Rally earlier, but the dow, the s p 500, the nasdaq, all of 1. 5 or more. Last tuesday, last friday, we saw action on the part of investors, despite the selloff weve seen, investors thinking that the worst is over. If we take a look at an intraday chart of the next 10 weeks, Something Interesting emerges. Last week was probably the biggest or most memorable day. Especially for the dow, down at one point. Right now the s p 500 is above the close. The last five days, up just a little bit. The s p 500 is still down 7 . Its interesting, looking at the pattern, theres a possibility that its bullish. Sellers lurking, very much in control, with lower lows, telling us that the sellers are lurking and that the buyers could just disappear. But it is impressive, what we have seen today, earlier, the s p 500 dropping down to 4 10 of 1 . Who knows, maybe the buyers will take over. Apple, amazon, bank of america, its important for them, the fact that apple could have been one of the triggers for the selloff. They did put up a disappointing december quarter, the guidance was not so great. These shares had been below the moving average. Back above the moving average, the buyers are certainly in control their. Upestors, certainly snapping some of the high quality big cap names in the hopes that this haveff is over that we seen and those are the kinds of names that you would want to own. We are seeing investors purchasing commodities. Last week the index had its worst week since january of 2016, going across asset classes. The risk on today, take a look at crude oil, copper, lumber. Tailwindh to be a true , it seems that investors, julie, are buying the did in stocks and commodities as well. Indeed theyulie are. A we have learned not to get used to anything for too long. President trump, finally releasing his longawaited infrastructure plan, budgeting 1. 5 trillion in new investment. He called the proposal bipartisan and common sense, but it is still looking like a tough sell to a Skeptical Congress. We welcome now our chief washington correspondent, kevin cirilli. To be clear, that is not all federal investment . In fact, most of it, the federal government is sort of relying on private investment as well as state and local investment. How does this whole system work . Kevin youre absolutely right. This is really going to come down to three factions for the president and his administration s infrastructure proposal. Billion downa 200 payment, of sorts, to help jumpstart this program. 200 billion in federal funds. The second, relying on a reduction of the time that it takes in order to get permits at the state level. The administration promising to cut regulatory red tape, focusing in on key environmental protections that they say prolong the progress and stunt job growth. The third point, this is where it gets interesting, they are reliant on private and public partnerships. A wonky term first spearheaded in australia known as asset recycling, allowing the private sector to come in and buy off the debt from municipalities and other federal state work programs, then having to return the interest to the government as a way for the government to raise money, hoping to make up the amount needed for the infrastructure programs. The bottom line is that deficit hawks are wary on this. I spoke on the telephone with congressman blatt of the Freedom Caucus, who said, essentially, look, they need more details to get this done. Oh and that Budget Proposal absolutely ripped up this wonky term known as reconciliation. Meaning its a steep battle for republicans ahead of midterms. David talk to me about that 200 million at the top. I read that they would be saving that from other programs. Things that president obama sort of like. Kevin frankly, it depends on who you ask. Point blank, that might be a way to win over some conservatives who are really against expansive government products and overreach. On the flipside of that, you have folks saying wait a minute, you guys are just writing another check, they will have to you more details in the weeks ahead. I was struck, hearing the president speak earlier, he downplayed the importance of infrastructure spending. He said that defense spending was important, tax cuts are important, things that he has succeeded on, but he set himself appear for an escape hatch, if you will, if and when this doesnt get through . Its really tough to say how they get this done ahead of infrastructure of ahead of midterm elections. Andas alluded democrats republicans in the past. They both said they want it, but they have yet to reach their goals on this. Notably i think what we will see in terms of the next type of priority pushing its way through congress is on immigration. Developments across town, from where i am at the white house, developing on that, the debate is starting and that is something that the lawmakers are hoping to get done in the next couple of weeks. The budget that the white house 18 billionocating for that border wall along the u. S. Mexico border. David we will be talking about that budget, next, kevin. Thank you. Looks like its getting warmer down there in washington . Kevin finally. David good news. [laughter] david coming up, President Trump presents his budget request and infrastructure plan. We will get the details on both of those, coming up next. This is bloomberg. Julie this is Bloomberg Markets balance of power. The first a check on word news, we turn now to mark crumpton. Mark President Trump unveiled his 4. 4 trillion federal budget, with a proposal calling for higher spending on the military and massive upgrades to the nations military arsenal. We are increasing arsenals of virtually every weapon, creating a brandnew nuclear force. Frankly, we have to do it because others are doing it. Buthey stop, we will stop, they are not stopping, so we will not stop and we will be so far ahead of everyone else in nuclear, like you have never seen before. Ark the pentagon would see 14 increase in its budget, also calling for cuts to domestic programs. The budget plan also shows the 2019 deficit nearly doubling from last years projection. Congress is expected to dismiss the proposal. In belfast there is speculation about a deal around gridlock over Northern Irelands assembly. The Prime Minister visited earlier and is meeting later with the irish Prime Minister. The Northern Ireland assembly fell last year over the cost of Renewable Energy initiatives. Turkish officials are urging the United States to reconsider its support of Kurdish Forces in northern syria. The statement came ahead of a visit by secretary of state tillerson this week. The London City Airport has been the discovery of an unexploded world war ii bomb during Development Work at the airport. Carriers were forced to cancel flights, but the airport is expected to reopen tomorrow. Global news, 24 hours per day, journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im mark crumpton, this is bloomberg. David . David turning back to the president s budget, Congress Worked its way through a menu of military domestic spending and came to a bipartisan agreement by simply saying all of the above. Investors are trying to sort out what it will mean for the markets. , formerme steve bell advisor to the bipartisan center. Welcome to the program, good to have you here. Glad you have me. David to me, what is the president s budget . Does it have a binding effect . Why should we Pay Attention to it . Stephen it has no binding effect at all. I hate to say it, but its a relevant, as the office of management and budget has said, as it does not incorporate the agreement of the president signed into law just last week. They will have to come up with random numbers in the next four or five weeks as they interact with congress. The third thing is that very, very little of this will ever see the light of day, except for defense increases. David for those of us more from a Business Association rather than capitol hill, a big budget is needed to, so what is this effective edge it . How does the government operate to know how much they have to spend . The effective document is the deal that the president may last week to keep the government open after a very short shutdown. What is going on right now is this on capitol hill a lot of staff for the appropriations committees are working on 12 different bills. When those bills pass, including defense, signed into law by the president , that will be the final act in making sure that the agreement reached let reached last week is in place. That takes precedent over any other arrangement or proposal by the president. Julie its my understanding that President Trump isnt alone in having this irrelevant budget. Is this the best way to do this process . If not, how could they improve upon it . Stephen i hate to put a lot of blame on President Trump, the congress has been so irresponsible in budgeting this year. We had six continuing resolutions, in other words little stopgap measures that lasted maybe a week, two weeks, six weeks. Congress has been unable to get its basic work done. How much will be spend to give the government open, for about 10 years now. Its been on other president s, not just this one. Although we asked the president to do is submit, in february, is Budget Proposal. This president did so. He even delayed what he was going to actually do on the fifth, a week ago. What congress has done now is become so polarized that they cannot even make an agreement on how much to spend to keep the government open. It used to be that appropriations were not this way. Now this deep Political Polarization has even struck appropriations. To thathere is no end insight, is there . Looks like there will be a fight over everything at this point, from the budget two things that are, perhaps, one could argue weightier. Is there any sense that there is a desire on the part of lawmakers to change what seems to be this new paradigm . I think that congress has set up, under this new law, a group of people from the house and senate to see if they can reform, but lets be honest here , we have a congress that is dysfunctional, not a new word. We also have one that finds it difficult to get almost anything done. I dont think they would have passed this budget if President Trump had not endorsed it when it was finally agreed upon by the senate, republican and democratic. I think it would have failed in the house. Theing you that even now, various factions, democratic factions, republican factions, are making it very difficult. You mentioned immigration. It seems like such a simple thing to take care of. The president wants authorization for a wall. You give him authorization and you work out the other stuff. The fact of the matter that is that that authorization will not get spending for four or five more years. Something like that, which seems to have an obvious solution, you wonten told, sorry, it work. Remember this, if we dont get younger people in this country, our Economic Growth is going to be pretty poor. David i want to come back for a moment about something be a talk about, fiscal discipline. Julie has a chart here. Obviously when it came up we had huge deficits, now we are reducing, and we are on the way back down, and down is bad. This doesnt even include the latest budget round. What is the force that will ultimately impose fiscal discipline. Is there any leadership . Or will it require the bond market to force a resident revolution . We will have to have a lot of pain, i hate to say it. People on the hill dont really believe that deficits matter. They say that they do, but very few people drop primary opponents based on large deficits. They really have, i think that deficit hawks are kind of gone. I dont know if they are extinct, but they are certainly in deep hiding somewhere. Look at this budget. 1 trillion budget as some as far as the eye can see in the middle of a strengthening recovery, with a large tax cut propelling that recovery. This is, i think, the last time you will ever hear anybody talk goh about ephesus when they home and talk about rotary clubs. You wont see balanced budgets anymore. I do think, as we are over 21 trillion for total debt, i do think that we are running a very Risky Business here and that most of the congress is turning a blind eye. Steve bell, thank you so much. Former staff director on the Senate Budget committee, great to have your time. Stephen thank you for a much. Julie still ahead thel ahead, the sister of north korean dictator wrapped up her junket to the livex. We have the latest. This is bloomberg. Isie this is david this Bloomberg Markets balance of power. Julie kim jongun the following a new weapon at the olympics, his sister. She shook hands with the south korean president and delivered a letter inviting them to a summit with her brother. Here to talk about the impact of the Charm Offensive and how it will play into u. S. Policy, someone who has traveled with mike pence during the olympics, with us now from the white house. We should mention that mike hence himself did not seemingly succumb to this charm initiative. At the same time he made comments seeming to say that the u. S. Might be willing to talk to north korea at this point. What, exactly where do things stand at this point . Vice president pence was doing two things. He was ignoring the North Koreans and avoiding having contact with them while in south korea, but we now know that the white house and the Trump Administration is sort of putting out feelers about having some talks with the North Koreans. , on president pence said his trip back to washington, that he would be willing, if the u. S. Would be willing, to have talks with the North Koreans scheme North Koreans, even as they put forward diplomatic sanctions. They are interested in the talks now that we know that the South Koreans are interested in talks continuing beyond just the olympics, maybe talking about the Nuclear Program. Sounds like the u. S. Is on board with being a part of those talks , even though the u. S. Wants to continue to isolate north korea, they want to explore the idea of having talks to get closer to a solution. Is this really a change in position . It look like a change in policy, in the past they offered preconditions, but its not clear that we would have those anymore. Are we changing conditions because of concerns . The u. S. Has no choice other than to sit down at the table and try to move quickly towards some sort of solution to the Nuclear Program that doesnt involve war and the u. S. Is following behind that, realizing that the train is leaving the station and we cant just continue to keep the North Koreans isolated with continued sanctions and think that south korea will go along with us because president moon campaigned on this, solving this issue diplomatically, for filling his campaign promise, having them come to south korea, he has received an invitation to visit north korea and it sounds like he will follow through on that this year, maybe, even, going to pyongyang. If the u. S. Is on the sideline, it will see like we are behind. Shifting positions to say yes, we want to continue sanctions, but we will consider talks with diplomacy, even sitting down at the table with the North Koreans. Its a definite shift him where we have been in the past. You were there with the president. Its so interesting to me that this closed kingdom, now with the exposure its getting, the face it is putting forward, its getting more of a positive reception. We saw north korean cheerleaders. We saw kim jonguns sister there at the of of the games. What affect does that kind of publicity have, if any, on policy . Vice president pence specifically went to south korea to combat that narrative. He didnt want the North Koreans to hijack the games. Thats why he brought the father of an american citizen who died in captivity in north korea. He visited the remains of a ship that had been torpedoed allegedly by the North Koreans. But it seems that the positive Media Campaign of the North Koreans was able to overshadow everything the Vice President was trying to do. The u. S. Is trying to shift policy and instead of trying to isolate north korea diplomatically, figuring out a way to move towards talks and see if there is a way to solve the Nuclear Problem through through theot just military option that the president and Vice President continue to say is on the table but at the South Koreans dont want. They dont want the military option to be the one that we resort to. Julie thank you so much. Up next, the president called his infrastructure plan common sense and a but can he sell it to a Skeptical Congress . We will hear from former transportation secretary ray lahood. From new york, this is bloomberg. David this is Bloomberg Markets balance of power, im david westin. Julie and im julie hyman this rally is remaining intact for the moment, for all three major averages. Continuing the rally that we saw late on friday afternoon. Its a pretty broadbased rally as well. The groups that suffered else in back, energy and technology among them. David turning now to first word headlines. That abc news reporting police and the secret service are investigating after a letter containing an unidentified white powder was delivered to the home of donald trump, jr. The nypd tells abc the trump juniors wife opened the letter. Vanessa trump and two other people were treated by firefighters at the scene. The Senate Begins a rare debate on immigration today. At fate, the socalled dreamers. The young undocumented immigrants that faced deportation. Democrats and some republicans have said they want to help them. President trump says that he is willing, to, and in exchange he wants to build a wall on the Mexican Border with significant limits to legal immigration. Refugees,sion for visiting a camp for Syrian Refugees in jordan. The commissioner said that the number of Syrian Refugees being deported from jordan to their warravaged homeland has decreased dramatically in recent months. War becomingee the more and more complicated, with more and more actors involved, then you get more worried. This internationalization of the syrian war is what needs to be avoided, because it takes us further away from a solution. Mark Rights Groups say that deportations often take place quickly, without a thorough investigation. Zumaate of president jacob is likely to be sealed at a meeting of the African National congress top leadership. President zuma has a five pressure to step down since he was replaced as head of the party in december. His nine years in office have been marred by scandal. His spokesman them up denied a report that he had agreed already to resign. Global news, 24 hours per day, powered by 27 hundred journalists and analysts in 120 countries. Im mark crumpton, this is bloomberg. David earlier today, the white house released its 53 page legislative outline for rebuilding infrastructure in america. This morning i submitted legislative principles the congress that will spur the biggest and boldest Infrastructure Investment in american history. The framework will generate an unprecedented 1. 5 to 1. 7 trillion investment in american infrastructure. We welcome now ray lahood, the former secretary of transportation under president obama. He comes to us today from indianapolis. Welcome back to the program, good to have you here. In the introduction to this outline, as it is called, 53 pages of an outline, the president and the white house say that the level of disrepair is acceptable. I know that you agree with that part. Is this a significant step in the right direction . Well, its certainly a step. I think its more like a baby step. Because its really not the kind of money that is needed to fix our roads and bridges and aging infrastructure in america. There are 60,000 aging bridges in america, 60 to 70yearold Transit Systems, and interstate Transit System that is really crumbling. This kind of investment just will not meet the overwhelming needs of america right now. Are you referring to the 200 billion, or the 1. 5 trillion that the president and the white house say that this will leverage . Well, the 200 billion is very insufficient from the federal government. Thats 20 billion per year. To think that the states are going to be able to come up with the money to fix up these projects, whether it is an interstate, a bridge, or a Transit System, the states dont have the money. Many of the states are broke and simply do not have the pot of money needed to really fix up americas infrastructure. David what about private funds . Some say that they are eager to put private money to bear. What about that . Propno question about it, publicprivate partnerships are great ways to fund projects. We authorize a number of them at dot, during president obamas first administration. Again, there are 60,000 structurally deficient bridges. Each one requires millions of dollars. 70yearold Transit Systems that need new cars and infrastructure. The interstate system is in all 50 states in america and is crumbling. Three peas, publicprivate partnership, great, but we need to increase the gas tax, we need an Infrastructure Bank. We need to create several pots of money that can then be leveraged against the federal money. The federal government needs to step up here. Congress needs to stay that the gas tax hasnt been raised since 1993, for 25 years. Lets createhat, an Infrastructure Bank, give the states more opportunities for polling. We need four or five pots of money and this is a small step today. We need a big, big giant step to fix americas infrastructure. Julie a small step, theres no guarantee that this will even go through. Talk to us about what happens if there is no fix, a small one or a big one. Does this just kind of get kicked down the road . And the next administration will have to do more as things further deteriorate . We had a saying in congress when i was there, the president proposes and the congress disposes. We need a congress with a big, bold vision for funding. Im sure that congress will use the president s principles. It should be bipartisan. Republican or democratic bridges or roads. Transportation and infrastructure has always been bipartisan. The administration has put forth their ideas, its up to congress to step up, be bold, have a big vision and fund it in a genetic way. The kinds of projects that are needed to get america back to being number one, which we are not number one in infrastructure today. We are way down, we are number 26. Julie how did things get this bad . Its pretty evident that we are not at the top of the heap, so how did it get to this point . Ray the Highway Trust Fund is broke. The gas tax has not been increased in almost 25 years. Everything else in america has gone up, including the cost of fixing roads and bridges. We need to provide, Congress Needs to provide the resources to give back to really fixing up our roads and bridges and getting america back to being number one. We got here because we havent made the investments. The investment being announced today needs to be increased manyfold, by many millions of dollars, if we are going to get back to being number one again. Theres a lot that you say that sounds sensible, sounds right, but a lot of us would say that given what congress has been through in the last few months, its going to be hard for congress to actually increase the deficit even further. Is there the possibility of state and local government stepping into part of the whole here . In los angeles we hear that there is a new use tax. In new york they are talking about a congestion tax. Is it possible that states and local governments will be forced to step in . The states are doing all they can. In the last five years states have raised the gas tax. They are not waiting for washington. So, it is going to take a partnership that has always existed between the states and the federal government. The states are stepping up, increasing the gas tax. Now its up to the federal government to give states more authority, to create an Infrastructure Bank and the real, True Partners with the states. The states have taken the leadership. Now the Congress Needs to take a page out of the states chapter in their book by increasing the revenue that could be matched with what the states are doing. There is not enough money in the states to do what needs to be done to fix up these bridges, roads, and Transit Systems. The federal government has to be a real partner here. The way to be a partner is to match resources. David do you give the white house any credit for coming up with a plan that addresses a lot of different aspects . Its not just about the money, they have the permitting provisions. Vocational services. Do you give them credit for ray having a comprehensive approach . Ray i give them credit for having the approach, for having the idea that this has to be done and a bipartisan way. I hope that the white house will continue to extend their hand to the congress, be willing and be , weible, step up and say need more resources, work with congress to provide those resources. If that happens, america will be back to being number one. If it doesnt happen, we will be back to having third rate, excuse me, real, real poor infrastructure, never getting back in the game again. David thank you so very much. Thats former transportation secretary ray lahood. Ahead, the Goldman Sachs business event, guests including lloyd blankfein. Live from new york, this is bloomberg. David this is Bloomberg Markets balance of power, im david westin. Julie and im julie hyman. Shares of csra, surging after General Dynamics announced they were purchasing the company. Shares areamics mostly unchanged, recouping some losses earlier this morning. More now, taylor riggs. This will create an and government contractor, right . Taylor exactly. Im really looking at this as a gigantic horizontal merger. They can go at it from both angles here. They are highlighting that this is a strategic merger, coming out and saying that they will have double digits in the with pretax cost energies up about 3 in 2020. Aey really do portray this as strategic, targeted acquisition. It all comes down to share price for the viewers. You can see the relative underperformance of General Dynamics to the s p 500 aerospace and defense industry. Csra will be acquitted to their earnings by 2019, helping to contribute to cash flow, which also, one would think, would boost the share price. David whats next . Are there other candidates out there . I was i was taylor really curious about this. Northrop grumman and Lockheed Martin could be considered competitors. Thoses deal works out, companies are rising today. That could be an interesting play. We dont have those details. How do they view that . Acquisitions. C right now wherever you are on this spectrum, it looks like a good time to be a defense contractor. David exactly. Lots of defense dollars. Thanks so much, taylor. That was great. Coming up, we look at the chances of a bipartisan deal and what could happen to the dreamers if one is not reached. Live from new york, this is bloomberg. David this is Bloomberg Markets balance of power. We have an update on north korea. Mike pence tweeting that new sanctions are coming soon on the country. Despite potential talks, irrespective of them happening with north or south korea, soon and are happening will intensify until north korea abandons its Nuclear Program. In an interview with the washington post, mike pence seemed to say that they were open to talks with north korea, not necessarily contingent on changes to the program. According to the post account, it might not have been some necessary. Im not clear whether this is a policy change or not. Julie he seems to say it has happened. David democrats did not get the release they sought for the dreamers, but a promise that it would be debated. We can expect a fair amount of back and forth on the subject between now and march 5. Viewnt, a bloomberg columnist and someone who spent a career explaining washington for the rest of us. His column today says there might be some way for everyone to win. We welcome him now from washington to show us the way. You are a tremor, and i hope you are right. How could this work dreamer, and i hope you are right. How could it work for everyone . Well, the al reason it could work is that its in everyones interest. If we dont want to deportations of people who have been here for 25 years, living contributory lives. Second, it would add money for Border Security. We dont need much, but thats ok, give trump what he wants, he can claim hes building a wall and we get the issue off the table. There is a majority of the house that is for it and probably close to 60 senators for it. But there are so many hurdles in their. For trump to stay out of the way, which he doesnt do well, will be difficult. It wasnt that long ago that we thought there was a deal. Chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, came to the white house. Then we got into this socalled chain migration lottery issue. Can he back down off of those . He has to, they will never get through the senate. As you pointed out in your setup, Mitch Mcconnell has called it a free for all. Willing with 60 votes pass. You will lose republicans with the stuff that trump is talking about. That cant pass. If he can find a way to back down on that, cosmetic changes to things like socalled chain migration, family reunification, he will say theres my wall. Protect anywhere from 700,000 to 1. 5 billion dreamers. That is something that could pass. Al you say that this julie you say that this will be a win for everyone if they get it done. What are the consequences of not . You still keep seeing these instances of people who are contributing members of society. I read a headline today about someone with a fiveyearold that has cancer, being deported. What is the public consequence of getting this done . Al there will be more like that story. His wife is pregnant, his fiveyearold boy has looking at he has been here for 25 years. His one offense was driving without a license. There will be scores, hundreds, maybe thousands of stories like that. That will not be good for anyone. Trump will not be able to claim that he got his wall. He always leaves out that mexico was supposed to pay for it. For the democrats, this is an issue that they really had promised they would try to deliver on. I think the consequences for all our really significant. Julie what about paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell, specifically . Seems like a general when for the democrats and republicans, collectively. What about those two gentlemen . Al i think that mcconnell handled this skillfully. He got schumer to back down on the government funding issue. He has given him the vote. A free for all. If they can get 60, they have it. It is more of a challenge for paul ryan. One year ago, paul ryan was every bit of as conservative as he has ever been, but he commanded respect, but that is not true anymore. He is a proimmigration, prodreamers type of anderson. He has to decide now if he is letting 2 willing to let a bill go that would pass with more democrats than republicans. That is a test of his political character. David what are the chances he will be in that job a year from now . Al somewhere a bit higher than zero, but not much. He could retire, he could decide the democratsor could take over control of the house. The more reason, david, where you think, by god, go back to your core beliefs. His core beliefs on immigration are not the trump or basel, never have been. David its a question of character, at some point. Break this down for me, have they have this vote marathon in the senate. Put in anything you want. What is the likelihood that we get something out of it . And that it will pass the house . A shot. Ink they have john mccain, they are active in trying to get a dreamers and border package together. There is the socalled common sense caucus, they are trying to put something together. I think they have an even shot at getting something through the senate. Then the question goes back to what i said earlier, is trump going to mess it up by blustering, yelling, and screaming, calling it awful. The question. Particularly because every Single Member in the house is up for reelection, every single one of them has to be thinking about the videos, the kids with cancer, all of that being played against them. Doesnt it develop hydraulic pressure . Something in the house, wouldnt the president have to sign it . I wont say anything is a certainty with this president , but there is a bill being byred by will heard the congressman from texas, with some democrats and republicans, 27 republican cosponsors. Its a dreamers of Border Security package. They could always add money, this congress doesnt mind adding money. They dont add we know that. Incould pass with a majority the house. I think there is no question of that. Would be a majority of democrats passing the bill, thats the hangup for some republicans. The Freedom Caucus would go ballistic. Its always a pleasure to get your thoughts. Thank you so much, al hunt, joining us from our washington, d. C. Bureau. Stocks hitting their highs of the session, the dow is rising. 500, a 2 gain in the s p up 1. 7 with the s p on track for its biggest twoday gain since june of 2016. David a long way from last week. Theer than a sharp stick in eye. You can catch all of our interviews on the bloomberg with bloomberg tv. Live from new york, this is bloomberg. M scarlet fu. And i am julia chatterley. What the Bloomberg Markets. Where life and bloomberg headquarters in new york over the next hour and here are the stories we are covering and bloomberg and around the world. Investorsising giving a break from the volatility driven selloff that rot markets rocked markets. President trump releases details on his infrastructure plan that is at least 1. 5 trillion in spending, and what nba executive is living basketball to join derek jeter and miami marlins. Abigail little is tracking the gains in the nasdaq. This is the best day for major averages since last tuesday, and that followed the historic sought on monday, so still lots of vo

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