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Its 6 am, yes friends, i hope that you feel some kind of direct light and its as if its brighter in principle, although its deep autumn outside the window, thats why, because ninmazheka, my colleague returned from vacation, look how good vacation affects a person, friends, yes, indeed, im encouraged and cheerful, dear friends, i must say that the vacation was actually invented to realize how much you love your work and of course your colleague, olga ventska, yes, well, ill say more, we missed the whole team here, i im sure the viewer missed you too, so ninotchka, welcome back, well enjoy your amazing energy, thank you dear, and well charge you, of course. Our tv viewers so that they feel vigorous, cheerful and a little mischievous early in the morning, why not, well, by the way, about what gives us energy, lets say last week was a parents week, and naturally, you all participated in our wonderful photo flashmob in the account of the good ranitsa of belarus, and now we say thank you to all those who sent us their amazing photos, introduced us to their parents, closest people, dear participants of our photo flash mob, thank you very much for your efforts, for your efforts and of course. Photographs arrived even after we had already shown the video on air, and we were not at a loss, in fact, we included absolutely all the photographs, visit us at account dobritsa belarus and look at what we got from all the photos of your family, and of course we are waiting for your comments, how could we live without it friends, and likes, of course, well, we know this amazing monday morning and in general the most beautiful new week music that you want to sing along to, lets start today we will work on strengthening all muscles, and for this we will first start with a warmup, we will need a hoop, what will we do with it, we place it in front of us, put our foot through, get along through the hoop can be done this way from 10 to 20 times, not everyone will be able to coordinate the movement the first time, but after a couple of approaches you will succeed. And our next exercise will also be with a hoop, it will be called lie down and stand up. This will strengthen all the muscles, so lets get started. We lie down on our backs, dont touch the floor with our hands, a hoop in our hands, get up, stand up, then lie down, do the same thing, we get up , you can keep your legs together, you can lie, as it turns out, our next exercise will be on. Its called twisting, it directed to strengthening muscles, well, for stretching, what are we going to do, take a hoop, put it on the other side, from the back, put your feet shoulderwidth apart, arms stretch as far as possible to the sides, as if you are pushing two walls in different directions, we will twist , the pelvis remains in place, we pause for 2 seconds and return to the starting position , the same in the other direction, we do not twist the butt, in place, we strain our arms and abs as much as possible to warm up, place a gymnastic hoop in front of you and just walk through it, coordinate your movements, the smaller the hoop, the more difficult it is to perform this exercise, lyakti on your back. Place the hoop behind your head, but do not touch the floor with your hands, without helping with your hands, stand up, hold the hoop on your outstretched arms, jump back, work your legs in this exercise as you feel comfortable. Pass the hoop behind your head so that part of it rests on the trapezius muscles, feet shoulderwidth apart, arms stretched to the sides, twist to the sides, fixate for a couple of seconds on each side, perform 1520 repetitions in every exercise. Its much more pleasant to wake up, especially on monday, and today nina mozheika olga venskay is working for you, in the next hour we are ready to tell you a lot of interesting things, helping to save someones life, daniil mushkovets will tell you how the donors day went at the capitals university, you there will be a friend in the heading home, we will look for owners for the charming dog sony, and we will also make our morning literally good, we will find out how to start your working day, elena timoshik, head of the Meat Processing area, bright a holiday for young cyclists, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh visited the final of the first rover competition, and the coziest thing in your wardrobe, what to combine a knitted sweater with in your fashionable ones . Our stylist will tell you about the images, but thats not all the plans for today, about the training of Aviation Personnel in our country, well talk to the guests in the studio with the head of the press service of the Belarusian State Aviation Academy svetlana khilkevich and a thirdyear cadet of the faculty of civil aviation, chairman Cadet Council, by the way, the academy , vladislav simonovich. Well, in the third part , the premiere of a very touching composition by vyanochka of happiness will take place at our concert venue. And the soloist will present the song. Constellation studio of secondary school no. 41 mogilev Ulyana Tishchenko she will not come to the studio alone, together with the head of the studio inga ereshko. Well, dear friends, our morning continues and we want to share with you a recipe for a delicious and, most importantly , healthy breakfast. Anatoli mysseev will tell will show you how to make cottage cheese apple cookies. Good morning, the most ordinary cottage cheese cookies will sparkle in a new way if you cook them with apple filling. Very winning, in my opinion. Delicious combination, for this we need cottage cheese, butter, egg, sugar, salt, flour, baking powder, apples and cinnamon, put half a pack of cottage cheese in a blender bowl, put 150 g of butter there, beat in one egg, add sugar to taste and a pinch of salt, beat until smooth, peel and cut two medium apples core, grate them on a coarse grater, squeeze the grated apples from the juice and add to the curdbutter mixture, then add a glass of flour to this mass, beat the baking powder again, mix sugar with ground cinnamon in a plate, cover the baking dish with parchment, mold from the dough cookies, dip in Cinnamon Sugar and place on a baking sheet, bake for 3540 minutes at 180. Cottage cheeseapple cookies turn out to be very interesting in taste; due to the sugar sprinkling, they have a thin crispy crust, while remaining soft inside, eat healthy, and most importantly delicious. Bon appetit the Tv News Agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. The needs of the car and its owner, if you think about it, are comparable. Both cannot do without seasonal shoes, nutrition, diagnostics and treatment if necessary, a shower and even cosmetics, and preparation for this inevitably entails expenses for the car in the form of changing shoes, and for some, purchasing new tires. You should also take care of snow brushes and scrapers. By the way, they say, replacing the cabin filter before in cold weather, it helps fight icing on windows. Lets figure out what other car expenses will cost for the average belarusian family. There are few things that delight a ladys eye more than the play of light on the edges. Stone, it is status, stylish and simply beautiful, the only drawback is the price of diamonds, but there is a way out, synthetic stones, but do not get confused with cheap jewelry, in nature it takes. Millions of years to grow a diamond from carbon in the thickness of the earths crust to the size at least a couple of carats. For scientists, this process takes only 4 days. To find out the details, sb belarus correspondents today went to the laboratory where they are growing single crystal diamonds. The bolshoikov agricultural enterprise in the chyuchinsky district accounts for about 80 of the National Volume of medicine procurement. This is the only farm in the country that grows chamomile, calendula, motherwort, and milkweed on an industrial scale. The profitability of Raw Materials reaches 15 . For example, valerian root is now being actively harvested; a correspondent from a rural newspaper found out which route it takes a heart plant before it hits the shelves as a sedative, what valerian root looks like and how many hectares of belarusian fields are allocated for chamomile. Last sunday, belarusians celebrated a holiday that originated almost 100 years ago as a joke, motherinlaw day. Some sources claim that it was created as an alternative to mothers day because motherinlaw is a second mother. Znamenkas correspondent talked to children who had developed friendly relations with their wifes mother and found out how they managed to win their favor mutual understanding. Eight teams from four countries, all selected participants, our arena is witness to a spectacular view and unbreakable fortitude, because this is a chance to express themselves and prove that they are Even Stronger than they were before, i love extreme sports, i really like it, i have no fears no, they ended up in a computer game , where everything is real, who will win the main crystal and the title of heroes, the game will show, well, the game has begun, one minute, real emotions, and a serious test. A race for survival, not a childs play. Orac, come on, come on, come on. Here thats it, thats it. Hey, theyre catching up. Hold on. Im here, i almost cried at the end, what. Look, a sports and entertainment show. Heroes on our tv channel. What is belarus like in the eyes of those who once left it . Belarusians. More of this kind of active life position, i really love belarusian nature, i can come to the forest, just stop, stand, look at the sky, admire this beauty. True patriots are ready to share their love for their homeland, far beyond its borders; it is impossible not to love everything that is connected with the homeland, so that we they carried it, took it to their countries and there they would also talk about it and. By their example of serving the homeland of their ancestors, they seemed to show that it can be done, that it must be done, historical memory is the strength of the people, peace can be preserved if you preserve the memory of your roots, of your ancestors, of those who lived on this land, beautiful , pure, pure, pure, belarus, watch the project look at belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. Good morning, country nina mazha and kulgovenskaya , we welcome you to two at once tv channels and this is belarus one of the satellite tv channels belarus. 24, by the way, we are greeting you with monday morning, october 23 on the calendar, right now, lets find out what weather awaits us today, olga venskaya is ready to tell us, in all the details, yes, straight. Complex meteorological terms, friends, a cyclone is coming to visit us, it was he who brought, friends, this same precipitation that today filled, it seems to me, all of belarus, not only minsk throughout the night, its also been raining in minsk in the morning, but how this is neither strange, at the same time the temperature is somehow more or less comfortable, but more about this , right now, what does the coming day have in store for us, minsk 8 10 above zero, while precipitation will continue, take umbrellas with you, in brest and gomel, the warmest of the regional centers, here 11 13 with a plus sign, while in brest there will be no precipitation, cloudy with clearings, in gomel it will rain and at the same time cloudy, clear weather, in vitebsk during the day we expect lame 8 79 with a plus sign , at the same time there is also precipitation, and then in grodno we have 1012 with a plus sign it will also rain, and it will be wet today in mogilev, and 10 12 above zero, by the way, it turns out that the wind will not be weak today, to put it mildly, so dear friends, well, hang in there says. Brace yourself, dont let the wind blow you away, so have a good breakfast, to be honest, and its better to go for a walk with someone arm in arm in a couple early in the morning, but as they say, its safer and more pleasant in every sense, this exactly, well, by the way, we draw your attention to the fact that this weather is complicating the situation on the road, and during rain, wet snow and frosts, all road users need to be extremely attentive and careful, the state traffic inspectorate is now carrying out an action do not be invisible on the road, throughout the country Traffic Police squads will be close to the accident at a pedestrian crossing, road guards will monitor compliance with traffic rules by pedestrians and cyclists , especially in the dark, i would even say, the dark time of the day is the morning, including in our autumn time. Increased attention is also paid to drunk drivers and pedestrians. Yes in they remind that drivers should not make sudden maneuvers, they also need to be prepared for the sudden appearance of people on the roadway. Pedestrians need to use flickers, cross the road only in designated places, making sure that all cars have time to stop , well, right now we are giving the floor to our correspondent daniilushkovets, he is right here with an Excellent Initiative from the minsk state Linguistic University, more about this, lets find out from his plot. It only takes a little to save someones life. Donate a piece of yourself, become a donor, this morning the students of the Linguistic University became donors, lets go take a look. Moscow State University gym for one. The day turned into a blood collection point with equipped registration and medical examination areas. More than 200 people decided to join the donor movement in belarus. The republican scientific and Practical Center for transfusiology and medical biotnology regularly conducts blood collection campaigns in Higher Education institutions. There are more and more people wanting it every time more. A lot of young people have recently been involved in this process, and they themselves have expressed a desire. Well, of course, we most often need negative resistance blood, that is, this is the first negative blood group, the fourth negative, which is a rarer blood group, but in general we need all blood groups, some students come to donate for the first time blood, they know that they support a good cause and teachers support, when i saw a post on instagram that they could somehow help, contribute, i thought, why not no, i went and saw what it was, consulted with the specialists who came to us and. Then yes, it was possible, you dont do anything so global, you just come, they take your blood, but in this very you are making some contribution to saving other peoples lives, because now hundreds of people need transfusions and its nice to know that you are helping in some way if, for the fifth time, mglu holds a donor day campaign, each time there are more and more guys, despite the tests and tails on studies, come do a good deed mandatory rituals, in the spring of. The same event was held and about 180 students took part, and all this is done on a voluntary basis, so to speak, according to the spirit, at the call of the soul and heart, speaking about donation, one cannot help but mention its benefit, donating blood reduces the level of iron in the body, at the same time the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as a result, donors are less likely to suffer from acute myocardial infarction, the risk of developing cancer, for example, cancer of the colon, lung, liver, stomach and esophagus, but to become a donor, they need a package of certificates, they must go to the clinic , take an extract about their health status, their previous diseases, they do fluography, the girls go to the gynecologist and thats it, we look here at the contraindications and indications for donation, people can be donors from 18 to 65 years old, and without contraindications to donation, they can donate either at their enterprises or institutions where we go, or come to us to publish on site in the center. As confucius said, everything has its own beauty, but not everyone can have it. See, you can start saving lives today by giving a piece. At home, and by helping others, we ourselves become better, i want to say thank you, your gentle hands, warm hands, black coffee in the morning, so that the road is easier and separations are less frequent, and all your favorite faces are nearby, and for us only your lemon drop, on happiness in the sky is all undermining, so that there is more light and a thicker mother, alive and well with me sometimes i ask my heart, dont knock loudly, let s talk about something important, lets just be silent, when the tired city breathes peacefully, in silence, let me think about being alone with myself, your gentle hands, warm hands, and shake my black coffee in the morning. So that the road is easier and separation is less frequent, and all our beloved faces are nearby, and for us only your lemon drop, for luck there is a horseshoe month in the sky, so that there is more light and my mother is alive and well with me longer, your gentle hands, warm hands, and in the morning, black kopel, speed up the children, so that the road is easier and separation is less frequent, and all your loved ones are nearby. And for the two of us , only a lemon drop of happiness in the sky for a month , so that there is more light and mother longer, with me she was alive and well, we dont count, we fly by, its often life, although of course we understand, this is our life, i sometimes ask, from the sky you can, dont rush. Flight, yes, absolutely, not only belarusian, but also international, just recently there was a big premiere at the south korean yangin zoo, what a premiere, the fact is that a few days ago twin giant panda cubs were demonstrated there, friends, thats it, just recently, the sisters turned 100 days old and they received names, one was named ruibao, which means wise treasure, the second huibao, which translates as shining, treasure about 20,000 people participated in the selection of names, who proposed more than 40,000 options. According to veterinarians, the cubs are developing well, eating well and rapidly gaining weight. They promise to show them to visitors early next year as a truly exciting experience, because the babies turn out to be the size of a palm, imagine, despite the fact that the mother is very large. Eh, look, now they are so cute, yes, already grew up. Minsk zoo, when any of us, friends, no matter what city of belarus you live in, you can become, well, lets say, a guardian for a chosen animal, and there s a whole list there, even flamingos are waiting for their guardians. I think this is a great initiative, friends, we have a lot, i know people who care, so if we can help with something, then why not contribute in this way, and it seems to me that these pandas would be right behind there was a line of people willing, absolutely sure, and not only from those who came up with names for them, this true, well, following the example of the wonderful stalemates, our next heroine can be called a sleeping treasure, why . Lets find out right now, and lets meet sonya, she s looking for her way home, good morning, meet her, this is a cutie. Sonya will still be looking for her way home today. Sonya has been lucky many times in this life, so many dangers awaited her on the street, but she managed to survive and is now looking for a new owner. Sonya is only 2 years old, a beautiful domestic dog of medium height. Its not for nothing that every dog ​​has its own purpose in this world. Our sonya was born for a family, she is very careful in her behavior with children, and is also friendly with. Animals, is ideal for a family where they are ready to Pay Attention to their pet. Our girl has been treated for parasites, vaccinated, and is also smart, graceful, trainable and gentle. In addition to her wonderful character, sonya is also beautiful in appearance, she has a very beautiful color, and she also loves games and jogging in the fresh air, so she will happily compose for you. Sonya, walk, walk, next to you, well done, now lets run, run, sonya accustomed to dry food, does not chew anything in the house, loves sleeps on a bed, but sometimes she will happily lie with you on the sofa. Sonya is very attached to a person, she vitally needs the hugs of a scratch, so if you are looking for an affectionate dog, our girl is the ideal option for you. Sonya is suitable for living in both an apartment and a private sector; believe me, she will become a faithful friend for your family. If you want to get to know sonya better, call the phone number indicated on your screen. This beauty is looking forward to meeting her future owner. Journey through blueeyed eyes foreigner, they just jumped on me, they said that people are not afraid, im like that, but everything was cool, they are very beautiful, really, a graduate student from ecuador learns in practice what work is in belarusian, my back is already sore, oh, what are you doing . We walked here just a little bit, im certainly not used to this work, they hope that im not upset, oh, i already felt something closer to getting to know the local folklore and your clothes, i ve never seen anything like this, very beautiful . Yes, its like greenery, foliage, birch trees, yes, and white its like the trunks of a birch tree, that is, an hour of clothing has a meaning, we drove overnight, through the vegetal wilderness, look, travel project white dew, to belarus 24. Kozhen of the heroes is special, im inspired by happy faces, im inspired by laughing children, when there is a connection between generations, every one is engaged with your beloved right hand, choir is an exercise that is tied to the laws of development of everything biological, the brain begins to work in a different rhythm, the round dance is probably one of the most ancient types of dance, the round dance can solve any problem, and the skin to strive for your own here the most important thing that we train, now bingo is attention , it is very important to spend all sunny natural holidays in nature, because here are all four elements, we have earth, air, and water, look at the project about belarusians on tv channel belarus 24. Good ranitsa belarus, good morning, country olga venskaya, nina mozheiko, we greet you, this monday morning, october 23 on our calendar, on our watch, well, its 6 30, you know, dear friends, if suddenly you are going to work, then here you go please, the time period for which you must. You need to have time to do everything, have breakfast, get ready, and even choose what to hope for today. Find out the most important information, uptodate, we, friends, remind, rescuers remind, once again about the safety rules during operation. Stove heating, it is necessary to prepare the stove in a timely manner for the heating season, any stove must have a prefurnace sheet, this is an important requirement, yes, the solid of the stove, including the chimney, is plastered and whitewashed, all this needs to be checked on your own, yes, and also friends, you cannot leave heating devices and appliances unattended, you should clean the chimneys every 2 months, since a large amount of soot accumulates on their walls, the hot chamber from the liver must be poured into a pit. Located far from the building, having previously extinguished it, like this. Yes, friends, i remember, yes, like in a fairy tale, yes, they used to be popular, just the representatives who sat on the stove and only ate pies from there, those who cleaned chimneys, thats it, thats exactly it, by the way , was popular history, yes, what was the entry into every home, the hobo failed and hello, yes, thats how santa claus appeared, friends, and now lets move on to international news, they can also be classified as hot, fiery, the fact is that american breeder ed kari developed a new variety of chili pepper, which was recognized as the hottest of all existing ones. The new product shows more than 2. 5 Million Units on the heat scale, wow, this is almost two times more than the previous record holder. By the way, it was also bred by ed kari, according to him, the new variety is already grew a long time ago and for a long time ed waited for other producers and farmers to beat his achievements, but alas, this never happened. In the end he decided to present a new record holder, so far only a few people have been able to taste it, and judging by their reactions, before trying this pepper, you should think carefully about assessing all the risks, even if you are such an experienced pepper eater, this is a very important note, look how well etkari turned out, thats the last name of a person who generally deals with such spicy things, yes, that is, figuring out how to finally develop a type of pepper that will simply conquer absolutely all lovers of spicy things and those. Who like it hot . Yes, friends, they say that in fact, you can train such resistance to pepper , that is, literally day after day, and hot, hot, hot, and like hardening, you too can later participate in this kind of competition, they say that this in principle , a good habit, if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, that is, the gastrointestinal tract, then this is only beneficial for health, they say even the bacterium helecobacter cannot resist this very hot pepper and it comes from you, that s it. And also strengthens the immune system, at this time of year, you know, this is very important, by the way, this pepper could very well be useful at work for our next heroine, so to speak, to add a touch of piquancy, lets meet elena timoshik, my name is elena timoshik, i work at a motor plant, as the head of a Meat Processing. Section, my morning starts at 5 30 am, i wake up, have a cup of coffee, go for a walk with my dog, after a walk i return home, prepare breakfast for my son and wake him up before leaving for work, i get to work by metro, at 7 00 i am already at my place of work, change into overalls and go out to the workshop, work in the workshop begins from preparing equipment for production, as well as daily mandatory monitoring. Humidity and temperature conditions in all chambers on the site. This is the initial stage of production, where meat is deboned and trimmed. Dividing the half carcass into parts necessary for production semifinished sausage products. Now the preparatory operation for the preparation of minced meat for sausage products is being carried out. At the moment, the minced meat compiler is grinding meat from a piece. Size on meal, i love my job because every day you can observe participating in the unique process of converting raw meat through a direct technological process into a finished semifinished product. Now at this stage there will be loading of spices into cooper. This is the process of forming a semifinished product from minced meat, it is stuffed into loaves and acquired. In my the profession can always develop, not stop there, through the introduction of production of new types of semifinished sausages. In this chamber, the process of drying dry sausage occurs. At this stage, it has only gone through half of the drying process; in the future, it will become a readyto eat product. A motor plant is not only production. But also an excellent social sphere for our employees. I love my job because. Good morning to my country, well, we wish elena good day, a successful work week, yes, of course, we wish the same to the whole country, this is important, and we have friends, super news , i hope you didnt miss it, you didnt oversleep, last friday the longawaited return of a superscale vocal show of our country took place, which excites literally the entire belarusian show business, of course, is a wonderful show factor. Yes, indeed, if you havent seen the grand premiere yet, hello, hello, my name is nastya rutskaya, everyone who wants to keep abreast of the latest news, sit back and watch the new episode of wow news, because today ill tell you how minsk barbers became tik tok stars, where to find a delicious giant set , why forest dwellers are giving belarusians the creeps, first things first, cricket, lacrosse, baseball, squash and flag football is now not just an entertainment option for you and your friends, it is a new sport on the 2028 Olympic Games program. The sports offered develop imagination on the playing field. And what is there to hide . A strong lobby and spectators and fans of such competitions. They are played in courtyards, schools, community centers, stadiums and parks all over the world. They will attract new athletes and fans to the games and expand their presence. In the digital space. After this news, i plan to train myself every weekend, we are preparing for the Olympic Games together now. Barbers hacked tiktok. How this works will be explained immediately. This is nastya, she has been working as a barber for a year and a half, and lately she often comes across clients with not very highquality haircuts. Process turning someone elses joint into a candy. She decided to film it on her phone and post it on tiktok, suddenly it made her famous, the most Popular Video of fixing the hair of a boy whose mother had always cut his hair before, the video received 2. 7 million views, opinions were divided in the comments, as it should be 50 50, someone praises the new hairstyle , someone fiercely defends the right of porn to bangs, 4 liters of cocoa cookies the size of a knitting needle, this is not science fiction, this is an update in the menu of a coffee shop in the city of brest, the start of similar instapositions was placed back in minsk, a sixliter mug of coffee and a huge dessert took over the entire internet, catch the response from the southwestern part of our country. Interestingly, the price of the bresse xl set is only 35 rubles. While the capitals cappuccino will cost you 55 rubles. On the other hand, the volume of the ubressky drink is slightly smaller, 4 liters versus six for the competitor. In any case, im willing to bet that hardly anyone could complete the entire set, but there is every chance of taking a beautiful photo on instagram. A reason to go to bred for something cool reel set, before it became mainstream. Now not only do we visit each other, but so do the deer. Jokes about what happens. The water has cleared up so much that they resemble jokes less and less, the last meeting took place the other day near gomel, this time the deer calmly walked along the street in the village, but what impressed Internet Users was not even the deer itself, but the voiceover of the video with its participation from a local resident, here it is worth under my window he walked further, he was walking, he was scared of the car, he walked like a master. It turned out so atmospheric and disturbing that it reminded. In the comments to the rabbit they discuss what is missing against the backdrop of only scary music, as for me, it would look very creepy, and the question of how to send animals into the forest remains open, sharing photos with the online world is important and necessary, especially during the fishing season, only dont forget to say cheese, suddenly you have the most photogenic fish in the world, this is brian summerlin, he. 38 years old one fine day he caught a rather strange fish of record size. The man was fishing in tangier bay a place famous primarily for oyster fishing, but now. It turned out that there are some more interesting fish there, fish weighing the weight of a sixmonthold child with human teeth, usually the weight of the fish barely exceeds 2 kg, the largest individuals can eat up to four. See you very soon in new collections wow news. And i was with you, nastya rudskaya, byebye belarus, too, the sports stars must say they have come together, because anna chikina will be ready to tell you right now about how to cheer up this morning and start your monday morning cheerfully, i will say more, this is a person always always moving forward, yes, so come on, anya, firstly, we welcome you , secondly, and introduce the whole country to a healthy lifestyle, with joy, good morning everyone, lets go exercise with you, lets start from our feet , ankles, and rotate the foot, try to move the foot well to the inner arch, further to the toes, to the outer arch to the heel, that is, a full circle, Good Movement in full, in one direction in the opposite direction, this is the prevention of clubfoot, by the way, let it be so, you know what were with you are such beauties sitting in heels, but could, in fact, sanya does everything, it seems to me, for people who walk in heels, of course. This is a very important exercise, in order to mark out the clay stop, yes, in order to avoid any ambiguous situations, which in the trauma center, in general, before any set of exercises, you need to do a warmup, friends, we remind you, just in case, if suddenly you forgot, then we perform bends, knees slightly bent, we have a straight back we bend over, stretch our pelvis back, exhale as we unbend, it is important to keep a straight back, as if you are behind your buttock, someone pulled you back, an unfortunate incident, so, that is, this is how we pump up, as i understand it, not so much our fifth point, how much for the back, but no, in general, an exercise on the buttocks, if you take some kind of weight, well, on two legs most likely it wont be difficult, its like a light warmup for the hip joints, too, so that yes, the back should not be felt, the lower back should not be felt, to do this , we stretch our buttocks back with a straight back and we straighten up, because if the back bends, then. Then only the lower back will be felt, yes, but this is also a plus to everything, a very beautiful exercise, ill give you a note, if suddenly you want to conquer your husband again, then do it before heres an exercise, uhhuh, uhhuh, then an exercise for the knee joints, we wont twist them, perhaps, you did this at school or somewhere else, but its not advisable to twist the knee joints, we still mostly have them bend and unbend, so we will bend them, straighten them, raise your leg up, if you lose your balance, hold on to something. And we straighten the leg at the knee, bend it, here is the important point, when you straighten the leg, we try to prevent our knee from going down, raise the knee, hold it and straighten it here, bend it, straighten it, bend it, you should feel how the muscles of the front surface of the thigh tense, well, by the way, neurologists would say that this is also a kind of exercise, a test that can tell doctors a lot if suddenly for some reason you cannot hold balance, yes, coordination is impaired, yes, but i hope that everything works out for you, you have balance in every sense. Everything is fine, well, in principle, hold on, if anything, for something , if the balance is not held initially, this is also normal, acceptable, then, you already see, we have moved on to a new control, we bend our knees a little. We take it back the same way, we fix the knee, we bend the leg, straighten it, in the knee joint, here the muscles of the back of the thigh should already be felt, so it seems to me that even i am now i feel the muscles in the back of my thigh, looking at anna, this is wonderful, a wonderful effect, i hope that this is also, in fact, all the effect of wearing heels at 6 00 in the morning, thats it, you remind me of this all the time, well, really friends, so we started on the second leg, look, youre on a bus, yes. Transport, its filled with people, but nothing stops you all from doing this exercise , the space around you, clearing the idea on the back of the thigh, bend over, leg we take it back, we bend it, it seems to me that even we with you sitting on the sofa, we can finally join in the sport, and you are doing well gracefully, even more gracefully than me, we can salt ourselves, okay, eat, and then exercises for all our legs, we have prepared them, we squat. On all two legs ours on all two legs, feet shoulderwidth apart or even wider, turn your feet a little behind your feet, turn your knees to the side , inhale we lower ourselves, exhale we rise up, here it is also important to keep a straight back, the back is straight, we stretch our knees forward, and with the pelvis back, we sit down as we exhale we go up, we go down, we go up, we do five more repetitions with you. Well , it seems to me that this is the most difficult of all the controls, no . Yes, well, technically it is complex, everything is already working, and the ankles and knees, the pelvis, it seems to me that there are simply no limits to perfection, there are no limits to this wonderful control, and in general, friends, if you suddenly turned on belarus right now, look at the beautiful anna chikina, who is ready to share with you all the benefits, and not only this exercise, then be sure to do it, repeat, dont stay away, well, anna, you inspired us throughout the country, and im sure too. I still stretched here , opened up, well, lets continue this sports theme , lets continue this monday on dvizh, right now , lets continue the theme of sports, including, we are going to a childrens cycling holiday, a cycling quest, a childrens zone, a toy library, a workshop classes and much more, the first rover project completed the Second Season of childrens and youth competitions so brightly and on a large scale, our team could not pass. By such an event, guys from all districts capitals gathered in one place to demonstrate their cycling skills, because the first rover project has gained popularity among the public in 2 years, we deliver, well, i think that positive emotions and its probably very important that we chose those disciplines that, in our opinion, are, well, relatively speaking in sports, relatively safe, because they are still taken. Not by professionals, one of the main tasks is to popularize our particular sport, well, plus a healthy lifestyle, because not everyone will come, of course, cycling, but they will probably love cycling all their lives. The final of the competition took place at the velodrome of the minsk arena; the place for the event was not chosen by chance. We came to the end, naturally, in the autumn , and we also understand one thing perfectly well the weather plays a role. Bike, childrens mass rides, as well as figure cycling. These are four disciplines that, in our opinion, are accessible, accessible, the second point is that they are safe, dangerous, im already talking about this i said that for those who are not involved in professional cycling, plus, it is possible to conduct a competitive part in a fairly short period of time, that is, conduct preliminary races, then conduct final races; in parallel, a competition was held for Young Athletes aged from two to 6 years old, in the categories of childrens starts, races on balance bikes, please tell me how long you prepared the competition did not last as long as the whole month, was it hard . Yes, it was hard to beat everyone, i took the whole place, i want im sure it was the easiest for you when you were cornering, but it was easy for me milana. It was quite difficult, but i passed quickly, im glad that i was here, that i didnt lose when they were choosing those who would be there, but i didnt win, thanks to the organizers, i had a great time, i hoped that i ill be the first, my dad told me, i tried, i took first place, im very pleased with how at the regional stage the participants and spectators were treated to an extensive Entertainment Program and a prize draw, the atmosphere at the velodrome was incredible, parents they were no less worried about the results than their children. In these competitions, parents shout for their children and cheer more than the children themselves, they still dont really understand how important this sporting anger is, they tell you which track to take, where to go, where to look, how to start quickly, go around everyone at once, i believe that such events are very necessary for our country. To the younger generation, so that they develop themselves more, show what they can, we want to express our deep gratitude to this organization that organized this event, to us i really like that Youth Culture is developing, cycling in particular; at the end of the competition, the organizers presented all the finalists with memorable prizes. And the winners of the races will receive valuable gifts and medals, but we are looking forward to spring to once again plunge into the atmosphere of the cycling festival. Well, just in case, we remind parents who cheered so hard in the stands that ballet in the stands does not mean joining the sport, just in case, yes friends, i hope that you are moving forward and kind ryansy belarus also inspiring, by the way, the weather today is such that it also inspires you to move along the street very quickly , my colleague nina mozheika will tell you about this, nina, thats for sure, and the weather also encourages you to take it with you umbrella, because in these Morning Hours outside our window its raining up to 9 in the capital in minsk, in brest up to 12 this morning, up to 7 in vitebsk in the northern capital, gomel shows us 10 12 on the thermometer with plus sign, up to 100 in grodno mogilev, the same temperature, in everyone without exception, well, except for gomel, the situation there is still quite relatively humid, but nevertheless, there is no rain yet, no rain observed, friends, in general, the same indicators will remain, well, almost plus or minus during the day, so it is necessary, do not forget to take with you not only an umbrella, but also a good mood, because it is in this weather that you need to fight back against autumn, including with a smile, well , it seems to me, to fight back such cloudy weather, when the humidity is high, when you want some kind of comfort, just such a rebuff can give for us, heres an option for a grandmas or grandpas sweater, warm comfort. And you even know a little about the effect of such tatteredness, friends, its fashionable, its in trend , but our fashion experts will tell you better about it, what can be considered the most comfortable item in a wardrobe, right, knitted clothes, but there are a lot of them on sale, and what will be in trend this season, we will talk about the grandfather sweater, this is an oversized sweater, as if from a grandfathers shoulder, often with stripes or jacquard. It seems to be two sizes too large, has an elongated style, long to the tips of the fingers sleeves, the item can have buttons, a thick and coarse knit is appropriate here , and the pattern can be different, like a houndstooth or a stripe, a grandfathers sweater can be combined with any bottom, be it trousers or jeans, a chiffon dress or linenstyle skirts , you will look great in everything, today it is. The sweater is one of the main trends of the fallwinter season 20222023. You can wear it with wide jeans or corduroy trousers, with classic straight midlength skirts or full maxi skirts. Very this option looks stylish worn over a shirt. You can buy grandfathers sweater in both the mens and womens departments. I want to present you with two options for styling this sweater. On the first model we. Combined a basic beige sweater with an accent animalistic skirt. If you love comfort, then for shoes you can easily choose white universal sneakers that go with any outfit. In order to support the white shoes in the look, we complemented it with a small white romantic handbag in the form hearts. On the second model we styled a knitted cardigan with knitted trousers. As an accent accessory , i chose a blue scarf so that. This color is in the image , we complemented it with a small handbag, do not buy synthetics, a good warm sweater can be knitted not only from natural wool or cashmere. Thick cotton pullovers are often not inferior in quality to woolen sweaters. Dont skimp on the material of the product, things made from cheap fabric will not last long, its up to you to choose, the main thing is that it fits perfectly into your image, gives comfort and good mood, because the main thing in style is this, and not blind imitation of trends. And this concludes the first hour of the live broadcast of good ranitsa belarus. But in the next part we will definitely get in touch with vitebsk, we will find out what interesting things happened during the week in this northern region, well, besides this, in the second part about the training of Aviation Personnel in our country, we will talk with the guests in the studio by the head of the press service of the Belarusian State Academy of aviation svetlana khilkevich, as well as a thirdyear cadet faculty of civil aviation, chairman of the academys Cadet Council vladislav simonovich. Well, in the third hour on our concert stage the premiere of a very reverent composition will take place vyanochka of happiness. And the song will be presented by the soloist of the vocalchoral studio. Constellation of secondary School Number 41 in the city of mogilyovo, Ulyana Tishchenko and the head of the studio ingarishko. Our parting will not be long and very soon we will tell you again, good ranitsa, belarus, oh, my sadness, young one. Oh my kusharavaya byaroza, oh, how are you rasla, smallish, oh, in the garden has grown up, has grown up in the garden , has grown up in the garden, has grown up. On the green ground, the young one plowed, the young one blinked, the young one blinked, the young one got sick, fell. Who knocks, who is a thief , who is a cat, who is a thief, who is a villain, who is a robber, then he is not a thief, he is not a villain, he is not a robber, he is given by you,

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