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Trade and moving on, in the palace of independence they discussed prospects and a new large piece of work with the leningrad region. Officially, kiev is starting to leak, our president s prophecy is coming true, well tell you why warsaw resurrected the story of the Ukrainian Missile right now, which exploded in poland, the bright past, which became our dark present, in an attempt to live in peace and friendship, we in the soviet union with faith and hope, were looking for banderas followers for freedom, alas, hopes did not come true, where does neonazism come from in ukraine, we will show in the project, this is different, see also in our issue, from a joint venture for the production of aircraft to the supply of the most necessary goods, about new projects in cooperation with russia, they were discussed today at the negotiations of our president with the governor of the leningrad region, details in a couple minutes in panorama. About the great power of art. Inconvenient for the official warsaw cinema in the authors section of the platform. The development of private business, new jobs, gasification of Populated Areas are the focus of attention of deputies of the house of representatives, as well as dialogue platforms and personal meetings with voters, what else a deputys everyday life in the district is filled with, we will tell you in a panorama. A place of quiet happiness, where there is everything for a comfortable life, lets take. A trip to the urban village of kopys, which, thanks to government support, received a second breath, a place to live, see the new project of the telenovova agency in the panorama. Their products are valued in belarus and far beyond the countrys borders. For the thirtieth time , a largescale construction exhibition brings together the best in their industry. Lets show anniversary footage. Two new major projects, this is today our president said during negotiations with the governor of the leningrad region. Firstly, the countries will launch joint production of aircraft, another project is the construction of a second railway line from belarus to st. Petersburg and region. This will make it possible to transport large cargoes to russian ports and from there continue to work in other countries. Governors region alexandrenko. Often happens in belarus. Contacts are always maintained during the visits of the belarusian head of state to russia. We are bound by numerous ambitious goals, and this is not only a billion in mutual trade. By the way, as its Significant Growth shows, this goal will be achieved in the near future. Ilona krasutskaya has all the details. No competition, we work on the principle of complete mutually. Our president recently emphasized the special demand of belarus, our competencies in the russian market, everything is needed there, from the supply of goods to the transfer of experience of belarusian technologies. Now we are working on a new principle, identifying key regions and from there we move on to other regions with joint projects. Kuban and, of course, the leningrad region were announced as such partners of the pillars. The port region is our longtime partner, with whom we have seriously reformatted cooperation. With leningrad and in the leningrad region, we simply have exemplary relations and efficiency , of course, must be greater, due to these relations, you and i know in which areas to work in order to get serious results. Our views are identical. If leningraders and belarusians start something, they always strive to bring it to its logical conclusion with the best results. During the previous meeting, we outlined goals to reach the coveted billion in trade. To achieve this, yearonyear supply volumes will have to increase by approximately a fifth 20 . I believe this is a feasible task in the Current Situation and we will definitely not be limited to billions by such a conventional benchmark for us. And i still wanted to give one figure, because it is an honor for us to fulfill your instructions, to reach a billion. In the twentysecond year, our mutual trade turnover increased by 18 and amounted to 800, almost 35 million us dollars. But in the twentythird half of the year, the volume increased by almost 25 and amounted to 532. 8 million. That is, we are already reaching a billion. There are no such doubts, because the percentage continues to grow, and i want to say that it is precisely thanks to such close cooperation that our nomenclature has increased by 70 new positions over the last year alone, the president s of belarus and russia personally oversee many projects, the bilateral agenda, first of all, security requires frequent negotiations, on the eve in a telephone conversation between the heads of state, they talked about two highprofile projects; the production of aircraft and the construction of a second railway to the leningrad region will be discussed in detail again in person, at a meeting of politicians scheduled for october at the cis summit in kyrgyzstan. As you alexandrevich noted in one of your speeches, the traditional advantage of the leningrad region bordering the European Union has become a risk factor since 1922. Thank god, this is very beneficial for us, and for russia too, we will now look more at ourselves and think about how we can develop further. Yesterday i. Spoke with the president of russia, we didnt particularly publish this conversation here, but i should note that we discussed two projects, we were talking about joint production aircraft of small capacity, which are in great demand and are needed in the Russian Federation, as the president of russia said, from large airports to distant villages and regions, such aircraft are in demand, especially since they can land on the ground, but this is important. We have the corresponding competencies in belarus, he suggested building this aircraft together , as well as more intensively mastering the production of individual il96 components and servicing here in belarus, we can do this, this is a very large piece of work, the second thing is that we concerns, this is the construction of a second railway line from belarus to leningrad, so that we can transport large volumes of cargo to your ports and from there work for the whole world, well, you understand that this is very important for us, we are engaged in the construction of Port Infrastructure there, but our bottleneck is the railway, he asked me to bring him full specifications and materials, we have been working on this issue with the russian departments, so we will move in this direction. In the leningrad region we have our own subjects of the commodity distribution network, bilas. Mas, the first minsk dairy plant, a wide dealer network, from combines to elevators, there is no shortage of our elevator and Food Industry brands, over the past year we have seriously expanded our export line, the completion of several large Construction Projects with the participation of Belarusian Companies is planned for the Fourth Quarter of 2024, this Grain Terminal in the ibork region, its design capacity is 4 million tons per year, it will be easier to send grain to the countries of africa and latin america, and the belstroy center has been appointed by the general contractor for the construction of a School Almost on site, now negotiations are underway on the participation of our design and construction organizations in the construction of other educational sports facilities in the leningrad region. With your help, we have reoriented logistics; our manufacturers again have the opportunity to trade in asia, latin america, the middle east and africa; we will strengthen this direction. For many western politicians, it was a real discovery that the world is much wider than their narrow ideas about it, as usual. Decided in russian, lets get involved in a fight, it will be seen there, it turns out that if its not russian, then it wont work, thanks to industrial cooperation we managed to make the most effective use of each others strengths to achieve the socalled technological sovereignty, this will not only allow us to answer the any attempts to put pressure on the west will create a new, healthy competitive environment within our union. The head of the belarusian state will note the fact that we are finding areas where we can significantly to support, for example, our strong side of the agroindustrial complex, tasty, highquality products, agricultural machine production, seed production, and we actively share our developments in this regard. At the same time, belarus is interested in counter technologies in the same industry , livestock breeding, production of valuable fish species, operation of greenhouse complexes, that is, sometimes there is no need to invent anything, it is enough to simply deepen cooperation in proven areas. I want to suggest to you not to create any parallel productions if we. Have the opportunity to export, you and i will always agree, today on supplies, always , and for the long term ahead, today you need money, including you, to spend on the most. The most necessary things, and so do we, why create parallel production . I emphasize once again that in order to have guarantees, we can agree for a very long term, for a decade in advance, in order to work together, the logistics of the construction of agribusiness projects are really a lot, they are already in work and there is no need to worry about the deadlines, after todays summit meeting, obviously there will be no problems with motivation. In general, the meeting was very emotional for us, very sincere, and i came out asking my guys, members of the delegation, what are they charging for, they say, they are charging for at least several years ahead, for successful work, and we are doomed, in a good way, cooperation is doomed, the delegation of the leningrad region continued the conversation with the first vicepremier about cooperation in the future. Nikolai snovkov in the government is responsible for projects with this russian region. We are ready to increase the range of supplies of Agricultural Machinery and equipment for the agroindustrial complex under subsidy programs from the regional budget, and to participate in transport reform. Updating the bus fleet, as well as building large facilities, using our own materials. Much work lies ahead for Water Treatment on more than two dozen systems. Thanks to the proposal of the nalen region government, we have begun actively developing a new area of ​​cooperation, modernization, or construction of fuel and Energy Infrastructure facilities, including number of boiler houses. Negotiations took place today in the minsk regional executive committee, an agreement was signed on cooperation in the trade, economic, scientific , technical and social. Cultural spheres of the minsk and leningrad regions , several mutually beneficial projects are being implemented at once, primarily in such areas as Mechanical Engineering, a new plant in russia is being built by amkador, further pc, where the benefits are not only in food supplies, but also in the exchange of experience in livestock and poultry farming. Another direction is tourism, themed weekend tours. Exactly at regions, people begin to visit each other, get to know each other, good projects are always born from this, of course, it is very important to select partners in this interregional cooperation. So that there are, uh, lets say, administrative units , they are somewhat similar to each other, then common interests arise, and this cooperation proceeds at a more intensive pace, usually, taking into account the requests of the delegation , the visit program is also drawn up, this is not only a classic, a visit to industrial enterprises, today the delegation got acquainted with the capabilities of the hightech park technologies. We presented several projects of residents of the hightech park, which we think are promising for joint implementation, first of all this is. A form of digital air, which is a software and hardware complex for monitoring atmospheric air as part of Environmental Protection measures, this is a smart intercom that is being produced one of the Resident Companies of the hightech park, and this is a whole range of solutions for industry, agriculture and education using advanced virtual technologies reality. Tomorrow guests from the leningrad region have another busy day. The russians will visit such enterprises in borisov as special emphasis on firefighting equipment; in addition, there are plans to get acquainted with the organization of the work of the great stone industrial park. Ilona krasutsko, ekaterina krutalevich, alexey kondratenko, svetlana lukinnyuk and ivan martinovich. Telelenova agency. Yes, the demand for belarusian in russian regions is huge. Thus, exports of construction goods to russia have increased by almost a quarter since the beginning of the year. In addition, our specialists continue to build housing and social facilities in the most. Different parts of the big country. The leningrad region is a traditional partner along with kaluga and voronezh. Also, this year we began cooperation with the Nizhny Novgorod region. Two schools have already been opened there, and a third is planned in the near future. There are developments with the tambov region, as well as the krasnodar territory. This number of projects allows our construction complex to operate stably, despite external challenges. When the order operation began. 45 of exports of goods and services were provided directly in the countries of the European Union, we have not fallen below 100 over the years. Moreover, in the Russian Federation we are experiencing growth of more than 124 . I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not only in monetary terms, it is directly in volume indicators, we have opened new countries, new markets, and today we can say that we have successfully overcome those negative trends and those issues that could have arisen. The best in the Construction Industry was brought together for the thirtieth time by the largescale exhibition bud progress. To minsk 60 exhibitors from neighboring countries arrived. Well, in addition, new products in the industrial industry were presented today in minsk. More than 100 organizations from our country, as well as a number of russian regions , came to the russian industrial and innovation forum. Participants are charged for several days of productive work, stands of equipment, technology for Industrial Production and the development of scientists. In a word, everything. Which will increase the competitiveness of the real sector, they talked about the involvement of small mediumsized businesses, both in belarus and in russia in cooperation chains with our industrial flagships. As part of the forum , a contact Cooperation Exchange was also held, among the participants were about Fifty Enterprises from various regions of the eastern neighbor. Among the industries, Mechanical Engineering and Light Industry predominate. This venue is held traditionally. Its goal is to facilitate industrial contacts, we expect at least 200 industrial negotiations within the framework of our todays event, more than half of the participants manage to agree on specific deliveries, specific contracts, so the demand for participation is quite high, we brought our Business Mission there on the order of the company in order to participate in the work of your large business, it would be very interesting to work, for example, there with belaz or with maz, we can and should be your large useful for business, to come to an agreement, to conclude contracts, to execute the first transactions, and as they say, a large number of people will come again in order to develop our economic model, which means develop between our countries, also on the site hosted. An exhibition of iranian goods, more than twenty companies demonstrated their products, among them the saipa car, as stated by the ambassador of the islamic republic, in the future the company intends to localize the production of these cars in our country, potential sites are now being explored, but for now the parties have agreed on deliveries of cars in finished form. Well, it seems that our president s prophecies are coming true, that kiev is officially starting to be drained. Polish propaganda is now trying to prove to voters that the country has turned into a besieged fortress, they say warsaw, and the ruling party is being attacked from all directions, from ukraine, and even from the west. A journalist from one of the state channels, dominika kosich, citing sources in the corridors of power, where she is now preparing for the election campaign, published a material in which she stated france and germany , with the help of zelsky, are trying to overthrow the polish government, and the recent information attack from kiev is allegedly deliberate aimed at destabilizing the situation in poland. The article also states that ukraine for this, ukraine was promised to speed up its admission to the eu, and since the germans and french cannot help with this now because of the opposition, and the principle of consensus, which still seems to be mandatory when making decisions in the European Union, polish journalists are hinting to their readers that berlin and paris are trying to usurp power in a united europe, to rule the old World Without taking into account the opinions of other countries, inspires horror in the voter, poland is surrounded by enemies, against this background they even resurrected the story of the Ukrainian Missile, which. Two more peasants died, when according to western tradition , the kremlin and putin were immediately blamed for everything, and warsaw intended to appeal to nato with a demand to put into effect the fifth paragraph of the organizations charter, so that the alliance would intercede, russian missiles would strike poland, the territory. The main intrigue and revelation lies ahead, suddenly the rzeczpospolita publication publishes material in which it reports that the investigation has established for certain that the s300 missile was ukrainian, and official kiev slowed down the investigation in every possible way and refused to provide information. The polish side never received meaningful answers to not a single request. It is likely that this news is another hall in the new information war, which is already unfolding directly in the west, because over the past week ukraine has managed to turn from the closest ally, almost into the main enemy of poland. Well, heres another interesting fact it was during the special military operation in ukraine that the phrase appeared there is no nazism in ukraine. But we all, of course, perfectly understand the sarcasm of these words. Of course, first of all, this is propaganda. For european people, but hidden in this is something very important for our slavic fraternal peoples, because for a long time, in an attempt to live in peace and friendship, the belarusian people did not. All the grief that the nationalist organizations of ukraine brought to our country, to our people. By 1944 , there were 12,000 banderaites in belarus, who were part of 250 groups, almost 9,000 were amnestied and returned to ukraine during the khrushchev thaw. I often stink in the village, but my own uncle was killed. Tortured somewhere tudi, brought to the swamp ukraine was trampled here, in me the double brother was his uncle, the son of a partisan, from the stench of a partisan, he was caught, he was killed, see the details today immediately after the panorama in the Authors Program of ksenia lebedeva, this is different, well more about nazi collaborators, to whom we can absolutely safely attribute. The entire Canadian Parliament after the egregious behavior the day before. Over the past few days, Prime Minister trudeau has been hit by all kinds of troubles like an avalanche, he is literally drowning in all sorts of incriminating evidence, endless accusations promises to finally bury his already low rating. The un leadership condemned the glorification of the nazis. The deputy secretary general said that the United Nations are against it. Any honoring of people who collaborated with the nazis. In canada, a situation even arose of the socalled resignation parade due to the ovation with which the former ss man, gunka, was greeted in parliament. Meanwhile, trudeau couldnt come up with anything better than to blame the honoring of a nazi in the Canadian Parliament, and just think about it, russian propaganda. It turns out that it is russias fault that canada has been covering up since the forties. Nazi criminals, russia is to blame that canada, as before, applauds the fascists and smiles sweetly at these murderers and punishes their creatures . Schmid focused on the cynical attitude towards the memory of thousands of innocent victims of nazism, the resignation of the speaker of the house on the demands of the Jewish Organization and the polish mit. They were even joined by the head of the Canadian Foreign ministry, grandfather, who himself was a ukrainian war criminal. Moreover, local newspapers who had not previously noticed the tricks of the canadian authorities with the fascists suddenly saw the light. The toronto sun published an article in which it reports that the monuments to essovites in canada have been standing for too long, for some reason no one is going to demolish them. They are still waiting for an apology and even repentance. The speaker of the house of commons, as it became known, has just resigned. Well, theres also the indian media accusing trudeau of cocaine abuse. It is reported that the canadian Prime Minister even missed several meetings of the recent g20 summit, precisely because overdose on trudeaus plane, which was examined by Indian Security services, traces of drugs were found everywhere. Specially trained. The dogs didnt smell cocaine, except maybe on the ceiling of the plane, several loud scandals are blazing along the perimeter of the belarusian border, as it became known, the builders who built the fence on the latvian border did not receive money, the contracts were executed by two lithuanian companies, for six months now there has been no movement of money , either the lithuanians went bankrupt or the latvians themselves do not pay, in any case the workers suffer, they now they are trying. To find out who they should sue, well, in poland , which, let me remind you, lives in the rhythm of a modern, european, completely democratic election campaign, the authorities are purposefully hounding ogneshka holland, this is the same polish director who presented the world with the picture of the green border about crimes of polish Border Guards against migrants, despite all the efforts of the warsaw regime to ban the film, the film became the leader in polish film distribution, with 140,000 people watching the film over the weekend alone man, the cinemas are sold out, and the director and the audience are greeted with stormy cheers, and even here the western authorities received a boomerang of bans , well, you know, as it became known, the film was urgently withdrawn from distribution, but the authorities did not want their voters to know the truth , about orders from above and the inhumane attitude of the polish Security Forces towards refugees, so lets try to figure out how what kind of democracy do they have . Lets look at the authors section venue. No, well, this time the polish temporary workers definitely wiped everyones noses with theirs dermocracy, their polish director tried to draw attention to polands abuse of migrants on the belarusianpolish border with the film, received a special prize at the venice film festival, ended up becoming an outcast in her own country, and the situation only worsened. Let me remind you that the film recently received a special prize at the venice film festival. Border of the polish director holland, there is an attempt to look at the problem of migrants from the countries of the middle east of africa on the polish border, on the way, so to speak, to the european luckily. Its about the double standards of europe, about the inhumanity of poland, and the epilogue is about the fact that the poles were more comfortable saving ukrainians than syrians or africans. As soon as the drama appeared, holland herself became the reason for persecution. Justice minister zebro, a representative of the ruling farright party. Directors to discredit the country compared the film with nazi propaganda. Quote in the third rech, they say the germans produced propaganda videos showing the poles as bandits and murderers. Today they have Agnieszka Holland for this. That is, not nazi the crimes of the polish Security Forces and rulers against people outraged zebra. Not hundreds of mutilated, murdered, humiliated refugees, not frozen to death in the polish forests. Adults and the unborn, those who died in the womb and children, were outraged by the attempt to show at least part of the truth, to present different points of view, zebros colleagues argued that holland was being paid by putin, well, of course, where would we end up without him later, that there was someone else in this scheme and lukashenko. There were also attacks from representatives of the still ruling party of law and justice, who accused person in what defames the polish leader. The head of the ministry of internal affairs, mariusz kaminski, although he had only seen the trailer of the film and read a review about it, was also outraged by the brutal attack on the border guard. The minister of culture pyotr glinsky immediately disowned the film, which caused a scandal in the party environment. Border officials said the propaganda product portrays the polish state as an inhuman dictatorship, and polish soldiers and functionaries as soulless chicken dogs of a repressive regime. So isnt that so . By the way, myself holland said that the film crew secretly met with Border Guards, and their impressions were far from the statements of these union characters. In general, the director has long criticized the harsh attitude of the polish government towards emigrants. This movie, says holland , was not made with money from the polish film fund. Firstly, they understood that they wouldnt give it, and secondly, they would interfere with the filming. Because to quote holland we decided to shoot in a semifloor manner. Quotes again. This is a nationalist government. Which uses racism and fear of strangers, of something other, as a political weapon, so that they do not hesitate to use violence and cruelty to achieve their goals. Now ogneshka herself fears violence and calls what is happening a dirty game. He understands that the polish regime will do anything to hide the Inconvenient Truth and prevent people like holland from reaching the hearts of his fellow countrymen. Yes, the premiere of hollands film was announced at the end of the year just before the parliamentary elections in poland, but the green border disappeared from film distribution. Well, we expect, by the way, the film was staged, near warsaw , where a wire was specially stretched in the forest , actors were brought in, all this, the director says, imitated unprepared reportage shooting, my colleagues and i have a huge amount of unstaged, real footage, stories of atrocities polish Security Forces on the border and crimes against humanity polish temporary authorities, enough for more than one film, contact us, and also about imitation in polish, revealing the truth about the actions of their Border Guards, the poles would not be poles if they had not mocked their neighbors; the director of the film, Agnieszka Holland, does not hide in an interview that she was simultaneously trying to kick the belarusians, using welldeveloped artistic methods, by selecting the types of actors and their actions in the frame; the belarusian Border Guards are presented as eager to money and cruel people, and through the mouths of positive heroes, such as volunteers, the border group, the position of belarus is completely presented as a deception of refugees, although we remember very well who invited migrants to europe and how the poles refused to provide them a corridor, turn everything upside down and reinterpret information, the trend of modern politics and democracy, so why poland took

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