Good mornIng. More than 50 pubs closed every month In the fIrst half of thIs year. Is It tIme to accept last orders on thIs great brItIsh InstItutIon, or should more be done to support them to thrIve . Arsenal are denIed a famous vIctory agaInst'>Manchester CIty Asjohn stones scrambles home a late equalIser seconds from tIme as the'>Match Ends In a draw at the etIhad stadIum. You dont even have to waIt for the next'>News BulletIn before you fInd out what the news Is. It next'>News BulletIn before you fInd out what the news Is. Out what the news Is. It was cuttIngedge out what the news Is. It was cuttIngedge technology. I were celebratIng the'>50th AnnIversary of ceefax, the'>Internet And Smartphone servIce of Its tIme. Good mornIng. FurtHer heavy'>RaIn Today across central and soutHern parts of england that could well lead to some dIsruptIon. For scotland and'>NortHern Ireland, It Is quIeter and cloudy, but wIth raIn In the far north later. All the detaIls throughout thIs mornIngs programme. Good mornIng, all. Its monday the 23rd of september. The number of crImes logged by polIce whIch Involve reference to swords, machetes or so called'>ZombIe KnIves has almost doubled In fIve years. A'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has revealed the fIgures ahead of a ban on certaIn weapons, IncludIng'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes, whIch comes Into force across england and wales tomorrow. Our'>Correspondent Danjohnson Is at a'>Border Force Centre In slough. Damn, that Is a worryIng collectIon you have tHere next you. Dan, thatIs you have tHere next you. Dan, that Is worryIng collectIon. You have tHere next you. Dan, that Is worryIng collectIon. That Is worryIng collectIon. Yes, I am at the that Is worryIng collectIon. Yes, I am at the border that Is worryIng collectIon. Yes, I am at the'>Border Force that Is worryIng collectIon. Yes, I am at the'>Border Force Centre, l that Is worryIng collectIon. Yes, I I am at the'>Border Force Centre, and thIs Is some of the stuff that they have seIzed when they have been searchIng packages over the last few months and years. THere Is thIs new ban comes Into force tomorrow, and on the back of thIs we have fIgures that show the polIce are encounterIng more larger weapons lIke swords, machetes and'>ZombIe KnIves more commonly. If we go through the fIgures, 14,000 tImes'>ZombIe KnIves, machetes and swords appeared In'>PolIce CrIme logs last year, more than double the amount that they were fIndIng fIve years ago. If we go back to 2019, they were fIndIng somethIng lIke 5000, and that Is up to close to 10,000 machetes last year, and'>ZombIe KnIves were mentIoned In crIme logs by the polIce more than'>A Thousand tImes last year, so It gIves you some Idea of the scale of the problem that the authorItIes are dealIng wIth. THere Is thIs new ban whIch comes Into force tomorrow. That wIll ban somethIng lIke thIs, a'>ZombIe KnIfe. But the ban Is complIcated. It Is all to do wIth the sIze of the blade, but also to do wIth thIngs lIke the serrated edge on that blade, the fact that It has holes In It. That means that some knIves wIll be banned, but tHere are some large weapons you would thInk mIght be banned that dont fall under the legIslatIon. We wIll explaIn more about the work that they do to try to go through the maIl to try to fInd these Items. Thank you, back to you later. What else do we need to know thIs'>Monday MornIng . Sally. Thank you, jon. After weeks of warnIng the publIc about the state of brItaIns fInances,'>Rachel Reeves wIll use Her fIrst'>Labour Conference Speech as chancellor to strIke a more optImIstIc tone as mInIsters seek to move on from the row over polItIcal donatIons. She wIll promIse a budget to rebuIld brItaIn, but Her key message rIsks beIng overshadowed by crItIcIsm over the decIsIon to means'>Test WInter Fuel payments. Heres our polItIcal correspondent,'>Harry Farley. After days of questIons over donatIons and Internal feuds, enough of the'>Doom And Gloom show us'>The Hope, Is the cry from many labour mps. The'>PrIme MInIster and the chancellor, vIsItIng a'>Research FacIlIty In lIverpool, have repeatedly stressed what they say Is theIr dIre InHerItance. Now tHere Is a shIft In tone. KeIr starmer was In the mood for celebratIon at a scottIsh receptIon last nIght. Thank you so much. Enjoy conference, enjoy the evenIng, and thank you agaIn thank you. CheerIng. In Her'>Conference Speech today,'>Rachel Reeves wIll say tHere Is a prIze on offer If, she says, they make the rIght choIces now. What the chancellor wIll want to get across Is, the good tImes that we want to brIng,'>The Hope for The Future, sometImes youve got to make dIffIcult decIsIons early on to gIve the stabIlIty. You dont want to repeat the dIsaster of'>LIz Truss, for Instance, In order to do that. So wHere tHeres got to be a tough decIsIon, Its for a purpose, and It Is that better future. But yes, we want people to be better off. We want hope to return to brItaIn. But one of those dIffIcult decIsIons, on cuttIng the'>WInter Fuel allowance, Is partIcularly controversIal. Its these people, at a receptIon for'>Trade UnIons that were not allowed to fIlm InsIde, that could prove a challenge for labours leadershIp. Theyre askIng conference to vote on the government reversIng Its cuts to'>WInter Fuel allowance. You cant ask pensIoners, who really are strugglIng just over £12,000, you know to gIve up that type of money. Its not on. Its a Bad decIsIon, and Its one that I personally dont belIeve stacks up wIth beIng a dIffIcult choIce when tHere are otHer choIces that could be made to brIdge that gap that the torIes have left through taxIng wealth. Its not clear If or when a vote Its not clear If or when a vote on reversIng'>WInter Fuel on reversIng'>WInter Fuel allowance could happen, allowance could happen, and It wouldnt be bIndIng. And It wouldnt be bIndIng. But for all the celebratIons but for all the celebratIons Here at labours electIon vIctory, Here at labours electIon vIctory, Its anotHer sIgn of dIscontent Its anotHer sIgn of dIscontent among the'>Rank And FIle less among the'>Rank And FIle less than three months Into government. Than three months Into government. Harry farley, bbc'>Harry Farley,'>Bbc News, In lIverpool. News, In lIverpool.'>0ur ChIef PolItIcal'>Correspondent 0ur chIef polItIcal'>Correspondent Henry Zeffman Is at the labour'>Henry Zeffman Is at the'>Labour Conference In'>LIverpool Conference In lIverpool and joIns us now. Henry, what are we expectIng today . And joIns us now. Henry, what are we expectIng today . DIscontent, or some of that optImIsm they mentIon . They mentIon . SunshIne and hope, sall. They mentIon . SunshIne and hope, sally those they mentIon . SunshIne and hope, sally. Those are they mentIon . SunshIne and hope, sally. Those are not they mentIon . SunshIne and hope, sally. Those are not necessarIly sally. Those are not necessarIly words you would assocIate wIth'>Rachel Reeves tenure as chancellor so far, but that Is what she Is tryIng to brIng today. WrItIng In the tImes thIs mornIng, she says she has never been more optImIstIc about our countrys fortunes. The future has never had so much potentIal. And If you thInk that Is a marked change of tone from thIs new chancellor, youd be rIght. SpeakIng to people around Her, they concede that whIle they thInk that talk of tough choIces has been absolutely what she needed to do, because they belIeve tHere are tough choIces to be made, they now want to talk more about the otHer part of the pIcture, the rewards that they say wIll come from makIng those tough choIces. We wont fInd out today what Is In the budget, we are goIng to have to waIt untIl the End of october for that, but we wIll also get some optImIstIc sIgnallIng as far as'>Labour Party members are concerned, from'>Rachel Reeves on that. She wIll say tHere wIll be no return to austerIty. THere wIll be a lIttle bIt of polIcy. THere wIll be an announcement about pursuIng more than £600 mIllIon of covId contracts by a commIssIoner who she wIll appoInt. Also a crackdown on'>Tax AvoIdance. 0ne appoInt. Also a crackdown on'>Tax AvoIdance. One of Her'>Government MInIsters wIll be put on the board at hmrc to personally supervIse that. THere Is, as harry mentIoned, a bIt of tensIon wIth the'>Trade UnIons. They may well be a vote the'>Cross Border attacks they carrIed out over the weekEnd, despIte InternatIonal appeals for them to step back from a wIder conflIct. The left'>LeanIng PolItIcIan Anura'>Kumara DIssanayake has been sworn In as srI lankas new presIdent after a hIstorIc electIon. It was the fIrst to be held sInce mass protests unseated the countrys former leader In 2022 amId an economIc crIsIs. The fInal phase of the'>Post OffIce InquIry begIns today, and over the comIng weeks It wIll look at the ongoIng practIces at the organIsatIon. It wIll consIder the vIews of thousands of current subpostmasters and also those claImIng compensatIon. Heres our'>BusIness Correspondent Emma sImpson. The dvla are sayIng no. ServIng the communIty behInd the counters In hadley. Gerry brown has plenty to say about runnIng a'>Post OffIce today. Its ImpossIble to make enough money from'>Post OffIce transactIons to even pay my staff. If It wasnt for our retaIl busIness, the'>Post OffIce wouldnt be Here. Gerry has a'>GreetIng Card Shop at the front. So when are we expectIng the. . He and hIs wIfe debbIe have been Here for more than 17 years. The'>HorIzon Computer System was never a bIg problem for them, but the vIabIlIty of hIs'>Post OffIce sure Is. What dId you tell the InquIry when you answered the survey . I told the InquIry that basIcally, the'>Post OffIces attItude to'>Post OffIce, to postmasters, hasnt really changed. That postmasters were stIll treated. Well, wIth dIsrespect. Um, they dont seem to understand or care about how dIffIcult It Is to run a'>Post OffIce. Thousands of'>Subpostmasters LIkejerry have had theIr say for thIs fInal phase of the'>Post OffIce InquIry, settIng the scene as It looks Into how the busIness operates today, IncludIng whetHer Its lIved up to Its commItment to gIve full and faIr compensatIon. The mp whos been leadIng westmInster� s hearIngs on the scandal says thIs next phase wIll be crucIal. THere are bIg questIons stIll about the'>Post OffIce culture at the top of the organIsatIon, the trust that It puts In subpostmasters, whetHer subpostmasters are beIng equIpped wIth the rIght kInd of technology to do theIrjob, how It succeeds In the competItIon that It now confronts. The'>Post OffIce says Its already Improved Its culture and dealIngs wIth subpostmasters, but acknowledges tHeres more to be done. Jerry Is hopeful that the necessary changes can be delIvered to keep the network goIng. Emma sImpson,'>Bbc News, suffolk. Heavy raIn has caused'>Flash FloodIng In parts of england,'>PromptIng Road closures overnIght. These pIctures show parts of'>BedfordshIre And NorthamptonshIre that had been hIt by downpours, wIth shops flooded and cars partIally submerged. The'>Met OffIce has Issued an'>Amber WarnIng coverIng an area between HerefordshIre and'>East YorkshIre untIl nIne oclock tonIght. DId I say HertfordshIre . DId I mean HerefordshIre. HertfordshIre, HerefordshIre, hampshIre. I was tryIng to cover the east mIdlands last nIght, and I have never seen such floodIng. You lIke you know who wIll get those countIes rIght, It Is carol. Here she Is wIth a look at the weatHer. RaIn fallIng on already saturated ground could lead to furtHer'>Flash FloodIng, as the'>Met OffIce have saId. ThIs raIn across central and'>SoutHern England, we saw the'>Flash FloodIng on saturday and sunday, the area had around 82 mIllImetres of raInfall, so no surprIse that It dId flood so Badly. You can see wHere we have had the heavIest raIn thIs mornIng, across soutHern areas towards parts of the mIdlands. We also have'>RaIn Across NortHern England and some startIng to come In across the far north of scotland. THere Is poor vIsIbIlIty around thIs mornIng, some hazardous travellIng condItIons, lots of'>Surface Water and spray on the roads exacerbated by the extent of the'>Heavy RaIn whIch Is goIng to drIft a bIt furtHer westwards through the course of the day, gettIng In towards the'>West Country and'>South East wales. But It should brIghten up across parts of scotland and'>NortHern Ireland, wIth a varIable amounts of cloud,'>The RaIn makIng headway across the very far north. BehInd'>The RaIn In the'>South East, It too should brIghten up. We could see some showers, and some of those could have the'>Odd Rumble of thunder mIxed In. Temperatures today rangIng between ten In the north to about 20 as we push down towards the south. Through thIs evenIng and overnIght,'>The RaIn across scotland sInks furtHer south, the wInd pIcks up,'>The RaIn across england startIng to drIft furtHer eastwards. AgaIn, varIable amounts of cloud left behInd, a few showers and some clear skIes, and these are our overnIght lows, 7 9 In the north, about 10 13 as we push furtHer south, so temperatures down a touch on wHere we are thIs mornIng. We start off wIth the dregs In'>The RaIn across the'>South East fIrst thIng, that wIll clear away and a lot of dry weatHer for england, wales and'>NortHern Ireland,'>RaIn PushIng South across scotland, eventually gettIng Into'>NortHern England, but we are lookIng at a change In the'>WInd DIrectIon and we wIll start to feel cooler, lookIng at a hIgh temperature of up to 18 degrees. Thank you, carol, see you later. Its been a couple of days sInce a'>Bbc Documentary claImed'>Mohamed Al fayed raped and sexually abused women who worked at harrods. SInce then, lawyers say tHere have been 150 new allegatIons of'>Sexual MIsconduct agaInst the former harrods owner. Al fayed owned the'>London Department store between 1985 and 2010. In 2008, he was questIoned by polIce over allegatIons by a gIrl who he had fIrst met when she was 1a. Prosecutors decIded not to take actIon. PolIce also receIved advIce from the'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce In 2018, 2021 and last year Into claIms made by three otHer women. Its sInce emerged that the'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce twIce consIdered brIngIng charges agaInst'>Al Fayed, In 2009 and 2015, but on both occasIons concluded tHere was no realIstIc prospect of a convIctIon. Harrods current owners saId earlIer thIs week they were utterly appalled by the allegatIons of abuse perpetrated by'>Mohamed Al fayed. At the heart of thIs are women who say'>Mohamed Al fayed threatened them to stay sIlent after abusIng them. He had'>No Doubt In hIs mInd that hIs advances were unwelcome and nonconsensual. THere were tonnes of women that would have had sex wIth hIm because he was a very wealthy and powerful man, but stIll he chose to pursue people that he terrIfIed. He was tryIng to kIss me and put hImself he was tryIng to kIss me and put hImself on he was tryIng to kIss me and put hImself on me, and agaIn, Ijust dont hImself on me, and agaIn, Ijust dont know hImself on me, and agaIn, Ijust dont know howl hImself on me, and agaIn, Ijust dont know how I dId It. I kIcked hIm dont know how I dId It. I kIcked hIm off, dont know how I dId It. I kIcked hIm off, kIcked and kIcked and kIcked hIm off, kIcked and kIcked and kIcked and screamed, and I got hIm off, and kIcked and screamed, and I got hIm off, and I kIcked and screamed, and I got hIm off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. When off, and I was ust terrIfIed. When he was off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. When he was assaultIng off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. When he was assaultIng me, off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. When he was assaultIng me, because I off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. Whenj he was assaultIng me, because of off, and I wasjust terrIfIed. When he was assaultIng me, because of the force of he was assaultIng me, because of the force of the he was assaultIng me, because of the force of the sItuatIon, he was assaultIng me, because of the force of the sItuatIon, I he was assaultIng me, because of the force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved he was force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved he was attemptIng force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved he was attemptIng to force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved he was attemptIng to'>Rape Force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved he was attemptIng to rape me. I the metropolItan polIce have saId they are aware of varIous allegatIons of sexual offences made over a number of years In relatIon to the late'>Mohamed Al fayed whIch were reported to them. They say, If any furtHer InformatIon comes to lIght It wIll be assessed and InvestIgated accordIngly. That extract was from a documentary. You can watch the full documentary'>Al Fayed predator at harrods on'>Bbc Iplayer now and on breakfast at quarter past eIght well be speakIng wIth the dIrector of that documentary along wIth a lawyer representIng some of the alleged vIctIms. ThIs It Is 17 mInutes past sIx. Lets have a look at todays papers. And many lead wIth the chancellors party'>Conference Speech today. We have already been talkIng about It on the programme. The tImes says'>Rachel Reeves wIll use Her address to offer a more posItIve versIon of The Future after a host of dIre warnIngs about the economy. But In a nod to the pressure the government contInues to face over cuts to'>WInter Fuel payments, the express reports that retIred members of the unIte unIon wIll try to force a'>U Turn on the decIsIon by protestIng at labours conference. ElsewHere, the guardIan focuses on events In the mIddle east. Hezbollah enters battle of reckonIng wIth Israel Is one of Its headlInes. TalkIng about ceefax thIs mornIng, sally. A bIt retro. And over on the'>Bbc News websIte you can read all about the tamagotchI comeback after sales of the hIt �'>90s Gadget have more than doubled, promptIng the recent openIng of Its fIrst dedIcated store In the uk. Remember those . You had to feed them. You dIdnt have one we are too old. Yulo the young people had won. THere Is a Gorgeous Story In the papers today, a brIllIant pIcture of someone we know very well takIng part In a very specIal occasIon. We had sandI toksvIg On The Show last tuesday, we had a lovely chat to Her. She was busy thIs weekEnd because she marrIed, and when I say marrIed, I mean she performed the ceremony, she was the celebrant for bjorn ulvaeus. Here 79, marrIed for the thIrd tIme, and the couple are IncredIbly happy. He met sandI whIle he was doIng a food related mama mIa show, and I thInk she was one of three celebrants who offIcIated the weddIng, whIch was In sweden, over the weekEnd. What a Gorgeous Story. But we mIssed the scope we should have asked Her what she was doIng next. We wIll ask that questIon of everybody on the sofa Here wIth us thIs mornIng. It Is 20 past sIx. The'>HospItalIty Industry has faced a dIffIcult tIme recently, from covId to rIsIng InflatIon, and new fIgures show that In the fIrst half of thIs year an average of 50 pubs were lost every month In england and wales. NInas been lookIng at thIs for us, and today shes at a pub In rochdale. Good mornIng. Yes, Im Here at the oxford In rochdale. THere has been a pub, a coach house, and Inn, In thIs area. I dont thInk they were servIng tofu back then, though thIs sort of pub has had to adapt In order to survIve agaInst the odds, because we lead thIs mornIng the odds are not great for pubs. 50 pubs a month closed In england and wales In fIrst half of 202a. 46 pubs In the'>North West have closed In 202a. That Is the hIghest In the whole of england and wales. You mIght be askIng why, because It mIght feel expensIve when you go to the pub at the moment, but actually, per pInt, they are only makIng around 12p of profIt. The margIns are IncredIbly tIght. Toms famIly run thIs sIght, and you are thrIvIng, but It has not been easy. And you are thrIvIng, but It has not been easy been easy. No, It Is harder than ever. Been easy. No, It Is harder than ever the been easy. No, It Is harder than ever. The clImate been easy. No, It Is harder than ever. The clImate Is been easy. No, It Is harder than ever. The clImate Is changIng, l ever. The clImate Is changIng, peoples habIts are changIng, and dIffIcult trade hIstorIcally, we are In the most dIffIcult perIod we have ever been In. find In the most dIffIcult perIod we have ever been In ever been In. And the landlord has asked ou ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay more ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay more In ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay more In rent . Ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay more In rent . Al ever been In. And the landlord has asked you to pay more In rent . A 2096 hIke. What asked you to pay more In rent . A 2096 hIke what Is asked you to pay more In rent . A 2096 hIke. What Is the asked you to pay more In rent . A 2096 hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . HIke. What Is the ustIfIcatIon . Because we hIke. What Is the ustIfIcatIon . Because we are hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . Because we are one hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . Because we are one of hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . Because we are one of the hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . L because we are one of the ones hIke. What Is the justIfIcatIon . Because we are one of the ones who are doIng 0k, It seems. So that Is challengIng. We are a famIly busIness, we employ the whole famIly, and It Is challengIng when you are beIng faced wIth hIke after hIke after hIke, for your landlord to turn round and propose arrays of 20 In thIs clImate seems almost ImpossIble. 2096 In thIs clImate seems almost ImpossIble 2096 In thIs clImate seems almost ImossIble. ,. , ~ ImpossIble. Insurmountable. And you re resent a ImpossIble. Insurmountable. And you represent a recent ImpossIble. Insurmountable. And you represent a recent pubs. ImpossIble. Insurmountable. And you represent a recent pubs. Good represent a recent pubs. Good mornIng to you. I have never seen the number Is thIs Bad. It Is mornIng to you. I have never seen the number Is thIs Bad. The number Is thIs Bad. It Is really shockIn , the number Is thIs Bad. It Is really shockIng, absolutely the number Is thIs Bad. It Is really shockIng, absolutely devastatIng. | shockIng, absolutely devastatIng. CommunItIes are losIng theIr'>CommunIty Pub that mean so much. It Is not'>CommunIty Pub that mean so much. It Is not only'>CommunIty Pub that mean so much. It Is not only In'>CommunIty Pub that mean so much. It Is not only In economIc'>ActIvIty And BusIness Is not only In economIc'>ActIvIty And BusIness that employs people, It Is that socIal busIness that employs people, It Is that socIal hub, and that can be gone that socIal hub, and that can be gone forever, so we desperately need the government to lean In to support the government to lean In to support the sector the government to lean In to support the sector and recognIse Its unIqueness, and support us at thIs budget unIqueness, and support us at thIs budaet. , unIqueness, and support us at thIs budaet. ,. ,. , budget. PlayIng devIls advocate, tImes are changIng, budget. PlayIng devIls advocate, tImes are changIng, culturally I budget. PlayIng devIls advocate, | tImes are changIng, culturally we are not drInkIng as much, students are not drInkIng as much, students are not drInkIng as much, students are not goIng out as much. Is It tIme to accept the End of the pub . Every empIre has Its day . I tIme to accept the End of the pub . Every empIre has Its day . Every empIre has Its day . I thInk the ub every empIre has Its day . I thInk the pub Is every empIre has Its day . I thInk the pub Is stIll every empIre has Its day . I thInk the pub Is stIll that every empIre has Its day . I thInk the pub Is stIll that central every empIre has Its day . I thInk the pub Is stIll that central place | the pub Is stIll that central place that we the pub Is stIll that central place that we can meet and connect as humans, that we can meet and connect as humans, and In some places It Is the only place humans, and In some places It Is the only place on humans, and In some places It Is the only place on when well go and have a conversatIon In a day, It helps stave a conversatIon In a day, It helps stave off a conversatIon In a day, It helps stave off lonelIness, and wHere else do you stave off lonelIness, and wHere else do you go stave off lonelIness, and wHere else do you go to get to know your local communIty, do you go to get to know your local communIty, down the pub. They have adapted communIty, down the pub. They have adapted as communIty, down the pub. They have adapted as much as they possIbly can, but adapted as much as they possIbly can, but the cost of doIng busIness has Increased so much that they cant has Increased so much that they cant absorb any more of that, and they really cant absorb any more of that, and they really dont want to pass that on to they really dont want to pass that on to theIr they really dont want to pass that on to theIr consumers and push theIr clIents on to theIr consumers and push theIr clIents away~ on to theIr consumers and push theIr clIents away. But the realIty Is, If we dont clIents away. But the realIty Is, If we dont see that'>TaxatIon Base come downy we dont see that'>TaxatIon Base come down, they we dont see that'>TaxatIon Base come down, they duty on busIness rates, It wIll down, they duty on busIness rates, It wIll be down, they duty on busIness rates, It wIll be really dIffIcult for pubs to keep It wIll be really dIffIcult for pubs to keep goIng. And It wIll be really dIffIcult for pubs to keep goIng It wIll be really dIffIcult for pubs to keep goIng. It wIll be really dIffIcult for pubs to kee anoIn. �. , to keep goIng. And we wIll have the chancellor on to keep goIng. And we wIll have the chancellor on bbc to keep goIng. And we wIll have the chancellor on'>Bbc Breakfast to keep goIng. And we wIll have the chancellor on'>Bbc Breakfast In to keep goIng. And we wIll have the chancellor on'>Bbc Breakfast In an'>I Chancellor on'>Bbc Breakfast In an hour. If you had Her In thIs mornIng, what are you sayIng to Her . Just to reIterate'>EverythIng Emma saId. We are tryIng as an Industry to have one solId voIce, and that Is that busIness rates need to reform. The 70 reductIon needs to stay If pubs are goIng to stay on the hIgh street. And a real solId look at the'>Beer Duty. Street. And a real solId look at the beer du. �. ,. , y. , street. And a real solId look at the l'>Beer Duty the'>Beer Duty. And what about you . The chancellor commItted'>Beer Duty. And what about you . The chancellor commItted to'>Beer Duty. And what about you . The chancellor commItted to a'>Beer Duty. And what about you . The | chancellor commItted to a'>FIvepoInt Chancellor commItted to a fIve'>PoInt Plan to chancellor commItted to a fIve'>PoInt Plan to support pubs durIng the'>ElectIon Plan to support pubs durIng the'>ElectIon CampaIgn, the only sector to be'>ElectIon CampaIgn, the only sector to be supported, so we want to hear from to be supported, so we want to hear from Her to be supported, so we want to hear from Her how she Is goIng to support pubs and from Her how she Is goIng to support pubs and help them grow. As tom says. Pubs and help them grow. As tom says. It pubs and help them grow. As tom says. It Is pubs and help them grow. As tom says, It Is about keepIng a trIp to the pub says, It Is about keepIng a trIp to the pub affordable for all, and thats the pub affordable for all, and thats what we want to see. Because'>Eo Le thats what we want to see. Because people who thats what we want to see. Because people who work thats what we want to see. Because people who work In thats what we want to see. Because people who work In retaIl, thats what we want to see. Because people who work In retaIl, for people who work In retaIl, for example, who work In entertaInment In otHer areas of hospItalIty mIght say, what makes you so specIal . Why should pub some specIal treatment . In a world that Is becomIng IncreasIngly less human, a lot more artIfIcIal, pubs stIll have a real human touch. The rIse of, we are movIng away from human connectIons and InterpersonalfeelIngs. When we look at retaIl, It has become so Inhuman, hospItalIty, but pubs especIally, always have that specIal place. THere Is a real human and personal connectIon, and those are the pubs that we are In danger of losIng, and those are the moments and experIences we are In danger of losIng. And experIences we are In danger of losIna. �. , losIng. And ust very quIckly, tell me about losIng. And just very quIckly, tell me about how losIng. And just very quIckly, tell me about how much losIng. And just very quIckly, tell me about how much thIs losIng. And just very quIckly, tell me about how much thIs place I losIng. And just very quIckly, tell me about how much thIs place means to some of your regulars. Brute me about how much thIs place means to some of your regulars. To some of your regulars. We are very lucky to some of your regulars. We are very lucky to to some of your regulars. We are very lucky to be to some of your regulars. We are very lucky to be so to some of your regulars. We are very lucky to be so well to some of your regulars. We are l very lucky to be so well supported, but tHere are famIlIes wHere weve hosted chrIstenIngs and weddIngs of the same famIly. The pub Is wHere we go to celebrate new lIves, and It Is wHere we go to say goodbye to people. We do a huge amount In the communIty. We had a day wIth our local hospIcejust communIty. We had a day wIth our local hospIce just last week wHere as a communIty we came togetHer and we raIsed £37,000. And thats the power of communItIes, and that Is the power of pubs. And to see the way we are kInd of banded togetHer wIth small busInesses, we are not just that. WIth small busInesses, we are not ust that. ,. ,. ,. , just that. So, from cradle to grave, ubs are just that. So, from cradle to grave, pubs are an just that. So, from cradle to grave, pubs are an InstItutIon. Just that. So, from cradle to grave, pubs are an InstItutIon. It just that. So, from cradle to grave, pubs are an InstItutIon. It Is just that. So, from cradle to grave, pubs are an InstItutIon. It Is the pubs are an InstItutIon. It Is the'>Labour Party conference at the moment. If'>KeIr Starmer Is watchIng, what would you say to hIm . You have to Su Ort what would you say to hIm . You have to support the what would you say to hIm . You have to support the pub what would you say to hIm . You have to support the pub. If what would you say to hIm . You have to support the pub. If you what would you say to hIm . You have to support the pub. If you really to support the pub. If you really want to support the pub. If you really want thIs to support the pub. If you really want thIs economy to grow, we can do that In want thIs economy to grow, we can do that In towns want thIs economy to grow, we can do that In towns and vIllages across the country, creatIng mIllIons of jobs, the country, creatIng mIllIons of jobs. But the country, creatIng mIllIons of jobs, but you really need to help us urow. Jobs, but you really need to help us grow. And jobs, but you really need to help us grow, and what do we need to do that . Grow, and what do we need to do that . We grow, and what do we need to do that . We need to Invest, and In order that . We need to Invest, and In order to that . We need to Invest, and In order to Invest, we need to brIng that taxatIon down, put a lIttle more that taxatIon down, put a lIttle more money In our'>BusIness Pocket so we can more money In our'>BusIness Pocket so we can Invest more money In our'>BusIness Pocket so we can Invest In our busInesses, as tom we can Invest In our busInesses, as Tom Has we can Invest In our busInesses, as Tom Has. £50,000 In the last year Invested Tom Has. £50,000 In the last year Invested In Tom Has. £50,000 In the last year Invested In hIs busIness because he cares Invested In hIs busIness because he cares about Invested In hIs busIness because he cares about hIs busIness and hIs communIty. Cares about hIs busIness and hIs communIty cares about hIs busIness and hIs communIty. Lets hope the'>PrIme MInIster and communIty. Lets hope the'>PrIme MInIster and the communIty. Lets hope the'>PrIme MInIster and the chancellor communIty. Lets hope the'>PrIme MInIster and the chancellor thIs'>L MInIster and the chancellor thIs mornIng. She wIll be on'>Bbc Breakfast In an hour, and we asked'>Jonathan Reynolds about thIs on behalf of the government and he saId they are doIng what they can to tackle antI socIal behavIour, to tackle antI socIal behavIour, to tackle late payments. We waIt and see about thIs promIse Is for pubs In the budget. That Is comIng up at the End of october. NIna, for now, thank you very much Indeed. We wIll put those comments to'>Rachel Reeves In an hour. What a gorgeous pub very calm. Before the customers arrIve tIme now to get the news,'>Travel And WeatHer wHere you are. Hello and a very good mornIng from bbc london. Im alIce salfIeld. From tomorrow, Itll be Illegal to possess'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes In england and wales. An antI knIfe crIme campaIgner who collects these weapons from young people In london and hands them In to polIce has welcomed the laws. Faron paul says tHeres much more to be done but that the new legIslatIon wIll save lIves. THeres a lot of contrIbutIng factors to why a young person Is carryIng a knIfe, you know. Some people are scared, some people are protectIng themselves. Some people arejoInIng Into the crew to fIt In. Some people lIke the way that these knIves are aesthetIcally buIlt, you know, and the accessIbIlIty to It Its just so easy. Transport for london says tHere Is no'>Set Date for when commuters usIng Contactless Cards wIll be able to see theIrjourney hIstory onlIne agaIn. The system has been down due to an ongoIng cyber securIty attack. Tfl says londoners wIll be notIfIed once It Is avaIlable and they can then correct any Incomplete journeys or maxImum fares. Mayor of'>London SadIq Khan Is travellIng to new'>York CIty for the uns general assembly. Its wHere polItIcIans and global busIness leaders wIll meet to dIscuss clImate change. Its the mayors second trIp to new york In two years. CIty hall says he wants to bang the drum for london. Now, If youre around the'>Thames Today, you mIght see a ratHer unusual sIght a'>SpanIsh WarshIp saIlIng through london. The full sIzed replIca of the 17th'>Century Galeon AndalucIa Is due to pass through'>Tower BrIdge and dock In'>East London later today. And vIsItors wIll be able to fInd out about lIfe aboard out about lIfe aboard untIl the 6th of october. Lets take a look at the tubes. Lots of problems on the tubes because of floodIng caused by'>Heavy RaIn. THere are'>Part SuspensIons on the bakerloo, dIstrIct, metropolItan,'>0verground And PIccadIlly lInes. Now lets check on that raIn. Heres kate kInsella. Good mornIng. It Is a ratHer damp and murky start thIs'>Monday MornIng. Weve had a lot of raIn over the last 2a hours. THeres more to come. The'>Met OffIce has a yellow'>WeatHer WarnIng In place for the'>Heavy RaIn. Its valId through to mIdnIght could lead to localIsed floodIng or more localIsed floodIng for some. The raIn Is gradually, very slowly makIng Its way towards the west. DrIer In the east later. Cloud breakIng a few breaks means few sunny spells, whIch In turn could mean a few showers. Temperatures today 19 celsIus. Then'>The RaIn makes Its way back towards the east. However, It fragments as It does so. DrIer by dawn. The mInImum temperature droppIng to 11 celsIus, so stIll not especIally cold. IIs goIng to be a drIer day on the whole on tuesday. We stIll could see some showers, the'>Cloud BreakIng, of course, so those sunny spells potentIally leadIng to some showers. But, lIke I say, a lIttle drIer than today. Temperatures gettIng up to around 18 celsIus. As we head furtHer through the week, It stays pretty unsettled. Well see furtHer showers, outbreaks of raIn, but also the temperature slIdes away. By frIday, sIgnIfIcantly cooler. Thats It. Plenty more on the websIte and the'>Bbc News app. Now, back to sally and jon. See you In half an hour. Bye bye. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>Sally Nugent and jon kay. A'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has found that the number crImes logged by polIce, whIch Involve reference to swords, machetes or so called'>ZombIe KnIves has almost doubled In fIve years. The fIgures were revealed ahead of ban on certaIn weapons whIch comes Into force across england and wales tomorrow. 0ur'>Correspondent Danjohnson Is at a'>Border Force Centre In slough. Good mornIng. When we say'>ZombIe KnIfe thIs Is the sort of thIng. The sort of weapon that wIll be Included In the band that comes Into force tomorrow. We are at the'>E MaIl Centre In slough wHere'>Border Force agents have Intercepted these weapons over the past months. ThIs Is the sort of thIng they are searchIng for when they go through. But the ban Is complIcated. These'>ZombIe KnIves are already banned because of the fact they Include Imagery and letterIng. THere are new features In the band that wIll Include more of these weapons from tomorrow and tHere has been a surrEnder runnIng the last month to encourage people to hand over weapons. We have fIgures from 32 polIce forces In england and wales showIng they are dealIng over the past fIve years wIth twIce as many'>ZombIe KnIves, machetes, swords. The bIgger blades. But It Is notjust about what Is goIng on Here In'>E MaIl Centre, It Is what happens when weapons are out on the street. I have spoken to one man tryIng to get weapons out of the hands of young people and to some of the young people and to some of the young people he encountered. If youve got a bIgger weapon, youve got more of a chance. The knIves are gettIng larger. DevastatIng weapons. It was a sword. WIth deadly consequences. If that went through my chIlds heart. THere Is a new ban on'>ZombIe KnIves and some machetes. These are used to IntImIdate, they are used to harm, Injure, kIll. THere Is no otHer reason they are made. Faron was almost stabbed to death twIce. Now, hes takIng weapons from teenage hands. So In the sIx years Ive been collectIng weapons wIth the amnesty, Ive personally seen the weapons are gettIng bIgger. From lock knIves and we are gettIng more of the type of zk and'>ZombIe Style knIves lIke 15In upwards. I get calls from all around the uk, lIke three or four a day rIght now. Really, every day . Yeah, every day. A young man In South London wants to hand over a paIr of machetes. Let me see, my guy, are you good . Put It down. Show me what youve got, my guy. He says he bought these onlIne when he was 19. Why have you got weapons lIke that . I bought them to protect myself a whIle ago after I got attacked and kIdnapped. I got stabbed 12 tImes. Why dId you need somethIng so large . I mean, when I was kIdnapped, they had weapons the same sIze. So I thought If that ever happens agaIn, those same people, then I need somethIng to combat that realIstIcally. I feel lIke the'>PolIce Cant protect myself. Yeah, Ive got to protect myself, really. Bro, apprecIate, yeah. Stay safe. Some machetes are beIng banned, but not all large weapons are covered. Weve retrIeved the weapons. The tubes are actually not even long enough to properly contaIn these weapons. He had no enemIes. He dIdnt do anythIng wrong. He dIdnt carry a knIfe. The kanda famIlys felt the worst Impact. He wasjust a happy kInd of 16 year old lIvIng hIs best lIfe. They clIng to the last glImpse of ronan, who was stabbed to death two years ago. That was the last moment I see my. My son. I lIve for that moment. I dedIcate my lIfe to my son. Sorry. ThIs Is ronan about to be mIstaken for someone else and attacked by two teenagers carryIng swords theyd bought onlIne wIth fake Id. I am shocked they were avaIlable when thIs happened to my chIld and I am more shocked that they are stIll contInuIng to be avaIlable after what happened to ronan. Its about the culture that surrounds the sale of machetes,'>ZombIe KnIves and swords. Its not evenjust a weapon Its a fashIon pIece. Weve dIscovered the number of swords, machetes and'>ZombIe KnIves logged by the polIce has almost doubled In fIve years to more than 14,000. And theyre beIng used In vIolent crImes robberIes, assaults, publIc order offences, stalkIng and harassment. And, last year, 23 people were kIlled usIng one of those bIgger weapons. Its just so accessIble and Its so cheap. Faron sees It day In and day out larger weapons from younger people, chIldren. That was from a young person. How old . 15, 16. But tHeres just loads. AnotHer call, anotHer knIfe to collect. So my brotHer, you good . A 20 year old whos carrIed weapons sInce chIldhood. I got a'>Rambo KnIfe when I was about 16. Thats the most common knIfe, In my opInIon. Why would you have somethIng lIke that . Everyone walks around wIth them to look after themselves, really. They feel lIke they need to. Theyre scared. People get chopped up, people get hurt. And wHere are they gettIng the weapons . It was such a normal thIng It was such a normal thIng you can get them from frIEnds, you can get them onlIne. You can get them onlIne. Its so easy to get a knIfe. Its so easy to get a knIfe. You can get It delIvered you can get It delIvered to your house lIke a takeaway. To your house lIke a takeaway. And why Is It gettIng worse . And why Is It gettIng worse . If youve got a bIgger weapon, If youve got a bIgger weapon, youve got more of a chance. Youve got more of a chance. If my knIfe Is bIgger If my knIfe Is bIgger than theIrs, Im goIng to wIn. Than theIrs, Im goIng to wIn. If you have a'>FlIck KnIfe If you have a'>FlIck KnIfe and someone pulls a rambo out and someone pulls a rambo out on you, then youre goIng to be on you, then youre goIng to be thInkIng, then why dont I get thInkIng, then why dont I get a bIgger one, you know what I mean . A bIgger one, you know what I mean . But hes now ready but hes now ready to leave that lIfe. To leave that lIfe. You grow up, InnIt . You grow up, InnIt . I stopped carryIng knIves at 18. I stopped carryIng knIves at 18. I realIsed It aInt worth It. Ive lost people. Faron hands the weapons to polIce or drops them Into knIfe bIns. But tHeres a problem. Itjust goes rIght to the back. Look, the handles Here. It just wont fIt . Itjust wont go In tHere. Look, Itjust goes rIght to the back. So whats your only optIon wIth that now . Now thIs would have to be physIcally taken to the'>PolIce StatIon and gIven In over the counter. Its symbolIc of thIs growIng challenge. The bIggest threat I see Is the onlIne space. The laws also struggled to keep up. Because It clearly wont. So you can see furtHer legIslatIon . Yeah, quIte possIbly, yeah. The realIty Is these'>Weapons Arent covered by the new ban. NeItHer are the swords used to kIll ronan kanda. I know the sword went through ronans heart. But I dIe knowIng what happened to ronan every day. And I cant have that happen to anotHer chIld, Ijust cant. The ban means farons days are gettIng longer. Hes back from anotHer late nIght collectIon. We collected all these knIves from one person. How old was the person who had these . I belIeve he was 18. ThIs Is relatIvely normal now. ZombIe style knIves, samuraI swords, rambos, thIs Is the typIcal thIng. These are the desIgner knIves that young people are drawn to and what theyre buyIng. How many more lIves have to go before they can ban these thIngs and see the danger of these weapons . The government Is now revIewIng onlIne sales of these weapons. It descrIbes knIfe crIme as an epIdemIc. It Is pretty shockIng what Is out tHere. Some of the weapons we saw on tHere. Some of the weapons we saw on the streets, some of the stuff'>Border Forces pullIng out the streets, some of the Stuff Borderforces pullIng out from packages comIng In through'>E MaIl Centre. We can look at the process Here. They screen every bIt of maIl. PuttIng It Into the scanner Here. Good mornIng. EverythIng goes through. You can see lookIng at the screen what Is comIng through. What are you lookIng for . Taste screen what Is comIng through. What are you lookIng for . Are you lookIng for . We are lookIng for any drugs. Are you lookIng for . We are lookIng for any drugs, weapons, are you lookIng for . We are lookIng for any drugs, weapons, knIves are you lookIng for . We are lookIng| for any drugs, weapons, knIves that come Into the uk. You can see the'>X Ray whIch Is a great tool. ThIs would be of Interest, It looks lIke It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It would be of Interest, It looks lIke It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does not look lIke It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does not look lIke a It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does not look lIke a knIfe It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does not look lIke a knIfe from It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does| not look lIke a knIfe from Here. It could be a'>FlIck KnIfe. It does not look lIke a knIfe from Here. You can see by not look lIke a knIfe from Here. You can see by the not look lIke a knIfe from Here. Ym. Can see by the colour and tHere Is a button whIch means when pressed the blade would come out. What button whIch means when pressed the blade would come out. Blade would come out. What wIll ha en to blade would come out. What wIll happen to that . Blade would come out. What wIll happen to that . We blade would come out. What wIll happen to that . We screen blade would come out. What wIll happen to that . We screen It, I blade would come out. What wIll. Happen to that . We screen It, see It can be seIzed happen to that . We screen It, see It can be seIzed and happen to that . We screen It, see It can be seIzed and once happen to that . We screen It, see It can be seIzed and once we happen to that . We screen It, see It can be seIzed and once we have happen to that . We screen It, see It| can be seIzed and once we have done that we wIll refer to polIce for potentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll fInd out more potentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll fInd out more about potentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll fInd out more about the potentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll fInd out more about the work. PotentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll I fInd out more about the work they potentIal furtHer actIon. We wIll fInd out more about the work they do later but I wIll tell you somethIng else surprIsIng. The young people we spoke to In the streets, IntImIdatIng behInd the mask but once removed you realIse they are carryIng the weapons because they are In fear. THere are major Issues behInd knIfe crIme that need to be tackled. StudIo that was InterestIng. A frIghtenIng sIght, some of those pIctures. We wIll talk about that throughout the programme. But now, john Is Here to talk about an extraordInary game of football yesterday. Always extraordInary when'>Manchester CIty and'>Arsenal Meet because I guess they are the teams people look at potentIally to wIn the tItle and they played out a thrIller. A draw In the End. 2 2. It wIll feel lIke a wIn for'>Manchester CIty and a defeat for arsenal the way It played out. It was an evenIng packed wIth drama and storylInes, one whIch saw'>CIty Score a 98th'>MInute EqualIser as they denIed 10'>Man Arsenal a statement wIn, as'>Andy SwIss reports. It was a'>PremIer League classIc wIth the very latest of twIsts. Commentator no way through. THere mIght be now. THere Is In the eIghth mInute of stoppage tIme,'>John Stones grabbIng cIty a poInt and breakIng arsenals hearts to round off a chaotIc but captIvatIng game. EarlIer, cIty had come chargIng out of the blocks, takIng the lead through, well, Who Else . And hes tryIng to feed haaland. ErlIng haalands 100th goal for cIty Injust 105 appearances. Some strIke rate, some talent. But out of nowHere, the gunners hIt back. What a goal that Is. RIccardo calafIorI wIth a cracker. He certaInly enjoyed It. Pep guardIola ratHer less so. And he wont have lIked thIs, eItHer, as gabrIel headed the gunners In front. Arsenal turn It around. But on the brInk of half tIme,'>Leandro Trossard kIcks the ball away and arsenal were down to ten men. They couldnt hang on, could they . Well, remarkably, they dId. After the break, cIty poured forward but arsenal somehow kept them at bay. They were just moments from a famous wIn before stones boot sparked cItys celebratIon. Scrambled In at the last for the champIons, a result whIch takes them back top of the table. An extraordInary End to a game of quIte dazzlIng drama. Andy swIss,'>Bbc News. THere were three Red Cards In the game between'>BrIghton And NottIngham forest, IncludIng both managers who were sent off. In anotHer entertaInIng two all draw, forest squandered an early lead to traIl 2 1 before'>Ramon Sosa raced clear to score. NottIngham'>Forests Morgan gIbbs whIte The Player who got hIs marchIng orders. Beth mead scored late for arsenal as they drew 2 2 wIth'>Manchester CIty at the emIrates stadIum, on the'>OpenIng WeekEnd of the wsl season. Arsenal went ahead early but former player'>VIvIanne MIedema who has sInce joIned'>CIty Scored and made anotHer on Her return to the emIrates. Return to the emIrates. She drew'>CIty Leveljust before half she drew'>CIty Leveljust before half tIme, then set upjess'>Park MIdway tIme, then set upjess'>Park MIdway through the second half. Through the second half. But'>Beth Mead scored wIth nIne but'>Beth Mead scored wIth nIne mInutes to go to salvage mInutes to go to salvage a poInt for the gunners. A poInt for the gunners. BrItIsh drIver'>Lando NorrIs says champIon wIth sIx races remaInIng. BrItIsh drIver'>Lando NorrIs says Its stIll possIble to catch Its stIll possIble to catch'>Max Verstappen In the race'>Max Verstappen In the race for the'>F1 TItle after wInnIng for the'>F1 TItle after wInnIng the sIngapore grand prIx. The sIngapore grand prIx. NotchIng up hIs thIrd wIn notchIng up hIs thIrd wIn of the season, hes moved of the season, hes moved to wIthIn 52 poInts of the reIgnIng to wIthIn 52 poInts of the reIgnIng champIon wIth sIx races remaInIng. Unfortunately for hIs hopes, norrIs stIll saw verstappen fInIsh second the dutch drIver was vIctorIous In the fIrst seven races of the season but has faIled to wIn any of the last eIght. It was an amazIng race. Um, a few too many close calls. You know, I had a couple of lIttle moments In the mIddle, but It was well controlled, I thInk, otHerwIse. And the car was mega. So I could push. We were flyIng the whole race, and, at the End, could just chIll. So It was a nIce race. StIll tough Im a bIt out of breath but a very fun one. And before the race red'>Bull Team PrIncIple chrIstIan horner spoke to the bbc about the tough year hes had wIth key'>L Changes, had wIth key'>L Changes, and the mIsconduct allegatIons he faced before beIng cleared. Asa team, as a team, we focused on the basIcs. I thInk that InevItably our competItors have looked to capItalIse on any opportunIty that becomes avaIlable to them. But what Im partIcularly proud of Is the way the core of the team has really stuck togetHer. A hugely challengIng tIme. Lando norrIs doIng all he can to chase down'>Max Verstappen wIth sIx races remaInIng. We could be In lIne for a thrIllIng fInIsh. If you are on normal roads. OffIce has an'>Amber WeatHer'>Met OffIce has an amber'>WeatHer WarnIng and that Is coverIng central and'>SoutHern England. We could have as much as hundred and 20 mIllImetres In some places whIch wIll be the exceptIon, but It could lead to'>Travel DIsruptIon and'>Flash FloodIng. SomethIng to be aware of If you are headIng out. ThIs Is what happened durIng the nIght. In'>Stoke And Church In buckInghamshIre, It had almost two Inches of raIn. Almost 50 mIllImetres. That Is a lot of raIn and more to come before It clears. ThIs slow movIng area of low pressure Is brIngIng us'>Heavy RaIn. We have anotHer'>WeatHer Front slowly comIng In across the far north of scotland and thIs mornIng It Is a cloudy start wIth vIsIbIlIty poor. Low cloud and also poor vIsIbIlIty assocIated wIth raIn. Through the day, It wIll drIft west gettIng Into'>South East wales, the'>West Country. It should brIghten up In'>East AnglIa and the'>South East but Here we could have showers and tHere mIght be thunder. In parts of wales,'>NortHern Ireland, scotland, a drIer day wIth varIable cloud, some sunshIne. We also have raIn across the far north of scotland. Temperatures range from ten In the north to 20 In the south. Through the evenIng and overnIght, raIn In scotland moves furtHer south. RaIn In england starts to push back towards the north sea. Cloud left In Its wake. Some clear skIes and showers. These are the overnIght lows rangIng from 7 13. A lIttle'>BIt Cooler to start tomorrow. Into tomorrow, we have raIn movIng south across scotland. Eventually It wIll get to'>NortHern England by the End of the afternoon. NortHern Ireland, the rest of england, wales, largely dry, more sunshIne. Some showers. MornIng'>RaIn ClearIng from the'>South East. And these are the temperatures. 11 18. After that, It does not necessarIly turn settled. StIll some raIn and wIndy condItIons on wednesday, but It wIll turn cooler by frIday. Temperatures In the south may be just 12 13. You wIll really notIce that. Thank you. I lIke the'>Way Carol says lIke we can look forward to It. It Is goIng to turn cooler. At least we know. If youre lookIng for shelter we have an answer. If youve been lookIng around for a quIet, countrysIde retreat, Heres somethIng you mIght fInd InterestIng. A'>Post War nuclear bunker that was buIlt 14ft underground In derbyshIre and comes complete wIth bed, storage and a'>Log Burner Is up for auctIon. LIke'>CampIng TrIp lIke your'>CampIng TrIp agaIn. Our reporter sIan fIlcHer has been to take a look. ImagIne buyIng a bIt of land and thIs Is what you get on It. ThIs bunker has a'>GuIde PrIce of £15,000 to £20,000 and Is In excellent condItIon. The auctIoneers say that most of these sItes were decommIssIoned and sold off In 1993. Many were bought by telecom companIes and are now sItes for mobIle phone masts. But thIs one remaIns and even has some orIgInal Items. THere was plenty of Interest from potentIal buyers on vIewIng day. So what would you do wIth It, then . Probablyjust preserve It, yeah, probably would keep It. Although the Idea of maybe spEndIng a nIght Here just to see what Its lIke Is IntrIguIng. Its a personal retreat, really, and just somethIng to do for ourselves. A nIce lIttle project. I thInk somethIng lIke thIs would be a really InterestIng aIrbnb, gIven Its locatIon. It mIght be a perfect. Place for people to just spEnd a nIght and go, wow, I stayed In a bunker because Id be that person. But turnIng thIs Into a'>HolIday Home Is far from straIghtforward. Access Is restrIcted and the bunker Is basIc. People keep goIng on about aIrbnb, but, as you can see, the restrIctIons In tHere are quIte lImIted to gettIng In and out, lIke. And tHeres no facIlItIes, tHeres no water and all thIs. So youre a bIt lImIted, arent you . Its saId that three people would have occupIed thIs space wIth enough'>Food And Water to last a fortnIght, to report on the fallout from any attack. The owner has refurbIshed It a lIttle bIt wIth a'>Log Burner, velvet curtaIns and a fluffy rug for a homely touch. But what could the new owner do wIth thIs space . I thInk a lot of people that have bought these In the past, theyre eItHer buyIng It for hIstorIc purposes, theyre buyIng It as a bIt of a novelty, but most of them are quIte Interested In the hIstory of It. The bunker Is set to be auctIoned off on september 26th, and the new owner mIght have a bIt of a'>CleanIng Job on theIr hands. I thInk It mIght be out of date. That was sIan fIlcHer reportIng. Today marks 50 years sInce ceefax appeared on our screens the worlds fIrst teletext servIce. Does thIs look famIlIar . Ceefax was developed by'>Bbc Broadcast engIneers In the late 60s, who found spare lInes In tv pIctures that could be used to transmIt words and numbers. THere was everythIng you needed the news, the sports scores, the'>WeatHer Forecast and tv lIstIngs wIth just a few clIcks of your remote control. WIth all of thIs on offer, ceefax quIckly became a natIonal sensatIon. By the 1990s, as many as 22 mIllIon people were usIng the platform weekly, makIng It the most read'>News Source In the uk. But then the'>Internet And Smartphones took over and the servIce came to an End In october 2012. 50 years on from Its fIrst appearance, tIm muffett has been lookIng back at the hIstory of ceefax. Ceefax, a name manufactured from seeIng facts. It was mInd blowIng. Text on your telly. You dont even have to waIt for the next'>News BulletIn before you fInd out what the news Is, because Its lIke a book or a gIant encyclopaedIa wIth hundreds of pages, and you can dIal any of those pages as you go. The scene Is now set for the thousands of vIewers wIth ceefax sets, perhaps over breakfast, to read the latest news at the tIme they want to. Whats that about south wales on tHere . Long before the Internet, ceefax was at the'>CuttIng Edge of technology. ThIs wIll be changIng all the tIme . Thats fInancIal the Index Is changIng. The Index changes. It can be updated more or less Instantly. Oh, can It . The centre for'>ComputIng HIstory In cambrIdge, wHere teletext fans and pIoneers have been celebratIng Its annIversary. Happy bIrthday to you. CuttIng the cake, Ian morton smIth. ArchIve report Its early mornIng when the fIrst ceefax newsman, chIef subedItor Ian morton smIth, arrIves for duty. I was tHere at the begInnIng, watched It grow. I thInk tHere were four sets when ceefax fIrst started that were equIpped to receIve the sIgnal. And by the tIme I left, tHere were 22 mIllIon vIewers. You controlled access to the InformatIon. Thats What Made ceefax specIal. And then, of course, along came the Internet and kIlled It stone dead. Ceefaxs fInancIal sectIon. For those usIng ceefax for the fIrst tIme, the bIg questIon. Graham, how does'>Ceefax Work . Well, Its an IngenIous way of usIng the'>TelevIsIon SIgnal to get pages of InformatIon onto the tv screen. The normal'>TelevIsIon PIcture Is made up of a number of lInes, but tHere are spare lInes at the top and we use these lInes to carry ceefax. A'>Programme System of an entIrely new kInd. Teletext took off. And Its all done at the touch of a button. After ceefax came oracle on Itv and, later, A Tel on channel 4. Its a fascInatIng InsIght Into the past. Jason robertson has archIved thousands of teletext pages. 1981, sunday, the 12th of aprIl, fIve to one, these are the pages that you would have seen. Old televIsIon programmes recorded on'>VIdeo Tape also contaIn'>Teletext InformatIon from the tIme. People have been very generous and sent me loads of vIdeotapes. Ive got a garage full to go through. They need someone to decode that InformatIon and thats wHere you come In. Thats wHere I come In. Why do thIs, why archIve all these old pages . I mean, weve got newspaper archIves. THeres loads of those. Why not a'>Teletext ArchIve as well . Because the good thIng about teletext Is Its ImpartIal. Newspaper archIves can be quIte partIsan, but ceefax has to just tell the facts. Heavy set and Blocky Fonts and vIbrant vIolent hues Impart In tv lIstIngs the weatHer, sport and news. The'>50th AnnIversary has InspIred thIs trIbute from poet james domestIc. WIth super chunky graphIcs and clunky anImatIons, everybody knows the joy was In Its lImItatIons. Its a very nostalgIc thIng. I mean, I remember growIng up In the 80s And 90s and youd see It and It really does, you know Its almost dIdnt notIce It had gone at fIrst. You know Its almost dIdnt notIce and then suddenly you do and then Itsjust not tHere. ThIs towns too small for both of us. Ceefax, you must be shelved. Ceefax knew the web had won and skulked off In 2012. But when It began, ceefax seemed to be pavIng the way to a dIgItalfuture. Chess, brIdge, Crossword Puzzles and many otHer games appeared to lEnd themselves to the format of the televIsIon screen. And lookIng even furtHer ahead, tHeres the really excItIng possIbIlIty of usIng a domestIc'>TelevIsIon ReceIver as a home computer termInal. Far fetched . Well, hardly. After all, Its not so very long ago I dIscovered that by doIng thIs. I get that. The good'>ShIp Ceefax pIoneerIng, popular but swept asIde by the tIdes of technology. TIm muffett,'>Bbc News. Very nostalgIc. I dont remember It flashIng. That was really fancy. At one stage In your career, dId you wrIte a bIt of ceefax . You had to get the rIght number of characters and It was a nIghtmare. But strangely satIsfyIng when you got them to work. We would lIke your ceefax memorIes. Get In touch on the newfangled whatsapp. TIme for the news,'>Travel And WeatHer wHere you are. Hello, and a very good mornIng from bbc london. Im alIce salfIeld. An antI knIfe crIme campaIgner who collects'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes from young people In london has welcomed a new ban on these weapons. From tomorrow, Itll be Illegal to possess them In england and wales. Faron paul says tHeres much more to be done but that the new legIslatIon wIll save lIves. THeres a lot of contrIbutIng factors to why a young person Is carryIng a knIfe, you know. Some people are scared, some people are protectIng themselves. Some people arejoInIng Into the crew to fIt In. Some people lIke the way that these knIves are aesthetIcally buIlt, you know, and the accessIbIlIty to It Its just so easy. The metropolItan polIce has set out plans to try to rebuIld trust wIth londons black communItIes, whIch It says have been let down over a number of years. The'>Race ActIon Plan, made wIth Input from black offIcers wIthIn the met and black communItIes, Includes a new'>Stop And Search charter whIch aIms to reset how the procedure Is carrIed out. The commIssIoner saId tHere Is a lot more work to do. Transport for london says tHere Is no'>Set Date for when commuters usIng Contactless Cards wIll be able to see theIrjourney hIstory onlIne agaIn. The system has been down due to an ongoIng cyber securIty attack. Tfl says londoners wIll be notIfIed once It Is avaIlable and they can then correct any Incomplete journeys. Now, If youre around the'>Thames Today you mIght see a ratHer unusual sIght a'>SpanIsh WarshIp saIlIng through london. The full sIzed replIca of the 17th'>Century Galeon AndalucIa Is due to pass through'>Tower BrIdge and dock In'>East London later today. And vIsItors wIll be able to fInd out about lIfe on board untIl the 6th of october. Lets take a look at the tubes now. Lots of problems on the tubes because of floodIng caused by'>Heavy RaIn. THere are'>Part SuspensIons on the bakerloo, dIstrIct, metropolItan,'>0verground And PIccadIlly lInes, so do make sure to check yourjourney before settIng out thIs mornIng. Now lets check on that raIn Heres the weatHer wIth kate kInsella. Good mornIng. It Is a ratHer damp and murky start thIs'>Monday MornIng. Weve had a lot of raIn over the last 26 hours. THeres more to come. The'>Met OffIce has a yellow'>WeatHer WarnIng In place for the'>Heavy RaIn. Its valId through to mIdnIght could lead to localIsed floodIng or more localIsed floodIng for some. The raIn Is gradually, very slowly makIng Its way towards the west. DrIer In the east later. Cloud breakIng few breaks means few sunny spells, whIch In turn could mean a few showers. Temperatures today 19 celsIus. Then'>The RaIn makes Its way back towards the east. However, It fragments as It does so. DrIer by dawn. The mInImum temperature droppIng to 11 celsIus, so stIll not especIally cold. It Is goIng to be a drIer day on the whole on tuesday. We stIll could see some showers, the'>Cloud BreakIng, of course, so those sunny spells potentIally leadIng to some showers. But, lIke I say, a lIttle drIer than today. Temperatures gettIng up to around 18 celsIus. As we head furtHer through the week, It stays pretty unsettled. Well see furtHer showers, outbreaks of raIn, but also the temperature slIdes away. By frIday, sIgnIfIcantly cooler. Thats It plenty more on the websIte and the'>Bbc News app. For now though Its back to sally and jon. Good mornIng. Its seven oclock. Welcome to breakfast wIth'>Sally Nugent and jon kay. Our headlInes today. Theyre the devastatIng weapons that carry deadly consequences we have a'>SpecIal Report on the rIse of so called'>ZombIe KnIves, before a new ban comes Into force of so called'>ZombIe KnIves, good of so called'>ZombIe KnIves, mornIng. ThIs Is the'>SI Weapon good mornIng. ThIs Is the sort of weapon that wIll be banned from tomorrow. That Is a'>ZombIe KnIfe, and the fIgures weve obtaIned show that the polIce are dealIng wIth around twIce as many of these, and machetes and swords, as they were fIve years ago. Border force Is tryIng to Intercept weapons beIng sentIn tryIng to Intercept weapons beIng sent In the post. Balsa tryIng to Intercept weapons beIng sent In the post. Sent In the post. Also thIs mornIng the chancellor'>Rachel Reeves wIll promIse a budget to rebuIld brItaIn at the'>Labour Conference today but rIsks beIng overshadowed by the ongoIng row over'>WInter Fuel payments. The fInal phase of the long runnIng'>Post OffIce InquIry gets under way today, wIth current'>Staff Set to delIver theIr verdIct. Arsenal are denIed a famous vIctory agaInst'>Manchester CIty as'>John Stones scores a late equalIser seconds from tIme as the'>Match Ends In a draw at the etIhad. Good mornIng. The'>Met OffIce has an amber'>WeatHer WarnIng In force for heavy'>RaIn Today across central and'>SoutHern England. It Is fallIng on already saturated ground, so tHere Is a rIsk of dIsruptIon due to thIs. Scotland and'>NortHern Ireland have a quIeter day ahead. All the detaIls shortly. Good mornIng, all. Its monday the 23rd of september. The number crImes logged by polIce whIch Involve reference to swords, machetes or so called'>ZombIe KnIves has almost doubled In fIve years. A'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has revealed the fIgures, ahead of a ban on certaIn weapons whIch comes Into force across england and wales tomorrow. Our'>Correspondent Danjohnson Is at a'>Border Force Centre In slough. Some terrIfyIng fIgures for us thIs mornIng, and a terrIfyIng sIght rIght next to you. Absolutely. These are just some of the weapons'>Border Force have seIzed from packages beIng sent through the male In recent months. It Is a huge dIffIculty for them. ThIngs that wIll be banned In the new'>LegIslatIon Tomorrow are thIngs lIke thIs serrated edge, the fact that It has got holes along It, and tHere are'>ZombIe KnIves that are coloured and have wrItIng on them. Some are already banned because It Is not the fIrst tIme the government and the authorItIes have trIed to address thIs. The fIgures that we have obtaIned through the freedom of InformatIon at, 32 polIce forces across england and wales were applIed to us. We look at theIr crIme logs, we see that tHere were 14,000 crIme logs, we see that tHere were 16,000 mentIons last year of'>ZombIe KnIves, swords or machetes, those longer blades. If you just take machetes, It means the polIce are handlIng around twIce as many as they were fIve years ago. We are talkIng about 5000 mentIoned In 2019, more lIke 10,000 mentIoned last year, and If you look at the'>ZombIe KnIves In partIcular, more than'>A Thousand of those appeared In'>PolIce CrIme logs last year, so a huge challenge for the polIce, and tHere Is thIs amnesty, thIs surrEnder, that has been runnIng for a month wHere anybody can hand In these weapons before the law changes tomorrow. And I have been out talkIng to some young people who have been handIng over weapons, partIcularly to one campaIgner who was stabbed hImself and Is now tryIng to take weapons off the streets. And when you talk to those young people, you fInd out why they got that weapon In the fIrst place and what they were afraId of. THere are complex Issues goIng Into that. More on that In the'>SpecIal Report that we wIll run later, and we wIll explaIn the work they do Here at thIs centre, tryIng to Intercept weapons before they even reach teenage hands. Thank you very much Indeed. ThIs well have more from dan throughout the mornIng, IncludIng a'>SpecIal Report at 8 30. At nearly fIve past seven, sally has more of todays news. Thank you, jon. After weeks of warnIng the publIc about the state of brItaIns fInances,'>Rachel Reeves wIll use Her fIrst'>Labour Conference Speech as chancellor to strIke a more optImIstIc tone, as mInIsters seek to move on from the row over polItIcal donatIons. She wIll promIse a budget to rebuIld brItaIn, but Her key message rIsks beIng overshadowed by crItIcIsm over the decIsIon to means'>Test WInter Fuel payments. Heres our polItIcal correspondent,'>Harry Farley. After days of questIons over donatIons and Internal feuds, enough of the'>Doom And Gloom show us'>The Hope, Is the cry from many labour mps. The'>PrIme MInIster and the chancellor, vIsItIng a'>Research FacIlIty In lIverpool, have repeatedly stressed what they say Is theIr dIre InHerItance. Now tHere Is a shIft In tone. KeIr starmer was In the mood for celebratIon at a scottIsh receptIon last nIght. Thank you so much. Enjoy conference, enjoy the evenIng, and thank you agaIn thank you. CheerIng. In Her'>Conference Speech today,'>Rachel Reeves wIll say tHere Is a prIze on offer If, she says, they make the rIght choIces now. What the chancellor wIll want to be gettIng across Is, the good tImes that we want to brIng,'>The Hope for The Future, sometImes youve got to make dIffIcult decIsIons early on to gIve the stabIlIty. You dont want to repeat the dIsaster of'>LIz Truss, for Instance, In order to do that. So wHere tHeres got to be a tough decIsIon, Its for a purpose, and It Is that better future. But yes, we want people to be better off. We want hope to return to brItaIn. But one of those dIffIcult decIsIons, on cuttIng the'>WInter Fuel allowance, Is partIcularly controversIal. Its these people, at a receptIon for'>Trade UnIons that were not allowed to fIlm InsIde, that could prove a challenge for labours leadershIp. Theyre askIng conference to vote on the government reversIng Its cuts to'>WInter Fuel allowance. You cant ask pensIoners, who really are strugglIng just over £12,000, you know to gIve up that type of money. Its not on. Its a Bad decIsIon, and Its one that I personally dont belIeve stacks up wIth beIng a dIffIcult choIce when tHere are otHer choIces that could be made to brIdge that gap that the torIes have left through taxIng wealth. Its not clear If or when a vote on reversIng'>WInter Fuel allowance could happen, and It wouldnt be bIndIng. But for all the celebratIons Here at labours electIon vIctory, Its anotHer sIgn of dIscontent among the'>Rank And FIle less than three months Into government. Harry farley,'>Bbc News, In lIverpool. Our chIef polItIcal'>Correspondent Henry Zeffman Is at the'>Labour Conference In lIverpool and joIns us now. Good mornIng, henry. Are we expectIng lots of smIlIng'>Faces Today . CertaInly from'>Rachel Reeves. SunshIne and hope are not the two words that would sprIng to my mInd about Her fIrst 80 days as chancellor, but perhaps today Is the day that changes, because It Is goIng to be an optImIstIc speech from the relatIvely new chancellor. In fact, wrItIng In the tImes thIs mornIng, she says she has never been more optImIstIc about our countrys fortunes. But the words about tough choIces that we have heard before wIll also be tHere In thIs speech from the chancellor. What Is dIfferent today Is that as well as talkIng about the tough choIces, she wIll talk about the benefIts she belIeves are tHere for the country from makIng those tough choIces. I thInk a lot of people wIll be watchIng'>Rachel Reeves speech for clues as to what mIght be In the budget come the End of october. We wIll get a clear message from the chancellor that tHere wIll be, In Her words, chancellor that tHere wIll be, In Herwords, no chancellor that tHere wIll be, In Her words, no return to austerIty. But beyond that, Im not sure were goIng to have a lot of sIgns of what Is In the budget. A couple of new polIcIes, one on covId contracts, they wIll be a pledge to InvestIgate more than £600 mIllIon of contracts handed out durIng the pandemIc. Also pledged to crack down on'>Tax AvoIdance by puttIng a'>Government MInIster on the board of hmrc. THere Is stIll uneasy In the hall, and we may see thIs today, especIally from'>Trade UnIons, about the'>WInter Fuel allowance, but perhaps'>Rachel Reeves can wIn them over wIth Her new found optImIsm. Lets see. Henry, lets see. And well be speakIng to the chancellor'>Rachel Reeves at 7 30. SrI lankas new presIdent has been sworn In at a ceremony In the countrys executIve capItal colombo. After takIng the oath, left'>LeanIng PolItIcIan Anura'>Kumara DIssanayake saId he would work to InspIre confIdence In those who had not voted for hIm. The electIon was the fIrst to be held sInce mass protests unseated the countrys former leader In 2022 amId an economIc crIsIs. Lebanons offIcIal natIonal'>News Agency Is reportIng that dozens of'>IsraelI AIr strIkes have hIt hezbollah targets In the'>South And East of the country thIs mornIng. The IsraelI mIlItary has warned resIdents to move away from areas used by the Iran backed group. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent Hugo bachega joIns us from beIrut. Hugo, whats the latest . Good mornIng, sally. It seems that these are extensIve'>IsraelI AIr strIkes targetIng hezbollah posItIons across lebanon, so anotHer sIgn of the IntensIfIcatIon of thIs IsraelI campaIgn agaInst hezbollah, and I thInk thIs Is a very dangerous new phase In thIs conflIct, because hezbollah remaIns defIant. Yesterday the'>Groups Number two gave a speech Here In beIrut, he saId hezbollah wIll not be deterred by these attacks, that these attacks on Israel are goIng to contInue unless tHere Is a ceasefIre In gaza. And on tHere Is a ceasefIre In gaza. And on the otHer sIde, Israel Is sayIng that thIs Is just the begInnIng, the otHer sIde, Israel Is sayIng that thIs Isjust the begInnIng, so obvIously we have seen a major escalatIon of thIs conflIct. The speculatIon has been that Israel could be plannIng a'>Ground InvasIon of soutHern lebanon to try and create a'>Buffer Zone along the border to push hezbollah fIghters away from that area, and what the IsraelIs Im sayIng, they want to create the condItIons to allow the return of Tens Of Thousands of resIdents who have been dIsplaced from communItIes In nortHern Israel because of thIs conflIct. But I thInk what Is also concernIng Is that yesterday we saw rockets not only from hezbollah but also mIssIles beIng fIred by IranIan backed mIlItIa In Iraq, whIch could be an IndIcatIon that If tHere Is a wIder conflIct Here, It wouldnt be lImIted to lebanon and Israel. Hugo, thank you. The fInal phase of the'>Post OffIce InquIry begIns today, and over the comIng weeks It wIll look at the ongoIng practIces at the organIsatIon. It wIll consIder the vIews of thousands of current subpostmasters and also those claImIng compensatIon. Our'>BusIness Correspondent'>Eo Leggett Is outsIde the InquIry now. Theo, what can we expect to hear . As you just saId, we are goIng to start hearIng about the Here and now of the'>Post OffIce, what Its culture Is lIke wIthIn the organIsatIon today, what the people who are workIng for It actually thInk of the treatment they get from senIor levels of management. Just to take you back a lIttle bIt, thIs InquIry has been goIng on for more than three years now. We have heard reams of wItnesses, hundreds of wItnesses, talkIng about what went wrong, why hundreds of'>Sub Postmaster Is falsely prosecuted on charges lIke falsely prosecuted on charges lIke false accountIng, theft, some went to jaIl and false accountIng, theft, some went to jaIland many false accountIng, theft, some went to jaIl and many otHers lost money as a result of a flawed'>Computer System called horIzon. THere has been a lot of effort puttIng In to work out what went wrong, why, and who knew what and when. ThIs Is the seventh and fInal phase of the InquIry, and It Is goIng to be lookIng at what Is goIng on In the'>Post OffIce rIght now, so on the fIrst day, It wIll be the results of an IntensIve survey that has been carrIed out as people workIng In the'>Post OffIce, tHere have been thousands of respondents, carrIed out by yougov, and It wIll be lookIng at whetHer the culture In the'>Post OffIce has changed. Do'>Sub Postmasters feel that they are respected by management, and has It been easy enough for those who are affected to gaIn the compensatIon they need . Affected to gaIn the compensatIon the need . ,. ,. , ~ affected to gaIn the compensatIon the need . ,. ,. ,. They need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. They need . Seo, thank you much Indeed It they need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. It looks they need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. It looks a they need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. It looks a bIt they need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. It looks a bIt wet they need . Seo, thank you much Indeed. It looks a bIt wet tHere I they need . Seo, thank you much| Indeed. It looks a bIt wet tHere In central london. It has been wet for everybody. Heavy raIn has caused'>Flash FloodIng In parts of england,'>PromptIng Road closures overnIght. These pIctures show parts of'>BedfordshIre And NorthamptonshIre whIch have been hIt by downpours, leavIng shops flooded and cars partIally submerged. The'>Met OffIce has Issued an'>Amber WarnIng parts of central and soutHern'>England Today. Heres carol wIth a look at thIs mornIngs weatHer. Good mornIng, both. It Is probably worth checkIng before you leave home. Ive heard that some schools are closed due to floodIng, and Here last nIght, In sIx hours, 62 mIllImetres of raInfall. That Is almost the total amount we would expect for the whole of the month of september. So a lot of standIng water, and asjon mentIoned, the'>Met OffIce has an amber'>WeatHer WarnIng In force for central and soutHern'>England Today. The raIn has been steadIly fallIng In the'>South East around the london area,'>RaIn Across NortHern England drIftIng westwards, and then later on we wIll have some more raIn comIng In across the north of scotland. THere Is poor vIsIbIlIty around thIs mornIng,'>Lo Cloud and If you are In'>The RaIn, that too wIll add to the problems. The raIn pushIng westwards, gettIng Into'>South East wales and parts of the'>West Country, and some of thIs wIll stIll be heavy Into the afternoon. BehInd It for'>East AnglIa and the'>South East, It wIll brIghten up, but we wIll see some showers and you could hear the'>Odd Rumble of thunder. MeanwhIle for much of wales, south west england, tHere wIll be a faIr bIt of cloud around. We do have anotHer'>WeatHer Front comIng In across the north of scotland, IntroducIng some raIn. Temperatures ten to about 20 degrees. HeadIng on through thIs evenIng and overnIght,'>The RaIn In scotland pushes a bIt furtHer south, raIn In england drIfts furtHer eastwards. BehInd It, agaIn, varIable amounts of cloud, some clear skIes, varIable amounts of cloud, some clearskIes, but varIable amounts of cloud, some clear skIes, but It Is feelIng a lIttle cooler tonIght, but that takes us Into tomorrow. The dregs of'>The RaIn pullIng away from the'>South East,'>The RaIn In scotland pushIng southwards, eventually gettIng Into'>NortHern England, and In between, a drIer day, a quIeter day wIthjust a In between, a drIer day, a quIeter day wIth just a few showers. Jon and sally. Carol, thank you. We wIll see you agaIn soon. It Is quarter past seven. MIgraIne can have a devastatIng Impact on those who lIve wIth It, but research suggests the condItIon Is not beIng taken as serIously as It could be. The'>MIgraIne Trust says that many of those affected are not belIeved when they ask for help at work or when theyre accessIng'>Health Care. Around ten mIllIon people In the uk are thought to get mIgraIne, thIs whIch can be debIlItatIng and last for days at a tIme. It Is a complex condItIon wIth a wIde varIety of symptoms, whIch can Include nausea and vomItIng,'>FatIgue And SensItIvIty to lIghts, sounds or smells. It affects one In seven people worldwIde, and research suggests that over 190,000 mIgraIne attacks occur In the uk every day. WerejoIned now by rob musIc, chIef executIve of the'>MIgraIne Trust, and also mIsba yousaf, who Is affected by mIgraIne. Good mornIng to both of you. MIsba, just start by explaInIng to everyone at home. The precautIons, the thIngs you have had to put In place to even be Here wIth us In thIs brIghtly lIt'>StudIo Today, because mIgraIne Is a huge part of your lIfe, Isnt It . It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult to lIve wIth mIgraIne. For example, beIng Here In the'>StudIo Today Is not easy. I have had to rest over the weekEnd. I had a severe attack on frIday, so I was left bedbound for the whole day. So I rested a lot over the weekEnd, we travelled down Here yesterday to ensure I get some rest beforehand. And thIngs lIke the studIo wHere It Is very brIght, Ive got my mIgraIne glasses on, so I wont be able to be Here unless I had these on, I wouldnt be able to stand the lIghts. Wouldnt be able to stand the lIuhts. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. LIghts. You wanted to come today, ou are lIghts. You wanted to come today, you are adamant lIghts. You wanted to come today, you are adamant he lIghts. You wanted to come today, you are adamant he wanted lIghts. You wanted to come today, you are adamant he wanted to lIghts. You wanted to come today, you are adamant he wanted to be| you are adamant he wanted to be Here, because you feel so strongly about gettIng the message out about takIng mIgraIne serIously. Yes. How serIously do takIng mIgraIne serIously. Jazz how serIously do you thInk the takIng mIgraIne serIously. Iezs how serIously do you thInk the world takes your sItuatIon and how debIlItatIng It can be . Flat debIlItatIng It can be . Not serIously debIlItatIng It can be . Not serIously enough, debIlItatIng It can be . Not serIously enough, to be honest, because It Is so debIlItatIng. It Is a dynamIc dIsabIlIty whIch fluctuates In'>SeverIty And Ease as well, so people dont understand how unpredIctable It can be. I could be havIng a conversatIon wIth someone, and they cant see physIcally that I am In paIn, for example I am In paIn rIght now. I have a lot of pressure In my head, a lot of nausea as well, so wIthout everyone understandIng the severIty of It, changes cannot be made, and that Is why we are Here today, to ensure that changes are made. ~ ,. ,. , today, to ensure that changes are made. ~ ,. ,. , made. We wIll let you rest for a moment made. We wIll let you rest for a moment. Rob, made. We wIll let you rest for a moment. Rob, What Made. We wIll let you rest for a moment. Rob, what has made. We wIll let you rest for a moment. Rob, what has the I made. We wIll let you rest for a moment. Rob, what has the research found . What Is the maIn concern about why people wIth'>MIgraIne Arent beIng belIeved all the tIme . LIve search Is really paInful, If Im lIve search Is really paInful, If Im honest lIve search Is really paInful, If Im honest wIth you. Thank you mIsba for comIng Im honest wIth you. Thank you mIsba for comIng to Im honest wIth you. Thank you mIsba for comIng to say, and a good example for comIng to say, and a good example of how InvIsIble mIgraIne Is, because you just cant see It for so Is, because you just cant see It for so many Is, because you just cant see It for so many people. Huge Impact. 89 of people for so many people. Huge Impact. 89 of people on for so many people. Huge Impact. 89 of people on the survey saId that theIr of people on the survey saId that theIr Mental Health was affected. 55 frequently. 80 really struggled wIth socIal occasIons. People had a huge wIth socIal occasIons. People had a huge drop wIth socIal occasIons. People had a huge drop In confIdence, feelIng Isolated huge drop In confIdence, feelIng Isolated. And Its that feelIng of not beIng Isolated. And Its that feelIng of not beIng belIeved, of InvalIdatIon, and you not beIng belIeved, of InvalIdatIon, and you touched earlIer about the workplace, nearly 50 saId they had a huge workplace, nearly 50 saId they had a huge Impact on the workplace, one In four a huge Impact on the workplace, one In four fInancIally severely Impacted as well, so tHere Is a real need Impacted as well, so tHere Is areal'>Need Today Impacted as well, so tHere Is a real need. Today Is the start of mIgraIne awareness need. Today Is the start of mIgraIne awareness week. To try and raIse the profIle awareness week. To try and raIse the profIle of awareness week. To try and raIse the profIle of mIgraIne, the Impact It has both profIle of mIgraIne, the Impact It has both to people who dont understand It to need to understand It, understand It to need to understand It. But understand It to need to understand It. But also understand It to need to understand It, but also to employers and'>Health Care professIonal communIty as well. One In care professIonal communIty as well. One In seven people lIve wIth mIgraIne, one In seven people lIve wIth mIgraIne, It Is so common, and yet stIll It mIgraIne, It Is so common, and yet stIll It Is mIgraIne, It Is so common, and yet stIll It Is so mIgraIne, It Is so common, and yet stIll It Is so poorly understood. I stIll It Is so poorly understood. I have stIll It Is so poorly understood. I have never had mIgraIne, so I dont really understand what Its lIke. Its really helpfulfor dont really understand what Its lIke. Its really helpful for me when people In your posItIon explaIn It, because you must hear people sayIng all the tIme, she has got a headache, but that doesnt Sum Up what you are goIng through. Unfortunately, thIs Is a stIgma that we are tryIng to change, and that really needs to be change, because If It Is not understood as a severe, complex, long term neurologIcal dIsease that It Is, then we are not goIng to be treated the way we should be treated In terms of'>Health Care. I have waIted over two years to see a neurologIst to get some specIfIc treatment that I requIred wIth the medIcatIon. WIthout that treatment, I wasnt able to break a two'>Year Cycle that I was In wIth Intractable mIgraIne, so that was constant, 26 7 paIn wIthout any relIef, and It Is very dIffIcult when you go to your gp and you are told, you have exhausted all optIons, you have exhausted all treatments that we can gIve you, but a neurologIst can help you but you have to waIt. So I actually had to go prIvately to get onto that treatment before I was seen from an nhs neurologIst, and I thInk thIs Is somethIng that Is really Important wIth mIgraIne care. Bud somethIng that Is really Important wIth mIgraIne care. WIth mIgraIne care. And rob, a classIcal story wIth mIgraIne care. And rob, a classIcal story tHere. WIth mIgraIne care. And rob, a classIcal story tHere. One wIth mIgraIne care. And rob, a classIcal story tHere. One of. WIth mIgraIne care. And rob, a| classIcal story tHere. One of the dIffIcultIes Is It Is so dIffIcult to manage mIgraIne. For people who are watchIng thIs thIs mornIng who do suffer, Is tHere hope comIng down the lIne . Do suffer, Is tHere hope comIng down the lIne . ,. ,. ,. ,. , the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Im ve the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Lm very much the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Lm very much a the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Im very much a half the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Im very much a half full the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. | Im very much a half full person, the lIne . THere Is a lot of hope. Im very much a half full person, so thIs Is Im very much a half full person, so thIs Is amazIng that breakfast Is cover thIs Is amazIng that breakfast Is cover thIs thIs Is amazIng that breakfast Is cover thIs a number of tImes, It makes cover thIs a number of tImes, It makes a cover thIs a number of tImes, It makes a dIfference, so thank you. THere makes a dIfference, so thank you. THere are makes a dIfference, so thank you. THere are new treatments on the market. THere are new treatments on the market, and that Is really excItIng, because market, and that Is really excItIng, because for market, and that Is really excItIng, because for years, people had to try treatments because for years, people had to try treatments for otHer condItIons, wIth awful sIde effects, dIdnt always wIth awful sIde effects, dIdnt always work. The challenge Is, as you just always work. The challenge Is, as you just talked about, people struggle to access them, so tHere Is thIs huge struggle to access them, so tHere Is thIs huge InequIty In prImary and secondary thIs huge InequIty In prImary and secondary care, that needs to change secondary care, that needs to change. We know money Is tIght, but If you change. We know money Is tIght, but If you can change. We know money Is tIght, but If you can access these drugs early, people If you can access these drugs early, people wIll If you can access these drugs early, people wIll be healthIer, they wIll be workIng, they wIll be part of socIety be workIng, they wIll be part of socIety. Less cost to the nhs as well socIety. Less cost to the nhs as well so socIety. Less cost to the nhs as well. So tHere needs to be a real conversatIon about why It Is such a'>Challenge ConversatIon about why It Is such a challenge, why people have to potentIally faIl three tImes, as we say, before they can try one of these say, before they can try one of these treatments. Say, before they can try one of these treatments. ,. ,. ,. , these treatments. Does that make you 0 tImIstIc these treatments. Does that make you optImIstIc that these treatments. Does that make you optImIstIc that somebody these treatments. Does that make you optImIstIc that somebody gettIng optImIstIc that somebody gettIng dIagnosed now wIll have an easIer path than you have had over the last few years . I path than you have had over the last few ears . � path than you have had over the last few ears . , �. , path than you have had over the last few ears . �. , few years . I wasnt always thIs optImIstIc few years . I wasnt always thIs optImIstIc and few years . I wasnt always thIs optImIstIc and posItIve. Few years . I wasnt always thIs optImIstIc and posItIve. If few years . I wasnt always thIs optImIstIc and posItIve. If you | few years . I wasnt always thIs I optImIstIc and posItIve. If you had spoken to me three or four years ago, I was stuck In thIs negatIve'>Thought Cycle wIth my low mood, whIch was dIrectly connected to the amount of paIn levels that I was In. However, now, Iam posItIve because tHere are more treatments comIng out and beIng more relevant readIly avaIlable, and tHere are organIsatIons lIke the'>MIgraIne Trust who are workIng so hard to try and get the word about mIgraIne out tHere and to ensure that people realIse how severe It Is. RealIse how severe It Is. MIsba, thank you realIse how severe It Is. MIsba, thank you very realIse how severe It Is. MIsba, thank you very much realIse how severe It Is. MIsba, thank you very much for realIse how severe It Is. MIsba, | thank you very much for comIng realIse how severe It Is. MIsba, I thank you very much for comIng In today to talk to us. We know how hard It Is, so thank you. Today to talk to us. We know how hard It Is, so thank you. Thank you. You lIne It hard It Is, so thank you. Thank you. You lIne It Is hard It Is, so thank you. Thank you. You lIne It Is 23 hard It Is, so thank you. Thank you. You lIne It Is 23 mInutes hard It Is, so thank you. Thank you. You lIne It Is 23 mInutes past you lIne It Is 23 mInutes past seven. If youve ever taken the tube, you wIll probably have used or attempted to use a tube map, but they havent always looked lIke they do today. Its not all that easy to make out, but thIs Is one of the very earlIest versIons of the route datIng back to the 19th century. Over the years It evolved to try and make sense of an ever expandIng network, as you can see from thIs later versIon. You can kInd of see It. Then In 1933, the technIcal draughtsman'>Harry Beck desIgned thIs versIon, whIch dIspensed wIth geographIc accuracy and was saId to be easIer to read. That Is the classIc that wIll recognIse. HIs map proved a hIt wIth passengers and became a blueprInt for underground maps all around the world. Now Its remarkable story has been turned Into a stage productIon, as'>Thomas MagIll has been fIndIng out. Used by generatIons of londoners, the london underground'>Map Hasnt always been so sImple to navIgate. Once based on the geographIcal features of the cIty, It was complIcated, confusIng and cluttered. But then In 1933, thIs man,'>Harry Beck, dId somethIng extraordInary. Harry beck revolutIonIsed It by sImplIfyIng It, squeezIng the centre of london Into somethIng that was much more legIble so that the statIons werent lIterally wHere they were. You could actually read them much more easIly on the map. But It was, yeah, an amazIng desIgn thats really stood the test of tIme. Harry was obsessed wIth ImprovIng the old map, and now hIs story has been turned Into a play. Yes, Ijust need to make thIs look more lIke thIs. But the desIgn we now all love and rely on almost dIdnt see the lIght of day. The fIrst tIme he comes up wIth thIs great Idea and he sEnds It to frank pIck, who was the vIsIonary leader of london transport, who came up wIth the Idea that everythIng should be unIfIed, frank pIck saId, no, Its too radIcal. Too revolutIonary, Is actually what he saId. Thankfully, It was ruled out and went on to be updated, amEnded and expanded as the network grew. These days, Its hard to get your hands on a physIcal copy, wIth many of us, whetHer vIsItIng or lIvIng Here In the capItal, havIng to rely on an InteractIve electronIc versIon. Well, Im from australIa, so weve, um, weve just arrIved, so Ive been, um. Yeah, usIng It. Its worked really well. Yeah, but Ive got my app. I thInk It could do a bIt of modernIsIng, a bIt of updatIng, but I thInk Its pretty straIghtforward. The lInes are straIght. You just follow your fInger and you can get to wHere youre goIng. Do you not mIss havIng a physIcal copy, a'>Paper Copy of It . No. WalkIngs Bad enough, let alone that. Yeah, no. ThIs Is one of the fIrst edItIons of becks famous dIagram. These days, few of the orIgInal free pocket maps produced In 1933 exIst, makIng them rare, valuable, and In hIgh demand by collectors. And tHere are people who are Interested In all the dIfferent stages In the evolutIon of becks desIgn. What would one of these lIttle maps that, as you say, would have been free back then, set someone back today . Well, um, Im afraId If you want a fIrst edItIon of the beck dIagram, youre lookIng at a couple of thousand pounds now. Harry beck dIed 50 years ago thIs week, but hIs map lIves on, a symbol of london and these days prInted on everythIng from mugs to artwork. A lastIng trIbute to the man who created It wIth so much love. Thomas magIll,'>Bbc News. THere Is no reason to ever be lost I have been lost on the tube so many tImes. You wIll never look at that mappIng quIte the same way agaIn. Were lookIng at pub closures thIs mornIng, as new fIgures show that In the fIrst half of thIs year an average of 50 pubs were lost every month In england and wales. NInas been lookIng at thIs for us, and today shes In rochdale. Yes, good mornIng. ThIs Is the oxford pub In rochdale and greater manchester, so called Ive learned thIs mornIng because outsIde that used to do somethIng called the oxford turn. The trams used to turn outsIde. I dont thInk back In the 18305 outsIde. I dont thInk back In the 1830s when It opened they served up thIngs lIke'>ChIcken TIkka tacos. The pub has had to modernIse to thrIve, but It hasnt been easy. In the fIrst half of thIs year alone, 50 pubs were closIng every month, 66 Here In the'>North West. So It Is a really worryIng trEnd. What tom the landlord Here and many otHers want to see Is a varIety of ranges of support, so maIntaInIng the reductIon In busIness rates, and also duty on beer to come down, just more generally, a boost to the economy that means that everybody has a lIttle bIt more to spEnd when they go out for a pInt and may be somethIng to eat. They are Issues Im sure you wIll be put Into the chancellor,'>Rachel Reeves, shortly. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And WeatHer wHere you are. A very good mornIng from bbc london. Im alIce salfIeld. An antI knIfe crIme campaIgner who collects'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes from young people In london and hands them to polIce has welcomed a new ban on these weapons. From tomorrow, Itll be Illegal to possess them In england and wales. Faron paul says tHeres much more to be done, but that the new legIslatIon wIll save lIves. THeres a lot of contrIbutIng factors to why a young person Is carryIng a knIfe, you know. Some people are scared, some people are protectIng themselves. Some people arejoInIng Into the crew to fIt In. Some people lIke the way that these knIves are aesthetIcally buIlt, you know, and the accessIbIlIty to It Its just so easy. The metropolItan polIce has set out plans to try to rebuIld trust wIth londons black communItIes, whIch It says have been let down over a number of years. The'>Race ActIon Plan made wIth Input from black offIcers wIthIn the met and black communItIes Includes a new'>Stop And Search charter that aIms to reset how the procedure Is carrIed out. The met commIssIoner saId tHere Is stIll a lot more work to do. Transport for london says tHere Is no'>Set Date for when commuters usIng Contactless Cards wIll be able to see theIrjourney hIstory onlIne agaIn. The system has been down due to an ongoIng cyber securIty attack. Tfl says londoners wIll be notIfIed once It Is avaIlable and they can then correct any Incomplete journeys. Now, If youre around the'>Thames Today, you mIght see a ratHer unusual sIght a'>SpanIsh WarshIp saIlIng through london. The full sIzed replIca of the 17th'>Century Galeon AndalucIa Is due to pass through'>Tower BrIdge and dock In'>East London later today. VIsItors wIll be able to fInd out about lIfe on board untIl the 6th of october. Lets take a look at the tubes. Lots of problems because of floodIng. THere are'>Part SuspensIons on the bakerloo, dIstrIct, metropolItan, overg'>Round And PIccadIlly lInes. Do make sure to check yourjourney before settIng out thIs mornIng. Now lets check on that raIn. Heres the weatHer wIth kate kInsella. Good mornIng. It Is a ratHer damp and murky start thIs'>Monday MornIng. Weve had a lot of raIn over the last 26 hours. THeres more to come. The'>Met OffIce has a yellow'>WeatHer WarnIng In place for the'>Heavy RaIn. Its valId through to mIdnIght could lead to localIsed floodIng or more localIsed floodIng for some. The raIn Is gradually, very slowly makIng Its way towards the west. DrIer In the east later. Cloud breakIng few breaks means few sunny spells, whIch In turn could mean a few showers. Temperatures today 19 celsIus. Then'>The RaIn makes Its way back towards the east. However, It fragments as It does so. DrIer by dawn. The mInImum temperature droppIng to 11 celsIus, so stIll not especIally cold. It Is goIng to be a drIer day on the whole on tuesday. We stIll could see some showers, the'>Cloud BreakIng, of course, so those sunny spells potentIally leadIng to some showers. But, lIke I say, a lIttle drIer than today. Temperatures gettIng up to around 18 celsIus. As we head furtHer through the week, It stays pretty unsettled. Well see furtHer showers, outbreaks of raIn, but also the temperature slIdes away. By frIday, sIgnIfIcantly cooler. Thats It plenty more on the websIte and the'>Bbc News app. For now though Its back to sally and jon. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>Sally Nugent and jon kay. THere was an almIghty'>Football Match Yesterday In the'>PremIer League. Very early In the season to be so excIted about It. Arsenal and'>Manchester CIty. A debate about tIme wastIng. Is It a legItImate way of holdIng up play because that Is what arsenal had to do to try to shut out'>Manchester CIty for a full 65 mInutes after they had a player sent off so ImplyIng every tactIc to do that yesterday. Good mornIng. Arsenal were doIng all the could to hold on for that wIn before'>John Stones grabbed a 98th'>MInute EqualIser at the etIhad, as'>Andy SwIss reports. It was a'>PremIer League classIc wIth the very latest of twIsts. Commentator no way through. THere mIght be now. THere Is In the eIghth mInute of stoppage tIme,'>John Stones grabbIng cIty a poInt and breakIng arsenals hearts to round off a chaotIc but captIvatIng game. EarlIer, cIty had come chargIng out of the blocks, takIng the lead through, well, Who Else . And hes tryIng to feed haaland. ErlIng haalands 100th goal for'>CIty Injust105 appearances. Some strIke rate, some talent. But out of nowHere, the gunners hIt back. What a goal that Is. RIccardo calafIorI wIth a cracker. He certaInly enjoyed It. Pep guardIola ratHer less so. And he wont have lIked thIs, eItHer, as gabrIel headed the gunners In front. Arsenal turn It around. But on the brInk of half tIme,'>Leandro Trossard kIcks the ball away and arsenal were down to ten men. They couldnt hang on, could they . Well, remarkably, they dId. After the break, cIty poured forward but arsenal somehow kept them at bay. They were just moments from a famous wIn before stones boot sparked cItys celebratIon. Scrambled In at the last for the champIons, a result whIch takes them back top of the table. An extraordInary End to a game of quIte dazzlIng drama. Andy swIss,'>Bbc News. Drama, great entertaInment and we wIll have more of the same as the season rolls on. Thank you. And It Is only september. After weeks of warnIng the publIc about the state of brItaIns fInances,'>Rachel Reeves wIll make Her fIrst'>Labour Conference Speech as chancellor later today. It comes as mInIsters seek to move on from crItIcIsm over polItIcal donatIons and'>WInter Fuel payments. Ahead of Her keynote speech,'>Rachel Reeves joIns us from the'>Party Conference In lIverpool. Good mornIng. We wIll talk about publIc fInances In a moment. Can we talk about your personal fInances because more headlInes about donatIons to senIor members of the'>Labour Party and you acknowledged you accepted more than £7,000 that went towards new clothes. Do you accept that was a mIstake . I can understand accept that was a mIstake . I can understand how accept that was a mIstake . I can understand how some accept that was a mIstake . I can understand how some people would thInk It Is odd. I get that. I had an old frIEnd who wanted to support me durIng the'>ElectIon CampaIgn and what she wanted to do was to help make sure I was smart for bIg events and on the campaIgn traIl. I apprecIated that support, It made a bIg dIfference to me. It was never somethIng I planned to contInue In government but It helps me In the'>ElectIon CampaIgn. The government but It helps me In the'>ElectIon CampaIgn. Government but It helps me In the'>ElectIon CampaIgn. The fact you wIll not take any'>ElectIon CampaIgn. The fact you wIll not take any more'>ElectIon CampaIgn. The fact you wIll not take any more for'>ElectIon CampaIgn. The fact you wIll not take any more for clothes not take any more for clothes suggests you admIt It was a mIstake. EspecIally now we are In government and havIng to make decIsIons IncludIng dIffIcult decIsIons on publIc fInances, It Is rIght that does not contInue, It was never somethIng I planned to contInue If I became a'>Government MInIster. PolItIcs does rely on donatIons to run campaIgns and get leaflets through doors, bIllboards, campaIgns onlIne. We are grateful for donatIons we receIve, but the support I got, I do not plan to contInue that now I am chancellor. The money gIven to you for clothes was descrIbed In the'>LogIn ParlIament as money to support the'>Shadow Chancellors offIce. THere was anotHer 98,500 donated to support the'>Shadow Chancellor past my offIce In that year. What support the'>Shadow Chancellor past my offIce In that year. My offIce In that year. What was that money my offIce In that year. What was that money used my offIce In that year. What was that money used for . My offIce In that year. What was that money used for . A my offIce In that year. What was that money used for . A range I my offIce In that year. What was | that money used for . A range of thIngs. PrImarIly research In my offIce, research on the economy, helpIng wIth polIcy development, speech wrItIng, a range of thIngs. It Is rIghtly the case we do not ask taxpayers to fund the bulk of the'>CampaIgnIng Work and'>Research Work that polItIcIans do, but that does requIre then donatIons, from small donatIons from party members and supporters, to larger contrIbutIons from people who have been successful and want to gIve somethIng back. We apprecIate that support and Is part of the reason we are In government because we were able to do the'>Research Work and campaIgnIng. The £98,000 on research, no otHer personal effects and clothIng . I have been clear the money I receIved to help me for bIg events and the campaIgn traIl, and all my donatIons have been declared In the proper way. Have been declared In the proper wa. , , ~ , ~. , way. Deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Ra Ner told way. Deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Rayner told the way. Deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Rayner told the bbc way. Deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Rayner told the'>Bbc Yesterday way. Deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Rayner told the'>Bbc Yesterday that| rayner told the'>Bbc Yesterday that all mps accept gIfts from tIme to tIme. I guess the reason It Is dIffIcult for you Is that a lot of people voted for labour recently because they dId not want you to be lIke all polItIcIans and partIes, they wanted a change and voted for change. To say everyone has always done that wIll not be much consolatIon to people who gave you a vote. Let consolatIon to people who gave you a vote. ,. ,. , vote. Let me gIve an example of the chance vote. Let me gIve an example of the chan. E we vote. Let me gIve an example of the change we are vote. Let me gIve an example of the change we are delIverIng. Vote. Let me gIve an example of the change we are delIverIng. Today vote. Let me gIve an example of the change we are delIverIng. Today In'>L Change we are delIverIng. Today In my'>Conference Speech I wIll set out how we are appoIntIng a covId'>CorruptIon CommIssIon because In the pandemIc some people lIned theIr pockets wIth'>Taxpayers Money and the government created a'>VIp Lane of frIEnds and donors who got contracts, the prevIous government. We dId not know why some were In the'>VIp Lane. SInce I have become chancellor tHere are contracts under dIspute that the prevIous government saId lets not try to get the money back. I have stopped that. We want our money back and It belongs In publIc servIces and I wIll do everythIng to recoup that money to make sure taxpayers are not rIpped off and any money due back from ppe not delIvered, not delIvered to the rIght standard, that we get our money back. That Is one example of how we are crackIng down on the'>Waste And CronyIsm of the prevIous government because the money belongs In publIc servIces and that Is the part of the dIfference I want to make as chancellor. The part of the dIfference I want to make as chancellor. Part of the dIfference I want to make as chancellor. The daIly maIl re orts make as chancellor. The daIly maIl reports angela make as chancellor. The daIly maIl reports'>Angela Rayner make as chancellor. The daIly maIl reports'>Angela Rayner has make as chancellor. The daIly'>MaIl L reports'>Angela Rayner has employed make as chancellor. The daIly maIl reports'>Angela Rayner has employed a personal photograpHer as a member of the government earnIng £70,000 of publIc money. Is the government earnIng £70,000 of publIc money the government earnIng £70,000 of publIc money. Is that not waste . We have commItted publIc money. Is that not waste . We have commItted to publIc money. Is that not waste . We have commItted to reducIng publIc money. Is that not waste . We have commItted to reducIng the publIc money. Is that not waste . We have commItted to reducIng the sIze| have commItted to reducIng the sIze of government'>CommunIcatIons Budget but all'>Government Departments have medIa offIcers and photograpHers, not for IndIvIdual polItIcIans but to support the polIcy work, campaIgnIng, InItIatIves of'>Government Departments to help a'>Government Departments to help a'>Government Departments to help a'>Government Department do theIrjob. ThIs Is not to support'>Angela Rayner as a'>Labour Party polItIcIan but to support the mInIstry of housIng, communItIes and local government. The daIly maIl saId never before has a deputy'>PrIme MInIster had a personal photograpHer and apparently the tItle of the IndIvIdual Is chIef photograpHer to the deputy prIme'>MInIster And MInIstry of housIng, communItIes and local government,'>Angela Rayner, whIch sounds lIke a personal photograpHer. Thea;r'>Angela Rayner, whIch sounds lIke a personal photograpHer. Personal photograpHer. They would not be able to personal photograpHer. They would not be able to be personal photograpHer. They would not be able to be at personal photograpHer. They would not be able to be at an personal photograpHer. They would not be able to be at an event personal photograpHer. They would not be able to be at an event lIke I not be able to be at an event lIke the'>Labour Party conference because thIs Is a polItIcal event. It Is Important we keep polItIcs and day to'>Day Work of governIng separate and taxpayers should not fund anythIng that Is party polItIcal, only to fInd work about promotIng and supportIng the work of thIs democratIcally elected government to do the task ahead and IncludIng an angelas department, buIldIng 1. 5 mIllIon homes the country needs as well as angelas work about makIng sure work pays and bannIng zero hour contracts, and fIre and rehIre and turnIng the mInImum wage Into a real'>LIvIng Wage whIch Is the work the government Is undertakIng to ensure workIng people are better off and we buIld the homes famIlIes need, to help more people get on the'>HousIng Ladder as well as the work I am doIng to brIng growth to the economy because I know If we brIng stabIlIty to the economy and make the reforms necessary, the prIze on offer Is Immense, wIth the'>Growth And ProsperIty and wealth we can brIng to communItIes. Good jobs payIng decent wages, vIbrant hIgh streets and publIc servIces, partIcularly the nhs properly funded through tax receIpts. That Is the dIfference we can make If we can undo the damage. It Is two years sInce'>LIz Truss'>MInI Budget that damaged the economy and sent mortgage rate spIrallIng, put pensIons In perIl, and undermIned our reputatIon on the world stage. We are reversIng the declIne the conservatIves oversaw and brIngIng Investment back and that Is what I wIll set out In my'>Speech Today and In my fIrst budget, labours fIrst budget In 16 years In october. In lIverpool you wIll have seen bIllboards paId for by the unIons that a lot of people are unhappy wIth for example your plan to remove the'>WInter Fuel payments from mIllIons of pensIoners. One of your mp5, the york mp, put on twItter, I mps, the york mp, put on twItter, I have been sIckened by revelatIons of donatIons. She saId It grates agaInst the values of the'>Labour Party created to fIght for the needs of otHers, not for sale. At the same tIme pensIoners are havIng'>WInter Fuel payments taken, rIskIng goIng cold, and I trust conference wIll vote to change that. Are you prepared to reconsIder changIng the polIcy on'>WInter Fuel payments . Letlulheh polIcy on'>WInter Fuel payments . When I became chancellor, polIcy on'>WInter Fuel payments . When I became chancellor, I polIcy on'>WInter Fuel payments . games I became chancellor, I InHerIted polIcy on'>WInter Fuel payments . When I became chancellor, I InHerIted a black hole In publIc fInances of 22 bIllIon. £22 bIllIon the prevIous government commItted to spEndIng even though the money was not tHere. You have added to that wIth Increased payments In the publIc sector. II Increased payments In the publIc sector. ,. ,. , Increased payments In the publIc sector. ,. ,. , sector. If you are talkIng about aaIvIn sector. If you are talkIng about gIvIng publIc sector. If you are talkIng about gIvIng publIc sector sector. If you are talkIng about gIvIng publIc sector workers, I gIvIng publIc sector workers, nurses, teacHers, armed forces and polIce a pay rIse, we have. Because we accepted the IndepEndent recommEndatIons of the'>Pay RevIew bodIes, whIch the prevIous government had set up and gave a mandate for those revIew bodIes and we have accepted the IndepEndent recommEndatIons. That was the rIght thIng to do to brIng an End to IndustrIal dIsputes partIcularly In the nhs that cost £1. 8 bIllIon the prevIous year because of cancelled operatIons and procedures. It was rIght to do that. And also to fIx'>RecruItment And RetentIon Issues we face In schools and hospItals. I make no apology for doIng that. It has requIred dIffIcult decIsIons and we had to look at re phasIng the'>HospItal BuIldIng Programme because the prevIous government dId not commIt the money for that. We have had to cancel'>Road And RaIl projects because the prevIous government dId not commIt the money for that. We have had to fInd publIc'>Sector EffIcIency Is to afford pay Increases. DIffIcult decIsIons IncludIng on'>WInter Fuel payments, restrIctIng that so only the poorest pensIoners, and'>PensIon CredIt, get It. We felt It was the rIght decIsIon In the cIrcumstances. It was not a decIsIon I wanted to make or expected to make. WIth a £22 bIllIon black hole In publIc fInances, takIng no actIon was not an optIon. We saw what happened two years ago when a government lost control of publIc fInances, It sent mortgage Is spIrallIng and put pensIons In perIl. I wIll not play fast and loose wIth publIc fInances and I saId'>People Can trust me wIth theIr money and I wIll repay that trust. It requIres dIffIcult decIsIons but that Is the fault of the conservatIves who left an awful legacy and a £22 bIllIon hole In publIc fInances. It legacy and a £22 bIllIon hole In publIc fInances. Legacy and a £22 bIllIon hole In publIc fInances. It Is your choIce to net rId publIc fInances. It Is your choIce to get rId of publIc fInances. It Is your choIce to get rId of wInter publIc fInances. It Is your choIce to get rId of'>WInter Fuel publIc fInances. It Is your choIce I to get rId of'>WInter Fuel payments for mIllIons. To vIew Is set to lose that payment, Is tHere any chance you'>L Change your mInd . Mr; that payment, Is tHere any chance you'>L Change your mInd . My focus Is on ensurIng you'>L Change your mInd . My focus Is on ensurIng everyone you'>L Change your mInd . My focus Is on ensurIng everyone entItled you'>L Change your mInd . My focus Is on ensurIng everyone entItled to I Is on ensurIng everyone entItled to'>PensIon CredIt gets It. Under the prevIous government only two thIrds of people entItled got that support. We have launched a campaIgn to ensure everyone entItled knows about that and gets that support. I want to make sure everybody entItled to'>WInter Fuel payment and hundreds of pounds of'>PensIon CredIt get support and I encourage anyone lIstenIng who mIght be In that posItIon that should be gettIng'>PensIon CredIt, or If you have a mum, grandparents you should get'>PensIon CredIt and Is not, look Into It because It Is worth hundreds of pounds and In some cases more than £1000 to the poorest pensIoners. I want to ensure everybody entItled to that support gets It. Everybody entItled to that support nets It. ,. Everybody entItled to that support nets It. ,. ,. Everybody entItled to that support ets It. ,. , gets It. You say you wIll gIve a vIew of optImIsm gets It. You say you wIll gIve a vIew of optImIsm In gets It. You say you wIll gIve a vIew of optImIsm In your gets It. You say you wIll gIve a'>I VIew of optImIsm In your speech gets It. You say you wIll gIve a vIew of optImIsm In your speech and set out the way forward and say what brItaIn can lead to economIcally. It Is It acknowledgement that you have been so'>Doom And Gloom about the economy you have gone too far . When I became chancellor and I learnt about the extent of the publIc fInances and the £22 bIllIon gap thIs year and every subsequent'>Year Gap thIs year and every subsequent year I had a choIce. I could contInue what the conservatIves dIdnt cover It up or be honest and set out a plan to fIx the problems. I decIded to take that course of beIng open and honest. I thInk It Is the rIght thIng because I thInk It Important to level wIth people about what governments have to do to get a grIp of publIc fInances. But by gettIng back rIp, I would brIng stabIlIty back to the economy because we have been plagued by chaos and InstabIlIty, along wIth reforms we are makIng, reformIng plannIng to get brItaIn buIldIng, creatIng a natIonal wealth fund, to supportjobs In brItaIn, reformIng the'>PensIon System to unlock money for start up and scale up busInesses and get better returns for pensIon savers. If we do thIs I know the prIze on offer Is Immense, more money In peoples pockets, more good jobs wIth decent wages, more money to Invest In front lIne publIc servIces, partIcularly the nhs. StabIlIty wIth reform to get brItaIn growIng Is the prIze on offer for government Is wIllIng to take decIsIons to get the economy on a fIrmer footIng. DecIsIons to get the economy on a fIrmerfootIng. That decIsIons to get the economy on a fIrmer footIng. That Is what I wIll set out In my speech and In the budget. Set out In my speech and In the buduet. ,. Set out In my speech and In the buduet. ,. , ~ I. , Heres carol. THere Is a clue In the photograph about the weatHer today. Absolutely rIght. Good mornIng. We have had torrentIal raIn thIs mornIng around london, oxfordshIre, home countIes. Stoke and church sInce mIdnIght had a months raInfall. And an amber'>WeatHer WarnIng for central and'>SoutHern England for'>Heavy RaIn fallIng on already saturated ground. It Is trackIng to the west so'>The RaIn wIll get In eventually to the'>West Country,'>South East wales, the mIdlands, the brIghter colours wIth the heavIest raIn. Also raIn In'>NortHern England. CumbrIa escapIng some of thIs and In'>NortHern Ireland and scotland, we are lookIng at drIer condItIons after a cloudy'>Start But RaIn movIng southward slowly across scotland through the day. The raIn persIstIng through the day. The raIn persIstIng through the day. HeavIest In the south. The temperature Is 10 20. North to south. OvernIght'>The RaIn moves to the east. The raIn In the north sInks across parts of scotland. It wIll be a'>Cooler NIght. Tomorrow, we have the dregs of'>The RaIn to move away from the'>South East. The raIn moves south across eastern and central scotland gettIng Into'>NortHern England. In between, somethIng brIghter wIth sunshIne and a few showers wIth temperatures from 1118. A few showers wIth temperatures from 11 18. Wednesday It looks lIke It wIll be wet and wIndy across england and wales and towards the End of the week, It wIll turn colder. As a hIgh school teenager,'>Brad Kella had no Interest In musIc and had never played a pIano. Well, after a remarkablejourney, thIs summer, brad won the second serIes of channel 6s the pIano, whIch showcases the uks best amateur pIanIsts, after he wrote an emotIonal pIece for hIs foster parents. Lets take a look. RomantIcstyle uptempo musIc. Wow. Wow. Brad joIns us now. That Is IncredIble. To see that few moments even. How on earth do you managed to make musIc that makes'>People Cry . I managed to make musIc that makes'>Eole C . , � managed to make musIc that makes'>Eole C . ,� ~. , managed to make musIc that makes eolec . ,� ~. ,'>People Cry . I dont know. If'>People C It Is a'>People Cry . I dont know. If'>People Cry It Is a good'>People Cry . I dont know. If'>People Cry It Is a good reactIon. People cry . I dont know. If'>People Cry It Is a good reactIon. I'>People Cry . I dont know. If'>People Cry It Is a good reactIon. I thInk cry It Is a good reactIon. I thInk It Is because I have not learned how to read or wrIte musIc, I play from my heart. I put my emotIon Into the pIano. And obvIously It comes out. That Is all I can say about makIng'>People Cry. It that Is all I can say about makIng'>People Cry'>People Cry. It Is lIke an organIc thIn , a'>People Cry. It Is lIke an organIc thIng, a completely'>People Cry. It Is lIke an organIc thIng, a completely natural thIng, a completely natural connectIon between you and that Instrument. ConnectIon between you and that Instrument Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I played Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I played It Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I played It I Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I played It I realIsed Instrument. DefInItely. From the second I played It I realIsed I Instrument. DefInItely. From the| second I played It I realIsed I was quIte good, I pIcked It up quIckly. Then I spent so many hours. Hard'>Work And DedIcatIon went Into the craft and now It Is payIng off. ExplaIn why that partIcular pIece of musIc you played for the the pIano was so specIal. I musIc you played for the the pIano was so specIal. Was so specIal. I made It about sIx months prIor was so specIal. I made It about sIx months prIor to was so specIal. I made It about sIx months prIor to the was so specIal. I made It about sIx months prIor to the show. Was so specIal. I made It about sIx months prIor to the show. I was so specIal. I made It about sIxj months prIor to the show. I played was so specIal. I made It about sIx I months prIor to the show. I played a dIfferent pIece In the'>TraIn StatIon before On The Show and then took a rIsk playIng a new pIece In the fInal. ThIs pIece was called ev and frank, a dedIcatIon, thank you token to my foster parents. I wanted to show the hard'>Work And DedIcatIon they put Into me. I wanted to show people In my'>SItuatIon AnythIng Is possIble. I have not had the best lIfe but I do not moan about It, I cracked on and I have done well. Brute cracked on and I have done well. We have just seen a pIcture wIth ev and frank. ,. ,. , frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into the frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into the man frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into the man I frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into the man I am frank. They changed your lIfe . They made me Into the man I am today I frank. They changed your lIfe . They I made me Into the man I am today and the dad I am today and The Future looks brIghter because they have had a part of my lIfe. They have done everythIng for me. TeIIII a part of my lIfe. They have done everythIng for me. A part of my lIfe. They have done everythIng for me. Tell us about the pIano and how everythIng for me. Tell us about the pIano and how the everythIng for me. Tell us about the pIano and how the'>CompetItIon EverythIng for me. Tell us about the | pIano and how the competItIon came about . I pIano and how the competItIon came about . PIano and how the competItIon came about . ,. PIano and how the competItIon came about . , ,. ,. , about . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool about . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool and about . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool and on about . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool and on the about . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool and on the publIc. About . I was playIng pIano In lIverpool and on the publIc pIanos. At that tIme I lIved In a hostel wIth my gIrlfrIEnd and daughter. And a man called carl norman, who deserves the respect, because he walked past me when I was playIng and recorded a vIdeo on hIs phone and recorded a vIdeo on hIs phone and It went quIte vIral. The producers got In touch and saId would you lIke to audItIon . I went to manchester In the beck steyn hall. I audItIoned, to manchester In the beck steyn hall. IaudItIoned, essentIally. I dId not know what to expect. I thought I was just goIng to play the pIano and that was It. And from tHere, It changed completely. I thInk the producers dId not expect me to do what I dId. That was such a scary moment. WHere Is thIs . ThIs was lIverpool lIme street statIon. I went In tHere and saw'>ClaudIa WInklemans Head pop up above the pIano. I was so scared. I have never beenIn pIano. I was so scared. I have never been In A TelevIsed sItuatIon before and I sat down and played my heart out In front of my famIly and otHers In the'>TraIn StatIon. In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens InsIde ou In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens InsIde you when In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens InsIde you when you In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens InsIde you when you are In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens InsIde you when you are playIng I In the'>TraIn StatIon. What happens I InsIde you when you are playIng the pIano . What Is goIng on In your'>Head And Heart . I pIano . What Is goIng on In your'>Head And Heart . ,. , and heart . I cannot explaIn It. I have an'>Out And Heart . I cannot explaIn It. I have an out of and heart . I cannot explaIn It. I have an out of'>Body And Heart . I cannot explaIn It. I have an out of'>Body ExperIence| and heart . I cannot explaIn It. I have an out of'>Body ExperIence and put my'>EmotIon And Heart Into It, I do not pay attentIon to what I am playIng, I know It by sound, dIstance, feel. I learnt In such a weIrd way but It Is the only way that makes sense. That makes sense. Before we Introduced that makes sense. Before we Introduced you, that makes sense. Before we Introduced you, pIctures that makes sense. Before we Introduced you, pIctures of. That makes sense. Before we I Introduced you, pIctures of you that makes sense. Before we Introduced you, pIctures of you at the fInal In the'>Theatre SettIng and crowds, you watched the pIcture Is almost lIke you cannot belIeve It Is you. It almost lIke you cannot belIeve It Is ou. ,. ,. , you. It does not seem real. I used to sIt In my you. It does not seem real. I used to sIt In my room you. It does not seem real. I used to sIt In my room and you. It does not seem real. I used to sIt In my'>Room And ManIfest I you. It does not seem real. I used to sIt In my'>Room And ManIfest It| to sIt In my'>Room And ManIfest It happenIng but I dId not thInk It would happen. Now everythIng has happened. I have so many bIg thIngs comIng. I have already done massIve thIngs last few weeks and It does not seem real. It was your dream . I manIfested It all. How, when you are In your room what was the dream . I realIsed I dId not want to work a 95 realIsed I dId not want to work a 9 5job the rest of my lIfe, I realIsed we only have one lIfe and why not make the most of It . One day I wIll grow old and look back and why not try my best . I would ratHer look back and be happy wIth what I achIeved. I have a new announcement. I have a show. My fIrst'>Home Show In the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Irlat I have a show. My fIrst'>Home Show In the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. The'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at the shoppIng the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at the'>ShoppIng Centre . The'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the I the'>LIverpool FIller manIc. Not at| the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the fIller manIc. The'>ShoppIng Centre . In the fIller manIc the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the fIller manIc In the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the fIller manIc. In the the'>ShoppIng Centre . In the fIller manIc. In the phIlharmonIc. I manIc. In the phIlharmonIc. TIcket sales go on sale thIs thursday whIch I am proud to announce because I went from playIng In the streets and I have a show comIng up In the phIlharmonIc hall. I cannot belIeve It. Bud comIng up In the phIlharmonIc hall. I cannot belIeve It. I cannot belIeve It. And ev and frank, I cannot belIeve It. And ev and frank. The I cannot belIeve It. And ev and frank, the InspIratIon I cannot belIeve It. And ev and frank, the InspIratIon for I cannot belIeve It. And ev and frank, the InspIratIon for all. I cannot belIeve It. And'>Ev And J frank, the InspIratIon for all of thIs. They started by buyIng you your fIrst keyboard . Abs, thIs. They started by buyIng you your fIrst keyboard . ThIs. They started by buyIng you your fIrst keyboard . A small yamaha ke board. I your fIrst keyboard . A small yamaha keyboard. I dedIcated your fIrst keyboard . A small yamaha keyboard. I dedIcated so your fIrst keyboard . A small yamaha keyboard. I dedIcated so many I your fIrst keyboard . A small yamaha keyboard. I dedIcated so many hoursj keyboard. I dedIcated so many hours to my craft. I dId not expect thIs to my craft. I dId not expect thIs to happen. I loved playIng It as a passIon. And now It Is a job whIch I can provIde for my famIly, It Is a dream. �. ,. ,. , dream. And after the lIverpool performance. Dream. And after the lIverpool performance, manIfest dream. And after the lIverpool performance, manIfest for I dream. And after the lIverpool performance, manIfest for us I dream. And after the lIverpool performance, manIfest for us what wIll come In the years ahead . I have been In london wIll come In the years ahead . I have been In london In wIll come In the years ahead . I have been In london In ra wIll come In the years ahead . I have been In london In'>Ra K wIll come In the years ahead . I have been In london In'>Ra K studIos, I been In london In'>Ra K studIos, wHere mIchaeljackson and the pogues have recorded. I was workIng wIth rosIe danvers, an amazIng woman, a strIng composer, orchestrator. I have an album next year. It Is soundIng unbelIevable. I cannot waIt for It to come out. For It to come out. Such a brIllIant sto. I for It to come out. Such a brIllIant story I love for It to come out. Such a brIllIant story. I love how for It to come out. Such a brIllIant story. I love how you for It to come out. Such a brIllIant story. I love how you have for It to come out. Such a brIllIant'>I Story. I love how you have surprIsed people. I have surprIsed myself, I really have. I cannot belIeve I am Here now. I am a normal lad from lIverpool who had a dream and now It Is comIng togetHer wIth my hard work. It Is comIng togetHer wIth my hard work. Is comIng togetHer wIth my hard work. ,. ,. ,. Is comIng togetHer wIth my hard work. ,. ,. ,. , Is comIng togetHer wIth my hard work. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , work. It Is fantastIc to have you Here. It work. It Is fantastIc to have you Here It Is work. It Is fantastIc to have you Here It Is a work. It Is fantastIc to have you Here. It Is a wonderful work. It Is fantastIc to have you Here. It Is a wonderful story, I work. It Is fantastIc to have you I Here. It Is a wonderful story, the mostjoyful thIng and we are delIghted for you. Keep In touch. We wIll follow your journey. Brads sIngle eve and frank Is out now. A very good mornIng from bbc london. Im alIce salfIeld. The metropolItan polIce has set out plans to try to rebuIld trust wIth londons black communItIes whIch It says have been let down over a number of years. Made wIth Input from black offIcers wIthIn the met and black communItIes, they Include a new'>Stop And Search thIs charter whIch aIms to reset how the procedure Is carrIed out. The met commIssIoner saId the'>Race ActIon Plan was a step In the rIght dIrectIon. Transport for london says tHere Is no'>Set Date for when commuters usIng Contactless Cards wIll be able to see theIrjourney hIstory onlIne agaIn. The system has been down due to an ongoIng cyber securIty attack. Tfl says londoners wIll be notIfIed once Its avaIlable and they can then correct any Incomplete journeys. Lets take a look at the tubes now. Lots of problems on the tubes because of floodIng caused by'>Heavy RaIn. THere are'>Part SuspensIons on the bakerloo, dIstrIct, metropolItan,'>0verground And PIccadIlly lInes. And the central lIne has severe delays because of a faulty traIn earlIer. So do make sure to check your route before settIng out thIs mornIng. Todays weatHer a largely cloudy mornIng wIth'>Heavy RaIn gradually spreadIng westwards. In the afternoon, tHere wIll be some sunny spells but these wIll trIgger a few showers. A top temperature of 19 degrees celsIus. Thats It. You can follow london on the'>Bbc News'>App Or Head to our websIte for all the latest. See you In half an hour. Bye bye. Good mornIng. It Is eIght oclock. Welcome to breakfast wIth'>Sally Nugent and jon kay. Our headlInes today. The chancellor'>Rachel Reeves defEnds Her decIsIon to means'>Test WInter Fuel payments, amId opposItIon from the unIons at the'>Labour Party conference. Theyre the devastatIng weapons that carry deadly consequences. We have a'>SpecIal Report on the rIse of so called'>ZombIe KnIves before a new ban comes Into force. Yes, thIs Is the sort of thIng were talkIng about, a'>ZombIe KnIfe. ThIs Is the kInd of thIng that wIll be banned from tomorrow, and we know that the polIce are dealIng wIth around twIce as many of these large blades, swords, machetes and'>ZombIe KnIves, as they were fIve years ago. I wIll have more from'>Border Force, wHere they try to Intercept these weapons In the post. Fresh allegatIons are made about'>Mohamed Al fayed scores more women come forward wIth sexual assault claIms about the former harrods owner. Good mornIng. More than 50 pubs closed the doorfor good good mornIng. More than 50 pubs closed the door for good every mornIng In the fIrst half of thIs year, so Is It tIme to accept last orders on a great brItIsh InstItutIon, or should more be done to protect them . You InstItutIon, or should more be done to protect them . InstItutIon, or should more be done to protect them . You dont even have to protect them . You dont even have to waIt for the to protect them . You dont even have to waIt for the next to protect them . You dont even have to waIt for the next news to protect them . You dont even have to waIt for the next'>News BulletIn I to waIt for the next'>News BulletIn before you fInd out what the news Is. ~ ,. , Is. Well I remember when thIs was cuttIn Is. Well I remember when thIs was'>CuttIng Edge Is. Well I remember when thIs was'>CuttIng Edge technology . Were celebratIng the'>50th AnnIversary of ceefax, the'>Internet And Smartphone servIce of Its tIme. Good mornIng. The'>Met OffIce has an amber be prepared'>WeatHer WarnIng across central and soutHern parts of'>England Today for'>Heavy RaIn. The ground Is already saturated whIch could lead to furtHer dIsruptIon. In scotland and'>NortHern Ireland, It Is quIeter wIth raIn comIng to the north later. All the detaIls shortly. Good mornIng, everybody. Its monday the 23rd of september. Our maIn story. In the last half an hour, the chancellor has defEnded the'>Governments DecIsIon to means'>Test WInter Fuel payments for mIllIons of pensIoners, despIte facIng pressure from unIons to reverse the cuts. Rachel reeves made the comments ahead of Her fIrst'>Labour Conference Speech later, as mInIsters also seek to move on from the row over polItIcal donatIons. Heres our polItIcal correspondent,'>Harry Farley. That Is absolutely rIght, sunshIne and optImIsm. Not necessarIly words you would have assocIated wIth'>Rachel Reeves last 80 days as chancellor, HerfIrst'>Rachel Reeves last 80 days as chancellor, Her fIrst 80'>Rachel Reeves last 80 days as chancellor, HerfIrst 80 days'>Rachel Reeves last 80 days as chancellor, Her fIrst 80 days as chancellor. It Is a bIg moment for Her today, chancellor. It Is a bIg moment for Hertoday, but chancellor. It Is a bIg moment for Her today, but tHere Is that contInuIng tensIon from the'>Trade UnIons over that decIsIon that she made very early on In Her tenure as chancellor to means test of the'>WInter Fuel payment. She Is adamant that she Is goIng to stand by that polIcy, but tHere Is pressure from the'>Trade UnIons, the possIbIlIty of a vote wHere they wIll sIgnal that they dIsagree wIth the government, wIth the'>Labour Party, on thIs polIcy, as our polItIcal correspondent'>Harry Farley reports. Im not sure we have that report now, but what we wIll hear In'>Rachel Reeves speech goIng forwards Is more generally tryIng to broaden out what she Is talkIng about, so not just about those tough choIces whIch we have heard so much about, but also the benefIts that she belIeves wIll come from makIng those tough choIces. WrItIng In the tImes thIs mornIng, she says she has never been more optImIstIc about our countrys future, saId It has never had so much potentIal, and she says she can see the prIze on offer If we make the rIght choIces now. I dont thInk we wIll fInd out today what Is In the budget at the End of october, of coursejohn had a good go wIth Her earlIer today and try to fInd out, but she Is used to keepIng Her cards close to Her chest. THere wIll be some new polIcy on covId and on hmrc, but now we wIll hear more from'>Harry Farley. After days of questIons over donatIons and Internal feuds, enough of the'>Doom And Gloom show us'>The Hope, Is the cry from many labour mps. The'>PrIme MInIster and the chancellor, vIsItIng a'>Research FacIlIty In lIverpool, have repeatedly stressed what they say Is theIr dIre InHerItance. Now tHere Is a shIft In tone. KeIr starmer was In the mood for celebratIon at a scottIsh receptIon last nIght. Thank you so much. Enjoy conference, enjoy the evenIng, and thank you agaIn thank you. CheerIng. In Her'>Conference Speech today,'>Rachel Reeves wIll say tHere Is a prIze on offer If, she says, they make the rIght choIces now. A number of dIffIcult decIsIons, so that those on'>PensIon CredIt can contInue to get It. We thought that that was the rIght decIsIon In the cIrcumstances we face. It wasnt a decIsIon I wanted to make are expected to make, but wIth a £22 bIllIon black hole In the publIc fInances, takIng no actIon was not an optIon. But one of those dIffIcult decIsIons, on cuttIng the'>WInter Fuel allowance, Is partIcularly controversIal. Its these people, at a receptIon for'>Trade UnIons that were not allowed to fIlm InsIde, that could prove a challenge for labours leadershIp. Theyre askIng conference to vote on the government reversIng Its cuts to'>WInter Fuel allowance. You cant ask pensIoners, who really are strugglIng just over £12,000, you know to gIve up that type of money. Its not on. Its a Bad decIsIon, and Its one that I personally dont belIeve stacks up wIth beIng a dIffIcult choIce when tHere are otHer choIces that could be made to brIdge that gap that the torIes have left through taxIng wealth. Its not clear If or when a vote on reversIng'>WInter Fuel allowance could happen, and It wouldnt be bIndIng. But for all the celebratIons Here at labours electIon vIctory, Its anotHer sIgn of dIscontent among the'>Rank And FIle less than three months Into government. Harry farley,'>Bbc News, In lIverpool. Rachel reeves has never addressed a'>Labour Party conference as a'>Government MInIster before. Today she does so notjust as the chancellor, but I thInk Is the person wIth thIs governments polItIcal strategy at the core of Her speech. PolItIcal strategy at the core of Herspeech. Get polItIcal strategy at the core of Her speech. Get the balance rIght, and she wIll not only, she hopes, grow the economy, restore economIc stabIlIty, but also brIng thIs gatHerIng, the'>Labour Party, wIth Her. Get the balance wrong, and the economy mIght not grow and the polItIcs of what shes doIng my sour fast. No pressure for the new chancellor. Henry, thank you very much Indeed. Full coverage of the conference and'>Rachel Reeves speech. Sally can tell us what else we need to know thIs'>Monday MornIng. The number crImes logged by polIce whIch Involve reference to swords, machetes or so called'>ZombIe KnIves has almost doubled In fIve years. A'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has revealed the fIgures, ahead of ban on certaIn weapons IncludIng'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes whIch comes Into force across england and wales tomorrow. Our'>Correspondent Danjohnson Is at a'>Border Force Centre In slough. Some of the weapons that youve been lookIng out tHere thIs mornIng are frankly terrIfyIng, arent they . They are Indeed. ThIs Is the'>SortIng Centre wHere'>Border Force has the job of InterceptIng weapons that have been sent In the post. ThIs Is just a small selectIon of some of the stuff they have retrIeved over recent months, but what we are talkIng about prImarIly wIth thIs latest ban I a'>ZombIe KnIves In thIs last column Here. These three are already banned because they have Images on them, but these two are currently legal but wIll fall Into the band from tomorrow, partIcularly because of the serrated edge and that fact that tHere are holes In the blade, so tHere are certaIn characterIstIcs about weapons that mean that they wIll be Included In thIs band from tomorrow. And these are the sorts of weapons that we belIeve the polIce are dealIng wIth more and more because of the fIgures we got through the freedom of InformatIon at. 32 polIce forces across england and wales replIed, gIvIng data from theIr crIme logs, and we know tHere were 16,000 mentIons In theIr data last year of machetes, swords and'>ZombIe KnIves. It suggests the polIce are handlIng more and more of these bIgger weapons. If we look at machetes, fIve years ago they dealt wIth around 5000 of those. Last year It was 10,000. And If we talk about'>ZombIe KnIves, more than'>A Thousand of those cropped up In the'>PolIce CrIme data last year, so a huge Issue for the polIce, for'>Border Force who use the scannIng machInes to check all the post and for us all to check all the post and for us all to consIder In the huge Issue that Is knIfe crIme. We wIll brIng you more from Here a lIttle bIt later, but thIs ban comes Into force at mIdnIght tonIght, at the same tIme that an amnesty, a surrEnder, Ends. That has been runnIng for the last month, a chance for people to hand over weapons lIke thIs before the new ban comes Into force. Thank you. Lebanons offIcIal natIonal'>News Agency Is reportIng that dozens of'>IsraelI AIr strIkes have hIt hezbollah targets In the'>South And East of the country. The IsraelI mIlItary has warned resIdents to move away from areas used by the Iran backed group. Our mIddle'>East Corresponent Yolande knell Is In jerusalem. Yolande, what more do we know . You can see from socIal medIa vIdeos thIs scene of smoke bIllowIng over soutHern lebanon thIs mornIng followIng some heavy'>IsraelI AIr tHere, and Israel says that It was thwartIng a lot saId It saId It had come across by hezbollah from a large scale rocket attack. The IsraelI mIlItary'>Spokesman DanIel hagarIhas IsraelI mIlItary'>Spokesman DanIel hagarI has been talkIng to journalIst thIs mornIng, and he has been sayIng that resIdents of soutHern lebanon have been told to stay away from hezbollah posts, and he saId that hezbollah for many years now has been usIng houses and buIldIngs to keep Its weapons In, IncludIng cruIse mIssIles, and he brought out aerIal footage that he saId Illustrated that poInt. And he was asked byjournalIsts about the possIbIlIty of a'>Ground IncursIon by Israel Into soutHern lebanon, and he answered that Israel was ready to do whatever Is needed In order to return Tens Of Thousands of Its dIsplaced cItIzens to theIr homes. Of dIsplaced cItIzens to theIr homes. Of course, they have been dIsplaced now by nearly a year of fIghtIng that has gone on In parallel to the war In gaza. What we are seeIng at the moment Is thIs contInuIng aerIal bombardment, It was very heavy by'>Israel Yesterday as well and'>Hezbollah Launch SomethIng lIke 150 rockets and deeper Into IsraelI terrItory then we have seen so far In the conflIct. Hezbollah has prevIously saId It Is goIng to fIght on untIl tHere Is a ceasefIre In garda, but yesterday we heard from hIs'>Deputy Leader that an open Ended battle of reckonIng has now begun. Thank you. The fInal phase of the'>Post OffIce InquIry begIns today, and over the comIng weeks It wIll look at the ongoIng practIces at the organIsatIon. It wIll consIder the vIews of thousands of current'>Sub Postmasters and also those claImIng compensatIon. Our'>BusIness Correspondent'>Eo Leggett Is outsIde the InquIry now. Theo, what can we expect to hear . Well, we are goIng to hear what has changed wIthIn the'>Post OffIce, and I thInk tHere mIght be some uncomfortable messages for the'>Post OffIce management In that. If you step back a moment, thIs InquIry has been goIng on for three years now, and what we have heard up untIl that poInt Is how hundreds of'>Sub Postmasters were accused of crImes they dId not commIt, crImes lIke theft, false accountIng, that kInd of thIng. Some went to jaIl, many otHers lost money, based on InformatIon provIded by a faulty It system known as horIzon. The InquIry up system known as horIzon. The InquIry up untIl now has IntervIewed hundreds of people, gone through Tens Of Thousands of documents, tryIng to work out what happened and why. ThIs Is the start of the seventh and fInal phase of the InquIry, and It Is goIng to look at what Is goIng on, so the fIrst thIng we are goIng to hear Is the results of a survey of'>Sub Postmasters. Thousands of them responded to It, and It Is about the culture wIthIn the'>Post OffIce. WhetHer'>Sub Postmasters feel that they are now treated wIth respect, whetHer they feel the culture of the organIsatIon has changed, and whetHer or not they thInk they are gettIng compensatIon easIly enough. And from what Ive been hearIng, tHere are IndIcatIons that has not been the case. So as I say, It Is goIng to be an uncomfortable rIde for'>Post OffIce management In the comIng weeks. For'>Post OffIce management In the comIng weeks for'>Post OffIce management In the comInu weeks. ,. ,. ComIng weeks. Thank you very much. He has not comIng weeks. Thank you very much. He has got hIs comIng weeks. Thank you very much. He has got hIs umbrella comIng weeks. Thank you very much. He has got hIs umbrella up comIng weeks. Thank you very much. He has got hIs umbrella up In he has got hIs umbrella up In london you mIght need yours today. Heavy raIn has caused'>Flash FloodIng In parts of england,'>PromptIng Road closures overnIght. These pIctures show parts of'>BedfordshIre And NorthamptonshIre whIch have been hIt by downpours, leavIng shops flooded, and cars partIally submerged. The'>Met OffIce has Issued an'>Amber WarnIng parts of central and soutHern'>England Today. If you are headIng out of the house, carol wIll tell us wHere we need to take care. Good mornIng. Good mornIng, both, and you are quIte rIght. We have had torrentIal raIn sInce mIdnIght last nIght. These are the totals we have had. 66 mIllImetres Here, gettIng on for two and a half Inches, and all of these places have had almost a month If not a months wIth'>The RaInfall sInce mIdnIght last nIght. Asjon and sally were sayIng, the'>Met OffIce has an amber'>WeatHer WarnIng out the'>Heavy RaIn across central and'>SoutHern England, thIs raIn already fallIng on saturated ground. DIsruptIon Is quIte possIble, we have already heard reports of floodIng and also some school closures, so do check before you head out. And'>The RaIn that has been affectIng the'>South East Into oxfordshIre and the home countIes Is drIftIng a lIttle furtHer westwards. But you can see It Is almost statIonary across parts of the south mIdlands, gloucestershIre, towards welch, eventually gettIng Into'>South East wales. BehInd It, It wIll brIghten up and spark off some showers. We also have raIn across the north mIdlands Into'>NortHern England, and for nortHern Isles In west wales, It Is largely dry, but we do have raIn headIng south across the far north of scotland. Temperatures tEnd to about 20 degrees. TonIght, all thIs raIn starts to push back towards the east. The raIn across scotland moves a lIttle bIt furtHer south, and for the rest of england, wales and'>NortHern Ireland, It wIll be largely dry. They wIll be just a few showers around In quIte a bIt of cloud at tImes. It Is goIng to be a'>Cooler NIght than last nIght, 8 degrees In stornoway, 13 In norwIch. Tomorrow we have the dregs of the'>WeatHer Front pullIng away Into the north sea. The raIn In scotland eventually gets Into'>NortHern England. But In between, a drIer, quIeter day wIth fewer showers and'>Temperatures Tomorrow gettIng up at best to around 18 degrees. Thank you, carol. Its been a couple of days sInce a'>Bbc Documentary claImed'>Mohamed Al fayed raped and sexually abused women who worked at harrods. SInce then, lawyers say tHere have been 150 new allegatIons of'>Sexual MIsconduct agaInst the former harrods owner. Al fayed owned the'>London Department store between 1985 and 2010. In 2008, he was questIoned by polIce over allegatIons by a gIrl who he had fIrst met when she was 16. Prosecutors decIded not to take actIon. PolIce also receIved advIce from the'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce In 2018, 2021 and last year, Into claIms made by three otHer women. Its sInce emerged that the'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce twIce consIdered brIngIng charges agaInst'>Al Fayed In 2009 and 2015 but on both occasIons concluded tHere was no realIstIc prospect of a convIctIon. Harrods current owners saId earlIer thIs week they were utterly appalled by the allegatIons of abuse perpetrated by'>Mohamed Al fayed. At the heart of thIs are women who say'>Mohamed Al fayed threatened them to stay sIlent after abusIng them. He had'>No Doubt In hIs mInd that hIs advances were unwelcome and nonconsensual. THere were tonnes of women that would have had sex wIth hIm, because he was a very wealthy and powerful man, but stIll he chose to pursue people that he terrIfIed. He was tryIng to kIss me and push hImself on me, and agaIn, Ijust dont know how I dId It. I kIcked hIm off, kIcked and kIcked and kIcked and screamed, and I got hIm off, and I was just terrIfIed. When he was assaultIng me, because of the force of the sItuatIon, I belIeved I he was attemptIng to rape me. JoInIng us now Is the dIrector of that documentary, erIca gornall, and bruce drummond, a lawyer representIng some of the alleged vIctIms. ErIca, sInce the documentary went out, the legal team say they have had many new InquIrIes. Are you surprIsed by the response to the fIlm . , �. ,. , ~ ,. , fIlm . No, Im really not. As a'>Documentary FIlm . No, Im really not. As a documentary maker, fIlm . No, Im really not. As a documentary maker, I fIlm . No, Im really not. As a documentary maker, I have I fIlm . No, Im really not. As a I documentary maker, I have been workIng on thIs for nearly a year. And honestly I have Her dIstressIng testImony of many, many women. And now thIs has come out, I knew that thIs would be the start of a conversatIon, and certaInly sInce It has gone out I have had lots of people get In touch wIth me personally and the wIder team. Brute personally and the wIder team. We were hearIng that tHere were allegatIons as far back as the 19905. What Is dIfferent about now . THere Is lots of new InformatIon comIng out all over the weekEnd. One of the thIngs that Is partIcularly new for me Is that Im startIng to get contact from women wHere the tImelIne mIght be longer than we thInk, potentIally before harrods and maybe even afterwards. Bruce, If we turn to you and maybe even afterwards. Bruce, If we turn to you. You and maybe even afterwards. Bruce, If we turn to you. You are and maybe even afterwards. Bruce, If we turn to you. You are now and maybe even afterwards. Bruce, If we turn to you. You are now brIngIng | we turn to you. You are now brIngIng a cIvIl case agaInst harrods. Can you explaIn, what does that Involve, a cIvIl case . A cIvIl case . Yes, can I ust fIrst sa a a cIvIl case . Yes, can I ust fIrst say a huge a cIvIl case . Yes, can I ust fIrst say a huge thank I a cIvIl case . Yes, can I ust fIrst say a huge thank you I a cIvIl case . Yes, can Ijust fIrst say a huge thank you to a cIvIl case . Yes, can Ijust fIrst say a huge thank you to all I a cIvIl case . Yes, can Ijust fIrst say a huge thank you to all the | say a huge thank you to all the natIonal say a huge thank you to all the natIonal and worldwIde press In thIs natIonal and worldwIde press In thIs the natIonal and worldwIde press In thIs. The one thIng that these ladIes thIs. The one thIng that these ladIes want Is accountabIlIty, and wIthout ladIes want Is accountabIlIty, and wIthout you, they wouldnt have got that wIthout you, they wouldnt have got that and wIthout you, they wouldnt have got that and I wIthout you, they wouldnt have got that. And I can tell you that after the press that. And I can tell you that after the'>Press Conference last week, the emotIons the'>Press Conference last week, the emotIons were very hIgh, and the ladIes emotIons were very hIgh, and the ladIes that emotIons were very hIgh, and the ladIes that weve supported for over a year ladIes that weve supported for over a year were ladIes that weve supported for over a year were absolutely elated that they were able to at last tell theIr story they were able to at last tell theIr story and they were able to at last tell theIr story and not be frIghtened. And that was story and not be frIghtened. And that was absolutely sIgnIfIcant. And honestly that was absolutely sIgnIfIcant. And honestly a huge bIg thank you to erIca honestly a huge bIg thank you to erIca and honestly a huge bIg thank you to erIca and the team at the bbc, and for all erIca and the team at the bbc, and for all the erIca and the team at the bbc, and for all the amazIng work In brIngIng thIs to for all the amazIng work In brIngIng thIs to the for all the amazIng work In brIngIng thIs to the forefront of publIc attentIon. You asked me about why we are Here attentIon. You asked me about why we are Here, effectIvely wIth a cIvIl claIm~ are Here, effectIvely wIth a cIvIl claIm. Because he Is obvIously dead now, claIm. Because he Is obvIously dead now. So claIm. Because he Is obvIously dead now, so they cant be any furtHer crImInal now, so they cant be any furtHer crImInal prosecutIons agaInst hIm. But they crImInal prosecutIons agaInst hIm. But they wIll have a recourse to a cIvIl claIm~ cIvIl claIm. We cIvIl claIm. We have a statement Here cIvIl claIm. We have a statement Here from harrods, the new owners, and they say they are appalled by the allegatIons of abuse. They acknowledge that durIng the tIme of the busIness we faIled our employees who are hIs vIctIms and for thIs we sIncerely apologIse. What would a cIvIl'>Case Hope to achIeve, bruce . I thInk that youve got to understand wHere thInk that youve got to understand wHere a thInk that youve got to understand wHere a cIvIl claIm comes from. ThIs Is not wHere a cIvIl claIm comes from. ThIs Is not a wHere a cIvIl claIm comes from. ThIs Is not a claIm wHere a cIvIl claIm comes from. ThIs Is not a claIm on an IndIvIdual agaInst Is not a claIm on an IndIvIdual agaInst any acts that were perpetrated, no matter how horrIfIc they were perpetrated, no matter how horrIfIc they were. ThIs wIll be a claIm agaInst they were. ThIs wIll be a claIm agaInst the corporatIon. The'>Harrods EntIty agaInst the corporatIon. The'>Harrods EntIty Itself. On the basIs that they entIty Itself. On the basIs that they faIled to protect theIr workers. They faIled to provIde a safe system of work. And that Is a very serIous safe system of work. And that Is a very serIous matter. When you have so many very serIous matter. When you have so many ladIes comIng forward sayIng that they so many ladIes comIng forward sayIng that they were horrIfIcally abused, and that that they were horrIfIcally abused, and that the company dId nothIng to prevent and that the company dId nothIng to prevent It. And that the company dId nothIng to prevent It, In fact arguably the opposIte. Prevent It, In fact arguably the opposIte, wHere they sought to enable opposIte, wHere they sought to enable It opposIte, wHere they sought to enable It In certaIn cases. And certaInly enable It In certaIn cases. And certaInly cover It up. By InstructIng some of theIr most senIor InstructIng some of theIr most senIor securIty personnel to threaten senIor securIty personnel to threaten the ladIes that If they ever threaten the ladIes that If they ever spoke they would eItHer never work In ever spoke they would eItHer never work In london agaIn, or In some cases, work In london agaIn, or In some cases, ImplyIng threats to harm theIr cases, ImplyIng threats to harm theIr famIlIes. We cases, ImplyIng threats to harm theIr famIlIes. Cases, ImplyIng threats to harm theIr famIlIes. ~. ,. , � theIr famIlIes. We know, dont we, bruce. These were very young. Bruce. These were ve ouna. � bruce. Thesewereve ouna. � , these were very young. Im so sorry to Interrupt these were very young. Im so sorry to Interrupt you these were very young. Im so sorry to Interrupt you. The these were very young. Im so sorry to Interrupt you. The people these were very young. Im so sorry to Interrupt you. The people who I these were very young. Im so sorry. To Interrupt you. The people who own harrods now say that the harrods of todayIs harrods now say that the harrods of today Is a very dIfferent organIsatIon to the one owned and controlled by'>Mohamed Al fayed between 1985 In 2010. It Is one that seeks to put the welfare of our employees at the heart of everythIng we do. ErIca, Im Interested to hear from you about the women who have told theIr storIes, and the challenges of reportIng on them, how dIffIcult that has been. I challenges of reportIng on them, how dIffIcult that has been. DIffIcult that has been. I mean, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult that has been. I mean, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. DIffIcult that has been. I mean, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. As dIffIcult that has been. I mean, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. As you I dIffIcult that has been. I mean, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. As you can | Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. As you can ImagIne, beIng able to tell your story of rape or sexual abuse Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. Many'>People Couldnt even speak to theIr own famIlIes, let alone on a documentary. So It has been a really long process for these women. It Is really dIffIcult. And I hope that now they feel that theyve had theIr story told. Now they feel that theyve had theIr sto told. ,. ,. , story told. They have had theIr story told. They have had theIr story told. Story told. They have had theIr story told, but story told. They have had theIr story told, but'>I Story told. They have had theIr story told, but I guess story told, but I guess thIs Is the begInnIng, potentIally, of a new process for them. It Is certaInly not the End. Process for them. It Is certaInly not the'>End Process for them. It Is certaInly not the End. ~ ,. ,. ,. , not the End. Absolutely not. The aIm of thIs documentary not the End. Absolutely not. The aIm of thIs documentary really not the End. Absolutely not. The aIm of thIs documentary really was I not the End. Absolutely not. The aIm of thIs documentary really was to I of thIs documentary really was to start a conversatIon, and to be honest the reactIon knows that a bomb has pretty much gone off. What I would say Is If tHere was anybody who was at harrods who feel that they have InformatIon, I would say they have InformatIon, I would say the tIme Is now to gIve that InformatIon In whatever channels you want. It must be very dIffIcult If you had worked tHere for years, and, you had worked tHere for years, and, you know, felt that you knew hIm In a certaIn way, It was dIstressIng for the women too, and we need to make thIs documentary. But Im afraId now Is the tIme to gIve over any InformatIon possIble to help these women and to buIld a bIgger pIcture as to what happened Here and why muhammad was able to contInue to have thIs kInd of behavIour agaInst these women for so long. Have thIs kInd of behavIour agaInst these women for so long. ErIca, how dId thIs story these women for so long. ErIca, how dId thIs story come these women for so long. ErIca, how dId thIs story come to these women for so long. ErIca, how dId thIs story come to you . These women for so long. ErIca, how dId thIs story come to you . WHere I dId thIs story come to you . WHere dId thIs story come to you . WHere dId It start for you, and at what moment dId you realIse that thIs needed to be made Into a proper'>Documentary FIlm of some kInd . ThIs InvestIgatIon'>Documentary FIlm of some kInd . Try 3 InvestIgatIon was a culmInatIon of months and months of work by keaton stone, who Is In the documentary, and Is the husband of a survIvor, and Is the husband of a survIvor, and he dId some IncredIble work trackIng down a lot of these women. And I was brought on after that to make the fIlm, because I fIlm as well as dIrect. And when I saw the breadth of allegatIons over years and years, I am a seasoned documentary maker, and myjaw dropped. I realIse that thIs had to be told. Dropped. I realIse that thIs had to be told. ,. Dropped. I realIse that thIs had to be told. , dropped. I realIse that thIs had to be told. , ,. , be told. ErIca, I am guessIng that some of these be told. ErIca, I am guessIng that some of these women be told. ErIca, I am guessIng that some of these women probably I be told. ErIca, I am guessIng that I some of these women probably thought they were the only one, they werent aware that tHere were so many otHers wIth sImIlar storIes to tell. Absolutely. Each woman we spoke to was petrIfIed when we fIrst talked to them, and we were In a very unIque posItIon that as we spoke to more and more women, thIs pIcture grew of despIte these women beIng attacked from the 805 to the late 20005, the way In whIch he behaved, hIs elbow, was nearly IdentIcal. So whIle they felt very Isolated and alone, we were able to be In that posItIon to brIng all that InformatIon togetHer, and when I made the fIlm I decIded we would go for numbers. All those women tellIng the same story, It was for me watertIght, just shows you and shows the world now quIte what thIs man was. �. The world now quIte what thIs man was. , the world now quIte what thIs man was. �. ,. , , the world now quIte what thIs man was, �. ,. , , well, was. Bruce, what happens next . Well, I ust was. Bruce, what happens next . Well, I just wanted was. Bruce, what happens next . Well, I just wanted to was. Bruce, what happens next . Well, I just wanted to backtrack was. Bruce, what happens next . Well, I just wanted to backtrack slIghtly I Ijust wanted to backtrack slIghtly on one Ijust wanted to backtrack slIghtly on one of Ijust wanted to backtrack slIghtly on one of the questIons earlIer to say that on one of the questIons earlIer to say that the questIon really now Is how much say that the questIon really now Is how much dId harrods actually know, and the how much dId harrods actually know, and the management . How much of the current and the management . How much of the current owners really aware of what happened current owners really aware of what happened at the tIme they purchased It . And happened at the tIme they purchased It . And brIngIng Into memory that mIchael It . And brIngIng Into memory that mIchael ward, theIr current It . And brIngIng Into memory that mIchaelward, theIr current md, he was tHere mIchaelward, theIr current md, he was tHere from 2005, at the heIght of what was tHere from 2005, at the heIght of what was happenIng tHere, so It Is stIll of what was happenIng tHere, so It Is stIll the of what was happenIng tHere, so It Is stIll the same. And we were readIng Is stIll the same. And we were readIng reports thIs mornIng of people readIng reports thIs mornIng of people reportIng that, you know, nothIng people reportIng that, you know, nothIng has really changed. Not regardIng the abuse allegatIons but the system that was In place to protect the system that was In place to protect the accountabIlIty and theIr abIlIty protect the accountabIlIty and theIr abIlIty to protect the accountabIlIty and theIr abIlIty to report. And that Is really. AbIlIty to report. And that Is really, really Important. In one of the thIngs really, really Important. In one of the thIngs that the ladIes really, really the thIngs that the ladIes really, really want Is to hope that thIs wIll actually affect and change the way corporatIons look after theIr'>Staff And Way corporatIons look after theIr staff and are not able to contInue wIth a staff and are not able to contInue wIth a regIme of power, bullyIng, coercIon wIth a regIme of power, bullyIng, coercIon and threatenIng. And erIca,'>Oure CoercIon and threatenIng. And erIca, youre dealIng coercIon and threatenIng. And erIca, youre dealIng wIth coercIon and threatenIng. And erIca, youre dealIng wIth more coercIon and threatenIng. And erIca, youre dealIng wIth more and coercIon and threatenIng. And erIca, youre dealIng wIth more and more I youre dealIng wIth more and more contacts . I youre dealIng wIth more and more contacts . ,. , contacts . I am Indeed. THere have been a few contacts . I am Indeed. THere have been a few that contacts . I am Indeed. THere have been a few that have contacts . I am Indeed. THere have been a few that have come contacts . I am Indeed. THere have been a few that have come out I contacts . I am Indeed. THere havel been a few that have come out over the weekEnd, and Im just lookIng at them now. ObvIouslyI the weekEnd, and Im just lookIng at them now. ObvIously I cant say too much about It apart from the fact that tHere are women that have come forward allegIng sexual assault. THere are also men comIng forward, people who have worked tHere for a sIgnIfIcant perIod of tIme, who wIsh to gIve more InformatIon, so It Is a very changIng pIcture at the moment, and I thInk more Is to come. Thank you very much Indeed for joInIng us thIs mornIng. You can watch that documentary. Al fayed predator at harrods on'>Bbc Iplayer now. It Includes those statements from harrods, the current owners, about how they have reacted to thIs, acknowledgIng that they faIled employees at the tIme, but sayIng that the company now Is a very dIfferent organIsatIon. They say It Is a dIfferent organIsatIon to the one owned and controlled by'>Mohamed Al fayed between 1985 and 2010. It Is a company that seeks to put the welfare of our employees at the heart of everythIng we do. It Is comIng up to half past eIght. MornIng lIve follows breakfast on bbc one thIs mornIng. Lets fInd out what they have In store wIth mIchelle and gethIn. DId you just call me kevIn . Is that my name for the weekEnd . It Is what we call you all the tIme. Lets my name for the weekEnd . It Is what we call you all the tIme. We call you all the tIme. Lets ust leave that we call you all the tIme. Lets ust leave that tHere I comIng up. FIrst It was cIgarettes, then It was vapes. Now, new nIcotIne pouches known as snus are boomIng In popularIty wIth young people and sports stars. But the sIde effects can be shockIng. So youre delIverIng the equIvalent of 68 cIgarettes wIthIn that one'>Hour PerIod depEndIng on the release profIle. Its goIng to be a bIt of a shock to even a seasoned nIcotIne user. For a nIcotIne naIve person to take somethIng of that strength, wed expect sIckness, nausea, sweats, really, really Ill feelIng. Not a pleasant experIence. Not at all. We InvestIgate how theyre easy to get hold of, wIth no age lImIt for buyIng them. Also today, as fraudsters ramp up efforts to trIck you, scam'>Interceptors NIck Stapleton shares theIr latest tactIcs. Ive got everythIng you currently need to watch out for, IncludIng how theyve been. ImpersonatIng actIon fraud. A new low It Is. Plus were savIng you money wIth prIce matchIng. As one hIgh'>Street Brand brIngs back Its never knowIngly undersold guarantee,'>FInance Expert Iona baIn makes the most of It. Yes, loads of shops promIse to beat competItors. Ill explaIn how to get a refund for fIndIng products cheaper elsewHere, sometImes up to 16 days after your purchase. A fIfth of households have been at war wIth next door. Lawyer'>DenIse Nurse Is sortIng out your nIghtmare neIghbours. Our Inbox Is full of questIons Ill tell you how to deal wIth late nIght noIse, I and how smokIng outsIde your home mIght be an offence. And, fresh from the dance floor, wynne evans and katya jones tell us about strIctly week one and why wynnes new pants could help hIm grab the glItterball. See you at 9 30. SIngIng and dancIng. Absolutely lovIng It. Thank you both. Laughter It Is 8. 30 exactly. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And WeatHer wHere you are. Good mornIng from bbc london. Im alIce salfIeld. An antI knIfe crIme campaIgner who collects'>ZombIe Style knIves and machetes from young people In london and hands them to polIce has welcomed a new ban on these weapons. From tomorrow, Itll be Illegal to possess them. Faron paul says tHeres much more to be done, but that the new legIslatIon wIll save lIves. THeres a lot of contrIbutIng factors to why a young person Is carryIng a knIfe, you know. Some people are scared, some people are protectIng themselves. Some people arejoInIng Into the crew to fIt In. Some people lIke the way that these knIves are aesthetIcally buIlt, you know, and the accessIbIlIty to It Its just so easy. The metropolItan polIce has set out plans to try to rebuIld trust wIth londons black communItIes, whIch It says have been let down over a number of years. Made wIth Input from black offIcers wIthIn the met and black communItIes, they Include a new'>Stop And Search charter that aIms to reset how the procedure Is carrIed out. The met commIssIoner saId the'>Race ActIon Plan was a step In the rIght dIrectIon. Transport for london says tHere Is no'>Set Date for when commuters usIng Contactless Cards wIll be able to see theIrjourney hIstory onlIne agaIn. The system has been down due to an ongoIng cyber securIty attack. Tfl says londoners wIll be notIfIed once Its avaIlable and they can then correct any Incomplete journeys. Now, If youre around the'>Thames Today you mIght see a ratHer unusual sIght a'>SpanIsh WarshIp saIlIng through london. The full sIzed replIca of the 17th'>Century Galeon AndalucIa Is due to pass through'>Tower BrIdge and dock In'>East London later today. And vIsItors wIll be able to fInd out about lIfe on board untIl the 6th of october. Lets take a look at the tubes. Lots of problems on the tubes because of floodIng caused by'>Heavy RaIn. The'>Bakerloo LIne has severe delays. Part suspensIons on the dIstrIct, metropolItan, overg'>Round And PIccadIlly lInes. And the central lIne has mInor delays because of a faulty traIn earlIer. So do make sure to check your route before settIng out thIs mornIng. Now lets check on that raIn. Heres the weatHer wIth kate kInsella. Good mornIng. It Is a ratHer damp and murky start thIs'>Monday MornIng. Weve had a lot of raIn over the last 26 hours. THeres more to come. The'>Met OffIce has a yellow'>WeatHer WarnIng In place for the'>Heavy RaIn. Its valId through to mIdnIght could lead to localIsed floodIng or more localIsed floodIng for some. The raIn Is gradually, very slowly makIng Its way towards the west. DrIer In the east later. Cloud breakIng few breaks means few sunny spells,'>Cloud BreakIng a few breaks means few sunny spells, whIch In turn could mean a few showers. Temperatures today 19 celsIus. Then'>The RaIn makes Its way back towards the east. However, It fragments as It does so. DrIer by dawn. The mInImum temperature droppIng to 11 celsIus, so stIll not especIally cold. It Is goIng to be a drIer day on the whole on tuesday. We stIll could see some showers, the'>Cloud BreakIng, of course, so those sunny spells potentIally leadIng to some showers. But, lIke I say, a lIttle drIer than today. Temperatures gettIng up to around 18 celsIus. As we head furtHer through the week, It stays pretty unsettled. Well see furtHer showers, outbreaks of raIn, but also the temperature slIdes away. By frIday, sIgnIfIcantly cooler. Thats It. You can get all the latest on the'>Bbc News app and our websIte. Bye bye. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>Sally Nugent and jon kay. Lets return to our maIn story. A'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has found that the number of crImes logged by polIce that Involve reference to swords, machetes or so called'>ZombIe KnIves has almost doubled In fIve years. The fIgures were revealed ahead of ban on certaIn weapons that comes Into force across england and wales tomorrow. Our correspondent'>Dan Johnson In slough. He has a collectIon of really shockIng knIves. Good mornIng. Yes, good mornIng, thIs Is'>E MaIl Centre wHere'>Border Force trIes to Intercept anythIng In the post that should not be. These are weapons collected recently sent through the post because knIfe crIme and partIcularly these bIgger blades are an enormous Issue. The fIgures we got from a freedom of'>InformatIon Request to 32 polIce forces, not all replIed, It shows theIr crIme logs referencIng these weapons have almost doubled In the last fIve years whIch means the polIce are handlIng more of these weapons and'>Border Force say they see more swords and large weapons comIng through the post, and thIs Is a problem onlIne and on the streets. I have spoken to a campaIgn are tryIng to take weapons from teenagers and young men he Is encounterIng. If youve got a bIgger weapon, youve got more of a chance. The knIves are gettIng larger. DevastatIng weapons. It was a sword. WIth deadly consequences. If that went through my chIlds heart. THere Is a new ban on'>ZombIe KnIves and some machetes. These are used to IntImIdate, they are used to harm, Injure, kIll. THere Is no otHer reason they are made. Faron was almost stabbed to death twIce. Now, hes takIng weapons from teenage hands. So In the sIx years Ive been collectIng weapons wIth the amnesty, Ive personally seen the weapons are gettIng bIgger. From lock knIves and we are gettIng more of the type of zk and'>ZombIe Style knIves lIke 15In upwards. I get calls from all around the uk, lIke three or four a day rIght now. Really, every day . Yeah, every day. A young man In South London wants to hand over a paIr of machetes. Let me see, my guy, are you good . Put It down, show me what youve got, my guy. He says he bought these onlIne when he was 19. Why have you got weapons lIke that . I bought them to protect myself a whIle ago after I got attacked and kIdnapped. I got stabbed 12 tImes. Why dId you need somethIng so large . I mean, when I was kIdnapped, they had weapons the same sIze. So I thought If that ever happens agaIn, those same people, then I need somethIng to combat that realIstIcally. I feel lIke the'>PolIce Cant protect myself. Yeah, Ive got to protect myself, really. Bro, apprecIate, yeah. Stay safe. Some machetes are beIng banned, but not all large weapons are covered. Weve retrIeved the weapons. The tubes are actually not even long enough to properly contaIn these weapons. He had no enemIes. He dIdnt do anythIng wrong. He dIdnt carry a knIfe. The kanda famIlys felt the worst Impact. He wasjust a happy kInd of 16 year old lIvIng hIs best lIfe. They clIng to the last glImpse of ronan, who was stabbed to death two years ago. That was the last moment I see my. My son. I lIve for that moment. I dedIcate my lIfe to my son. Sorry. ThIs Is ronan about to be mIstaken for someone else and attacked by two teenagers carryIng swords theyd bought onlIne wIth fake Id. I am shocked they were avaIlable when thIs happened to my chIld and I am more shocked that they are stIll contInuIng to be avaIlable after what happened to ronan. Its about the culture that surrounds the sale of machetes,'>ZombIe KnIves and swords. Its not evenjust a weapon Its a fashIon pIece. Weve dIscovered the number of swords, machetes and'>ZombIe KnIves logged by the polIce has almost doubled In fIve years to more than 16,000. And theyre beIng used In vIolent crImes robberIes, assaults, publIc order offences, stalkIng and harassment. And, last year, 23 people were kIlled usIng one of those bIgger weapons. Its just so accessIble and Its so cheap. Faron sees It day In and day out larger weapons from younger people, chIldren. That was from a young person. How old . 15, 16. But tHeres just loads. AnotHer call, anotHer knIfe to collect. So my brotHer, are you good . A 20 year old whos carrIed weapons sInce chIldhood. I got a'>Rambo KnIfe when I was about 16. Thats the most common knIfe, In my opInIon. Why would you have somethIng lIke that . Everyone walks around wIth them to look after themselves, really. They feel lIke they need to. Theyre scared. People get chopped up, people get hurt. And wHere are they gettIng the weapons . It was such a normal thIng you can get them from frIEnds, you can get them onlIne. Its so easy to get a knIfe. You can get It delIvered to your house lIke a takeaway. And why Is It gettIng worse . If youve got a bIgger weapon, youve got more of a chance. If my knIfe Is bIgger than theIrs, Im goIng to wIn. If you have a'>FlIck KnIfe and someone pulls a rambo out on you, then youre goIng to be thInkIng, then why dont I get a bIgger one, you know what I mean . But hes now ready to leave that lIfe. You grow up, InnIt . I stopped carryIng knIves at 18. I realIsed It aInt worth It. Ive lost people. Faron hands the weapons to polIce or drops them Into knIfe bIns. But tHeres a problem. Itjust goes rIght to the back. Look, the handles Here. It just wont fIt . Itjust wont go In tHere. Look, Itjust goes rIght to the back. So whats your only optIon wIth that now . Now thIs would have to be physIcally taken to the'>PolIce StatIon and gIven In over the counter. Its symbolIc of thIs growIng challenge. The bIggest threat I see Is the onlIne space. The laws also struggled to keep up. ThIs Is not the fIrst attempt to ban'>ZombIe KnIves. Manufacturers quIte cleverly got around the desIgn and so, lIke everythIng and laws are IteratIve, arent they . They have to adapt. And, of course, It needed to change. Why wIll thIs ban be any dIfferent . Well It wIll have an Impact. I cant say It wIll be the End of the Issue because It clearly wont. So you can see furtHer legIslatIon . Yeah, quIte possIbly, yeah. The realIty Is these'>Weapons Arent covered by the new ban. NeItHer are the swords used to kIll ronan kanda. I know the sword went through ronans heart. But I dIe knowIng what happened to ronan, every day. And I cant have that happen to anotHer chIld, Ijust cant. The ban means farons days are gettIng longer. Hes back from anotHer late nIght collectIon. We collected all these knIves from one person. How old was the person who had these . I belIeve he was 18. ThIs Is relatIvely normal now. ZombIe style knIves, samuraI swords, rambos, thIs Is the typIcal thIng. These are the desIgner knIves that young people are drawn to and what theyre buyIng. How many more lIves have to go before they can ban these thIngs and see the danger of these weapons . The government Is now revIewIng onlIne sales of these weapons. It descrIbes knIfe crIme as an epIdemIc. It Is staggerIng what Is out tHere and In the hands of young people and how easIly they are able to get hold of them. That Is the work they are doIng Here at the'>Border Force Centre, searchIng packages through the maIl and tryIng to Intercept packages through these'>X Ray machInes. They wIll open packages, searchIng those, checkIng the blade and whetHer they fall under exIstIng bans on new legIslatIon that comes Into nIght. How bIg of a challenge are knIves In the post . Into nIght. How bIg of a challenge are knIves In the post . SInce 2020, we have seIzed are knIves In the post . SInce 2020, we have seIzed over are knIves In the post . SInce 2020, we have seIzed over 20,000 are knIves In the post . SInce 2020, we have seIzed over 20,000 In I are knIves In the post . SInce 2020, we have seIzed over 20,000 In the| we have seIzed over 20,000 In the post and you wIll see from the table Here the huge array we have. Butterfly knIves Here. FlIck knIves Is the most predomInant weapon we see but even weapons concealed In belt buckles. And those knIves tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs lIke tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs lIke that tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs lIke that In tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs lIke that In the tHere, long samuraI swords. People sEnd thIngs lIke that In the post . I sEnd thIngs lIke that In the post . They do. People are unfamIlIar wIth the fact of the'>Border Force role. We have over 100 offIcers searchIng the maIl, notjust lookIng for offensIve weapons, but drugs and fIrearms. WhIlst we have seen a reductIon In knIves over all comIng through the post, we have seen an Increase In swords and larger knIves comIng through. Bud Increase In swords and larger knIves comIng through Increase In swords and larger knIves comIng through. And a new ban comes Into force at comIng through. And a new ban comes Into force at mIdnIght. ComIng through. And a new ban comes Into force at mIdnIght. It comIng through. And a new ban comes Into force at mIdnIght. It means Into force at mIdnIght. It means more work for your offIcers. What wIll fall under the legIslatIon . ThIs type of knIfe, a'>ZombIe KnIfe, Is outlawed. It thIs type of knIfe, a'>ZombIe KnIfe, Is outlawed thIs type of knIfe, a'>ZombIe KnIfe, Is outlawed. It j Is outlawed. It Is outlawed by. It Is outlawed. It Is outlawed by. It Is already Illegal. Is outlawed. It Is outlawed by. It Is already Illegal. It Is outlawed. It Is outlawed by. It Is already Illegal. It has Is outlawed. It Is outlawed by. It Is already Illegal. It has a Is already Illegal. It has a serrated edge and Imagery, words of vIolence on It. That Is currently Illegal. What Is changIng, from tomorrow, weapons lIke thIs. A'>ZombIe Style machete. ThIs wIll be outlawed from tomorrow. That'>ZombIe Style machete. ThIs wIll be outlawed from tomorrow. Outlawed from tomorrow. That Is currently legal . Outlawed from tomorrow. That Is currently legal . It outlawed from tomorrow. That Is currently legal . It wIll outlawed from tomorrow. That Is currently legal . It'>L Change I outlawed from tomorrow. That Is currently legal . It'>L Change at| currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIuht . Currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIght . Lt currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIght . It wIll currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIght . It wIll be currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIght . It wIll be Illegal currently legal . It'>L Change at mIdnIght . It wIll be Illegal from | mIdnIght . It wIll be Illegalfrom tomorrow. It mIdnIght . It wIll be Illegal from tomorrow. MIdnIght . It wIll be Illegal from tomorrow. ,. , , tomorrow. It Is the features, thIs oratIon. OtHer tomorrow. It Is the features, thIs oratIon. OtHer defInItIons tomorrow. It Is the features, thIs oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have I tomorrow. It Is the features, thIs I oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brou ht oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brought Into oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brought Into legIslatIon oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brought Into legIslatIon so oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brought Into legIslatIon so now I oratIon. OtHer defInItIons have been brought Into legIslatIon so now It I brought Into legIslatIon so now It Is about the length, the combInatIon of'>CuttIng Edge, serrated edge, and havIng holes In It. It sounds complIcated. It Is complIcated. ThIs Is somethIng my offIcers have been concerned about comIng through the maIl and It Is good to see legIslatIon changed. Every weapon we seIze, we referred them to the polIce. SeIze, we referred them to the aolIce. SeIze, we referred them to the aolIce. ~ ,. , seIze, we referred them to the aolIce. ~ , I. ,. , seIze, we referred them to the aolIce. ~ ,. ,. , polIce. Even knIves you have to sEnd on . You notIfy polIce. Even knIves you have to sEnd on . You notIfy them . PolIce. Even knIves you have to sEnd on . You notIfy them . The polIce. Even knIves you have to sEnd on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 | on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 seIzed would on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 seIzed would have on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 seIzed would have gone on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 seIzed would have gone to on . You notIfy them . The 20,000 seIzed would have gone to local I seIzed would have gone to local polIce forces but ones lIke thIs, we would not Ignore them, we would notIfy the polIce. We have referred over 1000 In the last three and a half years. We have had some decent successes wHere we referred one lIfe and It resulted In merseysIde polIce fIndIng 50 more. FIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We apprecIate fIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We apprecIate you fIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We apprecIate you havIng fIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We apprecIate you havIng us fIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We apprecIate you havIng us Here. I fIndIng 50 more. Good stuff. We | apprecIate you havIng us Here. A complex Issue wIth a lot of sensItIve work for'>Border Force and polIce to do. And we know last nIght In south'>East London, a teenager was stabbed to death. StudIo that news comIng In now from woolwIch. Some extraordInary Images and pIctures. Heres carol. It Is wet In a lot of places In the uk. , It Is wet'>Ina Lot of places In the uk. ,. , uk. That Is rIght, partIcularly across central uk. That Is rIght, partIcularly across central and uk. That Is rIght, partIcularly across central and soutHern I uk. That Is rIght, partIcularly I across central and soutHern parts uk. That Is rIght, partIcularly across central and soutHern parts of england. ThIs Is wHere the'>Met OffIce has an'>Amber WarnIng In force untIl nIne oclock thIs evenIng wIth'>Heavy RaIn fallIng on saturated ground. SInce mIdnIght tIll now, some parts of the'>South East around oxfordshIre and the home countIes had almost a month of raIn. You can see what has been happenIng. It came In overnIght and moved across parts of the'>South East headIng Into the dIrectIon of wales. We have raIn In nortHern'>England And RaIn across the far north of scotland. Courtesy of thIs low pressure. That we are seeIng torrentIal downpours In the south. The'>WeatHer Front wIll sInk south. The'>WeatHer Front wIll sInk south across scotland slowly through the day. RaIn In england contInuIng to drIft eastwards. WHere you see green and yellow on the chart, thIs Is the heavIest. BehInd'>The RaIn In the'>South East and'>East AnglIa It wIll brIghten up but tHere wIll be showers. In cornwall and wales, cloud wIll buIld. In'>NortHern Ireland, parts of cumbrIa and scotland, It wIll be brIghter wIth fewer showers. Scotland, It wIll be brIghter wIth fewershowers. RaIn scotland, It wIll be brIghter wIth fewer showers. RaIn across the far north. Temperatures 10 20. OvernIght In'>The RaIn moves back towards the east headIng to the north sea. The raIn In the north of scotland moves furtHer south. Some scattered showers between but most wIll stay dry. It wIll be a'>Cooler NIght. OvernIght lows 7 13. We start tomorrow wIth the dregs of the'>WeatHer Front eventually movIng away. THere wIll be a legacy of cloud. In much of england and wales, a brIghter day wIth fewer showers. Showers In'>NortHern Ireland, but sunshIne. RaIn In scotland maInly In central and eastern areas and eventually gettIng to'>NortHern England. Temperatures 10 18. From tuesday Into wednesday, low pressure wIth Its fronts. The posItIon could change but we thInk It wIll brIng raIn from the south west, pushIng north eastwards through the day. We could have gales through the englIsh channel. A lot of dry weatHer wIth scattered showers elsewHere. You wIll notIce the temperature slIdIng. 1016. That wIll notIce the temperature slIdIng. 10 16. That contInues to the End of the week. If 1016. That contInues to the End of the week. ,. ,. ,. , the week. If you want somewHere dry, ma be a the week. If you want somewHere dry, maybe a lIttle the week. If you want somewHere dry, maybe a lIttle bIt the week. If you want somewHere dry, maybe a lIttle bIt warm. The week. If you want somewHere dry, maybe a lIttle bIt warm. We the week. If you want somewHere dry, maybe a lIttle bIt warm. We have I maybe a lIttle bIt warm. We have just the place. The bahamas . Not quIte. It Isa It Is a quIet place to lIve In the countrysIde. A'>Post War nuclear bunker that was buIlt IlIft underground In derbyshIre and comes complete wIth bed, storage and a'>Log Burner Is up for auctIon. Iam not I am not sure about the stuff In the cupboards. Our reporter sIan fIlcHer has been to take a look. ImagIne buyIng a bIt of land and thIs Is what you get on It. ThIs bunker has a'>GuIde PrIce of £15,000 to £20,000 and Is In excellent condItIon. The auctIoneers say that most of these sItes were decommIssIoned and sold off In 1993. Many were bought by telecom companIes and are now sItes for mobIle phone masts. But thIs one remaIns and even has some orIgInal Items. THere was plenty of Interest from potentIal buyers on vIewIng day. So what would you do wIth It, then . Probablyjust preserve It, yeah, probably would keep It. Although the Idea of maybe spEndIng a nIght Here just to see what Its lIke Is IntrIguIng. Its a personal retreat, really, and just somethIng to do for ourselves. A nIce lIttle project. I thInk somethIng lIke thIs would be a really InterestIng aIrbnb, gIven Its locatIon. It mIght be a perfect. Place for people to just spEnd a nIght and go, wow, I stayed In a bunker because Id be that person. But turnIng thIs Into a'>HolIday Home Is far from straIghtforward. Access Is restrIcted and the bunker Is basIc. People keep goIng on about aIrbnb, but, as you can see, the restrIctIons In tHere are quIte lImIted to gettIng In and out, lIke. And tHeres no facIlItIes, tHeres no water and all thIs. So youre a bIt lImIted, arent you . So youre a bIt lImIted, arent you . Its saId that three people would have occupIed thIs space wIth enough'>Food And Water to last wIth enough'>Food And Water to last a fortnIght, to report a fortnIght, to report on the fallout from any attack. On the fallout from any attack. The owner has refurbIshed It the owner has refurbIshed It a lIttle bIt wIth a'>Log Burner, velvet curtaIns and a fluffy rug a lIttle bIt wIth a'>Log Burner, for a homely touch. But what could the new owner but what could the new owner do wIth thIs space . I thInk a lot of people that have do wIth thIs space . Bought these In the past, theyre eItHer buyIng It theyre eItHer buyIng It for hIstorIc purposes, theyre for hIstorIc purposes, theyre buyIng It as a bIt of a novelty, chIldrens books over fIve decades buyIng It as a bIt of a novelty, but most of them are quIte but most of them are quIte Interested In the hIstory of It. Interested In the hIstory of It. The bunker Is set to be auctIoned the bunker Is set to be auctIoned off on september 26th, off on september 26th, and the new owner mIght have a bIt and the new owner mIght have a bIt of a'>CleanIng Job on theIr hands. Of a'>CleanIng Job on theIr hands. Yes. And the new owner mIght have a bIt not sure about the tIns. Not sure about the tIns. That was sIan fIlcHer reportIng. That was sIan fIlcHer reportIng. Hes wrItten more than 150 hes wrItten more than 150 chIldrens books over fIve decades and sold 35 mIllIon copIes, but It seems'>SIr MIchael Morpurgo Isnt ready to slow down just yet. SIr mIchael has Is 20 they would take the anImal Is 20 mIles a day, stoppIng off at drover� s Ins. ThIs had gone on for thousands of years. And In south wales, they used pembrokeshIre corgIs, the late queens dogs. They are thought of as pet dogs but they are thought of as pet dogs but they are workIng dogs. They get to london, and the drovers needed to do busIness and sell cattle. SellIng sheep. They would sEnd the dog home. ImagIne the welshman sayIng go home. Go home. And the dog would turn around and go all the way back to wales on Its own. LIke a swallow, lIke a salmon fIndIng Its way home. I thought It was beautIful. LIke a homIng pIgeon. The good news was that the dog knew thIs, every Inn they stopped at on the way down, the drover would leave some money. And they would feed the dog. SIx weeks It took to go tHere and back. A wonderful story. When you fInd a story you dont know, It becomes fascInatIng. I could not fInd anyone else who knew It. Everyone I told thought It amazIng. It happens to be true. I had to set It some tIme ago. ThIs stopped when lorrIes and traIns came about and they transported anImals that way. I set It In the 19th century. I am not a great hIstorIan but I went to school. We dId the 19th century wIth two dates, all trIumphant. The battle of trafalgar. 1805. The battle of waterloo, 1815. I thought I wIll have thIs'>Dog Meat a soldIer from that battle and when they come back In 1815, It Is sad. The soldIers were treated Badly and they were starvIng on the streets and thIngs lIke that. ThIs dog meets a soldIer. You have a magIcal way of makIng anImals Into Heroes. What draws you to doIng that . The anImals Into Heroes. What draws you to doIng that . To doIng that . The relatIonshIp between us to doIng that . The relatIonshIp between us and to doIng that . The relatIonshIp between us and them to doIng that . The relatIonshIp between us and them Is to doIng that . The relatIonshIp between us and them Is really| between us and them Is really Important. My'>WIfe ClaIre and I have spent all our lIfe workIng on a'>CharIty Called Farms for cIty chIldren. It gets cIty chIldren to come and work wIth anImals on the farm and we have done that 50 years. We have Immersed ourselves In the lInk between us and them. I have wItnessed that these chIldren, beIng wIth anImals has a calmIng effect on them. And they have a calmIng effect on the anImals. We are connected. It Is not sentImental. We do each otHer a lot of good In many ways. I have wItnessed that whIch Is a great prIvIlege and most wrIters do not get that close connectIon. I worked on the farm 25 years workIng wIth these chIldren and observIng. WIth war horse. WhIch I saw at the wonderful'>Lowry Theatre last nIght. That story began on the farm In devon wIth the boy who lost hIs speech, no one knows why, he dId not speak. He loved a horse on the farm. The day before he left. I walked Into the yard and I was goIng to read them a story. And tHere he was. In hIs'>DressIng Gown and talkIng. He dId not talk. I saw he was talkIng to a horse. He put up hIs hand and stroked the horse and told It everythIng he had done on the farm that week. I thought to myself, that Is not sentImental. ThIs Is somethIng that horse has done for the boy. The wonderful thIng Is I knew from wHere the horse standIng, that horse knew It was Important. He was lIstenIng, not walkIng away and havIng some hay. I thought why dont I wrIte a story about a close relatIonshIp between a'>Horse And Boy . I got lucky. Met an old man In the pub who was In the fIrst'>World War as a'>I7 Year old who saId he was tHere wIth horses. ThIs Is how storIes happen. You are fed seeds from otHer people, otHer memorIes and they grow togetHer and you have and they grow togetHer and you have a story. And they grow togetHer and you have a sto. ,. ,. , and they grow togetHer and you have asto. ,. ,. ,. , a story. You descrIbe that, a beautIful a story. You descrIbe that, a beautIful story, a story. You descrIbe that, a beautIful story, the a story. You descrIbe that, a beautIful story, the physIcal| a story. You descrIbe that, a beautIful story, the physIcal bond. When the lIttle boy meets the horse on the farm. In the same way, chIldren get the same connectIon from storIes about anImals, the bond, just to hear the story. That bond, ust to hear the story. That Is bond, just to hear the story. That Is what Is Important bond, just to hear the story. Twat Is what Is Important about books. The busIness of mIne Is reachIng out Into places they have not been, to meet people. If you are a gIrl and read books about boys you understand boys better. If you are englIsh and read about people lIvIng In germany you understand germany better. If you understand germany better. If you lIve In a cold clImate and read about people In the sahara, your expanse, the expansIon of your ImagInatIon does thIs, whIch Is wonderful, because It Is your world. These kIds growIng up have to know the world Is not all the horrors you see on televIsIon. They see It on theIr phone all the tIme. It Is posItIve, tHere Is hope. It Is theIr'>Land And CountrysIde to the'>Car Look after. If you can, and you read a book and It Is about a hare In the countrysIde and your mum decIdes you lIke that but, lets go and see If we can fInd hares. You look and you fInd traces. I lIve In a place wIth otters. And you can fInd otter spreIght. I have been lIvIng In thIs'>Place 5a years. WalkIng as I do along the rIver, I heard thIs noIse In the rIver and thought It was a fIshjumpIng. I waIted for It In the rIver and thought It was a fIsh jumpIng. I waIted for It to come up but It dIdnt and do not dId. The fIrst I had seen. I have seen theIr poohs. The otter went up and down 80 tImes. I stood tHere 25 mInutes and It was wonderful. ChIldren do see these thIngs, they see them more quIckly. It Is the ordInary thIngs, walkIng across a fIeld, wIth sheep, and you see a buzzard. They come In twos, usually. An eagle. It Is lIke an eagle. It Is a buzzard. Words In theIr head they wIll not forget. WIll not forget. MIchael, It Is lovely to wIll not forget. MIchael, It Is lovely to hear wIll not forget. MIchael, It Is lovely to hear your wIll not forget. MIchael, It Is lovely to hear your storIes. | wIll not forget. MIchael, It Is lovely to hear your storIes. Thank you. SIr mIchaels new'>Book Cobweb Is out now. Stay wIth us, headlInes comIng up. LIve from london. ThIs Is'>Bbc News at least one person has been kIlled and several otHers wounded after Israel launched dozens more strIkes on the'>South And East of lebanon. We have a'>SpecIal Report on the rIse of so called'>ZombIe KnIves before a new ban comes Into force. After weeks of wafrnIng ash the state of brItaIns publIc fInances'>Rachel Reeves wIll use Her fIrst'>Labour Conference Speech to promIse on delIverIng a budget that wIll rebuIld brItaIn. She Is under pressure to regaIn economIc optImIsm after weeks of negatIve headlInes over the uk'>Governments DecIsIon to means'>Test WInter Fuel payments for pensIoners. After days of questIons over donatIons and Internal feuds enough of the dumont and gloom, show us'>The Hope Is the cry from many labour

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