Employee is either an employee of my workshop, or an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits behind control panel on the brush, this is, in principle , a small particle from which a link is put together, i would say a ball that says goodbye around the clock 24x7, here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country, look at the project one day, on our tv channel, i was born in syria, my mother is syrian, her name is gilda, my father is british, his name is salem, my brother diya, he is also syrian, he lives in minsk, and my sister is british, her name is suza. They are like mom and sister in london, dad too, dad works in English Literature in london, driver, mom is an astrologer, she just looks at the stars and will tell you how their effect on our lives, and the zodiacs are like that, she taught it for a very long time, she did it, she works, so my brother is also a director, he will also end up with me at the academy of arts, but he is now graduate student, and my sister too. Im going there as a dancer, she said yes, as a dancer, go, youre a good dancer, you can win there, but if lets say, i would tell her i m going in voice, she would say, no, dont go, you have a very bad voice, she knows it, she supports us in a logical place, like when it is necessary, never just my children everything, any mother has such energy that when she is happy for her son or her son, everything will be fine, everything works out for my son, how is it so i think that as far as i will do mine mom is happy how well i will succeed and everything will be fine, i am starting to study dance, not in syria, not with us, so my, my brother was my dad almost starting, as always, my younger brother wants to show his brother who taught him that look, im cool, look, im good, then what you love, then me and mine brother, how did they open the group, the team is a dance group, called dance kru, we were, we did a lot of performances in syria and not in syria in the arab world and even in holland, in europe, but when i was about 18 years old, 19, i looked at the tv, i was like. Very scared, because i woke up at 7 am then and my turn to film was only at 10 at night, 10 at night i was very tired, hungry, no energy at all, and then i went to him, i saw the kind of stars that sometimes i see on tv live, like in life, it was very, what do they look like . Such 3d is real and everything is scary, and i specifically know that the camera is like people in the studio, there are spectators in the studio, but they are few, but behind. The camera if 300 Million People are watching, i know that, so any movement, any words, effect, then the semifinals, then the finals and won, progress will never end, there is no limit to progress, so when i won this program, i had the opportunity that i was more academic as an artist, like a graduate, a professional, not just a talented person who loves it like an amateur, no, im a professional and an amateur , yes, but. Now im a professional amateur , i have a diploma, im a director, and for this we need to use this prize, which gave me the right place, so we chose to go to belarus to study director and live here and how it is necessary to pay money to serve the apartment everything, but i believe that its always in the right place, because uh director or arts it doesnt matter how where i graduated from the academy, where i graduated from, what academy i graduated from, the main thing is what happens inside the frame and that people will then see everything, belarus. For me one word, but very important , an opportunity, just like here i am, as an artist and as an artist, a businessman, i can realize my idea, which is related to art here, i can find the right people who help me and the right place, and the truth is not the same , yes, of course, there is bureaucracy everywhere, but in the end we need a result, it doesnt matter to us what happened, what matters is that in the end, in the end everything will be fine, because i know that everything will be fine. 24 7 we learn about Current Events and significant ones dates, we will go on a virtual trip to the city of chechersk in the gomel region, where we will get acquainted with the history of the city hall, and also remember the masterpieces of belarusian cinema, and of course, we will present to your attention the best episodes from the projects of our tv channel. Stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. In the date of the week section. Lets find out what significant dates the outgoing week marks in the context of belarusian culture. February 26 in the village of shirki on in the senin region, in a simple peasant family , an outstanding statesman of belarus, a hero of the soviet union, Pyotr Mironovich masherov, was born; in the first days of the war he volunteered for the front, later led by rosson. Underground peter mironovich, one of the few partisans and underground fighters, was awarded the high title of hero of the soviet union during the war. On mashirovs initiative, monuments to the kolos bathed were erected in minsk. The majestic complexes of the khatyn kurgan of glory were created, and the Publishing House of the youth nationalities was opened. Belarusian soviet encyclopedia, construction of the metro has begun and much more. Over the years of his leadership, Pyotr Mironovich mashirov identified the republic as one of the most worthy and prosperous republics of the soviet union. 26th. February in mogilev, into the family of actress svetlana turova and director peoples artist of the ussr viktor turov, the future poetess, director of popular childrens films, screenwriter elena turova was born. Back in first grade, she wrote, glued and painted her first book of poems; since 1989, after graduating from the faculty of philology of bsu, she has been working at film studio belarus film. Elena viktorovna, the author of a number of animated feature films, wrote poems for more than 150 songs for famous pop performers of cinema and theater. In 2005, the directors debut animated film illusion received the grand prix at the International Festival shakken stars in kazakhstan. In 2021 , the first fulllength film in the history of belarus was presented in minsk and moscow. For the animated musical turovo and stars of the 7th heaven. In it, in addition to directing, she wrote the libreto for 45 musical numbers. This movie the National Film studio celebrated the halfcentury anniversary of belarusian animation. On march 3 , 1942, in the village of beloye, krupsky district , the ussr pilotcosmonaut, twice hero of the soviet union, Vladimir Kovalenok was born. Since childhood, volodya dreamed of aviation; it is not surprising that in the village they did not call him anything other than a pilot. In 1963 he graduated from the Balashov Higher Military Aviation School for pilots. In 1967 he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. Vladimir vasilievich is one of the pioneers of space exploration. October 9, 1977 year at 5 oclock. Different countries of the world. In the section your choice, we will get acquainted with Important News from the world of economics, social life, and sports culture. Glassy gaze and gloomy equanimity. A year ago, the wendnesday dance from tim burtons series of the same name drove the world crazy. They copied not only strange movements, but also the gothic image. In moscow , the russian silhouette had its own adams family, sergei kurokhtin brought it from gomel, he is not an imitator, he is a film buff, my favorite series was once my favorite, i still have disks with this series by Charles Adams at home, and i love to say that i sewed this collection even before semeikadam became a stream. Gives to future tailors, but he learned to invent from scratch himself, works in the upcycling genre , creates new things from old ones, my turtleneck, which was once also used, some pieces of knitwear that i had left, here is a strip, yes, if we take the theme collection of the adams family, then brother wednesday wore a striped tshirt and pieces of stripes turned out to be just right, by the way, no black and white tones. Instead of accessories, a respirator, and also a backpack with sewn fingers. This is the thing. By the way, the reincarnation of one of the main characters of the series. Fashion horror impressed experts, especially jamal makhmudov. In the past , the winner of the russian silhouette, now a famous designer, collaborates with Anastasia Volochkova and larisa dolina, after what he saw, rokhtin was invited to an internship. Russian silhouette is the Largest Fashion event, its main goal is to promote young people. From all over russia, fashion designers are fighting to get into the show. Belarusians automatically qualify for the finals. These are the winners and runnersup National Competition mill of fashion, which has its own threelevel casting. Belarusians are invited to other russian silhouette projects, for example, to shoot an art calendar. Every year , the calendar presents fragments of the collections of sergei sesoev, valentin yudashkin, vyacheslav zaitsev, along with them designers, milnitsa fashion, belarusian fashion. Each calendar. Has its own theme, and the future calendar is about patrons who contributed to culture, art, education, here are our two designers, well, just remember the startups of the 18th century manufactories there of faience, gobilens, glass, well, about the persians, where sluz belts were woven, im just silent, because this is a brand, here in this collection a very large layer of sormatian portrait of the baroque period is touched upon, that is, this is a specific gentry ideology that reflecting, well , what most strongly reflects the originality of nationality, lets say that period, its a mix of history and ethnography, here the transformation of cornflower, leather imitation of straw weaving, a unesco intangible heritage, the authors vision of slushi belts, by the way, handwoven arts and crafts are introduced into every collection. In order for new National Brands to appear, they must be given the opportunity to develop. In belarus and russia, a lot is being done for this and there are already results. Some designers create local brands, others work at enterprises and develop light industry. Perhaps those who start today will come up with something tomorrow. Will probably take the fashion industry by storm, and in a few years their names will shine as brightly as the names of those who are theirs today evaluates. Its time to go on another virtual trip and explore new places on the map. Discover belarus with us in the traditional section place on the map. In 1915 , chechersk received the right to selfgovernment, the socalled. Burg law, at the same time a special building was built for the rada, a wooden town hall, which has not survived to this day. There is not much Historical Data available about this monument. It is known that the town hall once stood in the middle of a vast square square, had a large clock with battle, a watchman stood on its tower, announcing the arrival of guests. Near the town hall there were trading shops, about 76. The rest. Information often excludes each other and can only confuse. It is impossible, for example, to find out how many floors the town hall had. All sources give a Different Number of floors, depending, probably, on what each of the authors understood by the word floor. We do not know either the original appearance, the author, or the exact time of its construction. In 1772, after the division of the polishlithuanian commonwealth, chechersk became part of russian composition. Empire, and a year later in 1773 the town came into the possession of zakhar grigorievich chernyshov. At the insistence of the russian commander, construction of a new one began. Stone town hall, the year of construction began, the name of the architect, history is silent, now the building dates back to the end of the 18th century. Three churches and a Catholic Church also appeared in chechersk. The building of the chechersk stone town hall is rectangular and has two floors in height. On the sides the roof is topped with fourfoot towers with spiers. In the center of the roof on a raised the fifth one is installed in the drum. With an arched finish, the cornices are decorated with figured brackets, the towers on the roof are made of wood, but their decoration matches the composition and stone decorations on the rest of the building, this trend was observed in russian architecture of the 16th century, after the war the building was used by the city administration, at the beginning. Town hall was severely damaged during a fire in which all wooden structures were destroyed. Repair and restoration work dragged on until 2004. The town Hall Building was inaugurated on september 24 2004 on the day of celebration of the 845th anniversary of the city of chechersk. A visit to chechersk, a visit to the town hall is included in a number of educational educational tours around belarus. Today , the town Hall Building houses a historical and ethnographic museum. Welcome to belarus. Next, we will get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the cinema section. Starting march 2, the belarus 2 tv channel will broadcast masterpieces of belarusian cinema. This special event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema, an important stage in the history of our culture, which began back in 1924, but initially only documentaries were produced. The first belarusian feature film was lesnaya byl, filmed in 1926 by director yuri tarich based on the then popular story by mikhas charota the swineherd. Main. The hero of the film is the young partisan Intelligence Officer grisha, a former shepherd who, together with his girlfriend, the foresters daughter gelka, is participating in the fight against the polish invaders. The main shooting of the film took place at the priluki estate, on the former estate count czapski near minsk. The decorations were not specially made, because the estate was well preserved. For the characters in the film, costumes were bought from local peasants. Scenes of battles on the streets of minsk were filmed at real battle sites, near Alexander Square and in the upper city. At the intersection of hertsina street and music lane. On december 25, 1926 , the premiere of lesnaya byl took place in the newly opened culture cinema in the now National Academic drama theater named after maxim gorky. In the guide section we will get to know the best projects of our tv channel current news, interesting places, amazing people. The contact of two worlds the games of the future are taking place in kazan, when sports, technology and science sound in unison. And an International Championship at the limit of figitals capabilities. Athletes compete for titles in the middle of two realities the physical and digital worlds. More than 2. 0 athletes will compete at the kazanexpo exhibition center. The prize background of the tournament is worth 10 million dollars, the music of the harsh north in salikhard, the yamal symphony sounded, this the first interNational Competition for young musicians, which took place in the arctic. Some traveled to the event on reindeer; the competition events lasted 4 days; the grand prix winners were a violinist from russia and a pianist from china. Pink colors of spring. Sakura blossoms in shizuka prefecture, japan. More grows here

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