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To remember the events exactly a year ago. These are my pictures here of people across israel remembering those who were killed in the Hamas Attacks and those taken hostage. There have been several events already in israel, more plant later and more planned right around the world. Here in the uk to foreign Secretary David Lammy has been visiting the South Tottenham Synagogue to commemorate victims of the attacks. ,. , commemorate victims of the attacks. ,. Attacks. Today i am here with the jewish attacks. Today i am here with the Jewish Community attacks. Today i am here with the Jewish Community at attacks. Today i am here with the Jewish Community at the | the Jewish Community at the synagogue here in South Tottenham. It is a day of deep reflection and pain, thinking about October The 7th, the worst attack on the Jewish Community worst attack on theJewish Community since worst attack on the Jewish Community since the holocaust, and of course thinking about the many hostages that are still held in gaza and their Loved Ones and the pain and particularly we think of emily, the british hostage and her family have no word of her fate or how she is doing. So this is a painful day for thejewish a painful day for the Jewish Community across a painful day for theJewish Community across this a painful day for the Jewish Community across this country and across the diaspora. Catherine byaruhanga is in South Tottenham. This community here at the South Tottenham united synagogue, like so many not only in the uk but around the bell, is reeling from those attacks by hamas. It was here that the foreign secretary came to meet community leaders. He is the mp for this particular constituency. When he came here he came to share in the pain that so manyjewish people, not only in israel but in the taoist borough, are going through and this echoes a statement that we heard from Keir Starmer where he has called on all people in the uk to stand with theJewish Community as he went to this difficult time. The message we will hearfrom the difficult time. The message we will hear from the government is it is important not to look away from the civilian suffering of people in the Middle East, in gaza and In Lebanon where the government continues to call for a ceasefire and for humanitarian assistance to be brought to gather in particular. Over the past 2a hours we have seen more events here in the uk. Yesterday at Hyde Park in london it is believed more than 20,000 people, jewish people but also their supporters, turned up at a massive rally to show support with the victims but also to continue to push for their release of the hostages still held in gaza. With me i have michael goldstone, the president of the united states, which looks after more than 60 synagogues here in the uk. Describe the mood amongst your community today. It mood amongst your community toda. ,. ,. ,. , today. It is still a matter of shock and today. It is still a matter of Shock And Grief today. It is still a matter of Shock And Grief to today. It is still a matter of Shock And Grief to the Shock And Grief to the atrocities our brothers and sisters atrocities our brothers and sisters in atrocities our brothers and sisters in israel were experiencing exactly a year ago now experiencing exactly a year ago now it experiencing exactly a year ago now. It was a level of Barbarism And Murder that the jewish Barbarism And Murder that the jewish people had not experienced since those days of the holocaust 80 years ago. And we all the holocaust 80 years ago. And we all have family, we all are friends, we all have family, we all are friends, we all have connections that are very close and we connections that are very close and we are connections that are very close and we are still wishing for the release of those poor hostages who we just dont know what hostages who we just dont know what they hostages who we just dont know what they are suffering underground in gaza. Still over 100 that underground in gaza. Still over 100 that we want released immediately. 100 that we want released immediatel. ,. , immediately. Focuses on their british woman immediately. Focuses on their british woman who immediately. Focuses on their british woman who is immediately. Focuses on their british woman who is still british woman who is still being held by hamas. We have heard from my mother calling on the british government to do far more. What is your message to the foreign secretary when he came here . The to the foreign secretary when he came here . He came here . The foreign secretary he came here . The foreign secretary was he came here . The foreign secretary was appreciative | he came here . The foreign secretary was appreciative that the foreign secretary took Time Out of the foreign secretary took Time Out of his the foreign secretary took Time Out of his diary. He made a particular out of his diary. He made a particular symbol of the wearing a yellow tie and its yellow wearing a yellow tie and its yellow badge for the hostages and we yellow badge for the hostages and we told him of the importance that this is still a british importance that this is still a British Citizen held captive and British Citizen held captive and he British Citizen held captive and he made it very clear that whilst and he made it very clear that whilst he and he made it very clear that whilst he couldnt tell if everything that they were trying everything that they were trying to do on her behalf, the government is trying to do they are doing government is trying to do they are doinu. ,. ,. , government is trying to do they are doing are doing. They are doing. And ust are doing. They are doing. And just looking are doing. They are doing. And just looking forward are doing. They are doing. And just looking forward to are doing. They are doing. And just looking forward to what. Are doing. They are doing. And just looking forward to what is| just looking forward to what is happening today in terms of the events that are being carried out. What are you hoping for from the british public . What kind of you hoping for . It is reallyjust kind of you hoping for . It is really just a kind of you hoping for . It is reallyjust a Matter Kind of you hoping for . It is really just a matter of really just a matter of Sympathy Reallyjust a matter of Sympathy And Sympathy and understanding and empathy. The prime understanding and empathy. The Prime Minister put out a very nice Prime Minister put out a very nice statement this morning but unfortunately it didnt mention israei. Unfortunately it didnt mention israel, and it is an understanding that israel is an intrinsic understanding that israel is an intrinsic part of our dna. It is an intrinsic part of our dna. It is an intrinsic part of what we stand is an intrinsic part of what we stand for is an intrinsic part of what we stand for and just an understanding from the british Puhiie Understanding from the british public. Unfortunately, it was very public. Unfortunately, it was very soon public. Unfortunately, it was very soon after the 7th Of October very soon after the 7th Of October before israel even responded that therefore is celebrations in The Street in certain celebrations in The Street in certain parts of the country and certain parts of the country and we certain parts of the country and we have seen demonstrations in support and we have seen demonstrations in support of hamas and we perceive in support of hamas and we perceive them to be in support of hamas perceive them to be in support of hamas that have gone consistently over the course of the test consistently over the course of the last year. So it is an understanding that we are still Grieving Understanding that we are still grieving and this is very much important grieving and this is very much important to us. Grieving and this is very much important to us. Thank you for oininu important to us. Thank you for joining us important to us. Thank you for joining us on important to us. Thank you for joining us on bbc important to us. Thank you for joining us on bbc news. Important to us. Thank you for| joining us on bbc news. Those concerned about anti semitic attacks against the Jewish Community in the uk persist. One charity has said that the number of such attacks has trebled in the 12 months since october to seventh. Later on today there will be a statement from the Prime Minister to the House Of Commons this afternoon. As the world remembers the anniversary of the Hamas Attacks, israeli strikes on lebanon have continued. There were more attacks on southern districts of beirut, soon after israel had issued warnings to civilians to evacuate parts of the lebanese capital it considers to be hezbollah strongholds. And Israels Military says its investigating how five rockets fired from Southern Lebanon on Sunday Night managed to penetrate Israels Air defences and explode in the northern Port City Of Haifa. Several people were injured. Will vernon reports. One year on since the Middle East was set ablaze, beirut burns again. Explosions pierce the night sky. Israel had issued new Evacuation Orders shortly before launching Air Strikes on the city. The israeli military released this footage, saying it had targeted hezbollah Weapons Storage and command centres hidden beneath residential buildings, which hezbollah denies. The strikes on beirut are intensifying. The lebanese government says more than moo people have been killed so far. Over the border in israel, hezbollahs response. The city Of Haifa was attacked by five rockets. Ten people were injured by shrapnel. Hezbollah claimed it had targeted a Military Base in the area. Earlier on sunday, an Evacuation Flight for british nationals left beirut. The Uk Government says no more are planned. Those On Board described the terrifying ordeal of their escape. Oh, its been devastating. Its like a nightmare, nightmare. Its like hell on earth. I cant describe, like, every day, every day at night, bombing, like extreme bombing. Its so scary, like, the buildings shake. Over A Million people have been forced from their homes In Lebanon, and around A Thousand temporary shelters across the country are now full. The un says the situation is desperate. This is a major displacement crisis, as you all know, caused by this situation. We need respect for civilian infrastructure and civilian population. Unfortunately, many instances of violations of international humanitarian law in the way the Air Strikes are conducted. And thousands of people are once again on the move in the Gaza Strip. Injabalia in the north, israel ordered 300,000 residents to evacuate. The israeli military is expanding its operations In Lebanon and gaza. But the concern now is the potentialfor a direct confrontation between israel and iran, which could spark an even wider war. Will vernon, bbc news. Samar El Yassir is the Country Director at the humanitarian organistation anera. He told me about the impact the attacks were having on people In Lebanon. It isa it is a nightmare. We are very concerned at an international organisation by the Mass Destruction, the Mass Displacement and escalation of hostilities. So far more than A Million people to be exact, 1. 2 Million people to be exact, 1. 2 Million people, in a very short time had to flee their homes and take refuge in collective shelters, to The Street to anywhere they think it is more safe. They left with nothing. There is Mass Destruction of civilian buildings, of hospitals, health centres. So we are really concerned about the escalation, about the Mass Destruction, displacementand destruction, displacement and also destruction, displacementand also there is news of humanitarian workers being casualties in all of this. Do Ou Casualties in all of this. Do you think casualties in all of this. Do you think there has been enough planning . You think there has been enough lannin . ,. , planning . Unfortunately, Lebanon Planning . Unfortunately, Lebanon Wasnt Planning . Unfortunately, Lebanon Wasnt prepared | planning . Unfortunately, i Lebanon Wasnt prepared for this, not at all. Their collective shelters are really the schools. Schools had to open up and taking people, which is totally unprepared. There is no place to sleep and it doesnt have electricity, water, so humanitarian organisations have been trying to respond to this by water, bedding, hygiene kits. Iwant to tell you, because of the unpreparedness, in a very short time the hostilities, the escalations have only taken place in two weeks and already there are incidences of lice, scabies and cholera in these places, so the Health Situation is really concerning as well. The humanitarian situation In Lebanon. We will return now to the commemorations of the October The 7th attack, exactly one year ago. People across israel as you can see in the live pictures on the left of your screen with the israeli flags waving in the wind. People in israel and across the world remembering those who were killed on the 7th Of October and those taken october and those ta ken hostage. Rushdi abualouf is our gaza correspondent. He told Lyse Doucet about what it was like in the Gaza Strip a year ago. We were expecting some sort of a very big israeli retaliation following the Hamas Attack on October The 7th, but not on this scale. We are talking about numbers, we are saying more than 42,000 41,000 people killed, 10,000 people are still missing, almost half, maybe more than half of gazans buildings, infrastructure, schools, universities, hospitals are completely destroyed. Over 120,000 people who have left. I am one of them. My family is one of them. Whenever we travel to meet people in egypt, in qatar, everywhere they go they have one answer, that we have survived, we are still alive but we are not ok. That is for those who are outside. What about the over 2 Million people inside who have experienced the horror of displacement, killing and pain for over a year . This morning, very mixed feelings. People were posting on social media, those very few people who have internet in gaza, most of them were saying that they dream that a Time Machine or some sort of miracle would bring back their old life, normal life, that they used to live, because you know gaza was for a very long time under siege and under tight blockade for ten years, but nothing to compare to what happened last year. And people really dream of going back to their old life. What is your understanding of Hamas Position regarding a ceasefire, that many accuse israel of not doing enough to end The War . Israel blames hamas, saying it is hamas that wants The War to go on and to expand across the region. What is your understanding . Well, for hamas, we asked them back in qatar last week when we went to see them, they said what israel wants from us is to surrender we are not going to do this, we will fight to The End and this is the message that we are getting from them all the time, that we are ready to do a ceasefire, we are ready to make concessions. And they said they already made big concessions by not having that line to guarantee The End of The War Back Injuly the 2nd, when hamas said they accepted mrjoe bidens initiative. But in all the time accused israel and Benjamin Netanyahu personally that he is the one who is not willing to do the deal. Talking about Hamas One year on, just a few minutes ago hamas is still capable of Firing Rockets from gaza that reach central israel in tel aviv. That doesnt mean that hamas militarily has not received a significant amount of damage, but they are still. After one year of this 7th Of October attack, they are still able to have some sort of ability to fire rockets and we know that they still have some groups and some formulation in gaza that are capable of Fighting Israelis for months, i think. Ijust want i just want to show you simple live pictures we are getting right now. This is from central israel. We are just trying to establish the details of exactly what it is we are seeing here but these are pictures coming into us in the last few moments. Pictures coming into us in the last few moments. Yaakov katz is Senior Fellow at the jewish people policy institute. He told Lyse Doucet what the mood was like now in israel. Its a country still in mourning. That still feels the terrible pain of that tragedy that took place a year ago, the greatest Massacre Ofjews on a single day since the holocaust, 1200 people murdered. And the fact that 251 were taken hostage, 101 of those people still being held in the Gaza Strip. And even when we think of that, the possibility, the prospect that it might even be more than 101. We know of the reports of sexual abuse, of rape, the fact that women are still there, a year has gone by. Is it possible that one of them has given birth to a child . The pain is really immeasurable i think for the israeli people, whose hearts are pierced every single day, knowing that there are still people being held in some Dark Dungeon in a terrorist tunnel inside gaza. And the fact that we are still at war. I dont think anyone would have imagined a year ago that we would still be pretty much in the same place, yes, with some victories, yes, with some accomplishments, yes, with a change to the region, but this country is still at war, and that is a hard pill to swallow. As you know, night after night the families of the hostages gather in The Street to call for a ceasefire to say more should be done to bring their Loved Ones home. And the polls, which showed a very strong backing for this war in the early months of it, now seem to show that more israelis believe it is time to prioritise the hostages, that the military objectives have been met. How do you see the mood . I think most israelis look at the Gaza Strip at least, lebanon is a different scenario for the time being, but they look at gaza, they see that israel has pretty much achieved most of its military objectives. It has not destroyed completely hamas but it has broken the back of all of the Hamas Brigades and battalions. It has eliminated most of the top commanders of hamas, the leader of hamas and the mastermind of October The 7th still remains at large. But most of hamas has been destroyed and its infrastructure. And what is missing is that political resolution, that day after plan, the exit strategy. Who is going to fill the vacuum that now has been created in gaza . And unfortunately we are yet to see the creation of what that plan will look like, and that was what led, i think, to this renewed operation in Northern Gaza because in the absence of having someone who can take the reins of governing the Gaza Strip from hamas because it has been weakened so severely, we do not have someone else to be there, and that means hamas can reconstitute itself. And that is why israel is once again operating in the Area Ofjabalia in Northern Gaza. There has to be a political match to the military accomplishment, and we have yet to achieve that objective. So people want to see at least the hostages come home, 101, half of them believed to still be alive a year later. That is something that can be achieved potentially today if there was only a partner for those negotiations on the other side. This mans couldnt was taken hostage by hamas on October The 7th and later killed. This mans cousin. I think back on this year as the entire year, we are still stuck in October The 7th 2023. Because we havent, you know, a lot of people had been impacted and then were able in some way or another to recuperate and move on. But we are still undergoing that same trauma. We are still in this struggle, as you have just heard hadas speak. Our lives have stopped, its absolutely true and theres really no way we could do anything aside from taking care of this campaign to bring them back as soon as possible. The fact we are a year into The War and the hostages are not back, most of all we feel its not even concern. We feel that it hasnt. Everybody hasnt done everything they should have been doing. And of course, i speak of my own government which, you know, the hostages are not here so clearly they havent done everything they could have done. But The War still goes on, the fighting still goes on and the World Hasnt done enough, the world has a lot of influence. The us, qatar, egypt and the uk and europe, and they are not the key players at The End of the day, the deal has to be signed by israel and hamas. But there is a lot of leverage that can be used and hasnt. So you dont believe your Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, when he says repeatedly he is doing all he can, that hes got, as i speak to you, we can hear the sounds of artillery going into the border, just across the border into gaza. That he says he is doing all he can and that he will not stop this war until his War Aim of Destroying Hamas is achieved and he blames hamas for the deadlock . First of all ill say the most obvious thing, the hostages are not here. Therefore, he has not done everything he could have. Had he, they would have been here. So thats simple reasoning. Aside from that, i think you know, im sure The War will not stop until the goals of The War that they have set, he and the government have set are achieved. However, they havent, as far as we believe, havent been prioritising right and there are two goals to this war. One is really making sure that israel is safe and the other one is bringing back the hostages. At this point, The War, a years fighting with hamas has weakened it enough that israel is safe enough at this point. To make sure October The 7th doesnt happen again tomorrow morning. And therefore we can reach a deal that will bring the hostages back. We will then have to continue making sure that our budget we will then have to continue making sure that our border is safe, because hamas will not cease doing what it does, it openly says it. But at The End of the day, we have to prioritise. We have various live pictures coming in. Lets start in beirut. Smoke still writing across the City Skyline and strikes have continued in the capital of lebanon overnight and this morning. As well as strikes in beirut, rockets on Sunday Evening were fired from Southern Lebanon into israel and we did get reports from the idf of Air Raid sirens being heard in northern israel, also. Lets take you down to the Gaza Strip and Khan Younis there in gaza, because there have been israeli Strikes Notjust in beirut, notjust In Lebanon but also in gaza, all this taking place on the 7th Of October exactly one year since the Hamas Attacks on israel. Across israel and across the world there have been ceremonies and vigils taking place. These are the live pictures from israel, people that are gathering to remember notjust people that are gathering to remember not just those people that are gathering to remember notjust those who were killed but those who were taken hostage, too. In the last few minutes we have heard from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing to bring back all hostages still held by palestinian militants in gaza, as israel marking their first anniversary of the October The 7th attack. Plenty more coverage coming up. Do to stay with us. This is bbc news. Hello. A mixed Day Today in what will be a fairly mixed week of weather. Showers will be the common element throughout. In the first half of the week, when the sunshines out between the showers, Itll Feel quite mild, but the second half of the week the winds pick up and its going to be a cold wind at that, all due to the presence of an Ex Hurricane. Now at the moment its just this area of low pressure responsible for the showers well see. Weather front is being tangled across the north of scotland so far today. Further Cloud Outbreaks of rain here. But elsewhere that mixture of sunshine and showers. Showers continue to develop more widely through england and wales during the afternoon, some of which will be heavy and thundery. But therell be places that stay dry. Certainly a brighter afternoon for northern ireland, northern England And North wales. In the sunshine, warm for this stage in october, really. Temperatures mid to high teens. Finish the day, though, with some Heavy Rain in the southwest that will spread northwards across england and wales for a time, into northern ireland. Some clear skies either side of it, so there could be one or two Mist Orfog patches, but the general flow� s from the south so it wont be a cold night. Temperatures 8 12 degrees. As we go into tomorrow, though, it could be a damp start, though, over northern england, northern ireland. That rain spreads its way into central southern scotland, and it could become fairly slow moving. Large Rainfall Totals through parts of central eastern scotland. To the north of it a cold breeze developing, but a drier day compared with today. To the south of it, for much of england and wales, sunshine and showers again. If anything, those showers more widespread than today. But in the sunshine between it will feel warm. Now at The End of the week will be governed by this area of cloud. This is hurricane kirk. Its decaying now as it pushes over colder waters, but the area of low pressure that is left will then run it looks like increasingly to the south of us, across parts of continental europe, but it will still have an impact on our weather as it pulls away in drawing down colder, strong winds. Now this is linked to hurricane kirk, Ex Hurricane kirk, which is to the south of us on wednesday. Its still far away, but could be enough to give some persistent rain to the Channel Islands and the far southeast of england. One to watch. But away from it, a fair bit of cloud, occasional showers and turning colder from the north. Now the centre of that Storm System pushes continuing towards denmark as we go through into thursday and that opens the door to colder air for more of us on thursday. And some particularly strong winds down eastern coasts rough seas and dangerous around some of the coasts, i suspect. But a story of sunshine and showers for many on thursday. But by the afternoon, a much chillierfeel and a frosty night will follow. Live from london, this is bbc news. Vigils in israel and around the world, a year on from the October 7th attacks, when hamas gunmen killed 1200 people. This morning, flags were lowered to Half Mast outside the knesset. The exact time rockets targeted southern israel. At the nova festival site, pictures of some of the missing and dead, many of whose families gathered to mark the anniversary. Meanwhile, Israels Military is investigating how rockets fired by hezbollah penetrated Israels Air defences overnight, hitting the city Of Haifa. And In Lebanon, there have been more israeli strikes on beirut. Israel has also launched fresh attacks on targets in gaza. This is the scene live in beirut as lebanon deals with the aftermath of the latest israeli strikes

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