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Financing an extremist group. Alexander markovich, born in eightythree, i work at a national bank, but i want to clarify about the twentieth year, in in the twentieth year, i repeatedly participated in marches, stood near the church, and i also reposted posts on facebook on the topic of the president ial election on the topic of covid, i want an official identification card for an employee of a national bank, as if the fact of discrediting remains obvious. Lets look further, a boy was born in 1998, all his life he looked at his always drunk father, but he didnt want to escape from the bottom, he couldnt lie. A tall step, and he didnt like to work, he wasnt a bridgeman, he somehow found a job in a belarusian cab as an inspector, just walk on the wheels, well, drink some vodka, as my parents taught me, this guy began to be rude to sabotage the railway, created a channel in the web, but it was rotten that he ran into the wrong ones, the Security Officers quickly figured out the sucker and, without a break from the hangover, rushed into a panic, thats how it was , in our country we have a military duty, but these same worms never owe anyone anything our mug decided to mow, they all mow for stupidity, for blueness, they are not ashamed, so it went to the doctor, with the Firm Intention of giving a bribe, only i saw that he was useless rush about, not everyone is as unprincipled bastards as he is. Well, he fled to blessed poland , but they wont let you live there for nothing, go and shake the regime, he joined the workers movement, the same one where prostitutes and swindlers are in charge, but not workers. Little stepsons and a hat, a criminal case has been opened under the article of treason to the state, but a zmagar should not be a zmagar unless he frames others , many have been arrested for extremist terrorist crafts to the tune of a little sucker, collections for the transfer of information, now they are in prison, who can name the names, no one, their lives have been ruined to myself i dont care, thats the kind of brotherhood, but if you think that the bottom has a bottom , youre mistaken, with your treacherous, silver and zlotys , if only you could send a penny to your mother, no, youre a redneck, youre a jerk, youre drinking too much, youre a stitchedup, overstitched drunkard, dad , what happened, chicks, ink, these are the roots of improbability, this is democracy beat your wife, beat your children, throw your property out of the windows and you cant even kill your own relatives, one of the relatives, a border guard, in conversations, dad constantly inarticulately yells separately that will shoot this lukashist, with family and solidarity, black you cant wash the manure out of a zamagara cable, thats how it is in the family, theres a younger brother there, he recently sat down, the garbage dumps are all over the place, the shah, horror , relatives are being taken hostages, and the bastard himself in poland screams loudly, but doesnt want to help in any way, isolated money and a noose dont allow it, but he sat down by no means a nonstealer, this growing up little guy is already showing himself as a champion of european values, beats small children and blackmails them for money, he extorted 1500 from a sixth grader and doesnt deny it, hes worth 5250 and 1,500 is so impudent hes sitting there, so impudent, he doesnt care about smoke all over the world and he extorted not only from children, but also from users of the kufr site, but hes a living cheater, everything is meta, we even fought a little because of this. Well, like, well, with the boys with him, because he went to the entrance, then he started all this, spoil, like write off, this is 3 , there are bugs with a marker, yes, and then we were with him like because of this even deliberately sprung, drunk, probably, the youngest also took an example from his father, in january twenty second he was detained by a patrol in zyuzya, and where dont throw a wedge everywhere, uncle, fathers brother, 40 pages of cases of theft, but if you think that this is. All based on the beautiful faces of the protest and labor movement, then no, lets move to the north, there, too, not all the bad ones were killed by the war, sashka sokolov and olga britikova, leaders of the naftan strike, wanted to become a great boss at the age of 30, already saw themselves sitting in the government office, and at the very end they are limping, although with the companys receivables of 14. 7 million rubles, and accounts payable of 25. 9 million rubles, accounts receivable, accounts payable and here. 2020 sashka started messing with people, got into trouble, i wonder at whose expense they are all having fun there, i really forgot about my father , i decided why the hell he needs him there, my father has a heart problem, my mother has been there for a long time, an experienced tunic , brotherinlaw yegor varyuga stole a laptop in 2017, and the bloody regime again regretted it, a fine was imposed, only speakers know how to use their language, excuse me, good people, but kuniman, they call him in certain circles, went to poland, dream job, taxi driver, and why left . Living in an atmosphere of dictatorship is not could . No, he beat a peasant half to death, he got rid of the responsibility, and you still say, you need to feel sorry, the kids are still there, they say, let the younger one go, look how many our regime has already felt sorry for, sokolovsky rovovoy, maybe its enough to parareally defend society on distant approaches, thats all, baryo, crooks, moneyseekers, homosexuals, perverts, lazy people. And mediocrity, this is all just the tip of the iceberg, just the facade of the popticum, look how their supporters live, they are also detained, no details yet, an investigation is underway, i am vyacheslavevich, currently not completed and i dont remember exactly when i officially worked, i was signed up for the work of the rukh, as well as other academic initiatives, through disappointment and activities that drag ordinary people into illegal adventures, i advise everyone not to succumb to the illegal appeals of the scumbags, but here they are the best people of this country , here they are, the slipper takers on the benches, drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, extortionists, child beaters, tuniyanites, arrogant, ugly, that is , uneducated crooks, they wanted to make a raspberry out of our flourishing country, a stash, a trash can, a cigarette butt, but they themselves have become cigarette butts, ashes, weathered away, let them now spoil the air in poland and lithuania, they eat up the remains of life there, if the polish and lithuanian peoples agree to contain this slag. Its their business, we just have to air it out. Belarus is endless forests, blue rivers, lakes, pristine nature, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, and also, belarus is people, and we are revealing their destinies for you. We carry traditions through generations at the same time changing views on familiar things, all this makes the world a better place, we tell you about different people, but they are united by one thing love for belarus. Belarus 24. One district, one project, said, done, how to implement a largescale initiative, we will tell you using the example of the mogilev region. Investments for development for those who know what and how, but dont know why, the Development Bank offers a solution, innovations that appeal to the taste of belarusians and not only the belgospishcheprom is pushing the line towards replacing imports, we will show everything, this is a sphere of interest, we are talking about notable events in the economy, with you hello, as you know, investments, the lifeblood of the economy of the country and its regions, which is why the fundamental requirement is always to attract investment in the development of not only large cities. The hinterland often lives with such projects; they should be in every region of the country. This is the main idea of ​​the concept of one district, one project, we will talk about it using the example of the mogilev region. Currently , 23 new investment projects are being implemented in the region, some are already building new production, and somewhere they are coordinating business. Volumes are determined by markets, and the areas are very different, from flower growing to fish production construction of modern complexes in the agroindustrial complex. As for the giants, lets also say about them mogilev chemical fiber is undergoing modernization, they are working on the launch of a new importsubstituting investment project. Belshina is updating its line, because it needs to compete, including with asian brands. Mogilevlift is generally on the rise in terms of orders in domestic and foreign markets. About investments. Exports and new types of products, governor anatoly ischenko. Anatoly mikhailovich, probably today is one of such vitally important initiatives, which is controlled at a higher level level, its called one district, one project. The point is that some topend, familiar investment project should appear in the regions of belarus, which would provide the same jobs and development. Regions, here in the mogilev region, which regions, well, it is vitally necessary for these new projects to appear . Well, i probably wouldnt pose the question like this, which region needs it vitally, its vitally necessary for everyone, without exception, because investment is development, its development of regions, these are new jobs, again this is tax revenue, this is wages, 21 regions, we even have 23 investment projects that we have today, and not. I mean, we are implementing them, i want to say , that we plan to spend on all investment projects, approximately the amount is calculated at 300 billion and create about 10,250 jobs, 300 billion rubles, and 300 billion rubles and create about 1250 jobs, today we have already invested about 700 million. Rubles for the implementation of these projects, we today we are here, lets say here is the lakhvat trout farm, these projects that have been implemented a long time ago, they are giving real returns today, this is a profitable production, and today we will scale up what has already been done in our southeast, we will build in cherrikov, in krasnopolye in khotimsk, and today the president also gave the corresponding instructions, and i am planning, that is, these are the fish farms that are happening, right . Fisheries, just as i said, we will scale them up, that is , if this fishery farm has 100 tons of fish production, in kostyukovichi there are 300 tons of fish, in bikhov there are 300 tons of fish, then we will build in krasnopol for 1. Tone, in khomask for 1,000 tons, in cherekiv we are planning to build a Fish Hatchery to obtain our own caviar from our own fry, because today we import caviar. Regarding imports, we plan to build this facility there and receive 25 million pieces of fry per year. There are other projects, maybe from other areas, just one project, one district, maybe in some areas you would like them to appear, but while they are not there and you would like an investor to come and invest money in the development of one direction or another there, we are working on good projects for krichev, for kostyukov projects. Areas, this includes woodworking, metalworking, the creation of new products, the investor comes , a diverse investor, large investments, so today attractive conditions have been created, and people who want to invest money, they invest it, i will also name one project, which we literally discussed, well, 2 weeks ago, it is also already underway, this is the construction of the razariya 25 hectares in a free Economic Zone and the investor will come in to do construction and sales. Again, to get away from import substitution and produce your own flowers and sell them in the cis countries, is this an internal investment . No, this is external investment, yes, this is external investment , i will probably say that this is investment from europe, we will call it that, that is, they also come to us with pleasure, because there is peace of mind, there is a guarantee, there is security, so this is such a unique project , continuing the topic of investment, to belarusian business is actively involved in programs, often in partnership with Large Enterprises; industrial flagships are moving away from foreign components, using products produced by their belarusian private owners; fortunately, if necessary, there is a Strong Financial leverage. The Development Bank has launched a new loan product, it is called industrial cooperation, in short, resources are provided for up to 3 years, the Interest Rate is no more than 7. 5 . Financing is provided both for investments and for replenishing working capital, details well find out right now, anton malyuta asked the first deputy chairman of the board of the Development Bank, roman brodov. Roman pavlovich, good afternoon, tell us how the Development Bank provides Financial Support to small mediumsized businesses today . Our financing or support from the Development Bank, it does not follow the classical principle the bank is the client. In a classic lending survey, there is a financing bank, there are clients, they benefit from cooperation with each other. Our work in this area is a little broader, it wider one step to the left one step to the right, the state defines the priorities of socioeconomic development, identifying those tasks that are necessary among the most critical, important, most quickly solved in the country, forms a Resource Base for the Development Bank, the Development Bank finetunes the filter for which funds are allocated that should give the return that the state has programmed, after which the funds are redistributed among small and mediumsized businesses, for projects that they initiate or that correspond to those tasks, in the end result we have that indicator, that direction, that result for the sake of which the state formed resource support for the economy, therefore, in the case of Building Financial relations with a Development Bank, supporting small mediumsized businesses through. The Development Bank channel, we achieve more broad, largescale significant goals that are beneficial not only in the narrow interaction of a bank, small mediumsized business or enterprise, but ultimately serve for the benefit of the development of the country, people are valued by people above all. Just recently launched new product industrial cooperation, tell us what its features are . The Development Bank has prepared, on behalf of the government, a new financial instrument , industrial cooperation, which is designed to promote and stimulate various types of business activity. In this area, it can be as funds for working capital, it can be as funds for investment purposes, and so on further, the Resource Base has been formed, we have sufficient funds for this, we have formed a network of partner banks that can reach literally every locality for to ensure that small and mediumsized businesses do not need to travel to minsk or the Regional Center and build relationships with financing banks for a long, long time, we provide fairly exclusive, unique financing conditions on the belarusian market. This is a very low rate of up to 7. 5 , and the rate is stable, flat throughout the entire lending period, a relatively long lending period of up to 36 months. The conditions are very simple the enterprise must be small and have a contract with a large enterprise for the supply of products, that is, we must see that there really is an agreement between the subjects. Secondly, the products must be of their own production, it should not be resale or trade, we must be sure that the entity really produces products, really its own products, which it has produced, sells to countries and thirdly, there must be growth, there must be dynamics, we finance not just replacing one loan with another, we are financing an increase, development, some kind of positive impulse to strengthen this deepening, this cooperation between small and Large Enterprises of the country, that is, the main task is to more actively involve small mediumsized businesses in the process of import substitution, import substitution is one of the goals that industrial cooperation solves, globally we want to involve this potential of the 15 small mediumsized businesses that exist, which today they are working, perhaps for a narrow goal, which they see in themselves as a task, to nevertheless involve the needs in the implementation of state economic policy, in the needs of the challenges facing the country and the revenuegenerating enterprises in general, i will tell you that small mediumsized businesses have changed a lot in recent years, and this is not the small mediumsized business that set the task of earning a profit somewhere to go to mink, today. Objectively, a huge number of enterprises have an internal need to do something useful, not only for themselves, but also for the country. And when we clearly define the goals that the state needs, they exist for it. Resources then there is no reason there is no development, this is a sphere of interest, then in the program are Exchange Rates and innovations that

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