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Is born to win. You are a little behind. I i want to give you a chance to win back. Thank you or build the biggest tower in the world. What is the name of the day on the eve of christmas time, write no need to voice anything. Just write down your answer and thats it. And if were all wrong, well, im talking about this too, if its wrong, you will build a tower of three elements. Sad enough. We show everything. Yes, nikita is Christmas Eve. Show your answer to our viewers. They have us there Christmas Eve anya Christmas Eve and sergei Christmas Eve unanimous absolutely correct six points in your team. Its good not to be wrong. Which the singer sang the song i like it in the film by ildar ryazanova, the irony of fate or enjoy your bath. Which singer sang this song actually, please, it was clear e but i dont remember, i dont know any at all. It seems to me that everything can be identified by voice, friends cannot be discussed. This is the second round, please write your answers. If you dont know, remember what i told you. Write three different singers, and thats all and one of you. Maybe hit guess three. Two one andrey refuses and thats it. Ill stop at this. Yes write time is up. Andrew please. Show your answers to our viewers. We have them over there thank you pugacheva pugacheva why didnt you write pugacheva because its her, because its not her. Can you imagine andrey how insulting, how insulting and embarrassing alla Borisovna Pugacheva of course , right, girls. Your team vasilisa now we have a unique opportunity to see how to build the strength of one element. You still need to install, build a tower, i ask for 30 seconds a lot, what do you like more than any element. Grab them in the center of the site, earned 4 points, and at the same time puts one element. Responsibility that grows with each tour we go further damn, i was sure something simpler, just such a question i chose for you. Recognize the character of slavic folklore by the description of the old grandfather with a blue or red nose, his hair and long beard are always covered with hoarfrost of slavic folklore. Complex issue. Yes, but look, well, the bottom line is that this is not santa claus, we are not discussing anything. Nikita verno we need something folklore, who in slavic folklore we had somewhere instead of santa claus you understand what folklore says. I mean before santa claus well, obviously something more ancient, what may have become a prototype, no one argues, but time. Lord, you know, perhaps i did not describe the rules of the second round accurately enough. But no. Five four three two, i like your version one born to win. Okay, nikita isnt that different a little bit. Show our viewers. Thank you let the viewers enjoy it a little more than completely popped out heads. Well, i understand st. Nicholas is accepted and another perun. Excuse me played in any case, they say that Scientists Say that in order to remember something you need to do physical labor. And then the word will definitely pop up in my head this is zyuzyat. Yes . Yes, anya, build a tower, i ask for three elements. Any three at once. What do you like best for everything about everything you have 30 seconds 30 seconds. Oh, already weighs 50 kg. I would take in honor of the holidays. God be with him on the left, on the left again, but do not hurry, there are 22 seconds left of three elements. Three three two more, whats not warns wrong. Thanks, be careful and watch. Over there on the left. What are you doing . Why and so it was possible well one more element and return to the team no longer, on the contrary. No, not anymore, the past will not return. Where does it come back to the team . Thank you its good that im tall, at least yes, everyone is fine. You understand how high the price of a mistake is, yes, and if there are three mistakes, so this is generally a class. I dont even know if this is a real dirty game. What lake did Adam Mickiewicz sing of in his poems and poems . Our lake goodbye, we dont we discuss, and write down what we heard , came up with, remembered and do not forget that if you are not sure of your answer collectively. Write their different lakes. Well, not so much, but the wellknown ones are very strong and even less. There is a correct answer at your table. I dont think at all, in fact, he is correct, it means he is the only one and this is the only svityaz, this is svityaz yes, andrey brings two points to your team. But the girls ask vasilisa for two elements. Lord, everything is real. Yes, i know, if you do not take this element, pass him by, please. The fight will then be more convenient to put closer to the center even closer. No, no, no, it is far more visible to her. Believe me. She feels there, where the center of gravity of the tower is now another element, and everyone is careful. There is more. Maybe take more here. There are 18 more seconds. Well, i guess the game will be over soon. Seem, please, born to win. It is we they build. What minerals are mined in mikoshevichi granite. Oh, please write down your answers, anya, to whom i spoke at the beginning of the tour, to whom nikita explained discusses every issue. Anya shouts her answer to the whole studio and only sergey is correct. Understood the task. Thank you sergey, im talking out loud, so as not to knock anyone down. Show your answer granite granite granite, this is an absolutely correct answer. 6 points the jackpot is broken by the team born to win taste of victory yes, its a talisman. Here he is on the screen, what was his name . Oh how easy. Its not fair. I beg you here questions i ask the opposing team. Always seem easier. Vocabulary. Lesik is absolutely correct answer. This is him yes six points. What is the name of the belarusian dish of rye flour , forest berries, sugar or honey, baked in the oven or oven . What is the name of the belarusian dish made from rye flour, wild berries, sugar, or honey, all this was baked in the oven, the time for the second round is up, but i managed to ask your team a question. And so it remains only to answer it, just answer the case for a small marker and write one word. What is this like this . Its five four, how do you spell it . In general, three two no is also difficult to lose everything. Wait belarusian belarusian granova. So lord, show me the forester and the belarusian granola. Gov, alas, but your team gave three wrong answers at once. Which means they need to perform a miracle no. Lets try stairs. We ll look at that. Inside there was a lineup of three at once, wait, or so, how could he have them under it . Try to put them on. Well, suddenly, than a clear try, time goes by, then more and more time goes by. Everything is fine. Thank you. It remains to lift it to the other, put everything on the other, you can help me little men. Nikita green bottom. Take away the time from below, the time is 20 seconds left. Hahahaha, im here without shansky nikita move away from us nikita no anya help him. Help him shot. Come on, theres still time. Come on so 15 14. Try to throw this element 10 up here nine eight five four was not three third two andryukha come on one lets thank you well that the snow is not like that, huh . Oh yes, the tower collapsed. Lets sum up the results of the second round. I cant go there with a score of 17 0, in the second round the team wins the taste of victory. I assure you that nothing terrible happened, in the third round each correct answer is worth as much as five points , moreover in the third round. You can make the opponents tower fall too. Our task. And this is also welcome ahead of us is the third decisive round of the show tower. Score 17 0 decisive third round show tower rules the third round the third round is very different from all the previous ones, now the questions will be general. Ill ask a question. These will be questions for you for your team. Each team is chasing the right answer, but in turn they can do the following ask me or three leading questions that i can answer. Yes . No, i dont know , lets say its edible. I say no and immediately go to the opposing team. Even if you know what we are talking about, you will have to wait until the move returns to you or suppose you have enough questions or you have already asked one leading question, everything became clear to you. You say we know its a washcloth. I accept the answer. Washcloth say hes wrong. You go out to build a tower. Build. You only when you give versions that lead questions. Nothing is worth it to you. And as soon as each team runs out. Here are these leading questions, or voluntary versions, the team is obliged to put forward a version. Even if you dont know what its about, the second one usually happens more often with us, you just say some name. Sensitively i i accept it as an answer, and build a tower. And after that i give a hint hint, after which everything should become a little clearer, but most importantly, after the hint, you again have the opportunity to ask me leading questions. That is, we seem to Start Playing the console first, each correct answer is worth five points each incorrect, as you have already understood one element in the tower. Try to answer as often as possible correctly and as rarely as possible incorrectly captain obvious here he is here its me meet us begin. Our third decisive tour is the show tower. Time has gone the first question in the middle of the 20th century in the soviet union, fans of forbidden melodies made records themselves and called them plates on the ribs or a plate on the bones. On what these records were recorded, born to win. You dropped the tower, so i want to start with your team to give wants to answer ahead of time he has completely. You understand that we understand everything perfectly sergey xrays were recorded on xrays on xrays, therefore bones, therefore ribs, yes. Yes, this is the correct answer, yes , xrays, so the score of 17 5 did not happen to you. And you start to take a breath, so to speak. Inhale , exhale, and we again play the tower. Yes, chemists at janjian university. Please forgive me for repeating. This once again found out that the composition of the mortar, but fastening the stone blocks of the great wall of china. Some material came in. Call me this stuff. Lets figure it out together. Now. I want to start with your team so that everything is as transparent as possible. What kind of material is this. How do you see the issue . Well, anything is not clear , maybe thats why lets start with leading questions in order to immediately cut off obviously wrong versions. Its edible. Yes, well done, vasilisa applause please. This is the best question one could ask an edible beg. Its baking. No no. It doesnt bake, its you again have the opportunity to ask me either a leading question or a voluntary version. Edible, name it. Notice it. This is also important. One element now we need time bye. Yes here, while she builds and think, please, think of a suggestive poll. Think of the 23 second version. There is nowhere left. Yes, there is nowhere to hurry, you can take a bath, drink a cup of coffee, there are 18 seconds left. 13 born to win. Yes. We need a little time to discuss it. There you had that time, bye. I spoke with the opposing team. While vika was building the tower, i remember, and now pay attention. They dont waste time. In vain they discuss. Well, its kind of a derivative. That is, its a powder there, i dont know, that is, here something there, well, lets have some one question freeflowing edible. Lets think what it is. You are quieter. Hush, the opposing team is listening to you. Although they pretend to invent, a leading question. Well , you risk the score 5 17 tower one element in case your answer turns out to be wrong, but you build the second one. Well, thats the problem vic yes , its sugar. His sugar matches. Well, hes sticky. Well, if you wet it, well, yes, and only in this case, but they didnt fill it up. There was Something Else in there anyway. Well, like it is convenient to smear it with something, and it is convenient to get all this texture. Uhhuh you re bamboo sugar, dont dig yourself a deeper hole, its not sugar, build a tower. But close i have no idea i have no idea. Do you know what it could be . Here it is next to you , this one or the biggest one , we normally have time for 22 seconds. 15

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