest on Global Politics in your inbox every single day. Yield with the jonathan ferro. The program will look at the feds decision and what chair powells News Conference has done to the bond market. Live from new york, this is bloomberg. When you rest on a leesa hybrid mattress, bedtime is no longer simply the time you go to sleep. Its time to switch off and catch up. Enjoy me time, and we time. 40 winks or 8 hours solid. The leesa hybrid mattress combines two technologies to give you deeper rest and rejuvenation. 1,000 pocket springs provide edge to edge support, responsiveness and comfort, while premium foams relieve pressure. Keep you comfortably cool and limit motion transfer. Leesas hybrid mattress is not only recommended by experts, experts choose to sleep on it too. Try it yourself in any west elm store. Or order online and well ship it to your door so you can try it risk free. The leesa hybrid is american made. Built to last. And, because Everyone Needs a place to rest, we donate tens of thousands of mattresses to those in need. Live healthier, live happier by resting deeper. Right now, you can get 10 off, plus two free pillows. Go to leesa. Com today. Jonathan from new york city, on jonathan ferro. Bloomberg real yield starts right now. Coming up, global Central Banks gearing up to deliver more stimulus. Taking the poll of negative yielding assets through 13 chilean dollars and driving highyield credit spreads to the lows of 2019. Lets begin with a big issue. Who wants to fight the fed . Dont fight the fed. The market likes the fact the fed is saying they are dovish. In the nearterm we will see vix collapse a little

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