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The president of belarus received credentials from the ambassadors of 11 states, the geography of cooperation from europe to africa and latin america. This ceremony marks the start of the official work of diplomats in our country. As Alexander Lukashenko emphasized, the whole world is now on the difficult path of forming a new structure of International Relations and multipolarity. Belarus, which has experienced many shocks and has repeatedly stopped at the theater of war, has learned the lessons of history; our main task is to prevent new ones. Minsk has constantly pursued a very responsible foreign policy; never in history have we extended our jurisdiction beyond national borders. We pursue an open, peaceful policy, but not all western democracies like this. And then the arguments of powerlessness and sanctions enter. Yours countries have experienced this many times. Just like belarus, therefore we consistently persistently oppose any illegal restrictive measures that harm not so much us as the whole world. Thus, sanctions against belarusian rutted fertilizers, for example, agricultural products, equipment, seriously undermine global food security, lead to a decrease in yields and an increase in food prices, while the head of state addressed every diplomat, this is a kind of excursion, how further relations between countries will be built. Belarusian oil workers were the first in the cis to use advanced technology in the fields. She allows it. Actively develop Natural Resource reserves. The name of the technique is associated with the configuration of the wells and the order of the stage of hydraulic fracturing of the earth layer, reminiscent of lightning. The Innovative Technology was tested at the rechetsky field, the result exceeded expectations. The Technology Today consists of creating two or constructing two wells. In parallel, work is underway on hydraulic fracturing of the formation. In one well, hydraulic fracturing is being prepared, in the second this. Fracturing is being carried out, this gives us, firstly, an increase in the speed of work, and secondly, we increase the formation drainage zone due to greater cracking of the reservoir, based on the results of which we we expect Additional Oil production. Modern techniques make it possible to increase the rate of hydrocarbon production and develop hardtorecover reserves. Belarusians will be 100 provided with their cucumbers, from november to april, and production will also increase tomatoes in the offseason. Now these products cover the needs by only 35 . By 2027 they plan to double this figure. A plan has been adopted for the modernization of greenhouses and the construction of new ones. They will gradually increase the range of their greenhouse vegetables. And to prevent the rise in prices for vegetables in winter and the profitability of their production , Electricity Tariffs for greenhouses where additional Lighting Technology is used have been reduced. Depending on the greenhouse Cultivation Technology and depending on the type of vegetables, the cost structure is different, to for example, for cucumbers produced using additional Lighting Technology, energy costs amount to up to 40 . Therefore, the tariff reduction will have a Significant Impact on their cost. Now we are also laying out stap funds, special attention is being paid to preserving apples; the share of imported apples has already decreased by 40 in the first half of the year. Belarusian sales increased by almost. 20 . Belarus donated humanitarian aid to donbass; aid was sent on four trucks, clothing, food, personal hygiene items, stationery and medical equipment delivered to from the Charitable Foundation of alexei talay of the state enterprise beltopaz of the Belarusian Union of women and concerned belarusians. The fragile world of porcelain art at the National Art Museum of belarus is hosting an exhibition of life in miniature. About seventy sculptures of soviet porcelain are presented. Samples made back in the 20th century are on display. You can see not only elements of soviet table setting, but also animalistic works by such artists as vorobyov and riznich, instead of the usual ones. Acquaintance with the exhibition interactive program, you can complete the quest and go on a journey through the porcelain halls until midnovember. Today we will talk a little about what is happening on our border, and what is happening in our, as you said, limited neighbors, take this phrase as you wish, if you want to participate in our program, here is the qr code, point your smartphone at it and join the conversation, ask questions, if you just want to find out how the program lives and what thoughts our experts express, here is the second qr code, join him and you will read our telegram channel, in general, lets start, lets start, good evening. When we are preparing, when we are preparing for the program, behind the scenes, everyone knows that i always advocate that we discuss some internal issues, well , that is, i dont like to touch on the external contour, but still time dictates, then, that we must understand and be immersed in the processes that are taking place in states that are at least next to us, because well, we are not alone, and naturally, it is important to understand the context, so, looking to our neighbors, through social networks, this morning everyone was discussing that on the social network x, well, the former twitter, information appeared that the polish, i quote, thwarted the russianbelarusian plan to organize a new migration crisis in the country, everything as if nothing was wrong, everyone would be happy for the poles, but this publication was accompanied by. This publication was accompanied by photographs, frames that you see here, and which were captured, in general, posted by the polish official uh, forces themselves in november twenty first year, and it all turned out to be today, this morning, people in jackets, well, ill just say, people in jackets, september, september, the climate is just a little different, so its clear that we have already. Learned a little checking the information, it turns out that its not very difficult, yes, its enough to sort of google it sometimes, but taking advantage of the fact that we have a representative of our border committee, anton, on our site, i have a question for you if we really talked today, showed footage, yes, on that very border, so that our neighbors could see it from poland, well, first of all, we need to say that yes indeed. A video published on the social network of the ministry of National Defense of poland, actually two years ago, the footage obviously shows the engineering barriers that the polish side was erecting at that time. At the current moment in time, they have completed the complete covering of the state border with a fivemeter, permanent fence, which, in their opinion , should stop illegal migrants, well , they havent decided yet, it seems, its necessary vote for it to be demolished now, to be demolished, the fence is there, in their opinion, it should stop the flow of migrants, there are special gates in it, supposedly for animals, but never during the entire existence of this fence have the Border Service of the republic of belarus recorded so that these cages are used for their intended purpose, but they are used to expel onto our territory, forcefully push out, correctly speaking, legally, those unfortunate people who are looking for Better Living conditions in the countries of the European Union, i must say, not even in poland, in the depths of the European Union, that is, our country, however, like poland, is a transit country on the routes of migration and refugees. Anton, well, then, when these events unfolded in november of twentyone, well, there really was a cluster of these unfortunate people, remember, then the head of state came to this center, which was organized for them, and now. It still exists or not, how is the situation there in general . At the current moment, the situation is of course different from what it was in november of the twentyfirst year, there are no such numerous outbreaks , uh, there are occasional cases when, indeed, groups uh try to cross the state border, and often, in principle, we record that these. Refugees, they are detained on the adjacent side, collected into groups, so that it would be convenient for the polish Security Forces, through these gates, under the influence of pepper gas, threats with weapons , poking, kicking, into our territory, sometimes half dead, in fact, sometimes even practically dead, anton, here i am again about 15 years ago, when i worked as a reporter, in fact, being at the borders, i very often saw and heard from Border Guards, not always publicly, but now i think, we can say that in fact, the belarusian Border Guards were a kind of fence, guardians of the European Union, because that the issue of migration never arose, they were detained, in fact, we have operational Border Guards as if the guys, too , were detained by operatives even in cities where, for example, these migrants accumulated in order to then cross the border, in fact speaking, everything would be fine if history had not changed its coordination poles , that is, we resolved the issue of europe, europe seemed to give money for this so that we could develop the border, everyone was interested in this, now the story turns out like this, we are accused of the fact that migrants appeared in belarus, although 1520 years ago they were also here, you are absolutely right, the history of the construction of illegal routes in general, or simply migration routes, speaks for itself. Itself, people are looking for Better Living conditions for yourself, often with your own children, for their children to a greater extent, naturally, they are looking for the easiest ways to get where they want, well, they were called there, merkel called, she says come, there are factors that really push, push factors and form migration routes, in countries where they are striving, naturally, there are programs that are aimed at integrating supposedly these refugees, poland and lithuania got in the way in order to simply prevent them from getting to them, although they understand perfectly well that they are the ones in europe, well, i not i know why this is really being done, sing, thats what you think, thats. Why did they come out as such a radical frontier, you know . Maybe, until peter expressed his opinion, we talked a lot about the fact that the same poles, the same lithuanians , at some point they felt somewhat insecure in the European Union, because well, it was as if their place was being shown to them, on the one hand, yes, you are members of the eu, on the other hand, but you still dont reach enough to feel like one, here you go, cheap labor, here i would be said a slightly different factor, they divided the migrants by type, so it turned out that the migrants who go along the flow through belarus to russia are the wrong migrants, although in parallel, let me remind you, the flow of migrants went through ukraine no less, and maybe more, even more, and they still go through italy and no one really reacts to them, and integrates everything that they didnt like in the west, a very simple thing when the European Union led against us. We refused to finance and fulfill the agreement on readmission, that is, that we should protect their border, they said, if you behave like this, why should we finance you from our own budget, imposed sanctions against us and simply ensure your security, they howled, we remember, a year they did it themselves. Situation, they howled, they began to beat migrants, they threw off their, as they say, such a liberal european face, under which there was a russian, russian ascal, yes, thats what happened, and the Baltic States and poland are puppets, on the one hand sitting on the brussels game, and with on the other side, those sitting on the american side, well, look, now in the elections the migration card is being played to the fullest, after all, the troops approached the border with one main goal, including protection from migrants . Well, here i would say it a little differently, look, yes, there is a contradiction between. And warsaw, this visa scandal, when it turned out that the polish ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the largest number of visas of all the countries of the European Union to citizens of asia and africa, today germany, by the way, germany today by the way, she officially said that if this scandal flares up, and some facts are actually proven, then germany can conduct border control, it already has selective passports. Control was at least introduced on the border with poland, but ill just agree that this information was leaked from the media of france and germany, that is, this brussels lobby, why it happened, because the poles did not want to perform the very functions that they were imposed by the European Union, yes, now they are in this this path, these fakes have been throwing out photographs. For years they supposedly are fighting against migrants sharply, this is to pull the arrows of a political technological move before the elections, ill explain why, they pumped up the peace rating through the image of creating an image of an enemy and fear in relations between belarus and russia since 30 at the end of may to 40 at the end of august, the visa scandal collapsed peaces rating to 32 . These are the indicators that. Well, we know that these migrants, unfortunate fighters for democracy, for human rights, are expelled in an unfit condition, many journalists, in including, now the film was shown to one of the polish journalists in several cinemas, then it was closed, the polish border area is closed to journalists, one gets the impression that something is wrong there. Something is wrong and well, lets say, many european journalists, belarusian journalists say that on the polish side there are almost death squads that shoot and throw out, shoot and throw out, this is indeed the case, now the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case case, including the incident that took place in bruzgi in november of twentyone, what is actually happening now is that in the volumes of this criminal case, all the basic principles of this feigned democracy, which they are positioning, are being documented, then there is unprecedented cruelty, this is actually the genocide of people, the division of people, again, they give themselves such a right, they choose who deserves to live within the European Union, who does not deserve to live, in fact now the Security Forces at the borders poland, lithuania, the same latvia have been given a free hand, they are essentially doing what they want , that is, they are really on people, the hunt for people begins, the facts that were established during. Interrogations of the same migrants who, one might say , miraculously survived, who were expelled by force outside our territory, they tell terrible things and sometimes the composure and cruelty with which these people behave is simply amazing, again, i think its not worth reminding anyone of what happened in bruzgi, that is, in fact, everyone saw then, a lot journalists saw that the polish Security Forces were actually driving these people away from the Border Crossing like animals. Migrants, and who they drove away, people, children who were simply looking for, lets say, going to a better life, again not to their country, well, i have a question, we opened a criminal case, is there even a chance that this will the case ever end in a suspended trial . We can say that anyway, any period ends sooner or later, and indeed, i am sure that the time will come when this matter will end in a suspended trial, but at present the polish side is absolutely. Refuses, they have reduced International Cooperation to nothing, in fact, this position of poland and lithuania is very actively covered up, lobbied by the same un, in july, at the base, in july of 22, a delegation from the un came, led by a special rapporteur on rights of migrants, then they were provided with all the evidence, that is, they were indeed provided with the materials of criminal cases, including the Investigative Committee already has information about the polish Security Forces who were. At the border at that time, who were in principle involved in these crimes, but at the same time there was no effective reaction from the un, that is, in fact, the World Community does not care about the situation, which here is emil chechko, who also gave his own testimony, this testimony, it is somehow present in criminal cases, of course, all this testimony is not present in the criminal case, that is, he was interrogated all this , which means all this. To criminal materials case, and this was also provided, all his testimony was provided, including to the special rapporteur of the entire un delegation at that time, and now you are recording some new facts, because well, one way or another. In the press periodically appearing, appearing constantly these facts, an Investigative Task force is sent out without fail, for each such case, all this is recorded, now we currently have two criminal cases, one of which contains all the horrors that the polish side is doing and evidence of them the lithuanian side is also involved in these crimes; who is tougher, the poles or the lithuanians . Probably everyone showed. To their own extent what they are capable of, that is, somewhere the lithuanians showed what they are capable of when people in need of medical care somewhere carry each other in their arms outside this fence, when they throw them out, when people are practically freezing to death, that is, the polish side showed all its glory in bruzgi, that is, well, there is now approximately at least some number, for example, of dead and wounded, or such doesnt keep statistics, well, if we say, lets say, what is now. Accumulated within the framework of a criminal case, then on the polish side there are at least 150, that is, there are already more than 150 victims, a dozen dead, information on the lithuanian side is now being accumulated, that is, there are already more than 30 victims and also about a dozen dead, but this is again the same information, it continues to be constantly updated, never, that is , as you yourself noticed, very often cases come up in the media about what was found somewhere found. And citizens of which countries suffer most often . Ill just end this question with one more question, to understand that currently citizens of the countries of the middle east and afghanistan are suffering, that is , this is the category of people who most often end up in, i just have a question, because well, okay, we are a territory, where the crime took place, the poles, we can actually say that on the other side, well, there are murderers, i declare, as if this is not in the conditions of a procedural process, but still. And countries that have lost their citizens countries of the middle east, can in the future these countries, for example, turn to the Investigative Committee of belarus for information in order to, well, we will give an example of the same nyumen process, when in any case some atrocities ended in trial and punishment, if suddenly the countries of the middle east turn to us for information in order to find the criminals who killed their citizens, we will provide this information, we will provide this information, always cooperation with the Investigative Committee goes through the embassy and through meades diplomatic channels, that is, we had precedents when relatives of deceased migrants arrived, and that is , they were also interrogated there, certain conversations were held with them, they were told about the circumstances of the crime committed against their deceased relative there, indeed such facts are a connection, in any case, they are relatives , they have the right to know what happened to their son there, of course, we are open to cooperation, unlike the same eu countries, they are closed to cooperation, they do not have this information imagine, we are a jungle, well, what difference does it make, how many people die here, for what beads, vitalich, what do you think, in fact, can this situation ever end with some kind of punishment for people, or the Current Conditions of the polish, we are now arent we talking about the polish people in general . As our president , he says poles are poles, there is an establishment or authorities , at the moment it is possible to resolve this situation in at least some way, under this polish government, under this polish government, in such a Short Historical period, it is unlikely yes, but if you go back, you remembered our head of state, alexander grigorievich, he said more than once that all crimes have their starting point and there is a period of bringing to justice, you and i can clearly see what a number of people said. Our head in the political field found his confirmation of those moments , as he said, therefore, of course, taking into account the fact that the migration norm is not the norm of a separate state, it is an international norm, they must be observed, without a doubt, that from the outside relatives, but also countries will be presented with a claim precisely, as you said, to the country in which the war killers were located in relation to , here, for example, how can i. See some signs of the same genocide, no matter how it is now the ukrainian side will now try to cover up the russians there in their own country, i am not strong in jurisprudence in this matter, but here there are unarmed people who go for help, they are simply shot, they do not provide assistance, why, because they understand that there will be no answer, well for example, the United States of america, yes, be that as it may, in fact, from any incident from our minister, how the invitation was accepted, today we are again talking about international organizations, brickshoks, which unite, today seeing the weakness of the un instruments, international protection, the same security council, where out of five there are three countries, unfortunately, the United States, england, france, which systematically blocks certain issues, this is todays moment, tomorrow will change, i m more than sure, ongoing negotiations between countries, what will happen. Global, well, we can assume that the border of poland and belarus will eventually become, for example, the border of europe and the shanghai cooperation organization, because this is what it is leading to, yes , that is, in theory, the border of the collective west and the collective east, it has already practically become, this is the wall that they built, in fact, this is a new berlin wall, and we see that it is from their side that initiatives are being taken to freeze it. Across the border, make it as inconvenient as possible, and moreover, engage in discrimination against citizens of belarus and russia on the territory European Union. As for migrants, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that in addition to western human rights organizations, iran, iraq, and arab states have a huge network of their own human rights organizations. All cases that show discrimination, especially the murder of citizens on ethnic or religious grounds, such as migrants, they are all recorded, for example, the iranian government often issues relevant annual reports, where they record, as in the European Union in the United States of america, iranians by origin and in general, muslims are discredited. Develop, it may come to a new september 11th, i just dont want to develop this story, olga igorevna, what do you think, in fact, what could happen on our borders, peter says that we are really becoming a kind of civilizational border between the west and the east, if now the same poland and lithuania are trying to, well, brazenly throw people out, yes , that is, it is supposed that they will not get anything for this, it seems like the west is protecting belarus, after all. If she will enter east european and east asian family, we can count on some kind of, for example, worldwide, or for example, at the sco level, approval of our actions, because we also condemn polish actions, in order to at least somehow to take the problem, well, for example, to the un level, i think that we should be objective, and not give the poles, not advertise them too much, not the poles idea. Separation of sorts of migrants, this was a long time ago, this is the essence of the migration policy of any state, everyone is attracted to their country only specialists, everyone else, well, unfortunately they dont need it, as for the berlin wall or the cold war, whatever it is 30 or 4 00, lets still remember that the cold war is a war of ideologies, and not a war, just building walls, the wall was built by the poles and lithuanians, but what experience do they have. Neither the poles nor the lithuanians have either experience or capabilities, as for the European Union, we are talking about a certain bloc, well, today , polands position is very. Severely criticized in the European Union, to say that they are all united, yes , they are becoming toxic, it is with caution, in any case, that is, taking into account those actions, based even on the testimony, based on the picture at the scenes of incidents, we can say one thing, that now, if we if we have already started talking about ideology, then the countries of the European Union follow exclusively fascist ideology, that is, these are the ideals that are still alive. Which the whole world has been struggling with, and now they are simply expressed in this form, that is , taking into account, as i already said, they decide who live within the European Union, that is, they elevate themselves above other people , that is, they really put themselves above, and we have a certain article that can, for example, relatively speaking, ultimately lead to us condemning this fascism , well, in reality, well, we have articles , that is, now everything is qualified as a crime against the safety of humanity, that is, also for the propaganda of war, it is known from the cold or from not receiving medical care, therefore, considering what sanctions, that up to Death Penalty is provided. For these crimes, but it is clear that such actions will already be stolen, they understand that perhaps their lives will already end by the time they have to, look, yesterday, a fascist who fled from ukraine during the aftermath of the war was honored, yes, was honored in the Canadian Parliament, this man lived to see the moment when the president of ukraine, the Prime Minister of canada applauds him, they are doing great. Yes, here you are absolutely right on topic , because we see what noise there is in general rose as a result, yes, probably there will be more views on youtube, as the Canadian Parliament applauded this criminal, yes, then there were some apologies, but again we understand perfectly well that as part of the information war that is being waged, the viewer will probably forget, watch this applause, accept certain information, and i think, i hope, after all. Look a little deeper, or maybe this was done specifically so that biden would have a reason to turn away a little from zelensky, because these concepts, these movements, they are in general now, but zelsky is already from regime the whole world is getting tired of zelsky, we see this from the information resources that are broadcast, we see about the statements. Their closest neighbors, we see a statement from the poles, who said, well, if you dont want to, we shouldnt ask for friendship with ukraine, its ukraine that should lead in such a way that we continue to help ukraine, supply weapons, and so on, we see a grain deal that is in question, and we understand that this unity, the pseudounity of the European Union, it has, in general, touched upon, yes, the moment that poland acts with an eye on brussels, that is. I think that he is a lot of sa, they believe that they will be protected at any time, at any moment , they will stand up for them, no matter what they do, but it seems to me that this is very selfconfident, when they realize this, there is some fear that they will become, well, really gesticulate, i absolutely agree with you, we must not forget that in 3 weeks we will have parliamentary elections, yes, they have parliamentary elections ahead of them in the peace party, and the civil platform party, they compete very much with each other, in this context, naturally, the polish establishment will do whatever they want, most importantly, with this photograph, which we saw from the year twentyone, yes, in principle, they will do similar things in order to prove to the polish population that they are acting correctly, they propose certain development programs. In fact, even here today in the program there was a question whether it will change, either it wont, who will come to power, peace or, little igor nikolavich, im here i read peters telegram, and he just expressed the opinion that if peace comes, its probably bad, but its worse than isolation, yes, ill explain why, because peace today creates a certain nervousness, and the absence of such an agreement within the euroatlantic framework. We understand what will happen next, yes, but some things will be lackluster, but i dont agree here that the americans want to do something there, to bend someone over there, yes, they want to change peace to a civil platform, because it today is more beneficial to a democratic administration, more manageable, it will follow these agreements, carry out euroatlantic discipline, peace brings a bard into this discipline. There will be corpses at the border, of course, look, now the germans are trying to introduce, now passport control, and then maybe they will introduce border control, there will be corpses, if not on this side then on that side, but i am sure that tusk will pursue exactly the same policy, it will just be quieter, look at biden, who came to the United States and began to pursue an even tougher antimigration policy, i think that we must agree with what our president said, that only an independent state can decide the topic of elections, today we have all known for a long time that poland, the whole of europe is not under external control, if today we take the classic concept of the president of the people, who is elected, namely classics, legal , legal, constitutional basis, that is , you and i can clearly see that not one of the leaders of the European Union fits this, a number of politicians have long been saying that these are. Regional managers, whom the United States sends to work, and today there will be a choice of manager, appointment of a manager, but not elections , a mechanism will take place, it seems, but it will be, sash, we are now going to advertising, i have one last question for you, can a criminal case be brought against one of the leaders of poland or lithuania. Here is todays example russia opened a criminal case against a teenager against the head of the International Criminal court, because we know the story with putin, who was also filed in this criminal court. We basically. We can, well, im not saying now, a purely political decision, or really people who pass such laws or pass or give orders to kill people, they also bear responsibility, of course, they bear responsibility, and you need to understand that this is responsibility they will be overtaken, including from our side, it is clear that in certain cases criminal cases may be initiated, and you need to understand that we have now talked a lot about elections, about something else, but we should not forget that after all these are. Countries of doubles standards, like poland, like lithuania, because what were talking about now means that they dont allow migrants in, while these are the countries that in 2020 absolutely calmly sheltered under their wing the extremists and terrorists who are now there exist, they create their own coalitions, that is, they consolidate, they develop some actions and even, taking into account the elections in those countries, it is not known to what tune, according to what instructions i will begin. What instructions will these same extremists and terrorists who tried to break the constitutional system of our country to seize power, it is unknown what instructions they will receive there, because in fact they are now the center of extremism and terrorism, they can really calmly keep criminals in their place, while absolutely pouring gas on children, people who need help. Today we are discussing our limited neighbors, lets call it that. Anton, well , journalists get the feeling that belarus is such a besieged fortress, in the south we have minefields, in the east there is a fivemeter fence, checkpoints are closed checkpoints, checkpoints are closed in lithuania, there are 2 in latvia, one was closed last week, that in general at the border, well, you correctly said that today at the border, the border infrastructure, which provides channels for International Relations, has suffered greatly, lets say, in as a result of the actions of the collective west or specific countries, there was only one working checkpoint left in the latvian direction, which reduced the throughput by exactly half, although they closed the most popular checkpoint, silinaya, through which people settled here crossborder, about eight and 10 to braslov, that is, between these two cities there is all the tourist infrastructure, large cities that have medical care, Large Chain Stores and stores, and so on, here it must be said that first of all, they are annoyed by the absence of visas , because all the statistics that we regularly publish in all our sources indicate that visafree is popular, listen, yes, around the city, its a day off, i shared my impressions, youre traveling around minsk . Feeling that youre in riga, there are cars with latvian license plates, theyre driving in traffic, motorcyclists, that is, its obvious that, well, not only with lithuanian license plates, even more so, in grodno, there for sure, but its a breeze, the question is, the settlement was closed, its generally how can they close it, it was closed in 2 hours, yes, you said that some kind of emergency situation should be declared there, on the latvian side there is an emergency situation, they declared such an emergency. During the period of increasing migration threat, in their opinion, now they also have such a regime, in conditions of which they attract additional forces, supposedly to protect the state border, and the most important thing that i want to focus on is that they are closing checkpoints through which migrants did not pass, we talked about this in the first half of our program, but thats exactly under the pretext of struggle, you think they should in fact increase the number of employees at the second checkpoint, no, there is logic, i, as a latvian journalist, can ask you, please tell me, anton bychkovsky, from what minute to a citizen a man begins to approach latvia with a request to recruit him to the belarusian kgb, that is. That the first person he sees is a citizen of latvia a border guard, a border guard, they are told how you will come, then anton will come up and say lets work with us in the same way, well, no, of course , but theyre good. Well, my guys just recently went to lithuania and reported that there were no questions for the belarusian Border Guards, everything went very quickly, well, the lithuanians probably artificially asked there, well, they didnt ask, they didnt ask, but it just took a very long time, before closing the checkpoints, they started with this, they did not slow down, the throughput of most checkpoints in the lithuanian direction does not exceed 36 , that is, if it must pass. Lets say 100 trucks, yes, then only 36 pass through, but this was not enough for them, well, because if they let even fewer through, we have statistics on border checkpoints, in fact, before and after closure on the lithuanian border, it increased , well, it has grown significantly, because that at each checkpoint the number of cars increased by 2530 percent, after the closure of two checkpoints in the lithuanian direction at neighboring checkpoints in the lithuanian direction, and the flow , or rather the queue, the waiting time increased by at least 20 , on peak days by 40, well, we have this statistics, it turns out, look how red this growth is after the checkpoints were closed, absolutely right, roman, good afternoon, through which checkpoint did you enter the republic of belarus, well first of all, im running, roman, a citizen of latvia already, how long have you been living in belarus, well , since december 15, december, actually, which point should you skip . Through lithuanian, through lithuanian, through latvian they didnt let you out, but i couldnt go there, because i was scared that they would just stop me there on the spot, in general they would send me to the local gestatp service, well, thats what you can call it, well, after how long ill ask a question, kirill, a man approached you and started recruiting, well, no one approached me personally, but i ll say, the really terrible situation is that that they put up these posters, that dont move in, theyll recruit you there, everything will be terrible, and you wont come back, and really, but people somehow react to them, in general. No, well, ill say, people, of course they react because they really dont want to go back, because when they come here they like it here, that s the problem, the second thing is that at the border very often such, you know, populist reports are made by the reporter when they approach the grandfather, who is sitting there, well, excuse me there in the muscovite, yes, only our opel there will have some kind of trailer with this trailer, which means that the one who goes for firewood is targeted to the republic of belarus, because they are 10 times cheaper, and they come up to him and say, they will recruit you and in general everything will be scary there, the grandfather looks at him and just thinks, youre like a son, everything is fine there or not, look, novel, in any case, you follow the news that is happening in latvia, how did they explain the closure of the checkpoint right now to latvian citizens . Yes, its very simple, in fact, this is window dressing, it is being done for brussels, because there is a command from above that such aggressors are supposedly their neighbors, all the business, and accordingly, as if this is another reason not to let out its own citizens the republic of latvia, because word of mouth works very well, we know this, plus, when there is some kind of danger from neighbors, yes, accordingly you can ask for some subsidies, because in fact latvia, lithuania, poland are on the borders of the European Union , and accordingly, in order to protect them, well, we need more money, we know very well that latvia itself cannot exist anymore, those three latvian Border Guards who came to the universe, they will save the whole world, if suddenly, as if hypothetically, well, wait, in first of all, you dont know and dont understand a lot here, tanks only drive on public roads, they dont drive through forests, thats why all these concrete things that they put there are specially for tanks, you understand, that s all we have to burn out, thats why i have it there is also an opinion about this, since there were facts when , after the closure of the checkpoint in. The direction, citizens of a neighboring state, residents of nearby regions, still came to the checkpoint demanding to let them through, and so on, for which they naturally received physical force from the state Border Protection service they kill people than the people, so today , probably in neighboring countries, when closing checkpoints, it is very important to put reinforced concrete blocks to pull the barb, just due to the fact that its own population could not. Following your logic, the blocks are not from the belarusians, but from the latvians themselves. Olga igorevna, i have this question, well, from the theoretical category, some people say that. That is, some say that sooner or later we will come to the point that the European Union countries will completely close all checkpoints, others say that no, well, this still wont be allowed, then the question arises, who will remain this very window, well, through whom will all the flows go, who will receive the main dividends . I wouldnt rule it out that the European Union, well, lets not say the European Union, because what we are discussing now is at the national level, this is. Something that has never existed, there is european legislation, european Law Enforcement practice, and there is national, here in february of the twentyfirst year, when potassium fertilizers were banned, for the first time in the lithuanian parliament, potassium is a threat to National Security , this was not carried out at the eu level, but only at the national level, today all countries are doing it, here are our borderlands, they are doing everything, to strengthen the national bloc, so i would not rule out the option. But you asked about borders, so i wouldnt rule out what will come to their minds at the next moment, its very difficult to say, but how long brussels will tolerate this is a big question, because otherwise everything, everything that has been developed decades without these countries, they are new, only since 2004, they are destroying that entire system today, not us, not belarusians, not russians, but. Namely poland, lithuania, latvia and, well, estonia, well they are actually under the influence of america , well, isnt that right, what do you think, this is the main question, thats when they say the European Union does not agree, well, germany did not agree with the explosions of the northern streams, what could it do, we are talking today that there is a collective west, yes, there are different points of view, but it is unanimous in one thing, to prevent the elimination of the unipolar world order, so not only do we have a border here, yes, they are building fences, finland is building a fence, norway is building a fence, absolutely right, we should talk about dividing the world into a collective west and a collective east, what are european bureaucrats doing . They are ruining their own economy in the name of this euroatlantic solidarity, valuebased solidarity, lets talk directly about racism, colonialism, arrogance, they themselves called it an american political scientist. Liberal fascism from muusali to obama, well , we should probably write before biden, that is, they are opposed by the collective east, which speaks not of unipolarity, but of multipolarity, there is no russianism, there are no higher and lower, there is national and union interests, we must somehow come to an agreement, reform the security council, as our foreign minister said, and not at the expense of the countries of the collective west, as. The americans propose italy, germany, spain, to include japan, yes, but at the expense of the countries collective east, india, pakistan, iran, brazil, argentina, south africa , this is what we propose, that is, today we have a fundamental watershed, and it will be possible to get out of this watershed when the International World order is transformed, today we have a point of befurcation, the old organs like the un are nonfunctional, but im asking a question as a resident of your native grodno, i have a question, maybe im not the only one who has this question, why vilnius and bialystok are mossy european provinces, and grodno is the gateway to the eurasian union, the feeling is that we we are somewhere completely, pardon the expression, in the very farthest. There is no such thing as europe, bialystok and vilnius suffer from the fact that we dont go to them, in principle, big europe doesnt need them, but for us grodna is the gateway, well, ill even quote the president s words that it is a pearl in general in relation to krodno, he spoke out, in fact, grodna is truly unique in its location and multicultural, and if we talk about the history of grodno, we know, for example, that two sections of the polishlithuanian commonwealth, such a history also took place in the city of grodno, so thats all these things. That are happening in the world today, they draw a slightly different parallel , yes, but in modern times there is no feeling of grodno as a wild province, but bialystok arises, but i think this is due to the fact that we are in our traditional culture, you see, we have always been tolerant, we even had four languages ​​on the coat of arms of our state, so in this regard , grodno is probably such a compilation of these good human, humanistic relations, and i can say, as a resident of grodno , the fact that visits from people who come from abroad are quite popular in our country, just recently, yes, of course, before the event with trailers, a year, for example, we had a lot, of course, of the language, lithuanian, latvian, polish, now a little less, but still this movement continues, and we see this in purchasing power and in the average check in a store, because these people come and support our economy, and indeed it was mentioned here today, peter, that people come here for cheap goods, it is true, food, medicine, Light Industry and the like are very popular. Therefore, we must still not bow down to europe, or to those closest neighbors who exalt themselves; let me remind you that back in 2017 maps appeared on trains in poland, where the city, in 2021, when the president , by his decree, established the day of national unity, the polish Foreign Ministry said that belarusians have lost their original roots, they are losing, i want to note that our original roots are definitely not. Poland, therefore, we must know our history, we must convey it, first of all, to the younger generation, again, do not forget where vilna once was, yes, where bialystok once was, again, we do not pretend to reconsider boundaries, you as a person with its probably impossible to talk about an official position, but i always say that vilna, in principle, has roots in belarus, the city in which , in fact, the congress on the unification of two belaruss, western and eastern, took place . Roman, heres a question about how many people from your circle, not your circle, in latvia would like to leave latvia, for the reason that, well, how some countries exalt themselves, i wont say who your president is, who you have a Prime Minister, yes, one is unconventional, one is gay, the second is considered a porn star, and this is normal for latvia, well, now this is real, but its kind of everyday, which you want or dont want, but the citizens of latvia need to come to terms with, in general i. Every day, i myself blog, yes, this is how life goes in the republic of belarus, i compare it a little, but i have a more politicized blog, i will say that i receive from twenty to 50 requests every day, roman, how to come, how to integrate into the republic of belarus , what i need, what are the first steps, that is, well, the request is unrealistic, colossal, to be honest, i even had such an idea, how to create some kind of community, consolidation of litvians, to help that company create, what are you . Why a company, im not a businessman, so, but the request is colossal, of course, and you know , this has been going around for a long time now, when it appears in the media about the dictatorship in the republic of belarus, and many are already saying that we would like such a dictatorship, maybe if there was order, well, these rumors are already circulating, as if in kitchens, vitaly yuevich, we will still return to the issue of closing borders, well, heres your opinion, again from the category of assumptions, they are closing borders, lets say . They will close all the checkpoints, well, it seems they will be protected from migrants, there are also some threats from which they are hiding, what will happen next, well, the fences will be erected, dismantled, probably built again, but what else . Well, ill return to external control, this is the big strategy of the United States of america, we can take directive no. 2 of 1948 of the Council Security and everything is laid out there, including the baltic countries, how they should act. Now 70 years have passed and this mechanism, unfortunately, has come into effect, closing itself economically, today for the United States of america, they are reaching a completely different level of military operations, that is, today they have russia, the slavs are one category with which civilization needs to fight, islam, the second civilization, next comes india, china, sorted into sections, a war not in the regions, a war with civilizations, therefore, creating a conflict through fences and precisely creating a conflict within social tension, then further movement, development of the conflict, believe me, one of the main tasks is that america does not need rural europe, this has been since the period of vladimir ilyovich lenin, he paid attention to the europeans when they were socialist in ours they fought, that is, this is the same strategy, today no , this is a unified management, europe is such an appendage, where i will return again, their top managers stand, because today no one, no one is the guarantor of the constitution, like our president , completely different manners of behavior, what the owner needs, what the owner says from the ocean, then the manager is a top manager in this region, you know, it s interesting when ours, especially gifted in the twentieth year, one of the theses broadcast, it means that the leader. The state should be just a manager, we are the people, we hired him, that means he should be ours there, we are the power here, they said, we are the power here, yes, well, this is the manager, the president absolutely nothing. But at the same time its still in my head, of course i i dont know exactly what they had there, but i admit that they believed that this manager , in any case, is, as it were, the main person, that there is no one above him, and so above the manager there is always a general director , at a minimum, the manager is the one who trades well, the president , is the one who is always ahead of his people, there is a clear interpretation, obviously i am trading, the manager, they were ready to sell the country, so they did not wait for the manager, but nothing worked out for them, in my opinion. Recently i was selling, just recently, yes, i was selling, i dont even know these names pr, what they are trying to do inside, by the way, the question is, what do you think, the polish elections on our comrades who fled, they somehow influence, they are sick, they, what are they doing, they know about it , that someone there will change , their life will be worse, or nothing will change for them, in my opinion, i dont really follow them, the fugitive headquarters, yes, sometimes they appear, in my opinion, their narrative goes perfectly a little different. Regarding the passport of new belarus, regarding, and regarding the fact that how they will come here with whom they will come there with the kolinovsky regiments there in the eighties and how they will build a new belarus here , this election platform slips a little, but lets say they are working out the agenda, what is the task for them, what is the political establishment setting for them , then they are working on it, they will tell them to work for the election of signatures, yes the signature will work, but the Electoral Campaign that we have ahead of us, so in this context we need to wait for enough such and political statements , including such may not be very good, i have its just a question of air, but how will they start from behind a fivemeter fence, this is also somehow inconvenient, this is a very important point, remember there was one fugitive who allegedly shook hands with the minister. Year to come here, take part in the elections, because that grants will not be given any other way. The year 2425 is upon us, and this is a complete crisis of legitimacy, anyone in this room remembers the name sharetsky, he, too, history, after the ninetieth year ran around the european parliaments there, said that he was the president. Where is he now . Here is tikhonovskaya, all her headquarters, they are preparing, they must be ready for this scenario, they are all nervous , i agree, but here is another point, poland will use them and throw them out in certain situations, and here they are beneficial to the poles today, not profitable tomorrow, where they will run, this is their problem. They are also suffering because of the closure of the border, they are all talking about how we will go now to treat our teeth, how we will go to give up , that is, come up with a lot, so for them, for ordinary people or for unusual idiots, i want to say , this is also like problem, how is it solved or is it good for them, closed closed . I would still like to say a small comment about the fence, it would probably be simple for us, for everyone, if the collective west separated from us, and we became the collective east, how well everything would be resolved, they are at home there sitting, and we are building here, there is a lot more, i am convinced that no one will give up such a huge Resource Base that exists in the east, america, in order to support their country, are constantly needed. Resources and money, the European Union is currently fulfilling its mission, but unfortunately it cannot satisfy the interests of the United States, as for our opposition, well , unfortunately, the situation is a little more complicated and where will they run, this seems to me to be the question today no, we forgot a little that a special representative has been appointed, i dont remember his exact position, he is the former ambassador to the republic of belarus, the republic of poland to the republic of belarus, and he has now been appointed. Kind coordinator, officially from mida, and he will be, yes, thats exactly the word, he will control their contacts, yes, he will control their contacts, their meetings, their trips, so i think that the situation here is a little more complicated and against the backdrop of elections this opposition agenda is also becoming denser, everything will not be so simple , it will not be a guaido scenario, in any case, well, yes, petya, at the end, please tell me, this whole story with supposedly different opinions in poland cannot be a slight brain fog, that is, everyone knows that peace will win, and there is supposedly some kind of bitch there, but to the american, thats not a fact. Poland simply created the same picture in itself, similar to the american one, there are liberals of the civil platform, there is peace, but they have an economic base. Peace is an angloamerican business, the civil platform is a germanbrussels business, some certain tactical roughness, and the main problem of poland in general for us. That this is not a sovereign or a limited sovereign state, which is why they dont change horses at the crossing and it seems to me that everything will remain as they have that is why i believe that the polish people do not have to choose between these two parties , at a minimum, they need to get rid of them, this is the one looking after the polish people, now i will say, poles, you are incredible, thats about it, come on, they supported us, us, as they say, yes supposedly people who are in august. We are the authorities here, let us also support, this is how they will treat us, come on, our most important task is, forward to the warsaw streets, lets pump up, here to ensure a breakthrough in their information the space they created as a prison , to sing, well, they are clearing it out in such a way that in general they have already cleared it, but we have the resource to break through this clearing, the polish people should have the right to hear. An alternative point of view, an alternative point of view and the position that our state, including the president , constantly broadcasts, we are a peaceloving state, we are for peace, and we can destroy any walls, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, for now its not too late, well, look, we really are like that a european nation, which in principle is friendly with everyone, we have relatives everywhere, that is , take a fence, build, well, this cannot be separated from brother, from sister. That is, in any case, we will communicate and they already know what is better with us, they are coming, well, listen, belarus is a country that was really created in order to live well here. Live panorama in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, geography is the whole planet, belarus is establishing ties with friendly partners around the world,

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