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Than doing the whole job. Keeps things interesting, though. They laugh laras looking to break the rules. It says, open when instructed. Im wanting to open it now. I want to be rebellious. And spencer looks at the latest Ai Features on phones and tablets. But are they top quality or a Bit Rubbish . He laughs 0k, it got rid of the bin. And put another bin there companies are being warned about the increasing use of ai to carry out something called � Ceo Fraud. More victims are coming forward with their stories of being targeted using Generative Ai techniques. But whilst some fear the rise of Ai Clones, companies including Zoom Say we should be excited about a future where your clone can go to a meeting on your behalf. Well, Joe Tidy and his clone report. This is an Ai Clone, notjust of my Face And Voice, of my thoughts as well, trained on my public profile. Hello, joe. What is it thatJoe Tidy likes to do for fun . I enjoy participating in triathlons, marathons and wild swimming. I also like golfing and im a movie geek. Aside from the long delays, it works pretty well, One To one. What if i send it to a Work Meeting . These Ai Clones are more about attending meetings than doing the whole job. Keeps things interesting, though. They laugh before we try that, it needs a few tweaks with these engineers, who are experts in making bespoke chatbots. Theres growing excitement for Al Clones across the industry. The ceo of Zoom Says in the future well be able to off load some of our more mundane meetings to the bots. It sounds bonkers, but things are moving fast. With al services, you dont need any technical skill. These days, you can make a video of anybody saying anything in anyi language quite easily. Male voice but putting an avatar into a live meeting that looks like and sounds like someone is far more complex. Police in Hong Kong are investigating just that possibility after an employee from a british construction firm, arup, was tricked during a Video Call in february. Criminals operating an Ai Clone of his boss successfully persuaded him to transfer more than 25 Million in a fake deal. Its thought to be the first case of so called Ceo Fraud being done with an Ai Clone during a Video Call. This type of crime has historically been done through emails, but with al, criminals have far more tools to play with. My team, upon seeing the ndi, i will be able to furnish you with additional details to ensure the successful completion of this operation. Yeah, i mean, they were quite lifelike. And, actually, later on in the process, when i actually forwarded these to someone whos known him for years, he actually said, ok, well, that actually could be marco. Martin was targeted by criminals who sent him Voice Notes that sounded like his new boss and almost convinced him into transferring £800,000 to them. Man speaks italian. So, presumably, the criminals would have taken maybe even that video, put it through a machine, then made your Bespoke Voice notes . Absolutely. Only need a few seconds, apparently, of speech to work with and they pick up the mannerisms, they pick up the kind of way and the language and the way its used and actually quite, quite believable, really. Martin only spotted the scam after triple checking an Email Address used by the scammers pretending to be a lawyer. Ai Voice Cloning attacks are becoming more common, but pulling off a convincing live Video Call with Face And Voice cloning that can be controlled by scammers is thought to be much harder. Then again, saying youve got bad signal can cover up many flaws. Hi, tim. But what about sending a full Ai Clone to a meeting on your behalf, then, for non criminal purposes . This is the weekly Tech News Planning meeting. Hey, hows it going . Good, thank you. Oh, it is al, isnt it . Its ai, its definitely ai. I said it was alto start with. The blinking was so weird. Interestingly, though, some were more unsure than others. Graham, lily, were you. Were you on it as quickly as Liv And Tom were . No, i was not. I was not. But also, im on my phone, and so its smaller than it would be if i were. If i had it up on my computer. For me, Joe Just looks really, really unwell, and ijust didnt want to be impolite. This Ai Clone, then, was fooling no one, but its creator says theres definite potential. There are differences in expectations. If im telling you i have created a digital twin, it acts exactly like me, you would pretty soon tell me that no, this is not you. On the other hand, if i say, hey, i have an assistant, its an ai, youd have a completely different set of expectations. This face swapping technology does cost a lot of money to do right. But again, everything gets cheaper and it happens so fast. All the perils and positives of Ai Clones are coming at us fast. Clearly, were going to have to start working a lot harder to make sure we know whos on the other side of that screen. How can i assist you . Spencer were getting used to ai being able to do uncannily Human Things chatting with us, creating pictures and videos. But so far, all of this ai has used a lot of computing power. Even if youve been doing these things on your phone, its been massive supercomputers in The Cloud that have been doing the work and then sending the results down to your device. See, it turns out that the chips these computers were already fitted with called graphics Processing Units gpus are also really good at the calculations needed for al. Its also the reason why Gpu Manufacturer Nvidia has risen to be one of the most valuable companies in the world. But in the last year or so, weve seen the arrival of a new type of chip, an npu neural processing unit. Now, these are specifically made for al, and because they are smaller than gpus, it means you can fit � em in one of these. That means that these chips can do some limited al on your phone. And thats why weve started to hear Phone Manufacturers hyping up their apple intelligence, samsung advanced intelligence, and enhanced Personal Assistants like siri and googles gemini, that can have more natural conversations with us. How can i embarrass my sister during a wedding toast, but, like, respectfully . Ok, heres the deal. New Honour Phones will understand the contents of your messages and open the best app to assist in whatever youve received. If its an address, for example, itll open maps. This Samsung Phone can now take your handwritten notes, summarise them and make them into lists. Ihr Telefon Kann in echtzeit ubersetzen. Phone your phone can translate in real time. I and, infact, googles new Pixel Phones will listen to your Phone Calls and summarise them for you in Text Form after you hang up. One of the most Recognisably Ai things you can do these days is mess around with your photos. So if you want something removed from your shot, including, er, you, well, you can tap it, erase it, and the phone will fill in the gap with a pretty good approximation of the background. So now a few roadworks wont spoil your holiday snaps, and a random Photo Bomber Wont ruin that otherwise beautiful moment. Remember, though, Generative Ai can have its moments, so dont rely on it to understand exactly what youre after. He laughs 0k, it got rid of the bin. And put another bin there as well as removing things, you can also do completely the opposite adding things in that werent there in the first place. Its notjust phones that are getting smarter, mind you. This is the latest microsoft surface pro, one of the new Copilot Brand of pcs and tablets with onboard npus. Now, this uses the in built ai in a number of ways. First, would you believe, good old Microsoft Paint has had a Generative Ai upgrade. Now, you can be a terrible artist and no One Need ever know. Paint� s ai assistant, co creator, will take the most pathetic of drawings and use it as a guide to come up with something far more artistic. Dum de dum. You can dial the amount of Ai Flamboyance up and down, but although your sketch gives you some control over the end result, it can still be pretty unpredictable. He laughs ok, ill leave it as an exercise for the viewer to decide which is the most pressing issue. Is it the text in the tree or the trunk hanging out of the ear . These pcs will also add some pretty subtle Ai Tweaks to your camera app. Now, you know when youre on a Video Call and the other persons eyes are not quite looking at you because theyre actually looking at their screen and not the webcam at the top here . Well, this computer will raise your eyes up to make it look like youre maintaining Eye Contact with the other person. Now, the effect is really, really subtle, but maybe if i turn it on and off, you can see it artificially tweaking the top of my eyes. There it is. 0ff. On, off. Its so subtle and. Ever so slightly freaky. And then theres possibly the most far reaching use of ai and large Language Models that ive seen so far. Its called recall. This is like a photographic memory for your pc. Every few seconds, it takes a screenshot of what youre doing, and if much later on, you vaguely remember something that you saw that you wanted to find again, you can describe it to the onboard assistants, and the large Language Model will go looking amongst all of the thousands of screenshots for things that might match. Now, i know what youre thinking. If your computer is recording everything that you do all the time. Alarm beeps. Huge privacy alarms. Am i right . That is why microsoft is going to great lengths to reassure users that everything to do with recall stays on the device. Nothing goes anywhere near The Cloud. You can also turn recall on and off for different websites, and this is also the reason why this feature is still being finalised and hasnt been rolled out yet, because this is one that microsoft has to get right. Googles launched a similar feature for its Pixel Phones. Here, you have to manually take a screenshot, after which it becomes searchable in the same way. Again, everything happens on device to keep everything private. In order to work well, ai needs to consume a lot of training data. I mean, in an ideal world, it would swallow everything about everyone, but that is something that people are starting to get worried about. I think these new onboard neural Processing Units are partly there to allay those concerns. They Cant Match the power of ai in The Cloud, but they do allow certain Ai Functions without your data being shared with the rest of the world. And it means that your Personal Assistant can stay a little bit more personal. Now, time for a look at this weeks tech news. Crowdstrike has apologised at a congressional committee hearing forjuly� s global It Outage which disabled millions of pcs. A faulty Software Update forced for some hospitals to cancel appointments and delay operations, knocked Payment Services Off Line and grounded flights. We are deeply sorry and we are determined to prevent this from ever happening again. A major international study suggests theres been a sharp rise in what it calls problematic Social Media use among young people since the pandemic. Researchers on the Health Behaviour in school aged Children Study surveyed almost 280,000 children aged 11, 13 and 15 across 44 countries. The reports authors say more action is needed to promote healthy online behaviours. And james cameron, director of Majorfilms Including Titanic and the terminator, has joined the Board Of Artificial Intelligence company stability. Ai. In a statement, cameron said hed spent his career seeking out emerging technologies that push the very boundaries of what is possible. He went on to describe the intersection of Generative Ai and cgi Image Creation as the Nest Wave set to revolutionise film making. Now, we know the harm that some gases do to our planet. And whilst nature has its ways of clearing the atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide and more, it does it really slowly. So scientists have been trying to find ways to speed it up. And kevin keanes been finding out how. Kevin some of the worlds most fertile soils can be found around active volcanoes. When lava rapidly cools, it crystallises and forms solid rock. Over time, as The Rock is broken down, it releases calcium, Magnesium And Potassium into the soil, creating a nutrient dense environment. And now, scientists at undo are working with farmers to spread the dust across their lands, where it not only acts as a fertiliser, but aims to capture tonnes of carbon. Its spread at no cost, paid for by Carbon Credits from big companies like microsoft and british airways. And ryan says its an important Contribution Farmers can make to lowering their carbon footprint. So natural weathering is something thats been happening all around us for millions of years. Scientists estimate something like A Billion tonnes of co2 a year is being removed from our atmosphere through that, and were just asking the question of how can we speed that up . And the answer is by powderising The Rocks. So just tell me in the most basic way how this works. So we are taking Silica Rocks and spreading onto farm fields, so as it rains, the rain is pulling co2 out of the atmosphere, dissolving into the rainwater, into carbonic acid, and as that Acid Falls onto the field, its reacting with The Rock, breaking down The Rock to form bicarbonates, stable compounds, which are then being washed out into river systems, out to the ocean, where its locked up for geological time. So thats Tens To Hundreds Of Thousands of years. So what happens if the Crushed Rock is spread across the land to maximise its exposure to the elements . When it rains, theres a Chemical Reaction between The Rock and the rainwater, which solidified the carbon and removes it from the atmosphere. Were early stages, so i dont know how efficient it is, but looking at the science and the data theyve got, i think it will have long term benefits to their soil. How much do you think the agricultural industry feels perhaps unfairly targeted for its Climate Change emissions . And what do you think that this will do to help change that . I think farming has been looked at as a soft target, and maybe not that particularly good at defending itself as well, but Food Production must continue. Its the most important industry around, and i think using a product like this will surely have a positive benefit to everyone. How much of a Game Changer is this in terms of Locking Carbon out of the atmosphere and into the ground . Its transformative. I think its the most scalable technology. We have, you know, huge deposits of rock globally ready to go, and we have farmlands in every single continent. And all of that means that we could achieve, you know, billions of tonnes of removal on the very fast time scale for the climate. The team behind it say theres a huge supply of basalt available in quarries, which can be spread on farmland across scotland and beyond. They believe their Magic Dust can play a huge part in the rush to decarbonise our economy. Lara many of us lead hectic lives, dashing from one place to another. But whether youre at work, in the supermarket or at home, have you ever really thought about how spaces are designed . Welcome to a building within a building. At ucl� s pearl lab, the way that people move and interact with their surroundings can be observed, measured and analysed under controlled conditions. The aim is to help create better real buildings as a result. Lighting, acoustics and even smells can be tweaked. Todays experiment is monitoring how people move through spaces in an art gallery situation, and with a few challenges thrown in, the decisions that they make along the way. As well as the 18 cameras that are monitoring the way that people move around the space, there are a lot of wearables, including this Eeg Device thats got 64 sensors on it. Thats monitoring brain activity. And then over here, this Eye Tracking Device monitors your eye movements. Itll record them on the phone as well. So whatever youre looking at here will be seen on the device. And this is called the bright light frontal. It shines light into the head to see the Blood Flow to see if somebody is being stimulated by the things that theyre seeing around them. Its this mixture of eyes, brains and Heart Rates that will help architects and their designers plan the buildings of tomorrow. Neuro architecture is the concept of designing efficient environments based not only on technical parameters, ergonomics and environmentalfactors, but also on emotion, happiness and wellbeing. The aim is also to create more diverse environments, ones that are good for more people. Right now, designers try and come up with a building that will work well. But actually, to do that, you want to know about the people, how they feel, whats happening in their body. To really create the best possible buildings for a healthier society, a more sustainable future, we need that extra information. Buildings and how theyre expected to be used are often planned with the help of a digital twin. Thats a virtual model of them. These are data hungry, but an important way of predicting issues before a brick is even laid. One of the things that were aiming to do here today is to take simulation to a next level, because simulation typically assumes that all humans are the same. Were able to kind of bring in what humans are good at, together with an Ai Tool that, for example, can treat large Data Sets and really identify things in it that we might not immediately be aware of. The Participants Today were from a mix of the worlds of architecture, transport, ai, property, video game design, dance, museums, Bbc Tech shows and more. Were being told there are no instructions. Just walk around, talk to people if you want to. Nobody seems to be talking to each other. There are also these envelopes. It says, open when instructed. Im wanting to open it now. I want to be rebellious. But, no, it might ruin it, i wont. Im interested. You give people no instructions. Theyve all gathered there watching something. A couple of people go wandering off. I want to go and wander off there. For no particular purpose. Participant id 64. Order of screens to visit, starting top left and working down each column. What . ive got to visit all of those screens . Ok, lets get started. Right, number i first. Hello, everybody. Well done. Youve completed the task. That was fascinating in itself. Never mind the data thats being collected, butjust to see the way that people behave. First of all, nobody spoke to each other. Then we started chatting a bit. Well, i started talking to people a bit. We were all quite relaxed. As soon as we had a task to do, it immediately got competitive and quite manic. And then going round in circles, you start to feel quite strange. Im wondering how all of that came across in the measurements, especially for the people that were having their brains tracked. The findings will become part of a database that will be drawn on for years. But can anything be gleaned a week on from the experiment . There were things where people did extra things wed not expected. So one of those was to sort of break out of the space. And the tracking did extend to some extent. And i think thats telling us something interesting. Who decided to break the rules and who decided to stick within the bounds . People came up with, like, Cognitive Off loading on the day. They kind of used tools to help that we hadnt anticipated, which is what happens in real life. So itll be interesting to see who does what and how predictable people are. Can you predict whos going to be, you know, naughty or whos going to rigidly stick to the rules . This experiment marks the beginning of a journey of discovery. The architects and neuroscientists will continue to learn more from the data about how we interact with spaces in the real world, and this could eventually influence the Design And Feel of the places that we inhabit. And thats it from ucl� s pearl lab. Thanks for watching. Well be back next week. Bye bye. Hello. Another area of low pressure is Moving In this weekend and that will affect much of the country for the start of the upcoming week. Cool, wet and windy at times, but by mid week an improvement with High Pressure Moving In, and there should be high spells of sunshine. It will stay drier and any sun fade. Probably the best of the brightness will be across scotland and Northern Ireland. South west we start to see Rain Coming into Northern Ireland and wales. Turning heavy later on. Temperature wise, low to mid teens across the board. As we move into this evening and overnight the main really gets up overnight the main really gets up for wales. It continues to push slowly northwards. Wind is picking up to 60 miles an hour around the coast. Scooping up some milder air, double Figure Values. Scotland, it will remain drive. It grinds to a halt as it bumps up into that area of High Pressure. It looks like it is going to be very wet, ratherwendy like it is going to be very wet, rather wendy for many parts of england and wales. Most of the rain will be across parts of east anglia. Saturated ground could see some flooding. Stay tuned to the forecast. It might break at across the south, i7 might break at across the south, 17 or 18 degrees. It says drier scotland. The rain continues to fall across parts of england and wales as we move through monday night, eventually becoming confined to south eastern england. A cooler, drier night to become across the north and west. Again, double Figure Values for england and wales. That low pressure has gone really slow to pull out eastwards. It is going to be affecting eastern parts of england again. East anglia and the south east, strong, gusty live from london, this is bbc news. Hezbollah says the body of its leaer, hassan nasrallah, has been recovered. Israels army says more than 20 hezbollah members were killed alongside him. Lebanon � s Prime Minister appeals for a diplomatic solution and says more than A Million people could be displaced by the surge in violence. This is the scene live in beirut, where airstrikes continued last night. Welcome to bbc news. Its being reported that the body of the hezbollah leader, hassan nasrallah, has been recovered from the site of an israeli airstrike in beirut. These pictures we believe show the aftermath of the strike in which nasrullah and other senior hezbollah commanders were killed. An entire block, reduced to rubble, with surrounding buildings severely damaged. Israel says more than 20 members of the militant group were killed. This is the scene live in beirut where airstrikes are continuing. Israels military has killed another senior hezbollah commander, nabil anuk. The Prime Minister of lebanon has called for a diplomatic solution, warning that up to a milllion people in his country will be displaced by the violence. With the latest, heres our middle East Correspondent in beirut, hugo bachega. The streets of dahieh, this is the Beating Heart of hezbollah in beirut, now looking like a ghost town

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