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The territory of the private court of belarus, and what i bore the name of st. Michal, arkhanev, all the twins are like that. Well, i dont think spiritually it can be all down. Does the name affect the character and fate of a person, a person and kinoshichi myagotara, saint, well, im kind of called out, but to live like this i mean, you have competition. Why the bible says to be joyful sometimes earthly joy, bodily joy, it is so, sometimes it passes very quickly, but the joy that a person receives from communion with god in the church, then this joy, it somehow turns out that fills every day of his life. Why do they ring bells in churches, it is known that bells are a tradition of ringing yes, it was the shape of the bells that came to us more western, as it were, traditions from the catholic one, that in the orthodox, as it were, the performance was called, from which they also beat plates from the same material departure, but they were beaten answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on belarus 24 tv channel belarusian memorial complexes have a special feature that should not be forgotten. Nicole doesnt care about dermal will arrive. He himself was from the house, but a little bit of a sensor of this place, that is, somewhere the idea is torn apart by our high muravan. I am served by architects. Just ideally the skin memory bottleneck was implemented. Cut free to free. You send off emotions with wild ones, you see this partizan or the movie avantgarde you live, yes will you send off, i to freedom. Where people like charings, one might say, stood hidden handfuls of earth, there were both suvorovites and schoolchildren, people already became the voice of an adult documentary cycle, the memory of my land, of course, and without memory of the past , the future, so we can be oleg, this may be such a future or what is. There is a fearful way to remember your terrible moment. Dont survive it. Watch on belarus 20 shatyry tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, do not switch in the country and abroad. Over 100 Million Viewers worldwide have access to viewing projects of our tv channel. So what is it, belarus generous picturesque and monumental sports and team we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development, belarus can be different to understand and feel. She needs to be seen with her own eyes. Not great, the town, not rich, the outback calls it to defend it by right in a number of hero cities. About the village of oktyabrsky is unlikely many even though they heard the Regional Center, where they throw the fox and swamps around during all the years of the war. He remained the evil eye on the eye of the fascist army, nevertheless, the nazis could not occupy it, the partisan movement could not. From the first days of the war, it became, as it were, a strategic factor in the conduct of the war, therefore it is no coincidence that stalin, in his speeches, always turned to the soldiers of the red army, red navy, partisans and partisans, the very first detachments. They were created in pilu ken by the encirclement, who were captured once and after all on june 22. Here did not start the First Western areas. Belarus, they began to pursue a policy from here, people began to flee. After all, the chain is transmitted very quickly , he runs into the forest to hide, there and so on. In the summer of 1941, not far from the urban village of oktyabrsky district of belarusian partizans, it burned down in 18 tanks and fell down a slope, an enemy armorpiercing train in those days , the soviet motherland learned that belarus had begun a nationwide partisan war, the Regional Center of the ore protein is now urban, the oktyabrsky village became the center of the partisan zone began the long struggle of the inhabitants of the oktyabrsky district against fascism was a team. Here is to organize a movement against the advancing enemy. Well, on the same day, a fighter battalion was created. The war began, it was declared the mobilization of all people who were suitable in age for health there in various categories of the military registration and enlistment office. They were drafted into the army were a number of individuals who, for various reasons. Well, as if they received a reprieve, there are police, there are economic bodies, there is age, and so on, well, people had a desire to fight, they signed up for a fighter battalion. The red october detachment was created in the first days of the war, and was named after the first civil partisan detachment. At first it consisted of only 80 people. Among them were representatives of the Party Komsomol soviet and collective farm activists, and they became its core. I was just born. Tikhon pimenovich buchakov was appointed commander of the red october detachment, and he was us in general, well, such a person is understandable respectful of everything in the world, and fyodor illarionovich pavlovsky was appointed his assistant, i was 9 years old, and we things were already fortythree years old, they didnt release the wet cold for three days the images in yours were full of rotten so abruptly you put on a shirt and went again. You still want to give me, but you yourself are nothing cold, damn it. The result of any isolation is to acquire weapons and everything that is possible, and transport, and so on. Divided into platoons and squads, they began military activities, trained in disguise, mastery of weapons , use a topographic map and compass, and acquired the necessary sappers knowledge. They got explosives, mined bridges , dug trenches, hundreds of bottles of fuel to destroy tanks, kept water pipes. He valued the hour in nervous shovels. It was his firm thought to defend himself late, when the enemy breaks in, you need to resist now with the base of a paradise of a strong union. They urgently transported all the supplies to the forest, buried them in the village and collected weapons. Side by side with the men in the detachment , important girls fought from nadya zhukovskaya katyushumalovskaya fyokla gulenko, as the sisters of the girl took care of the partisans, looked after the paradises, cooked dinner washed clothes. And when necessary, they took rifles and went into battle with them. In july 1941 , partisan intelligence reported that in the village, and the land housed a military formation of the nazis in the oktyabrsky district , a fur detachment of a Lieutenant Colonel was sent. Kormyshev. Close interaction was established between the detachments ; the germans experienced the blows of the detachments. So thoroughly that they call the commanders of the detachments a bandit, kormashev bandit of pieces of paper. After consulting with the headquarters of the kormashev detachment, the papers and the pavlovskys decide to attack the village, ending their speech at mashkov said, we will remain the owners of the district. And not far from oktyabrsky, literally 12 00 kilometers away, there is a land village where the german headquarters is located, since the railway that connected bobruisk and the old womans station passed to rest and not far away. This is petrikovsky district. The partisans could not defeat the headquarters, which was located in the village. Ozim was very difficult to approach several times sent scouts. Someone died, someone did not return, and it was not possible in any way not to to arouse any suspicion, it was decided to send the guys who were among the fighters of the armored train team as children of the regiment of pavel the strappy . And zhenya zelinsky thought of everything, because they were very worried about the life and health of these children. They were dressed in the clothes that correspond to those war times. They took the sacks there, some attempts , what there might have been. Well , everyone knew that these guys were not theirs, not their villages. Well, after all no one could tell, eh the germans did not know this. Arriving in the village they walked around the garden and climbed in. They fought as if for apples. They walked freely around the village for about three hours, taking notes. Everything you saw. The boys managed to find out how much equipment, where it is, where exactly the headquarters is located, how many soldiers they saw, but what they could see, uh, the smart ones were very smart guys, they remembered a lot and returned to the detachment. In the morning , an armored train approached almost silently along the railway at the same time a partisan detachment on Motor Vehicles approached the village from the other side, and when the armored train opened fire on the school building, where the headquarters of the party was located , the nazis did not expect such a blow into the village. The germans were teeth there was already such a situation. They did not even wait or guess, because the fortification was strong. Well, in general , they knew what time they were watch faces there. All these boys calculated quite well. Completely destroyed. With one of these boys with pavel the cook. I managed to meet, personally in the eightieth year, Pavel Pavlovich specifically did not come to oktyabrsky himself, but to those places where he fought after the operation, which took place in the village, the guys, pavel and his wife also fought together, they were in the kharkov region, but near poltava, when the battle was going on. E, they parted, as it is not known where the Burning Sensation went missing, and pavel was shellshocked and he was sent to the hospital. After that, the friends never met. They didnt see and led pavlovich how many times he came, he constantly says, but now the internet is what we are looking for, but he got married, he didnt find it. Unfortunately. This is pauls dream pavlovich does not exist. In total, by the beginning of august, a partisan detachment, red october , acting together with units of Lieutenant Colonel kumyshev. Exterminated over 300 enemy soldiers and officers, blew up more than twenty bridges. Disabled 20 enemy tanks, derailed an armored train, destroyed a large number of enemy vehicles and seized rich trophy in total , according to archival materials, we can say that in july 1941 alone, and the partisans from red october made more than 10 successful military actions against opponents in the National Archives of the republic of belarus stores documents on the history of this partisan detachment. In addition , the personal files of the commanders of the partisan detachment are stored in the funds of the national archive. Red october is pavlovsky poshkov. Well, this is our famous partisans who were the first in the soviet union to be awarded the high title of hero of the soviet union for partisan struggle. A month and a half after the organization of the red october detachment, papers , being recalled to the front, handed over command to pavlovsky, he is sharpwilled and his permanent commissar, the favorite of the partisans, the soul of the makhanko man, sent groups of their partisans to neighboring areas. And there arose new units. This corresponded to the passionate spontaneous craving of the people. To fight, this detachment became the ancestor of thirteen other partisan detachments, which later united into the powerful legendary 123rd partisan brigade named after the 25th anniversary of the bssr. The struggle continued to intensify by the end of september , the partisan detachment, red october under pavlovskys command freed the enemy. Many settlements of the region and thus laid the foundation for the creation of the october partisan zone, somewhere in july of the fortysecond year, the main purk of the political directorate of the workers and Peasants Red Army , signed by the mekhlis , issued such a leaflet with a signature where the military unit ended up. Eh, in the environment, you should consider yourself as a leading partisan, even such a call was. And so many of the, uh, military personnel, having received this document, then wore it throughout the war. What a blessing, like salvation from not being held accountable for staying in the occupied territory, these leaflets, which were scattered in hundreds of thousands of copies in the occupied territories, they played. Role, so that these first formations began to be created there too. In february 1942, it was decided to defeat the garrison of the nazis in vazarichach , the task was set for the scouts. Scout the area along the road, ore protein, illuminators. And so, when it began to get dark , the scouts went out on the road with overshoots the scouts quietly captured the language of the german sentry, who was in sana. From the prisoner, they learned where is the guardhouse, where is the fascist garrison located . The scouts crawled up to the guardhouse, removed the sentry, then also inconspicuously crept up to the post office where the nazis were resting, meanwhile the partisans arrived and rushed into the guardhouse. The partisans destroyed all the nazis and some of the policemen, by the way, in one of the documents they found such a map, which is an ore protein. There was introduced in red in circles, written above its axis. That is, when hitler demanded that why are you sitting there, they didnt write in the report that there are only bandits in the forest there, only a bandit had a husband to school bandit feeders in his there, of course there is a situation. Its very difficult for us. Documents from the german archives show how the most varied tactics of the enemy fell apart ; they reported that small german units, especially individuals, could not under any circumstances enter the area occupied by the partisans. Otherwise. They in danger of being destroyed, of course, difficult. Time was the germans, carried out punitive expeditions throughout the territory. In belarus, the nazis decided to put an end to the october revolution at once. This was set to destroy a certain percentage of the population. Because , well, no, they should have seen the earth. What a threat is looming. The partisans called on the inhabitants to go to the forests, and many left, but it still seemed to many that there would be no trouble if the professional leaders stayed at home, they asked people. Lets go to the woods to the woods. Otherwise, they will be dealt with. Just doing this kind of work. Well, im barely separate. So even the nailyarsk itself remained. And who didnt leave . Of course here. And when the germans in 42 spoke of people, the big summer gave an announcement to partisan families to go to the forest. And we went to the forest, we already said, mother invented the horse , planted manure on us and went to the bag and the island near the forest, the germans still walk. And im with my mother. There are many not only ours at the end of march 1942 by the nazi invaders a punitive bumper operation was carried out against partisan detachments and civilians. Meeting in the morning we went to the meeting, and there was a palisai. I lived in the wilderness. Guerrilla family, and the day of the guerrilla families of the belligerents. Tomorrow they sorted it separately already and drove it here oh, oh, during the operation, the punishers completely burned six villages together with the inhabitants, which were not restored after the war. It appears they have not been resurrected. And the nazis burned more than 80 villages in the districts. Almost every village was partly completely the same. What is a partial for example, and 300 people, maybe they could live and so on to drive others, then they took natakhat towards the crossing. We were your coffee and we were the consciousness of the master and there were five of us at these nasty things, but already watered. Slut canister is standing so its people screaming. And im not worth two puppies crying on them, whos the tax, whos singing along, who in general will burn there too. No when on the fourth day the partisans entered , they did not recognize their village, it was deserted, and ugly dead out of 6,025 courtyards of the oktyabrsky district , 3,539 were burned during the war, 5,824 people were killed, almost a third population. Now, according to the plan of the nazis, a lull should have reigned, but it happened differently in the same 1942, german bombers took to the air to bomb three villages that merged into one, the village of lost deep deep in the nazi rear, the results of the bombing were not established, as sent german detachments met again with a powerful detachment, red october, and were forced to retreat. We collapsed, rejoice at the crushing, be surprised, send off the conscience of the shasu and simply respect the generation. Skin day adds up today is the year of albus, where everything that loses watchfulness was quantitative, we ourselves do not respect the vedas and our death experience is peace. What is the best way to test your erudition and ingenuity with the right tricky questions . Name the fabulous genie who was saved by the soviet boy volka s crutches, old man hottabych, and the full name is further well received. This is an absolutely correct answer. Hope can still answer this question. Wrong if you see wrong it will be minus five sticks, we can not answer. Its your right. Is it true that, in any parallelepiped, all faces are squares . Sergey, i answered no, because even the walkietalkie that is attached here. It has the shape of a parallelepiped. Well, if you discard the antenna, but not all the faces are squares there, because as i remember, a rectangle is also a square, they are vice versa. The brightest star in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere eight Research Areas are developing research is currently underway in antarctica and most of them are secured, and the most uptodate ee instrumentation systems scientific instruments for Remote Sensing of the natural environment. Ah. Most of these devices e, the National Academy of science of belarus has been successfully developed and in terms of its parameters they are not inferior to the best world models, in some cases they are superior, in some cases. Eh, this device and instrument complex has no analogues in recent years. A number of countries have acceded to the antarctic treaty, these are turkey portugal malaysia kazakhstan these are countries that, unlike the republic of belarus, did not have even a small part of the history of exploration of the development of this continent. That is, they start their activities in antarctica from scratch, as beginning countries, as countries. Uh, who well do not have specialists of this profile. Uh dont turn to us for various kinds of advice help support. We have a separate one of these newcomer countries, the socalled roughly speaking of the antarctic, as a joint cooperation agreement. Uh, both research and logistics. Uh, i want to say that they are developing quite successfully. These contacts. These projects were completed in 2021 in the first place and we received the belarusian antarctic station. Uh, a very , uh, serious fulcrum on e. Continent antarctica. Uh, the station is equipped with everything you need this is a modern uh , so to speak e complex, which includes both a Scientific Laboratory and uh separate cabins for living uh, it means a number of necessary technological facilities that provide life support, dancing and so on, a i would like to note that in 2020 an International Inspection of our the station was conducted by the Australian Government and er, the results of the inspection were drawn up as well. Which reflected the level of uh construction of the station, the level of Scientific Research is very and this work was rated very highly at this stage. We are ready to hold yearround events, but this requires a number of other factors, an administrative decision. Perhaps the emphasis of scientific programs on other yearlong research. This is a very serious event. In fact, the team, leaving for the winter, falls. Ah, completely isolated. Uh, it turns out to be an absolutely isolated position and ships and planes. Uh, 8 months a year. They cant get to antarctica, so if it happens that there will be no one to help, you can only count on how we say the iron that we brought with us the reserves that we brought with us, of course, only on those people who are included from this point of view, everything was thought out and prepared for the expedition. And i think that not far off it will say so. Uh, the possibility of hosting or moving to another annual event, but im supposed to precede in any case pilot zimovka everything that lives, modern, belarus today, watch on belarus 24 tv channel. This is news from the country and abroad. Broadcasts of especially important events live broadcasts from the scene current interviews with famous belarusians fascinating travels around the country feature films for all ages azerbaijan kazakhstan turkmenistan uzbekistan kyrgyzstan tajikistan georgia turkey iran

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