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President , and kissinger, he believed that in in general, the threat of watering the whole of latin america is quite, well, so serious, yes, that in general you need to support anyone, be it a dictator, or a person who is ready to shed the blood of his opponents, but only for the reds not to come to power in chile, but the us law that money conquers evil also worked for chile; the country gave up to 80 of its copper production to a group of corporations, the council of america, its Founder David rockefeller, and two more american ones. Anaconda and kenya Copper Companies received hundreds of millions of dollars, it is curious that many us scams in chile became known thanks to the journalistic work of seymour hersh, it was he who proved that the hands and feet of the cia stuck out from the chilean scenario. He analyzes in detail one of washingtons most important operations to destabilize a foreign state, demonstrating external internal actors of this process, american corporations in the country, the cia station, the agency. Usa for International Development of proamerican politicians within the country, conservative and rightwing circles in society in the national army. Washington players and processes, president nixon, National Security advisor kessinger, cia director, helms and others are depicted in relief. At the same time , the country abolished trade unions, pensions and healthcare from the state, and the main cunning of the economic miracle is explained simply. Behind years of bloody penochet rule. Gdp grew by more than 20 . But only a third of the total gross product came from 1 of the countrys population. Allenda wanted to redistribute privileges and support the majority of chileans, but the rich minority turned out to be stronger than they had money and american support . The american approach to this issue has always been quite simple. Uh, they looked specifically at developing countries or countries less so. Economically developed, such as chile, and chile at that time may being currently considered a country not very rich, even by latin american standards, america has always tried to create there well, so to speak, oligarchic capitalism, or capitalism that was based on the power of, as they are called, in america, the latifundists. Augusta penochet left the presidency on march 11 , 1990, amid mass protests. Historians claim that he simply got out of hand and washington decided to remove him. 99 of the dictator was arrested, and on december 10, 2006 he died. Leaving a legacy in the country that still reverberates with protests and problems. Here is the material from 2019. The current social explosion was caused by the dissatisfaction accumulated among chileans over a decade with the socioeconomic policies of the authorities. For many years, the countrys authorities pursued a policy of total privatization; the state practically withdrew from all spheres of socioeconomic life; latin america, and perhaps throughout the world, cannot find another country with the same degree of privatization as in chile. As a result, free market rules were applied in chile not only to the economy as such , but also previously to the social sphere, education, medicine, the pension system; all these key and sensitive areas for the population were privatized and removed from state regulation. Simply put, if you want to send your child to school , pay, get sick, pay, and you wont believe it, but the current president of chile, gabriel borich, is not pinochets ideological heir, but aliende. The authorities admit that the economic miracle of the chicago. Boys is only a way of profit for the americans and that the very 1 of the elite, that is, the country lost as much as 50 years on a dubious experiment. In britain, the us is actively encouraged. Authorities to declassify documents about how they sponsored, organized and supported the overthrow of the democratically elected chilean government and the imposition of the bloody dictatorship of pinochet, but it is clear that no one will declassify serious documents, limiting themselves to small things, like briefings for nixon or Something Like that. Because these documents would shed light on the true attitude towards democracy as such in london and washington, unchanged over the years. What kind of one . If it contradicts the rules of a rulesbased world, any dirtiest bloody dictatorship is welcomed, if it is proamerican, this was the case in chile half a century ago, the same is happening now in ukraine. And this is one of the latest covers of the nation magazine, dedicated to the centenary of that same henry kissinger, one of the authors of the chilean tragedy. Even the American Press writes that his hands are covered in blood. Here on the birthday cake of the hero of the day. His achievements vietnam, laos, cambodia, chile and others, of course, in red syrup, although kisenjer later had an epiphany, to be an enemy of america is dangerous, but to be a friend of america is fatal, also his words, to be friends of america is fraught, this is also a fact, of course, many of the American Allies are there, they turned out to be in a very uncomfortable situation in the future, yes, well, you can look at the same western europe, yes, which is now exerting. Well, either japan, south korea, whom the United States is setting up to confront china, or the kurds, for example, yes or afghans, whom the americans threw into the very the right moment, it is quite possible that the ukrainians will follow them, which is why, of course, actually being American Allies is fraught in the long term, you know, when preparing a script, sometimes you just wonder. As far as history offers answers to all pressing political questions, here is the example of chile, a state of lost generations, which again returns to the past with the understanding yes, they made a serious mistake, but many things cannot be returned, the americans will definitely not give up their enterprises. And the question arises, why ukraine with special zeal in the same way surrenders into the clutches of the same western bigwigs, because sooner or later the realization will come to the question will there be strength and people left to seriously correct their land . Mistakes, i hope now this will be clear to you too, happily. Having sketched it out. The azers are blue like the sky in the early days, which is in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the golden dawns, the washing of creatures and the world, and the fall of misfortunes. In the braslav region, the azers are charmed for the fabrics, smiling at the sun, you look for yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom, which is goldcolored, and from their endless, accumulating azeris. Like every year, its more like this and i want to sustrezza, so that i dont know the mountains, the seas, and the azzera have never forgotten them, the love of the sir, petrus brouk. Alexey ivich, good evening, good evening, murat sergeevich, the choice has been made, this next year. They are so riddled with election campaigns that they will definitely affect even people very far from politics, russia, the usa, poland, and of course, belarus. Well, let s start with my shirt, this time i want our program to become not such a beautiful analytical summary or philosophical reasoning, yes, a direct guide to action, for officials, ideologists, leaders at various levels, yes, and just ordinary citizens, so i will ask directly whether it is possible to hope that the referendum, which went well, smoothly, that it will become an analogue for the Upcoming Elections , or our enemies are accumulating, and not only under the plinth, they are waking up little by little and preparing for an attack, you know, its probably correct to note here that he hasnt given up on us, wont lag behind, wont lag behind, yes, he hasnt given up on us on the territory of belarus, carry out some kind of maneuver, it could be a political maneuver, a military maneuver, an information maneuver, but most importantly , this maneuver should end with the formation of some kind of community, some kind of organization on the territory of belarus that would begin to act against russia. That is, to create antirussia, an analogue of ukraine, an analogue of the Baltic States and poland, this is in their plans, these plans, the most interesting thing, they are longlasting, they outlined these plans for 15 years, that is, from the twentieth year to the thirty fifth year, and then is if not to be then lets go, they can still implement this project, wait, alexey, thats exactly 15 years, where did you get this particular one from. This strategy was developed by the corporation. Was published in october 2019 , they clearly stated that in order for the United States of america to maintain control over europe, it is necessary to carry out structural changes to certain Government Entities in europe. What does this mean structural change . This is actually the deprivation of entire states, even entire communities of states his. Establishing external control and naturally achieving the key goal, the key goal is the destruction of their main competitors, and production competitors, technological, energy, and naturally, market control, control, human, labor resources and control, geopolitical zone, and for them belarus, of course , our belarusian balcony is key, that is. Here is the statement of the nato general secretary in 2022 that the Alliance Began to prepare for confrontation with russia since 2014, this fits into the framework of this plan, which you voiced, and in the new edition of the strategic concept, natos antirussian vector is directly enshrined , yes it is, and they havent forgotten about belarus either, yes , everything, everything is clear, everything is correct, you noted, nato is open, in its strategy admitted that now they have a vector, a nato vector, a completely antirussian vector. Before that it was political correctness, they tried to disguise it, to say that we are engaged in partnership there, we are engaged in some kind of peacekeeping mission, security, but this all were beautiful words to divert attention, in reality they were initially focused on the conflict with russia, and the main ones, well, remember, lets take such a look at history, yes, what was happening, they clearly hoped that after the collapse of the soviet union, they achieved their strategic goal, established control. Over russian resources, established their protectorate there and moved in this direction, but for them, of course , the munich Security Summit in 2007, where the president of russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich putin clearly changed the vector, they were then somewhat taken aback, they expected that this was probably some kind of geopolitical mistake, that he probably said something wrong, but then they realized, deeply realized that they would no longer be allowed to steal or rob russia , they naturally, urgently began to formulate some kind of plan in order to slow down such an independent, sovereign vector of development of russia, which they began to do, to make antirussia out of ukraine in order to drive ukraine, naturally, into confrontation, armed confrontation with russia, they began to carry out a massive one. There was an information and Propaganda Campaign to form nazi fascist units and naturally prepare for 14 years, but in their plans, especially the plans of british intelligence, british political elites, not even american ones, their sacred dream was the seizure of crimea, the seizure of the entire black sea region, that is, roughly speaking, to cut off russia from the black sea, and for them the second shock was when they had already achieved their concrete victory and the realization of their eternal dream, and then an unexpected maneuver occurs on the part of russia, yes, remember, in fact , moscow worked very quickly, the Relevant Services worked, and crimea did not go to this elite, the political elite on the territory of ukraine, did not go under the protectorate of britain, and naturally , after that they realized that well. They dont need continental ukraine as such, as an end in itself, or it needs to be exploited to the maximum in order to compensate for the investments that they made, they started it, we have done this more than once discussed that they began to seize and buy all assets, first of all, fertile lands, elevators, ports, various infrastructure, and thereby make money on it, but still there was a dream, this is the black sea and crimea, and of course, after that , when. They realized that this plan had not been realized, in the fourteenth year they began to prepare ukraine for direct confrontation with russia, this subsequently resulted in this revelation from soltenberg, when he stated that we had actually realized our loss at that time understood that even with such soft technologies in the form of velvet revolutions , they would not be able to achieve their goals of capturing the black sea, they began to prepare for war, so for us now the most important thing is probably the realization that the west never stops in achieving its goals, if they didnt win then in 2020, then now, when we say what will happen in 24 or 25, this is like a key message to our ideologists, local leaders, be very active in your population, yes, engage in your audience, with its. community, why . Because, starting from the twentyfirst year, both the nato countries and the eu countries, separately, allocated significant funds for the work of Psychological Operations Centers in poland, in the territory of the baltic countries in ukraine, this is a tactical level, including those organized for them relevant institutions that study all the information on the territory of belarus, study our economy, social processes, political processes, and naturally, develop mechanisms or fine points in order to start an active information and Propaganda Campaign at the right moment, okay, well, we ll touch on the fine points even more in detail, its hard not to agree with the message, as for ukraine, it was deliberately pumped up for many years, now there is data that is appearing that since the eighteenth year the most powerful armament of the army has been going for and svo simply revealed it all, in fact, yes, that is, all this appeared on the surface, but look, im not a pessimist, as far as. Our internal situation, but the picture that you described is quite depressing, thats the truth, and many can , well, not just give up, yes, but start panicking ahead of time, which is also beneficial to the west, so can we, ordinary belarusians , to resist such a deadly machine, yes, if we are talking about the west, which especially chose us as a target. The events of the twentieth year showed that their plans can remain exclusively plans only on paper, and they may not achieve their goals, that is, the twentieth year and how the Belarusian Society, like our president , the entire vertical of power survived during that period, but is you know, for western ideologists, something anomalous, they, well, not only the twentieth, and the sixth, and the tenth, and the twentieth, but they had experience, so as you correctly said, the sixth and tenth, and they had experience in working with us, they were completely confident that the twentieth year would be successful, they invested much more money in the development of Belarusian Society and the preparation of the barkhar revolution than in the previous ones times why, because they they tested us, yes, they checked, it was in the twentieth year that they wanted the final result, lets remember the same rand strategy that we have already mentioned, the twentieth year was chosen as the year of structural changes and it was supposed to begin with lockdowns, to take over covid and belarus , that is, they were completely confident that by august, well, roughly by october of the twentieth year, power would be theirs, but the system has changed, their templates did not work, lets say directly, if the president had not then decided not to declare a lockdown, here if we announced a lockdown, it was completely in. Would fit into their paradigm, they were absolutely sure that by the time of the elections our economy would begin to go down, it was already going down, and on august 17 this would already be the final point of the announcement of zavostovka against the backdrop of a complete recession in economics, okay, but lets see in practice how they are going to do this, right . Lets move on to particulars, the wellfed one became the center of attack in the twentieth. Well , many regions didnt even understand what was happening, many people said locally that in our country, everything was quiet, calm, yes, well in fact, many people talk about this, not everywhere, but it was so, can we say that this time the target audience will be in the regions, definitely, they will act on the outskirts, they will not go to the center, they will not hit, because i understand that are you sure of this, we can say that our opponents have drawn conclusions and act according to the same pattern, they will not dare, because they need a certain result, how will they act . Most likely, not only some methods of organizing protest masses will be used, who will come out and act as some kind of peaceful protesters, remember how it was, yes, most likely, and this should be openly discussed, that they are preparing, among other things, for the active use of various sabotage groups that could enter the territory, commit some kind of terrorist attacks, moreover, against the infrastructure, we they also saw this in the twentieth year, but against railway tracks, pipelines, power plants, what is it used for, this technology is now actively, it has entered the phase of such, you know, peak application, on the territory of russia. We see how they use and uav, they use, try to use sabotage groups, they proceed from the ideology of instilling chaos or the tyranny of the random, for which this was done, this was done so that the local authorities at their level do not know how to react to this or that stress. At the same time, nato and their institutes are developing appropriate methods on how to avoid getting caught up in such stress or not getting caught up in such chaos, so they are developing appropriate methods for stress testing, uh, what is that . And this is like advice to our ideologists, our local verticals of power, we need to work out how to act in certain nonstandard conditions, and it is necessary to recognize that these standard conditions may arise, in these stress tests an algorithm of actions is prescribed, who should call whom, who should act how, what to announce through media to the population , how to react, how to stop the further spread of, well, chaos, rumors, information, and how the Security Forces should act and how a very close interaction should be established between the civil authorities and military, Law Enforcement agencies, state security agencies, this is what they prescribe in their training manuals, in principle we can do exactly the same and work out how to prevent us from plunging into a state of chaos and we must be ready to resist tyranny accidental, so that those events that could arise, they should not arise at all, but if suddenly some kind of negativity did occur and the event arose, how should we react quickly, yes, because and expect that events twentieth year passed or the referendum passed, everything will be great, in conditions when the west is aggressively opposed to us, not only that, aggressive. He has completely militarized our border, is preparing for active sabotage measures , in these conditions we can only resist in unity, yes, that is , in community, when we know every maneuver, every institution of power, yes, every element of power, knows that what he must do in certain situations in order to prevent the collapse of society and the collapse of the state is about modeling situations, possible scenarios in the event of certain events occurring. Okay, to the question where did they answer . A regional vector is very possible. Go ahead. Without further ado, then all efforts were aimed at the good middle class, people who , well, lets say, have a good income and want even more, yes, comfort, somewhere money, somewhere power, somewhere creative attention, they talked about this, and here is a portrait of the current person, on whom efforts will be directed, and who will be formed as dissatisfied with the authorities and as main percussion instrument . You know, no matter how we argue, we still have to turn to the classics, velvet revolutions, or the psychology of the crowd, and it is written there in black and white that the lumpen, the marginalized, those who are in a tough situation. And every day they fight for their lives, they will never go out to protest only if they are paid for it, so one vector, of course, it was used in the twentieth year, they will try to find marginal strata, and bring them up at the expense of money, for account of some payments, it is clear that in cash in order to to push them as massforming, but your. Not only to create such a picture, because this picture, you know, of several stale men in the crowd, it will not look good on european screens, you need to make it about the middle class going on strike, the middle class is dissatisfied, people with light police, but in this case, naturally, the Psychological Operations Center comes into play, which. They are working with the category, as you correctly said, of those citizens who, in principle, already have everything, have apartments, cars, houses, but they lack something, they lack some recognition , some involvement in a great idea, this is a quote from these books, but they feel a certain worthlessness, but there is no realization of it, moreover, at some stage, where then a conflict occurred. Maybe with the authorities, with the leaders , at some stage they were not recognized, this is if the work collectives were infringed somewhere, if taxes were not paid somewhere, although they were offended somewhere , this begins to work with the offended and insulted, that is, it will be targeted work with such people, of course, it is from them that they will try to again form a group of bright people who will say that no, you know, we see a different path for the development of belarus, we see its formation directly with the civilized west, but another element is important here, that mm, to form such a community we need leaders, old leaders who for 3 years fed from

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