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Oh, ah, i can already feel the adrenaline, great, where is the coach . We wont go there without a coach. Friends, they told me that i need to throw all the pucks before going there, so come on , but i still threw a long way, oh my, what did i do, i need to be here for them, watch how the children and i come here also 56 years old, maybe i pingin is necessary, they stand, thats all, and we just demand from. That they walk at least a little , yeah, walk a little, and their legs are like this or like this, no, just like that, just like this here, i see the puck, thats it, the fun begins, thats the fun, yes, its like golf, like, well, the handle is only at the bottom. Friends, the whole game she just stood on one toe, she didnt move anywhere, so where i left it, thats where she stood, im plus 30 kg, what are you doing, i still think we ve done it, now the main thing is to find it entrance and dont fall, because so far so good. How you had a day today i had a great day as always ah great everything we did today before in belarus we already did, but play hockey for the first time in my life, and i can say that i love aventura, but ice and usually carbonated drinks, but skating on ice is kind of a soso task. Tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, dont switch. Our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. More than 100 Million Viewers around the world have access to watch projects our tv channel. So what . Belarus is business and developing. Welcoming, vibrant and festivallike. Generous, picturesque and monumental. Sports and team. We tell you not only about significant events. We introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. Belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. Hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we do belarus is closer. At the beginning of january 1946 in minsk, in the building of the district officers house, the military prosecutors office. Antonovna, another witness, a prisoner of the koldychev camp. It was organized by the nazis at the beginning of the war, not far from the city of baranovichi. The woman put down her pen; she no longer had the strength to remember what she had experienced. Evidence from vekova was preserved in the materials of the investigative files of the trial in minsk. At the camp, people flocked to such a place that they did not grudge the life of potassium. Yana was afraid. However, such facts began to be recorded back in period of occupation. November 3, 1944 in the soviet union. The response from the ussr followed immediately. The newspaper published the testimony of those who were the first to enter the burned belarusian cities after liberation, and saw with their own eyes the consequences of the crimes of the nazis. And the memories of Ilya Ehrenburg himself. There is a scary place near minsk, a large cane. The germans are there, wanting to hide traces of the crime. Camps and ghettos created on the territory of the republic, including 546,000 tortured, shot, burned alive directly in this hellish place. By in the number of those destroyed, it ranks fourth in europe, after such notorious nazi death camps as auschwitz, majdanek, treblenka. The tract blagovshchina. Mass executions took place here. The village of maly trostenets, the camp itself. Nearby is the shashkovka tract, a place of mass imprisonment of people. All of them made up the trostenets death camp. Where the process of mass extermination of people did not stop for a single day, depriving them of the right to life, leaving no chance to escape from this hell. Early in the morning in early june 1944, prisoners of the maly trestenets camp were awakened by shots. In one of the barracks people began to listen, judging by the sounds coming from them, not everyone was shot at once. Most likely one at a time machine gun fire, screams. Moaning means that mass executions have begun, and soon their turn will come. Georgy begun, head of the Reconnaissance Group arthur, partisan brigade named after kalinin, minsk region, quickly found his bearings. People decided not to go to execution meekly, but to give their lives to the nazis at a higher price. They opened. Gates baraka. A fight began between exhausted and exhausted prisoners and armed guards. Kulemetny burst. People fell dead, having entered into their last battle. No one managed to survive except one, georgy zakharovich begun, who was able to hide in the oven during the massacre. When everything calmed down, he took it apart and got out. The escape was unprecedented in the history of the trostyanets death camp. After release. Minsk, on 62 pages he described all the horrors that the nazis did there. Since the end of fortythree, the nazis have covered up the traces of their crimes. A special sd team, using prisoners from the minsk prison, dug up and burned the corpses of executed residents. Only in novemberdecember 1940. But history has preserved the testimony of survivors of that terrible event. Sa detachments, Security Police and sd security service, secret field police, gendarmerie, Wehrmacht Armed forces, monsters from the special ss battalion, dirlewanger, which destroyed almost 200 belarusian villages, killing more than 120 thousand. Human. We remember the atrocity of the 118th Police Security battalion formed from ukrainian nationalists. The nationalist formations of aun upa, melnikov and bandera, the nazis of the latvian ss legion, the second Lithuanian Auxiliary Police battalion of nationalists. Formations of the regional army, belarusian collaborators, who, under the whiteredwhite flags, brought death to the peaceful citizens of their country. The belarusian selfdefense corps, the belarusian regional defense, the union of belarusian youth, all those who committed outrages on belarusian soil, 400 of them are still at large. Belarus remembers all its inhabitants burned belarusian villages, today more than 10 thousand of them are known, remembers all those tortured in concentration camps, who, taking into account the preliminary results of the criminal investigation. We see that in neighboring countries, unfortunately, nazism is trying to raise its head, we cannot allow this and we shouldnt, for the sake of the memory of people who survived the horrors of genocide on russian soil, the Television News agency presents it in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, the light has passed and the belarusian capital has passed. Ale and spring prychosak patraben i vesenny mood. Kali weasel, the young ones from the flower gardens of minsk were sleeping. Today in minsk there will be a republican look at the springsummer days madeles, made by the indian pashivs atelier. The 1959 madelais have a flat beach line. Moderate daily life, lacanianity of forms. The Spring Season has passed for magilya, and the Spring Season has passed here. He will take us to the new showroomshop. Why not padabaezza . Pavuchytsesya y men, they are less capricious about the choices of adzenna. And yashche lepsh, gloss on the made, as the magilian masters tell you. Vitsebsk for the city on the closing call, the ice is falling, the land of abujan is hell, the knots of ice on the rivers, the spring is bursting with light, to the delight of the chalavek. You can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. In our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. There will be time for entertainment. Exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. Online travel and healthy lifestyle. All this and more in the weekly project ether 24 7. Watch on our tv channel every friday wind

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