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Live main news at noon in the studio olga kalayirova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue a joint meeting of deputies and senators, how we are working so that sanctions do not harm the main economy and people, direct inclusion of sovalny for. Loud scandal on the sidelines of the un statement the organizations secretary general encouraged israel to call on gutrish to resign, meanwhile tel aviv continues to strike over gaza to Palestinian Refugee camps, as well as across syria and lebanon. Expensive, ineffective and insufficiently obedient to washington, trump does not like nato; if he is elected president , the United States will leave the alliance. The belarusian government today answers to parliamentarians, in the oval hall, to deputies and senators, the report is presented by the deputy Prime Minister in charge of transport, housing and Communal Services and the construction complex , Anatoly Sivak. The task of the cabinet of ministers is to neutralize the consequences of sanctions for economy and for people. How the government copes with this task, and how much housing we will build. Our correspondent Veronica Buta is working at the meeting, in direct communication with the studio, veronica, good afternoon, the floor is yours. Hello, colleagues, yes, indeed, the government today traditionally reports to the deputy corps on the results of the work done, and you correctly noted that the focus today is on the most popular topics, which usually arouse the greatest interest among our citizens. According to the deputy Prime Minister, in a number of industries there is a positive trend, take, for example, construction, the pace depends on the amount of investment; they immediately give a figure, for example, almost 12 billion rubles were allocated in 9 months, which allowed the industry to become a plus; large investment projects, say, in infrastructure or the implementation of large projects have not been stopped in the agricultural sector, and in general, if we talk about housing construction, we continue to build our treasured square meters. Another important topic is definitely road repair. So, according to the deputy Prime Minister, it was taken a very good pace, which will allow us to repair the entire road network next year. In 2024 , it is planned to allocate 1 billion 270 million rubles to republican roads, 130 by this year, which will make it possible to repair and reconstruct more than 1,600 km of republican roads. It is planned to allocate 881 million rubles for the repair of local roads, which is twice as much. Than planned for allocation this year, this will make it possible to repair about 2,700 km of local roads. In addition, they told how logistics problems are solved, so the emphasis for example, it is aimed at reorienting the flow from west to east, plus, of course, it is important to minimize costs here, and so belarus plans to reduce the distance to the ports of the leningrad region, for example, there is a new transport corridor. Which will reduce the route by 132 km, and which means, of course, will reduce costs. Today, deputies have the opportunity to ask the deputy Prime Minister directly all the questions that concern their constituents, for example, regarding the renewal of passenger and railway transport. Belzhd needs to update about fifty electric trains and about a hundred diesel trains. But where to get them from . Or, lets say, there is a proposal to further simplify the construction mechanism. This is what Anatoly Sivak thinks about this, we will tell you in the next news releases, colleagues, thank you, Veronica Buta works in the house of representatives. In the United States , another candidate for speaker of the house of representatives of the American Congress has withdrawn from the race, and deputies are already selecting a new one, a certain johnson, but the prospects for his election to the post of chief administrator the lower house is also uncertain. Due to the absence of a speaker, the work of congress is practically paralyzed, and parliament is unable to pass a single budgetary and financial law. The main thing on the waiting list is the white houses requests for assistance to israel, ukraine, as well as for funding the American Government itself. The parliamentary paralysis has been going on for 3 weeks now and is as far from being overcome today as it was on the first day. The republican majority is unable to find a candidate that would suit this faction. Democratic the minority does not have the votes to get any of their own through. And there is no way to solve the problem. The paralysis of the legislative branch of power can last as long as desired. Donald trump promised that if he is elected president of the United States. Will leave nato. In his opinion, the alliance is too expensive for the american treasury, while it is ineffective and insufficiently obedient to washington. Trump asks why spend money on maintaining brussels officials when you can just buy more weapons for the pentagon. Such a statement seriously worries not only the american, but also the european establishment. Trump attacks the international bureaucracy, which is not under the control of any voters, and at the same time operates with colossal means. And in the american way. Which feels part of the international there are ways to manipulate the results of the american elections. 2020 has convincingly proven this. We are monitoring the situation in the middle east; in the last 24 hours alone , 700 people have died in the gas sector, including including 300 children. The total number of victims, according to unicef, is 2,300, and the number of victims is more than 5,000. Last night, israel continued to strike the gaza strip, Palestinian Refugee camps, as well as syria and lebanon. Gaza remains blocked, and virtually no humanitarian supplies are coming through the egyptian border crossing. Palestinian Authorities Say the hospital has two days of fuel left for generators, after which doctors will be without electricity. The Israel Defense forces demand that residents of the Northern Gaza Strip evacuate to the south, but many are deprived of this opportunity. As a result, civilians are dying en masse under shelling. The idf is preparing to enter the gas, but the Israeli Government has not yet given the corresponding order; such an operation is fraught with colossal losses. Israel is studying the possibility of flooding tunnels under the gaza strip with sea water, where hamas fighters may be hiding and their weapons depots are located. Well , tel aviv does not intend to take into account the position that is contrary to israel in relation to the conflict and demands immediate resignation secretary general of the united nations. Antonio guterres recently said that hamas could not help but arise given the policy that telyaviv is pursuing towards the palestinians. The israelis considered this statement a justification for terror. Guterres resignation was first demanded by the countrys ambassador to the un, and then by its foreign minister. Today it became known that representatives of the organization will no longer be issued israeli visas. Meanwhile, the gas sector is extremely dependent on humanitarian assistance provided through the organization. There are many un employees in gaza, and about three dozen of them are reported to have died. Israel alone will not fire guterres, but given the influence of this country on the policies of washington, paris and berlin, the secretary general has every reason to worry. Official kiev came under complete Manual Control from the white house. The ukrainian state in the classical sense ceased to exist. Maintenance of the entire apparatus and social guarantees for the population. At the expense of external donors, no one has relied on their own strength for a long time, this is the opinion on the air of the Program Political scientist Vladimir Kornilov expressed the trends. In ukraine, the entire budget is now compiled exclusively on the basis of western assistance, and how, it is compiled with a huge colossal deficit, when they ask the Prime Minister or ministers of the economic and financial bloc where to get the money, they are even surprised by such a formulation of the question, well, how. The money there is western, that is, they first make up for this colossal deficit, and then go with an outstretched hand to the west, begging there. Why did the gas sector flare up like a change the forgotten kiev comedian is going through the information agenda, and the polish ruling party refuses to give up power, what are tusk and his team ready to do . Andrey sych , together with analysts and experts, will understand the trends of the modern world, see the project of the telelenova agency. The desire to become the owner of an iphone prompted a minsk resident to commit robbery, the day before a young man was selling a popular smartphone of the latest model via the internet, a stranger contacted him and made an appointment, to which he came wearing a motorcycle helmet, he took the gadget for inspection and handed over 1,800 counterfeit dollars to the seller, after which he hit the young man and ran away with the goods. Having come to his senses, the victim discovered that the dollars given to him as payment were souvenirs. Within 24 hours, employees of the capitals criminal Investigation Department identified the suspect and, with the forceful support of riot police, detained him. It was established that the thirtytwoyearold. Resident of the capital planned the deception carefully from the very beginning

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