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Of the country robert fitz was wounded and hospitalized in serious condition, we will find out the details and versions of what happened, and what kind of belarusian dads, mothers and children they are, on family day , lets look at the statistics about us, our family happiness, see also in our issue, Alexander Lukashenkos state visit to azerbaijan, a busy program of negotiations with ilham aliyev, bread, salt, flowers to the monument to yuri gagarin and an autograph session for all space fans. Today our allied crew, Marina Vasilevskaya and oleg navitsky, were solemnly honored in the star city. Working rules for entrepreneurs. Work honestly, scale your business and pay taxes according to the law. A major corruption scheme was uncovered by the police in minsk, together with the Prosecutor Generals Office. Detained were 23 midlevel managers of enterprises in the field of agricultural construction , as well as two representatives of a private capital company. Exclusive details of a highprofile Corruption Case in the panorama plot. Thousands of unknown destinies, the history of which remains to be established. Deputies of the house of representatives visited the sites of mass graves of genocide victims. The president of belarus went with state visit to azerbaijan, in baku, the head of state will hold official negotiations with the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev. The meeting of the two leaders will take place in a oneonone format in an expanded format with the participation of members of the delegation. The president s will consider Current Issues of bilateral relations with an emphasis on expanding trade and economic ties in various sectors and developing cooperative interactions in the areas of industrial agriculture. Another topic of negotiations will be cooperation between belarus and azerbaijan on International Platforms in integration associations. The heads of state will discuss the situation in the region and in the world as a whole. According to the results. Suitable for this, but they grow not only from all the land they have, half of the grain we are used to, grapes, olives, tea, tobacco, silk. The climate makes it possible to harvest several crops. 80 of the market are small farms, now they are actively supported by the state, for example, they give a 40 subsidy for equipment, this is where belarusian tractors are starting win in the pricequality position. The belarus brand still has more than 50 of the market, since our farmers are still ours, they need practical equipment, because spare parts are easily available, and service is easily accessible and. Yes, in our country the year has been declared the year of quality, so we have everything in our hands. Last year we reached 170 compared to the previous year, an increase in trade turnover, including exports. Not only the ambassador, but also the minister of agriculture, architecture and construction, deputy Prime Minister, participated in the official Opening Ceremony today quite a representative belarusian delegation. Today we were preparing to sign new ones. Contracts, they really dont disclose the details here, but in fact baku is closer to minsk than you might think, last years results are 400 million, i think this is not the limit, every new year we grow, and if you look at the contracts of each enterprise, with which they are presented here, this year they already have products that they supply to the market, everyone has a new product that they brought for the first time, which they began to produce, therefore this is also. Potential to add more to our export treasury. There is a lot of press at the exhibition, this is due to the announced visit of azerbaijani president ilham aliyev, it is known that he supports these initiatives and personally comes to such exhibitions every time. Today , the possible presence of our president Alexander Lukashenko was actively discussed. This is in the visit program. At least our companies hope that the head of state will arrive. We will show all this on our broadcast. Follow the news. Tomorrow. Katerina. Well, today lets move on to pressing domestic economic issues. Let me remind you that the country has updated work rules for entrepreneurs, and today they published the longawaited list of types of activities allowed for individual entrepreneurs. Here it is immediately important to clarify that this is a proposal, that is, the document has been submitted for public discussion. And now the government expects there to be an active discussion. It will last. Create conditions for Business Growth and scaling, as well as guarantee equal conditions for carrying out activities, there is opportunity. Within literally a year and a half until january 1, 2026, choose a new form of doing business, please, switch to a legal entity, as we have already indicated, within one day by preserving all your documents, details, certificates, and so on, if not, you understand what it means you have other interests, you can choose a craft activity, and so on, if we operate with these figures of 40,000 individual entrepreneurs. Fiscal goals, adjustments to tax policy in terms of taxation procedures individual entrepreneurs, selfemployed citizens, nothing will happen here, the entrepreneur simply must calculate how it will be more profitable for him to work, that reasonable entrepreneur who is already carrying out activities with hired persons often decides in favor of even the generally established taxation system, because he understands that the reduction the tax burden will occur during the reorganization, well, lets call it that. Upon reorganization into a legal entity. The economic environment is a program in which the most understandable we speak in language about complex economic processes in the country outside its borders. Watch the new episode today after the panorama. Our space crew was greeted today with bread, salt and the sounds of an orchestra; Marina Vasilevskaya and Oleg Novitsky were solemnly honored in the star city. This is a longstanding tradition when each crew comes back to earth after finishing a Space Mission and returning to earth. To the starry one to tell how the flight went along with the residents of the city, lay flowers at the monument to yuri gagarin and walk along the alley to the cosmonauts house. Daria belousovopetrovskaya visited the starry place and was filled with cosmic emotions. The monument to yuri gagarin is the main symbol of the star city; it stands opposite the house where the first cosmonaut of the planet once lived. In his hand behind him he holds a chamomile flower, this lyrical detail. His wife valentina asked him to add it, because every time he returned from a run, he gave her a bouquet of wildflowers. And for more than 50 years now, flowers have been brought to yuri gagarin, such is the tradition. The monument was opened in 1971 , since then each crew after returning to earth, comes to the stars and pays tribute to the memory of the man, thanks to whom the world discovered space. Belarusian peoples assembly, then a meeting in the kremlin with two leaders of belarus and russia at once, a busy schedule, hundreds of meetings and interviews, today is a star city, everything that happens to me is very. Uh, the flight time has increased by two days, which marina vitalievna really liked, well, about the repetition, i think life will tell, to put it in its place, comparing a short flight with a drill is of course not very correct, these are completely different tasks, shorter work time, but nevertheless everything worked out. Hundreds of people came to greet Marina Vasilevskaya and Oleg Novitsky, including the leadership of roscosmos, employees of the cosmos center, friends, relatives and simply residents of the star, among them the main fan. Its very pleasant, as galina stepanovna admitted to us, she is happy, because today her space collection has been replenished not only with envelopes with personal autographs of vasilevsko and novitsky, but with a large photo album that tells about the history of the flight soyuz ms24 spacecraft on the iss, with the first female cosmonaut of belarus on board. Daria belausovrovsk alexander lyubiteleyev, tv news agency, star city, russia. Well, now we return to the main topic of the day, and we receive these images from Heydar Aliyev international airport, where Belarusian Air force one has just landed. On the flagpoles in front of the government terminal are the state flags of belarus and azerbaijan, along the carpet, military personnel of the Honor Guard Company. Let me remind you that our president commits state visit to azerbaijan, during which he will hold negotiations with his colleague ilham aliyev. The leaders also plan to visit the largest agricultural exhibition in the caucasus. Stay tuned for more tomorrow. Details of the assassination attempts on the Prime Minister of slovakia have become known. The president of the country confirmed the arrest of the attacker and asked to refrain from hasty conclusions and wait for official information from the police. According to local media reports, a criminal case has been initiated. And the sanction of the article provides for 25 years. Deprivation freedom to life imprisonment. Earlier, the ministry of internal affairs confirmed that an attempt had been made to murder robert fico. This happened after a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, when the politician went out into the street to meet people, the moment of the assassination attempt was caught on video, here it is. The suspect is a seventy oneyearold proukrainian activist, writer, and opposition supporter. Have already begun to shoot people with a different point of view and a desire to lead their country in their own way. Eurogardeners also dont like georgias independence. The country is being pumped according to the old manuals clashes in the streets and fights inside parliament. Thus, georgia adopted the law on foreign agents in the third final reading. The approval of the initiative has not yet stopped the protests, which are so actively financed by the west. Naturally, the European Union announced that the law on foreign agents impedes the countrys forward movement, where . Towards european integration. Well, here we remember, with you. What this led to in ukraine, and of course, the main democratizers, the natural liars of the states, are banging their hegemonic fists and threatening sanctions. What is happening in the republic and why the west criticizes the local law on foreign agents. Olga davidovich. The final discussion of the bill on foreign agents was emotional. In the georgian parliament, deputies fought, bottles flew around the hall, and insults were heard. Outside the building, a crowd was raging, destroying the barrier, spraypainting the walls, and clashing with the police. According to the document, passions that have been unabating for almost a month now seem to be approaching their climax. The law was adopted in the final third reading. Example kabakhidze stated that the document pursues the only goal to make public the Financial Reporting of nongovernmental organizations receiving millions of dollars from. Abroad and spending funds on subversive political activities. The adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence creates strong guarantees of longterm peace and tranquility in georgia and overcoming the socalled polarization. But this is not the end. President zorabishvili promised to veto the bill, and the ruling party promised to override this veto. Demonstrators are announcing new actions and threatening openended protests. There are a lot of young people in the crowd who only talk about strives to join the eu, and the law. This will be prevented, how can one not see the parallels, how according to the training manual the hand of the kremlin seems to be everywhere. But in reality, this document has nothing in common with russian legislation, but has a lot in common with american law. In fact, this is a tracing paper, only a light version. But it is the georgian document that the west calls a violation of human rights. All of these things are not only incompatible with american values, but with the aspirations of the georgian people. Just plain georgian tea. 90 funded western structures and of them several dozen large, active and aggressive, and given that this noncommercial foreign bread has been in the country for barely years, the scale of the protest is understandable, as well as why people are being brought to the streets. Foreign agents, in return they were promised power and. Now they have received a huge grant to carry out the socalled revolution of foreign agents. External pressure on the face the European Union has already announced that the law on foreign agents impedes the countrys Progressive Movement towards european integration. This document was harshly judged washington. They are threatening to radically reconsider relations with belicia. Even the word sanctions sounds like a response to georgian stubbornness. If the law moves forward without agreement with eu regulations, restrictions will follow from the us. James obrian at the head of the western Landing Force that landed in tbilisi the day before. A number of european politicians openly, contrary to their diplomatic status , joined the protesters, calling on them to continue their acts of disobedience. If this is not interference in other peoples affairs, then what . Unfortunately, we see exactly the same symptoms which we observed in serbia, which we observed in armenia, which at one time spilled out onto the streets of belarusian cities, we see that these are working. In the region, the anglosaxons are increasingly revealing their ambitions and goals. The us secretary of state, who visited the capital of ukraine, organized a feast during the plague. First, he publicly announced the catastrophe of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, then once again promised ukraine nonredundant nato membership, and then arranged a gastronomic tour of local eateries. And end the visit, during which blinken cynically declared the need to mobilize as much as possible. The comrade decided to help the ukrainians in an even stranger way by performing on stage in a kiev bar. This behavior of the guitarist from the usa caused a flurry of criticism the ukrainians do not restrain themselves in their expressions, pointing out frivolous behavior against the backdrop of the Ukrainian Armed forces disaster in the kharkov region, the americans are a waste. Money, because at this very moment, as if in a parallel universe , children continue to die from the arrival of western hymers missiles, from prohibited mines that the militants in the ssu simply cover the ground with. It doesnt notice neither tourer blinkin, nor a eurogardener, and even the whole world seems not to notice. Today the dpr thanks our country for its assistance in the rehabilitation and treatment of donbass children. These days , the heads adviser is visiting our country. Articulation, arms, legs, yes, loss of an eye, internal organs, mutilated, those names can be named, you know, a day is not enough to tell every tragedy, there are families where the whole family died, fleeing, they simply did not reach the shelter, or direct flights, the arrival of hamers in. The world die in their cribs, what is this, this is democracy, this is true, this is care, no, this is a problem, this is pain, this is a crime, you need to answer for a crime, there are rights of the child, at the international level, the right to life, and i will answer you about the dead children, the right to live and be raised in a family, and ill tell you about the parents of the dead, the right to education, and ill tell you about the numbers of destroyed educational institutions, and some three times we are rebuilding again, targeting kindergartens, schools, hospitals, are you ready to hear , i dont know, but we say we will talk about this, including, you see, you too, today you are also doing so that we can be heard, so that children stop dying, this is your first time in belarus, but you have already managed to go to the regions and see how in fact, children relax, with ease whether with your soul or your heart, you will now be here for rehabilitation, including continuing to send your children for sure, what you liked, kindness in the eyes, sincere involvement in and involvement in our tragedy, with a light soul, yes absolutely, and even before that you had a light soul, because that i knew that they seemed to be going to their place home, and we are fraternal peoples, our traditions and cuisine are very similar. In general, not for any of these loud warm words, not for thanks, but simply because they understand how necessary it is today. The call not to help your neighbor can only be said by a person who has no heart, no soul, you said it correctly, without loud words, without pretentious words, quietly, evenly, just say take it, i have it, im sharing it with you, everything is absolutely legally, now the group is generally together with their parents, and even brothers and sisters came and not only children, but also parents receive rehabilitation, lets think about it when trouble comes to the house, when your child is simply sick, the whole family, the whole family is destabilized, the whole family suffers pain, grief, feeling, your child is sick, when your child wounded, and these mothers who are here with their children today, they need your help no less than the children. In fact , we once watched at the station, with what tears the children were leaving here, how much they didnt want to, its clear that there is a house there, they are waiting for them there, but here they feel so good that. And the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich is on trial for him and Maria Alekseevna lvovo and belova for helping the children of the whole earth, this is not only donbass, this is the kherson region, this is zaporozhye, on the other hand, listen, if they shout so much, so screaming loudly, it means we are doing something so important, so priceless, bright, well, were probably doing everything right, but here there may be another option that with these loud screams. When i say the word angel, what kind of image . And if i say to this that under the guise of a white angel, yes unkind actions are hidden, under such, you know, veiled with such a motivation to save, yes, when it is really with a threat, as help comes, including from you, they say that there is an opportunity. To help children, well, the focus, what is it, yes, a creative team, or are they children of status, or are they children, just children, yes, or are they children with injuries, already parents, and the children themselves decide whether they accept this help, whether it is necessary this help, then this help is given, but if those who bring help come, excuse me, im turning into slang. And they take it away by force, with threats, and they say either leave with yours, why, why should i leave my home . Imagine, someone opens the door, someone comes in and says take your child, leave, this is my home, just when you are talking, they are hiding something, they are veiling, after all, they still managed to build bridges, establish communication with the relevant ministries, we have many projects are working and waiting for our children in the summer. Only we have three projects ecology and tourism and the train of memory, where our children will go to prepare and identify points of growth between our regions, between our countries, and im really leaving here charged with such a positive attitude for further cooperation, for further work. Duda regime in poland. Declares war on migrants and even brussels, the warsaw dictatorship will block the pact on migration and asylum, which was adopted by the council of the European Union. The main provision of the document is quotas for accepting refugees. Each country of the old world is obliged to resettle migrants or pay 20,000 euros in compensation. Current Prime Minister tusk says that poland has long fulfilled its humanitarian duty by accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees from ukraine. And those who managed to overcome the polish barbed wire. In poland they decided to deal with fictitious students. The scheme surfaced during the investigation of the visa scandal; it turned out that the majority of recipients of student visas did not start studying, and this is tens of thousands of people. The fact is that such visas make it possible to find work in the eu without obtaining a work permit. The scheme is very profitable. Universities received payment. In a year tuition of approximately 3,100 euros turned a blind eye to foreigners who did not show up for classes. From now on, checks will intensify. There will be a tougher approach to issuing student visas, which will clearly make life more difficult for fugitives. There are already reports of refusals and visas being issued for a shorter period. What do fugitives do today when they are abroad, what plan are they supposedly making for the liberation of belarus, and how are they trying to stay afloat. Pathetic schemes for making money that dont bring any results. How our Security Forces conduct their professional work and merge each other with the first opportunity, when there was a smell of an extra penny, thirst for profit, corruption and much more. We will tell you all the ins and outs of fugitive radicals in a new project. Remark. First release today after the panorama. People have been close to the heroine for about a year, i will collect 5. 00 may 10, 23 they announce the creation of a Meeting Center in kiev on yerevanskaya. 50 units of military equipment in belarus have begun preparing a military parade for independence day. This year the country will celebrate 80 years of liberation from fascist invaders and the celebrations will be especially largescale. Their parade squads will be presented by the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the state border committee, the ministry of emergency situations, the investigative committee, cadet schools and specialized lyceums. At the moment we have. The first stage of preparation ends, during which parade crews were formed, equipment was determined, equipment was prepared, equipment is concentrated in the minsk garrison, and on the 16th we begin garrison training, garrison training will be held three times a week, this is tuesday, wednesday and thursday, here at during which we will practice all the elements that will be shown during. The parade of troops. There will be an air part. Combat aircraft and helicopters will fly over the capital. The bright finale of the parade will be the performance of the Honor Guard Company of the combined military orchestra. We continue to cover the blind spots of our military history. Deputies of the house of representatives today visited the excavation site of a mass grave of genocide victims in the uruchishche uruchishche near minsk. For several years, work was carried out in this place. Painstaking work to establish terrible facts of reprisals against civilians. Vladimir korolev, about new facts, a terrible tragedy. Acts of the Emergency Commission testified that in this place there are seven execution pits, they have already been found today, 16 thousand people are buried here, how many are unknown, all these people are still listed as missing. In fact, the shot hole is much deeper, this is only the top layer. More than a thousand other human remains are stored under the skeletons; preserved personal belongings indicate that civilians were shot here, mostly old men, women and children, but there were also prisoners of war, what struck me most was the scale of what was happening, i, as a normal person who knows history, always knew that such events took place, but the scale is not that impressive , they are discouraging. Eight rows, eight rows of bodies that lie in almost every grave, this is not just destruction, this is a death factory, i dont know what kind of human psyche can endure this process, yes, once in childhood i was told that there were moments when the earth was breathing, there was blood, but you dont perceive it until youve been in this place with your own eyes, the nazis took. Drove people into the forest, forced them to lie face down in a hole, shot them in the back of the head. It is extremely difficult to identify the remains, here is a citizen of uzbekistan, one Red Army Soldier was considered missing near rzhev, there was an address on someones belongings, an engraving on the watch with gratitude from the factory. From such remains we have to find out the fate of those who ended their lives in a mass grave. Establishing the facts genocide of the belarusian people, we condemn fascism in all its manifestations, condemn, condemn. Happened on our land, we have no right to forget this in the face of our ancestors, in the face of our people, who, in russian speaking, were killed, destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth. According to the latest data, there are 12,346 of them. Previously , the figure was just over 9. 288 villages shared the fate of khatyn, and this figure is inconclusive. With the liberation of belarus, our country is discovering new facts about a terrible war and continues to find it. In the morning, after just a few minutes of conversation under pressure of weighty evidence, confidence in words will disappear and the necessary memories will begin to emerge. Thats it, i already understand you. I had them on my table. Along with this person involved, the police visited twentytwo others, according to the department. To the same participants in a simple corruption scheme. According to operational information, midlevel managers of enterprises, usually in the construction and agroindustrial sectors from several regions of the country, received kickbacks of 3 to 5 from a transaction with a private metropolitan company engaged in repair and maintenance of equipment , mainly cleaning, as well as the sale of equipment and components for it. In fact, it looked like receiving a second salary, which clearly stated why. For what services, for what contracts that were previously concluded, for what certificates of completed work that were signed by these government employees, this money is received. Information that businessmen involved, including Public Sector workers, in their dishonest game, at the same time reached the Prosecutor Generals Office. Thats how it was accepted a decision to join forces to uncover and stop a criminal scheme. During a special operation on suspicion of bribery , he was detained almost instantly. 29 people. It was established that the thirtysixyearold founder of a commercial structure organized a scheme to transfer bribes to officials of Stateowned Enterprises in order to guarantee the conclusion of transactions with his company. Three of his employees helped him in this. As part of an interdepartmental group, employees of the Prosecutor Generals Office and the Main Internal Affairs directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee identified 23 officials, which are from september last year. Systematically received kickbacks for the supply and repair of equipment. During the work process, some counterparties and clients asked for bonuses for cooperation in monetary terms. For this purpose, he gave money to managers. Under the leadership of the founder of the capital

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