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Today, everything that modern belarus lives with today, look at tv channel belarus 24, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. In the countries finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal. Cyprus, austria , switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. Set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. Tv channel signal is broadcast in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. Be with the belarus24 tv channel and open it. The midnineties, the once powerful army of the soviet union is divided, the combat potential is based on weapons that entered the troops back in the eighties and seventies. The army of that time was like a hero, formidable, but not agile. A similar situation arises at enterprises of the militaryindustrial complex, for example, the military unit in borisov, which specialized in the repair of air defense and air defense systems. Remains without government orders from moscow and, as a result, without a means of subsistence, unemployment set in, and real unemployment, people worked 34 hours a day, 34 days a week, forced vacations, a period came when it turned out that the plant will cease to be a military unit, the plant will cease to exist. Such a difficult situation affected both the people, professionals in their field quit, because they could not feed their family with a penny salary, and the combat potential of the army, despite the fact that the armed forces independent belarus inherited a large amount of military equipment ; it was almost impossible to use it if necessary, because a huge part of the military vehicles and tanks looked more like a pile of scrap metal. The state should not stand. Unarmed, the right decision was made; all Enterprises Related to the defense complex were united under the igeges military industry. Life hasnt become any easier, because in general, the enterprise must work, must earn money, the state committee for industry will not bring you anything in its beak, but simplify certain points, yes, it removed some unnecessary tasks that may not have been typical for enterprises. Something had to be done with a huge amount of military equipment, the state militaryindustrial committee that appeared at that difficult time coped with this task perfectly, which. They wrote off, repaired something, but relied on the modernization of weapons. They refused to retrain to make basins at the borisov enterprise, and began to do what they did best, repair military equipment. Thats today, at plant 2566 , soviet grads are successfully pumped up to the level of modern belgrades. But besides working on the belgrades, heres a guide kit, by the way. The corpse lies for them, they are working on other projects at the enterprise, this is the legendary soviet wasp, or rather what is left of it, because at the enterprise it was pumped up by 70 . One of the main innovations is, of course, the replacement of old analogtype equipment with new, digital ones. The last few years have been completed. Four Development Works, as a result of which we now have the production of three modernized types of weapons is underway, the repair of one of the types of weapons is being mastered, that is, all four Development Works have yielded results ; contracts have now been concluded for them both with the ministry of defense. So with other customers, plant 2566, together with other enterprises of the countrys Defense Sector, made a real leap from the past to the present in the 2000s, armored personnel carriers, air defense systems, infantry fighting vehicles and even tanks began to breathe new life, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of such production, independence in production and modernization. Any country is the number one question, i set the task, pistols, machine guns, small arms for our belarus, as i seriously said that we will give everyone, if we have enough small arms, machine guns, pistols, machine guns and ammunition for them , god forbid, war, we will distribute to every family, to create their own weapons and modernize on their own, this thesis of the president has become fundamental and we are talking not only about heavy equipment, small arms, sights, devices for combating radio reconnaissance, drones and communications equipment, this is only a small part of what the enterprises of the state committee for military industry produce today. In total , more than a thousand units , the lions share of this number are walkietalkies and radio stations, and if you take into account all the personal protective equipment, the figure is absolutely amazing. The process is irreversible, it occurs on an ongoing basis, together with the ministry of defense and others. Our security forces, we analyze in detail the information that we receive, after which , of course, we make adjustments to various types of weapons, and we make sure that they fully meet the needs of our security forces. For example, today the Belarusian Air Defense Forces are not only new tors, but also the legendary soviet s300, asa and buk complexes, which are being successfully modernized and also continue to guard our air borders. Its clear that. That over time, soviet weapons become unusable, so, as they say, who is capable of what . Some countries write it off for scrap metal, others simply sell it. Belarus has taken a different path, we are not only we keep the gunpowder dry, but also repair the weapons in a timely manner. For example, a zrk s300 was brought to the plant to be overhauled. As they say at the plant, after this the resource will be restored by 90 . Belarus even has its own modification of the buk antiaircraft missile system. Also, on behalf of the head of state , a mediumrange missile with the buyai marking was created. Domestic gunsmiths have proven more than once that we can do it no worse than foreign manufacturers of military equipment. Its worth at least remembering here belarusian multiple launch rocket system polones. Today it is clear to everyone that it is necessary to develop models of weapons of the future; the sad experience of the conflict in ukraine has proven that drones and means of combating them are at the forefront of military operations today, but. I was preparing for the trends of the theater of military Operations Long before uavs have become mainstream. Then we must create not only Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and reconnaissance vehicles. We must create attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and such technology has also been developed by Enterprises Defense sector from vitebsk. Samples of attack drones are being displayed, these are tests of combat drones, a quadra 1400 loitering tube. It is no secret that recent military trends. These weapons are used. But not only to intercept an enemy drone, but also to detect its operator. Kb radar developments can easily cope with this task. The Design Bureau is today a leader in the production of goldplated equipment to combat drones. A whole complex has been developed, including mobile guns, stationary installations and even a station on wheels. The point is that we, too, being in this. Cauldron, in this hot, one might say, political point, cannot help but Pay Attention to ensuring our safety. The world, unfortunately, has not become safer. We see this, and, of course, we must take certain measures. Belarus also plans to increase the production of domestic ammunition. Serial production of the most popular type of ammunition has already been launched, this is 122mm. Rocket, it is used e. G. For the belgrade complex and the shkval multiple launch rocket system, they are very important and solve big problems at the front; accordingly, ammunition for them is also necessary. In the near future, enterprises in the Defense Sector will develop this area and expand their capabilities, all the necessary competencies for this are there, at plant 2566 they are mastering it, but. For war, given the situation, all structures that work proactively perform the necessary tasks , and our military industry also plays a huge role in this, which over the years makes the Belarusian Army even more combatready. This is the last pride of the plant, a new weapons repair shop, when i was here 2 years ago, it didnt exist yet, it s time to draw analogies with. They didnt destroy it, they saved it, they are creating something new. So, in the structure of the entire state committee for military industry, where over the last 20 years a real colossus has appeared for the production, repair and modernization of military equipment. Alive, alive, for that ill kill everything, but ill kill you, volodyazhi you are now a hero, you destroyed our entire squad, betrayed yourself, at night when our plane arrived, i stopped i wanted to, i disobeyed the order, i ran away, ill go out, captain petrov and lieutenant velichko, youre late, actually its already lieutenant petrov and not velichko, take it the germans are all around, we are going to germany, why go to germany, its necessary, arina is not a traitor, she had reasons, im sure, and im sure that she knew what she was doing, and this is called desertion, there is no prozorovskaya here, i dont care to answer well have to, not her, you, lets come back, our people almost killed you, lets come back, its the end, if he ran away, then there was a reason, but if so, well you cant drown arina, well, thats not true. Soldier, what is your name . Carry on, i ll be right back. Excuse me, officer, my husband is seriously shellshocked. He doesnt hear anything and speaks poorly. Thank you. He has a box in his cabin labeled top secret. He will spend the entire night alone in the abandoned base. Damn, he left, i dont think he would have abandoned the truck, he took the box with him, its somewhere here, you think he noticed us, not necessarily, lets go. He probably went upstairs, and the view is better from there, thats right, uhhuh, wait, dont worry. Hands up, step away from the weapon. Why are you here are you doing . Calm, calm, i asked, what are you doing here . Well, you cant even imagine how lucky we are, secret data, not just secret, these are lists of people who worked for abvar, here in america, in europe, any Intelligence Service would sell their soul for it, this is a real treasure. What should we do with this treasure . Or maybe if we give this data to ours, they will forgive us . Maybe . Okay, i know its not easy. In any case, these materials should only reach ours. We cant allow. To fall, i dont know, suddenly an american or with a box of you cant walk the streets with this, its good that they went unnoticed, microfilms, now this is interesting, these are personal matters, its not just names, its everything. Photographs full of information, perhaps even addresses. 15 films thats almost 500 names. You are right . These materials need to get into the right hands, i think i know how. Speak. Germany capitulated. Everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. The name of prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, ill praise you. This city was founded in 985 by grand Duke Vladimir and given over to him. Days and even more. In our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. There will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. A series of films pearls of belarusian cinema. And, of course, Online Travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. All this and more in the weekly project. Broadcast 24 7, watch everyone on our tv channel friday evening, i wish you all the best for the students, well, beauties, with victory, with victory, sit down well, pour commander ryunk a drink for the victory, comrade head of the facility, allow me to convert. Listen, this is the end, i mean, well, we won, today, yes, lets for ours, for those who are, for those who are not, today with us. Khrysya, we have to, you know, no, no , no, how can this be, we cant stay, if everything goes well, well send news soon, you re leaving me, why are you, swear, youre like a sister, but you went out saved, but now we we have to take care of you, you know, we, we cant stay close, its really very difficult for us to part with you, but now. Everything is right, i understand, i dont understand , i dont understand why, i dont understand, but well, if necessary , then you have to, its yours, leave it. We hope that very soon you will meet your love, you definitely will, the soviet Intelligence Officer is blackmailing her native country, give me money, swiss passports, as if you were in america. Razorovskaya made an appointment on the american half of berlin, i think will come without the films, just to make sure that we are ready for negotiations, at this meeting, we need to capture her, bring her to our side and shake out of her everything that she knows, where she got these films from and where she hides them, comrade general colonel, i have a proposal, please allow me. Kuzarovskaya set the conditions only the petrovs should meet with her; she was with them on several missions. What do you think about this, comrade major . I think, comrade general, this proposal is acceptable. Prozorovskaya knows the petrovs, my people are not there. We use petrov as bait. Take action. Father. Holy, comrade karosovo herself decided to convey the date, and why so strictly, a year after all, we have been together, we would like warmth in our relationship, and comrade investigator, you are accused of betraying the homeland, and your innocence has not been proven, you yourself refused to give evidence, so warmth you wont get it from me, but who gives evidence when his family was forbidden to visit him like a beast, his family was not fed well . Again, they didnt give me kuriva, so where are they sending me . In the section at school 2. 2 plus taught, you are dancing in front of me here. They prepared the standard clothes, which means you need them, change there, your husband is tired of waiting, kolya. As a bait, now all of berlin is dismantling the ruins, excellent cover, well, thats all, nothing more is required from them, my people will take the insight, ill fly out today, ill pick up people, ill meet you tomorrow in the basement, we agreed, all the best. Amazing people of our country, everything that i hide as if in a sarcophagus, in my works, in my small sculptures, this is already different, this is me i dont know what will happen, but for me creativity is getting out of your head and creating something that you have there, the purpose of this hall is to distract children from the street, to attract them to boxing, former students. Not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show how unusually wonderful our country is. In america, houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house ship. They havent yet come up with a term for floating stations the landscapes are complete thoughtfulness and sadness fascinate even the most fastidious travelers. Watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. How are you, better now, congratulations on your wedding, better late than never, thank you, thank you, and how, katya, shes fine, ill see you tomorrow, just little time, guys, a new task, yes, what is the goal, to catch our former Intelligence Officer, it looks like she is before. The richer, the better, alesh, im sorry, im all about the meeting, i think theyll take me there, maybe they agreed that were not going to the Meeting Place , now the countries will see how and what, yes, only ours will probably be ready for this, we will still have to communicate, wait. Take it, katya. Well, we agreed, but you just come as soon as possible, i promise, come on, its strange that this bear is a toy, just a girl. I carried it with me, then my mother gave it to me, it was not for my age, it was long past my age, i still carried it with me, lets go pazarovskaya made an appointment here, on this street the ruins are now being cleared, a large number of the local population in mostly women, it is very convenient for her, firstly, she can see whether the messengers have arrived, what they have in their hands, and of course, she can. Visually check whether there is a capture group nearby, it will be very difficult to work here, comrades the petrovs will enter american territory under the guise of red cross workers, they will post up advertisements about the location and time of the expected delivery of humanitarian aid. The capture team will be nearby. Task control of the streets that prozarovskaya can come to meet. So this is the street, her controls iremeev, this lane, controls him. There is no building in this circle, which means the potapov, kirch, nikolaev building is now common, everyone will have german passports, you are all residents of east berlin who came to american territory to find your relatives or friends, work extremely carefully, remember what it looks like prozorovskaya, i remind you that under any circumstances she should not file. For this you will have the following devices as soon as prozorovskaya is next to you, you must open the pin, the needle is impregnated with a paralyzing agent, if it enters the blood directly , a person loses the ability to move for about 40 minutes, during which time you must manage to bring prozorovsky to our territory, understand . Good day, hello what is the purpose of your move to american soil . Hello, hello nicolas, excuse me, are there any problems . This is mr. And mrs. Bonpare, not the red cross. We should be in podsdam in an hour, we have a mission there, if something is wrong, okay, you can pass the. Thank you, thank you very much, goodbye. Hello, can i have your passport . No, the next street is around the bend and be careful with the russian, merci, thank you. Began. I was asked to give it to you. Well, i figured out who was coming to meet me, your acquaintance, what kind of acquaintances, lieutenant, i only saw him in kiev at school, petrov, yeah, hes already a captain, and thats it. Which your apartment was robbed by a big girl, well, yes, its strange, who, who was not expecting them, they didnt notice you, no, it seems not, yes, good, youre a trump card, while no one knows about you, but they know, you cant let them if we catch our eye, well change the plan, adjust it a little. She read our actions, found a german woman who looked similar to herself and sent her with a note, the Meeting Place is indicated here, today at one in the morning we must give her the money, otherwise she will hand over the archives to the americans. Well done, at night during curfew. There is no one on the street, yes, the territory is foreign, even if the capture group gets there, it will be very difficult, they will notice her immediately, if she is so. Smart, why didnt you appoint her right away at night . I wanted to show you that i know everything, i see everything, it wont be possible to take me, so ill have to work honestly, your proposal, prozarovskaya thinks that she has put us in a hopeless situation, she is sure that we will pay the money, so most likely today she will take the films towards us. Wont take it, most likely she will hide them somewhere nearby, of course, even if the courier is captured and interrogated with passion somewhere on the american side, she was taught to endure pain, we have limited time, i suggest that only petrovs spouses go forward , they are good they know, i think they will find a way to take away her whining, but then we can. Can transfer her to our part of berlin, but in general its at your discretion, its risky, if they run into a patrol, the archives will immediately be in the hands of the americans, after the petrovs receive the films, they need to liquidate prozorovskaya, they cant leave her alive, she can remember something from the archive. Getting to know Belarusian Enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. The difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, there are wide drawing possibilities. Our Technology Today is actually very reliable, with a colossal safety margin built into it. In the postsoviet space of special mechanical engineering, i have no doubt that in literally 34 years we will become a leader , we will achieve our goals. See the project, quality mark. On the tv channel belarus 24. Farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost 7. 5 billion to a hundred countries on the planet, and this is despite the fall world prices. With good Agricultural Technology and a good approach, you can get a wonderful harvest from our varieties. Our corn is different. But there is no need to stop there, the wellbeing of our people, Food Security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside, our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing that we can give from science, new varieties that are showproducing and are distinguished by their resistance to diseases , to pests, main topics on the main broadcast, look at tv channel belarus24, here are your passports, this is a backup lining. this is pocket money, the two of us had to go at once without any capture groups, kokarina asked, she didnt ask, i want to know why she does what she does, she can only reveal herself to you, so i added a little to her demands , fortunately she transmitted them on a secret frequency and no one can check, about revealing herself thats good, but. She wont come there to talk, thats right, a new development, they shoot capsules with stun gun, range up to 5 m, maybe ill go alone, the kolema will hide, sneak away from the rear, no, she ll calculate this option, theyll probably set up noise traps in those places from where an attack is likely, youll hear the noise, theyll shoot, i agree, so you go openly, meet. Surely she will want to know if you have money and documents with you, she will ask you to show them from afar. Show me, youre distracting attention, huh . You choose the moment to shoot, of course, after that you tie up prozorovskaya, the stunner lasts for half an hour, wait until she comes to her senses , talk to her, let her explain her actions and tell her where the films are, if she doesnt tell you, you will force her, clearly, then come back with the films and eliminate the prozaroska. Immediately on our side, if arina still needs to be eliminated, why ask her, but i want to understand why she did this for the future, so that it doesnt happen again with other agents, and if we find out that she had no other choice, a way out there is always. If, why, what do you think, do you feel sorry for arinas collars . The devil knows, he doesnt care anymore it is seen. I think its a pity. Why did he ask her then . He said, for reporting purposes. But he could have sent someone else. And ill come up with the idea that arina wants to see us . Maybe he tried to get out of prison for our sake . Pull her out, but it seems to me that he thought that someone else could use her in any way, because the order, and we, and what we, and she and i were on missions, we know that someone who, she ideological, but after all, money and documents are needed to start a new life, right . Well, like this. Only she is this new one life could have started a thousand times over when she married this pilot, went to germany, and what would we have done . Nothing, she s a noblewoman and shes got shovels of money, but she didnt leave, so its not because shes a traitor that youre doing it now, its just that it doesnt work out differently, well , it doesnt work out, and the reason that you need money is very serious, and not that she wants to live abroad. Well, lets say, as the collar workers said, im waiting for you with films and a report, but maybe he specifically assigned us to this task so that we would bring, they reported, and they would have figured it out themselves, but what is it, but the devil knows that this is how to shoot from it, we have orders, and orders must be followed. So, we need to do it. And if the two of them come, we dont know. We dont know. And petrov is a normal person, why do you need it, we exchanged a few words with him in kiev, hes not a bad guy, but not a bastard, but the great war is over, and shes still on missions, trusts her

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