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Israel has carried out further Bombing Raids on beirut, as fighting with hezbollah continues on the ground in Southern Lebanon. It claims its killed 440 hezbollah fighters since the start of its Ground Invasion. Whilst the un says lebanon faces a terrible refugee crisis. These are todays main developments in the Middle East conflict. Israel again struck the southern suburbs of beirut. Clashes were also reported around lebanons southern border. Hezbollah has fired rockets into Northern israel, with reports that residential buildings were hit. Israel says 90 rockets have so far been fired. The the globe today, calling for a ceasefire in gaza and an end to the conflict. They come two days before the anniversary of the killing of about 1200 israelis in the Hamas Attack that sparked the current conflict. Meanwhile, amid international pressure on israel, president Emmanuel Macron has said france stands by the countrys right to self defence, but renewed his call for a ceasefire. He has also said france is currently not sending weapons to israel. Translation when calling for a translation when calling for a ceasefire as ceasefire as translation when calling for a ceasefire as we translation when calling for a ceasefire as we did translation when calling for a translation when calling for a ceasefire as we translation when calling for a ceasefire as we did translation when calling for a ceasefire as we did for translation when calling for a ceasefire as we did for Gaza Ceasefire as we did for translation when calling for a ceasefire as we did for Gaza Ceasefire as we did for gaza and for lebanon last week, we ceasefire as we did for gaza and for lebanon last week, we make sure we dont call for a make sure we dont call for a foster is In Beirut. Ceasefire while continuing to ceasefire while continuing to send weapons for the war, and i send weapons for the war, and i think its simply about being think its simply about being consistent. Consistent. My colleague anna my Colleague Anna Foster is In Beirut. I crossed the city earlier today and those continuing Air Strikes were clear to see. As you Go into the mountains and look down over the rooftops of beirut, you can see the rising columns of smoke at one point, there were several israeli Air Strikes that hit a similar area over an hour and one was very close to the airport, again that rising, column of smoke. There are always concerns. The southern suburbs are in close proximity to the airport but there are still fears here that anything that gets too close or a deliberate Israeli Strike on the Airport Runway would stop people leaving the country, which is already difficult to do. We have seen the un again today warn of the Displacement Crisis we are seeing here, one of a terrible crisis with 1. 2 million at last count people who have fled their homes, notjust here In Beirut, moving to a different part of the city to move away from those israeli Air Strikes, but also those large scale evacuations we have seen in the south of lebanon as well, where the Idf Have told people to leave their homes in various places. In really quite a wide, broad sweep of Southern Lebanon that Goes a long way North. We have also seen today more hezbollah rockets fired into israel. Now the latest from our correspondent. This was said to be a strike on one commander this afternoon. But the expanded assault has forced more than A Million lebanese from their homes in the past two macro weeks, many taking refuge in the capital. There may be glimpses of normality, but this is not the Safe Haven they hoped it would be. Translation ,. ,. , be. Translation ,. ,. , translation the situation is a Disaster And Translation the situation is a disaster and we translation the situation is a disaster and we are translation the situation is a disaster and we are living disaster and we are living through it. What should we do . We cannot Go anywhere, we cannot travel. All the country is at risk. Cannot travel. All the country is at risk cannot travel. All the country is at risk. ,. ,. ,. , is at risk. Hezbollah have been fiuuhtin is at risk. Hezbollah have been fighting and is at risk. Hezbollah have been fighting and firing is at risk. Hezbollah have been fighting and firing back. Is at risk. Hezbollah have been fighting and firing back. 700 i fighting and firing back. 700 rockets reportedly launched in the past four days. An elderly woman in this town survived when her flat was woman in this town survived when herflat was hit. Israel says the near daily Rocket Fire into the North of the country is the reason why it is now invaded lebanon. The aim is to push back hezbollah so the displaced israeli families living near the border can return. That is easier said than done, and so far hezbollah has responded by firing deeper into israel, including into communities like this one. As we were getting ready to leave, another alarm, and then this. You can see how this time, directly overhead, a missile is intercepted. We were just filming on top of the roof, and as you can hear, theres another siren. We are coming through. There is another alert so we are trying to take some safety, get some shelter in here. Those living here said they support Israels Expansion of the war. We they support Israels Expansion of the war of the war. We have to be here sure that of the war. We have to be here sure that the of the war. We have to be here sure that the army sure that the army will do what is needed to be done and bring this safety to our citizens here in the North. To this safety to our citizens here in the North. Here in the North. To the North, inside here in the North. To the North, inside lebanon, l here in the North. To the North, inside lebanon, israeli soldiers are trying to consolidate their new gains but hezbollah says there have been fierce clashes and claim lets get the latest from Tel Aviv. What is happening in terms of an israeli Response Or Upland or threatened israeli response to the iranian Missile Attack which we saw happen earlier this week . Apparently the leadership earlier this week . Apparently the leadership here, earlier this week . Apparently the leadership here, both the leadership here, both military and intelligence and political, they are holding back to back meetings to decide what shape Israels Response is Going to take, and when it is Going to take, and when it is Going to take, and when it is Going to happen. It is quiet out on the streets. All these meetings are happening behind the scenes. Many people here are anxious as to when this thing is Going to happen and what responds iran is Going to come up with. When it gets dark, very few people come out on the street. In the last few hours, we had the commander of the us forces in the region, arriving here for consultations with israeli leaders. The thinking is that if there is Going to be a response from israel, which is Going to be happening any time, this will have repercussions in the region, serious ones, and also repercussions for the us forces in the region so they are discussing about the shape of this response and targets. They are Going through a list of targets as to what to hit from irans nuclear installations to the infrastructure particularly Energy Infrastructure and revolutionary guard bases in iran. So people are waiting, and we think this attack might come any hour, any day now. Thank you. That is bbc persian Special Correspondentjoining A from Tel Aviv with the latest on the situation in israel. I have had some lines through from the Afp News Agency about the french president Emmanuel Macron who has again called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel And Lebanon saying he will organise an international conference in support of lebanon at some point this month. Also 88 francophone countries also joining that call for a ceasefire. Now that that israeli Ground Invasion has started here in lebanon of course. We heard earlierfrom war childs middle East Director and she was reflecting on the huge Displacement Crisis we are seeing in lebanon at the moment, more than 1. 2 million, around a fifth of the population, people out of their homes at the moment. She was talking about the particular impact that inevitably has on children. ~. , impact that inevitably has on children. ~. , children. We have been preparing children. We have been preparing for children. We have been preparing for this children. We have been preparing for this for i children. We have been i preparing for this for quite some time but no matter how much you prepare, it is hard when it hits because it always catches you by surprise. War is never easy, but we have enough supplies to last a for a couple of months. And then if the situation worsens and if they close the airport, because as you mentioned, it is being attacked constantly, then the situation will really be devastating. It already is, but it will just devastating. It already is, but Go'>It Willjust Go downhill and it is hard to imagine how it will all play. And it links into the situation in gaza where it is really hard to bring the supplies in so i hope we dont get to that stage. Just getting some fresh get to that stage. Just getting some fresh pictures get to that stage. Just getting some fresh pictures as get to that stage. Just getting some fresh pictures as well. Some fresh pictures as well from the lebanon syria border. This is the area of the masnaa crossing. Not everybody has the papers to get across, but what we have seen here in the last weeks or so since people have been fleeing their homes after the Evacuation Orders began, a lot of syrian refugees who fled the Civil War in syria and came across to lebanon are now actually trying to Go back again to escape the escalating fighting here so these are images of people on both sides of that crossing. It was closed yesterday after an israeli Air Strike hit the road near the crossing but these pictures appear to show people crossing over so it looks possible that that crossing has been re established today. You can see people walking on that road around that key crossing at masnaa as well. But it really i think shows two macro things. It speaks to the Scale And Size of the Displacement Crisis in lebanon at the moment and also says a lot about the fears and concerns of people here when you look at the syrians who left the Civil War in their own country who are now making that decision to Go back again feeling that they will be safer and they are staying here in lebanon at the moment. As we were saying, through the day today, through the afternoon, we have seen more of these israeli Air Strikes on different parts of the capital. When we get into the overnight, early hours of the morning, thatis early hours of the morning, that is when we tend to get these new idf warnings for buildings and areas in the southern suburbs and people who live here, and i can speak to that as well, at the moment you really see and hear overnight often very intense strikes right in the heart of the capital here. I right in the heart of the capital here. Right in the heart of the caital here. ,. , capital here. I wonder, what is every Day Capital here. I wonder, what is every Day Life Capital here. I wonder, what is every Day Life like capital here. I wonder, what is every Day Life like in capital here. I wonder, what is every Day Life like In Beirut . Every Day Life like In Beirut . For example, macro to the shops open . Can people easily get food, for example . It open . Can people easily get food, for example . Food, for example . It keeps changing food, for example . It keeps changing. Its food, for example . It keeps changing. Its an food, for example . It keeps changing. Its an interesting j changing. Its an interesting question because sometimes we talk a lot about The Big Picture and the day to Day Life and how people are coping is every bit as important, and it keeps changing. When it was really quiet was last weekend and there was a couple of days after the huge Air Strike, the one that killed the leader of hezbollah, hassan nasrallah, and even in the busier parts of the city, it was very quiet. A lot of businesses close down, shops, cafes. The streets were noticeably quiet. Although you do see a lot of people in the capital displaced as well. But things are starting to reopen again which is interesting because the Air Strikes are continuing but it shows the ebb and flow. People here are used to war, they see themselves very resilient, but it is a day to day changing picture at the moment. Anna foster reporting from beirut. Nearly a year after the start of the israel gaza war, demonstrations have taken place worldwide calling for an end to the conflict in the Middle East which has already cost Tens Of Thousands of civilian lives. I want to show you some of the pictures that have come in from Around The World. This is Cape Town where protesters marched with Palestinian Flags and banners ending at the parliament building. Around 5000 people attended an anti War Demonstration in the italian capital, in rome. These are pictures from the scottish Capital Edinburgh where protesters gathered. Smaller demonstrations also took place in aberdeen and inverness. These were the scenes in dublin, where the march was organised by the ireland palestine solidarity campaign. In london, Tens Of Thousands walked from Russell Square to whitehall, where speeches took place outside downing street. The event was organised by groups including the palestine solidarity campaign, with people travelling from around the country to take part. The metropolian police said 17 people were arrested. I want to take you live now to new york, this is the scene in Times Square where there is a big pro palestinian demonstration. There is also expected to be a rally in washington and several other cities in the united states. You can see the palestinian flag being waived. I should say that pro israeli demonstrations are expected to be held on sunday, that is becausejewish people Around The World are observing the jewish people Around The World are observing thejewish new people Around The World are observing the jewish new year, but this the scene where you can see people out in new york. Of course, a big question is of course, a big question is what might happen next in the conflict in the Middle East. Well, the in Depth Section of the Bbc News Website has Got together ten experts to share their analysis of why the conflict has escalated and what might happen next. You can read that the Bbc News Website or app. It wont be black when you Go to the website, i can promise you a little gremlin in the system. To the united states now, and were just a month away now for the president ial election, which of course has already been unlike any that have come before with President Biden dropping out of the race and two Assassination Attempts on Donald Trump. Voting early and by mail in the race between Mr Trump and Kamala Harris is already under way, and the polls remain extremely tight with both Candidates Zoning in on the undecided voters. Especially in key Swing States that could eventually decide the election. Donald trump is preparing to hold a rally in the exact location where he survived that Assassination Attempt injuly. Let me take you live to the scene in butler where crowds are already gathering. You can see them with signs saying fight, fight, fight. This of course was the scene of the attempted assassination in july. 0ur Correspondent Will Grant is in butler and says security will be tight. The supporters who are already beginning to gather for this event well ahead of Mr Trumps arrival will notice a number of differences to two months aGo, when the Assassination Attempt took place. Those, of course, who are coming back for a second time specifically, one of the key differences is that he will appear behind Bullet Proof Glass this time. Also, us Secret Service agents have been placed in and around the security perimeter, which has been widened. But of course, after so many institutional failings which took place that day, as you can imagine, security is much, much tighter and more noticeably tighter this time around. So who are we expecting to be there to watch what Donald Trump has to say . Well, its been interesting. I mean, as i mentioned, some of those who were there two months aGo are here. Thousands indeed have come back to underline their support. And a lot of people have come because of what they saw that day. They lived in pennsylvania. They were trump supporters. They wanted to come and show their support. But there are dignitaries, too, including elon musk, the boss of spacex and tesla. He will be with former president trump, as will the wife of the man who was killed, a former fire chief, who was in the crowd that day. And of course, this all comes with just a month to Go until the election. So i assume Donald Trump will use this to attack Kamala Harris . Yeah, absolutely. I mean, one of the effects, if you like, in the immediate aftermath of the Assassination Attempt, mrtrumps numbers strengthened quite noticeably in some polls. I think he is hoping that a sort of show of strength, of coming back to the very same spot where he spoke that day will help bolster his Poll Numbers again, because, as you say, there really are just weeks left to Go, days. And it is a very tight race, not here in Butler County itself this is strong trump county. You know, hes very, very popular here. But the state is crucial. And of course, you know, nationally, this race is on a knife edge. It really could Go either way. French officals say four migrants have died trying to cross the channel To Britain including a two year old child who was trampled to death in a boat. According to french authorities, one of the boats involved was carrying almost 90 people. Heres how an official for the pas de Calais Region reacted. Translation despite these terrible events, there are still many migrants who try to travel by sea as soon as the weather is favourable, as it has been since thursday night, on our coast. So you should note that the pressure is very high. Pakistans capital, islamabad, was locked down today, with Security Forces swarming the city and mobile internet cut off. Police fired Tear Gas at supporters of jailed ex prime minister Imran Khan, who were protesting to demand his release. The bbc� s Farhat Javed was on the ground when the clashes took place. We are close to the Red Zone of islamabad and Imran Khans supporters are here. All the main Entry And Exit points were closed for more than 36 hours. The Security Forces control the Red Zone where the Government buildings are. They are controlling, their safety has been handed over to the Pakistan Army too. It is worsening now since the supporters of Imran Khan have finally reached the Red Zone. Imran khan had asked his Party Members and his supporters to reach the Red Zone to protest against his imprisonment and some constitutional amendments that the present Government is trying to bring in. So therefore, when Imran Khan announced a new series of protests, Government controlled all the Entry And Exit points and there was a huge deployment of Security Forces. Pakistan is in political chaos for some years now and this has impacted not only on the life of the public here but also the countrys economic situation. Music legend Dolly Parton has announced she will make a personal donation of One Million dollars towards Disaster Recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene which tore through the South East of the us last month. In addition to a personal donation of One Million dollars, the Dollywood Foundation will also donate One Million dollars for relief. During her remarks, she broke into song, singing helene, helene to the tune of her 1973 hitjolene. Everybody says, where is dolly . Well i have been like everybody else, trying to absorb everything Going on and trying to figure out the best ways to do this because then we had that crazy old helene. A helene, helene, helene, you came in here and broke a all apart. Helene, helene, helene, we are here to mend these broken hearts. It began two decades aGo and now millions of people in more than 20 countries regularly take part in parkrun. 0ur Reporter Charlotte Gallagher has been looking at the Weekend Activity that became an international exercise sensation. Starting horn. Its a Weekend Ritual for thousands of people across the uk and beyond. And this is where it all started Bushy Park in london. Back in 2004, there were just 13 runners taking part. Just look at the crowd now. Everybody who was at the very first parkrun, 20 years aGo, was given one of these Gold-bar'>Gold Bar codes on the tenth anniversary, so were called the parkrun pioneers. Itsjust a social thing, and i think thats missing in the world so much these days. So, yeah, walk, run, volunteer, just come and have a coffee, thats the best thing. Yeah. It gets the Heart Rate Going. Its just Good to get out, and its a Good start to the weekend as well. Im Going to count you down from 20. 20, Go and runners in Great Yarmouth get the picturesque sea views. There have been millions of miles covered, lifelong friendships made, and even some parkrun romances, like lucy and terry. Brought us together. Yeah. Got her down here on a Winters Day and Summers Day and all the rest of it, and, yeah. Brilliant, its been fantastic, changed our lives, hasnt it . It has, it has. And we started talking over covid, didnt we, to start with . Yeah. And then sort of, i think because i had covid, so i had a costa delivered, and thats how it started, really and this is the man behind it all paul sinton hewitt. Its a wonderful story. Its, everybody is in this together. We are all invited. Inclusive for everybody. And yes, youre right, there are many, many people whose lives have been changed because of parkrun. The average time people take to finish the course is slowing down, but for paul, thats Good news. That shows that more and more average, regular people are involved in parkrun. Its not about athletics, its not about competition. We invite you to be the best you possibly can be. Well done, everyone. Parkrun is now in 23 countries and even held in some prisons. The event, which started with just a handful of people, is set to run and run. Charlotte gallagher, bbc news, Bushy Park. Ijust want i just want to take you back to the live pictures in butler, pennsylvania, because that is where Donald Trump will appear in about 90 minutes time. He is of course returning to the site where there was that Assassination Attempt on Him Backin Assassination Attempt on him back injuly. We will of course be there live when Donald Trump arrives in butler in pennsylvania. Stay with bbc news. Hello. 0ctober so far has brought relief from the relentless reign of september. I hope you have managed to get out and enjoy it. Just take a look at this beautiful scene in barnsley, hardly a cloud in the sky. But as we move through the week ahead, the Weather Story on the change again. Sunshine in blustery showers, then the potential for some wet and windy weather, particularly in the south. Rainfall accumulations showing we will all see some rain but the bright greens across South Wales in South West england, here we could see up to 80 millimetres over the next few days. Low pressure will start to dominate the story once again. We are already seeing signs of that with Cloud And Rain moving in and that will continue to drift steadily North and east during the early hours of sunday morning. So thatis hours of sunday morning. So that is acting like a blanket. It will prevent the temperatures from falling too far so it will not be as chilly as the morning just passed but it will be a rather grey one for some. It will be a rather grey one forsome. Centraland it will be a rather grey one for some. Central and eastern england sing the best of the dry weather. A few scattered showers but hopefully hit and miss. 0ut showers but hopefully hit and miss. Out of the west, thicker cloud, outbreaks of Rain Moving through Northern ireland, wales and South West england, in brighter colours denoting the intensity of the rainfall. In the drier, brighter interludes, the drier, brighter interludes, the temperatures are pleasant enough. As we Go through the evening hours, some of the showers could turn heavy as they move out of wales, once again up into the midlands and into the North of england. So they will take their time to clear away but there will be some clearance down to the South West. This low will move steadily eastwards, then through the middle part of the week we have another significant low pressure which has the remnants of what was Hurricane Kirk in there. We will need to keep firming up on those details as we get closer to wednesday. 0ne those details as we get closer to wednesday. One thing is for certain, once that moves through, the Wind Direction will swing round two more of an orderly and it will feel noticeably cooler so watch out for longer spells of rain over the next few days. This is bbc news. The headlines. Israel continues striking beirut, with several sites hit across the lebanese capital over the past few hours. A number of hospitals are now closed in lebanon because of the airstrikes with the humanitarian situation worsening by the hour. The head of the un Refugee Agency has described conditions in lebanon as terrible after two weeks of an israeli offensive against hezbollah. Donald trump is preparing to return to the city where survived an Assassination Attempt injuly with a month to Go until the president ial election. This is the seam who live in butler pennsylvania, where the rally is under way in front of huge crowds of his supporters. Security is tight following criticism of the secret Service Operation injuly. The former president will deliver his speech in around 90 minutes

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