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Of the polishlithuanian commonwealth, volkovytsk fell into the socalled pale of settlement, and people who professed judaism could not leave this place. A large number of jews remained in the city. By the beginning of the great patriotic war, about 53 of the total population. They had their own schools, synagogues, cemeteries and a hospital, which was built in the middle of the century, with the money of private individuals, wealthy merchants, and next to the oldest architectural construction of the city. In prewar times , four trees were planted with their roots up. Such planting attempts have been made more than once in the world. Similar experiments were carried out by the magnates raldiville and napoleon bonoparte, but our volkovy trees are unique in their own way. Witnesses of the war are still growing upside down. True, only these remained; the fate of the other two is unknown. Most likely the germans. Took them to germany, and the Jewish Hospital existed on this site until 1939, now they protect the legal interests of the residents of volkovysk, in the building there is a law office, i suggest you deviate a little from the route for a minute and look at the shopping street. You will be surprised, but this little block looks almost the same as it did several centuries ago. I mean the layout. Many houses have a facade parallel to the street, but the wall extends to the right or left at slight angles. It is not as sharp as the walls of the famous odessa house, but still unusual. The locals decided not to change traditions and keep everything as it was. Not every locality belarus can boast of such a feature, as well as a considerable number of famous people. Contemporary writer. And belarusian politician boris batura appeared in the postwar city. In royal volkovysk, about 100 years ago , the best cinderella of all time was born film actress yanina zheima. This city and small homeland of actor alexander zedyushka and artist vyacheslav telish. And now we are walking towards the street where the legendary house is located, miraculously preserved to this day, the oldest city building. During the war of 1812 bograsion himself stayed in volkovysk. Everyone in the city knows the street named after the famous commander; it was once the headquarters of a russian general. Previously, this was dvoryanskaya street, the most expensive ones were built on it. Beautiful houses in our city, alas, the last wars greatly changed our city, most of these buildings were destroyed, but one of them survived, the building itself was built in 1805, at the end of the 19th century, it housed a city hospital, later a nursing home , then again, it was a residential building, and after the great patriotic war it houses an exposition of the military history museum. The museum owes its establishment to local local historian georgiy pekh, or rather to his rich collection of antiquities, which became the basis of the exhibition, and the archaeologist himself, at one time, the director. Valuable exhibits can be found at the entrance, this is a bust of bogration, the work of the famous belarusian sculptor zaire azgur. You feel it in the landowners estate. A special aura, because the thought that peter bogration himself once lived here begins i feel dizzy, and from the number of exhibits , including, lets say, this picture captures the tragic moment of the battle. When the general was seriously wounded by a cannonball fragment, but did not leave the battlefield before giving the necessary orders, or here are also rifles and pistols, ammunition, cuirasses and uniforms, musical instruments, letters and documents, as well as the only authentic engravings in belarus depicting the coronachia napoleon and josephine, 5 feet and 2 inches, many have repeatedly converted napoleons height into centimeters and it turned out to be about one and a half meters. The term napoleon complex even appeared in psychology, but some historians claim that mathematicians made a mistake with their calculations. The emperor went out in public surrounded by tall strongman guards, compared to whom any person would seem short. In 1989, construction began on a new museum department. It was inaugurated 12 years later. Objects raised from the ground formed the basis of the exhibition; here is the life of ancient man in all its diversity, from needles to idols. This is what modern archaeologists think the ancient thing looked like settlement, as you can see, people lived in wooden huts, semidugouts. They did everything to feed themselves and their children. First of all , we are talking about plowing, as evidenced by deer antlers, bison, mammoth tusks, and bone products. Time. For us, objects made of stone and clay, dishes, toys, jewelry, and with the help of such hand mills , volkovysk ground grain; during the excavations of the settlement , fragments of twenty millstones were found, but only one survived, this one, i propose to move from the Material World to the spiritual component, long centuries of christianity coexisted with fading paganism, volkovys was no exception. As this stone woman eloquently demonstrates, she was found during excavations at the foot of the swedish mountain, we will definitely visit there today, but the local museum only got a photograph of the idol, but there are amulets from the fangs of a wolf and a bear, once amulets, and what is the collection of found items worth . 12 such instruments were discovered in the city of volkovysk pesalas; they rank second in importance. I wonder if our contemporary would have mastered such an instrument, considering that today he is inventing multifunctional ballpoint pens that display images on the screen, as long as homo sapiens does not forget how to hold a pen, and remembers his own handwriting, next to the rings and bracelets there is an authentic slavic chain mail from the 14th century and a twohanded sword from a tefton knight, a sword and even alebarts with spantons, a fascinating sight. On the second floor of volkovysk in the 20th century, visitors are introduced to the appearance of the city, its streets, outskirts, the appearance of the inhabitants, their way of life, leisure and even fashion, with photographs from the beginning of the century, here is a zinc plate of the russian insurance company, coins and banknotes, sheets of a tearoff calendar for 1911, then we see the room of a polish officer. Made in the spirit of the twenties and thirties. The interior here is recreated with a special spirit, with authentic home furnishings. The Central Place in the museums exhibition is devoted to the events of the second world war. They are reported in detail and consistently by maps, fragments of mini shells, weapons equipment, awards of soldiers and commanders of the red army, underground partisans of the city and region, their captured things. And at the exit from. Its hard not to notice the memorial sign erected on the occasion of the sixyear anniversary of the battle of grunwald , a reminder of the events of 1410, when a decisive battle took place between the troops of the teutonic order and the united polishlithuanian forces, according to some sources, today this monument awarded the title of the only one in belarus. The same pagan idal, whose photo is in the museum today. Swedish mountain is the highest hill that surrounds volkovysk. The height of the mound is 32. 5 m. While i climbed, counted 115 steps. True, everyone names a completely different amount. Therefore, if you are an inquisitive tourist, you have no choice but to pack your bags and come here to put an end to the eternal. Local legend says that during the war between sweden and the russian empire there were so many shleds near volkovysk that when there was a soldier on the grave of one of his own. By the way, according to legend, for some reason the swedes covered the earth with caps, and from then on the mountain began to be called swedish. There are several swedish mountains in belarus. In our case say historians and local historians, the swedes have the most distant relationship with the swedish mountain, equal to the distance from volkovysk to stockholm. These legends would have been incredible if in the twenties traces of a medieval settlement had not been discovered here during excavations under the leadership of jozef and otkowski. Fragments of dwellings, dishes, tools and even human remains, a whole settlement. And it has been preserved quite well. It turned out that the swedish mountain, and two more hills located nearby, covering the anthill, is the cradle volkovysk. Civilization here arose at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries. Swedish mountain was a fullfledged settlement, and the castle was considered its trade and craft part. The anthill, due to its location in a wetland, served as a backup shelter for local residents, which people abandoned over time. By the beginning of the 15th century, the same fate befell the swedish mountain castle, and the city, having become part of the grand duchy of lithuania, gradually moved to the banks of the volkovye river, where it continued to be built and expanded. From this angle swedish mountain reminds me very much of fudiyama, an active volcano on the island of hanqiu, so one japanese master created more than 100 engravings of the sacred mountain, 46 flowers and 100 in black and white , painted from different angles, in winter and summer, in foggy snow, what do you do you think his works are among the worlds masterpieces, what s not an idea for local brush and pencil masters . The hill, located on the southeastern outskirts of modern volkovysk, resembles a truncated cone in shape. It can be seen from almost every place in city, from the mountain there is a beautiful view of the surroundings. The location of the landmark is so good that several years ago, during the fireworks festival that takes place annually in the area, a launch pad was installed on it, thanks to which the lights were visible literally from everywhere. Almost 4,000 km of cultural layer have already been excavated, but the study of these objects has not been completed to this day, and we finally decided to get acquainted with the traditions of our ancestors, which continue in the Regional Center of folk crafts, we are heading to the nearby village of ros. In navolkovyshchyna, two traditions of intangible heritage are included in the state list of historical and Cultural Centers baking wedding loaves and simple twonet pumping, in this, like most tourists, i decided to practice, the traditions in the village of ros are carefully preserved by yanina iyulskaya, everything is according to the rules, first instruction, the master of folk crafts is no stranger to this, every day he has to teach this to visitors, so to start weaving, we take our shuttle, lower our thread with a thread into it, press look, my first noose has risen, the threads have formed a gap, yes, now we move our reed away, ill give you the boat , a little ingenuity and the process begins, the main thing is to correctly thread the shuttle between the rows of threads, nail the tape, press the pedal to return the shuttle back, like everything is extremely simple and clear, in fact it is difficult to weave an entire rug , now they are in fashion, i can hardly do it in half an hour, so i thank yanina vatslavovna and go on to comprehend the basics of local creativity, a master class is next moldings from clay, painstaking work, but interesting, 20 minutes voila, the clay figurine is ready, on the way here i planned to make with my own hands and keep as a souvenir the main symbol of the city of the wolf, in the process i realized that i didnt have enough skills to focus on this cute and completely ridiculous penguin, beginners start with such things, there will be a reason to come back here again, what can we offer specifically to tourists who come to us, we hold various master classes, this is weaving, training in simple twonet weaving, this is written the king writes eggs with hot wax, we can also offer to sculpt them from clay, sculpt them from salted salt. Test, we always conduct exciting excursions for our guests. Another important point is that tourists must notify about their visit in advance. But in general we have a very Flexible Work schedule. We make any concessions, we can always receive guests on a day off, well, at least an hour in advance we know that guests will come to us, so that simply, if it is a master class, so that the masters can prepare and conduct a master class, and the excursion can be warned in 30 minutes we always ready to receive and happy to receive, and even in these words i felt the hospitality of the volkovysk region, now i understand some tourists who. Today they are ready to literally walk here. Finally , i will say that quest games have become quite popular in the city lately. In my opinion, a nonstandard way to get to know this ancient place, its sights and legends. Quests at the request of a Tourist Group are promised to be organized as soon as possible. They take place in the bogration museum on the streets of the city. Rumor has it that they are wolves. Are still found in the local environs, however, they are no longer as dangerous as they once were, unless of course you set off on a full moon, but wolves are afraid not to come to volkovysk, but you come and discover this city for yourself. Alexey, hello , maraz sergeevich, i greet you, lets continue our conversation, in the first part we touched on the american concept, our place with russia in it, very directly and rudely, somewhere. Yes, im not a conspiracy theorist, but i didnt disguise it whether the west is this public sacrifice, its main goal, china. Yes, you know, when we consider political events, regional, world, it is important to somewhat remove this superstructure, political, ideological, even remove the superstructure and look at the economy, at finance. And it is clear that for anglosaxon corporations, yes. Not great britain, not the usa , this is also a superstructure, but we are talking about money , yes, for them china is a key competitor, why, because when in the seventies they the United States of america began to interact with china against the soviet union, they gave them investments and opened their markets so that their products would go directly to the United States. America, to europe, and dragged china, but they thereby opened a pandoras box for themselves, uhhuh, china, and, of course, perfectly well i remembered the opium wars, and how the anglosaxons , together with the french, crushed china itself, they are aware of all this , and naturally, china, having its thousandyear experience in the development of formation, did a cunning. Economic trick, created the most powerful production, moreover, he created powerful Technological Centers and began to instantly generate new goods and services. Western corporations were simply taken aback, how could this be . We, we are the leaders of both the economic process and the technological one, and then that territory, that zone that we perceived as industrial, suddenly abruptly announced that it was our key competitors, and after that they began to prepare for immediate, not to mention war , yes, in order to limit the development of china, here. Remember bidens latest statement, here on the other day, what he was talking about, he says, from former rivals, we can become allies again, that is, at the current stage they understand that they are not ready to fight with china, at the same time, they are creating a military group in the asiapacific region , they understand that it is already difficult to compete with china technologically, the development. Of Artificial Intelligence is 50 years ahead of the american ones in the field of artificial sun, thermonuclear reaction, control of thermonuclear reaction, much higher, and in their own way development, in time, than the American Events of april of this year twentythird, when america reimposed sanctions, new sanctions against china, just related to chinas successes in the field, that is , the artificial sun, then they were able to hold the plasma for more than 107, it seems, seconds, and the americans said, no, no, no, in no case, by hook or by crook, we need to hold back their development, so when we talk about the competition of the west with china, we must explain and explain even more easily to our viewers, from america to the western corporations most important problem is the problem of overproduction, they have a quantity of goods, they have invested a lot of money in modernization, they threw out all the people, they also threw out the engineering staff, those guys who are now on strike in europe, these are not lumpen, this not marginalized, this is a completely different class, no, this is specifically the middle class, this is the middle class, which was thrown out onto the street, it has a good education, it was a good income, but it is immersed in loans. He is immersed in some illusions of a wonderful life, but he is not the owner business, he is not the owner, and he does not appropriate surplus value to himself, they had just a good life before all this, but you yourself this year, only this year, have already been to china twice, so what they did there, why its worth learning, but now from this quiet force that china represents , yes, there was workable issues, Business Issues and. Ill tell you this, that of course we can constantly learn from china, this not that you know, come, grab something and then use it, well probably be at the nearest decades, we will focus on constantly learning from china, china , having, as they say, we have 5,000 years of history, yeah, we know how to survive, behave in different conditions, and most importantly, this is what is important to note, that now china and, most importantly, the chinese elites are very fine, wonderful, they cannot be confused, they are well aware of what the west is striving for in relation to them, and they are striving precisely to destroy their economic and technological potential, not to give them the opportunity to develop, they are aware of this threat, and understand how they can develop, they can only develop in cooperation with russia, with the countries of the middle east, with the countries of africa, latin america, and most importantly, you know, this is chinese wisdom, they are not focused on creating good only for themselves, at the expense of others, this is how they. The concept that sinzimpin put forward is general welfare, when the strong pulls up the weak, yes, this applies to entire states, entire regions, if you are strong, you must pull up the weak, because we all live no, you know, not in some new rome, everyone else is the plebeians and slaves, no , they say, no, we still live on one planet, the earth, which heals. Around a star and another place for humanity to live no, we simply dont have to plunge into strife. We will simply disappear if we carry on further, this is chinese wisdom, beautiful, beautiful, but look, if we started with money, lets go back to money, not to mention this some conglomerate, yes, when the strong pulls up not only the weak, he it just begins to unite with those who hold the same views, the same approaches, the brics bank, for example, yes, which includes, well, for now russia, brazil, india, china, south africa, soon the number of these countries will double, and will increase almost from january 1 twentyfour, now they can issue a single digital currency, we are already talking about this, and become its regulator, the time frame is given as 510 years, that s how realistic such a monetary and financial somersault is, i would call it, but on a historical scale, and you know, well, probably ours viewers who are interested in this topic can read the information, it is open, but we will say a little more so that our program is somewhat different, yes, not just news, in that you will notice how, in principle, the idea of ​​​​creating a new bank, a new currency it seems to be going like this, well, as if easily, you know, and america didnt seem to resist, but still this is the dynamics of the brix, and this idea of ​​a new currency, it is moving, dynamically, most likely, yes, so we can assume, but this close to reality is that those corporate elites that are supranational, they do not belong to the usa, they belong to europe, they manage money, they understand the essence of money, they understand what the theory of value is , and they understand that in order to hold their assets, the value of assets, yes, the profitability on them, new ones are needed, the point of application of capital , usa, how the state has already outlived its usefulness, thats it, this is a model that needs to be killed , yes, destroyed, why, because it violated the most important principle in 2012 the number of goods and services of gdp has increased , the number of debts, now it is almost 125 is, a small remark, they violated in the twentysecond year the main principle on which. Liberal ideology is based, the principle of private property and its inviolability, they stole other peoples money, other peoples enterprises, and they say but this is normal, yes, when the political the us elite violated the laws of money, which exist much more than any state on planet earth, yes, that is, the principles of money and trade, the relationships between. People, they have existed for millennia, and of course, we have said more than once that the basis of any relationship, economic, financial, is a certain quintessence, but quantessence is always expressed in a certain equivalent of value, and the natural equivalent of value has always been gold for thousands of years, no matter what wars were committed, no matter how the state, the government changed, what . Money was not issued, if it is not backed up either by goods, services, well, this is the modern model, or if it is not backed up by gold and silver, then in this case the entire value of this political power is worthless, the same thing happened now the United States of america, they tell everyone that we are the strongest, we should be afraid, but experts, including american ones, who, scientists and them, how to persuade them, somehow cannot be put pressure on them, they openly say they respect the dollar as long as washington has the strength, well, military forces, to threaten everyone, but at the same time everyone understands that the United States of america does not have enough of these resources, the events that we see even on the territory of ukraine, on the territory of europe, on the territory asiapacific region. Or attempts to create some kind of conflict, these are attempts to intimidate. Washington says to everyone i, uh, the metropolis, whom everyone should be afraid of, but for some reason all these financiers, owners of large corporations, they sit, look, count and say, you know, well, somehow its already very dangerous to invest in us debt obligations, somehow its not very reliable to buy shares of american corporations. And the americans say no, no, no, look, invest, and it turns out to be a collapse, that when the corporate elites, banking, financial, they are meeting with china, russia, brazil, the countries of the middle east, africa, they say, you know, we understand that this model is already an american model, it has become obsolete, the financial model, it has a lot of debt, it has violated the basic principle ratio of debts to goods and services, lets create something new, that is, that mmm, it is already dying, so in order to create some new one. Speculative model on which you can make money, you need a zero point, they are looking for this zero point, you know, i really i like it, 3. 5 billion People United for a second in new centers of power, they united, but they are opposed, well , several hundred million, and even 500 million there in europe, yes, and they are also not very friendly with each other now, because that some rob. Others, but at the same time they say, dont cry, dont calm down, its not scary, okay, good, alexey, here s another bold step, yes, putin and kimchen, sanctions, here before the north korean trip leader to russia, western experts suggested that russia might ask there is no official confirmation of the supply of weapons and ammunition to the dprk, primarily ammunition. But as a result , it was published that the meeting will forever be engraved on the tablets of history, and it was so beautifully written, like a milestone, like a milestone that strengthened the bonds of traditional relations and good neighborliness, right . This is an interesting statement against the backdrop of decades of a slightly different position, right . What kind of practical content is hidden behind such florid ones . Wording, you know, you noted correctly, there is a lot of symbolism, and since well, youll Pay Attention to how the visit to russia was structured, that is, since the west loves symbolism, then we, well, the russians say, well stuff you with a whole, a whole bucket of this symbolism , and youll already bring your symbolism, so that you can understand with them for a long time, but the essence of the arrival and visit is what, that. Since the nineties, remember, september 11, 1990, bush sr. Declares a new world order, this is a key date for them, then september 11, 2001 year they approve the new world order, these are their sacred dates, and Pay Attention please note that all the events are just leading up to september 11, including the visit of the dprk leadership to russia, why this was done, since the nineties, all this liberal elite has been propagating the idea of ​​rogue countries, including everyone else, you and you dont communicate with these, because these are rogue countries, you will communicate, we will use sanctions, pressure, restrictions and everything else, that is, it was such an instrument of Foreign Policy influence on the vassals, and the vasal countries, russia just with this visit showed that russia has already first of all not are completely subordinate to the western elites, that is, one element is the beginning of their own, disobedience to the elites, and here is an open demarche of the entire model that was built with western liberal society in international relations, they say no, there are no such countries, thats it, your model is worthless , go further with your models at the institute and just keep it as. You know, it seems to me that theres another point here, because the situation began to change when, well, its clear, north korea, iran, yes, they were rogue countries, then country they made us outcasts, then they made russia an outcast country, and russia said, no, guys, outcast countries, unite, yes, and let s Work Together a little to show who the real outcast is, if were talking about symbolism, people who grew up in the soviet union remember very well this song we are peaceful people, but our armored train is on a siding, symbolically, yes, the north Korean Leader arrived on an armored train, a spare, there was once, well, okay, you know, theres another topic, probably, that i cant not to mention, she s been getting especially bad in recent days is relevant, in the light of some statements that were made from the high rostrum by the un genas, including, yes, our neighbor poland, well , there is. There is also lithuania, there is also latvia, so they threatened to hit us with a new iron curtain, first with an iron fence, then iron curtain that in the end they took a different path, got by with. Petty dirty tricks, not for states, but for ordinary people, which is why they exchanged the closure of borders for the confiscation of cars and toilet paper from ordinary russians, a topic that they directly realized now was raised even earlier, has been raised since about the seventeenth year, actively on the bbc, cnn, they discussed what the topic is that, in principle, which we are broadcasting to Russian Society, it should be aimed at the fact that the authorities, the russian authorities , she does everything against ordinary russian citizens, and that the sanctions that we are introducing against you, they are sanctions aimed at making Russian Society even more deeply aware, and they want to repeat the fact that the russian leadership is acting against the russian people in the ninetyfirst year , and even now they are just by introducing such sanctions, their commentary, what an ideological competary, we are introducing such restrictions so that you understand even more deeply that the russian leadership is acting against the russian people, well, again , there is discontent in society, but if we translate it, translate it in reverse order, then this is exactly characterizes the main thing is that they understand that there are president ial elections ahead , it is necessary to create discontent, and show that supposedly the russian government cannot create some comfortable conditions for its russian citizens, and based on this, only then further, through these centers of psychological operations to further rock Russian Society, but we understand perfectly well that the more such restrictions there are, then this is not appreciated by our neighbors, the russians, as you know, the flattening of power, on the contrary, it is regarded as an aggressive step by europe, and since it is an aggressive step by europe , well, we wont, you know, threaten, but as a rule, any aggressive steps by europe ultimately ended with russian citizens, for one reason or another, ending up in paris, ending up in berlin, without any. Borders, visa restrictions for everyone else, we see that, on the contrary, it is beginning to unite Russian Society, they are even more aware that the western policy that has been pursued over the past 30 years was latent, hidden, but still it was purely antirussian in nature and was aimed at enslaving and destroying Russian Society , the ordinary russian. Camp, and now, when all these masks have been dropped, everyone clearly understands where the enemies are, then in this case there is a very strong ideological unification how since Russian Society, well, again, the notorious principle of private property is violated here in the most arrogant way, you know, since the proposal is simple, the answer is true, to confiscate several dozen cars of individual countries on their territory and distribute them to those russians from whom they were taken, well, how about on the other hand, justice must prevail, a review of the most important sporting events the new head coach of the national team, carlos allas ferrera, named an expanded list of players for september. European championship 2024. Two gold, silver and three bronze. This is the result of the belarusian wrestlers at the world youth championships, which was hosted by jordan. Exclusive interviews with athletes. Tell me, this result, 10 92, you repeated and surpassed in the training process, well, i was ready to show it faster than a second. Exactly there in athens . Yes, if it was one race, not four. Spain, which won the world cup, has only a positive impression, one of the most spectacular, one of the most exciting sports, all this in sports projects on the tv channel belarus 24, issuing meats of belarus with a long history, defense doilism we can get from the rightwing architecture, and all for this period of time, they floated to the pharmaceutical Economic Centers of the country and what extraordinary people. Some myastechki, garads, which were previously significant in magdybur, lost their significance in the attacks of the kali gypsum grass. Geta was a spraudnaya revaluation, chagunka changed navakolle, culturalastronomical project of architecture of belarus. Gety kastsel does not end y savetsky period, kalka vyalikaya kolkasts of the temple stratsila its percapchatkovaya meaning. Everyone remembers the 50s and has such an appreciation of stalinist classicism. Please tell the belarusians that you wont get it. It was enough to come to our station, prices on the right side, if you like with your soul, what the hell is this, look at our tv channel. Alexey, if tusk wins, in your opinion, do you expect, in principle, that the ruler. Will change his rhetoric towards russia and belarus . No, no, it will not change at all, because we have discussed more than once, that poland is under the external control of london and washington, they can use different rhetoric of their Political Forces in poland, which they control, but their vector will still remain, the vector will be directed towards nato, but it is probably important to note the sprouts of those forces that we are not seeing only in poland, but in germany, now we see, in france we see, these are the sprouts of national capital, we can even say, not even the Peoples Liberation movement, but those. National ones who are well aware that further playing along with london and washington will lead to their personal ruin, we already see this, private enterprises, the largest enterprises, are closing in germany, closing in poland, france, italy, why . Because Energy Resources are expensive due to sanctions against russia and this is all beneficial to the americans, the americans are clapping , they are growing at a breakneck pace. Exports are now, on the contrary, declining in europe, and of course, in these conditions, the corporate elites are coming to their political circles and they say you know, were doing something wrong we have been doing for the last 30 years, we are doing something wrong, guys, if we continue like this and you will not have political elites, but we will not be there, there will be no one to pay you a salary to ensure your wonderful political career and life, now we see. There is an active manifestation of such you know, national demarches, the demarche in poland regarding grain, and the demarche of those forces, yes, that sharply criticize the reis party, and at the same time the same demarche is already observed in germany, they scholz openly says that we are in debt dont take we will do it to save the german economy, this is not our option, but the americans offer them everything, take on debts, yes. That is, we openly see that a certain internal awareness is coming, not even among the political elites , they are all hired managers, but among local business owners, that if they continue like this, then all the notorious european integration and north atlantic integration will will lead them to the most important outcome, the most negative, this is bankruptcy, and even ruin, and they dont want that, okay, these statements . Genasami un, that ukraine, a drowning one, yes, which is dragging the whole of europe with it, in fact, to the bottom, are these just populist statements, or is this another trick in the fact that zelsky is being dumped, he refused to meet with him on the sidelines of the summit, you know, we can reason differently, but the clear fact is that the west and the european corporate, political elites and anglosaxons, they realized the main thing that the project on ukraine did not give them the opportunity to achieve their main goals, the main goal is the weakening of russia, the seizure of russia and its resources and the subsequent weakening of china and the leveling of all chinas ambitions for the role of a new World Economic leader, ukraine of the project that they began , count in the seventh year, in 2007, intensified in the fourteenth year, and wanted to be fully realized in the twenty second year, they didnt succeed, they just did the same with afghanistan, now they are throwing out this project, they understand that they have not solved the main goals, but they have not solved the economic goals, the problem of overproduction is intensifying, problems in the economy its getting worse, and whats more, its getting worse in the social sphere, inflation is rising, unemployment is growing, Homeless People, the number of Homeless People thrown out onto the streets because of loans for houses, and for houses. They should have listened to kiss grandfather, but dont do something that will unite russia with china, they united , yes, you know, this is somehow a problem for children and fathers, so they faced this problem, the young elites came, they say what kind of kissinger, well , what kind of kisinder are we going to read, we are our own ideologists and in the end we are faced with the most the main problem, they believed at some stage that they could enslave, enslave , russia, seize its resources, a huge market, huge natural resources, and they would live for another 300400 years, but this illusory picture was always formed among the young elites, remember napoleon, hitler, these are the young elites, but for some reason everyone doesnt want. History , well, history, it doesnt give bad grades, it teaches very painfully, yes, well, okay, so we smoothly approached ukraine, their underelections , about which they began to talk, which statements are being made that they will not exist, and they come directly from zelsky, if he is not paid an additional 5 billion, although they cost 300 million , well, different figures are mentioned, but the country is empty by at least a quarter, yes, i m not even talking about the territory that. From ukraine forever , the authorities, in principle, do not stop this, what is especially intriguing to me against this background, it seems, is the arrest of kolomoisky , he was called almost the pope of zelsky, who led him by the hand to power, this is what is really happening in ukraine, this is a demonstrative struggle, decline of banderaism or the end of an era, in principle, of this oligarchic elite, the old one, the old classics, analysts taught us the most important thing, if you cant figure something out, look where the money is, i agree, therefore, what is happening now, those oligarchic circles that believed that they control ukraine, control its main assets and , most importantly, control political circles, the political elite, they now turned out to be no place, they came during this period, including due to inflating the value of various projects, including the supply of weapons, he admitted that 50 billion went somewhere, somewhere . At some stage they realized that we are richer than the kolomoiskys, than some old people. Well, how many billions do you have . Yes, so now that this is happening in politics, it is important to understand the process in ukraine to realize that a redistribution is taking place key ukrainian

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