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Girls. Well done, all the mistakes, everything that we worked on during the training camp. Dismantled, leveled out showed the class support of our fans. She cannot be compared with anything and it seems to me that this is not just the fifth player, the fourth this is the entire ten players on the court, which we helps for this crazy. Thanks to all the fans. And spectator interest, of course, in basketball is increased, to be honest , i dont immediately remember when i saw queues at the sports arena on friday morning on a weekday , it says something, i think you conclude. Do it yourself in the stands and mr. Sports Sergey Kovalchuk or they are anfimov and the olympic champion of barcelona for nashabovich. In general , a uniquely bright entourage would like to note this location, in principle. Pancu is right here. Shes big, please. Uh, shopping nobody canceled. Im not ashamed of the sports palace and today the epicenter of the second games of the cis country is going to the plant in this area of ​​​​the capital, at these minutes the second match of the game day continues, the Belarusian Team at number one, led by yevgeny vernadskaya, is fighting against a rival from kazakhstan and, as we see , yes, yes, which is definitely not i may not be happy to remind you live with the call of these particular competitions. You can follow on the tv channel in belarus 5 or here in the arena, so aidas friends to me all have a good day and continue to live together in sports studio to you glory thank you stas stanislav lipsky, let us remind you that in these minutes he is working on the jam floor, where today, as part of the second games of the cis countries, a threeonthree basketball tournament started in total, in the Competitive Program of friday , eight sports in 200 have just completed pre swimming heats. In the evening, athletes will compete for eight sets of awards at the sports palace, uruchcha at 19 30. Belarus minifootball team. The duel will start against the team of uzbekistan , these sports will be broadcast live on belarus 5, in addition to the final duel in boxing, the boys are scheduled to compete for medals in the modern pentathlon. In muay thai , the semifinals will continue and the volleyball players in the medal standings, the Belarusian Team is still in second place in the asset of our athletes 146 awards , 29 gold, 41 silver and 76 bronze medals, the russians are in the lead. First five. Also includes the teams of uzbekistan, azerbaijan and armenia. See the exclusive details of interviews with champions and prizewinners in the diary of the second games of the cis countries in the panorama. Today we will dwell on threeonthree basketball in more detail and show the atmosphere in muay thai. The Beach Soccer Federation today summed up the results of the performance of the Belarusian Team at the main sports forum of the year, the chairman of the association, mikhail bortnikov, noted the high competition in the tournament ; recall five of the eight participating countries in february 2024 will play in the world championship, which will be held in the United Arab Emirates all the tasks that were put before the team, they were, of course, fulfilled. Uh, we won first place like and planned games. Uh, passed great uh. We are very grateful to the organizers of the games. We are grateful to the ministry of sports. Uh, for the fact that it included beach soccer in the program, we are grateful to all, uh, the National Teams that came football was great. And i even got caught thinking that it was as if you were present at the final of the world cup. In beach soccer, this does not end before the start of the world cup, the team will play in the Europa League, which will begin in september. A massive exodus of doctors from medical institutions, and it is observed both in the capital and on the periphery from the central clinic alone. Vilnius has recently left 40 specialists. The reason is quite prosaic high workloads and low wages. As it turned out , there is no state Training Program in the country. Moreover, its not even clear to doctors how many doctors work and how many licenses they have been issued, those who quit the country, or went into private practice, the problem is becoming more acute day by day to avoid a shortage of specialists, it would be possible if narrowly specialized medics began to prepare to have 10 there back as a temporary solution. There could be money for a sharp increase in wages, but they are not there either. The german bild publishes a panic article in the country , the price of potatoes has risen sharply, and moreover, there is an acute shortage of it in retail. It has risen to 3 euros in just a year and is not going to stop, the main reason is the poor harvest, which ruined numerous heavy rains, but the trouble is not only this, almost everything that is necessary for farming has grown sharply in at the same time, inflation led to an increase in the cost of fuel , planting material and fertilizer , of course, in fact, the ban on the import of belarusian fertilizers also contributed to the troubles of german farmers. Only in july , more than a thousand farmers went bankrupt. Almost half more than in july last year. In general, potatoes have not yet become a delicacy for the germans, but everything is moving towards this. From bangladesh, a sharp increase in the number of infections and deaths from tropical dengue fever is reported. To date, 364 people are known to have died, about 78,000 have been ill with it or medical authorities are infected and bangladesh is seriously alarmed by these sad records of dengue, it is well known here, but never before had such indicators that the who call this fever one of the most dangerous enemies of mankind. While dengue rages only in the tropics and subtropics, but Global Warming believes the organization can make it a disease of the middle latitudes as well , there are no means to combat this fever, and the mortality from it is extremely high. Outlaws attempt to smuggle hard drives across the border ended for the belarusian was a failure, the figurant was driving. As passengers in a passenger car, and the cargo was hidden in a water canister, however , the man failed to introduce undeclared goods into the country ; they were discovered by customs officers during the course. Inspection of a car incident occurred at the kamenny log checkpoint. 59 hard drives were found in a water canister, the cost of which was at least 24,000 rubles. They also found parfum bags and other goods worth about 19,000 rubles in the trunk. On this fact. He initiated the administrative process of the defendant. You have to pay a fine for hidden discs up to 30 base units, and for not declared bags and perfumes more than 5,000 rubles. Belarus harvested 4768 thousand tons of grain, including rapeseed grains and legumes without corn buckwheat and salting harvested from 65 of the area for hammering 3 million 854. 000 tons. As for flax, more than 78 of the area has already been harvested. Well, monitoring of both equipment and personnel began even before the harvest, and more than 1637 violations of labor protection legislation revealed the trade union even during the preparation of the monitoring. The state of agricultural machinery, as well as the availability of all safety equipment, continues to be monitored for the provision of protective suits and overalls. In addition, they check the availability of hot food and drinking water. The workers. So in the private economy of the kopyl district. Employees of the federation of trade unions revealed a couple of shortcomings. They were immediately eliminated on the spot in the field , nine combiners are working, the same number of vehicles, taking into account the weather conditions , have already been harvested, 65 are planning to finish within a week, the average yield is 43 centners. Harvesting we have been preparing by the Company Since spring. Since april , 3 months. We are 100 prepared for the planned 8. 5 thousand. This will be enough to cover the seeds to cover the fodder. Uh also fulfill the government order, if the wreck see sometimes then he issues a recommendation. E to the head with a certain period for consideration and after the expiration of this period , the head of the organization is obliged to inform the technical labor inspector about the consideration of this recommendation to eliminate violations. As noted by the federations of trade unions, the number every year there are less and less violations. A lot of work was done even before the start of the cleaning campaign, despite this , employees continue to identify shortcomings. The Harvesting Company is in the midst of agrarians rapidly approaching a new millionth frontier and despite the fact that the heroes of the harvest have the hottest time. They try to keep up with the trends and have compiled a small selection of top videos for you. Continue sports news. We are on the air at 13 00 see you soon. Grodno neman with a minimum score of 01 lost the goal in the first there were no goals scored in the first half of the match in ljubljana in the third round of the conference football league. Although both teams had scoring opportunities, and in the second half of the meeting in the sixtyninth minute, the only goal. The hosts scored in the match, the return match for reaching the playoffs of the Conference League will be held on august 17 in the hungarian dura near borisovs bote, the situation after the first match as a sheriff in the Europa League qualification is much more difficult , the borisov team were defeated in tiraspol with a score of 1 5, the return match will be held also in next thursday in hungary arina savalenko. Today , the opponent of the belarusian eighteenth racket of the world and lyudmila samsonova, she is the previous stage sobolenko, will compete for reaching the quarterfinals of the tennis tournament in the morial. In two sets, petr martich was stronger 6. 3. 76. No matter how much i travel around belarus , i always manage to learn Something Interesting and unusual. And today im going to the city where you can find happiness for all people on the planet, where lenin steps into the church, and where ships were once built for the black sea fleet to the city of krichev i want to see it. Secrets of the blue krinitsa why not every greek horse can swim down it is half a horse or half a duck, for whom prince potemkin built a chic wrestler to the bottom at night unearthly landscapes in a completely earthly kamenka on the way to krichev, do not be lazy. Drop in to slavgorod, a beautiful little town with its own history. But the most important thing is that not far from slavda there is a place where pilgrims from all over the world come, golubaya krinitsa. The history of slavgorod began in the twelfth century, then it was a fortified defensive settlement; now it is both a cozy town and a special charm of the city give genre urban sculptures and bright murals that adorn the walls of houses before it was a port city. What the anchor on the coat of arms clearly told everyone in 2005. The coat of arms was changed, but the anchor in slavgorod still remained. Is it true. Now it can be seen along the confluence of the pronya and sosh rivers on a memorial sign. Now few people remember, but slavgorod was a slavgorod, not always before. It was called about search. A it was like this. After the liberation of the pro search from the nazi invaders , documents were submitted to stalin for the assignment of the 324th division of the new name pro search. Well, Iosif Vissarionovich considered this name unworthy and assigned a new name to the city, slavgorod, after the first partition of the commonwealth, catherine ii, then presented

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