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Cars. For malt, for respect, i pass on the onion. In harmony with nature belarus 20 shakirs the state Security Committee of belarus together with the Tv News Agency belteleradiocompanies present a project 11 belarusian people during the great patriotic war 18 people solved the case of the ukrainian hundreds, it was practically the entire Investigation Department of the stalag 337 committee meat grinder and the system of destruction of the third reich. Now you cant run anywhere, you didnt wash anything. Just as bad as animals are. There is also a menu for a captured soviet soldier up to 500 rotten potatoes and about 100 150 g of bread, 195 years for all kara for sins or a reward for a crime was not carried out in the statute of limitations ukrainian hundred on the air of belarus 1 and belarus 24. Watch right now. 46 volumes of the criminal case of about 15 thousand pages of the atrocities of nazi accomplices in relation to soviet prisoners of war 13 accused during the great patriotic war. All of them were members of the ukrainian hundred of a special unit created in the prisoner of war camp 337 near station lesnaya, 22 km from baranovichi, in the central archive of the state Security Committee of belarus, the case is listed under the number 26. 540 m, preserved in the archives of belarus, this is, perhaps, an exception to the rule, because according to the Regulatory Framework that was in that period in the sixties. This file should have been kept, but somewhere in one of the departments of the then kgb of the ukrainian ussr, the case was initiated on january 4 , 1967, and after 5 days. On january 5 , the first accused was arrested in apatity, murmansk region andrey yarosh ukrainian hundreds after he began to speak and surrender his accomplices arrests took place in many cities of the soviet union february 17 nestor chernobay was arrested february 25 sergey gaevoy was the last to arrest ivan on july 30 subjects in less than a year were interrogated in order, one and a half thousand witnesses. And about 100 different participants of all events were held. Well, autopsies of burial sites are various examinations. The exhumation of a forensic medical and other types of operational and investigative measures made it possible to establish a truth at the beginning of the investigative measures in the case, only one person worked; by the end of the process of the ukrainian hundred , a group of 18 researchers was engaged in it, headed by a senior investigator of the kgb Investigative Department under the council of ministers of the bssr captain karnach. This is essentially an unprecedented case, because the entire Investigative Department, it was about 15 people, that is , in fact, but the entire Investigative Department. Ah, the committee. The republic was involved in the investigation of this criminal case these are the interrogation protocols. By the way, he personally drew up a plan for the scheme of the former prisoner of war camp even after a quarter of a century. Its the Little Things that remembered the location of the towers of the barakov bunker and warehouses, his colleagues from the ukrainian hundred uttered another dozen volumes of witness testimony, protocols for examining the area of ​​the protoexhumations and acts of examinations , these are also thousands of pages of the case, and in december of the sixtyseventh year. The trial began, the process was open, it was held in the Dzerzhinsky Club on the bench, the defendants, which were placed right on the stage, 13 defendants former accomplices of the nazis was tried in the court of the Belarusian Military district, on december 28 the verdict was passed. Seven were sentenced to death six were sentenced to an amazing term of imprisonment. The Dzerzhinsky Club lived here and today the style of stalinist neoclassicism has been preserved. Everything, as it was in the sixty seventh. But the antique elements of decor , oxidized ceilings or pneumatic garlands, fragments are guessed behind the backs of the defendants and the witnesses. So lets say it was i dont know, just like this satan he is not so big there, so he even considered it a great pleasure for himself. So after 25 years it became known. The truth about the crimes against soviet prisoners of war in only one camp, and about 160 of them were created on the territory of belarus even before the start of world war ii, the German Government developed special protocols for soviet prisoners of war, according to which it was necessary to operate Food Products in the occupied territory Red Army Soldiers were not released for prisoners of war. They had to be fed at the expense of the local population, the occupation authorities took away food from civilians, who had nothing to eat, therefore, in the pow camps, prisoners of war died of hunger by the thousands during the years of the great patriotic war in belarus, 810,000 prisoners of war 88. 47 people died. Of these, 337 stalags were destroyed. This is given by the emergency state commission. People were dying of hunger, hunger , diseases, they were killed, they were hanged, they were poisoned. Halfdead sponges were buried in graves very harsh brutal regime the nazis established in a concentration camp. These are all guards. They walked with whips and lead balls were fixed at the ends of these whips. With these they beat the prisoners, they thought, recently they had a corrugated tube from a gas mask stuffed with wet sand, one blow was enough to knock a person down sometimes and send him to the next world 337 was one of the largest prisoner of war camps in the occupied territory of the soviet union consisted of the main camp distance lesnaya and several branches was also a quarantine camp, which was located in the forest just a couple of kilometers from the main one. That the lacquer was the central link in this system, conditionally saying that the lags were an office, and its branches were located in any other towns and villages, if we are talking about lag 337, then this is baranovichi or slutsk, the exact dates of the creation of stalag 337 are not found by researchers somewhat close in the time of the versions is august and september of the fortyfirst year, but there is an exact date of liquidation on january 19, 1944. This the camp differs from the system of prisonerofwar camps in that, starting from 43. The civilian population was kept here by the old women, women were brought in wagons. We were placed there, as they brought us from the cats back then, and then on foot. And where does it mean birches or not, each of the departments got up and began to function at different times of the day fi. What lag 337 earned fortyfirst infrastructure for the camp was already the former soviet military camp of the 10th artillery regiment next to the railway line this simplified the delivery of prisoners from a logistical point of view. Uh, several rows of barbed wire, and in which there were towers around the perimeter, controls were placed and tokens were issued. Here and uh, on the territory of the camp. So they acted, uh, were installed, uh, two field kitchens in baranovichi were placed in the central prison. They took away several tanks there in rooms designed for 3,000 people. There were tens of thousands of prisoners, not enough places. They fell asleep standing up. Many were on the street. Now there were people outside, it was cold, summer gymnastics, to somehow warm up the prisoners of war. E, that is, in these barracks climbed into the attics. Uh, in the morning there was a formation formation, people were still supposed to go to this formation by doc. That is , this is a roll call to the prisoner climbed onto the roof. Well, to go down with the roof. They were low buildings, it was easier to go down, the german guards arranged entertainment. They shot those who climbed out onto the roof on their prisoners. This was the entertainment of a separate barrack set aside for women prisoners of war. There were about 400 of them. They were scouts, parachutists, medical workers. Those arrested for association with there were no sanitary concessions for women by partisans. The attitude of the german command of the attitude of the invaders towards soviet women, especially from among the military personnel, is a separate pain. Uh, it was not customary to talk about this for a long time, but soviet servicemen are women. Well, the sisters are prodiski for others in all positions. They knew about this relationship. They knew what awaited them in german. This inevitable torture is rape. This is the death of the main camp near the lesnaya station , wheels were created. It was practically naked towers with machine guns were placed along the perimeter of the field; the territory was fenced in two rows with barbed wire under electric current. Between them on the ground. They also stretched the wire in the form of a spiral, the carriages by soviet prisoners of war began to stay at the lesnaya station already in the summer of fortyone, thousands of previously exhausted hungry Red Army Soldiers lined up along the ravine and led through the village to the camp a path of 5 km did not overcome all some some could only walk a few meters they were dropped into a ravine and sprinkled with earth. The first prisoners of drift 337 were the Red Army Soldiers, who were captured on the territory of belarus, then brought the soldiers captured by the smolensk vyazma and rzhev moscow, they were transported by the thousands at the same time in the camp near the lesnaya station there could be about 55,000 people. Soviet war prisoners lived in hastily knocked together bars with them, it was not even the barracks that we saw today in the films of the patriotic war. This is an ordinary doschalnik, into which snowdrifts were blown in winter. Eh, this is the absence of elementary beds. Yes, then anara appeared in two tiers. Yes but the conditions of detention in turn slept on the territories of the furious bunks, which were divided into cells a meter and a half. Each cell accommodated three people, so not everyone fit in the barracks. Many lived in the open air, the prisoners were outside under the sun and rain, and later, in the frost, the winter of fortyone and fortytwo was severe. The air temperature dropped below 30 , snowfalls. There were blizzards of prisoners in tunics , these people did not even have the opportunity to choose for themselves some kind of violation. They couldnt build a fire because the guards were right there. Shot. Uh, they opened fire and many people died by the thousands a day from unsanitary conditions, typhus began to spread; there was no medical care; there were no medicines for soviet prisoners of war; the german command did not let go; there were not even bandages to bandage the wounds; Living Conditions due to illness. Ah, in difficult conditions in the mud. Here, according to the words of the former prisoner zhilin , 4 months is nonsense. Everything was covered with lice, the skin was dirty gray in ulcers. They lay, tightly, clinging to each other or not enough places and in such a position were to spend at night. Thats where the disease comes from. E , especially on the lower planks, people who were mean clothes won. On them, e, unbearable Living Conditions swarmed from the neck , accompanied by constant hunger. This is bread in sips and a bowl of gruel boiled from rotten potatoes, having decomposed all the animals. They well, that is, cooked in boilers. It was given to prisoners of war by people. Hungry people grabbed and drank this gruel and, accordingly, the intestinal developed. Lecture were our doctors with they warned prisoners of war not to dirt, especially bones. This bone marrow, because it is poison, but the people were hungry. And there was such an destruction, we came there, that neither water nor heat, nothing, everything is there, and that there was nothing to eat. These, of course, little mice were small, and he wanted food and drink, well, outwardly you will run away anywhere. Oh, these germans are standing by themselves as dogs. I just remember for some reason where we were. There was some kind of meat, and there were worms swimming there. Here is something that i remember. Thats why we are here here is some horror they saw. This is what, well, they ate. At the same time, the prisoners were sent to physical work every day, the working day could last 15 hours. In any weather, local residents, as best they could, helped the prisoners, most often ransomed the prisoner of the camp guard for food, hid them in a barn, and then helped to escape, often with a piece of bread or boiled potatoes went to barbed wire to give food to the prisoners on the camp guard reacted immediately to the prisoner of war were shot, and a local resident was severely beaten. People were like skeletons from hunger swelling legs. They moved with difficulty, but no one freed them from work. They dug graves and repaired roads. About 500 people were daily engaged in logging not for the needs of prisoners of war, but for the Camp Administration , firewood was pulled by boards, harnessed to the sledge by 510. Man men were also involved, uh, in the repair of the railroad highways. Here, and the women they remained, uh, in the concentration camp, and those prisoners who had been for a long time. Uh, in the concentration camp they were prayed for hunger and then shot. According to the norms of several conventions, officers were not supposed to take part in any work, the command was somewhat cool about this requirement, i believe that the soviet union itself does not deserve any standards. There are no conventions below. The main camp of the branch in stalag 337 had several more places where they were, prisoners of war from this structure , their places of detention belonged to the administration of the occupying authorities on the ground , the prisoners provided a wellfed life for the nazis immediately after the start of world war ii, a twostory house of railwaymen on station lesnaya became the german commandants office. Here, behind barbed wire , several dozen prisoners were kept and up to 337 were used, as a worker , the zikrit and horn of the baltic german guard was assigned to the 861 Guard Battalion of the wehrmacht. Consists of 150 people. He worked in the camp. Is this the case of the abwehr, one of the tasks of which is to form a Camp Administration from prisoners of war, baranovichi polyakins in lesnoy were appointed; they had deputies who commanded. The camp police were the socalled battalion commanders in quotation marks are called. This is a senior prisoner of war over a group of prisoners of war, they were also singled out. Uh, that is, a little better fed a little separately. They lived in another hut, they also wore e, they had a bandage on their sleeves for armament. Well, for some reason, a lot of the case goes through a rubber hose with a lead tip for selections of their units. German Camp Administration. Divided the prisoners according to the national principle, since the group was identified by the ukrainians on the cards of prisoners of war , they are marked with the letter y of them decided to form a Security Unit ukrainian hundred, its formation began in march 1942 on a voluntary basis. According to the testimony of the same e, at the beginning it was a ukrainian hundred of yarysh. Uh, the supply even today, uh, the soldiers of ukraine were like that, that is, they we received an ordinary soldier promoted 10 german marks, the commander of the department 12 marks the commander of the divisions, uh 15 german marks, then a onetime hot meal in the meal included meat, cereals, cheese, marmalade, tea with liquor or cognac and cigarettes are indicated. Each of the participants in the ukrainian hundreds were captured in different ways and at different times, not star chernobay, for example, was surrounded near smolensk , hid in one of the villages for several days, but in december fortyone, his namesake with grigorievich was captured in june forty one was wounded under meter. After treatment, he returned to the front near stalingrad there in august 1942 and was captured. Andrey yarosh was surrounded in the nesvizh region , whether he tried to go out to his own people or the decision to surrender came immediately is unknown, but the fact remains, he independently came to the german commandants office, which at that time was in the castle. Initially , he was sent to a prison in baranovichi from there to the forest from the kombat, he became the leader of the ukrainian hundreds, before the war, yarash worked as a teacher at a school, taught chemistry, and during the great patriotic war he helped train the fighters of the ukrainian hundreds of three compositions each of about 100 people. This is, first of all, shooting, training for the execution of german e, weapon position commands and so on, but then there was fire training. Uh, the basics of guard escort tactical training. So how to guard the seasons of shelling during the attack of the partisans and so on. Well, they prepared so seriously in the camp. They felt like they were in charge of protecting the inner perimeter of their job. They beat the prisoners. Women were raped, they were shot, sponges were stuffed in the shower , 700 people were killed a day, they were buried next to the camp. I know that there were prisoners of war before us. And so they dumped all of them back and forth into the ravine. Heres what i remember. I also walked all and here i go. Now im even going through a ravine. I have to go through the stitch. This one. I involuntarily look here this side, where i saw, human bones absorbed terribly. It was just scary, and in the second half of the fortythird year they began to cover up the traces of their crimes, the places of mass graves were leveled with the ground, then. Trees were planted there, single burials were created, in which prisoners of war who died in the fall of 1943 were buried, but in the sixtyseventh , during the investigation of the case of the ukrainian hundred , hundreds of events were held to make the truth known. The closest settlement to the camp is berezovka each of the 13 accused in the case of the ukrainian hundreds of years of the great patriotic war, the accomplices of the nazis, took turns taking a small Forest Village here on the 67th. Here, water was taken for the administration of the stalag everything would be fine, but instead of horses in a cart, they harnessed emaciated and thin prisoners and pulled them in a barrel of water, and one of the participants in the ukrainian hundred sat on the cart and urged the war prisoners on with a hose from a gas mask that was stuffed sand from 13 nazi accomplices from the ukrainian hundred, who were tried in the sixtyseventh two former officers of the red army and subject. The rest were ordinary. During the investigation, several dozen former nazi accomplices from this unit were identified, but the devils dozen lay before the court. As a result of the operational measures carried out, the complex of measures sought for, about 60 of these members of the ukrainian hundred e were identified, not all of them could be held accountable. Uh, its been more than 20 years since the events of that time. Uh, many simply were already they died yes, others disappeared after a radical change during the great patriotic war, 10 out of 13 people went to the partisans at once, several to the suvorov detachment of the partisan brigade, soviet belarus, which operated in the tragic regions of kosovo ruzhany. They said that they were in captivity, they initially conducted a survey, that is, the partisan detachment had its own soloist, who worked himself, but they came here in groups. Uh, this is the most testified friend of girlfriends, as a rule, they said or some. Who came without weapons. They said they were in captivity fellowship. Hundreds revealed this information or even there was such a thing in the partisans personal card that he came from the ukrainian hundred. They were at the time i was there for 1012 days, i just entered, but they didnt kill anyone. So to speak, i immediately left the main test in partisan formations this is a test of the battle , participation in the subtree of the german echelons and the defeat of the garrisons. They even have awards, for example, grigory chernobain was awarded the order of glory of the third degree and two medals for the courage of his namesake. Not sisters. Chernobyl was wounded near koenigsberg. Remained after being wounded disabled, he was also awarded the order of glory of the third degree by snyatinsky until the moment of his arrest in the sixtyseventh year. He was in military service. That is, she remained to serve , he was a foreman of the company, then, uh, the rank of foreman of the conscript. He served as warehouse manager. He has a bunch of these awards there, then we are both departmental and for the victory of the great patriotic war and impeccable service, he has excellent characteristics and he took off his pogo. He already had christs december of the sixtyseventh tyrant from the ukrainian hundreds sitting on the bench, the defendants. They are not thought that after a quarter of a century they would have to meet again to look into the eyes of those people whom they almost took their lives and people hungry bosses and naked. You know , they attacked the food, and at that time our tables and small partitions were shot at along the edges, and they just sat. Uh, here are all 13 people in a row. Uh, no handcuffs, no iron cages. Yes, there were security guards. Uh, the socalled escort troops, but it was two two people of the internal Affairs Bodies on 13 e, condemned by many of those who were sitting on the bench the defendants were considered honored people. Sergei gaevoy was an accountant for the borozyansk regional newspaper. Communist labor. Grigory kovalenko, the father of eight children, his eldest son, at the time of his fathers arrest, was an officer in the soviet army, it was not uncommon for participants in various forms of cooperation with the nazi occupiers to do well. Then it was played in mirny soviet life, in some cases they received pensions, as participants in the great patriotic war. Enjoyed benefits. We went to speak at schools, we were guests of honor at rallies, dedicated to them victory wife. Children. Many did not know at all about, lets say, the dark past of their husbands, that is, for them it was the husbands father, who is a veteran frontline soldier, he had awards and more than one award. And it was just a shock for relatives for wives for children. It was just a shock, which they tried so hard to hide to answer, yet the case of the ukrainian hundred in the procedural practice of the soviet union had to be exceptionally Capital Punishment, which were sentenced seven accused were not carried out filed a cassation appeal and a petition for pardon. The Capital Punishment was changed to 15 years. Deprivation of liberty. They were spared their lives for a crime for which there is no statute of limitations , the criminals responded with long sentences. On july 11 of this year, amendments to the amendment to the law of the civil republic of belarus came into force, which contains a number of innovations related to the adjustment of the legislation of citizenship in the first place, of course, persons who acquire citizenship of the republic of belarus will now take an oath, a solemn atmosphere the text of the oath is approved by the president of the republic of belarus, and a separate category of persons who will be convicted from taking the oath is also determined. In addition, relevant amendments and additions have been made that relate to aspects of the acquisition of the civil republic by belarus by persons who, due to certain circumstances, for example, stayed 90 days outside the country within the country. In fact, there is a socalled mandatory center for a certain category of persons who want to become citizens in belarus, that is, they must live on the territory of belarus for 5 years and, in fact, if, according to the previous version of the law, if he stayed outside the country for 90 days, and then in fact he violated the socalled value and could not ever acquire citizenship. Now , in fact, the legislator is a matter of indulgence. For this category of persons, and if due to certain circumstances, for example, you know that there were certain pandemic restrictions, these persons could not return to the country in a timely manner, the airline did not bring er, the citizens of belarus, in fact, if these reasons, in fact, are weighty, it is either a business trip or some other legislative circumstances and can consider the issue in an exceptionally order and such persons can also give about the acquisition of the civil republic well, in addition , i want to say that most likely, the terms and unified terms of consideration have been adjusted, when there is an admission to the citizenship of the republic i take and exit from the citizenship of the republic is exactly one year in order to actually not to discriminate against those persons who, for example, apply for naturalization, and who want to renounce citizenship, because earlier the terms were different, in addition, the period for consideration of materials for the acquisition of the civil republic was reduced to two months, the axis was simplified on the brigade procedure. This is in the relations of belarusians who return to the territory of the country, for example, which they used to have, but a fucking procedure. Restoration of citizenship has also been reduced to 2 months. Well, 3 months is the period for consideration of materials on issues citizenship this applies to those persons who apply for the acquisition of citizenship in the registration or simplified procedure. Well, besides, i want to say that the legislator also led. E, certain categories of persons who lose the citizenship of the republic of belarus due to the fact that they are convicted on the territory of our country for committing crimes of an extremist or theoretical nature, as well as crimes that have caused serious harm to the interests of the republic of belarus in the event that these persons arrive for outside the country, then in relation to them it is possible to carry out the procedure for the loss of the civil republic. I undertake, of course , if there is a Court Decision that has entered into force to discuss these persons on the territory of russia, many people have already expressed their desire to become citizens of our country. How many have received belarusian citizenship since the beginning of the year beginning of the year we have already considered made positive decisions on more than 2,000 applications for, uh, foreign citizens and or citizenship acquisition of citizenship of the republic of belarus togo about 700 when tyson is under consideration, because firstly, firstly, this is the period for considering an application for acquiring citizenship , as i said, from two to two months to 1 year, and therefore the procedure is very complicated, as applicants go through significant throat checks. Its not that easy that he just wanted to learn it. Uh, the russian language or the belarusian language meets some criteria and can become a citizen, in fact there is, and uh , unfortunately, there is a categorical decision to refuse to consider the application and the decision to reject the application in general, that is, on in fact, it is not so easy to obtain citizenship of the republic of rus, despite a number of indulgences that have already been adopted to facilitate the procedure for neukleization of knowledge of the belarusian or russian language. Do you need to know Something Else there to take an exam on the knowledge of our history of our culture, but in fact, firstly, well, the legislation says that you must know the constitution of the republic of belarus and the laws of the republic of belarus and the ministry of internal affairs together with the ministry of Foreign Affairs now. Examination for knowledge of e, russian or belarusian language foreigners who will apply for naturalization will pass compulsory written examinations in order to check the level of knowledge of the russian or belarusian language. Well, i can tell you a secret that there are questions about the constitution , there are questions about the general political structure of the republic of belarus in fact. Here are the exams. We will check just how knowledge of him and the constitution and knowledge of the legislation of the republic are taken in order to see how much a person declares one thing, and knows the other thing in practice, so that later he would not say that i didnt know something or didnt read something in time a lot. I am seeking citizenship. Here. If you look at the trends, it actually gets bigger , that is, there was such a peak when we were fulfilling the president s order, when the president spoke on behalf of all those persons and citizens of ukraine who had been on the territory of belarus for a long time. And then we had a peak. Now we have reached such a stable approximate figure about 5. 000 year, we are considering the acquisition of the civilian republic of belarus well, well, certain, of course there is a decision on the rejection. If we had gone through the procedure of simplification of citizenship, well, of course, there were quite a lot of the same, because we have about 170,000 only foreigners with residence permits. And if we were still, uh, certain, and preferences were provided for the presence of a second citizenship, when our neighbors, for example, do ours, then the number of citizens of belarus would be even greater, but it does not always show that this is the right decision. Therefore, we will hmm improve the legislation gradually in order to accept the citizenship of only those people who are worthy. The assortment of the enterprise is quite wide and the consumer can always choose something according to his taste. We have a very interesting team. I love being a sorceress. I like that people like it, i will try to do it, of course, i am rooting for my enterprises, people like it. And this is the most. The main thing was once composed in his honor, hymns performed rituals, organized holidays it is believed that more than 7. 000

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