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The west for 3 years, but tikhanovs entourage is there, what should they do with them . Well, some 30 years, the leaders of the opposition still wont take a position, to create leaders so that they manage new groups, the protest masses, well, somehow its not entirely correct, because there will be their own leaders, everyone there is a representative of the middle class who has some business of his own, he always considers himself a leader, why else would some tikhonovskaya, we ourselves want to divide these funds, vilka, how can we actually unite those old forces in which we already invested money in the twentieth year, and at the same time shake up belarusian society, they are still in they dont really know how to do this, but they know how to rock, that is, form these protest masses, form, aggregate, unite the dissatisfied. Worthless through the work of people of words and people of words who are bloggers, instagrammers, celebrities, arctic foxes, all the other prophets, yes, yes, this is exactly how it is written in this book, but the question is already different, how to guide them later, but because they realize the most important thing, that our system, our government, our. society , it is ready to defend itself in all possible ways, we saw how the president came out, yes, he came out in front of the military personnel and said, we will be there until the end, yes, and this symbol until the end of unity, no matter how anyone criticizes, but this is the symbol of the kalashnikov octomat, but it is he who personifies not the symbol but. The symbol of the future belarus, why . Because he thereby says that in this way we will protect ourselves, our children, our future, and will not allow some such, you know, casuistic technologies to destroy us, deceive us, bring both discord and the west into some kind of turmoil, the most important thing is in the manuals on starting and carrying out velvet. And there the creation of some kind of coup detat is written in black and white to resist the decisive actions of the authorities; the protesters have no alternative, that is, if the authorities begin to act decisively and not allow weakness, then in this in this case, no dune revolution will be realized. Make plans for the super final or the route home, this is exactly the choice the show participants have, i know, you put me in an awkward position, that there is either graffiti or graffiti, well, there is such a law called, its wrong, because if the tension increased by 30 , then the resistance should decrease by 30 . The most knowledgeable and the most. The guys will try to find answers to all the questions. I answered yes, because current strength is measured in vampires, resistance in the air seems to be. If we have two legs equal to 3. 4 cm, then the hypotenuse will be equal to 5 cm. They will compete for valuable prizes and the honorary title of winner of the show. She doesnt fly, she only runs, if im not mistaken, why . I dont know, im probably lazy, look at the project, i know. And all for this period of time round velvets are characteristic. They floated to the pharmaceutical Economic Centers of the country and a zillion extraordinary people. Some myastechki, garads, which were previously significant in magdybur, lost their significance in the attacks of the kali gypsum grass. Geta was right revaluation, the chygunka beckoned to navakolle. Culturalasvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. Gety kastsel not zachinyay. And in the savetsk period, the california of the temple stratsila its percapchatkovaya meaning. Everyone remembers the 50s and has such an appreciation of stalinist classicism. Tell the belarusians that the geta is not falling out, for dastatkova come to our capital, the prices are on the praspektse, if you please, as if with a soul, what is the geta like. Glyadzice, on our tv channel. Alexey, you remember the basis, yes, maybe its provocative, ill ask, but when the upper classes there cannot do it, the lower classes dont want to, yes, or vice versa, because for a revolutionary situation, conditions are necessary, if they dont exist, how realistic is it with a strong leader, in the absence of discord in the elites, in the absence of a revolutionary situation in. Realistically, when not understanding of the impoverishment of the masses, yes, there is no understanding of the creation of a revolutionary situation, to what extent it can be created artificially, because in the same ukraine, why the velvet revolution happened, because the government was weak, the leader, excuse me, was cowardly, avoided, in fact, the Security Forces were abandoned one on one and without an order, and most importantly, there was betrayal in the elites, because these were conditions that were not formed in one day, they were prepared for years, as far as this can be formed in belarus, literally in this short period of time, 2 years, a year and a half, you very clearly noted that the main emphasis, blow, attention on the part of our opponents is on. And their readiness to betray the people and readiness to betray their central leader, remember the events in iraq, Saddam Hussein was betrayed by the generals, the capture of baghdad cost the americans about 600 million dollars, and they simply distributed it to the generals, then the nato americans acted, extremely aggressively, remember, they sent messages to the generals and offered them certain amounts of money or a willingness to help there with the treatment of children, the treatment of spouses, and so on, that is it was just an attack, a psychological attack on the elites, the same thing happened in ukraine, and the velvet revolutions in the postsoviet space, including those that were aimed exclusively at the elites, initially worked with elites, they told them this. That you know, you are so beautiful, we will include you in our family, you, just like us, will become with bright golden faces, and we must be ready for the same, it is important, you know, it should be noted here that they do not exclude this option , its true, we must not forget that it is possible, that this work will be carried out, okay, the question is how, the situation has changed not only in this regard, but telegram. Social networks, the ngo community, yes, dating from abroad, because these are tools of the past, such freemen, as it was before the twentieth year, is no longer and will not be, which platforms are under attack today, well, we probably have seen in the last few weeks how the topic of changes to whatsapp has begun to be actively discussed, and whatsapp is becoming the same platform as telegram, it has the possibility of organizing channels, including in russia, this was immediately noted, understanding that whatsapp belongs to the Meta Corporation , the former facebook, understanding what facebook is, what an aggregator is, which works primarily in the interests of not zuckerberg, alone, in interests of the political elites, the corporate elites of the United States of america, it is clear that we know how to work with telegram platforms, like you. To block these destructive channels, now they are naturally developing other channels of communication with society, most likely, in addition to such information platforms which conditionally cannot be blocked using technical means , other mechanisms will also work, they dont know how yet, but you need to understand that in nato Psychological Operations Centers they are training socalled walkers or populists, although the concept of populists has a completely different meaning, remember the end of the 10th century in russia, but it is their task to act in the form of so. Called living leaflets, that is, to go to the people, and to go to the regions in some settle in a populated area or in some village, then start communicating with the locals, yes, forming , remember how the same tikhanovsky acted , he basically acted exactly the same way, he came to the region, only they didnt have enough time, he acted extremely aggressively, and came and said that things are bad here . Everyone is starting. They will not refuse to talk about this approach, and most likely we also need to tell our local authorities, our Security Forces about this, that if incomprehensible people appear, the words that will come and broadcast, they will not in the media, they wont even post anything on facebook to the courtyard, this is the courtyard quora, but they will talk, moreover, they will build up work with the local population in such a way that they will perceive them as certain, you know, the prophets, this is also a method, and not only that, they will be ready to protect them if the Security Forces come there and look for him, we must be prepared for this, this is also one of the areas that the center of psychological operations was engaged in, and it perhaps difficult to implement on our territory, because in our country. The work of Law Enforcement agencies is quite well organized, but we should not exclude, well, in areas where we would allow one District Police officer for several villages, remember, yes, here is the moment about ukrainian spies, there was a story recently, yes, who identified them when they tried to photograph railway junctions, and that is, here we probably need to appeal to our citizens so that. They show vigilance, that is, if strange people appear somewhere in your area, they will not in uniform, they will be simple in civilian clothes, they will even evoke pity for themselves , and they can direct theatergoers and actors, but they are the ones who can work against us, well, okay, this innovation with passports is obviously a good, right move, it will help you avoid this situation with the khadak, firstly, and in general , what are we insuring against when making decisions of this kind, the most Important Message here is, yes, we, as a state, yes, as a community, as our belarusian people, we do not act against our compatriots, because all the destructive channels began to broadcast that belarus, official minsk, is acting against its citizens, depriving them of the opportunity to thus save. But no, the conditions are clearly set there come to the territory of belarus, you have the opportunity to calmly receive a new passport, calmly carry out all the necessary actions , but we understand perfectly well that the category of citizens who are aware of some offenses committed during the twentieth year, they will not carry out such. The second question, since they realize that they are elements who have committed offenses, then the question is how they will vote in the upcoming elections, if they are given such an opportunity, well, how they will vote, naturally, is not only they will vote against, they will behave extremely aggressively at polling stations, if this is. Well, here is a simple logical chain if you are afraid to return to belarus, because you understand that you are criminally charged, and you will have to answer, it is clear that these people cannot be expected to comply with the law during the election campaign, they have already violated it, they calmly did this, saying that it is their right to Free Expression of their will, but it does not matter that this infringes on the free will of others people, okay. A simple practical question , alexey, there is a leader, and there is a team, what you need to Pay Attention to first of all, now when working with people, this applies to any collective farm. Lets say, yes, a local government body, a factory, a small enterprise in a district, a rural area, anywhere , what to Pay Attention to, Pay Attention to, who cares , most importantly, you are traveling now, meeting them, yes, yes, and not only now, for probably the last five years, we are actively meeting with work collectives, with our allied leaders, organizations, we hold events, and it is important that the most important thing, probably, for our leaders is , first of all, not to suffer from nabism, not to break away from your work collective and not to be afraid of people, not to be afraid to go into teams and communicate directly with teams, we will not talk about any specific facts, but at the same time, sometimes there is a situation when managers. Are afraid to communicate with people, delegate these powers to their deputy, their leader lower or middle level, sometimes delegated to trade Union Leaders, but they themselves are afraid, to go out to work collectives, gather them all, yes, no matter how many there are, yes, talk to them, find out what they are sick with, what problems they have, the events of the twentieth year and the subsequent adjustment of the work. Of the manager, it changed the situation, we can definitely admit, now ours, our directors, our leaders are well aware that if they dont talk to their work collectives, there will be problems, but at the same time, there are such leaders, you know, who only think about themselves, we wont note those moments either, but this is from my personal. When a leader thinks only about himself, thinks about his certain utilitarian, mercantile goals, views, and when he needs to make some kind of deal, he begins to put pressure on the entire team, so that even collegial bodies make a decision in his favor, in order to at some stage he got cash in his hands, you know, and this is dangerous, but because not only does he start put pressure on intimidate teams. He also begins to put pressure on trade Union Leaders and says we wont give you money unless you sign certain documents, well, these are corruption crimes, but the most important thing is that they take place, that is, people are not afraid of anything, for the sake of money, it doesnt matter, there were events in 2020, 22, 23, well, we will reassure our viewers , thanks to the work of our Law Enforcement agencies, we have already gotten rid of such leaders, everything, everything is fine, yes, the team breathed a much easier sigh. Has been restored, but we must understand that for us, for our society, the most dangerous thing is when certain individuals begin to perceive themselves as some unattainable elite, that the hand of justice will not reach them, and the voice of the people in no way, does not condemn , yes . And this is dangerous, this situation, it developed in ukraine , it developed in other countries of the postsoviet union, when at some stage the elite personalities begin to move higher and higher and say, this is mine, my exclusively money, and we dont give you anything well give it all, then the situation arises that you said, when the top cant, and the bottom doesnt want to, why the top have already stolen so much, but they cant control the hungry masses, and the hungry masses, realizing that they are not controlled by a person who is interested in the common fortunately, but they are only interested in their own and individual goals, in this case a strong protest begins, i always advise my listeners to read kuprins moloch, yeah, this is the story that describes, firstly, the situation that subsequently took shape in the seventeenth year, for the tsar, for nicholas ii, for the entire elite , and these events always repeat themselves, that is, when the corporate elites forget about their workers, the most terrible pogroms begin, extermination begins, and heads roll down the street through golietna, this is necessary dont forget, alexey, its good, but what should a common person do then, yes, who opened the messenger, and there are such bright pictures with blood, with bruises, with pain, well, belarusians are empathetic people, we already went through this in the twentieth, how to resist this spinning this lie, on emotions . Yes, you noted correctly, this. Once again, our viewers need to focus attention, first of all, on parents, so that they talk or explain to their children and youth that if that message, then the message contains an emotional, Strong Negative an emotional message, as you said, with images of blood, victims, torture, but understand that this is manipulation, this is. An attempt to tug at emotions, so that emotions begin to prevail over consciousness, over common sense, well, when emotions are already they overwhelm, thats it, this is already a crowd, then it aggregates into some kind of protest masses , because there are calls, go out into the street, resist, and after that thats it, society becomes a crowd, we have fortyfiftyyearold men and women who did not understand that they were being manipulated. They just fell into these pictures, they really fell into it, this is the management of emotions, they fell into a trap, an emotional trap, and became victims of this emotional trap, of course, definitely, because there are no other technologies, how to react to this and how to protect yourself from this, first of all, if you see this picture, well, close it once, yes, talking about. You looking for primary sources, well, this is absurd, you just closed the picture, count to ten, thats just to ten count, and then turn it on again and look, like a professional or, you know, like an investigator, you know, looking for inconsistencies, so you, take a look at this picture, again just for fun, where are the inconsistencies, you will see it completely differently to perceive it, by the way, is the rule, which is also written down in nato books on how to respond to emotional stuffing, you looked, closed it, opened it after 10 seconds, and then just look, analyze whats wrong, i ll never forget this photo with one of zaporozhye activists, who was beaten on the maidan, he had a st. George ribbon on his hand and he was wearing a jacket, yes, but he was presented as beaten in minsk in and they believed it, okay, heres our conversation, alexey, it was just a paradox, in fact, and this just after the day of national unity, you touched on this topic a little, yes, but speaking about unity, we are still talking not so much about the holiday, but about the fact that our people can be broken only from the inside, yes, if we create discord inside, this is how you understand the president s quote, unity, the main condition for the survival of us as a nation, which he voiced during his speech on the seventeenth, and here the most important thing for our viewers, our belarusian people, is to realize the main thing is that we are not now, you know, in some kind of greenhouse conditions, when the nation itself is developing, everything is wonderful, everything is fine, no , they are now working against us. The most powerful professionals who , for probably the last 75 years , have done nothing else but create discord, internal discord in prosperous states, one was told, well, through various channels , communication, yes, that he was bad, that he was not appreciated, and others were told that you are a superior race, you are joining us. And dont think about those simple ones, dont think about the worthless ones, and as a result, naturally, any society was torn, after the elites were divided, the people were divided, this is no longer a community, yes, this is a certain mass , the masses with which you can do whatever you want, this is dangerous, because when society is united, it can resist any aggression, any provocation and survive regardless of economic sanctions or even some kind of military aggression, it can resist, but as soon as discord forms inside, then the community will say, why are we going to fight, for example, for the interests of the elite, or why will the elite say, we lets think about some simple peasant or a simple worker, then the best. Scenario for our opponents begins, they will only clap their hands, throw in the necessary information and form this divided society, and when the president talks about unity, and says that this is the basis of the state, he just understands that those forces that are acting against us, they are very deep they survived the twentieth year for themselves, did not achieve results, could not divide belarusian society, but now they will still focus on something to make us weak, but everything depends entirely on us. Alexey, i will make the only remark, these are not opponents, these are real enemies who have their hands on them. The blood of millions of people already , thank you, thank you, why children have become a bargaining chip for ukraine, and because this country is bankrupt and today the west is paying for weapons, it can only have black soil and its future. Ukrainians who find themselves in European Union countries tell terrible stories. I have never heard such a monstrous drinking incident anywhere when rus is at home, right away, its just like a product. In mariupol, i was given several books about ukrainian nationalism. The appearance of one of them dates back to 1950. This is only confirmation that after the declaration of victory of the ussr over fascist germany, bandera continued the underground struggle with the support of the west. Its good that there is lukashenko in belarus, he saved it, it would have been the same, maybe even horror. The authors project of Ksenia Lebedeva is different. Watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. We are pleased to continue to talk about cities of belarus. The starting point of our route, like most tourists, is the station square. Authors routes. Its hard to believe, but once upon a time there were centuriesold people on this earth. Forests, and also here was the largest trade route from the vorak to the greeks, the most mysterious places, in the very heart of broadway, a unique clock, initially there were no hands on it, later they appeared, but the clock did not show the correct time, interesting myths and legends, they say that here in the central square, under the asphalt , a unique paving stone has been preserved, it is here brought in soviet times from krevsky castle, see the program of the city of belarus. On our tv channel. Editors club. Today we are witnessing in civilized, truly cultural, truly enlightened europe, a slide into medieval hatred, which was caused by the desire to live sweeter. Our friends in washington and london, they are great, they did a very highquality job without spending almost any of their resources on ours. Its money that has pitted us against each other here, and belarusians and russians have nothing to be ashamed of, our historical, as they say, the past is much better than that of many other nations, we not only have nothing to be ashamed of, we need to learn to invest patriotism, love for the country and knowledge of the history of our country in our children, we are actually working for peace in europe, europe must be grateful to us, because of us there is no war, external intervention, external funding is the same, dont miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week we are working to ensure that you are aware of Current Events in the country and world. In addition, our team of journalists obtains valuable knowledge from experts on how to maintain and increase health. Find it. Place for entertainment too. Every friday we bring to your attention the best projects and films of our tv channel. This and much more awaits you in the weekly project ether 24. 7. 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