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1,700,000 was spent on the internet in the country in a year. This year they expect at least two. We have already opened a full center in minsk, it is 13,000 m2, where our goods are processed. In addition, we are actively developing a network of order pickup points. Today there are already 342 of them and we plan to reach a thousand by the end of the year. Then continue to grow. And we are opening these distribution points not only in the capital of the republic of belarus, but in all cities, not only. Regional centers, but also even small ones with a population of 510,000 people. On such sites you can find everything from food to large equipment, and , what is important, at competitive prices; in general, consumer demand is growing. It could be the smallest product, that is, a low price category, yes, it could just be pens, some office supplies, perhaps even some more expensive ones in the segment, these are the same clothes, the same electronics, so purchasing power in itself, it is growing due to recognition, that is, specifically. Among people, i i think that the money is enough for their consumer needs, so to speak, so they order. The seasonality on marketplaces is evident, in the summer they order the least, now the market is on the rise again, the new Year Holidays are ahead, sales will continue to grow and often surprise. We received a big toy, a soft toy, twometer tall, kingguru, in general, was taken away by a child, well, just a tenyearold a boy who simply could not carry him away. But i had to wait for my parents to pull out this big kangaroo with my dad. Business on such platforms becomes an additional channel for promoting their products. This is a plus for entrepreneurs and large businesses. For belarusian entrepreneurs, for belarusian businessmen, this is simply a huge plus of entering the marketplace, accessing online stores, because you are your territoriality and sales increase several times, that is, even earlier, if we. Could sell within the territory of the republic of belarus, then we enter other markets, regarding russia, kazakhstan, the same armenia, and people actually order from there belarusian goods, we see this in trends and they are in great demand. Belarusian companies are actively developing marketplaces, increasingly adding electronic platforms to traditional channels for selling their products. In some cases, this is more profitable than opening your own online store. For entrepreneurs it is absolutely inexpensive, there is a special calculation, it is open to the public, he can find out what he will sell, at what price he can sell it, respectively, how much it will cost on logistics, and this is an absolutely transparent system, it takes time in order for the term marketplace to be recorded in regulations, the country is currently developing a corresponding bill; the document will expand opportunities for online trading. Veronica buta, andrey novgorodtsev, area of ​​interest. And with that today we will tell you all the information about the most noticeable things about the economy in the area of ​​interest next week. Let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, let everything work out for you and see you. Today i will tell you about how i had a fight. On the sidelines of the General Assembly session. I will dwell on the most democratic ways of dealing with a hangover, the unexpected habits of the korean dictator and how useful it is for the president to look at himself from the outside, as well as other equally important events. This is the water of the stand. Andrey bogadel is with you. Good evening. Eh. Were times when on this longsuffering land they created their immortal works, now decommunized, by the grateful descendants of the classics, and we find the heroes of these great works among us today, in our story about Ivan Ivanovich and ivan nikifrovich, the plot develops in new york, on the site the un, where instead of gogol s gun there is grain, a grain of discord, the main characters are anzhey duda and vladimir. Having successfully squandered the socialist heritage of the past, the owners of ukraine and poland are already writing their new, agricultural history. Thank god, even though the earth gives birth, what we are rich in is what we are happy about. The time has come to sell the harvest, and here, as they say, friendship is friendship, and the farmers grow up, no matter what, but their own and certainly closer to the body, at least until the election. And then bad luck arrived. Ukrainian grain should not be allowed into europe. Zelensky didnt wait long and slandered his neighbor all the way to the wto court. And then it began. We remembered everything to each other. Who feeds whose slaves from your hand . Who bought whose tomatoes before apples, who owed 100 zlotys of money. And then everyone found out that the poles consider nenka a dangerous drowned man. Why banana . With vladimirs light hand , he was immediately included in the moscow theater troupe as the main character of a grain thriller. It came to the point of canceling planned meetings and even personal insults. Lets be honest, the drowned man cannot have any good options, since his straw lies on the polish border, through which almost all supplies pass. So, in any case, poland will subject ukraine to a preelection demonstration period. One way or another, in the event of a shout from washington, the parties they will definitely make friends so as not to please putin , and if they dont agree, and if they dont take it, well turn off the gas, i just want to continue the famous folk poem, you dont agree on the grain, the pool is pulling you to the bottom, they signed you up for theatergoers or just called you a body carried away by the river, this is putin. Well, the miracles of the 78th session of the General Assembly do not end there, everyone was amazed by zelskys speech, well, how amazed, so many speeches, the set of words and rhetoric were known in advance, so the tired delegates hurried, some to the buffet, some on business, in the hall there were either those who there was nowhere to go, or those who were sleeping, and of course the members of the delegation from ukraine , who, in principle, had nowhere to go, did not stand, because it doesnt matter when ukrainian propaganda works, but then the machine of benders patriotism malfunctioned, everyone saw, thanks to the beautifully mounted video that the young father of the ukrainian nation is able to look at himself from the outside. One of the frames shows that zelsky is present in the hall, who is listening to another zelsky, like everyone else present without much special attention. But in fairness it is necessary it should be noted that zelsky still had someone in the audience, unlike the speeches of olaf scholz, who read his speech exclusively for the stenographers secretaries. This is understandable. There is no point in listening to those who have turned their countries into objects of the policies of other states. On the sidelines of the same session , another important event took place in the c5. 1 format. Biden brought together the president s of five Central Asian countries for the first time. Biden, calling the meeting historic, immediately moved on to the fact that cooperation is based between the countries of central asia and the United States there should be a commitment to sovereignty , independence, territorial integrity and respect for individual freedom, three Priority Areas of joint activity were identified firstly, strengthening Regional Economic ties, based on a business platform, which means cordiality and diplomatic support, you working power and resources. Second, the fight against terrorism, including increasing us security funding, which implies the protection of everything obtained and honestly earned or stolen; thirdly, everyone was asked to make every effort in protecting the rights of people with disabilities. Curtained. Meanwhile, the arrival of the dprk leader in russia caused a stir in the world media much more than the memorable session of the General Assembly. The chenyn is still alive. He was interested in advanced technologies in the field of astronautics, aircraft rockets, medical development and education, and discussed military cooperation. It can be stated that in the far east we have a reliable, a timetested friend. The head of our state offered his colleagues from russia and north korea cooperation for three. I think we can think about collaborating somewhere. For three, north korea, russia, i know that there is huge interest , i think there will be a piece of work for belarus there, taking into account the problems that exist, people say that for three, this is our opinion, this is correct, but as for those introduced against dprk sanctions, let the envious people calm down, everything will be exclusively for humanitarian purposes. You cant miss the night train arriving at kyiv, secretary of state. Usa, anthony blinkin. He arrived, as they say, not empty handed; according to unverified data, he brought with him a billion freshly printed dollars. During the visit, blinken met with foreign minister kuleba, with whom he discussed security, energy and morning hangover needs. On a nonofficial friendly visit, dear gentlemen, we visited the center of american culture, the capital. Ukraine, mcdonalds restaurant, where we had a great time, not to mention hanging out with our dictatorial manners, everything about the mariinsky theaters, universities to the oceanarium, but what about us . But everything is fine with us , we are completing the harvest, establishing international relations, not closing borders and not hiding from anyone behind high fences, improving the Economic Situation in the regions, developing science and improving ourselves. The topic of education, we conducted a military brotherhood exercise with our allies, we are completing bilateral complex maneuvers of the armed forces, and we are preparing the peoples militia as an important component in the National Security system. People can sleep peacefully study, work, relax under a peaceful sky, the army will reliably protect their country. My name is andrey bogadel and it was a political standup, we continue to watch, believe me, it will be. Very interesting, more and more foreigners are coming to minsk, why does it attract them so much . I remember these scales, these roads, these beautiful stalin buildings that were built, architectural monuments. Which is located in minsk, and after i arrived, there are large areas and the architecture of the city impressed me greatly, and i really liked it, they realize themselves your capabilities. Aitah koikidele, nemisen. In addition to studying medicine and playing sports, i have another hobby, this is the school of istonian language and culture. In addition to the fact that i am studying at the faculty of international relations, i am also the chairman. And this organization is called the community council, it is an organization for foreign students of the belarusian state university, each of them has their own view of belarus. The belarusian people are generally very hospitable, goodnatured people who enjoy communicating. Look at tv channel belarus 24. They are dedicated to their work. I fully understand that i have a certain level of navat. There it is, because for me the museum is like a monastery, im going to take care of exactly what, well, first of all , its dear to me, and in my opinion, its dear and important. To other people, my childhood was spent in paris sport , which grew into youth, well, it already turns out that i have been here for half a century in my favorite sport, we are ready to share knowledge, my name is sergey morozov, i am the senior coach of the National Sailing team, now athletes follow similar courses, it is called fordvent to show one day from their life , an important element of the museums work is stated our main wealth is in caring hands, when the joy of what has been achieved, one so wants to share, create and develop, carefully preserving traditions, in the name of a successful and happy future , everyones contribution to the common cause is significant, and life with others in unity and love is true happiness, here there is always warmth from spiritual moments and family views, together at the same table. Belarus 24 what unites us. Since then, the light of their crafts has shone on the slutsk weavers, the famous paisans, who have worked with their own handicrafts in this land. The first trade brand of belarus is the dna of our culture. The golden thread of his story begins. In the middle of the 16th century, the popularity of the slutsk manufactory was so great that its branches were opened in russia , france, austria, but the belts from the machine were still called the lutsk ones. Bypassing the centuries, we have revived our heritage and its former glory. This is certainly our national heritage, which is now practically lost, and each sample of the products of the sludsk manufactory is now literally a canopy of gold, the cost in that 18th century, at the end of the 18th century from the lutsk belt was so high that it could be equated to the price of a small estate of hundreds of souls. The slutsk belt was such a unique transformation of eastern culture. On our lands, we all know that this production was started by armenian masters, jan madzharsky, and subsequently continued by his son leo madzharsky, who were so imbued with the feeling of this inner Belarusian National culture and peculiarities that the very format of the belt, its ornamental motifs were rebuilt, silk belts were worn only by men of the upper class, you could tie the belt in any way you like, the rule applied to everyone so that belts should not be tied in any way on knots, they could break or crumble. The best imported silk, gold and silver threads, rodevils knew a lot about luxury, during the heyday of the sludsk manufactory they created an exclusive, fashionable accessory for kontus building, more than fifty weavers, the same number under. Trained one weaver for about 7 years, only men worked at the manufacturing loom, it was believed that the touch was feminine. Hands the precious threads darken. It sometimes took our ancestors more than six months to create a belt

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