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And the stalk . Oh, uh, wait, i broke everything except the stalk, in my opinion, you didnt take it by the stalk, but broke off the harvest of next, next, next year, as i understand it, im here for a long time, yes, until you work it out, lets start further, please note this it was my first attempt, the first apple, and i was already stuck for a very long time, but in this direction you have to take it with your left hand, yes, with your left. Hand, you see, you see, oh, oh, oh, yes, super, well done, there is contact, im learning quickly, as if ive been doing this all my life, and this is just a fear of staying here forever, because if i break another harvest of the next year, then everything will have to be worked out for free, but today i was planning to get paid for it, well, in this situation, it all depends on how many of these baskets you collect, but how much does it take to pay me, thats good, by the way, who are you hiring . Is engaged only in picking apples, there is such a seasonal worker, i mean, who is a story, this is a seasonal employee, there is a lot of work there, because he is harvesting potatoes or Something Else, thats what money he can claim, at the end of the day he you are charged hourly, well in this situation , yes, but there is an expression that exists in business that it is not customary to talk about health, about religion and about money into the camera, yeah, i understand, well then about free work for a broken branch too, dont be afraid, its not accepted, okay, so lets pick it, carefully, before that i thought that you could just pick apples, well, you just pick them up, but no, it turns out that there is science here and there is technology, yes, there is such an interesting moment, if you take Something Like this and pull on it, it came off, lucky, it came off perfectly, pull on the apple, it might come off. The stem, this apple, the apple, the stem will remain on the tree, this apple will no longer be stored, we must understand perfectly well, or as in the first case we tore off next years harvest, that is, next year, that is, it is necessary for the apple to have a stalk, like this, but not like this, this is an apple, it will not be stored, well, since it will not be stored, then, with your permission, i will definitely have it, well anyway, you wont sell an apple that cannot be stored, youre not that kind of farmer, yeah. So bug, how i did, very well, firstly, the most important thing is that you tried , this is what i always say, especially to the accounting department, when i come for salaries, i really, i tried so hard that my mother didnt im proud, thank you very much for this, please, please, it would seem, well, what can it do . It may be easier than just picking an apple from a tree, but no, there is science, i hope i didnt do too much damage to next years harvest, we are happy to continue talking about the cities of belarus, the starting point of our route, like most tourists, is the station square, authors routes , its hard to believe, but once upon a time on this land. There were centuriesold forests, and here was also the largest trade route from the vorak to the greeks, the most mysterious places, in the very heart broadway has a unique clock, initially there were no hands on it, later they appeared, but the clock never showed the correct time, interesting myths and legends, they say that here in the Central Square under the asphalt a unique paving stone has been preserved, it was brought here in soviet times from the krevsky castle , watch in the program cities of belarus on our tv channel. Why have children become a bargaining chip for ukraine . Yes, because this country is bankrupt and today the west can only pay for weapons with black soil. Your future. Ukrainian stories are scary say those who ended up in European Union countries. I have never heard of such a monstrous drinking incident anywhere, where the house is trashed right away, its just like a commodity. In mariupol, i was given several books about ukrainian nationalism, the appearance of one of them is dated 1950, this is just confirmation that after the announcement of the ussrs victory over nazi germany, its good that there is lukashenko in belarus, he saved it, it would have been the same, maybe even worse, the authors project by Ksenia Lebedeva is different, watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. Vasily, i believe that you are not afraid of work, now we need to burn down the trees in the garden, here is a bucket, here is water, lets begin to act, there is a garden , from here, yes, from here, into this bucket, into this bucket, 100 hectares of land, modern belarusian farm, heres one bucket, somehow it doesnt look very reliable, but how to get it there . So, i wouldnt be surprised that once upon a time some presenter from the city, from some unknown program, came here, and perhaps hes here somewhere, he also had a second. Test that should was to check it out how much of a country guy he is, so and so, well, to be honest, i thought it would be worse, so far everything worked out, how many meters is there, 250, 300, i hope one bucket is enough, lets go to the apple. Farm, they said, everything there is modern , you dont have to do almost anything, it will be, they said, it will be fun, very fun, there is, of course, a small amount of doubt that on ordinary weekdays everything happens exactly as i do, but i am inclined to trust people, you know, i joked, but he took everything seriously, he will understand that no one carries water in our drip buckets, or not . Hu, well, vasily, you brought it, well done, its only for two trees , you need to water 200,000 trees, you can do it, well, purely hypothetically, yes, will my family see me this year, thats another question, i think, this year he will see what to water, yes, water it, which trees, two pieces, two pieces, okay. So well, exactly half, and the last one, vasily, youre great, but we have drip palimu , sorry, that is, this is not an electric wire, yes, no, this is not an electric wire, this is drip irrigation, it is supplied here every day, water in drop everything else, uhhuh, uhhuh, not in buckets, yes, no, not in buckets, youre not afraid of work , well, yes, stay until the new year, well check, youre a good owner, dont be afraid either, i think the family wont be offended, i wont be offended, thank you very much, grandma always told me, grandson, not all that glitters is gold, as you understand , i didnt listen, ill be more attentive in the future, so vasily, we get sorting, sorts apples, by two positions, by color by caliber, so, that is, by size, today you are a worker, you passed the first test, second, now third, we need to try right here the products that we grew, and you removed them, serve them to the buyer, and of course, by analogy with the second test, where for some reason i carried water in buckets, here we wont include all this, and i will do all this the oldfashioned way, of course, you will do it the way our grandfathers probably did it, what is needed . Pour it out here, yes, you need to pour it out, but ill show you how to pour it out correctly, the way its done in the field, which means you take it back and dress this box, yeah. Now there will also be some kind of divorce no, here everything will be for real, for real, like this, the box, after that with one hand you take this bottom flap, not this one, this flap, this flap, and carefully remove this this belt, this now you go through everything, and you keep lowering the valve down, you dont bend over, you stand, and you freely let the apple in here, yeah, oh, so that it at least doesnt break, this beauty that so many people have been working on for a whole year , and you came from minsk to help us do this kind of work, yes, after that back and with this elastic band under this flap, how we will put it, as you think, i think , with our hands, not absolutely, but in this box, but in this box. In the beginning, big ones, no, yes, big ones in the beginning, smaller ones on top, so that the upper ones dont suppress the lower ones, well, in this situation there is, its called a doll that many people use, that is, put small ones on the bottom, large ones on top, in order to in order to deceive the buyer, we do not use this business, because we have sorting, making the entire caliber, which we put it, that is, there is a customer who is approximately ordering a budget. Which is 65 in diameter, because a child there needs an apple of 90 or 100 g, and someone approximately wants a large apple, someone wants such an apple, then everything is different, well, yes, and as you understand, i am very far from this smart sorting, and what is most interesting in this matter is that if you put a large apple and a small apple side by side, the marketability of this, this box is immediately automatically lost. Lets do this, and in order for you, you feel normal, like they say, on an incline, on an incline, you will put it, semyon, semyonich, of course , please note that this device , in order to make it convenient for me, valery gave out later, i generally doubt that he would have given it out if i had not asked, although after the second test, what can be surprising about such a person. Im done, now of course, well try to demonstrate it all, somehow, maybe well bring Something Else , so that the essence is clear, this is how well do it, keep this slope, so that now its very similar to the photograph that hunters take, usually like this next to the trophy, and Pay Attention to how many Little Things and nuances that we take for granted when we go into stores buying apples in the city, we dont even Pay Attention to the fact that the apples are the same size, that they are packed dangerously close to the wall, so as not to harm other apples, we just take them in a pile, run two hands like this, make apples like this, thats all, crushed, crushed, then we realized that in general we didnt really need the apples, so dont do that, behind every apple there is a big one human labor, if most farmers are as decent and scrupulous in their work as valery, then i have a lot. A lot of questions for retail chains and for us, the customers, the quality of apples that i see in stores very often leaves much to be desired , our day has come to an end, all day long i wanted to ask, i see that everything is very well organized with your apples, everything works right on the clock, watering with a button, well, everything is done beautifully, it would seem that we can stop there, but you not the person who will stop, what else did you think about how else you can process apples, do something with apples, you thought about doing something with processing, at one time you planned to decide on juice, then you thought about trying to make cidar, this is interesting, why did they abandon juice , because i decided that if we switch to juice, it means we will not be wasting time or money on deteriorating quality. Agronomist, all workers will think that this quality may be enough, and not think about improving it; in general, there is no need to strain with apples, yes, of course, may everything work out for you, thank you for this, thank you very much, thank you, the journey is 20 years long, it would seem that you can stop skimming the cream, but this is not about valery, such words as quality, external and internal appearance of the product not just words for our hero, but if so, then everything will work out. Our life is a blank sheet, we will write on it both victories and sorrows in a flash, our path will be thorny, but we can, we will pass, if we remember the main truth, it is not easy, it does not happen now, and there is no warmth without cold, need to do good every day, every hour, create real gold. I am not afraid to show happiness when not everyone will appreciate it and understand, i am not afraid to refuse the truth when it is beautifully sold, without faith the lives of rivers freeze, dreams are not visible from the lured, without a person there is no person, and happiness if you fill it. I remember you, real gold, dont repay debts, real gold, faith for yourself, real gold , for you there is no for everyone, real malt, dear man, i will learn to appear very strong, i will learn to hear and forgive without remembering everything that it used to be, i will learn not to take, but to give, and it will be real the reward and joy of sharing my world with everyone, i can do anything when i have what relatives next to me, my man was born, man, real gold, dont give it up for debts, real gold, i trust you. Real gold, for you there is no for everyone, real gold, your loved one, real soup. Dont give up gold for debts, real gold, for yourself, ropes, real gold, not for everyone, real gold, your loved one, real gold, dont steal it for. Real gold for you are great, real gold, for you, not for everyone, one person, how glad i am to meet you. It is here, in this historical and slightly fabulous place, really, really, it seems to me that even the music here sounds somehow especially magical, today i will sing for you about the most important and most valuable for each of us, feelings, about love, friendship, devotion, relationships. Mutual understanding, and the most sincere and inspiring dreams will definitely come true for you and me, the main thing is to believe, believe with all your soul, believe in yourself in miracles. When it falls out of the hands of friends and girlfriends, you cant ask for money when your soul is empty. And there is absolutely no one to ask, just dont be sad, dont wash yourself, dont give your heart to heaven, you never know whats where for you. And what will you find, if you dont dream, if you dont fly, then you dont live , and it seems that its difficult, but in life everything is possible, sun and thunder, get married quickly, its better not to be afraid and believe in miracles. Understand, if you want, you can do everything, grow flowers, understand, root and disaster, rain is not forever, yes, dreams will come true, right . Hey, were waiting good luck is ahead of you, everything, everything, everything, hands up, yes, yes, yes, there will be only happiness, ahead, super, and you never know what you will lose where, and what you will find where, if you dont dream, if you dont fly, it means youre not living, and it seems that its difficult, but in life everything is possible, sun and thunder , yes, rush quickly, its better not to be afraid and believe in miracles, lets continue our beautiful sea from our hands, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , oh, what a bravo to you, what great fellows you are, all, all all your dreams will come true, i guarantee you, you never know what you will find. If you dont dream, then you dont live, and hop, you never know what you will lose where, and what you will find where, if you dont dream, if you dont fly, then you dont live, and it seems that its difficult, but everything in life. Perhaps the sun and beauty will wear out quickly, its better not to be afraid and believe in miracles, yes, yes stop, linger at the door, take my night with you, fight, your voice fills with poison inside, we are expensive puddles on the edge, instead of paradise we came to the edge, give me love on the cliff, give me your hand for a moment, in your breath there is justification, into the night ill catch it, omitting no. Ill explode and wont give in, zorbas words screamed in my eyes, i love, goodbye to us, tanga on the edge, pain like a bare string, the pain of truth is bursting, a role in the white dance of fate, you assigned me someone else s role, im not afraid of losing paradise, an empty forgotten paradise, i know, i remain an unsolved mystery in you, know, in your breath , justification, ill catch it again, and letting go, i wont lose my temper and wont give in, the word is forgotten, the eyes screamed, i love, forgive us, kamga is on the edge. I catch the excuse in your breath again. And when i let go, i will sort myself out and will not give in glory forgotten to the eyes shouted, i love, forgive us, where on the edge, there on the edge. You know, we joke that this song, the anthem of the investigative committee, time is getting faster, the calendar is flipping through, life is reading a novel, a new chapter, happiness in someone elses house doesnt last long, my mother said, and she was right, dont take someone elses, even with no take someone elses, dont love in secret, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution awaits you later , dont take someone elses, even by accident, dont take someone elses, dont love in secret, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution, awaits you later, if in yours he has a heart, another one is with him, run away and tell yourself, happiness is in someone elses home, it doesnt last long, its better to refuse such happiness, and dont take someone elses even by chance. Dont take someone elses, dont love secretly, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution, awaits you later , dont take someone elses, even by accident, dont take someone elses, doesnt love, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution awaits you later, eh, us we dont need someone elses, we have everything of our own, right . Therefore, we are happy, our heads are spinning, the cup is bitter, the cup is bitter, drunk to the bottom, happiness is complete, if free, happiness is long and there is only one destiny, yes, dont even take someone elses, dont even take someone elses, dont love tank, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution awaits you later, dont take someone elses, even by accident, dont take someone elses, dont love secretly, bitter retribution for such a secret, bitter retribution, awaits you later, oh, century, instead of the whole world there to explore new planets, evolve correctly, develop technology, we are again forced to face this social monstrosity called fascism, we all see how the situation is developing on our southern borders, on our western borders, the level of terrorist danger is really high, there will be more provocations, there will be more attempts at terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus, there will be more attempts to destabilize, especially by the 24th election. And by the twentyfifth year to relax, thats whats interesting, its impossible to demonize, we have created such a unique model of our state, which during the turbulence that the whole world has found itself in, we ensure security and peace, and we will destroy fascism and there is no other way. The project is objective. Dont miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. History of your country. This is knowledge that answers three important questions where we come from, why we are who we are, and how we, based on our historical experience, build our strategy for the future. You must be attentive to the news that you consume, stration avoids digital fast food, and if some news makes you overly emotional and wants to do something, most likely you are being manipulated, we have never threatened anyone, belarus. This is a man of compromise, but for the time being, we are not we want war, we always want to preserve peace, and we will not allow anyone, with the help of weapons , Political Technology or anything else , to tell us how to live, project, say dont be silent, dont miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. Thank you, you know, when the soul sings, beautiful music is created, now i am. I want to invite to this stage a person who practically creates, it seems to me that every song of his is a hit, and you know, he is a laureate of the golden gramophone, and a laureate, chanson of the year, by the way, he recently received ours this year a prestigious award, the song of the year award in belarus, yes, for his contribution to the development of the Music Industry in belarus, and this , by the way, is no coincidence, because what i said in his songs, almost all become hits, here are the songs that he wrote for me, you just really love them, because i ve been watching how you like them for a whole year, this is real awesome gold, together with our wonderful poetess anna seluk. Well, what can i say, hes a wonderful person, hes a singer, composer, arranger, musician, in general, okay, i wont bore you, oleg shaumarov stage, good evening, dear friends, i am again glad to be with you on your belarusian land, vika, i congratulate you on this concert, of course, there are so many people who love you and give you their. Emotions, their warmth today , its worth a lot, and its not for nothing that you bear the title of a welldeserved, beloved artist. Friends, we will sing a song , it will be funny, it will be elegant like victoria, so we are waiting for feedback from you, in the form of your applause, sing with us, the soul sings, along with the song the soul, absolutely new song. Talk, you talk to me , ill tell you about love, i love without this love, i dont sing, i dont live, i dont breathe, the soul sings, along with the song, it rushes to embrace it. World, i look at you no desha, i sing the song of our love, speak and listen to me, fate has only one chance, and spring will not come without you, keep it here now, but along with the song the soul rushes to embrace this world, i i look at you without breathing and sing the song of our love. And the soul sings, along with the song, and rushes to embrace this world, i look at you, not breathe, i sing the song of our love, we sing, along with the song, the soul, and is in a hurry. Listen to this world, i look at you, there is no breathing, and i sing the song of our love, and we sing, along with the song, the soul rushes to embrace this world, i look at you, there is no sin, the song of our love is your name. I open the door to a world where you are not, im tired. To live without love, loving and the soul cried at night and every day about past love, i forgot you, in thousands of womens faces, in hundreds of wines, i finished off your name, i forgot you, in a world where there are no boundaries. Only your name hurts in my heart, day after day it flies, flocks of blacks to the south, memory will preserve, the sweetness of your lips, lonely and so meaningless, my life, i forgot in thousands of womens faces, in hundreds of wines, i drowned your name, i forgot you, in a world where there are no boundaries, only your heart hurts. I forgot you in thousands of womens faces, in hundreds of wines i drowned your name, i forgot you, in a world where there are no boundaries, only everything. My heart hurts your name, i forgot you, 100 chet faces, father of wines, i drowned your name, i forgot you, in a world where there are no boundaries, only your heart hurts, your name, only your heart hurts and your name, your name, thank you, dear, thank you, dear people, i have always said, say and will say that the belarusian listener, the belarusian viewer is absolutely perfect. A special type of loving heart, loving person, musical, cultural, very grateful, thank you for this, thank you for your love, be healthy, friends, peaceful skies, oleg showmarov, extend your heart to people, maybe in life you will. Something not so, and someone will help you too, selflessness, for nothing, reach out to people and somewhere, all the roads and storms having passed, on the edge of a huge planet, they will remember you with gratitude. Kali will leave that field. For the death of the star, when the serts adore the smile of the world, you understand adnoy, radzima prastor, for what it is, you have to do it, without pavaga da udzyachnastsi, why the hell are you. Chalavek, without pavaga da udzyachnastsi, tears, they are scattered, they are required dzyakavat kozhnamu, kagostrev for your age , for the life of the sun, for the sake of the sun, for the sake of the sun, for the sake of the soul , for the sake of the soul, when you forget, to the ladies, you become bastards, if you dont realize that you cant live the required life, without punishment, you are ruining you are ruining your own wings, without mercy and udzyachnasti, otherwise you are a man. All pavagi and udzyachnasti, ties and developed, the need to work for the skin, kagostre for your age, for life and for the sun, light, for the sun and kahanna, without pavaga and fraternity, you are a man without pavagi and for the sun stars and extensive requirements to meet the skin needs of the your century, for life and for the sun, for the light, for the present and the future, without pavaga and udzyachnasti, whatever you are, without pavaga daudzyachnasti, you have developed stars, you need to do your skin, kagostrev for your century, for life and for the sun, light, for the future and the future, for the future and the future. Alexander levka novalov, i wasnt looking for an ideal for myself, but you know. Hoy alone, and it has become better for you, my best of men, you surrounded me with hope , i melt in your arms, i will never be the same, now i am your dear, dear, dear, my soul sang from these words, for go with you. Eager, ready, to the ends of the earth, sweet, sweet , as if in a good movie, a film we, you are my hero, and i am beautiful, in a beautiful film about love, we no longer hide our love, and my life is full of you, husband, i call you mine, and i am beloved. Wife, may time keep us tender, may the earth stand still, i will never be the same, now i. Your darling, darling, darling, sings from these words my soul, happy to follow you, ready to go to the ends of the earth, dear, sweet, not like in a good movie, you are my hero, and i am beautiful, in a beautiful film about love, applause for all your dear ones, so that our beautiful girls feel it again , for the hundredth time, for the thousandth, your love, dear, dear, from these words my soul goes, for to follow you, happy, ready to go to the ends of the earth, dear, dear, as if we were in a good movie, you are my hero, and i am beautiful, in a beautiful film about love, dear, dear, from these words we sing, my soul, to follow you, you are happy, ready to go to the ends of the earth, dear, dear, as if in a good movie , you are my hero, and i am beautiful, in a beautiful movie about love, you are my hero, and i am beautiful, in a beautiful movie about love, ooh. And a low bow to you for such applause, for your love, for me this is a priceless gift, thank you, you know how many of us are not surrounding us, no matter how much we love our loved ones, no matter how much we miss our friends, ours , but the most important person in our life, our heart remains mommy, you know, well, only she loves us unconditionally, only she always forgives us everything , only she accepts us as we are, only for her we always remain her little child, you know, how much i would like. Say, talk about your life, your mom, dedicate your successes to her, this applause of yours, if she were here, would not hesitate to show your love every day, because time is inexorable and it is unpredictable. Tell me, mom, about love, about good people, about hope, teach me how to preserve my soul in a world where people are greeted by their clothes. Tell me, mom, how to dream, so that my wish comes true, happiness, by what signs can i find out where my love and two are, real , mom, your words, the holy truth, mom, your love, my reward, mom, because you are my angel earth, mother, your smile, my sun, mother, and heart, for me only mother beats, i ask you to live 100 years. Tell me mom about yourself, about the reasons for tears, lunch, smiles, taking care of me with wisdom, protecting me from mistakes, give me mom, every day. May your summer last longer, i know that only in you, for my destiny, are the answers to everything, mom, your words, the holy truth, mom your love, my reward, mom, because you are my angel on earth, mom, your smile, my sun, mom, and your heart only beats for me, mom please, live with more. Mom, your love, my reward, mom, and you are my angel on earth, mom, your smile. My the sun, mother, and the heart only beats for me, mother, i ask you, live, grow old thank you very much, sometimes, in order to see the most interesting, you need to consider it in the array of other interesting things. I believe that at all special events. The National Anthem must be performed in full. Independence is a relative concept, but we, we have this independence, we have sovereignty. At the same time, we are sovereignly diversifying our dependence, which is called multivector. But essentially, its just logic. Our global goal sovereign right to create combinations of interdependence, to make sure that our interdependence with the world is as beneficial to us as possible. Igor turs authors view of the main events in the country on the international stage. Propaganda project. Watch on the tv channel belarus 24. More and more foreigners are coming to minsk. Why is he so attracted to them . I remember these scales, these roads, these beautiful stalin buildings that were built, architectural monuments that are located in minsk. And after i arrived, there are large areas and. Architecture i was very impressed by the city and i really liked it, and they realize their potential. Aitah koikite. Besides the fact that i study medicine and go in for sports, i have another hobby, this is a school of Spanish Language culture. In addition to the fact that i study at the faculty of international relations, i am also the chairman, and this organization is called the community council, this is an organization for foreign students of the belarusian state university, each of them has their own view of belarus. The belarusian people are generally very hospitable, goodnatured people who enjoy communicating. Watch on the tv channel belarus 24 on the eyelashes the silver moon is beating, the booms in the eyes are unthinkable. Step by step , a tear flows, breaking off the conglomerate of cherry blossoms, i love you, as before, a look, a last, forgiven look, my memory tortures my heart, love has its own secret rite, lonely. Delicious captive, your tears sparkle the nights, faith comes true, victoria the messenger, lets open the door into the labyrinths of love, knowing one day, victoria all, will open the door where dreams come true, and one day , frozen early, i will give happiness into your hands, world of love, greedy to the extreme, i stand in a step from madness, i love you, as before , look, last, forgiven look, i kiss my heart with love, love, in its secret rite, lonely, sad captivity, your tears take the night , now one day, victoria spring, we will open the door into the labyrinths of love, know one day, victoria spring, will open the door. Where pine trees are sold. Lonely sad captive, your dreams are measured in the night, because one day victoria the messenger will open two into the labyrinths of love, one day you know. Victoria messenger will open the door where they sell pines, victoria, oleshko, and arthur rudenka, thank you, thank you very much for your love, thank you, i will be happy to perform the song, probably many people know it and have heard it. And i want to say, dear friends, bring light, goodness and love into this world, in your love, i want to believe, let the suffering of past days go away. Its difficult for me to live, i dont know what to do, let the pain of my love disappear easily, its snowing, lie down on the road, and behold the sun, the emptiness of the night. After all, in our life, everything is not glory to god, and only a dream is saved by beauty. It is impossible to forget, it is impossible to return, the star of love is burning above me, the star of love, above the sinful vanity, when it is impossible to forget, it is impossible to return, tell me the only word, save me, love me, hope, believe, and come, at least for a while, with your key, open the entrance credit. Its impossible to forget, its not possible to return, the star of love is burning above me, the star of love, the reliability of everyday life, when you cant forget, its impossible to return, you cant forget, its impossible to return. The star of love burns above me, the star of love, above the sinful vanity, when it is impossible to forget, it is impossible to return, when you cannot forget, it is impossible to return. This house and the quiet street, and the trees up to the sky, as if everything that will be remembered with great happiness, everything that was once difficult, and i dont need another fate, and i can only ask for one thing, i would like to be in my native land necessary, to give thanks for your life. This will not happen, but the saprauds, the sky above the circles, everything will stop, and so back. Its a good time, dont worry, we got lost there, in the distance, the heavens of two crayfish, youre here, lets take care of the hands of the earth. The blue one above me and you, the skys charming dance , the awful cranes packing old lady to the dear dear, loving blue one. And the jumper shouted the words of the byskrainiya, and the azer praised the life of the gods. I dont care about the lands you are far from hell, here any may and you, if only you knew how i was drinking, since i passed the paths, only if you knew how i was wondering, since i didnt. I found no heat, the blue side is above me and with you the sky is blue, the charming dance of the high crane, packing the old dear , dear, loving, azerbaijani praises of the world are not patrebny im far from the land here with you my love lets do it like in the beginning and thats it . All together, oh , you should have seen, and as i like to say, what content, ah, thank you, dear god, i come from the forests of boundlessness, you are the lakes of quality. These distant lands are unbearable to me, here is my love, here is my land, there is our path across the field, all the perfume is expelled by grass. Only the singing birds are in the air, there are some sweets, they didnt hang out with you , you only found yourself in your sleep, and the sweetness is in your dreams, my love, everything you packed, only by. I sang, only in the bitter sunshine , i was caught, if it werent for the field, i would have realized, only the wings are big, i was caught, like that war in the sky, i was caught, only pain, duty no matter how much i started drinking, how much i was joking and calling, and how much i never slept again, then i was caught in the kahanne behind which i was living. Niby y polі hvaіna, i would have been busy, only the wings could be found, as if that war had been forgotten, only the pain was stagnated, you are a zhurba, i chucked, you called, i didnt sleep , i made money, i was stagnated, niby from the polykhvain, i took it. Only the wings were left in great darkness in the end of the day, only pain was left behind, and only the pain of duty was left behind. When the last heroes, on the road of eternity, leave, we will open the book of memory, again fate , and the stomach, on every page we live. , a unique spring, the faces of the heroes look at us, and names are torn into the soul, remember, while you live, people, remember , for your happiness, your youth, their life, their youth is the price , remember, heroes are alive, people, remember, heroes are alive, people, remember, while their names are heard. Eyes, eyes pierce the years, unconquered eyes, in them is the honor and courage of the people, and a mothers tear, the voice of the heart sounds in baton, preserve your homeland and peace. And tell children more often who blessed them with life, remember, while you live, people, remember, for your happiness , your youth, their life, their youth is the price, remember, heroes, are alive, people, remember, heroes, are alive, people, remember while their names are heard. Remember. While you live, people, remember, for your happiness , your youth, their life, their youth is the price, remember, heroes, alive, people, remember, heroes, alive, people, remember, while. Their names sound, thank you for these emotions are very important this is priceless, thank you. When the storms and winds subside, settle down in the soul, leaving scars, i dream more and more often about the house, that small corner. That somewhere awaits you in your native land, some a village of six yards, some a capital city with a population of over a million, and no matter where you are, your fathers home is ready to receive you. Always remember this, when you return home, this feeling only happens here, warmth in your soul, as if your mother is hugging you when you return home. Mine to where it all once began, where the first steps of the path are remembered, and the sprout apple trees planted by you, now it blooms in the spring outside the window. You will always be understood here and forgiven, that unpaid debt to the land that raised you, which once gave all its best with love, when you. Return home, a feeling that only happens here, warmth in your soul, as if your mother is hugging you , when you return home, i so wanted to come out to you right here on this song, because here i am at home with you, when you return home, it feels like there is warmth in your soul, as if your mother is hugging you, when you return home, its warm in my soul, i feel like you are me embrace everything with your soul. The next artist, he needs no introduction, i am sure that there is no such person in belarus who does not know this wonderful singer, you love him very much, and he simply adores you, well , you probably already guessed, of course, of course, radiant , unique, holiday man, honored artist of the republic of belarus, alexander saladukha, good evening, dear friends, hello, good evening, beautiful victoria, with all my heart and pure heart, i want to congratulate you on such a grandiosescale concert, please, these flowers, shall we sing our duet . Necessarily, so, music by evgeniy oleniyak, to the poems of his wife, yulia bykova, roads, it seems to me that its high time to jump up from our seats and dance, we parted ways in the morning, into the distance with conversations about life, again, the arrows lead us to where waiting, meeting. Beard, we are in a hurry to be on time, to sing the best songs, uh , the roads are belarusian, highways and country roads are narrow, we are connected by you tightly, together half our lives on the road, the distance from minsk is fresh for us. Find us some distance if its easier for both you and me to walk through life along the road, those who havent traveled wont understand that its so suffocating here, for us and for guests from afar. Its like clouds are rushing through fields and forests, a gray stripe, uh, paths, roads, belarusian , highways and us country lanes, we are tied tightly by you at the crook, together half our lives on the road, its a distance from minsk for us, on one well fly in a breath, if its easier for you and me to walk along the road in life, and everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, oh, paths, roads, belarusian, highways and narrow country roads, we are bound by you tightly, together half a lifetimes journey away from minsk, we ll take our breath away in one. If the road is easier for both you and me to walk through life, belarusian roads, victoria, alexander solotukha. Humanity will not survive the emergence of artificial intelligence, because the very concept of man will change forever, we already see a future in which such a concept as a country, community, team, family, it is absent, remaining in their pseudocivilized world, at the moment, they are closing the borders away from everything traditional. From all those values ​​that we are now positioning ourselves from the countries of the east, making it worse only for ourselves, in order for you to understand modernity, you must understand the past, read it, and accordingly, learn from the mistakes of the past, how to avoid the mistakes of the future, you cannot attach three things in life mother, you cant betray god, and you cant betray the earth, markovs project is nothing personal, only the truth, which is always more interesting than speculation. Watch on the tv channel belarus 24. Their life in polish villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright saturated. In many ways, our future life depends on the conditions in which you were born, what surrounded you, what kind of nature, what kind of people were next to you. In our village life is more measured, we are not in a hurry, we seem to work a lot, but we are not in a hurry. I call big cats. They are tame, they are kind, well , somehow i am happy with all this, i love it all. Hard work, resourcefulness, passion are the main qualities of these people. I have already had practice for more than 30 years with these cucumbers, we use drip irrigation, it is much more effective more convenient, in every village or city there is a place that people are proud of, the pearl of our village is the chapeltomb of the ozheshka family, i have almost everything, i have food, i have a family, children, well, everything i dreamed of, i have almost everything, i happy. Paleshuki, watch on the tv channel. Belarus 24. Among the roads, among the worries, you are never alone, there is a fathers shore, a native home, where there is peace and joy and love, among the rains, among the winds, your fathers shore, your native home will warm you again. Whats in your heart forever you, here is your shore and your pier, and here is the beginning of all beginnings, here is a sweet home and native land, and there is no other land like this, here is your shore, and your pier, and here is the beginning of all beginnings, here is a sweet home and native land, and there is no other land, such, different, such, there are different paths in life. But you can always find your fathers shore, your native home, where there is peace and joy and love, even if the globe is so big, but know that they are waiting for you home, your shore of eyes, your native home, what is in your heart forever with you, here is your shore , your pier, and here it all began, here is a sweet home and native land, and there is no other land like this, higher , here is your shore, here is your shore, your pier, your pier, and here is the beginning of all beginnings, here is a sweet home and land, by me , and there is no other land like this, and also, here is your shore, here is your shore, your pier, your pier, and here is the beginning of all beginnings, here is a sweet home and native land, and there is no other land like this, here is your shore, here is your shore , your pier, your pier, and here is the beginning of all beginnings, here is a sweet home and native land, and there is no other land, such, different, such, different, such, like this, thank you, friends, be happy , alexander soladukha, if in your heart there is love and friends, if there is joy and strength in life, then no matter what, no matter what depending, know for sure that a person is happy if there is sun in the morning, and his soul is light, if good people are nearby, let him always be. So i already know that i dont need anything else to be happy. I left on sundays, only to return on monday long ago, i lost the path to salvation, in a dangerous quest, a game of love, i let go business trip, without asking a simple question, you were drowned by the weather. By boat , without giving a salmon signal, and you, and you, you called me bird, bird, titmouse, you promised allinclusive flights, the switch of hope burned out, like a candle, it was snatched from cage, i was yours for a long time, you called me birdie, birdie, senichka, you promised to lie down, everything is on , the switch of hope burned out like a stick, i smelled from your cage, i was a long time ago, you forbade me without a name, for every breath i took you gave advice, and i looked at. Tugi in bikini, without promising yes, no, we parted as almost friends, without understanding who was to blame, taking my cactus, i returned to my mother, completely cutting off the path back, and you, and you, oh, you called me bird, bird, titmouse, you promised flights, all inclusive , the hope switch burned out, like a sparkler, i smelled out of your cage a long time ago, you called me birdie, titmouse bird , you promised flights, all inclusive , the hope switch burned out, stechka packed shit out of your cage, you called me birdie, you called me birdie, you called me birdie, you called me birdie, birdie, titmouse, you promised everything to be done. Turned on, the switch of hope burned out like a match, escaped from the cage, i was yours for a long time, you called me bird, birdie, titmouse, you promised allinclusive flights, the switch of hope burned out like a candle, escaped from the cage, i was yours for a long time. Its not the weather outside my window, the wind is driving and the flattering old roofs, you and i are silent as always, im twisting, and youre twisting. There was time , but now you cant return it and you cant live it, without sleep, ill leave the tea ive finished, ill leave, you wont be bored, god bless you, my beloved, and im still waiting, you home, may god be with you, my beloved, and your heart will be next to me, may god be with you, my beloved, and i am still waiting for you to come home, may god be with you, my beloved, your heart will be next to me. Its not the weather outside my window that can stop us from loving, and sometimes we made mistakes, but we cant forget you. Yes, it happens that sadness will come, thats great, but ive been waiting for it for a long time, im not afraid, ill make myself my favorite tea and say, dont be bored, god be with you, my beloved, and im still waiting for you to come home, and god bless you you. My beloved, your heart will be next to me, and god bless you you, my beloved, and im still waiting for you to come home, god be with you, my beloved, your heart will be next to me, and god be with you, my beloved, im still waiting for you to come home, and god be with you, my beloved, yours the heart will be next to me, yes god is with you, yes god is with you, my beloved, and im still waiting for you to come home , may god be with you, my beloved, the heart will be next to me, yes god is with you, my beloved, and im still waiting for you at home, god be with you, my beloved, your heart will be next to me, your heart will be next to me. Well, girls, you are awesome, im flying around the world, a lonely bird, unengaged, not betrothed, changing the years of the country, dolitsa city, saying goodbye to the proud, untamed , someone will say, youre smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important will say to hear, youre awesome , you are awesome, someone will tell me, you are smart, brave, and someone will say, absolutely inept. You only the most important will say so that they can hear, you are awesome, i write my destiny with the work of rit my imperfect. Imperfect, and my roles are never completed, my plots are all unfinished, someone will say, you are smart and brave, someone will say, absolutely inept , only the most important will say to hear, you are awesome, you are awesome, someone will say, no, you are smart, courageous, someone will say, absolutely incompetent, only the most important one will say that you heard, youre awesome, youre awesome, youre all awesome to me , someone will say, youre smart, brave, someone will say, absolutely inept, only the most important person will say to hear, youre awesome , youre awesome, some will say no, youre smart and brave, some will say absolutely inept, only the most important one will say that you heard, youre awesome, youre awesome, hop, hop, hop, hop, youre awesome, youre awesome, rock, dont be shy. That is, i have been saying for a long time, on the contrary, this is great, well, who would believe that from the rib of adam they created perfection in the flesh, men, you are beautiful. But being home is much more fun, whatever one may say, in the morning we are in happiness, in the evening we are in doubt , to leave loving, or to love a little, and we ourselves will be shocked by the decision, however, yes, note, ladies, we are not bored with life , i, woman, i. Angel, i am a princess, reigned and a star in the darkness, i am a girl without age and weight, in the ear of passions always surging within me, i am a woman, i am an angel, i am a princess, the sky reigns , i am known, i am a girl without age, i am by nature forever young, i am a muse on wednesday, in friday baby, i can easily solve any problem, i am destined for a prince, if you believe the books, so get ready, princes, everyone will be young, and me i am a woman, an angel, i am a princess, queen vala and a star in the dark, i am a girl without age and weight, a volcano of passions is always swirling in me, i am a woman, i am an angel, i am a princess, a gift to me fight, what a star, im a girl. Like without age and weight, im forever young by nature , like tatyana, bravo, well done, oh, happy birthday again, i, a woman, i, an angel, i, a princess, tsaritsava and a star in the darkness, i am a girl without. Age and weight, passions always boil in me, i am a woman, i am an angel, i am a princess, a star, i am a girl without age and weight, i am by nature forever young, forever young, you know, i now want to invite a completely unique person to the stage, and by the way, he was already here at the beginning of the concert with us, but i want you with his work let me get to know him better, he is a famous, one of the best sound producers, he has about, you know, about 3,000 songs, in my opinion, about even more than 50,

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